Surviving with 1 Heart | Ep. 1 | Minecraft X Life SMP

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I'm pretty sure I just had a baby laughing over here hey guys what's up ldshadowlady here and welcome to a brand new series called ex life this is a modded multiplayer server with some awesome youtubers but there's a twist each player only has ten lives and if you lose all ten of them you will be banned from the server oh and I also have to mention that on your first life you only get one heart on your health bar and the only way to increase that is by dying every time you die you get a new heart so here at spawn we can see all of the players that are taking part in this series as you can see on each podium it displays how many hearts they have and every time you die your podium shrinks a little bit so I've decided I want to stay in the one heart gang for as long as possible and keep my podium nice and tall unlike me in real life oh my gosh look at that little lonely heart down there trembling away so well it's nice and bright outside I think we should head out into the world avoiding death and finding a nice place to build and we have some things that might help me on my journey some stone tools a bed away stone and some steak now I just need to find my way out of here so the first thing that I want to find is definitely gonna be armor whatever there's something up here it's gonna kill me straight away never lined up too scared I'm go back down what if I just live here forever people can deliver things to me this place has everything I need anyway okay be brave be brave okay I'm realizing right now that I could very easily fall down a hole and die especially because I don't have any armor on also if I see something I don't recognize I'm going to run in the opposite direction oh my gosh there's a huge hole right here oh it's it's the spawn I have not left at the spawn area what is happening oh my gosh thought fish it's murdering the other fish I'm never going in the water ever again okay I'm actually trying to find where joel has built because I thought be cute if we lived close to each other oh that's a huge hole I nearly fell down and I most certainly would have died what is that what is that there's something slapping its way towards me oh my gosh is one of those killer fish it's trying to kill me is there no end to the dangers of this world oh my gosh there's Joe's house it looks so safe where is the door let me inside a few smallish beans humble abode yes very humble this huge house for episode 1 okay so we just need to pick a cute spot kind of hereby so I think I'm gonna build across the river here so I can spy on Joel whenever I want and compare his beautiful builds to my peasant builds and speaking of peasant builds it's time for me to build a shelter to live in so yes this is going to be ugly I'm sorry but I don't know how or why Joel has managed to build that as his starter home but this is my starter home tear out my beautiful safe home in which death is not allowed that should keep them out I'm pretty sure I just had a baby laughing over here Oh what oh my gosh oh my gosh beware ah he's everywhere beware baby oh my gosh nobody go near there stay away oh my gosh I'm getting back in my house huh oh no there's a hole okay looks like we built this just in time because the Sun is starting to set so let's spend the first night in the safety of my peasant hood now it's time to get started on this area part of me wants to investigate the baby noises and the other part of me just wants to flatten out this area so I can build one's terrifying ones terraforming so I think I'm gonna select the safest option of the two which would be to terraform today so I'm gonna need a spade so I can dig out all of this dirt throw a stick down until we find some iron Oh what is that hay and ender pearl that's crazy okay now I'm looking for diamonds I just need to find one diamond and then I can terraform to my heart's desire oh my gosh what is that is this dangerous oh it's so beautiful though it's mesmerizing I'm going to break it this might kill me I can't resist ah oh my gosh it's die isn't that fun wait I think depending on when you hit the block that's what color you get so let's try and get a pink color now I missed it huh no I keep getting the ugly colors oh I hate strip mining so much but it's so unsafe to go in a cave this is my only option oh it's that I meant oh my gosh it's diamond yes thank you where nobody's ever cheered me on like that for getting a single diamond now I think it's time to terraform okay I'm now starting to regret my decision why did I decide that this was important I really hope Joel doesn't log in while I'm halfway through this because he'd probably be horrified at what I've done I just hope that I can make it look okay before he gets back okay I'm saying to run I have iron now so I'm just gonna experiment with one of these redstone shovels oh my gosh the redstone shovels great can't believe I wasted my time trying to find diamonds oh no the wandering trader spawned oh my gosh wait if one of those lava spits at me I'll probably die those llamas have the power to kill me right now and they know it two hours later okay it's doing this place is now perfectly flat and ready for me to build and boy do I have big dreams for my builds that will have to happen on another day because I spent too long working on this in fact how long did I spend working on this I'm gonna use my way stone to go back to spawn and if I go over to my statue it should give me a book that tells me my life history and I spent four hours digging holes but at least I still only have one heart so that's pretty impressive now I currently do live in what essentially is a rock and that's fine because it's a safe Rock oh also I almost forgot earlier I totally left a diamond in the cave I thought maybe I'd come back