Abandoned Airplane Will It Run After 37 YEARS!

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toilet's broken i can't wait for these airplanes to get fixed good morning my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world and i bought three abandoned airplanes this is one of them uh i don't know what i was thinking that may have been a really bad choice we had a bonanza that we did two days ago crap i don't even know we've been here a while you can tell wife told me not to come home till we had some airplanes that were working i haven't been home yet uh we got the bonanza you can see the link to that video in the description below we got this jewel right here the link to the video somewhere down below or up here over there i don't know how this whole face tube thing works and then today we have what's behind door number three it is a what is that thing it's a [Music] 1955 or 56 i don't know what year that is it's a 310 got two engines two money to noise converters and uh it hasn't been even outside of that spot where it's been sitting for who knows 10 20 years try 37 years yeah i didn't find out that it was that long until after i bought it and i had a chance to go through the log books and look at some other paperwork and documents the last time this airplane was flown or from my best understanding 1984. well come on let's get to work okay i think for this stuff we just need to clear it for that [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it's outside of here [Music] all right well let's see what is that oh that is hey it's got white paint underneath this look at that and lots of mouse love all right see the stall horn works yeah we're good all right what do we got under here a smurf vegeta that tells you how long that's been there oh there's carpet on top of it anyway all right all right first time this airplane has seen daylight in 20 some odd years wow you think it'll start i don't know the guy wouldn't let us take the covers or anything off of it to even look at this engine so i kind of bought it side unseen just hoping for a miracle that just needs a wash and it's ready to go all right those look pretty good okay joel that's a big mouse home yeah all right yuck oh there's another one on that side oh you know what we're gonna roll this up first time actually seeing the entire engine okay it doesn't look too bad yeah got a little illinois anti-rust that's good that's good okay you know just for giggles let's check the oil you oh gross 12 quarts hey that actually smells okay looks like a nice golden honey looks like honey yep it's a uh 40 weight well let's pull some plugs see what's inside oh yeah this thing looks pretty good all right let's see how it rolls and you're over the snap crackle top of it wanting to light the fire now take a couple batteries it gets heavier every single day all right positive on this side negative on this side so if you take 12 plus 12 24. hey that light's on now sweet is it flashing yeah hey the strobe is on hey the beacon on the back turns on what oh yeah our taxi landing light whatever that is oh the green one on this side is flashing on is there one on that side yeah oh there is oh the bottom of the rear strobe is flashing hey look at that i think the red beacon yep i think the red on this side was not all right so we got a the red one on this side is not turning on okay one light bulb while the other landing light i don't know if we put that oh yeah it's pink dunk the gear light works okay oh right landing light oh that is stinking cool yeah we'll turn on hey look at that oh we're not gone that's awesome that is fantastic oh the light the radios are lit up now oh no they weren't just kidding all right let's see hey that one turns huh all right clearly where's the oil pressure on this oil pressure right here is that for oh this is the right engine here let's crank it and see if we get oil pressure oh yeah that thing goes over it likes it rpm is kind of alive oil pressure are you going to move at all should here in just a second it takes a little bit oh hey the needle's moving just a tiny bit oh there we go there we go there you go drink it in [Music] slushy love it love it yes into the green hey i am a fan look at that bam i'll take it sweet we got oil pressure we don't know about the fuel pressure on that side the fuel selector valve on this thing where is that i decided to come over to this one because the fuel pump on this engine turned on that fuel pump did not turn on so we're going to see if we can fire this one up first and then maybe there will cross feed or prime the system or fix the fuel pump on the other side something so here oh yeah and i have not seen this engine yet the guy wouldn't let me touch it you can see no not even fingerprints on this thing so i have no earthly idea what's inside here okay no mouse mouse is jumped out at me nice no mees if there's more than one mouse it's a mess oh yeah the baffle is all new let's see those are there's so much there's so much stuff on here that you can't tell what the screws are you just gotta guess how far over they are and then shovel away the dirt and see if there's one there all right for the first time in 20 years or so this cover is coming off oh there's no blanket on this one that may not be good all right oh wow those