Um, shouldn't JayStation have his channel removed? (yes btw)

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It's the kind of thing where you would  ask yourself, "How is this content   allowed on YouTube?" Well, I'm making this video  because I can show you that it's actually not. Hi,   welcome back to me and talking about whatever I  want. Today, I want to talk about ImJayStation   and why his channel should be deleted. This  is actually my second time recording this   video because the first time I was so angry, I  couldn't think straight. Up until this point,   I had heard the phrase so angry I couldn't  think straight before, but I didn't know, yes,   that's an actual thing. So you're still going to  get angry D'Angelo but you're going to get calm,   angry D'Angelo because trust me, nobody wants  to see angry, angry D'Angelo. So of course,   I'm going to do my comment shout out from  yesterday's video. The Fish Dio says,   "Watching D'Angelo videos at 3:00AM challenge.  Gone daily." Now you might be wondering,   what does this mean? Well, it's a parody of  the guy we're going to be talking about today,   ImJayStation. He does these 3:00AM videos where  he uses a Ouija board to contact late celebrities.  Now you may have heard of this guy before because  every few months he does something that's worse   than what he's done before. So a new wave of  people are introduced to the absolute insanity   that is the world of ImJayStation. I don't  even have to try to explain how absolutely   disrespectful and shameful and disgusting it is  to pretend to contact late celebrities for views   on your channel. He has videos about Etika,  Mac Miller, XXXTentacion, and basically in   these videos, he pulls out a little Ouija board  and pretends like he's contacting the spirit of   these late celebrities. So the Mac Miller  one he's like, "Mac Miller said something   about Ariana Grande," and he's all shocked in the  thumbnail. What absolute nonsense is that? It's   the kind of thing that I would say as a joke,  right? Oh, soon, we're going to be clickbaiting   people who aren't even around anymore. No, we're really doing that here on this   very real earth. I mean, whether it's real  or not is honestly up for debate. I think   it's a simulation. And of course, no adult  is going to watch this sort of thing with a   straight face. So his audience of five million  is purely made up of kids. People try to say,   "Television is poisoning their minds, video games  are ..." no, they're not Susan from Facebook,   but ImJayStation definitely is. It's the kind of  thing where you would ask yourself, "How is this   content allowed on YouTube?" Well, I'm making  this video because I can show you that it's   actually not. The reason everybody's talking about  ImJayStation this time around is because he faked   his girlfriend's passing for views on YouTube. He  pretends that she was a victim of a drunk driver,   which by the way, how are you going to disrespect  all victims of drunk drivers like that? How are   you going to disrespect every family member of  a victim of drunk driving? This is not a joke.  This is not something that you pretend  happened so you can get views on your channel,   this is something that happens to people, this is  something that ends families in a moment. But no,   he really, really used that for clickbait.  So of course the commentary community jumped   on that as they should. It's a mix of not just  grim humor in all of this, but mostly there's   an aspect of disbelief. How could somebody  do this? So if you put two and two together,   you probably know what's coming up next. But  yes, he releases a Ouija board video with his   late girlfriend. Here's the thing, he's not saying  these are pranks. They're obviously fake, but he's   not telling his audience, "Oh yeah, guys, this  isn't real. We're just going to pretend." I mean,   come on, you've been a kid. Kids will believe  anything. Kids will believe in Santa Claus,   they'll believe in the tooth fairy they'll believe  that college degrees will help you get a job.  So that's my introduction to who JayStation is  and why everyone's mad at him. But that's not   what this whole video is about because honestly  there's a lot of videos about that. I just want   to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this  content is against YouTube terms of service. Now,   I don't know how many of you are familiar with  iDubbbz, he was huge back in 2016 and his videos   actually still do really well today, but possibly  his most popular video was called Leafy Content   Cop and YouTube, in a grand decision, at the  height of their wisdom took down that video   just a few weeks ago. Now, the reason that  that was such a big deal was because YouTube   retroactively changed the terms of service  and then decided that his video didn't fit   the new terms of service. Now I truly don't think  anybody agreed with or supported that decision.  I know I didn't because while I can understand  how his video violates the new terms of service,   there is nothing wrong with the content when he  posted it, according to YouTube. So to go and   take it away from him is absolutely ridiculous.  