13-yd Cummins Diesel Powered Ship Crane Grapple! #HowItsMade

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definitely misread that as batman

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/whiskEy39 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

"How good are you with a giant grapple on a crane?"

"Here, let me hold your beer."

In all seriousness, that opening trick is likely a regular exercise for precision control, not a show off or boast. Like what firemen do with the flagpole and the tennis ball.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kagato87 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

The grappling hook kind of looks like a tyranid.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

13 yards, damn that must be at least 7 geese and 5 potatoes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Korlis00 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] started about five years ago we made a video about picking up beer bottles with a scrap handler and a giant claw and the company that makes that claw is actually a couple hours from us and they invited us out because they have a cummins powered grapple that's the biggest i think in north america that's used for shipyards and stuff and we want to check that out so i brought vince along just to make sure that the welds are up to par you know that it's able to pick up more than a beer bottle looking forward to seeing what they make what the process is and yeah [Music] they got a mag grapple up here on the test stand so we assemble them on these test stands and then do the actual hydraulic testing here before they leave [Music] here's the tower of the 13 yard that's awesome because this is bateman's largest grapple that they make which is mainly used for shipyards uh loading and unloading scrap mostly loading scrap onto massive ships headed for other ports that's super cool because it's cummins powered that's a 135 horse cummins diesel 4 cylinder diesel in there turbo they were the first company to come up with a complete industrial engine package a couple years ago like in around 18. so that's why we we went to cummins so we designed the whole the whole shell the whole body of this thing the whole frame and then come and supplies the actual power pack and then we just install our pump on it valve and everything yeah this is completely self-contained unit um that just gets hung off of a cable off of a massive crane because he said these go to ports where it's some pretty old sketchy equipment too this is what the operator gets inside the cab just a remote to start and stop the engine and open and close the clam and that's it the cummins has its own murphy switches because there's no way to monitor whether it's overheating or running out of oil or whatnot and they asked if they could get some sort of remote thing to give them that information and at the time they didn't so for the last four years all the information gets sent to this box and they manually have to put the grapple on the ground and then see if everything's okay it's not a dry sump it's still a it's a deep sump but these things are not meant to be tipped over and and um you can if you're a bad operator lay it down and yank it over and it will shut off on its own because of these murphy switches but um that's kind of annoying so some of the guys even disable the murphy switches so that they can tip it over so what's really cool is they have these little we don't know where they are but somewhere there's a little little plinko type thing that has a ball that if it tips over past 45 the ball falls into the 45 slot and stays there so if they call up and say hey your piece of junk engine sees down me well it's because it tipped over and ran out of oil so 45 is still okay but if they go any farther it'll fall into like 60 degree 70 degree 90 degree and the ball will just get stuck in there and then they hide that somewhere and then they say oh yeah well you tipped it over so it's kind of your own fault right um the bottom is the fuel tank and then the entire cage gets bolted to the fuel tank these are the claws and there's actually a big pin that comes up that acts as an anchor because all of it gets pulled on this there's a lot of power going on here uh the top here right here is the oil tank that runs the variable displacement uh pump which is right here you can see it right through here and that's really cool because it's gravity fed so there's never any starvation the oil tank is right up top it doesn't rely on the hydraulics of the whatever machine is running it to power this thing it's a variable displacement pump because as you go over relief or as you deadhead the 4200 psi it'll just stop pumping oil rather than keep pumping oil and putting it over a relief valve that keeps your oil much cooler so it's a really neat design that's the tooth for this machine or the claw and that's really cool because the top hook just hooks around the cylinder pin and then when you lift up on it it'll deadhead up against this block and then you can just stick a pin in there which makes it really easy for transporting and whatnot so this one this one's ready to go out to appear somewhere we were expecting a large grapple today at bateman but we didn't think that it would be cummins powered which is pretty cool two hydraulic filters one before and after it does all the work got your sensors on there to tell you when it's time to change this is a 15 yard and then they make a 10 yard and a bunch of smaller ones underneath that so very very cool everything made in-house other than the cummins so basically there's two rpm settings this is of course just idle but as we bring it up when you push the button it goes to full throttle yep and then there's a standby speed okay and that has to be at about 2000 rpm so that if you lay it in the scrap pile and you push the button it still has enough power that