Queen Lizzie | Ep. 1 | Minecraft Empires 1.17

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hey guys what's up ld shadow lady here and welcome to empires a new minecraft series with some of my friends where each of us will be building our very own empire first we all gathered at spawn in the friendship circle and each of us chose a biome and i decided to rule over an ocean biome which may have been a mistake then suddenly everyone sprinted away to claim their lands and start their empires now all i have to do is find my ocean biome well here it is oh wait this is perfect i will tame this little guy this parrot will be my companion and my first loyal subject of my ocean empire i feel a bit like a pirate now all i need is a ship but this boat will do sorry to interrupt but i have an announcement to make i'm very excited to say that i now have my own youtubes figure and i love her so much she's so precious and she's available on june 18th at 3 p.m est for more information go to ldshadowlady.youtubes.com okay now back to the video okay let's find a nice big area of ocean to settle down ah dolphins i love it here already here it is my vast ocean kingdom which is completely empty and devoid of life i think i've made a terrible mistake choosing this biome but oh well this is where i live now now i'm just going to check the area to make sure there are no scary hazards nearby what is that is that an axolotl oh my gosh it's so cute it's golden aw what do i do with it come here no no no no oh no the ocean is a cruel mistress where was i now i need to get back there okay this time i'm staying in the boat here it is the scene of the tragedy and the axolotl has fled the scene now since i'm obviously not a fish person capable of breathing underwater i should probably situate my empire on some land so here the sea is quite shallow and there's even a little 10 block island for me to live on this is perfect wait this is actually so perfect there's grass here we don't have to bring our own grass here this is the most precious thing in my empire so far and it is in fact the only thing in my empire so far so we should probably get building a little something i think to start out it would be really cute to live on a giant lily pad so i'm going to deposit my parrot here and go looking for dirt my first important resource nobody lives in this tiger biome so i don't feel bad stealing from it mate you can't just do that to people he's got dirt but i don't have coin okay well thanks for nothing wait i could get a lead from this guy yeah i think i'll try and do that oh oh no i just want the lead just wanted to lead i'm so sorry oh no okay oh i got his head oh my god i got his head oh gosh that was really horrific i'm so sorry wait a second am i the bad guy ah home sweet home you won't believe the day i've had mr parrot i murdered someone but i got some leads now let's expand this empire because i want to rule more than 10 blocks ta-da okay i know it looks really ugly right now but just you wait for this grass to grow it's gonna look really cute what was that it's the parrot the parrot's doing that that's gross don't scare me like that or i'll have to kill my first loyal subject now let's make this place cute final warning the first thing i'm going to collect is a little bit of clay from joel's mesa biome i'd like to take a specimen from somewhere that he won't notice because i'm not trying to make any enemies in episode one i think this will go undetected and now i want some cacti but oh there's some can i harvest this yes yes i can now i want to go home before i die this biome is making me thirsty get me back in the ocean where i belong now where do i live again so i want to turn this terracotta green and now to really make this lily pad pop i'm gonna add a border now i think we also need some grass here so let's bone meal get rid of the tall boys okay final finishing touch a campfire right in the middle now that is what i call a survival island this has everything i need to survive but it would be nice to have some more resources so i'm going to go looking for some of the basics and now we must visit land for that is where we shall find all the resources in this ravine perhaps now to make this easier for myself i will harness the power of the sea this is kind of something only the queen of the ocean could do there it's kind of like a magic power i have i'm just so in tune with nature is this iron ew what i'm not leaving this cave until i have a full set of iron armor i need some protection for my fragile little body what on earth is going on in there somebody explain oh no i keep beheading things i'm so sorry he looks so cool though i need armor ah that's much better now that i don't feel as weak and pathetic anymore it's time to do some work on my island to make it cuter so i want to find some normal sized lily pads to decorate around here so i just need to find a swamp two hours later a goodie a swamp oh where are all the lily pads am i too late did somebody else take all the lily pads ah thank goodness i'm taking them all ah an entire stack of lily pads and they're all mine and now i just need to place some of these around cute this is gonna look so adorable when we add more islands but first i'm curious to see what this looks like on a map so i just need to make a map now but i haven't yet found any redstone so i'm just gonna shimmy on down into this cave again but this time we're going deeper what is that cobbled deep slate on earth is cobbled deep slate i just came down here for some redstone i wasn't expecting to make any scientific discoveries oh my gosh i was not expecting to find diamonds today but i'll take them yes redstone and it is beautiful that's actually so cute i'll take it all [Music] oh okay i guess i won't take it all thank you very much cave i have all i need and i shall not be greedy today because karma will push me in the lava ta-da okay moment of truth oh god no i can't believe it i was on tv this is fine oh who am i kidding this is not fine i need to fix this there a detailed map of my slightly underwhelming empire i think we need to take things up a notch so i collected more dirt and i built myself another lilly pad island but this lily pad is for my farm so i'm planting all the seeds i have and this is it so to speed things up i thought we could somehow get a b over here to join my empire so first i need to find a b oh i see a b where'd he go where'd he go you there take me to your leader no i found the hive okay let's smoke this out oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh what happened can i not do it right oh no they're angry killer bees oh oh my gosh no i didn't know that they could swim oh i thought i did it right did i not oh my gosh that's what went wrong the next day aha this time i'll do it right like this and now i steal the bees come on boys careful bees they look like tiny balloons oh they look terrified i'm so sorry almost there okay here you go and i'll plant some flowers around for them too because i know that makes them happy and soon this place will be full of crops one eternity later there isn't that just glorious now the final thing i did was clear out my starter island leaving only a campfire on the surface and i moved all my strategic operations underground to keep them a secret from all the other empires i don't want them to know just how advanced i am yet not to brag or anything but check out this composter and i thought it'd be really cute if we made it look like the parrot is sitting on a log at the campfire now please believe me when i tell you what happened next was a complete accident surely this is some kind of bad omen for my empire i'm concerned that i might have angered the gods of the sea already and it's only episode one so to appease the gods i'm gonna build another tiny lily pad island to make a small graveyard so now i just need to put down a little tombstone for my dear deceased parrot i even saved his little head to put on top and his tombstone reads parrot loyal subject number one episode one two episode one so that is where i'm gonna end this episode of empires next time i'm gonna go wild adding lots more lily pad islands so if you have any ideas for what to build on the islands please let me know in the comments don't forget to leave a like and i will see you next time [Music] oh
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,732,233
Rating: 4.9733987 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, empires, smp, 1.17, minecraft empires, empire
Id: t3JD_9tIPog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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