What Could Go Wrong In The Sierra's First Flight? Turns Out, A LOT

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you want to know what the number two killer of general aviation pilots are flying an airplane after some major maintenance has been done you wanna guess what we're gonna do today that's right fly that sierra after we've pretty much done about as major of maintenance as you can possibly get yeah let's do this before i talk myself out of it [Music] [Applause] hello my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world and welcome to my world and now you are in it i am for like the 1800s time gonna see if we can't get this thing flying if you don't recall we had that little uh engine the little hyped up volkswagen beetle engine was sitting over to the side the old the other guy blew his old one up had to spend a crazy amount of money and i bought this one along with a couple of other ones one of those planes did not make it rip brandon the first one was actually already flying so that one was good now we're gonna see if we can't get this one flying the plan for today is to go over check everything out look at all the little stuff cables and zip ties and all that fun stuff and then we gotta put the engine cowlings on which i don't actually see so maybe we gotta find those things i don't know where they ended up and then we're gonna take it over we've already done the initial ground run then i'm gonna take it over there we're gonna do a couple of burnout boxes and see if we can't full power that thing a few times make sure nothing's gonna blow up on us and then we're gonna fast taxi down the taxiway at a little bit of speed and stop before we run off the end ideally and then if all that goes well we're gonna take it up in the air fly it right over the airport make sure all that stuff works good and i'm gonna leave the gears down because uh we did have a little bit of trouble with the front gear so the most dangerous part of all of this is the first flight after some big maintenance happens and that's what we're going to be doing so this is kind of a dangerous thing what we're doing i do not recommend this don't try this at home not nervous at all nope should be just fine all right we got our spinner fun fact on this thing so you see this it's kind of hard to see now but this spinner was chromed which is a big no-no even though a whole bunch of spinners out there have been chrome whenever you chrome something you change the metal properties of it it's supposed to be aluminum and polish it and so yeah guess what i gotta throw this thing away and that's like 600 bucks because it was chromed so who knows how long it's been on here been that way but uh yeah that sucks so thanks there's 600 bucks down the drain okay where else can we spend money all right let's see we got the engine that's hooked up okay i like how they did that there oh it's an elephant let's see what does the inside look like yeah so we still got to put seats and some panels things like that back on got a handful of uh miscellaneous things to do but looks good let's go so silas i want you to push in on this one and we gotta see if it goes stop to stop this arm right here all right it's on the backstop now go ahead and push it in and did it go to that stop it so it does not go all the way to full rich by a smidge which that's going to need adjusting okay go ahead and the white knob is the throttle go ahead and pull it all the way out is it all the way out okay that's good go ahead and push all the way in okay that's good it looks like it wouldn't stop stop there now let's look at the prop go ahead and pull it all the way out okay rest it on that screw right there go ahead and push all the way in nice okay how you do the little things is how you do the big things so that cable does not go all the way to the stop for the rich side of it could be bad because it couldn't allow not enough fuel to get to the engine to cool it and to give it enough fuel to burn so you can run the cylinders hotter run all this hotter and ultimately blow the engine up not a good thing sid rep broke my phillips a bit to torque these down now we're stuck here we got to go to the parts store to get another phillips bit to finish i didn't even get the first one to work down here bro uh but i'm feeling pretty cocky so much so that we gonna go ahead and pull this thing out oh maybe little flat spots on the tire bam scoot it up here a little bit so we can get some light and now since i can't do this i'm going to stuck with that let's see about putting the interior back in let's check it out [Music] we got to get all of this into there on the count of one two [Music] ran into a small detail the cowlings that cover this whole area up right here uh have gone missing we don't know where they're at can't find them around here anywhere are you under here nope well search continues hey look what i found or i didn't find actually it was the uh the other guy apparently they had moved them from the front of the garage where they were there's a little shed and they moved them over there next to the shed and i just didn't bother to go around and look because i'm lazy i guess all right yay now we can put these on get closer to flying it come on that's using your head right there hey look the ah the hose apparently doesn't go right there so we got to figure out how that was