abandoned airplane will it start after 7 years? Aztec turbo twin!

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boy i sure hope the magneto key is off ah just kidding i checked before i did this right did you check nope it'll be fine [Music] on today's episode of jimmy's world we're gonna see if we can get this airplane started after more than seven years let's do this we need to come up with a name for her it's known as the as truck because it doesn't fly very fast for what it is but it will carry literally a ton of stuff like a good pickup truck name or something like that if you got some ideas throw them in the comments below we we need to come up with a name for this one uh all right i'm gonna start uh with this engine right here because this is the one that is complete and the other one's missing a part that we got to steal off of this one to put on that one to see if it works well let's take a look around the old girl here yeah got a little yeah i think that'll buff out hey they're not flat well mostly they're they're low but they're not flat that's good we went ahead and this is for aerodynamics so you just take off that half of the wing and it goes faster so that's what we did here uh he gave us the keys but they they won't open anything got the front baggage locked yesterday and we can't get it unlocked now that's that's neat it's got wi-fi on it right there so we're gonna have to see if what our signal is like that moves that's good needs a wash you know that's all let's see if we can't uh you know hear some life out of the old girl now this airplane i actually want to keep in really good condition so i'm going to be a lot nicer to this one than i was the other ones hmm hey there's no bird's nest in this one oh looks like somebody was chewing on that one getting nibbling on it a little bit hey okay this one's clean there's no oil leaks all the parts are here here's another mud dauber right there get you out of there the rent eviction moratorium is over time to pay up buddy okay shoot that's not bad at all do we got compression on it clear prop all right time to uh calibrate it oh there's the pop okay it's calibrated you know it's the high 60s 68.4 for the number three cylinder let's check the oil in this see if it even has oil let's see what do we got here oh that's that's almost a 12. yep it smells like a nice finely aged bourbon oh somebody could have made this hose just a smidge longer that's what she said this airplane was owned by an attorney so not sure how i feel about that although he did say it got whatever it needed whenever it needed it and i've heard several people mention that and just a quick look around everything i could tell that it it is in really really good nick as our british people would say oh we got a bee's nest oh he's still on there good morning get out of here oh there's no one right there get out of here we want to get them early in the morning while they're still sleeping we got to pull a uh roger stone fbi raid on them many spark plugs look brand new okay note to future self when we put this thing back together make this make that hose longer omaha omaha omaha omaha hike now we're gonna turn it over what that yes all right well we got that going now i know it's got oil uh let's check the fuel let's see where we go from there oh that is not sealed at all that is that's just pure water that smells a little different i don't hear anything oh i just got really dirty ah gross somebody needs to wash this thing well that was even looser than the other one we got anything not even water okay let's try that one and the key is to use a really clean you know tester i'm thinking we should hook a battery up to this thing to see if stuff even moves or turns first ah we were already on the fuel topic let's just put fuel in it this one seemed to be the best worst field so we're gonna we're gonna put it in this one oh come on yeah i love the guy who came up with this and i'm positive that these fuel bladders won't be leaking at all oh that's good it's leaking that means we got fuel hey look at that huh nice find a battery now ah missing all together okay that's fine because thomas has said he would gladly donate his thomas you are a heck of a guy ready light a fire do you smell any smoke that's like a guillotine and you can't get away because of that one all right let's go inside oh really that's as far back there's no way that's as far back as this goes it is what the heck that is terrible whoo what anyway all right we got a master switch listen oh we got lights over there we got lights here i hear stuff we got oh oh okay i hear the turn coordinator spinning up you know what just for giggles let's see all right clear prop that's a good sound the starter [Applause] that's a good sound i'm afraid that one might hit the door thing so we'll leave that one there okay okay these are our mags on here fuel pump listen [Music] avionics here we go oh stuff is turning on yes look at that squeeze that's good [Music] cool those centered those centered shoot man i think we got some stuff going and this one [Music] all right let's just turn power off now oh oh lee if you had to make an emergency exit out of this thing you would not make it yeah there we go all right now let's see some spinning all right clear prop all right let's see if we got oil pressure okay we're gonna look at that see if we can get any movement on the oil pressure i got rpm up here that's good i'm seeing a little bit of movement oh it's taking a sweet time in there oh there we go a little bit yeah there we go right it's coming up nice all right that's enough there the oh oh crap oh what are you doing oh oh i just broke off um shoot it feels like yeah i know i don't know how to turn it off from here either well that is unfortunate i think we're gonna have to go to another tank there we go all right i don't know a gallon or so let's test and see if it goes down oh okay that's good yeah okay we're looking for that right there all right let's see if oh oh there you go okay hang on right tank main gallon in board okay both in board okay all right okay that's because i like to do it clear prop [Music] it's actually spinning yeah [Applause] [Music] all right that's fun i just like it whenever buttons do what they're supposed to do if you'll get fuel get fuel it's going up here it's going into there we check the oil check these honestly i think i think we're about ready to see if this thing will fire throw up okay all right clear prop [Music] come on [Applause] ah that's annoying yeah all