But I bring this up to illustrate the fact that   YouTube is clearly not above doing this. So  what I want to know is why are JayStation's   videos still up when they violate YouTube's terms  of service? Here's what I mean. When he was faking   his girlfriend's passing, honestly saying that  sentence is just making me physically recoil. But   when he was faking his girlfriend's passing, he  used this as a way to promote his second channel,   not even kidding. I don't want to insert  too many clips, but basically he was saying,   "Guys, my girlfriend really had a dream  that our second channel would get to a   million subscribers, so it was all she wanted." First of all, that's the most disgusting thing I   could think of. Let's say she really did pass.  You're going to come out and say that her life   ambition was supporting your YouTube career? Get  over yourself. But clearly this man does think   YouTube is more important than life, otherwise  he wouldn't be disrespecting the lives of people   like Mac Miller and Etika, so honestly, we're  dealing with someone who doesn't move like us.   He doesn't think normally, he doesn't act  like a person should. He doesn't act like a   person. He uses this to say, "Please give me a  million subscribers on my second channel. It's   what my girlfriend would want." But that, my  friend, is against the terms of service. Now,   when YouTube changed their terms of service to  include all that cyber bullying and harassment   stuff, generally, people were focusing on  the cyber bullying and harassment part.  But they see that there is a small extra word  in there. Don't post content on YouTube if it   fits any of the descriptions noted below.  Content of loaded with the intent to shame,   deceive or insult a minor. Shame, deceive or  insult. It's straight up against the terms of   service. I actually could not be more cut and dry  than this. He's tricking kids into following his   second channel by using a tragic event that he  invented for the sole purpose of driving YouTube   engagement and by YouTube's own policies, which  are allegedly there to help protect the community,   he is not allowed to do that on the platform.  So I'm really curious as to why iDubbbz's Leafy   video came tumbling down when that was from, I  think four years ago, three and a half years ago,   but I'm JayStation's videos, which are much  more recent than that are still up and thriving.  YouTube, if you're watching this, I'm sure you  just made a mistake, right? I'm sure you're not   doing this on purpose, but now that you know ...  But honestly, I'm being facetious. We all know   why one is there and the other is not, right? For  some reason, YouTube is pushing this content more   so than iDubbbz content, okay? They don't want  criticism, commentary, intelligent discussion. And   maybe the fault is not 100% on YouTube, maybe it's  just that this stuff doesn't do as well anymore   because we now have all these other options, but  they want stuff like what ImJayStation is doing,   they want the whole Morgz brand. That's what  I call it, the Morgz brand where you're just   in the camera, 24/7, saturation turned up,  you look like you're ... Let me not start   dragging Morgz just because of ImJayStation's  wrongdoings. I can make a video about Morgz   later if that's what you want, just let me know. Clearly YouTube is willing to bend their terms   of service if it's benefiting them. And the fact  that ImJayStation is getting millions of views and   I'm sure he's getting good ads since this content  is obviously for kids, that's benefiting YouTube.   Because what a lot of people don't know is YouTube  makes pretty much the exact same amount of money   off of a YouTuber. So if Jake Paul gets $50,000 in  a month, YouTube got $50,000 in a month. When you   start thinking about the millions and millions of  dollars a month that are just pouring into various   creators accounts, suddenly it makes sense. Oh,  of course YouTube's not going to take it down.   It really goes to prove you can just be the worst,  the absolute worst person and nothing will happen   to you as long as you benefit YouTube as well. And  honestly, there's no point in acting surprised.   Logan Paul's still here, Jake Paul is still on the  platform. Onision still has a channel. So there's   no point in acting like this is new information. It's just not cool to constantly be reminded of   this. I just ... I don't have words. I feel like  if it was anything else I would be equipped to   talk about it. I'm good at talking about the  Shane Dawson's of this world and the Jeffrey   Stars'. These people, those people. Because  generally people don't do things this bad   to the point where it's just mind blowing, but  no, he's still here. And I just don't know why   I have a sneaking suspicion that he's not going  anywhere. Another thing I want to point out is   even if YouTube wants to somehow pretend like he's  not violating the terms of service that states   that you cannot deceive minors with your video  content, he's violating the harassment policies.   