A Wild Start | Ep. 1 | Minecraft Empires 1.19

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foreign hey guys what's up LDShadowLady here and welcome to Empire's season two in this SMP my friends and I are back with brand new characters to each build our own Empire so we all gathered here at spawn in the Friendship Circle but then everyone ran off to claim their biomes and the chaos began I managed to make it out of there alive without losing my head I did however manage to grab somebody else's head though so now I have a smallishbeans disguise this will come in handy I'm sure I plan to collect many disguises but for now I will use this one because I'm not ready to reveal my identity just yet but first I need to found my Empire and I'd like to settle in a birch biome so let's have a little snoop around and find a nice spot two hours later this is it this is where I will found my Empire this place has everything a beautiful Mountain View with some spruce trees up there a dark oak forest a birch forest and an oak forest so now I will place my first crafting table to claim the land now I've gathered some of the basics but but if I want my Empire to survive nay Thrive I'm gonna need a few more things shelter and food and to help me on my quest I'm going to enlist the help of some animals so let's start with the first one and build ourselves a shelter because my campsite is currently very open to the elements so I think a little tent would be cute which means I need to find a sheep well hello there sir can I interest you in becoming the founding member of a brand new Empire I can see you're intrigued follow me I'll tell you more now unfortunately the position does come with a few conditions you will have to live in a cage for now but don't worry I will build you a home very soon now I hope you don't mind being shared thank you for your contributions to my tent so while I was waiting for our fluffy friend to regrow his wool I constructed the tent it might not look like much but every Empire has to start somewhere now I have this lovely Cozy home to slip away the nights and when I wake up in the morning I have the most amazing view but don't worry I haven't forgotten about you I told you I would build you a home too and that is what I'll do next you can have your own little tent over here so I spent all day constructing a miniature tent for my favorite fluffy Founding Father ta-da do you love it he loves it now you might think it's a little strange that I made a whole tent just for my sheep but what you don't know is that animals are the secret to my Empire's success this sheep has already provided me with the necessary shelter I needed to survive and now it's time to take care of my next need food and what I'm about to do next may come as a shock to you but I need to find a fox luckily there's a spruce biome just north of my Camp so let's see if we can track one down a fox come here come here now we have two foxes so we just need to breed them perfect my baby box it's so cute look okay come on then let's go little fox Child come on we have important work to do I have a very important job for you do not be alarmed I'm not going to eat the fox but he is gonna help me make some food so why don't you stay here well I make you a little tent now this might be a little ambitious but I want to try and build a diagonal tent because I want something special for my special little boy and there we have it a diagonal tent oh my boy you've grown what a majestic young man you've turned into and just in time for your new career in chicken life management so now all I have to do is build a Contraption to create a never-ending supply of chickens and my new adorable companion will do all the butchering for me however to build this chicken Contraption I'm gonna need some Advanced Machinery just a slight oversight on my part which means I'm now gonna have to go and get some Redstone and quartz and my plan is to descend down this very deep hole there's got to be some Redstone at the bottom of there oh it's a lush cave oh no help me [Music] oh what a lovely place to die let's just make a run for it this is embarrassing but I am hiding in a hole right now maybe I'll just mind my way out some Abba would probably be a good idea I don't know what I was thinking coming down here without it wow foreign oh my gosh uh maybe I shouldn't be here goodbye yeah I'm not going down there no Surrey not today we're taking a diversion boys I will not be warning lunch today diamond my first diamond but really I'm looking for Redstone [Music] where is it oh no no no no no I don't think I should be here but there might be redstone actually I should leave how do I oh Redstone okay okay let's get out of here I got what I came for I do not want to die today I think that was rather masterfully handled if I may say so myself oh all right that's enough of that scary cave now I can only take so much excitement in one day so I will not be going to the nether to go and get my quartz I have another plan instead I'm going to open up a new trade route in an easternly Direction so I have armed myself with several Spades and I will make a path this