THIS HAPPENS When You Can't See the Ground

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welcome back to the Vlog and welcome back here to matiyama Papua New Guinea we're down in the seat pick today I just dropped off the R.A the rural airstrip Authority or Association or something like that anyways they're doing an airstrip inspection out here I'm heading up to wewack and right back to pick them back up and then on to another airstrip so let's go get started and get out of here [Music] I'm just watching everything coming up the speed of everything and that's the end of the start no dramas all right generator on a prop Ford they've already got our flap set up at 20 degrees taws System test okay what's our amps drop back down our alternator goes on and our auxiliary bus in just a second there we go oh I've got a 300 kg penalty takeoff out of here just because it's it's yeah it's kind of it's not really short I don't even remember exactly how long it is but it's just usually soft and it usually just has a harder time taking off so what I've got on board today is I've got 530 kgs and I've got 620 pounds of fuel 530 620 so it means I could still put on 93 more kgs on board and still be within my limits so I'm gonna put in 1090 for my cargo weight oh there's a lot a lot of clouds between here and we whack today lots and lots of multiple layers it doesn't really look too convective yet uh it might be here later on but I figured this is a good opportunity to get some IMC time uh basically uh flying in the clouds we have to have three hours every three months and I need to get some so this is a good opportunity to get maybe 20 minutes or so hopefully so we'll see so we're here at mariama my minimum safe is 3500. and I filed for seven thousand so I might as well just going up to seven thousand and if we have to shoot the approach into their an MAF plane just left there not too long ago and he said that it took him about 15 minutes to find his way uh efr out of there caps and selectors I'll turn to pause off for takeoff of our controls Morris b1267 November Tango kilo Taxi oh our lights on and taxi on up it looks like they're doing a lot of cutting the grass today out here by hand I had to do a go around when I came in here because they didn't seem that it was that important to get off the airstrip until I was close oh as darker than before still like medium rain I can see a Runway from base but not Beyond can still see out into the ocean and the tops of the mountains so that is my weather going into ewac yeah maybe this is a great opportunity to shoot and approach in there it's been a while and uh this would be a good opportunity to do that with a little bit of motivation here and getting the ra out here to inspect the runway it's like the first time I've ever seen them cut it from side to side like they're supposed to so maybe we should have these guys come out here more often we are at 6 300 pounds so rotate at 60 and 71 if we have to come back in flaps are set our trim is getting ready to be set we will be speed Alive by the first group of guys up there on the left if we do have to stop it will just be full reverse heavy braking uh remaining on the runway Straight Ahead cut off pull off and shut off after takeoff we'll pitch for 85 knots considering PL I'll make a right hand turn immediately towards lower terrain or left it's kind of an island out there and then over here we'll do feather immediately if this doesn't work pitch for 85 and then 80 full flaps emergency button crack my door Masters off notion Inlet and lights rz1267 November Tango kilo Taxi I'll probably have to get them up in the air I guess November Tango kilo Taxi mariama we whack one pob November a single kilo I'll say some naughty I'm a November Tingo kilo departing mariamofor we welcome climb 7000. ignition is on Inlet and the lights are all done Our Stars done ignition condition flaps 20 Fuel and harnesses we're 30 degrees at sea level 1540 for 15.90. rotate at 60. 10 40. AirSpeed is alive continuing there's 47 there's 53. there's 60 in airborne climb out at 85 knots and make our right hand turn over the lake looks like there's already a little bit of rain right here at the end of the lake these would be nice days to have November Tango Zulu with our weather radar but this one doesn't have it I've got my terrain down here we don't fly exclusively by that obviously we have all of our minimum safes so I'm just gonna do a quick Circle up to 3 500 feet minimum before I get on my track and then I'll just continue on up to 7 000 and we'll see when I came in it was just clouds all the way up to probably 20 000 at least it looks like it's still kind of just a bunch a bunch of different layers out there so we'll see how this goes right now I've just got 20 degrees of flaps I'm still keeping my ITT up high and I have my 73 and Knots which is my best angle of climb just to get the most amount of altitude kind of before I get to this little tiny Cloud layer just directly in front of me once I get past this hill right here off to my left after