Here's the thing. We all know that the girlfriend  is still alive, right? She never actually passed,   that was not even a question. Well, he  himself actually came out and confirmed   that he made it up, to nobody's surprise. And that now, it's a whole different story. Now,   apparently his girlfriend actually broke up with  him, okay? And she called the police on him and   the police are going to arrest him and she ruined  his life. So apparently this is his ex-girlfriend,   but you know what the issue is here? If  she broke up with you, can't imagine why,   and then you start going on YouTube and claiming  that she's passed away, that is straight up   targeted harassment. In fact, in his video where  he comes clean, he even apologizes to her family.   You told the internet that somebody's daughter had  passed and you know she didn't, and you only did   that so you could make money off of her name,  what I can only assume is because she broke up   with you. That is without a doubt harassment. So  you're violating two terms of service that I can   point out easily. Easily violating the deception  of minors, easily violating the harassment policy.  And obviously the results shouldn't be to just  take someone's entire channel down off of a   single violation. Thankfully, iDubbbz is still  here, but when it's just video after video that   they're in clear violation of YouTube terms of  service, I would really love to know why the   account is still there. But again, I answered  my own question. It's just like, I don't want   to accept the answer. I don't want to accept that  YouTube could be okay with this just because it's   making them money. And let's not even talk about  the fact that it's making him money in the first   place. I have to go on my channel and say, "Pass  away and late instead of you know what. Solely,   so I can hope YouTube doesn't hit this with a big  yellow dollar sign." But he's out here dropping   F bombs, saying we Ouija board to someone you  know who's left and right, is getting all kinds   of ads on those videos. So I truly could not  explain the mind of YouTube or maybe I could.  Maybe it's as simple as the fact that he  obviously makes more money than the rest   of us so YouTube is not going to take away that  stream because the stream of revenue for him as   a stream of revenue for them. I'm not scared  of making this video because I don't feel like   YouTube is going to shut me down for speaking  up. Thankfully, I haven't typically seen that. I   feel comfortable criticizing YouTube on their own  platform, just because that's the only way things   have ever been fixed. I guess, I'll end this video  off with a message to JayStation, because I know   that he watches these kinds of videos about  him. I've seen him comment on others. You're   not going to stop making this content. Nothing  I said in this video means anything to you. You   don't understand that this is wrong. Even in your  apology video, you don't think you did anything   wrong. So I'm not going to say stop making content  because honestly, what good is that going to do?  All I really have to say is keep going. Keep  ramping it up. Just keep searching for that   new low and every time you hit rock bottom,  dig yourself even lower like you've been   doing for these past couple of years. Because  eventually you are going to cross the line,   there's no way even YouTube will be able  to cover for you. And when you do that,   your channel is going to go down there and flames  and I absolutely want to see that happen. In fact,   I saw a little Tweet floating around of somebody  who looked like JayStation saying, "I'm not   going to make a video about Kobe Bryant." Y'all,  that wasn't JayStation, That's a fake Twitter   account. So for all we know he could be making a  Ouija board Kobe Bryant video as we speak. Please   JayStation, upload that Kobe Bryant video. Go  ahead and put it out there and let everybody   see the kind of person that you really are. Because if you do that, I guarantee you, you're   not going to get very far after that. If you want  to pull something like that, I will hop on my main   channel and I will now record this video twice.  You're going to get whatever I have to say that   first time and I will be angry, angry D'Angelo.  I'm just going to finish this off by reading   this tweet that was under that fake ImJayStation  account. This is obviously a kid and it says, "Why   would you do your fans dirty like this? When you  posted the videos of her fake passing, I cried and   I was going to make a YouTube video about it, but  I didn't. I just don't understand why you would   do that. Why do you have to be fake? Why can't  you be real?" It's your own audience and sadly,   if I saw this kid, I would just have to tell her  that you don't care, so ultimately, who cares?
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 784,282
Rating: 4.9741011 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, Um shouldn't JayStation have his channel removed? (yes btw)
Id: vJiETJHeq5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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