routed and then we can put that on welcome to puzzle project [Music] super duper [Music] and done it's taking you so long [Music] that's going to be close yeah you're good no where are you oh we're fine you're like three feet away i knew it was clear all right all right all right let's strap in and light the fire first thing we got to do is turn the air conditioner on high there we go we've already done a pre-flight on it we're going to fire it up make sure that everything is turning on warm it all the way up and then we're going to give it a few full power runs to make sure it's not going to miss or stumble or whatever happens whenever we hit it with the full juice on take off that's step one let's do this all right there we go that is back want that up crack the throttle give it some fuel pressure 11 000 to 1 000 31 000 four one thousand five we got flow pull it back props up that just cracked and there feed on the brakes can i get a clear prep there we go 1200 let's see low fuel yeah clear oil pressure is good at [Music] 63 oil temperature 73 we'll let that get up fuel pressure yeah i think that gauge out there is still hooked to the wrong one same with the map so i think those two are switched around i will need to make sure those are corrected before i take it up in the air we are going to do our full power run we're going to crank this sucker up all the way to get all the spin out of it here we go [Music] all right that should have went up higher so we'll have to check uh the the prop governor to see what the story is there make sure the throttle it was getting full we'll let it cool down just a smidge and run it again all right let's run it again see if we can't get our full 2700 rpm out of it because we're 200 rpm off which is not good and i'm not taking off with that all right here we go make sure full rich all right yep we're not flying this thing we got to get those sensors switched around and we need to figure out why this thing will not go to the full 2700 rpm that we need it's not even hitting 2500 with a constant speed prop you should be able to get full rpm out of it on the ground if this was a fixed pitch then yeah you're going to be off by a couple hundred but not this one this one should give us all the rpm we we are asking for well back in the hangar well fiddlesticks ooh and we got some smokage happening i hope that's just the stuff burning off of the exhaust i don't know if you can see that in the camera or not looks like we're having a barbecue yay well let's take this cover off and survey the damage enough to cook an egg oh yeah yeah that got waffle warmed up right there now the governor if you remember whenever we had to put all the engineering on there we had to take the engine off to get the governor on the back of it and if there's an issue with that governor and we have to take it off guess what we get to do again that's right we got to take the engine off again i hope that's not right that thing way back down in there that you can't really see behind the hoses and all that stuff i found there's an adjustment on that and for the cable that it goes to hopefully we'll be able to get a few more rpms out of that we have this little sensor right here is for the fuel pressure that was not working now we got to figure out why that wasn't working super duper i just switched the plugs around because we don't know if they were on the right one or not because they're exactly the same plug awesome idea time to put the cali on drag this thing back out and let's try it again ready sauce okay let's do this again we're gonna start it up run it up and see what kind of rpm we can get out of it can i get a clear prep all right our fuel pressure turned on so that's working our map is now turned off so i don't know if one of those wires are dead or we're gonna have to chase it all the way back to the back of this and make sure those are hooked up correctly we've still got plenty of temperature so we're just going to go ahead and run it up to 2000 do a few prop cycles make sure that's full and then do a couple of top rpms whoa holy crap this thing is [Music] and now it's showing the fuel pressure is too high so i don't know which thing that's connected to and our map is only at 1.8 so that's definitely not right go ahead and do a prop cycle and when i pull it out what it does is allows oil inside the crop to change the pitch of the blade all right watch out pool guy you're getting ready to get blasted that's not smart right now here we go that's a little better that's a little better 26. all right let's go ahead and shut her down whoo yeah we're we're smoking again that is that's new new smoke stuff ah all right it's getting late into the day we only have this adjustment to make i adjusted it as far to the stop as it'll go so this is this is the last two raw otherwise we'll have to yeah if it doesn't adjust with that then i don't know what what the next step is all right last chance romance can i get a clear prop that was terrible but we got it started all right let's run it up [Applause] we only got one more run out of this that oil is getting pretty hot so well crap yeah and the saga continues let's go look at a 310 or something give give myself a break on this airplane kind of frustrated with it yep today is a new day this time it will be different i've heard that somewhere before oh i made a really