A True 100% Speedrun of Lego Star Wars

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today we're 100% speedrunning Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga and we'll start our speedrun as soon as we click on new game where we'll load into this main Hub area and of course I got my friend purple hair guy with me are you ready for this purple hair guy no I'm not I'm really not yeah this is a very long speedrun it's probably going to take us around 13 hours obviously edited down for YouTube but there is so much stuff I'm not even going to list off all the stuff but I'll put on screen right now yeah it's a lot but of course we just got to start out with the regular cutcenes you'll love to see them is there more gameplay or cut scenes in this game you know in the 100% speedrun I think it's more gaml at that point but after we get done with that unskippable stuff we load in and we're just going to start playing there's a couple mini kits we want to get beforehand and a few more that we're going to wait until it's time for free play but yeah we'll kill these guys and then we'll go ahead force all of these which is going to spawn our first mini kit and in each level there are going to be 10 that we have to get so yeah we'll just start out now get more did you die already for BL guy I I'm just kidding you die a lot in this game it just happens but we will get this one as well as soon as we also get robot hey I wanted robot why'd you take it for I'm a robot man I'm robot man all right here I'm going to push you look at this time save the robot push you still have to you have to build it yeah I know but you had to get pushed as well all right beautiful stuff I forc this thing away we have played this game so many times at this point we know where everything is and we might as well go for this take that guy which is going to be three and that's all the mini kits we'll get for the first level before now we can start up this cut scene we get the rolly boys oh I didn't get the power pellet it's okay it's okay we don't need power pellet it's power petless I think we might just protect me just protect me yeah I got you I got you oh I even need your protection I'm insane at this video game you're actually nuts so we do also have to open this up and then we have to get our robot to actually come all the way over here so we're going straight over to the corner we'll go there and now we got to look for robot where are you dude he's on the right usually I don't know if we gave him time there he is I got him thank oh that was a beautiful Force push good job now get in there I got it oh that was a good first level I'm not going to lie one out of what 140 levels to play well it's not 140 levels it's 160 golden bricks we got to get oh it's a lot of stuff we got to do now it tells us all the stuff this is the only one of these cut scenes we actually have to stick through because it's the first part in the game you know what it's trying to do and that's our first gold brick out of a 60 wow I'm so proud but now we're actually going to go back to The Cantina now in here oh you're going to have to be the one that goes fast for Bo guy I'm a slow robot what are you doing I I ran past it where are we going okay go to four 41 you have the notes yeah yeah they're behind one of my other things on my screen so I can't look at why' you put them behind something it's fine and I don't want to Tab out in the middle of like the game play yeah that's fair this is super serious stuff and you never know what'll go wrong playing this game so but we're going over to four because there are specific red bricks we want to get early on so we're going for those red bricks first so we can have them for the rest of the game and just look at this beautiful cut scene it looked a little bit better when we were kids I think but you know it still holds up no no it doesn't what are you talking about look at it go yeah so we have the CD we got to go take it put it in a robot's mouth and in this one we're not going to get any mini kits we're just going straight forward I don't know who you are why you even over by me and why' you shoot me I'm wedge and tiles man come on you have two names that's kind of Weir no that's my first and last name oh but why' you say and then that doesn't really make any wed punch these guys purple hair guy we got to punch that joke was so good actually I'm like really happy you said that yeah one of our very few not play jokes oh I'm just kidding we're not smart enough to plan jokes I literally if we plan jokes I wouldn't be able to remember remember them at the end of the speed run you aren't wrong okay are we going to be able to make this jumpy hardest jump in the game oh that was beautiful woo and then we got this we'll just go ahead push down a couple of these guys which is going to get us some bombs hit the bombs it's really difficult yeah it's hard to aim because we have it tries to like auto aim us I got there we go silly Darth Vader what are you doing coughing up a storm get out of here man and you just disappeared did you see that that was crazy all right so now we're going straight through here we got all these dudes they're very easy to take out we just got to shoot him once and I also will take that heart but this is going to be one of the hardest levels to remember everything once we get on to actually doing free play all right you get that one I'll get this one yeah we have some bad memories of this level oh this level is so hard but don't worry I've written down so many notes and we have gone through this game so many times at this point the whole thing the whole whole entire game all right get over here robot I got something to put in your mouth hey eat this eat it robot you're eating it and then we kind of just stuff it in his mouth kind of rude not going to lie but I guess Darth Vader does come by so you got to do what you got to do it is r two here right or did I yeah you know you're a genius you know we have this embedded in our brains at this point and are you ready for the hardest trick yep all right so remember do you want me to just walk off over and over again uh no no you time yours to when I go down oh almost there little bit just keep spamming it keep spamming it nice it said you died there did you see you lost all your pellets that was weird but instead of helping this man we're just going to completely skip him because I don't like him personally wow there we go I mean that's what he gets maybe he should get better now should we save these people I don't know I'm going to kill him oh I couldn't I tried punch him punching is honestly better than shooting in this game it yeah it's like insane how strong punches are okay I can't see anything that's fine get out of here I they just go so fast and we do have to actually make this bridge because we have robots that are lazy I don't think they're lazy I think they just can't jump they're lazy okay true true it is what it is okay I'm going to get where are you are too there you are bud so I do the first two buttons and then after those you switch to the other guy so you go ahead in here press this guy the last one's R2 as well yeah and then I do R2 again what are you guys doing in here come on yeah what what it doesn't even make sense why couldn't they have pushed that thing first what are you doing punching me you jerk sorry I'm sorry I just really wanted to throw some hands you know you like punching a lot of people what is your problem where are you I'm on c3p all right you get R2 get R2 yeah yeah yeah go go go go go this is a really weird part of the game where we just have to press all these buttons I never really thought about that but there we go another level done and now these two robots Unfortunately they have a lover squirrel and they also get hijacked like poor guy I mean that's what you get for not carrying a gun with you and they both got caught like idiots now we are going to continue this story and now it's time to rescue these robots they are lazy but we're like hey fine gentlemen I would like to buy these nice robots and they're like okay I guess so we go back to our Igloo that's only like 2 cm away from their Hideout but then they come and steal them what jerks we just bought them from you it's called business it is called business but now we got to be on the hunt I guess they could sell them again so there is that and we almost get destroyed but thankfully some old man comes up and they're like wow he's way too old to deal with so we're going to leave away but his name is Ben just like me yeah but that's a fake name that he made up hey let me be Ben thank you I appreciate that you know it's his real name in my imagination that's your head Cannon yeah he was named after me actually wow even though I think this came out before I was borned this movie came out like 20 years before you were bored yeah okay so now it's time for one of the hardest tricks in the game and I say that there are a lot of hardest tricks in the game pretty much this whole game is just hard but I'm going to get this power up I'm going to go ahead and build that that's basically going to make sure that they can't damage me and yeah see you later purple a guy try to wait see you man sometimes the game doesn't let you drop out the first time so you have to do it a second time we don't really know why but now I'm going to jump on this thing jump over here and this is a really hard trick where we have to go behind these rocks and nope I don't think I oh did I get it there okay this is not the camera angle I want but the camera angle I got that's fine that's fine you know you're not always going to get a first try but there we go that is a much better camera angle see and then I'll jump up oh it gave me something bad again okay there we go got it now we're going to walk over here wait till I drop down and then jump again and then we ni okay I should be about here and now we have to get this red brick perfectly beautiful first try there that's exactly oh my God that was such a crazy first try and then I fell off oops oh no can you make it back now yeah it's crazy how every single time we get these first try per war guy I know I'm I'm not even going to join in here have fun what you're going to make me do all this work alone yeah I am I do have to make this jump go Ben good job I appreciate you man now for this one along with the red brick we also have to get three mini kits so remember to do that and now I have to very slowly ride this guy but yeah you like me and my boy just kind of chilling yeah chilling excuse me things in my way and thankfully these guys just don't care they're like wow this guy looks like a totally normal person in our gang and then I will come up here and just jump through there H what excuse me I think I I know I messed up and jump through there boom easy all right let's go we have to destroy the right ones the right ones the right ones all right that's those which is going to open up the door what oh and one left one there's a lot to remember in this game H what I think you might have missed one in the back here oh I'm a you get these I think this gives a any let's go let's go okay so we're going to push some things don't worry about all these robots just chilling out having a good time go go go great pushing purple hair guy this is why you're the pushing guy I'm the pushing guy pray wow that was amazing man I'm really proud of you and now I'm going to kill these robots someone had too did they help us out in any way if they helped us out I wouldn't have murdered them violently that that is fair actually yeah you know you got to think about it that way okay kill these guys first cuz they're annoying I'm just going to make sure we can get him out okay well I guess that's fair get the robot he's disabled there we go robot wake up what are you doing dude you got to hit no hit me kill me kill me kill me what oh that's you I thought I was what are you do kill me purple hair guy I hate you never mind never mind I actually despise you purple hair guy there's going to be a lot of despising going on in this video it's a long Speed Run I feel like we're no longer going to talk after this video this is all jokes by the way for people thinking sometimes we get comments like hey you need to stop bullying your friends and it's just kind of how we act to each other purple hair guy is also just a jerk okay all right kill all the people before you drop out yeah yeah yeah protect me okay you can go up and get that mini kit while I do this you got it boss sweet uh I'm going to kill this last dude and jump out I don't know if that was the last one though it was in my mind okay so this is first try I kind of spit there we go got it right there now we run there kind of messed up but that's okay because we should die and be back up here and then I can go ahead and make this jump It's A Beautiful jump dude you only perform in clutch situations this is amazing yeah it's somehow always a first try it's like some people think it couldn't be possible it just is all right now we're going to come over here I got to get this mini kit which I can just jump up to it's kind of funny I'm pretty sure you're supposed to like jump from other things to actually do this but stop shooting me guys I'm just hanging out what am I doing to you yeah I'm going to let them kill me there that was definitely on purpose that way I didn't die over here oh yes yes of course basically you just want to stay on the edge and if you do that you're it's going to perfectly not get you in the quicksand and you're just good to go hey guys how you doing you you going to worry about me at all nah they they know I would murder them if they tried okay so you get on the front we going in over no no you you have to get on the front cuz I can't make that jump I guess that's fair but I just wanted to drive I think why do you always get to drive man also we're leaving our robots behind we do not care about them come on there we go this camera angle is so weird let me back on no okay all right that was my bad I I I thought I could be sneaky with it all right let's go we what a fun part of the game okay you think we can do this trick obviously all right you are a gamer should we kill these guys oh my gosh oh what I'm going to kill these guys real quick okay yeah we should they should die they should die they don't deserve their lives I think I hit you what are you doing sorry I think I'm hitting you so hard with a car that you uh yeah you're just supposed to turn into me dude no just with your front I know your back the car is like awful to drive right side there we go okay that's what we like to see jeez the wall glitch Parts always the