way obviously so I can find my way back home but it doesn't hurt to have a nice established pathway between the empires it makes my Empire seem very sophisticated the other rulers are probably really busy right now working on some important business and here I am building a cute path one eternity later [Music] you come from I've opened up a trade route from my Empire to yours what have you got to trade I would like some of your quartz please and in return I get how about a diamond what okay yeah sure take the quartz here have it all oh I'll be going from my Empire a home sweet home now I can make my machinery and put it all together okay the contraption is set so now the Machine Works baby chickens spawn underneath the fox and then when they grow up he attacks them and then I collect all of the food so now that I have an unlimited supply of chicken it's time to focus on my next important task getting more citizens to join the Empire and I have decided to travel to some very distant lands to find some unique citizens from the Jungle the only problem is I don't actually live near a jungle the nearest jungle is thousands of blocks away so this will be a very long journey three days later finally the sweet sweet jungle and I have already got sights on my first Target pirate another pirate this is perfect now you wait here for me I have to go deeper into the jungle bamboo the creature I'm looking for should be nearby and there it is in all its Majesty The elusive panda in its natural habitat and now I will snatch away the baby from its mother's arms yes I am kidnapping the baby I'm so sorry but now he's part of the squad and we're rolling out 12 seconds later actually we're gonna need to abandon the boat and since you can't put pandas on leads I'm gonna have to lure him with bamboo the whole 2000 blocks home this is so painfully slow oh my gosh where did these parrots learn how to mimic creepers this is not the time for Mischief two hours later my panda has actually aged into a snotty-nosed teenager come with me if you want to live in a prospering society full of animals one eternity later leading Miss Panda back to my Camp was a painfully slow process and to make things even worse just as I was a mere hundred blocks away from my camp this happened hey I can't really explain it I haven't got the words the panda is dead now and all that's left is dirt no this is the worst day of my Empire I was so close to my Camp after traveling thousands of blocks the panda dies on my doorstep it wasn't supposed to be like this this is supposed to be a Utopia for animals they weren't supposed to die on the way here I think we need to make the path safer I will not allow this to happen again foreign the next day I have been a very busy beaver working on this little path through the dark oak forest and I have made it completely secure and very well lit so that we don't have any more accidents and it goes all the way through the forest and out to the Birch Forest on the other side and in loving memory of my beloved dead Panda I hereby declare this the Lost Panda Trail a safe Passage through the deadly dark oak forest and I'm debating whether I should replace these torches with lanterns it's definitely not the most intelligent use of resources at this time however the panda Trail is very important to me so I will be diverting all of my iron towards this project my Empire is already corrupt it's almost perfect there's just one thing I want to add to make this place even more magical I just need to take a quick trip back to the Jungle two hours later I have returned with many colorful parrots they were much more Cooperative than the panda and I'm gonna place them around the trail to welcome travelers to my Empire and one of these days they'll be welcoming a panda but not today oh it's the emergency horn Flip's in trouble my little Goblin neighbor needs me welcome to the goblin cave Empire I found the end stronghold um it's open the Portal's been opened does anybody know what happened there I didn't do it wait what yeah I want to go investigate with me see what the heck's going on in there no should we go is this safe yeah this could be a trap this sounds like a Lizzy trap I promise this time it wasn't me I'm hiding nothing there's absolutely nothing secretive about me whatsoever very large hat man okay well um it's in the mines this way let's go secret Minds very cool pushing look the Portal's open no way oh who could have done that I didn't do it let's go pushed me in here all right get ready get your weapons the dragon wait is gone what press the dragon it seems that somebody has been to the end and killed the dragon but it wasn't any of us this world holds more mystery than I had realized and all this uncertainty was making the fur on the back of my neck stand I mean hair the hair on the back of my neck was standing up who had opened the portal and killed the dragon the mystery remains
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 3,826,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Id: 65L9YuJPePo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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