wires are really oh they're borderline crunchy all right first plug looks absolutely bran that is a brand new plug it has never been fired look at that that is absolutely brand new i'm feeling optimistic oh the windshield is creaking because it's seeing the sun for the first time in 20 years he said he bought this in 1975 and he got his multi-engine rating in this airplane back in 75 that was a long long time ago shoot that was even before i was alive wow he's done this thing for 45 years 46. yeah this is you can tell it's his baby and he's uh he's having a rough time letting go which i can't blame him it is a beautiful airplane and we are going to see about getting that girl back [Music] in the air all right let's see if it turns over okay you know what let's see if it turns over with the uh with the whirly button really button all right clear prop there we go now let's see if we can build any oil pressure with this one i should have checked the oil first it'll be all right i'm sure there's plenty in there there we go it's starting to move there you go we're just gonna burn that sucker out first time around there you go i like that i like that get on in there get on in there i like it i like it a lot nice so that's primed flaps look right here these ones right here oh it's underneath here go outside and see if they they go down are they going down yeah are they really yeah what about the other side the other side yeah [Music] oh man that's cool are they going back up yeah that's awesome wow yeah this thing's full of secrets i think we can check the oil now to make sure it has oil after after we primed it is it on this side that's on the other side some honey in in here yeah 12 all the way looks look at that how new that oil is oh yeah that is that's good stuff yeah it's pretty weird there you go okay we got the starter works on this side we've got the cylinders lubed up now we've got fuel i think we're going to put some fuel in this thing and see if the fuel system will work now do you see anything leaking so far now how much are we gonna put in here all of it yeah why why hold back right oh golly that is broken oh here we go turn off [Music] the fuel gauge even works hey this one might actually be able to fly home that would be awesome i think she's ready to see if we can hit the fire we got to put that cowling back on it without getting some sort of illness here we go fuel flow okay correct the throttle all right uh ignition right mags are on yeah i just did do you uh have the fuel pump on when you start it yeah put the fuel pump on that side you know roger all right clear prep just crack the throttle you know the mixture up and down and then she's gonna run [Music] oil pressure's good oil pressure is good oh come on that was a terrible high five awesome wow yeah it's smoothing out a little bit we probably had to blow a few mice out of there i am unbelievably impressed it looks like a little bit of smoke blue black maybe which yeah i can't wait for that all right we're ready to shut it down wow all right crossfeed down here see the left engine the right tank we're gonna look for fuel pressure over here there we go [Music] so we got fuel pressure correct that throttle idle cut off mags all right roger that here we go clear prep you know i wonder if we're out of gas if there's just not enough fuel in the system you know according to this if we were in california this would cause cancer but since we're not in california we're good oh yeah there it goes now fuel the fuel gauge is working yeah all right that one up correct that mags are on all right clear prep [Music] oil pressure came up i guess i don't need to yell oil pressure came up we got fuel flow no earth idea if that thing works see now that one's going on i wonder if those are backwards [Music] man this was the easiest one ever to start up that is amazing all we need is gas all you needed was gas you really did just throw some gas in it and take off other than three inches of mouse poop and pee [Music] this was easy yeah i don't like the way this one sounds go ahead and shut it down come on turn off well that did not want to stop step one check it started up both engines started up running a little bit rough so here's my choices i can stay here for another week and work on it try to get this thing running correctly i mean i think it would make one trip uh boy 1100 miles is a long ways if you know of other hangar finds barn fine airplanes that deserve a second chance at life my contact info is in the description below let's see how many we can get in the air my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world and welcome to my world
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 1,654,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 310 pilot, Jimmys world, abandoned, abandoned aircraft, abandoned airplane, abandoned airplane will it run, abandoned airplane will it start, abandoned airplanes, abandoned plane, abandoned planes, airplane, airplane will it start, airplanes, jimmy airplane, jimmy world, jimmy's world, jimmy's world youtube, jimmys, jimmys world, jimmysworld, jimmy’s world, start, will it run, will it start, will it start after 20 years
Id: 7dkNuelxzNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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