most stressful yeah those ones are hard and now we get some sort of hologram I have no idea what they're talking about and I also don't care but for some reason this old man does and he's like hey here you go have a mug or a gun or another gun or a lightsaber so now we have become the boy and also we killed a robot unlucky but that is all we need from world four for right now so we're going to go over to three now for this first one we are going to get everything plus money plus red bricks so we just got to be Gamers so basically for this game a a lot of the times you have to go back in free play to actually get all the bricks but for these ship levels you almost never have to for some of them you do but as long as we're playing this well we shouldn't need to we just got to make sure we get all them playing this well yeah we're Gamers man we always play well what are you talking about there's one go go I don't know if you can play poorly on this level it's just so easy it is kind of an auto scroller to be fair but there is a possibility you miss some of these things if you're not careful uh don't forget we you said we get red brick right I'm yeah we get red brick we get everything oh no we can't open it ah it doesn't give us tons of time to do it that was so difficult it's also a little annoying because so many of these bricks look like they're the red brick but they're just a red brick they're not the red brick yeah there's a specific red brick yeah only one of them actually matters this really is the level that probably one of my favorites as a kid but after we've played this probably at least like 10 to 20 times you know not as much but I still enjoy it you still get to Vibe I think I like this level because I just hold down the x button on my controller and that's literally it that's all I do I've gotten so lazy in my adult years oh that one was a close one remember also do not run into ships otherwise it will spawn Us in the past you think they made a bunch of levels like this and we're like wait this this sucks I don't want to make someone do this I don't think it sucks this was a fun level man it sucks when you play it over and over again actually like the first time it's like wao spaceship yeah no it's really sick the first time we do have to make sure we're getting some money I think we should be fine because we do need true Jedi true Jedi is also needed for 100% everything is needed everything you can do in this game uh red brick I think it's around this corner yeah it is coming up it's on the left I believe there it is go and get it beautiful red pick up the most action packed thing of my life I'm not chill like that I'm freaking out man why you freaking out we're literally flying in a straight line you know man I'm just uh all these lasers going past me it's scary yeah if you were actually doing this I would it would be terrifying like there's no way we're surviving this with all these gunshots going through but hey 10 out of 10 and we got our true Jedi now we just got to calmly land at the end woo look at me I'm spinning we I'm spinning by the way this is going to be a long video what's snacks eating uh what snacks am I eating nothing I got up out of my bed and I was talking to the audience oh you're eating some day old pasta that sounds good sorry I've been watching a lot of dashy games lately and he always asks what snacks are eating I I didn't do it as cool as he does so you don't want to know what snacks I'm eating I do okay I do want to know what snacks you're eating purple a guy after we focus up oh snap these guys look terrifying man how are we going to beat them okay so we go through there we killed those dudes come on guy sorry I love murder I know you love murder but you can do your murder later on your own time this is our time oh did you see those jumps I did die at the end you don't have to drop out I don't think I as well it's also because we're doing Steam remote play purple hair guy is very laggy please don't wake up man he's just kind of sitting there CH I know I I was so worried he was going to get up he's following me help okay that was scary that was super scary man yeah we might as well kill these guys cuz otherwise they will be nuisances boom get all these guys we can just force them into each other it really is a mean thing to do to force you into your friends we're not just killing you we're killing all your friends as well but that will give us robots on you see how I said robots on aren't I cool in anime that was so Kawaii bro now I will force this guy put him right there we explod K I feel like you said Kaboom a little early there man little embarrassing but I'm not going to talk about it besides it being really embarrassing honestly most embarrassing thing I've ever seen in my life all right a little hurtful but that's okay it's okay man wait we need robot come robot all right you keep killing the other robot die die die get in that door get in that door stop killing me what I I had to pretend to kill you you got to get rid of your rages man all right I'm on your team all right let's go ha this boss is very easy you just have to keep smacking him more like count dooo wow that how did you come up with that one man that was crazy I you know I just it just came to me in a dream or something oh power brick give me that kill him quick die imagine not having a power brick by the way couldn't be me personally yeah I'd be a little embarrassed you you don't have a power brick I was making fun of you directly man but there we go beautiful and we take off his hand go for the double kill it doesn't even show it on camera because I don't think that's kid-friendly well let's leave this guy I don't really care about him but we do want to take this guy over here bop bop that's going to be one and then we have to make this run go go go if any of our guys die even the AI he's body blocking me dude get out of the way man he's triying to kill us R2 hurry up oh no oh no we have to make it through the door we have to make it through the door before R2 dies oh that was so close dude easy man dude R2 is trying to murder us there what a dumb part of the level oh I wait I got a br2 here yeah you get to robot I got to do some super cool jumps can you think I can do it first try all the time wait you're literally so good at this game that was sick two why do I what the heck why did I even care you didn't even need to do it we're also going to take this how did you get passed out you did that how did I do that you did this no don't kill me just go just go no oh you wanted my money you wanted now look who's rich now okay so we go through there and we are going to get the mini kits here cuz I feel like it's not worth it not to now this guy's like hey go attack him and we're like hey dude why we're just trying to hang out and then he runs away like a jerk how did he get away so fast he's insane he's a robot yeah I guess that is fair what why don't be R2 all right let's take care of these guys first actually I wonder if I was R2 if I could disable these guys oh you have a power brick so you're like way stronger yeah no I'm murdering them violently but okay now we might as well get these there's one over here and there's also one on the other side exact same spot it's crazy why Wow awesome amazing best part of the game and now we just got to force these easy beautiful I love how it's just on both sides there must have been so many people confused about that cuz they were like if it's on this side there can't be one on the other side but there was now it's time for a boss fight is this our first boss fight no it's not well technically we just had a boss fight I don't really know if I'd call it a boss fight cuz this is a whole boss fight level yeah this is I think this is like the only boss fight only level this in the fader or yeah oh yeah we're we're going to go up right away remember go up right away and you just want to make this jump it's going to be the hardest jump of your life for Bo guy can you do it oh God go go go let's go nice okay so what we're going to do is we're going to get him to come over I'm going to jump back and now purple hair guy starts shooting him he can get a couple hits in I'm going to do this again he's going to come back I Fly Away boom another hit and this is just the fastest way to do this level especially if you do it correctly we want purple hair guy to get a couple hits in it is kind of hard o that was a nice twofer yeah I think two is the max I can do no you can get three we've got some three before Oh that's one this is such a funny boss fight to do this way cuz normally he's supposed to be flying three four I got what no I literally did all of them I got I think I killed them too quick oh no now I'm stuck that's kind of you might be too good at the game well that's sad whatever it is what it is that's so sad he didn't keep all his damage though yeah what the heck I literally hit him like four times at the end there well I mean we might as well get the mini bricks then that is so sad hey it's how the cookie crumbles we've got a whole 14 hours to make up that time so yeah no there's a lot of time saves we can make this doesn't really matter that much you could do the jump here you don't have to have that one I know but it just feels easier if I can hit it there we go well done did you see he jumped and then he got hit after the explosion was already done all right now we'll go hit him a couple more you can see why this is slower but you know it is what it is sometimes the game doesn't always work how you'd like it to yeah that's actually like so sad right at the end there I think I might have shot him too many times and then you jumped back and he was like yeah you were just too good at the game all right I'm going to go hit him with that we get that guy excuse me sir I'm trying to jump here oh you have to slam you have to slam there we go that's what I like to see and there's one down here that we might as well get thank you and now we jump back we I knew you were going to die there it's so hard no purple air guy no me I'm not dead I'm okay well we killed this guy at least that's all that matters and I stole your gun it's mine now Finders Keepers but yeah even though that was kind of a mistake there we still can get world record here now we're going back to the 3-1 challenge which we just have to get oh Pick Your Right car man come on what are you doing sorry menuing is legitimately so difficult on this yeah for some reason menuing is just dumb also the first blue brick you get in the challenge it just automatically gives it to us they couldn't figure out an other place so we just start with one which is really funny but along with having to get all the regular bricks you also have to get the challenge Bricks now in the challenges you can't use any of your extras and it's also in the whole different places so it's a lot harder of an area but you also get get to choose who you're playing as so there are going to be some really cool tricks once we get more into this game but for now we just have another one of these levels okay so here we'll get this one that's three they're kind of just floating there I mean to be fair it would be hard to put good blue bricks in this level cuz it's just this level yeah but unfortunately you can't shoot them you actually have to run into them which is a little bit harder cuz you do have kind of have auto aim in this game so shooting is usually easier but all right that's going to be five I like to see it there's also this 20-minute timer obviously since we're speedr running that's never going to be a problem but I think it would be a problem for a lot of these levels if you didn't know where all the blue bricks were not this level yeah not this level well I mean if you miss one of these blue bricks then you're just like crying I think you have to restart if you miss one yeah you have to restart it doesn't say like oh yeah you missed this one it just says tough luck bud but that will be number seven we're kind of just chilling I mean there's not too much commentary we can do during this level don't worry other challenge levels will be a lot cooler it's just we're ships you know what else can you say this is awesome yeah this is kind of cool blue brick placement right before the fire it's looking beautiful stop pushing me into the wall you were trying to kill me dude what I wouldn't do that that would be that is definitely a lie that' be sick purple hair guy if you were trying to kill me why is your name purple Ben murderer guy anyways oh I thought you weren't going to hit that one man who do you think I am some sort of chump I mean no you're such a cool friend that I'm happy to have all right now you're just lying to me what the heck that wasn't a lie but the last one should come up thankfully we don't have to finish the levels when we're doing the blue bricks we only have to hit them yeah so come on come on come on beautiful and that's 10 and I won I think or did you win I don't know I'm telling us one of us wins the person who gets more blue bricks and I think it was you this time that's so sad I don't know if it's who gets more blue bricks I think it's entirely random maybe maybe but now it's time to go shopping don't you love shopping man okay so first of all we got to go to characters and I go get the droa I go and get boba boy we don't get boba boy yet but we get Count Dooku and we get General Grievous and then we also want to go ahead and get fast Force beautiful so fast force is going to be our first extra we'll put on and it just makes our Force faster it's pretty cool so we will take that and then we're going into 21 now 21 this is a level which we have messed up a lot about with all the mini kits you have to get but hopefully we'll be fine there's like a hundred different things you have to do on this level yeah this is a huge level for all the mini kits you have to do but we're only going to get seven or eight if we can for this one either one works all right it's six green things at the first part four at the second right or third I guess are you reading my notes that I made or are you just remembering that that's that's so sad I made those notes for us I know but the only reason I know is because we like like practiced this 100 times and then wrote the notes about it so I guess that is fair yeah this level we have put a lot of work into also we're not going to talk about that weird worm thing that was on her but whatever all right there's one right at the beginning somewhere I I remember it's that's blue I thought you might be right um no there is something over here I think it's one of these where are you bud you just have to shoot a bunch