good kind of mistake it's hungry i think we need to come up with a name something like dennis maybe a different name like jerry tom and jerry there you go we'll name the other one tom and this one's jerry yeah i think jerry is just hungry so let's go get some food and feed it all right boy how hungry are you are you angry this much [Music] okay go hungry [Music] how much are you look good you know what take it all just she's hungry thick oh good time turns out old grizzly there i'm not going to say he was right and i definitely am not going to say i was wrong but he was right remember that governor the thing on the back of the engine that i said hey we got to put that on before we put the engine on and uh it won't go on once you have the engine on and then i said oh you know what we're probably going to have to take that back off uh guess what we had to do yeah totally had to take it off and getting to it was an act of a gymnast uh and i'll i'll show you that here in just a minute okay we're having an issue as you just saw with not being able to get all of all of the uh the revs there out of it when spinning quite fast enough so i checked a few things the timing mag with a little magic bbbb box up here we checked the exhaust for clogging you know stuck a prostate camera up there to see if that was okay turns out it was okay about the only thing left is the prop governor because the prop governor controls how fast things spin and i looked at it and the guy that i got the plane from said no way no how it was working fine but he also did mention in passing that he did have issues with it not generating enough power on takeoff there's a little clue right there so yanked it off and then magically they tested it at the at the prop shop and he said it was the original uh governor to the airplane and this is a 1971 model so that thing is 50 years old and he said as best he could tell none of the parts inside were ever replaced ever he also said it's one of the worst prop governors he's ever seen it wouldn't hold pressure do anything any way that it was supposed to do and then he said you know what you're gonna be better off just buying a new one and uh so that's that's what i did magically you'll never guess how much it costs that's right two thousand dollars that's everything every time you open your hangar door you look at your plane you just go good boy here's two thousand dollars that's what you do so here's the fancy one financial all right yes look at that brand spanking new from mccauley first quarter of 21 assembly that's pretty you know this this does feel like two thousand dollars yep at least it's not a bolt a single bolt all right fingers crossed we stick this thing back on there put all the stuff back on it i'm feeling overly confident again today we're gonna fly this baby yay after just two hours we were able to get that little piece on get it in there get this cable adjusted because the old one the bracket didn't mount the same so yes we did have to do some fabrication work here and get everything adjusted so that that works now we got mini me in there putting that little bracket thing on in there he's you got to see this check this out it takes somebody very nimble to uh get in there you gotta hold the yoke back because the chain is there and then he's got a whole lot of screws to put in there are you having fun silas no no that helps keep you all limbered up that's funny i'm feeling pretty cocky pretty confident so confident in fact that uh remove before flight yep that's not going back on there drag it out do our run up warm it up run it up get our 2700 rpm that we were supposed to get and then we're just we're just going to fly this sucker it's good to go all right so let's put that same camera down let's do some work can i get a clear prop [Music] letting this thing warm up just a smidge before we give it all the beans start up fine i would expect nothing less because well it's a fifty five thousand dollar engine so a better stinking start fine uh this one's got the fancy uh roller lifters in it that's that's nice that's fancy uh the fuel pressure i did call jpi and we are gonna have to send this in because they have it set to a carbureted engine not a fuel injected engine so this is all jacked up here but thankfully this is not a primary deal the fuel flow is primary and we have that so we know if we're getting enough fuel to the engine so we are safe for a flight i got a good feeling about this it's gonna work it's gonna be good first step let's go ahead and run it up and do some prop uh cycles see if that governor is doing what it's supposed to do run it up here to 2000 there we go okay a cycle oh there's one that's nice nice oil pressure drop rpm drop nice do our back drop that is fantastic i'm telling you the weather is nice okay we got oil temperature we got our cylinder head all that stuff is going so let's give it the beans and let's see what we can do prop pull forward and here we go 23.50 what going down 25 10 20 [Applause] 30 30. what's the deal here 25 40. all right let's go ahead and pull this thing back that's no good it's a little bit better than it was last time but still not good enough i gotta i got an idea i'm gonna try something boost on oh rich that didn't make any difference all right we can try to adjust this governor even though on the bench on their thing it said it went boom 