it can start okay right digging because it starts digging right away okay if you brought it down to idle it would stall the pump is a load sensing pump okay so it actually never goes over relief what happens is the pump slosh okay the shockwaves will move allowing it to just bypass okay so it'll run at about 4 200 psi and once it reaches that and it can't move anymore it just de-strokes the pump right that's how you avoid over oil overheating and then we just go to so that's the standby speed yeah wow then you hit the button and then it speeds up yeah it's a full throttle which is what twenty eight hundred three twenty three okay a lot of pressure it has a special valve to bypass oil while it's opening there's more oil going back the tank than it can actually handle okay that's all it does just opens the clutch [Music] so this is our machine shop but most of the stuff we do here is down on that toshiba at the end that's our cnc boring mill and then conventional boring we do some turning here but i'll be honest most of our production turning is outsourced this jig was developed so that we can bore two at a time on the cmc okay okay a lot of machining involved okay in making this plate up it has the oil passageways going through it to go to the center core for the hydraulic swivel these are all the bearing bolts the bottom all have to be milled for the bearing to go on to that's your motor drive yeah [Music] rotation it looks like everything comes in nice and flat they put it on the burning table and take out all their ingots that's pretty massive yeah so what once the flat plate is cut it goes to all the different stations like this break will bend it into a close shape of what the final product is it all gets marked you take the flat steel and turn it into this and then there's a jig to get it where they lay it on to make sure that you're close once he takes the flat stuff that's bent pretty close it goes on another jig and it actually sandwiches it in between to get the perfect shape you can see where it's sitting on the jig and then there's another jig that comes on top and and presses it down into the perfect shape yeah most of their welding is done here in metal four use 1 16th wire almost everything done in the flat so we'll put it in positioners and work from the above it's all really nice stuff you usually have no stop and start until you get to a rack so yeah and if it's done well enough no grinding needed so this is a standard like a grapple body right there's a four time five time mag raffle these are all assembled in a jig and this was our first cell we purchased they are put onto this rotisserie okay okay and then weld it here all with the robot okay so that was a an eight hour perk body time to weld with this you can do them in four wow we had wolf robotics in the usa put it together for us and they do all the developments for caterpillar and john deere there's a fourth time that skin welded so that's always 115. continuous across so then we'll trim these off so it's a hundred percent no inclusions at all it has to be solid then we'll know it give us a radius with metal core itself you don't have to have to do scaling as much or anything like that so and it's not very spottery the cleanup is usually just a light brush okay doesn't really have anything more than candy on the weld that's pretty cool like you can just climb right inside of that so this is one that would have the cummins in it again right it's like a rotator setup they have so they can have it all rotate keep all your welds in the flat position and you're told you can have two guys working on either side at the same time that would keep he's just reducing on you know relatively bouncing back and forth it's not all contained on one side less warping and distortion going on they got some really good welders here you can see everything's done well and there's no grinding on anything so every guy's usually getting all the welds you're supposed to get yes because the shop the shop is really clean like if you look at under any of the benches they're not half as dirty as what my benches look like nice welds 3 8 let's say i approve them there's no undercut no roll over 1 16 wire metal core nice nice job this one is for wood chips and it's super light which is why it's so big but they made it slotted so you can actually see through it because otherwise you can't see where you're going with the operator so this is cool there's lots of companies that make buckets but what's unique about these buckets is that this bottom piece is a giant magnet so this will be used in like recycling plants or sorting through garbage whatnot incineration plants where metal doesn't burn as good as you know dirty diapers so you kind of scrummage through and then you you spread it out and then you run your magnet over pick up any of the steel which is scrap money put that off to the side and then and then keep digging through so that's kind of neat i think they used to do that by hand and just by by using this bucket they were able to get four times as much scrap out of the garbage than they were sorting through it with manual labor so cut somebody's arm off a lot of it's for cleanup brush work and stuff okay so it's a gravity pick up and then the saw comes down and cuts at the legs [Music] so you guys make the the rotator the claws and then the the size basically everything the saw is swedish the motor is german but everything else is north american and we say the only thing we buy is the cylinders uh and the block the valve block comes out of correct the rest is all in our air we build all the elements machine all the weldments here the cylinders come out of uh manitoba nice a good company there when we go to this the only thing on there grid makes their magnets so they own us the only thing that's not north american or canadian maple state is the hydraulic motor okay and it's german here too and