of things and that's what we're trying to do so we're just looking through the whole level so we don't miss anything okay there's another are we missing one of the green ones we'll have to see by the end of the level won't we this game is cruel it is a cruel game because we might be sh all right that's one all right we need six of those green things in this part of the level it's so hard to see things with this camera as well it's actually the worst all right we have to go left go left oh yeah that's that's right all right that's three um is there anything back here really quick I think it was just the turret I thought there's a green and a turret back here yeah four so by the uh by the blimp area there's another turret I think we have to go back yeah yeah we're going to have to go back there's five okay there's a mini kit for the turrets yeah we got to get the other what what I got it I got it no that wasn't but yeah we have to get that one I never know exactly where that one comes from I'm going to be honest it's on a banner on like a ship uh oh there it was I was right it was at the beginning I hate life this game is painful everything all right let's go let's go just go straight forward okay a little bit slower than it needed to be but that's fine still world record phas probably maybe I don't know world record phas well world record for the co-op world record they did also make a lot of mistakes so we're good with that it's a hard game to remember everything you have to do especially just so much yeah there's actually just way too much going on so we got to hit these lights come over here I'm blowing up some of the things already all right how' you already get purple things you're crazy uh there's like some carrier ship at the start remember you got to shoot all the there we go we got that guy we pick him up what is there he is okay thank you Gabe now get a couple of these I'll go to the left oh nice I got those right away Meanwhile your bombs are taking forever the bombs are very bad in this game they go all over the place for some reason instead of just straightforward also for some reason that person just waited for us I don't really know why but that is going to be our next green light and now we have to hit all these help me yeah I'm shooting a turret there we go keep your bomb as well because we're going to have to use it right here I got it man I got it all right there's going to be our red brck hopefully that actually hits it yeah okay I thought it wasn't going to work for a second you never know there's no way to really truly know what's going on now there's going to be one right here with these signs we have to turn these signs green we're destroying traffic and all that you know just normal stuff and that's two right there now we get this green one 10 that's going to be three get him get him get him get him get him it's so difficult to do this sometimes and now we're just going straight forward through here where we can take care of this turret first and then we can take care of this other turret okay all right that was kind of scary to think that the uh like any% speedrun was long this is so much more it's so much more fun what are you talking about don't you love hanging out with the boys I do like it more than the any% all right so for these guys we got to get these lights hit the button please hit them there they are you got to hit the lights before you can get bombs come on there you go and and yep I'm just chill like that oh you're kind of crazy at this video game dude how do you do it years of practice okay we definitely haven't put years of practice but we have put about 6 months of practice into this game I think all right boom boom boom boom boom get him best fight in the game yeah wait did we not get the mini kit at the end there uh no we did we got seven okay okay I did not see you must have gotten it oh shoot I don't think we did actually no I think we did maybe no we didn't no we'll come back and get it later so we have to remember that's one of the ones we have to get later okay so now we're at this level and we're going to help this guy he's such a nice guy he's not really that nice of a guy aren't they like evil or something they are evil yeah well depends what side you're on that's fair you know who really makes history it's the winners the winners and that's why we're going to win wh why is it always the good guys that win that's the real question I'm like hey dude how you doing you ever see this thing and he's like wow I don't really like you and then he's like I guess you can go over there look at him run why is he running away from us I just want him to be my friend but he just keeps running why does he always run purple guy I'm going right you go left get these lights perfect that's what we like to see get out of the way get out of the way get out of the way I need you out of the way so I can force this okay not that far out of the way assuming it works and look at all these babies these are children by the way I know they just look like studs but you know that's just uh that's Lego Star Wars for you now we do want to force these lights this is the one mini kit we get here before free play because I might as well do do this while you're just slowly moving yeah boom get those that's our mini kit thank you beep beep beep God I love role playing yeah dude that was sick man how do you do it so well uh beep beep beep beep okay that didn't really explain how you do it so well that was more just you continuing your beeping but I guess it works all right man let's go we got to kill these guys yeah I got it I'm do I'm help you're doing a great job man I'm really proud of you good job great stuff oh boom boom look at am I reflecting if only it would hit yeah if only why are they not hitting just hold yeah just hold it down no you have to time it oh you can't just hold it but there we go we'll keep following our boy now we go straight over into here and he starts placing bombs why are you doing this but then he gets in front of the bomb that he just placed that was kind of weird kind of weird secrets of events why did I die what the heck my pet robot keeps dying you can jump over it I'm just not taking the chance it waste too much time if you you mess it up oh no I thought it was going to fall to my death oh why me purple hair guy please it's okay we have to wait here anyways for him to go through so it doesn't really matter but come on butson there we go go robot all right you got to let me through bud come on I thought you were going to betray me and leave me behind I thought you were going to join his team I'm not going to lie but see oh I thought I could leave on the elevator without you it's going to look so cool it gives me way too much time sadly all right so I get the power brick here so they can't me and they don't really go after him so they're just going to shoot me and it's going to reflect back on themselves which is hilarious that's what they get for trying to murder me also why was he just waiting right by the door that made no sense he was just chilling there how else were we going to catch him if he wasn't waiting I guess that is fair enough but it's time for an amazing boss fight purple hair guy I know this is going to be a hard boss fight for you but I believe in you I just got to hit the uh press one button and move trick so we got Boba boy up there and he's just piloting his ship meanwhile I got to take care of his dad so all I'm doing is kind of just waiting for him to get back up and then hitting him again you can't do it too soon but then he's going to do this which he's going to start shooting and I have to time these oh you actually hit him good job for your guy just shot him you're insane at this game man and then this guy killed me do your job better foror guy no I'm just I have to force these back on him this guy is shooting me all over the place I tried I found how to do it finally you just got to make him shoot his his own clone yeah I I don't really know how you control that but you have to all right he gets down I missed come back here good thing he gets tired he got walking away but then Bobble boy is like hey I'm not going to let you through it shoots me I don't know how we're still alive but then they make their escape so sad think you shot your little toes off okay you didn't have to call them little toes but now they're flying into the Sun so unlucky we'll never catch them now they're dead oh okay they were thinking ahead man they were thinking ahead oh look at all this flirting going on it's very awkward flirting and then we see some dude getting shot at I think we should continue just hanging out but unfortunately we're going towards them all right so purple AR guys is going to take the first mini kit we didn't need to get that one right now you're supposed to wait I mean you're not really supposed to you can just why you well because that's not what the world record holders did you think you're better than them uh yes okay well well that will be proven true if we get this world record otherwise you're going to have to eat your words I I probably will but if the world record holders are watching uh call me okay so I will do this we see you later dude I love being shooty lady man all right can I do this shot a hey I'm going to smack this dude watch this popop oh I can only shoot him that's so sad anyways see you later dude we're also going to skip this mini kit we're going to skip it yeah okay okay okay all right I know I know it's stressful purple hair guy but I believe in you you got this that's like my favorite mini kit I know but isn't it going to be even more fun when we get it later yeah there you go Bud also for some reason he can go through these boxes you got this there you go he goes through the boxes to open this door I don't know how that's physically possible but I guess it also doesn't matter come robot hurry robot there you go Bud so while he just gets to hang out over there I have to slowly move these things over and wait for yellow robot to do his thing I don't know why he has to walk so slow why did they engineer him this way they couldn't have made him faster thanks for the push man I appreciate that that was super nice of you all right now we're good to go so we're kind of just walking through this whole area they're all these people trying to shoot us we don't really care honestly not really my deal to deal with oh yo I hit it what did you just yell about I skipped the I or I hit the brick from all the way across the map oh wow you're actually kind of insane bro go robot you got this don't miss this this is the hardest job with theame Gabe oh wow that was impressive easy man hardest jump in the Gabe my butt okay so now we're going to need you to go and get that one mini kit so first do that then get the mini kit no first open the door bro you open the door oh I do yeah where am I I died okay so these guys they're trying to shoot our boys thankfully they don't try to hit robots I don't know why they don't try to hit robots maybe because they could be on their team I it's cuz they're robots I don't know they just don't seem worth it to save you know all right so we're going to do this then we get Padme unfortunately purple guy wasn't on pad B I was I was come on bro yeah I don't know I've got no excuses man you're too busy hanging out with the boys you're Robot Boys instead of hanging out with me man but I have to use this mini brick so then I can force all these things if it works please M you got it man whenever they shoot you it stops you from forcing so that's the annoying part but there we go we got caught again we saved this guy only to get caught again so we got the boys here to save the day and what we're going to do is you got to go ahead take out these robots with the shields purple air guy I got it no not the red ones don't hit the red ones those ones are easy to deal with and then I can go and actually finish them off they take a couple of hits it's kind of annoying because we don't have a power brick yeah we're doing slams boop boop nice easy and then we take him out and then we can take her down and we're good to go now we got to save another person where there is going to be a power brick that we can get somewhere over here I think it's this one so I will explode that and then that's going to help out a lot to take out all these people oh yeah they just get destroyed when you have the power brick Oh my gosh it's so much more fun to have a power brick so that should be all the people saved which means now it's time for purple hair guy to do this all by himself yay this is actually my favorite part of the whole game because I don't get to play yeah I get to do it all by my lonesome but purple hair guy is basically aiming for all the red robots and the other people don't matter cuz this game is Just arbitrary oh there's one oh beautiful shot man try to get some power bricks if you can as well but I don't see any from that explody boy and I I'm assuming he's in here somewhere cuz that's where they always hide yeah a lot of times they're just backwards oh there he is oh nice beautiful that's what we like to see man and now there's more people they just keep coming out oh second power brick you're insane how does he do it how is he such a good gamer it's so much easier to see the blue guys than it is the red guys because they're so much taller oh there he is red yeah oh nice nice nice got Eagle IED and where's the last one where are you buddy why is this level so dumb where are these guys br oh there he is one more red okay now just the red we caught him at the same time you know that's how you know that we were meant to speedrun together built different but now it's time for another one of the hardest boss fights in this game are you ready for it for more guy I am I got this i got this oh he killed me apparently you didn't got it all right so he's just going to keep shooting this dude every time he stops moving he just gets another shot at and it's really embarrassing that this guy is getting taken out by this but I mean it is what it is this is fighting I feel bad about this I got in at the end now I get some of the credit hooray no and now also at the end Boba boy did see that we murdered his dad so he's going to want revenge or something like that he's like oh Dad and we're like I mean it was his fault he was the one who wanted to fight to be fair can you really blame us for him trying to murder us but it's time for this level so we have to get all the bricks here and that's pretty hard we have some pretty difficult tricks we're going to have to do in this area but I Believe in Us do you purple AR guy obviously Oh I thought you were