I Built my Wife’s Dream House in Minecraft!

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in today's video I'm going to be building Lizzy's Dream House however she is gonna have no way of knowing what I'm going to build for her she's gonna give me some hints whether she thinks she is or not which I'm probably going to terribly misinterpret so make sure to subscribe and leave a like and that's all so I've built this little area here and on this sign it says your dream house and what we have is a load of questions which we'll go through in a second that Lizzy has to answer and for example the questions are like which of these is your ideal holiday and it's got all these different holidays on it but round the back this links to another question such as what biome and then whichever one Lizzy chooses is the one we build her dream house in so let's invite Lizzy on to take her dream house quiz alright Lizzy so welcome to your dream house before we get to your dream house we have to take a quick quiz to figure out what your dream house is going to be do you have any idea what your dream house would be like it will be like whatever's on the other side of this quiz okay well because it is scientific definitely scientists it is scientific so we have some questions here for you to answer you can read out the question and answer them for me you describe yourself as extra true or false this is a trick question no choose whichever one you want true okay interesting interesting because behind the scenes that is modded so I found a mod pack called more decorations which looks like it has loads of different things to decorate with perfect for a dream house next question which of these is your ideal holiday oh stay at home doing nothing Safari lying on a beach exploring nature ghost tour camping hiking skiing Cruise which one Lizzy exploring nature interesting yes you didn't expect that one I did not well you probably should because we've been married for a few years now and the question behind the scenes what biome and Lizzy's gone for flowerfield so let's find ourselves a flower Forest wait are we actually in one right why am I doing that that's dumb we are literally in a flower Forest I guess that's that problem solved next question okay pick two Foods oh geez what okay Burger chips peas Pizza Ramen fruit corn on the cob I'm gonna pick Ramen because I love that okay and I know you're expecting me to pick chips but I will not I will pick Pizza okay very interesting and this equates to our base block which is two blocks of bricks and concrete now luckily modded there's quite a lot of different types of bricks to choose from as you can see here same with concrete look at this some of them being concrete bricks almost it works out perfectly but I'm dreading the next question what is your favorite drink of all time ooh water orange apple juice Coca-Cola Dr Pepper Sprite Fanta or coffee oh this is a tricky one oh okay all time yes hmm I have to include the time I was a child and I really liked apple juice and I still do so taking all that into account I'm going to pick Coca-Cola and that gives us our accent block which is dirt if you can't tell this is random I'm regretting this once again luckily she chose modded so Dirt has some actually quite interesting textures and not just well dirt all right and your favorite animal is it a cat a dog or other oh I love others okay interesting and here she chose the roof block which is a block not stairs not slabs no a block I'm not sure what kind of block is gonna complement this palette for the roof but maybe we'll experiment later what about your favorite spot uh heck pulls a spot what sport game then I guess what a weird selection but just just answer the question Lizzy none of that none of them what that canoeing I've never been in a canoe okay well you might watch it for fun half of these I've never bloody done formula one because that's probably the one I watched the most even though I've never done any of these things okay fair enough this gives us our plot size and she's chosen that I get to choose lovely but we're gonna wait for the next few questions before we decide how big this house is gonna be if you went to a shop and they only sold four items but you have to get one which one would you get it wrong I know shut up uh would you get a chair a banana a grand five o'clock or free live mice what if you went to a shop and they only sold four items but you had to get one can I get all four yeah you can only get one okay well you know I would obviously what the heck what a weird selection okay um do I have other items at home or is this just pick an item it's not that deep you just just pick one I'm gonna go for the grandfather clock okay and this gives us the amount of flaws this house must have and it's gotta have four four flaws good four flaws is quite a lot this is going to be a big house luckily we've got plenty of dirt to accent it with how many pets is a good amount of pets one two three or four plus four plus how many bedrooms and she went for four plus bloody neck but it shouldn't matter with our four-story house which we can now start building four