that it just drops off and there's there is no terrain it's just sea level pretty much all the way to about 15 miles to get to wewack there I'm over top of that on those over start getting our speed up to 85. there's 85 we'll go 10 degrees of flaps and then zero over 90 and bring our prop to 2000 RPM we'll also love the ITT just kind of settle in down at 720 where we'll leave it at until we uh for the rest of our climb [Music] I went over any terrain whatsoever well you could throw or autopilot on Just for starters for heading mode I'll just trim it for my best rate right around 100 knots turn our Landing light off engine light to normal and our igniters are turned off and now we can go ahead and call up our departure call or just be 6538 November Tango kilo departure [Applause] we will be uh just one IMC we're just now 3 700 going on 3 800. so I'm at my minimum safe and I'm just now connecting into our course here at 3500 all the way up into we whack oh we'll see how it goes once we get there we can go ahead and bring up uh if we do have to shoot an approach this might even be a good opportunity for me to even shoot an approach just for the sake of practice we've got approach here and I want to say it's B yeah it's Bravo yep oh it looks like we might actually come right on top of it not quite as thick as I was thinking it would be or else it kind of dropped off oh for that sake let's just level off and go back to 3500 because we said we're not gonna be above 35 or 7 000. so that gives us this range plus we say we'll be at it or we'll be maintaining it so let's go to 3500 that way I can get some IMC time because I kind of need it so I have my 3500 set in here and if you have my autopilot on navnav which is going to follow the nice magenta brick line and I've got my autopilot set in to capture that 3500 once I get to there you can bring our torque and our ITT out back now that we've got our speed up and we're already at the altitude that we want bring it back to 1250 foot-pound of torque and then take a look at my fuel flow or below 5000 so we might have to adjust it even a little bit lower so that our fuel flows right at 320 which is what I did all my fuel calculations on all right this is the uh gnss the Arnav into a wee whack it's the Bravo procedure so I'm going to set that up I'm going to hit my procedures button collect my Approach come down here to the Bravo and we want Echo Charlie right down here we'll do our arrow and our minimum descent altitude is 910 feet 910 feet enter it and then we'll just load it for now so then it pops it up here and we just confirm with it saying yes it is the we whack the rnav Bravo lnav be some of this rain will clean off all of those bugs there's always a million bugs at matiama just stuck in the grass so it looks like my fuel flow's at 327 and I'm a 1230 foot pound of torque so I'll just kind of bump it on down to 1200 foot pound of torque and then that will also bring my fuel flow right around 320. we've got 14 knots across one here like he said it's going to be nicer out to the east of wewack so if I bring this in and come out a little bit so basically Echo Charlie is about in here so I'm going to come up and come in and then reconnect into the approach if if need be if it doesn't clear out and then shoot the approach in that way it's going to be easiest they have another one coming in this way but it's kind of way out of the way and I don't really want to go that far out of the way he also said that it is clear out to the east of wewack and he can see a little bit further out over there so we'll see I'm kind of thinking that we'll break out here in a little bit and then it'll just kind of be kind of scuzzy clouds getting down in there into we whack that's my guess so it's still just 10 20 in the morning it's really really nice out as far as buying IMC flying in afternoons here in Papua New Guinea is uh yeah it can be a lot more stressful than flying in the morning IMC because all of these clouds are just going to blow up to probably 40 to 60 000 feet and be extremely convective and just throw you all around without having a radar you don't really know how far it is you don't know how long you're going to be in this storm you know how you don't know how heavy the rain is going to be we've been in times where we've been in such heavy rain that our air data computers start wigging out and start throwing all kinds of airs and stuff even though you have your pedo Heats on and whatnot it's yeah I'm gonna try to avoid the heavy heavy rain as much as I can so anyways I've dropped these guys off the ra out here at matayama I've got to take all this cargo here I've got just too much or I can't take back off out of mariama with those guys and the cargo it was just over my limit so I have to run up to we whack drop it all off and head back and then head over to one more place today do an inspection there as well and then head back so by the time I'm coming back here through the last time it's probably gonna be around 1 30 something like that and probably all of this is just