going to say no for sure oh oh actually the bomb after here here drop out drop out okay so oh I died so in this one I want to do a flippy flip and then he spawns uh you spawn is your thing break I can't spawn I can't spawn okay my computer sometimes times my keyboard takes his controller it doesn't make sense this game is old I actually think this trick is like one of the hardest go go go there we go beautiful shoot it and then drop out nice that's what we like to see okay now we're coming back here and I can grabb one of these try not to hit those guys they're jerks stealing my bombs but we do have to take care of one of these poles I mean you don't have to it just makes this a lot easier if you do hit one of those so now we can do this trick where we want to fly oh you're first try what the heck that's the first time I've ever done that okay let's take this bomb first and then go back and get the other stuff that way we don't have to come back red brick behind this next Rock here yeah you're going to have to get that cuz I have the bomb I got to keep it safe no no no no no what are you doing why oh God dog I needed your back up there oh my God so stink okay drop out drop out boom get over there oh nice I didn't think that one was going to work we're actually kind of insane you know besides us losing the bomb but we don't have to talk about that one when did that happen yeah I don't remember that what are you saying yeah why would we get the bomb that early of course we come back and get it right come on please actually hit this this time it's like magnetic you just have to get it near it okay let's take it slow yep there we go that's what I like to see all right drop out and now what we can do is a fun little trick where I flip around and then die the fun part is the dying I do a quick flip and then I do another flip boom spawn in goes on the right all right that's fine that's fine second try is what we need boom oh there you go perfect you're insane first try not second try I don't know why I said that yeah there are five mini kits in this area but we got to get bombs as we do it there's one over there cuz we have to take out all these things oh that one was I I thought that wasn't going to work I'm not going to lie don't know why I doubt you man why do you know they're magnetic I just what are you doing uh what are you talking about dog you just tried to steal my mom take it take it take it I got it I got it I got it I got it this game is sometimes so hard over here all the time so hard what are you talking about man all right nice beautiful that's what we like to see first try like always move out of my way we should pretty much always be shooting because these guys will steal our bombs like jerks but now there should be one back here I think that's our last mini kit and then here's bombs I'm taking it to the right first and then let's get the other right one and then we'll go left everything is dead at this point by the way so it's just kind of funny oh there's that guy he's hanging out you had to kill the last known Survivor that was so rude all right boom all right let's go left first now we just have to take out the blues get that there we go oh you almost got it you almost got true Jedi pick up the blue pick up the blue true Jedi all right that was kind of insane now we don't have to come back here later it would have been funny when we came back because you'll see how easy it is to get true Jedi later in this game it's going to get a lot easier but now it is time for only getting one mini cat do you think we can do this trick purple guy do you believe obvious I always believe unless I don't so what we have to do is we basically have to make purple hair guy go under the map and then before he keeps going I also have to get another mini kit so all right nice now stay there for a sec I just got to take out these guys man don't worry about me trying to get a mini kit okay now you go to the right spot my guy was still fighting but we don't want to do this area so you're going to go slightly past the door until my guy stops moving okay and now drop down nice we got it easy crazy that's what we like to see man first try that is such a weird thing it really is he's going to force me ow wait what no he he throws the the blocks at you yeah this is kind of just he's kind of just hanging out it's a very slow fight but you know he's trying his best yeah there you go yeah throw that there you go Bud good job I'm so proud of you oh no it's Yoda time okay you don't have to say oh no it's Yoda time time but unfortunately our boy loses his arm kind of deserved for I I don't know what it's deserved for is it deserved for a Bor guy what do you think I don't know dude what wait what what sorry my I my brain just melted there hearing if a guy have his hand cut off yeah why were you so confused about it I dude I don't know I just didn't expect heing kill him sorry I'm freaking Yoda man you you can't forget that take out your take out your lightsaber yeah Yoda is probably the most uncomfortable person to play as cuz he's just so slow but there we go all right let's get him boom that's one I got him Yoda I don't need your help okay all right I'll it's me I I'm the problem it's me that's a Taylor Swift song but Yoda save him I know he doesn't have an arm anymore but you know we'll still save him and there we go we actually finished our first one of these episodes I mean we didn't actually finish it because there's still all the challenges and also other things we have to do but you know we we kind of did it now it's actually time to do the character bonus and mini kit bonus which these are definitely a thing so what we're going to do is purple hair guy is not supposed to get any money he's just supposed to shoot things meanwhile I'm going to roll around as the droa to try to get the money so especially these purple bricks that's what we want and we also want to see we want me to get the blue Power bricks because if I get a power brick things will get attracted to me and I also can't die but that's really luck dependent if you are going to get a power brick so we're just hoping that's like totally based on your spawn and if yeah it's not the best in the world but you know that's just how you play this game these kind of are fun when you're just playing them with your brother or something because then you're fighting against each other who can get more power bricks oh no that one fell off that was so sad this is really not not going too well I think it's going pretty well what are you talking about I'm I me just we don't have a power brick yeah you're such a debie downer already man uh you know what I'll take that I deserve that okay we have to go back though it's okay more things spawn yeah I think the uh power brick one spawned over there but I don't think it matters too much yeah we'll come over here we're just hoping for some more power bricks please game I know you can give us power bricks I know you don't want to well I don't think they're random I think there's specific blocks that have them in them actually now that I'm thinking about it we should switch do we have a bounty hunter we don't because we could destroy that thing if we did come on power St oh yeah oh there we go thank you game that's what I like to see now it just makes this entire thing so much easier because I oh we got another one okay all right we definitely did need we could have used some more of those earlier on game but I appreciate them showing up at some point but just look how much faster I'm getting stuns yeah it's it's just ridiculous it's light and day when you have the power brick compared to when you don't have the power brick but that will be pretty good that's a million and of course I won purple hair guy nice try but I think we know who deserve that one I get to win the next one so it's okay yeah purple hair guy really gets to win this one because I'm just going to drop out good luck all right have fun but basically we do know where the power brick is going to be for this one so he will just take that right away unless he dies and there's the power brick and now this becomes so much easier he can just go around take all the money it's getting spawned right towards him it's beautiful H gosh I still have to fly around to grab it cuz it doesn't work yeah it is so annoying how long it takes to open these up like it doesn't make sense but power brick didn't spawn this time no maybe cuz I already had it it didn't like that yeah yeah yeah you were being too greedy man yeah that's my bad sorry I'll never be greedy again it's my that's a lie get the power brick get the power brick where where where where where spawned it spawned where do you think dude what are you talking about it literally spawned where it always spawns oh God I am horribly lagging right now uh-huh okay so purple hair guy is coming out at the end of it this is a very Long Level this one's much more annoying than the other ones but there you go good job no I I don't deserve to be congratulated for that one we all right now we're going to 2 six where it's time to do some challenges and here's where the challenges get really fun since we have Yoda now anytime we go into a free play or a challenge it's going to be insane because now we can do really cool tricks oh I wanted to get that one man and you'll see where it gets insane in just a second it doesn't like right away but it will it will you'll see you'll see but we are going to have to go here there's this guy and he's like all yeah I got all my friends and now there's going to be five we get beforehand so there's a couple up here I believe is there not oh that might be the regular ones nope it is there and yeah you see those amazing jumps we can do it's actually so cool definitely one of my favorite Parts about this game is doing those jumps oh absolutely all right there we go now we can force these guys and that's going to open the door remember swap off uh Yoda no you fool you fool Yoda no why would you do this oh my God why do he not have his lightsaber out dude Yoda come on okay he made it good job yod that was that was legitimately so sad okay so we go middle to the left for this one yep so all them are over here oh that that was all right you got to admit that was kind of funny that was really funny actually that's the normal mini kit just have to make that beautiful level besides y h okay yeah beautiful level besides Yoda having the slow walk I have ever seen in my life usually he's got his lightsaber out there but not this time guess he didn't even take it out he said dude I do not care I'm not getting paid enough for this job oh but this always is the combo Yoda and droa they just work so well together but now all right so for this challenge so first one is just this one we have to remember where all these blue bricks are cuz some of them are in sneaky spots but that one's there there's one right there just behind that guy just behind that guy there's one by a pile of trash this one is just behind the pole it's not up you're right you're right oh my gosh holy yeah that's the notes man laughing at taking all those notes but wor I was not laughing but this one I do believe we do go up so we will take this where is Yoda sometimes I have to find him gosh I missed my jump oh beautiful all right that usually takes us much more tries than that so I'm pretty happy with that then there's one over here by this bomb and then there's that one and there's one more over to the right where you going I think I've like entirely disconnected from the game oh no so yeah that happens we had to restart the game because we're using Steam remote play and Steam remote play does not always want to work so we do unfortunately have to do this challenge again okay so what was supposed to happen last time is we come over here and we just head past and there it is so there we go perfect level first try so now with two three challenge there is a lot to remember for this one but I believe yeah so it starts out one no it's to left it's I literally have notes purple do you okay so it's not behind what purple hair guy was thinking about is in the regular one there's one just all the way on the back but this is why I wrote down notes for oh my gosh I love your notes they're so awesome that killed me it killed me and it didn't even like stomp down okay so there's that one now we coming over here moving past this dude bop bop bop bop and now there is going to be one right in there now we come downwards to get this guy we don't even have to do that what are you doing I don't oh no you body blocked me off that's that's what you get hey how you doing okay I'm just I'm so useless right now okay there's going to be that one excuse me other robot dude why did you do that you're a jerk I wanted to do it that that was so unne mean ah you go you go you go okay okay okay okay I'll stay back I'll stay back all right get that one then die you die die for me oh no I'm pretty sure you die yeah you die oh same thing you know we we got we got it worked out one of us died that's all that matters somebody needed to die that's all I'm aware of but finally we'll come over here hey look it's you both robots we're kind of cute together okay EXC door it wasn't letting me in okay there's that one I need you to get it yep I got you got this purple guy chill axe chill axe I got it no problem and now I come over here is yellow robot and we take that and now there's a couple in this area that we have to get we get all the rest of them so one is going to be in this section Behind These doors ow I don't even know how that killed us but that's that one now we do the fly back one so we just go straight down dog that was sick good job man going backwards just had to make sure you were going to make it you know all right and boom let's go and you fell in the lava you might have died but it's okay so now it is time to buy some more things hooray because it makes our lives so much easier after we shop so for this one we got to get jeno Fett oh we get boba boy we get jeno Fett and then we go to the right where we're going to pick up the stud magnet we're going to pick up exploding Blaster bolts vehicle Smart bomb and also extra toggle and we're also going to get Chewbacca carrying c3p cuz that was fun yeah why not and we're going to go to five after I turn these on you know we'll just have chewbaca Happ him every time I don't know when he's going to show up next but eventually it'll be really funny so now in 51 we are going to get six of these mini kits oh yeah it's this one I remember yeah easy level and it starts out with a beautiful cut scene oh yeah is this not the exact same cut scene from the start of the