bedrooms four floors dirt accent so I like this little section where you have here with this sort of like Ravine water bit coming in however there was a bit too many trees for my liking so I removed a lot of them and also filled in some water on the Ravine and then got plotting out the house itself and as you can see we've got loads of different shapes and sizes in here just because it has four floor doesn't mean it can't be weird and believe it or not this is actually Four floors we've got the first floor here the second floor third floor and then the fourth floor which will be in these two towers which we can actually make a bit bigger if we wanted we got a basic structure let's add in some walls and for the walls we're going to be using those bricks and Concrete Plus the dirt for the accent to do some basic gradients on this build at the moment obviously we got a lot of details still to add this pink has turned out so nice this gradient and these blocks that we get to use are beautiful I'm loving it so without the dirt uh but to be honest it doesn't not go it just wouldn't be my first choice anyway let's add some roofs on using only blocks which turned out to be quite tricky as I found it looking very ugly multiple times you'll see at the top here I tried quite a few different things before setting on this which is okay it's just not great but it's still just plain walls and roofs like there's no detail on this yet really whatsoever so we're gonna add some Windows Doors Etc try and bring this thing to life fully before we even start thinking about the inside and oh my gosh thank goodness for these mods because this has helped me out so much in decorating this thing look at all the crazy blocks and window decorations we have here and this is only the outside sometimes I like building in vanilla but decorating sometimes is so fun and modded I mean just look at this all the little details really come together so so well I'm gonna have to clear some of these trees here to get a better view look at that oh it looks good oh I love it so much these little roof things look amazing in my opinion we've got this little Terrace up here where we've got two entrances one here and one here got this statue some pots we've got this little bench you can sit on how cute and also this sort of bridge thing going across here which I kind of added a few different things together to make this but the interior is definitely lacking at the moment as you can see but before we get building it we're gonna ask Lizzy another question because there's something we need for the interior okay you walk into a bar you order a drink you say ow you start watching sports you eat food or you rob the place well realistically I'm gonna order a drink okay and this equated to what funky room should we add on and she chose the Brewing room quick shade a break because I don't want to get working on the interior fine I'll do it let's start by just getting a basic layout down with rooms let's shut the door and use some movie Magic it opens and wow it's super dark but you can kind of see we've added in some flaws and some stairs here and there's space for rooms everywhere which we will get working on shortly but we have a way to access every single floor every single layer now meaning everything is all good let's get adding some rooms let's have a kitchen which I think this room here would be perfect for now I'm gonna have to show Lizzy around this house anyway so I'll give you a little sneak peek of the kitchen but for the rest of the rooms we're gonna decorate them and we'll go on a tour with Lizzy in a little bit so there's one last question to ask her is your favorite YouTuber smallishbeans yes well what what about myself I'll answer yesterday no it's you it's you oh thank you and I chose this question because I hate making very neat Gardens and the question was type of garden but luckily she likes me so Forest types actually overgrown let's go so let's give this thing an overgrown Garden she will also see when Lizzy sees all right are you ready to see your dream house yes yes yes Joey in you go is this a trap hang on a second no no I'll teleport you I'll teleport you right movie Magic whoa say whoa whoa whoa whoa indeed Lizzy welcome to your dream house wow it's wow it's it's colorful but you mean it's colorful it's pink surely you like that because you love the color pink right just this is pretty big this is huge yeah well you chose a four-story house with your quiz so that's why I did not yes you did I did no such thing I chose Coca-Cola I chose yeah do you know what Coca-Cola is this block right here this dirt block oh wow that's dirt wow know that luckily you chose modded as well with your quiz if you'd like to come inside we have your entrance area with a lovely kitchen wow did you do this this is amazing you're the best artist I've ever seen in my life I didn't do that that was oh in the morning okay well the rest is nice too but not as nice as the painting the painting really stole the show oh okay well we have your kitchen here which as you can see is a kitchen and then we also have do you not like Mangrove you don't hear your voice