later if I had a fortune enchantment but that was kind of a ridiculous idea here it is yes give it to me okay now I have enough for a diamond pick which means I can get some city and armor so let's make this and a bucket and I'm gonna try and find some surface lava because that's probably the safest way to acquire obsidian when you only have one heart what is that it looks like a cooked pig that is disgusting one eternity later ok I have a wild conspiracy theory for you all that surface lava does not exist anymore because I can't find any oh my gosh this tree is so cool it has leaves falling from it I love it may I take it sir thank you oh cool a spooky log I haven't dropped some saplings okay we got three sunny blossom saplings I am taking these home with me but I'd still like to find some lava flea days later though I'm pretty sure that lava doesn't exist anymore and Hera Brian deleted it okay there's definitely not any lava because if there was I would have fallen in it by now okay so it looks like we're gonna actually have to go underground to find some lava and hopefully I don't die but I guess we'll see oh there's some lava around here oh my gosh it's oh it's right there ah I opened up into a cave I'm just gonna oh it's much less dangerous now yes no death in here now to harvest the obsidian the last piece of obsidian and now I feel Oh still not safe really so let's get out here so the next thing we need to do is to do something about this this is an embarrassment to the ldshadowlady name and apparently all the other players are building some really cute starter homes and it's just unacceptable for me to live in a rock so I went onto a single-player world and I built my dream starter home so now all I had to do is collect this exact number of blocks to recreate it here on the ex-wife server and hopefully I don't die so let's start with these stained planks to craft those we're going to need a lot of wood and some dye so I'm gonna take my axe over to the scary baby woods and collect everything I possibly before the babies get me okay so that is all of the stained wood collected now I just need to make the shingles and this is the difficult part because I need to collect a bunch of clay from underwater and I don't know if I'm more scared of drowning or being eaten by one of those fish and since I only have one heart both would mean instant death okay maybe I'm just being dramatic but I think these pigs want to kill me just let me collect my clay in peace please okay somehow miraculously I've managed to collect all of the clay without dying now I feel like I'll be pretty safe in my house just smelting but to be honest who knows because a modded minecraft anything can happen okay so now we have everything that we need to build this house so I'm gonna build it right here because the Sun rises over there so it should make my house look really nice in the mornings oh my gosh there's a baby here while I'm trying to build I've lost count Oh guys I think I'm gonna have to relocate my house there's a baby here we're building over here instead I refuse to go over there until the mystery if the baby is solved okay this could get a little bit dangerous as I start to build higher up I have an idea we're gonna put water everywhere now even if I do fall I won't die I'm still kind of nervous up here though this is so ridiculous I feel so extra right now but I really want to keep my one-hop forever it's so cute oh my gosh it's too high [Music] whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh luckily it wasn't enough to kill me but that was close and it was all because of this stupid window ledge unfortunately that does mean that my track record of zero damage is ruined so if I look at my stats here it says I've taken a 1 damage which is only half a heart but that was a close one okay it's finally done and look I'm still alive so now all I have to do is get rid of this ugly water which saved my life about seven times now let's clear out the inside so we can get all of our essentials in here what's that noise oh hello can I help you with Maggie you doing here why are there pillages outside my door oh my gosh they didn't see me thank goodness oh they're going into baby territory well rest in peace pillages I tried to warn you but you ignored the sign that is so scary it's like they didn't even see me now I know it's a little bit small in here but this is just my starter base now finally we can destroy this monstrosity I'm gonna miss my rock house it was kind of cute so now we are all moved into my new house kind of basic right now but we'll be working on it over the next few episodes and there's one final thing I want to add to this house before we finish today and that is my sunny blossom saplings I think yellow would look really cute with pink so why don't we place a few of these saplings over here behind the house the leaves are so pretty they look like fried eggs so cute although I think it would look cuter if the tree trunks were made of birch logs instead so let's try and DIY in let's see ah that's actually super cute I think this is looking a pretty good for episode 1 so days where I'm gonna end it for today if you're excited about this series please let me know in the comments below if you head down into the description you'll find the list of other players on the server so make sure you check out their videos too because there are some familiar faces and some new friends and I heard some of them have already left the one Hart gang so I'll see you guys next time when I hopefully still have one heart cuz I'll be hiding in my house [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,554,101
Rating: 4.9754758 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, x life, xlife, x-life
Id: sl7dilKqvFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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