game they might have reused assets but that's fine so we see this guy he's just like a Yeti and we're like we don't want want to get eaten by him I don't know why I feel like that's a good way to go out but we're just going to be a jerk and instead of getting eaten we murder him so kind of messed up not going to lie I guess maybe that wasn't even murdering him to be fair we cut off his arm yeah but he's not necessarily dead because our lightsaber is like heat so it would completely stop the wound like it would bleed oh yeah cauterizes the wound and he's all good yeah dude that guy's a sick mustache did you just see that that was a look at him what okay so first one we got do we got to pull these guys down don't shoot them sorry I I just I really want to murder you know you pull them down I'm going to bring the bomb over while we do this get those guys cuz we also have to bomb this area but we might as well pull them down while we can sorry dude I murdered get him they're trying to take my bomb all right boom we'll have that do that we'll also get this mini kit so we have to pull down 10 of these to spawn a mini kit I don't know why that spawns a mini kit but I guess it is what it is not much we can do about it oh d that's what we like to see thank you for your death and there's one more over there a triple a triple baby oh baby oh there more over here and two more three three more we're kind of going insane another one all right just come over here just come over here this the last one nice that was super fast wait we're awesome at this game yeah it started out kind of slow but once we got the hang of it we destroyed it don't miss this yeah this will be the hardest oh I grabbed it okay we need to stop pretending that these really small things were doing are that big of achievements okay so I'm going to take the bomb basically if we hit the bomb on this guy then that will explode the ice wall allowing us to do a trick all right so now this trick is basically you do a nice Spin to Win to purple to get it nope no what all right I do it oh you stopped me you stop sorry I think I got it here all you got that one that time all right nice I'll drop out and then you can start pulling these dudes hopefully I can drop in again then we can start taking them down dude it's so much fun when there are a bunch of them by here yeah you don't even have to like do anything it just happens all right let's go let's go we can just go through the wall now CU I forgot I forgot it only has one-sided Collision all right take care of these guys and there should be more right at the end yep there they are get the two of them one more dang it unfortunately we got the same one ah the other guy blocked it there I think oh no I'm dead it's fine boom that's what we like to see all right now we got to do this trick again oh no so Boom Pow easy what what as I was saying Boom Pow that's it that's it easy I think I got it too you just want you just wanted to be cool there yeah you didn't even need at that point all right another one boom po easy nope let's go easy for me I suck I suck I get it all thanks to me all right so there are two things we have to get here but we're just going to get them naturally as we take care of all these dudes thankfully we don't have to pull them down in this area I feel all the gunshots going off that would have been very hard oh and there is our second mini kit like to see that and this is just another one of these horde battles where we just have to take care of a bunch of people and it's going to keep spawning more there you are buddy thank you for dying we appreciate that now it's going to spawn some of these dudes even though they're already some here why do they even have to bring more yeah but these are different they also look really cool so now we have a bunch of these dudes to take out and just these dudes the other people don't matter anymore but that one more where are you bud there you are okay a bomb right here we'll go and grab this and then it's time for the big guys which they just look so cool look at them look at the angle we look up from him he's what we call a tall King all right go and hit him and I got the bomb ready I'm going to hope it doesn't get exploded does that mean we're short Kings yeah in comparison nice nice nice let's get where's the other one where's the other guy uh grab a bomb go get him no don't hit the bomb I got this i got this I don't know why throwing a bomb into one of these things doesn't just kill it outright yeah why we have to hit it down first hope these guys don't shoot my bom no I died I died freck all right our bomb is right there hopefully it doesn't get messed with just keep shooting keep shooting when you're spinning around nah that seems like a you job man and there goes our bomb unlucky shooting it's okay it didn't really lose any time if we can actually grab this I got it there we go beautiful level nice job now we just kind of sit here and it's time for the final people yeah of course you thought that would be it they couldn't finish out the level there final boss nope one more all right so look for the super big guy we'll go for him kind of first whenever we see him okay you get stuck on the wall there if you take it too far yeah I'm just kind of insane so I that never happens to me except I do die that does happen to me that's one thing that even though I am insane even I cannot stop death the last little bit where are you bud oh he's dead wait we're just walking around yeah we're kind of just hanging out having a fun time with the boys dog our guys are way too excited about all this murder we're doing oh that's me I just died oh well I'm lucky it happens it's like I'm sad but I'm not going to cry about it you know yeah the guy in my back is also dead but now I'm super cool and now I kind of just sit here very awkwardly bro my boy is insane how does he do that your guy wish he could do that but my gu very dead I'm I'm permanently dead at this point yeah your guy wishes he was alive like me and finally purple hair guy it's time yeah for the Mr Skelly bones level yes all right so this level it's awesome it starts out with us just being two people with guns we're kind of just hanging out and I got to build this I don't know why you're not doing the building why I have to be the one who does it we put on our extras right yeah we did I just checked yes we do all right I might have to kill you oh I wanted you to die there man what are you doing why' you escape from that how many uh kits do we get here we're going to get three so we got this spot thankfully with our explosion we can just like not have to do pretty much anything we do not have to worry about this this level is so much easier all right I have to be on this so I get ready for the rolly ah go you got it you got it can I make this Boom ni job ni get in front of it get in front of it oh is it going to push us is this going to be the perfect double push you're not cool enough to get pushed this is why Mr Skelly bones is my friend not yours oh yeah you have to hit like the wall right here shoot me oh yeah perfect perfect great idea man so we'll go ahead shoot that open of course that makes our boy Mr Skelly bones and look at how he walks wait not yet wait wait for this boom he's so cool dude the hype is ridiculous right now I kind of love it I love Mr scall Bones oh I forgot that I can you push me uh yeah can you also put me out of my misery after this yes I can you're going to start putting it in the right area so you can push me up we did not need to open that all right so get ready I will be right over here and now you push me up all right now you got to build the stuff yeah yeah let me do my job come on I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm being a backseat gamer is it really a backseat gamer if I'm also gaming with you I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill you a dude that would have been so funny though all right can we get all these buttons I'll go for the right ones the right ones okay yeah we we nice insane we're crazy now we do also go into this room on the right so might as well break these things open while we wait good job robot I'm proud of you I'm not actually proud of him but you got to pretend you're proud of him and now it's just going to be right over here it's just building yeah good job man you're a great Builder thank you he's not that great of a builder I'm lying to him okay we just need to push one of these boxes you go over to your button go to your button yellow robot what are you do all right you take that one yellow robot I don't even call him by his name he only deserves yellow robot for what he does yellow robot wait top characters top characters I'm not making that jump it's time for my super epic jump wa is actually hardest trick in the game no joke I feel like we say oh look it's chewbaca with his thing on his back wait but we have what the heck is going on I hate this jump come on I hate this you're there we go first try oh my God I can't believe you hit that in one jump what the heck dude that was insane I always get first first try we will not be including the footage of how much I failed oh my gosh and I get a kiss oh what I don't know if that was still faster than doing it normally I don't think it was I think that was so much slower than doing it normally but it was cooler it does look cool all right this one is seven uh red brick beginning red brick beginning oh yeah so there's one and also the red brick at the beginning okay okay okay see even we don't understand our notes sometimes there's just so much garbage all the time here's the mini kit well it's like you can't write too many notes because if you write so much notes then you'll be confused the red Brick's behind that one yeah there we go nice that was a good hit okay I got that and the mini kit already you're insane bro and that's all them all right nice all right make sure by the way we have to get a bunch of bombs on the way yeah we need four bombs here okay I I'm stuck I was literally stuck in that corner Dog with a Blog I love dog with blog I love Dog with a Blog best show ever created I love Dog with a Blog no I love Dog with a Blog you can I love Dog with a Blog all right let's go let's go you need one more bomb yeah I know I know I have not gotten any this is so sad but oh I'm insane definitely planned okay cool nice that's what we like to see that's what Dog with a Blog does for you so now there's only this one on the right so get some bombs on the way though I love when they give you two bombs it's so nice you got three okay we have a lot of bombs yeah we're just going straight forward try to get some Hearts if you can on the way and do evasive maneuvers evasive maneuvers quick back and forth I played him I got behind him that okay that actually was kind of sick you're crazy okay so we hit that one boom hit that one boom hit that one boom hit that one boom okay uh we could open up the mini kit thing I mean it's not really going to save us any time though is it no I think it' actually waste time all right so we have to go into this guy's mouth because we just love being in mouths and then he's eat us and be like num n n delicioso and now we will go back here get that mini kit get a couple of bombs and yeah good thing we didn't do that cuz we might have messed up cuz we do need these four bombs what huh game what so sometimes you just lose the bombs cuz this game is not the best coded but it happens all right we might as well get those things I guess why not yep at this point so we will go ahead we could come back here later to get these things but but we might as well just get him now okay there's one in here which is just back there we're doing a good job remembering all this yeah I I'm like impressed oh I lost my bomb oh was it just one okay that's fine yeah it was just one hopefully more will actually spawn I don't know why they don't just spawn here got it does not make die twice what the heck and I lost my bomb for it awesome thank you sad but yeah why do they not just always spawn okay where are these there's one two two don't go towards the rock it'll kill you right away for whatever reason all right there's one it's right by the rock come on no yeah kind of the worst part of the level you can hit that and I think that's it no there's one more you can hit it got it there's two more there's another one oh my gosh there's so many hit it just hit it right away go go go I got it I got it there's another there's another there's one more there's so many I think none of the missiles have been hitting yeah cuz this game does not have good detection of that and there we go please thank thank you g dude that part of this level is not fun so now we just have a fun time in space you know just chilling and also some guys like haha I have a green mask don't really know what that was about I'm explaining the story well right purple guy I've seen every movie and I couldn't tell the difference between your storytelling and the movie storytelling so okay now we're going over to 52 we do not want to forget this is one of the things we have forgotten so much these computers you can try to do the jump over if you want it's so difficult oh come on oh oh we don't we don't have invincibility yet oops yeah eventually we get invincibility and this game becomes fun more fun because we don't die at all it's awesome yeah it's so nice Okay push that guy I'm for real hit in this one no joke I don't think this one is one you can hit dude oh yeah watch me i i l oh you watch me you're crazy watch me how does he do it okay so we have those guys so just go straight straight through you're right you're right there's going to be four in this big room yep that we can get first one over here there's a tall jump I'm trying to hit that one in the corner protect me I'm just the Yoda trying to build nice nice there we go on the right over here yep I blew it up oh you stopped before I got it I had the perfect jump bro got that one that's going to seven ow please stop shooting me guys it's really rude oh I was inside the Snowman so it didn't work that was oh wow oh I missed it I jumped too high and I went around nice jump bro and now the last ones are the upper and lower ones I surprisingly know exactly what you're talking about yeah with us playing all that we have go robot good job you think he's offended every time I just call him robot instead of his name well you either say yellow robot or robot so I mean if he wants to be called by his name he should work harder okay so now these ones we have to do this again purple air guy no no that's okay that's okay it happens it happens boom got it easy now we have to just