I Start A REAL ABANDONED MIG 15 Fighter JET After 12 Years

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this is the ultimate start of will it start it's a fighter jet come on do i know how to drive a mig fighter jet no do i want to learn yes i got an email from a guy that said he saw something on facebook marketplace and immediately thought of me i'm now on my way to the airport to go to memphis to go check these planes out welcome to memphis behind me is a fighter jet that i'm here to see if i'm gonna buy how insane is that and yes it flies [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys think we can pull this thing out and see if we can't get it fired up we're gonna give it a whirl we gotta open some stuff up and look at some things [Music] there we go [Music] yeah you know why there was a five million russian crew doing this move when they hit it you got about 9 000 pounds sitting right there that's good i have a mirror in my truck just in case you can pretty much see everything the controls all right there's where you pull the engine hole in there's your dipstick and it's full oh yeah it's right there what he was telling me is that we take these panels here there's six of them take them off and from this line the whole tail section all of this comes off and slides off and the engine and everything does the engine stay yeah the engine's connected to the fuselage so you can uncover the engine and get to everything it's deceiving because this sucker is like six feet in diameter but it doesn't look like it from here and that engine is all of that it's huge man this is cool there you go and the other side's gear and flash yeah that is the intake for that jet engine yeah there's no mice droppings nothing i only see a spider or two so matt this is to ground it whenever it's on the ground for static and stuff right static discharge for when you land and all and when it's sitting there yeah you don't have to naturally ground it mm-hmm taking my hands out and putting these concords that are in here in there hit me in my neck now these are more did he did we put nitrogen there or oxygen i don't remember extra nice gym for the brakes that's brakes uh this was a if you landed somewhere and they didn't have nitrogen ah like i said he was a fanatic about extras on top of extras so is this not part of the original no no no that's ours oh oh yeah and it don't take a lot oh it's a lot easier with the drill though it's a lot easier and so you come about right there and then you have to disconnect the batteries look at this latch system that holds this thing oh yeah just for the just to hold the battery up well you got to remember what it used to hold up weighs what we're good oh that's right this is where the that's where the gun and the ammo and stuff went oh yeah and see these fairings right here were different these were to have the bulges in them for the guns yeah either [Music] uh held it not only is there the airplanes there's the semi truck trailer they say is full of other stuff holy moly that's your motor this one uh-huh for the the g6 no that's your motor oh this is the other jet engine yeah holy moly oh here's that canopy that flew off uh-huh oh that is not white look how thick that lexan is that's the t6 one right there yeah that's a counter power for t6 i have a bunch of tc tomorrow that's it that's that set of propeller blade mats telling you about where the fella pulled the props up right here oh whoa those are not the new q-tips wow yeah they're nice nice roll over right there well now you kind of got an idea how big it is inside that yeah really that's unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my fire extinguisher they said was not adequate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is the ultimate willing start of will it start it's a fighter jet come on god i'm pretty sure it melted my gopro that i put on the back that probably [Applause] let's go see the gopro and see just how bad i melted it ah it works it works what i'll tell you on the phone good job i got bunga i didn't even smoke i was i was expecting like a big old white plume of smoke to come out and everything yeah you asked if it would run no i i do you know i hope this isn't too much of an ass but i forgot to hit record on that gopro yes all right so i'm gonna shout out to derek uh with some vice grips i mean come on will it start ever and uh jason nice 401 you got there come on game on i have some this is not as hot at all and i had this thing sitting right here i figured it was going to cook it so did i i fit that's why i put my one my old one on there i'm like well if i lose one at least it won't be that big of a deal i thought it was dope but nothing it's not even hot what would it take to get this thing flying again besides repairing a little bit of sheet metal i'm basically just going through the the old maintenance program it has to go through it's a either 100 hour or 12 month inspection it's got to go through and then it's air worthy after that in the drop tank yeah we do know how to put it on a truck and trailer or just drive it down the highway we can do that too but there is a pretty in-depth maintenance inspection program that's if they approve just for this airplane i was surprised it didn't smoke at all well i was i was expecting it to but it didn't even puff no it just started throwing heat got to put it in reverse do i know how to drive a mig fighter jet no do i want to learn yes i need your help thumbs up if i should buy this one i sure hope you say yes i honestly have no idea just how terrible of a decision this is but i have a feeling i'm about to find out we got a bonus for you we're going to do a will it start on this one it's also not flown in about 10 years give or take however matt the other guy here you've seen him with a beard he is taking care of it he'd run it up i think he said two years ago was the last time he ran it out but he would change the fluids and keep up on stuff and things like that so i mean honestly it should start up pretty good i will point out that he is looking to sell this so if anybody out there is interested in one of these my contact info is in the description shoot me a email and i'll connect you guys but i'm excited 541 turbocharged and intercooled like homing 541s is what they are oh man i forgot my signature that's the real with the the jet i even wore the shirt and everything we can actually do with this one all right here you go now that is an aviation right there go league over there that's a bunch oh those are nice seats yeah there you go [Music] oh flair prop can of clear prop okay [Music] hey here we go [Music] let's see if we can buy in bulk and get a package deal we still got another airplane to look at before we go and do our deal with that jet airplane how awesome is that we're now headed over to the other airport where he has a t6 at least and we're gonna see if we can't look at that one maybe we'll try to get that one started good lord this is freaking awesome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 1,963,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned airplane, abandoned airplane will it start, jimmys world, abandoned airplanes, vice grip garage, rebuild rescue
Id: xXe_1tVO-KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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