broke do you do you not like Mangrove I used a lot about Grover in this build I can't believe you didn't know this about me oh okay well if you'd like to come into your office just ignore the door it's uh not Mangrove oh dear uh but these are exclusive cute what is this it's a lantern yes I can see that how did you make it Pink there's lots of pink lanterns in this mud pack and look a deer behind it a painting and here's a cockroach wow that's a turkey turkey that's what I meant is it there's some fun paintings you got in your dream house yeah I love these paintings I do love that you know me and there's one here as well ah and then this one here as well my favorite art this is your crafting area look at this part so cool thank you um and then this here is your little crafting area and stuff where you do your furnaces and stuff you might like the dirt touches what about this do you like this a lava lamp oh a literal lava lamp yes I enjoy it anyway let's go upstairs you chose four bedrooms with your quiz by the way in case you're wondering ah what did I actually choose though can't remember it's been too long anyway here you go this is one of the first bedrooms which is quite nice got a double bed and stuff a little plushies oh this person someone like three yeah they love reading because this mod pack has lots of cool stuff but not many decoration blocks this bed's cute though I really like the shape of that yeah it's cool isn't it and we got another bedroom through here this one is adorable [Music] how many eggs do bees have it looks like it has too many legs no six actually I don't know maybe they do have that seems right Six Flags and look you're puffer fish trophy wow this I always wanted a fish trophy in Minecraft and this is it there you go there you go and look axolotls this is cute I love this vars too I'm living for this where'd you get these how do I get them oh well to be fair Minecraft 1.20 we're getting custom vases so you'll get a lot of that though no okay but either way your funky room you chose was the Alchemy room which there's nothing to decorate yeah the mud pack wasn't very good for decorating now creamy room so lots of Vibes you know what we need potion shelves that's what we need we do badly what's this test tube oh don't know it's like some sort of dye yellow dye kit I think you can dye stuff with it you trying to make me die no okay good I'm Gonna Make You yellow uh yeah so we've got a little area here three area little area like this little Bush this little rose bush is cute it is it's nice isn't it and then this is your third floor where you've got a turtle oh yeah my turtle of course I actually really like these pink blocks I think that it looks really cute with the pepper it does doesn't it the purpose of custom texture as well but the pink the gradient yeah I was really happy with the gradient oh yeah statue of course and my rainbow flowers do you want to sit on the bench yeah look just have a nice little look we can look out as well this is quite I like the different layers it's very intricate yeah well you're very interesting intricate person it matches you I am yeah I am speaking of which this is your Pottery room with a creeper statue yes of course wow I I love this and I also forgot that you need another bedroom so here's one here it's very basic this is a last minute one this is for this you really made this as basic as possible you even made the bed white yeah that's what they deserve that's our least favorite child will go there oh this is her oh oh you're gonna live here with me you don't have to but you do have a double bed which is why I know but it's oh it's cool is this my actually the whale yeah this is your room at the top with your Axolotl in your parrot and another lava lamp because the numbers you love lava lamps that's for you isn't it yeah I love level UPS this is cool I really like the bushy quartz ceiling that's very special it's because you're bougie and you got a nice little bridge out here as well to look out over there yeah I always wanted to cross the bridge on my way to my bed every time you go to bed what you want is a journey that's what I've had yeah I definitely want to walk up to the very tippy top of the house to the highest tower to go to sleep every night so there you go Lizzy there's your dream house is it everything you dreamed it would be uh well I actually dreamed about Coca-Cola and uh what what else was on the quiz I forgot to add any Pets Plus for our pets wait were you supposed to add pets no there seem to be a lot of inanimate pets around like the dead Bumblebee the dead Axolotl the dead Turtle yeah you love them I I do I'd love it more if they were alive well it's real cute I like this stained glass window too yeah you know I love the stained glass window well there you go you did a quiz you got a house feel free to move in I'm gonna leave now got more dream houses to build uh thank you goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,172,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game
Id: vNBHdKbph3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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