kind of ow all right there's one button can you get yours nice Yoda you're so slow Yoda please okay now we have to dark force these oh that was sick we both got one okay I go up here I'm going to be very slow about this cuz if you make the wrong turn then you just fall forever and it sucks this one up here wee and now we need Boba boy Boba boy no anyways as I was saying now we need Boba boy you can spawn back in boom nice job thank you that was some good Boba boy gameplay right there so now here's what would happen you just keep falling and you can't get on any of those platforms I just wanted to show that cuz it's so annoying when we play this game but last one is right here along with the red brick hey out of my way child yes purple hair guy is much better at that than I am red brick red brick Oh yeah yeah all hold up isn't over here oh I went to the wrong side out of my way child how are you so good at that it doesn't make sense you just are amazing oh after this 5-2 challenge by the way we finally unlock fast build yes that's the like second best thing in the game okay so this one first one's back here L to do and now our next one is going to be in rolly room so we have a bit before we get there dude stop making the craziest jumps of all time how do you do it it's just what I do man I'm cool you can keep making your jumps if you can how oh what the heck I thought you were super cool I got it I got it you were super cool just oh okay don't spawn Us in after we drop out why does that happen with this game it's such a weird Quirk okay I'll make this you push the thing it's right here I said you push the thing well it doesn't activate until like most of the yeah true you're you're not wrong you're not wrong look at that great pushing We Dead all right let's get in front of this as two rly boys oh what the heck uh I think my I I think I'm getting disconnected again oh we're good we're good okay hopefully you can still move I this game wants to break us so much but we will survive purple air guy we're going to beat the game we're going to beat Steam remote play okay where is this one again right here all right now we need bomb guy stop trying to build all and now in this there's only two in this big room one on the left and one on the right so there's that one and then over here see these notes are actually really helpful of stuff like that I put yes yesterday I literally watched the entire 100% speedrun and wrote down so many notes oh yeah this is working perfectly that was awesome wow that worked so much better than I expected all right now I build this do not let him attack me H imagine dying there be me personally I didn't know they could follow us this far oh my god dude maybe they'll hit some of the buttons for us oh one person went back they were like I do not get paid enough for this yeah get me out of here man okay so there's one in the Red Room and then one down two up and this one is just in the corner greatest placement of all time love it all right now we're heading back and we have to do these guys again it is kind of nice every once in a while not to have like explosive stuff all right I'm going to push this to the right for you you just line up all right see you later dude oh you're crazy yep I knew I could hit that how you so good at video games man are you a gamer or something I think I might be honestly wow embarrassing I'm just kidding gamers are cool how not me you're a cool gamer everybody watching this is a cool gamer actually you're not going to watch this video though so maybe you're not a cool gamer I don't think I can bring myself to watch this video play in this game oh yeah I love when the game stops you from moving because we we have such big bodies and it doesn't know how to handle those you're crazy I I don't think we've ever hit that before I don't think we've yeah I don't think we have we're not that good at this game game and now it's finally time for fast build woo okay so fast build time move robot okay so we go over to the left and then there's going to be four times we want to get fast build and we want to get oh we already got extra toggle okay cool and now it is time for 43 but I will turn on all of our stuff we're starting to get a bunch of power bricks but we only really care about the power bricks that are actually good there's a lot of power bricks that just do stuff oh of course we have to turn on chew unfortunately it turns that off I don't know why I would do that it's such an important thing but this one we get zero stuff on so really zero of our bricks yep dog we're kind of jerks we just kill all these people what is our problem now what we're going to do right at the beginning get in the car get on bud I'm about to push you into a wall Ben go go go get pushed go get in there get in there you got this man um game swapsies all right all right all right you're better you're better you better not get this first try you got it first try I hate you told you swap it's my car now all right all right dog why you are so smart how do you do this I can't believe I just styled on you like that I feel bad that was that was kind of sick nasty where am I I don't I think it dropped you out yeah I think your controller or your keyboard might have it here I'll get you in a second yeah no problem so what we have to do is go through here and then we're going to press on the butons you're right I forgot that it wasn't the buttons that do it it's all shoo usually the one playing as a yeah we switched up oh and they actually went to the right buttons usually they try to take our buttons like jerks but now we got the boys playing music wait I wonder if in this cut scene if you have music turned off do those guys just sit there as well I don't know that that would be cool but I because you can turn off music and in the main Cantina they just stop like playing their music it's really sick it's a nice little addition but anyway see say goodbye to your arms and your life run man run and now we talk to our boy like hey you look like you're a cool guy and he's like I'm not but I guess I'll help you out why not and then we're like all right goodbye forever and now he's on our team along with chewbaca I've got C3PO I love Chewbacca with C3PO he's so much cooler when he has him ah you jumped in front of me and I shot you yeah yeah my bad or did or did you shoot me I shot you I think all right now we have a cool trk I love this one is it the wait the green jump or the end a level thing no the green jump jum end the level no one cares about that one but this one look at how I ride him ha I'm having such a fun time and then I just kind of go over there all right see you later Chewbacca oh you came with me I'm coming with you now we head through here okay get right up next to the closer closer just not into the light all right get out so what we're going to do is I'm going to Boom now I'm going to wait I go up a little I wait for this come on spawn back in and then oh then I do it again now you spawn in and now you go inside the it's the biggest gamer move of our life come on now this is a pretty cool trick not as cool as riding on those green things just completely skip the fight because of that it's awesome I love that trick it's so stupid dude that was so mean why would you say that these people are such jerks to each other man what's wrong with them why can't they all just get along you know he did just blow up her Planet so by the way while we're going and watching this cut scene just want to make sure everybody who's watching this video or the stream that we're doing right now know that you're loved keep doing your thing even no matter what you're going through you can make it through and you're going to be stronger at the end anyways back to Lego Star Wars that was inspiring okay it's time for your super cool jump bro you got this epic gamer mode jump oops all right good luck you got this uh I might need you for camera angles here but we'll see all right it's okay second tries to try all right come on I I get a bunch so we has to fall off this thing and then basically go onto an invisible platform I got this oh nice there you go all right you got this purple guy that is exactly what we like to see now remember go under in the door you want to be in it okay nice now I jump up let's go you're insane you're so stressful if you mess it up you have to rewatch that cut scene and it's it's just you know it might not even be worth it to do to honest but otherwise how could we be cool if we did yeah we got to hit the tricks man uh I got the cameras Oh I shot him once they don't break in one shot though yeah they're annoying even though we're exploding them they definitely should break but now we can take care of these guys for Ben wait is his name still Ben yeah he's he's Ben uh as long as his hair is gray all right there we go thank you Ben never see you again protect me you're supposed to protect me you got it okay so I have to keep this this mask no matter what so you go first you did not have to oh wait I think you do have to shoot them just do not explode me cuz we have to keep this mask all right come on come on on good job good job that's all you need it for yeah oh that's always stressful though all right you push it I'll go forward wait actually no yeah I'll go forward you have the jump I don't have the uh I'm super cool bruh what the heck Bruh Bruh wrong way oh my go if you do that again I'm killing chewbaca oh all right I'm not doing it again never hear him complained when I said that he was like oh I hate you why did you hit them that was so rude okay don't shoot anyone yep all right you ready you ready yeah yeah go go go oh perfect perfect that's what we like to see and there goes my mask but I don't need it anymore cuz that is what the point of the Mask is okay computer room computer room remember kill the cameras otherwise they keep spawning if we don't and they just they're just in general jerks you don't have to take care of the cameras but it's a lot easier yeah keep trying that jump kid eventually you'll get it maybe I want to be cool too please maybe one day he'll never be cool let's be honest with ourselves guys but it's time to save her anyways goodbye what what are you doing what wow you just failed at murdering her In Cold Blood and ended up murdering yourself it happens to the best of us I don't think that really happens to that many people man I think that's a pretty specific problem to you are you sure about that yeah so now we're just kind of hanging out and the dirty water makes me remember Shrek when is Shrek five coming out we're going to go ahead take this one that's going to be our first one so you're going to have to kill all these people because I don't want to oops my bad you kill them while I do this I have to move this I believe to the third one right uh I think you're correct no it's the fourth one the fourth one okay we have to press these buttons down here okay I'll go I'll start from here and go you have to work together to get those buttons you're not fast enough to do it on your own but we're just kind of skilled like that you know yeah we're cool we're cool like that okay I'm going to push this here I'll push it this way you push it down so that way I can go towards the place then it never locks in properly so you yeah you have to move it slightly over every single time there we go and then no it doesn't matter I just fall flat on my face when that happens but that's the fun part who doesn't love falling flat on their face sometimes you got to fall flat on your face yeah it's just part of living we're not getting the cleaning guys yet even though they are cool they were waving to us I wish we could be their friends they were wiping the window I don't think they were waving okay I like to think they love me is that so much of a problem for you kill the guy behind me oh dang it they it's fine we don't need it but we have to push this box all the way over meanwhile these guys stop guys you know you're going to die I don't know why you're trying this and I think we can get true Jedi here yeah I guess we don't really need to get it here but it would be nice you know what why not right the boys boom hit that over so we have a platform we almost we got a did you get a lag SP Spike there I did almost killed me but it happens now you go downwards uh so you can build this thing I thought we had to shoot this oh no you hit the lever that's what it is yeah yeah yeah and I basically want to not lose my mask at this point because there's a mask thing over here and there's so many people trying to come and take it from me and I'm like I deserve the mask it's my mask I found it I don't know where I found it but I found it somewhere yeah try to take off their arms instead of exploding them because that way it's more painful oh my God oh protect me oh no we didn't make it up I hate this part man this is so dumb I'm murdering you really are just going off right now man you have problems dude not you Chewbacca oh okay cool but now we'll go through here hello don't shoot them y they don't even try to attack us yeah they're just friendly guys and then we will build this let me go first me first I said let me go first I want to go first I hate you purple hair guy in a loving way let me go first actually let me go f i have the mask purple hair guy okay thankfully I didn't die there even though purple hair guy was actually trolling now there's one back here one back here I think oh yes your memory is spoton man every once in a while I will remember things oh I got two grapes two grapes so that was kind of sick I got time save that was the greatest time save of Our Lives I'm actually impressed with that no we're never going to beat that time save we might as well give up now yeah honestly I quit I'm done before we finish this speedrun we're announcing our retirement from Lego Star Wars speedr running haven't even finished the run but you know we've done one Lego Star Wars speedrun ever and now we're retiring okay so there are going to be two that we have to get in here we go straight over to the right we don't have C3PO yet yeah we're going to get him but we might as well open it up so we can come over here oh yeah yeah smart smart cuz there's a couple things we have to do you got to push this yeah you got to P that's a you thing I just knew you'd be great at it and I was right you did amazing man I'm really proud of you but there's going to open them now we can go up here you make that thing so you can go up and get that lever and so we're going to try to press these levers at the same time um let me get the robot yeah so as soon as I push this yeah go go go nice that's a Time save right there it's going