2700 well the paperwork it said 2500 but he mentioned something about their 23 80 or i don't know it was something weird so we're gonna adjust the governor we're gonna see if that gets us all the uh all the revs out of this jewel and uh try it again fantastic super duper gang so with absolutely no help whatsoever from dr phil uh i came up with the idea on my own of adjusting the governor two turns back because for every full turn you get about 100 rpm according to the book give that a shot yep that's what we're going to do crack the throttle that's on that's on breaks props up all right silas are you clear yeah like i said can i get a clear prop here we go [Music] like i said before we'll put it on we'll adjust the governor and then we'll do a run-up all right running the prop up to max rpm take 17. nothing no difference whatsoever that is silly that's what that is so here's how we're gonna do it i'm gonna rev this sucker up give it a launch start see if we can get our full rpm uh not sure where to mount that thing all right here we go prop pull make sure full brakes are on 2480 brakes release 25 24 [Applause] 27 26 26 20. [Music] doggy yeah that went up a little ways all right we're good hit the brakes hard let's do what we can do well there you have it so what we got here is a problem with the old fan blade up front i think on that power takeoff boom 2720 and i think it probably would have went a little bit more and i pulled the power back so that's i mean the engine everything it'll go there i think unfortunately it might be in that prop if it is in that prop and it has to be rebuilt we're looking at several weeks and probably 5 000 bucks [Music] however now that i know that and this engine is running strong it's not i mean there's no hiccups uh about it we're hitting our rpm on as soon as we start rolling i think we're gonna go ahead and fly it out of here and get it closer to home so we can take the prop off and and then we got a couple of other things we're gonna do to it as well uh but that way while we're waiting on that we can do all the other stuff to it and it's not stuck two hours away uh so i guess what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and put this plane back together and then come back tomorrow and get it yep you want to know what the number two killer of general aviation pilots are flying an airplane after some major maintenance has been done you want to guess what we're going to do today that's right fly that sierra after we've pretty much done about as major of maintenance as you can possibly get all the nose gear came off and you guys know how the nose gear hung up so that's going to be questionable on the first make sure in flight that stuff operates the same as it did on the ground fingers crossed then we took the engine and put a new engine on there which that's kind of a major deal a new prop governor yep that kind of controls things and we even already know that the prop is not 100 behaving the way it should be that's fun uh now disclaimer we did go through everything and it is in annual however just because it's an annual does not mean it's a perfect airplane and everything on it is absolutely perfect yeah you know fly cameron here and we're gonna take off i got my buddy he'll be showing up here in a minute we're going to fly and he's going to drop me off and basically just say good luck buddy and film from the other airplane although he's going to be flying this so he's going to have to slow down a whole lot for me to try to keep up and get it back here uh to the airport where it's a lot closer to home and we can finish some of those little things um yeah i mean yes this is yep i'm loving this thing more and more i flew it 10 hours from tucson all the way back to florida here i just checked the oil i did check it in houston and it was fine checked it again here and didn't use a single drop of oil the whole time that's unreal for 10 hours of flight i did i still don't have to add any that's that is unbelievable for those of you that are not airplane people that's just not normal most airplanes use a cord every six hours give or take or flying so it's kind of like an old ford or chevy if they just like oil as well they like eating dinosaurs one problem i did have is my knees kept hitting up here and apparently those are adjustable by pulling on this little cable here you're supposed to pull that and be able to push those pedals a little further that way yeah yeah he did say that it was pretty hard to uh yank on this thing so we're gonna see what we can do here we've got our stick and you pull ah there he goes now we should be able to just push until it goes click into the next one easy oh there you go hey look at that my knees are bashing into this thing now yes nice made it here with that one with a little rocket ship i am not nervous at all supreme confidence in my this thing here's a list of things that's possibly not going to go wrong the front gear sticking because we've never had an issue with that that gear door over there sticking because we've never had an issue with that this prop not going up to its rpm because we've never had an issue with that this front uh nose gear here uh the the steering and the shims that because we've never had an issue with that this oil cooler here because it's definitely not leaking yeah no i we got air in the tires and air on