gonna be a lot worse so when I get Landon and we walk I'm just going to kind of quickly look at the weather and determine what my game plan is or if we should just try to bring up a couple I don't know what I mean by booming up his uh pigeon like group together like three of my airstrips tomorrow because we have two more Airship inspections tomorrow and then two more the following day there now you can start seeing a little bit you've got so many layers down all the way to the ground and then now we can kind of we're kind of in between a layer right now looking out towards we whack I'm seeing a little little bit of light blue out here that's an indication that it's going to be clear out over the water over there and then it's just this dark blue over here November Tango Halo go ahead everything okay I'm trying to get a hold of you but couldn't get a hold of you departed matiama time one five tracking zero one eight below seven thousand estimating wewack time four three [Applause] [Music] not about seven thousand more reported traffic and um secretary no contact UM thank you many things this is our HF this is what I'm calling him on it's just completely different radio than our VHF orange v88 one Niner November Tango kilo check hole maintenance frequency welcome November Tango Kayla good because I don't want to listen to that crack all the whole time thank you zoom out here on the map and see exactly where Echo Charlie is so Echo Charlie is quite a ways well not quite a way so it's probably like let's see uh yeah it's about nine to ten miles off of my track so for the sake of Simplicity hmm I kind of need to do an approach just to get an approach in because it's been a long time now let's just go ahead and shoot the approach I'm gonna head over there now my procedures button and activate approach now the plan is just going to automatically start connecting over there and heading straight to Echo Charlie I don't know like right now I just have no idea I've got a weather report saying that it's pretty poor visibility and low clouds you can see the mountains which means that it's probably I'll probably break out regardless this is still good opportunity just to do an approach and put one in the logbook and get a little bit of IMC time as well this is a really good time to go ahead and pull up my Approach plate and brief it really quick just so that I'm not going over it as I get all to my my next uh my initial fix so just confirming yep it is a wee whack yep it is the r nav approach courses two eight zero yep that's the way we want to go so I'm coming to Echo Charlie at 3 100 feet is the lowest I can be there so there is this little thing up here in the corner but because we're coming in at this angle my minimum safe is 3100. I'm at 3500 I'm just gonna keep it at that until I get established at my initial approach fix which is Echo Charlie which we just take off the last two letters of the whole thing because it doesn't really make up a word ywk or something like that once I get to there 3 100 feet until I get to Echo India take a left-hand turn and then I'll start my descent on down to my minimum descent altitude of 910 feet it's really crazy because they used to have a VOR approach in here and it's minimum say for minimum descent altitude was 600 feet so now we're flying like a Runway heading nearly it's a little tiny bit off but they're only giving us 910 feet which really stinks compared to what it used to be at 600 feet that was a good time to go ahead and turn up my heading bug to heading of two eight zero that's gonna be my inbound course it's unfortunate this one does not have vertical guidance and yes I know that I can set up vertical guidance on here as well if I just hit my OBS and flip it down to my altitude that I won but legally yeah can't do that so because this approach does not have vertical guidance I'm gonna have to manually turn uh my vertical speed on and then crank it down to what I want to basically kind of do step Downs as we go which isn't ideal but I guess it's better than nothing looking down here we can actually see the Ridgeline we can see a little bit of the coast and some of the water so it looks like I'm gonna have no issues whatsoever I could actually probably even head that way now because it looks like I'm seeing the peninsula out at wee whack which I am so I think we're just gonna go ahead and well now let's just go ahead and finish this we're almost there to Echo Charlie anyways not gonna add any time let's look at Echo Charlie we could drop down to 3 100 feet I'm gonna turn that down in here and my altitude select about 30 seconds to go in a mile and a half there we go drop on down to 3 100 feet once we get to Echo India then we will drop down to 1700 by Echo foxtrot which is our maybe our Final Approach for fix we're gonna go up to Echo India and then oh yeah here we go Echo India 3100 then Echo foxtrot which is our Final Approach of X down to 1700. how's the time I can start bringing my torque all the way down to about 800 foot pound of torque push my prop forward