right clear prop that's the way it should crank yeah that's the way it should crank now i'll tell you what i can do that with this battery while we're doing it once you start it you know all right ready when you are clear this portion of jimmy's world brought to you by osha all right what we found is i look down here i went ahead and just moved these up and then back into position and that got us some fuel flow so that's good now we're going to try to get this thing started fuel pump on prime it oh there we go all right now we got fuel pressure crack the throttle brakes are on mags are hot all right clear prep [Music] yeah we flooded the crap out of that thing all right mags are on that's hot clear prep [Music] watch what happens when i release the switch come on hey all right all right you ready ready we are hot clear prep again watch what happens when i release the switch that ignition switch is cursed i'll tell you that so close yeah clear prop nope yeah why not game on ignition switch yeah oil pressures nice [Music] that's one down what three more to go [Applause] well that's good oh we can celebrate with that because this one will actually turn over with the switch inside where we don't have to do all the janky stuff where these multiple batteries and things like that with that being said let's let's jump into it whenever i bought these the old guy jack wouldn't even let me take the cowling covers off or anything he's he didn't want anybody messing with anything in case they decided to be a flake and not buy stuff he has no idea my affection for dilapidation oh yeah i forgot these were the ones that somebody had already taken them spark plugs they take these off they sure did okay check the oil on this one see yeah 12 it's pretty dark though smells like old oil all right those that oil looks like it might be turning back into dinosaurs it's been a while for these spark plugs that have been undone oh the inside looks really good here look at the inside that side those look new or pretty darn close thankfully somebody went ahead and did us a favor and loosened these up for us that's that's nice very thoughtful of them spray fogging oil into air intake for 10 seconds shut engine off remove spark plug spray into each cylinder turn engine over to distribute well you know what we're going to do this directions completely backwards we're going to first spray it in here and enter the injury and then turn the engine over and then try to start it yeah yeah that starter sounds fine all right we're gonna roll it over see if it'll build up oil pressure all right so if you're just in here yeah now this one now we're looking at that one clear prop [Applause] will it go oh i see a little little touch come on come on oh it's starting there's one two there you go yes there you're moving yes there you go sweet all right so if we hit that so that should get fuel flow bam that's got good fuel flow on that side we just had the matter on that one yeah if we just had the mag on that thing just hit the key light the fire man but it lasts we do not all right let's get out oh hey found it that's what i'm looking for there we go now we just need to see if that starter will turn that over without needing the extra battery all right let's see if this thing will turn over yeah boys all right well let's see if this this girl's got anything in here all right the first the first attempt on this prop so it's going to be that side get fuel mixture checking at that one yep yep crack that just a smidge right mags are on that's it cut off all right clear prep no dag on it all right oh hey found a loose wire loose cable all right here we go we got throttle cracked that's how it'll cut off fuel pump is on that's there we got the tank we know fuel's getting to it okay clear prop [Music] oh that's not good all right i broke something i guess let's try that again all right let's just see if this thing's turned are you good yep all right clear prop hey clear prop [Music] it wants to all right clear prop [Music] yeah we flooded the crap out of that thing oh i guess so i am starting to wear down today it's about six o'clock we've been going for 10 hours now straight and we still got this engine plus a whole nother airplane to go correct that's there mags are hot all right boys here we go clear prop oh i think i didn't hook no oh this way clear prop come on just one spark go we're gonna see if we got any sparkage right there all right go ahead let's see that one go [Applause] ahead you're not getting any spark here whatsoever we're gonna disconnect that pee weed see what that does don't do anything yet all right go ahead [Music] [Applause] all right all right ceilings off the back of these mags and now we got sparks so there must be a a wire somewhere silas we're gonna go inside let's see if we can't light the fire [Music] that's [Music] some pressure [Music] flip rope wow oil pressure came up right here really really good i like that yes nato super deep duper holy cow this thing is running super smooth i mean not smooth like smooth but it's runny i just got off the phone with uh with jack and he said oh i just remembered something there's a switch under the dash in the airplane that you have to switch you know the turn to uh ground the the p-leads out he put that in there so nobody would steal the plane well it worked although all you gotta do is just pop the p-leads off and then it starts right up anyways but there was a switch under there this whole stinking time that he forgot about and just now remembered that all we had to do yesterday was flip the switch and it probably would have started right up without all of this other hassle of switching mags and going back and forth and doing all this craziness jesus take the wheel oh man oh that's not good you know let me see the camera look at that this bottom rusted and broke off and then that's still there let's see what oh that is not wow that came out of what's supposed to be in the fuel system oh that is you know what we're just gonna put this on here and pretend like we never saw that there you go we're just there you go it's fixed all done [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 629,360
Rating: 4.8781958 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned airplane will it start, will it start, abandoned airplane, jimmy's world, Jimmys world, will it start old cars, will it start after 20 years, will it start bruce wilson
Id: v83nL397MwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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