🌱 New Life πŸ„ | Ep. 4 | Afterlife Minecraft SMP

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Hehehehhehe, I already did >:D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madzaroniandcheese πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
previously on afterlife SMP [Applause] [Music] hey guys what's up LDShadowLady here and welcome back to afterlife where raccoon Lizzy is no more due to an unfortunate incident where I became the victim of my own chaotic plan but with a new life we receive a new origin and this time I rolled the Florin origin a species of plant people that obtain their nutrients from the Sun and gain strength from water so now I have a green thumb that means I can grow plants I'm capable of photosynthesis so my Hunger is satiated by being exposed to sunlight and ideal extra damage when wet but now I am highly flammable and take twice as much damage from fire also I can only eat honey this is going to be a challenge so let me slip into my Florin plant lady outfit and the first thing I'm going to do is seek guidance from the first Florin Catherine has been a Florence since day one so I need to find her and ask her how the heck I'm meant to survive I've never even seen a bee in this world never mind a bottle of honey so let's see if I can make it all the way over to my house to gather my supplies and then oh my gosh wait this is so much harder foreign there it is thank goodness I built this staircase it feels so good to be home oh oh wow oh gosh it feels really cramped in here now everything's so small I didn't want to stay in that house any longer than I had to so I grabbed some supplies slept in a bed for the very first time and I set out in search of Catherine so I went sailing across the sea but then I accidentally discovered something and I don't quite know how to describe it all I can do is show you oh yeah okay sorry I'm almost at Catherine's house now hopefully she's around oh Catherine hi I like your outfit thank you I am now a fellow Florin and as first floor of the server I thought I would come visit you and basically ask for advice how am I meant to survive oh well stay in the sun the sun is your best friend but the sun is going away oh well in that case you can have these honey bottles whoa thank you this is so cute can I take a look at your bees and say hello yeah hello oh they're all asleep sorry to bother you bees anyway I just came taking my flooring skills to another dimension the end do they have cool plants there yes so many cool plants Catherine can we do a flower swap oh yes yes I'll collect all of Kea flowers from the end and then we can trade them every Thursday at the flower market okay well I better get going because the Sun is going down I need to go find the end portal again but hopefully this time I don't slip into the void goodbye well well well end portal so we meet again but before I jump down there and commit myself to life in the end I need to prepare for in the end there is no daylight and the one rule Catherine gave me was to stay in the Sun and I'm completely disregarding that rule and instead I Will Survive only on honey bottles which means I'm gonna have to take some bees to the end with me so I have a plan I'm gonna plant all these Oak saplings because if my calculations are correct any Oak saplings that grow within close proximity to a flower have a chance to grow with a beehive and because I'm a Florin I can just do this I love this power but it makes me very hungry [Music] this will be my lifeline to surviving in the end of course I grabbed a few more beehives just for safe measure and now I'm ready okay I guess it's time to go now Goodbye cruel Overworld goodbye sunlight there are new lands and new plants to discover in a new hostile land hopefully this goes better than last time huh I made it although I don't quite yet feel safe and men are not my friends so I am in fact going to put a pumpkin on My Head for the rest of my life oh geez this is actually kind of cute I could get used to this now I just need to get out of here let's see where this takes me oh I see potential but where are all the plants oh oh my gosh pink and rainbow these Vines are so cute Catherine will love these oh those ones have little flowers on the end whoa this is so spooky there's so much cool stuff here but my Hunger is running out I need to find a place to settle down and raise my bees or I'll starve what the heck just a dragon head here what is this a crashed ship cool there's even potions in here I could make this my home or I could live here or I could live in this lake with these lily pads this biome is also really cute oh wait look at this place wow this is it people the best views in the whole end this is where I'm gonna live with my bees so over here in the safety of the trees I'm going to set up a temporary bee Sanctuary now I can set up these bee nests and we need some flowers like so and now luckily I have a supply of honey so I won't starve this is great and all but this is really ugly so instead I'm gonna build somewhere nice for my bees to live and for me to research all of these exotic end plants so of course I collected more of the rainbow crystals and I built myself a crystal Greenhouse and this is where I'm gonna live with my bees and my flowers so first I'm gonna replace some of the ground with dirt and then of course wait for it to turn into grass just so that I can plant a few flowers from the Overworld to keep my bees happy now I just need to move the bees somehow so I started transporting my bees into the new house with only a few mishaps oh no and I even found some Barbie nests in the oak trees I planted Tada I did it I moved all my bees and I'm still alive now I'm gonna have plenty of Honey to keep me alive here in the end so the next step is of course to decorate my Greenhouse with some end flowers and I've already seen so many cool ones around even just over here there's some kind of freaky mushroom biome with