start getting it configured up for the approach so 138 will go 10 degrees of flaps and we will hit our approach button on our GPS once we make this next turn we'll go down to 1 700 feet I'm setting my torque up around 800 foot-pounder torque 10 degrees of flaps prop Ford and we're shooting for 110 knots indicated even though I can pretty much see the runway right now we're still going to apply the approach [Music] I am a little bit heavier today so I'm going to put my torque maybe around 850 and see if that gets me close to the 110 that I'm shooting for let's do our selectors our toss we'll enable it or vref all right we're making our turn we'll go on down to 1700. and we'll do 800 feet per minute and see how that does it 6100 feet or 6100 pounds our approach is going to be 68. at the slowest lights and inlets are done we do have to go around it's as follows just make a right-hand turn to Echo hotel and climb up to 3 100 feet this is where this GPS is super handy is because it shows you a little blue line when you're going to get to the altitude that you've selected in here I want 1700 by Echo foxtrot and other awareness scent we can actually bring our torque back to around 450 and that will keep that 110 all the way in yeah 430 is giving me 110. I've got 20 knots of headwind I'm trying to bump it up to maybe 500 foot-pound of torque to make sure I maintain that now with all that wind everybody talked about that prop and harness is done or is the 1267 November Tango kilo in the circuit we whack report after landing I have flaps to go we'll just remain at 100 or 10 degrees of flaps until we get a lot closer and we're committed to land oh yeah looking out this way it actually looks really really nice because the line looks awesome super clear all along the mountains it's just kind of rain right out there and hopefully that doesn't continue to come in Chimes let me know it's 200 feet to go until 1700 feet I'm starting to level off I'm going to bring my my power back in up to about an 850 so that I can maintain that 110 knots as we come in across our Final Approach fix and then descend on down to 910 feet all right now now I turn my altitude select at 9 10. and head on down again this one will go down at 900 feet per minute just so I know 100 I can make sure I get to my altitude before my missed approach point and our torque on back now that I've just dropped it down really really quick I had to go quite that much maybe 800. and there now we're broke out you can see the runway that's always a great feeling when it works the weird thing about these are they're not quite perfectly lined up with the runway I don't know if it's just because the train over there kind of come in just a little bit of an angle all right we broke off we'll go 20 degrees of flaps minimums minimums there's Betty letting me know I've got my 910 feet this is what it looked like it'd be able to be a lot nicer if you could get down to like five or six hundred feet I'm saying you'll kill them we'll see now the bertango kilo not quite on the ground yet 500.67 there's a position where we worked by the uh two four flaps now at the zero five request traffic report [Applause] enough popular Tango kilo is currently secretarial we work all right it's Alpha Tango Focus looks like they're still doing some work at the end of the runway I'm not sure exactly what they're doing here to be honest yeah Stand By One landing all right we'll go idle for a long while foreign ER um it's high overcast over top of the field light drizzle I just shot the approach but it still had probably at least 10 or 15 miles visibility coming in uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think you'll have some rain probably around 20 miles out and once you get to about 15 miles or so you'll probably break out with no issues coming in after that [Applause] well this is wewack for you they've been working out here from Kansas oh they sure don't give you that much space to taxi in and out of here my goodness they've been working on this out here for like over a year and it looks like they've just finished it nearly which is nice but yeah not the quickest well thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video I sure do appreciate it put a thumbs up if you did like it and subscribe if you guys like this content you want to see more put out videos a couple times a week you guys want to try that exact same track on my patreon page or if you just want to see more on the ground content like a little bit interaction and whatnot on the ground check out my patreon page down below and I've got a lot of that kind of content a lot of extra photos and whatnot and stuff so anyways thank you guys and have a great one [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 117,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missionary bush pilot, kodiak airplane, bush pilot, bush plane, kodiak, flying, pilot, cockpit view, pilot eyes, scary landing
Id: 0_3julBqssQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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