the wings yeah let's do this before i talk myself out of it now we're in here emergency procedures in case of emergency in our trap door bam valve if the gears don't want to come down on their own flying over all these airports on our way there and then there in case we have to divert if this all goes really south we are coming down like a brick and we're only allowed to fly at 3 000 feet so you know there's a whole lot of time for that yes first thing make sure the ac is turned on our battery on a little bit of that a little bit of that some boost we got a little bit of this a little bit of that let's see if that is coming in there it is alive there's some fuel in it good this part everybody looks forward to richer on can i get a clear prop just like that get rolling there we go he got old cameron started there i think he almost flooded it though if i'm honest i saw a lot of black smoke come out but i'm not going to tell him and here's how you control the speed at which or the volume of air by that door you open it more lots more air close it not as much more air oh we gotta put our flaps up ah we're moving yes i know we're out of gas and we don't have any fuel pressure there's a wall right there good lord can't even get out of the driveway without breaking something oop and we're off into the grass now okay i guess we're gonna do the soft field yep not even gonna try to stay on the sidewalk here we're going right through their yard and it's like everyday trash day here good lord that's kind of fun to see an airplane taxiing over and there'll be dodging trash cans huh where's the turn signal and the horn that'd be fun i'm just waiting for that got another one right there i wonder if that's next on the list there's all kinds of airplanes over here that we can film a whole season of will it starts in this place hidden lake traffic uh lancer and sierra back taxing two three to head down to the fuel farm in lake all right i don't see anybody looks clear all right i hope this gate doesn't close on me uh this headlight traffic we're gonna be departing two three there's two of us so he's turning around to fuel farm and i'm gonna take off first and he's following yesterday when i was out doing our speed runs it went to 2720 rpm and uh that's when i pulled the power back so i'm going to be watching that on take off and apparently i'm red too okay we're gonna run this baby up 2000 do some prop checks [Applause] all right landing lights now we don't need landing light on nav light on pro chain beacon on we're gonna turn that on i am good to go here we go traffic is nowhere around [Applause] all right we're gonna give ourselves all the room boost is on we're going full throttle if we're not off by down there somewhere we're gonna pull it back and set it down there's 24 30 24 there we go and brakes are off shrimp is set feet is alive [Applause] there we go gears are coming up here in transition okay apparently our gears are still in transition 2660 on the old rpms suction good speed is good left side so he should be coming up okay down [Applause] i think he's done with us i'll monitor himself yeah he did he blinked yeah he's just messing with me at this point all right our oil temperature went all the way up to uh 245 touch redline i was getting ready to divert pulled the power way back and we got it down to 237 and it's falling so we're we're in the right direction here he's already circled back he went that way and circled back around and he's passing me again he's lapping me that's funny red one uh you can land there plant city if you want before me i'm going to take a little while to get here all right now the trick with this traffic trick with this is going to be hoping those gears come all the way down so we're going to get our speed down okay yeah undercarriage go ahead and give it some time go down three greens hallelujah all right there we go plant city traffic sierra five two nine or four turning left base runway two eight plant city get it out of that danger zone there we go nice stable approach all right brakes rudder is alive nice [Applause] hey i'll take that landing make sure back just a smidge goes on the wheels air conditioner up take the first exit boom boom brakes go see if he eats the landing like i did ah he landed the thing perfect cheater i mean i wasn't worried at all not with the extremely high oil temperature the prop that wouldn't go all the way up the slight oil leak no problem whatsoever made it that was easy my name is jimmy this jimmy's world welcome to my world we did a thing we're doing a thing things are moving oh yeah that is a massive boost of encouragement right there seriously seriously is [Music] you
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 894,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, DIY airplane, Jimmy's World, Sierra, Sierra plane, airplane, airplanes, amazon, building airplanes, buying airplanes, emergency plane landing, first flight, first flight what could go wrong, flying old airplanes, how to build a plane, jimmy world, jimmys world, jimmys world youtube, jimmy’s world, plane ride goes wrong, re-building a plane, the first flight, the wright brothers, used airplanes, vice grip garage, what could go wrong, where to buy used airplanes
Id: ivgIpv2-_I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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