these freakishly adorable mushrooms in fact they remind me of Megan thank goodness she won't be able to get to me here in the end anyway I'm gonna collect some samples and I have to make sure to collect some of the blocks that they can be placed on and I will catalog them in my inventory moving on over in this mushroom biome there are these weird things I'm not sure if I can I broke it bulb Vine seed and a lantern cool let's get a couple of these we also have these vines that are really cute gimme people are gonna love these on the Overworld now this biome seems like it would have some very cool plant life so first of all these adorable mushrooms I are going in my backpack and it also has these tentacles which aren't really my thing but I'm sure someone else would like that there are also these Vines wait there are houses here where's the door hello what the oh my gosh grasping at Stars this sounds amazing I don't know what any of the rest of this stuff is but I'll be sure to return it to its rightful owner just gorgeous I need them I need them also those floating things I want one who do I talk to about getting up there actually that gives me an idea all right it worked and I can get my plant and of course I'm going back to that beautiful pink biome what is that what is that oh my gosh look at that beautiful fish can I keep it oh I caught it and fish I love it here I'm never going back to the Overworld the Overworld sucks in comparison oh you know I gotta take some of these These are adorable oh man my plant filing system is all messed up now I don't even know what's what I should probably head back home okay now I can try planting some of these things around my home first I'm gonna plant my own Fila looks Lantern I think I just have to make it myself ta-da How Majestic it's beautiful oh yes mushrooms that grow on the side of blocks next we have these Blossom berries which need to grow in fact I can help with that oh now I'm hungry oh no help help honey made honey urgently okay that was dangerous such is the life of an end Florin one eternity later you could say I got a little bit carried away here but I just love these plants so much I couldn't resist filling my house with them and I have a sneaking suspicion that the people of the Overworld would love these plants too so I'm going to open up the flower market where I will trade these plants for Overworld items that I cannot obtain here in the end such as a jukebox so I can finally listen to this music disc so I'm gonna take some of my end blocks and I'm going back over to the portal because this is where people will end up when they arrive in the end so this is the perfect place to set up my stall so of course I'm gonna use all these cool blocks from the end to entice them now we just need some samples to show them the merchandise so I've picked out all of my favorites and put them out on display and then here in these barrels I will keep a stock of them for trading and now that my story is complete I will turn my attention to the entrance I cannot have my customers first impression of the end be this it simply won't do I will build a nice staircase instead once again I got a little bit carried away but here is the new end entrance and I decided to make it look like it was on a tiny floating end platform I think this is a rather grand entrance and the first thing people will see is my shop oh hello welcome to the end Oliver Lizzy where are you are you wearing a pumpkin you want me to sit the pumpkin off how about now that's that's a lot better thank you this is not you've changed you're not the raccoon I once knew I am the end Florin I am the andarian a pleasure to make your acquaintance ah we are kindred spirits that we are would you like an orb in these trying times that is an egg close enough there are no chickens in the end there are still no chickens in the end can I interest you perhaps in some flowers from my store yeah I'd love some plants from my homeland what give me your wares plant Cellar I have something that's perfect for you this is part of my special stock I don't even put this out on display the tentacle oh sick okay and in return I would like some Treasures from the Overworld perhaps you have diamonds or a jukebox oh my God I looked at an Enderman help oh okay okay [Music] I didn't like that don't test my brethren they get very upset I'm not taking this stupid pumpkin head off ever again that was terrifying um anyway as I was saying perhaps you have a jukebox maybe I I do have a jukebox what if you give me the Jukebox and I'll let you listen to my song with me I like that deal fabulous [Music] is this a song of my Homeworld ah excuse me I feel you have brought Beauty back to my life Aldi shadow lady look man if you're gonna have an opinion can you go do it elsewhere yeah okay by the grace of the Orbee with you 12 seconds later hello now what oh hey Joey sorry I thought you were a short Enderman hey it's me shulk uh I'm not scared at all talk not scared shulk tough boy hi welcome to my shop why don't you take a look at my where's if you're not too scared oh Olivia I am going around to every origin and I'm seeing who's the toughest of them all and the winner gets a rare magical golden goose egg wow wow okay yeah um I don't think it's gonna be me but I would like to try oh baby baby shark oh you want a baby shark okay I punch you and I give you a baby shark okay oh oh how much did that hurt six hearts oh am I in the lead you're the first one so yeah yeah okay and here's your baby shulka oh baby Soul well well well it looks like my flower market is already prospering but that is it for this episode of afterlife if you guys enjoyed it please make sure to leave a like don't forget to subscribe and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 2,927,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Id: M2MgoRmtWCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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