up twice you love to see it easy now we got to head over here we're going to press all these buttons and then we're going to reset the room so we can have yellow robot closer to us ow all right go go go work nice beautiful come on yellow robot go I thought the other yellow robot on Chewbacca was you it is a little confusing look he's just helping out his friend dude I'm going to drop out cuz we have to kill everything and I can't do anything with game I forgot how awful it is to try to drop out yeah when he's on Steam remote play for some reason it just really lags in the menus I feel like we've said that before but I'm saying it again I need that blue brick a it's actually kind of hard when you have the explosive of bullets cuz it's so easy to run it's so dangerous yeah but there we go escape quick and we made it easy so we're also going to say bye to our boy he just goes Darth Vader's like hey I'm going to kill you and he goes see you we think he died but don't worry he's probably fine so in this one now we're out into the jungle we got to do some stuff we're all getting together and you know we're like hey yeah we got to destroy this thing so now we have this part this part there's a lot of stuff and a lot of stuff to remember remember so first of all we'll use one of these bombs and might as well get a collection of more bombs and we're just looking around for Stuff there's one right here that we have to get so I will go ahead spin that don't spin it the other way there we go got our true Jedi already it's actually broken how easy it is to get true Jedi with what we currently have with how much times multipliers we have and actually we're only at four times multiplier it's going to get more insane very quickly but okay I believe believe that there's one here first that we want to get yep there's this guy that we will go spin to win if I can actually hit the thing there we go perfect and now we come over here and we'll hit these guys with bombs and that should be that one so these are kind of just gating us off from going forward in the level so that's why we have to destroy them I I know yeah we might as well get this one now that's one that has caused us a lot of troubles before oh can I hit this before I die perfect and now we just need two more bombs slams into the wall you know isn't that fun I love slamming into the wall bud but all right it's time for me to do my super cool trick of epicness goodbye no stand stand stand I just I died you could have went through the loading zone oh might be might be it's okay it's okay so I will go ahead first of all I have to get this thing so I'm going to spin this if it wants to work there we go we'll spin that guy up I want to destroy these blue guys and I want to go against this wall and okay I will actually get rid of all these these guys first by going back through the loading zone but now what I'm going to do is go against this wall just kind of go forward a little bit go there make sure we don't hit the loading zone messed it up a tiny bit it's okay still got a first try chance yeah still possible to get first try on your second try so you got to be very careful about this and that was not perfect that's fine there we go that's what we like to see so we can just go through the map which is hilarious but before I continue on I do want to take that guy just so we don't forget him like and that was actually beautiful I mean it wasn't first try but it was first try so that's looking good I can't wait to uh not die on this part and you die like four times yeah this is so annoying because there's these guys who are just trying to shoot us and I already have one HP no and it stops both of us when one of us dies and they're I think it's cuz they're only going after me to be fair uh-huh look that's my head cannon that's all that matters but we make it through these guys are like oh yeah I'm going to shoot him even though we just made it to the opening I don't know how they're still shooting at us but we get saved by who else but the boy with really yellow teeth it is really weird he just has them in that cut scene okay but red brick is over here here got it I got it uh do the spinny thing no no I you should get it I I got it I got it because you have the bombs you got to keep those safe bro and we do need one bomb that's why I want purple hair guy to keep it safe hit it there you go all right now just we just have to hit the center boom and we're on our way see you later nerd woohoo yeah yeah I also got excited so we explode the Death Star nice and easy and that guy I feel so bad for him he's probably going to float in space for a while before he actually dies that's super sad I mean we did just blow up like a billion people in the Death Star I'm sure we're bad enough yeah but that guy I like him because he's the only one I saw oh okay so that is going to complete everything in chapter 4 obviously not though because there's a lot more we have to do but you know the first story now we get the fun part where we get to go super fast but of course we have a nice cut scene where we cut off Chewbacca he deserves to go first and we say no you don't deserve the glory and it's so messed up Chewbacca doesn't get a metal why do they Chewbacca does get a metal I think he tries to eat it or something that no I don't think he does get a medal see oh wait he literally doesn't rude I guess they just don't like him you know what he didn't fly a ship he was like a co-pilot maybe the co-pilots don't get uh I don't know man I think he still deserved it but I guess that's the difference between you and me purple guy I like Chewbacca you don't dude honestly Chewbacca more like Baka okay that was actually really messed up you have to apologize I'm not going back on what I said there's either okay there is it's the blue brick that's behind us yeah I even had it in my notes but I just wanted to make sure cuz a lot of the times this game likes putting things right behind you and it's the dumbest places to put bricks but we have to make this fridge because that's going to have a red brick in it I'm going to make a grill wow that was super cool man I made something worth while you made something that at least we can have fun with you know so I'd call it worthwhile as well we'll go ahead uh do we even have to hit that yeah we do hit this one okay go together boom boom boom boom boom Oh no dog these guys are being jerks stop where am I I'm so confused right there we go all right first try easy hard jump got it you're insane and I made it too well done Yoda stop being Yoda sorry that's that's the necessary uh stupid Yoda joke we had to do wait why' you come back here with me you could have stayed up there I'm on a car game I'm gr right now I run so hard but you got the jump first try it doesn't matter hello and here hey I'm here too it's me Boba boy okay so time for some window cleaning I love helping out my boys blue one over here all right I'm trying to look at my window cleaning and you're telling me things in the future I'm trying to focus on the present purple guy that was on me sorry I just jumped in the air and shot but now we can actually skip these but it's really hard because we don't have the camera to skip them okay I got it there we go boom nice all right you probably swap out and I got the last one easy waa that was awesome actual easiest thing of my life baby I'm not going to rejoin just in case yeah probably not because sometimes this game is really weird about the rejoins so that is good now we can just completely skip that and there is going to be one up here I remember oh you just went for the jump I'm not as cool as you man oh no and then I failed I'm a failure you're not a failure man you got this oh my gosh stop shooting us I got it all right boom now make that one funniest jump in the game oh gosh yo I'm going crazy you're kind of yeah you kind of are caring guys by the end of this video everyone let us know who's the MVP me or purple hair guy and it should be me obviously right purple hair guy no we'll see how you play all right it's time for this guy SW swap out swap out swap out I'm here hello okay so we were able to just go through that wall swap out swap out oh my God sorry it's just so awful every time all right you you can get in here man oh never mind I got it as soon as I say you can get in here I hello yeah I did that that was my I did that I got a build it's my passion protect me protect me okay so we got that and now all we have left is to get this little guy Oh I thought it was you yeah you thought all right I'll just stay down here man me you go fight Darth Vader have fun and there we go it did say we only had nine there but we did get the 10 it it just has a little cut scene to show you got 10 all right but now it's time for some more character and mini bonuses which means I win one and then you win one why did you choose Boba boy I I thought I was you but that doesn't make sense don't worry about it it's not important I get it you're a boba boy man power power right away double power bellet come on come on let's go and I won easy so now mini kit challenge there we go easy let's go super fast I didn't spawn in though so remember to press X that's okay I got it I got it and guess what purple hair guy since you did so well we get to go back to 4 five again I hate this level but we don't forget Boom the best blue brick ever we got that one first now we have to go in here I think there is there is in my notes at least I trust the notes more than I trust you this is why I trust my notes purple air guy I also trust the notes more than I trust me now big room there's only one of them in there so I have no idea where it is it's right over here oh you made the jump I didn't even have to right hit buttons okay nice Perfect all right we made up for how we did it last time not going to lie yeah actually uh except we're getting absolutely smacked right now all right and now there's one in this corner don't forget the corner one I did I didn't all right so I'm going to jump through I'm actually insane with these jumps except failing after that did you get it I think so yep there we go first try there we go I can't move there oh was because of the red thing no no no no no no no no there's not one there okay but we do get that one so that is a good one feel like I'm hitting every jump right now this is so nice and I say that in the failed a you body no don't despawn me pleas what is going on okay it's all right it's all right this game is so weird sometimes oh I died hey Bud don't worry I'm on your team I'm not on team don't tell him okay so there is also one in here my bad what the heck man yeah this is awful let me well it's cuz it's the challenge so we don't have fast build oh that's right now there's one in here and then it's time for jump there we go oh oh we both got it nice keep going make it through the door see you later bud ah you know what have fun it's all you man oh hello nice oh and I got it right away okay now there's one on both sides of these Halls there's one literally in this spot and you also go to the left get the power pet here don't worry I'm protecting you with my body see they didn't want to shoot you cuz they were like wow he's hot um I completely forget where this last one is I won't even yeah yeah go purple air guy you got this you're crazy and I was the winner you're right you're right got to make sure we're going fast and we're finally done with 4 five now we're on to the 44 challenge the nice thing about this one is that we don't have to do purple hair guys trick again so we can also ah so basically we're not doing the bend jump because we actually have to come in here and we have to use yellow robot dog why don't you grab it I don't I don't know man I just I was like oh okay I failed my choice but okay that's fine we got this this is one that is super hard there is so much stuff to remember okay so two on the left we go to the left for two of them there's one somewhere and then one in the elevator not one behind there's one in here it's not there not there not there there's a red brick in there that's where oh wait no no I remember where they are we go here first and then there's one right here and then we go up the elevator so we get this guy I told you gold purple oh my goodness I was trying to save time you went too quickly I think I jumped over it and couldn't recover I got it this time I'm just going to roll all right now we go back and we do the jump yeah yeah so this one's a super cool jump where we just go like he oh I didn't make it I didn't make it what oh my gosh the game wait what just happened okay it's fine we got it easy okay that was really strange there's a lot to remember for this oh one right here we can get that I thought you were going to get it I I couldn't tell who I was I hate playing destroyed there it oh there it is we remembered that guy now this guy he's yeah that guy doesn't exist it's later we get that one but we do get this please protect me try it so we'll go ahead move that out of the way excuse us door and then we go back to the right or the left or whichever way I don't know directions and we grab this guy then we're just back through here where we'll go ahead oh they killed me cover me and use him hey guys please stop shooting us we're your friends just because we're trying to murder you doesn't mean we're not your friends come on ha you're doing it that way I you're crazy you're you're actually crazy I'm messing it up just go through okay there's this one right there and then I will build that you be come the boy we can go through there and yeah we do have the right amount okay I was really worried for this level this was one we were focusing a lot yeah it's just so hard there's too many different spots for oh come on I suck it was my jump I deserved it see you guys okay nice we can make these push down the levers and then this one is the first one on the left all right pretty good level for one of these not going to lie I'm happy with that first time we haven't messed those up so now speaking of really hard novels we have another one where there is so much to remember well first one uh there's two there's one more in this over here it's over here it's over here y oh yep you're right okay and then we just go upwards I you're the pro man all right that's your job to REM I think I'm literally not the pro or the professional you're the pro don't worry about it okay then that one and we go through and then there's two in this so there's one more somewhere here oh no it's all the way at the end so this this one is just going to be right over there we're remembering pretty well you know we got that I kind of love I kind of love not