we're proud of that right yeah yeah it's a lot of canadian jobs a lot of local jobs yeah you know we look at everything in like weldments right like there's a weldment section that's weldment section the tines will be a weldment section so as we go through this gets burnt everything gets burnt off the table oh so we have these pre-assembled which raymond's doing right now yeah so once it's the body's machined which they are in the barn stock we know that it's going to be a five time to grab the body put it on there and away we go nice and then it gets welded painted yeah and to assemble so everything comes with flat steel flat steel goes to different fitters so this one will go straight to the guy on the robot he fits it gets on the robot gets it welded we do a lot of these ahead of the time because we only have the three styles right 100 200 300. okay so we'll build these in stock so they'll be fit welded put on we got a jig they go up and go in the cnc get all machined so then all the internal combos are being built as it goes through too right so then we build these they're sitting there ready to go and these are out in our warehouse too so when you have an order come through we have everything here so pins everything's in stock so say yes we sold this it's a 200 four times so it's sold within a day or two we can have it put together on the truck and go so as soon as it comes in this and this we know they're going together we put them together they get welded and then it goes to paint paint and then the assembly crew goes at it and the time is already done ready to go so then all the choices what machines are going on and the yoko go nice and we stock all those so this is the diesel uh version generator that we developed with a yanmar industrial diesel it's a little three cylinder that one's the uh 88c so that one's what about a 60 horse i think 50 or 60. so that'll run up to a 20 kilowatt so over here is a 20 kilowatt all put together with the generator on the back side these are strictly 230 volt dc magnet generators okay okay so this is our shipping department so here's the standard four-time grapple i'd say that's a three-quarter yard four-time getting ready to head out a little smaller than what b and r got oh yeah they had a mag grapple combination so this is a standard photo yeah yeah yeah fortine is the most popular grapple here in north america okay yeah so here's all the generators that we would get in from germany so we set them up either as hydraulic drive or diesel okay so here's another smaller diesel yeah getting ready to go there's a demo mag brand new and then with all the grapples we have out there which is now in the thousands this is the the store for all the parts yeah so all the pins and a lot of there's all the bearings cylinders guards you name it and then back here are all the towers we call them towers or body frames for the grapple line we also have a clamshell line so there's some bodies for them some of the grapples are machine color-coded yeah so that's an atlas grapple we'll even brand it atlas oh paint it atlas colors we do it for folks as well okay paint and blue for folks and brandon fooks so there's that's it i see an engine in the corner i gotta look at it okay yeah all there is is a muffler pipe going out and this is the fan yep so it's air it's actually you call it a fan cooled really yeah okay yeah and actually there's a small oil cooler in there as well but all there is is a small section here yep for your fan and then here's your like air cleaner there'll be a little box here with an air cleaner in it and there's your muffler and the pipe goes out and that's it like six wires i heard that was that was back from the war when they were in tanks and stuff if you blew a cylinder you could quickly throw another one on or just take it off and run it off with that yeah so so they can still use these engines and countries that don't have uh emissions laws yeah so like all of south america so i'm surprised thoughts even still makes them there's an exchange actually so someone gave us a block okay and then we we send it in for exchange you can do that as well okay so if you do have a deutsch you can uh submit it for rebuild okay because they don't make them anymore okay all right that's it for everything that that's going on at bateman they uh the pastor testific vince they do it's probably one of the cleanest wild chops i've been in i'm not sure if they knew we were coming or not but i mean i just think suspicion they knew that we were coming but anyway if uh i hope you guys enjoyed this video this is kind of a new style of video again um but we figured um we did the everything inside the combine what's inside the scrap handler and now what's inside making one of these if you guys want to see more of that definitely comment down below and if you have a factory or you're making something cool in north america and are want to show it off to see what's kind of going on whether it's cars or tractors or combines or something cool like scrap handlers then uh let us know shoot us an email at thebossinquiriesat gmail.com and then i'll see if we can set something up but if you hate the video definitely comment that say it's not worth your time then uh we'll stop making these so it was a fun day for us but we're gonna head home because it's cold and uh yeah two hour hike yeah that's enough so here we go and it's snowing
Channel: DGHD
Views: 214,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, shipyard grapple, cummins diesel, grapple, junkyard grapple, scrap material handler, sennebogen scrap handler, scrap material grapple, how to build a grapple, how its made, how it works, heavy equipment, heavy equipment manufacturing process, manufacturing 101, plant tour, bateman manufacturing, bateman mfg
Id: drFCxsM8ipg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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