having explosive bullets sometimes yeah do that get on there Yoda me boy and there is one in the Cantina that we have to get which is just going to be right here you keep going nice um then one down here and then we go back up oh this is so much dude one over in this area somewhere right here then we go through there's one of the the movie theater he's going to run away what a coward come back so there's one in the theater and one next to the theater so please hurry up oh that's me sorry I was like why you it's so hard to tell who's who sometimes but we'll go we get to go see Lego Star Wars let's go except we're not staying for very longor kind of the saddest part of this video but we will make these jumps up no I kind of missed doing it with the green guys it's more fun that way come on oh you might just want to drop out please drop out y yeah you were pushing me backwards there but here we're just going to go forward it will start this battle but of course we don't actually have to do the battle they think we're going to do it they're very wrong because all we're going to do is come right over here hoay you did win good job man I'm a winner okay 42 challenge then 4-1 Challenge and then it's time to buy invincibility yes so now we're on to the 42 Challenge and right away it's one of these God greatest places possible man and now we want to go to the right here we oh you're going to kill me it's how it is man oh wow you spawned over there awesome yeah that was actually kind of the greatest move of Our Lives I'm not going to lie but I will take this blue guy then there's one in the house go get him okay and now we just keep going forward there's nothing else in this area keep forcing keep forcing nice easy okay that is good and now I feel like there's got to be AIT one here but I don't there's one over there it's one that is just behind this Cliff side I love not having to build those things where you have to Grapple up to instead just doing our thing but then there's one more yeah over there it takes a while to spawn but okay nice now we can go through here and now we go into the coffee room there's one in the coffee room or I say the coffee room this one's a TV room and then boom then you get to do your jump have fun bro purple hair guy is kind of insane he does crazy stuff on the daily there's going to be this guy who we have to dark force we can grab him and now I'll get left you get right now we don't have to push anything which is always nice why are you still just sitting there I don't know I could have moved I just wanted you to do all the work man I was like are you g to ever move again look are you judging me right now no no no I wouldn't do that now I'm judging you for missing that it's okay it actually let me drop out first try it's such a weird Quirk of the game how did they code it that way to where it doesn't do that but okay so we do that I'm going to go ahead just fly across here I think you can do that right you cannot okay are you ready for this one jump that can soft loock us yeah I am I think I'll stay back just in case okay this is a very hard jump that we have to do to get oh come on come on no no it it teleported me okay yes got it okay no I hate this you got this okay this is fine this is fine all right just fly over no you I I slit all the way down you got it you got it please you got it nice dude I hate that jump so much don't drop out that jump is so bad we once got soft locked there and we had to restart the whole level it was so sad but okay now we can just fly across here and it's on top of the house we I love not having to build cars it's too much work man no I want it I want it no I still won and now 41 challenge before invis in ability baby so now we're on this one there's a blue brick right away why you doing that bro just watch this jump watch how good I am I'm watching yeah I'm watching I'm look at me go I I'm going to get I'm going to get it I'm going to get okay anyways look I made it through wasn't that awesome wow dude that was sick how' you oh I forgot how hard this one is okay first for okay I believe there is one right here no I think there's no there's a grape back here hold up I think there's a grape no we're doing challenge oh God why do I do this to myself sorry okay there's that one nice so that's the two in the hallway there's one in this room that we're coming up to now I have where I'm back I have my head in the right spot this is just one of the very confusing levels that we do so this one I believe is over here is there one of this yeah down here you could have stayed up there bro I'm a superior oh that was you you blew me up okay now we got it this is look if we can do this kind of not confused it's a win for us honestly this level is ridiculous yeah there's just so much to remember in this one level in so many areas that people can be in okay so we're going to get this then there's one in this wall right here we keep missing there we go and then we uh we don't go back we go forward we go over to this area and do this one and then here's a jump we can do yeah you got it you got it I did it dude I'm so good then there's one in the Next Room that we're coming up to remembering is hard hard yes honestly my brain is uh full capacity right now hey you remembered where that one was that was impressive we already have eight we just have two more we have to find excuse us cers okay we just go straight through here and then there's one up there if you I don't know what I'm trying to do yeah up I don't know what you're trying to do either to be completely honest but that's fine you open the door act whoever gets the jump whoever doesn't get the jump opens the door which is me I'm sad I thought I would be so cool so many people are going to say you're the hero of this speedrun that's true you hit a lot of hard trick I just I'm good at the gem kill these guys kill the kill them kill them I want them to die dog chill out man they're friendly I think or something okay over here Bop there's this one and then there's that's it oh that was our last one okay hooray yod all right and we are officially 3 hours in the Run how do you feel purple air guy I feel awful already okay so now we're going back back to the shop where we're just going to buy two things but these are two really good things the first one's going to be score two times and then we'll also get invincibility finally yes you watching this you don't know how good having invincibility is actually you probably do it's literally invincibility but it won't be used on things like challenge runs so there still is going to be a lot of challenge it's smooth sailing for for the rest of the game pretty much I wouldn't say that at all foror gu I think you're over estimating how smooth sailing this will be but you know it's always smooth sailing when I play games with you my friend oh that's very nice so now the only one I'm really worried about at the beginning is the Tre on the right we can't get it on the right yeah we can't get the right we got to get the tree one there is a mini kit in this tree and we have messed up we we were so confused one of the times we did this run but thank you easy and there's normally some tricks you can do to get over this thing but we're not going to do those because we also want to get the mini kit and all that so I will just explode this guy oh I I'm almost messed that up let's break this uh you can't I don't think oh you can yeah you're insane you're crazy how are you so good at video games man I'm just I'm a gamer what can I say except you're welcome yeah get down Mr President no he's sneezing oh he had airpods in how is he supposed to tell there is a car right behind him I hate Geor J beings what that's so mean why would you say that okay let's get this thing boom I you were supposed to be jarar there want I guess you didn't need to be jargar you're too insane at this video game or like dumb dumb idiot open that nice true Jedi because now we have times 8 I forgot to mention but we have times two right now but it's actually times eight you can just make the jump here all you have to do is can I yeah I'm not kidding just come over here and do the jump up oh no I can't just no I always Force the thing for you man because usually he's the one playing his jar jar oh wait no you can do Yoda that's what oh this one's the one you can just I'm so it's okay purple hair guy I forgive you please move that out of my way please move it out of my way why were you just playing with it uh I don't know are you trying to make me sad yes cuz it's working yeah good job man you're doing what you were meant to but okay now we're coming up here and so for this I do what what are you doing big dog jarar you just love being jarar so much yeah Misa jar jar is this thing is this a blue oh it is a blue yeah you're right okay I will get this power up though there's one in here yep one in this guy move guys you can go in there and now you just have to jump over here yeah and we have eight okay we have the right amount see the biggest problem is you're playing the game over and over again but they're the same levels but they're different locations for these so it's super confusing yeah I got this but that's the confusing part because we're playing the same levels but we have to get things from different PL excuse me game thank you stop making me kill these poor people what did they do to deserve it they deserve you know trying to destroy the entire world or something and now we just go inside the water he's like follow me so now we're in this next level where we got to save Padme she's being surrounded by the boys but then we're like Hey we're the boys not them so we murder them all In Cold Blood just like usual except for that guy who is terrible good job man we're proud of you and then jar jar what is he doing up there but this is actually a pretty fun level because there's one trick it's pretty much just this one Trick's pretty fun I really like doing this trick you know I'm right away like literally right away did my own keyboard take it what what is going on okay second reset because this game loves breaking at least it happened at the beginning of the level to be fair so that was a fun Lego Star Wars moment but now we're playing again but what we're going to do is we jump into this area oh there we go that's what we like to see see you later dude drop out drop out drop out but now we're just shooting all these people I don't know why they don't seem like they deserve it it's not like they were trying to take over the castle or anything we have no EXT oh yeah we have to turn back on our extras I'm surprised it's been uh like not me issues us it's me doing something awful yeah usually it is your issues but it's okay cuz we're gaming we're gamers so this part is fun because we have the explosive bullets so we don't have to go up those elevators at all we can just shoot from the bottom and we're kind of just chilling this level honestly super fast when you're just doing it any% and also when you have invincibility and hey look also true Jedi we love to see that we have eight times points we might have forgot to have it on most of the game but we do have eight times points still yeah when when it mattered we had eight time points on but fastest level of my life that was that was easy look at them look they're having fun oh I love these guys I hope nothing bad happens to them a that was rude that was kind of sad we just jumped on him but we have a brand new ship oh yeah and now it is time for another level that is a level I love levels I don't know if you'll love this one cuz it's another one where it was really fun as kids RAC but after playing it so many times pod RAC it breaks a little but we do have a really cool trick we have to do for pod racing so we got that going for us but anyways we're like hey we could use a new engine and he's like hey it's 500s and we're like wow I don't have $5 so that's unlucky but thankfully some random kid is like I'll win this pod racing contest for you for some reason for $5 yeah for $5 it is a contest where I could very easily die and that guy wants to kill us you know just normal stuff normal Lego stuff but so we want to get all of this stuff on our first first time and that is the plan remember to both hold X and forward for Bo guy but there's this one on the LA what are you doing that's a red that was the worst time to drop out okay okay boom you're insane go go go go go got it oh baby crazy first try that was actually awesome good job yeah that was actually really good so now we got these guys that are like hey we want to interrupt this really fun race because we hate them and I don't know why they hate us but I also don't really blame them we miss we can get that one later the nice thing about this is you have to do three laps so even if we miss one of these we'll get it later which I don't know if that's the nice thing about this that's a unfortunate thing about this but it's nice for us not having to really freak out that much so we got that going for us kind of just easy easy sailing smooth sailing that's what they say not easy oh my gosh that guy just completely bumped us that was so rude and there's going to be this one and now we get a nice little cut scene or do we not get it yet it's uh up here like this part we get oh yeah because this guy who we're trying to fight he's completely being a jerk just trying to murder these people and then he slams into kind of good control with his vehicle to be fair so he does deserve that win but it is pretty rude yeah he did just murder somebody yeah hopefully he didn't have like a wife and kids or anything like that but eh it happens that's pod racing for you that's pod racing okay let's get this one on the left oh there's Rock oh oh no rocks oh my God okay all right okay we got to get it next time and now we're going to get a nice little cut scene where we're like hey man I'm having such a fun race with you and he's like me too buddy I'm not going to try to murder you at all it was really nice I I can clearly tell you've seen the movies yeah exactly okay we can't miss this one and we can't miss the next one or else we have to get this otherwise we will be kind of embarrassed I'll be like that's embarrassing I got it I got it dog that was crazy but hopefully we can beat him now otherwise I'll be like that's embarrassing okay we can definitely beat this guy for some reason he just starts slowing down a bunch at the end I think he wants us to win or something yeah what a what a fun race we had with this man you know it really was best man wins I think he deserved it more than us but still there we go we did it hooray and we just have this money in our pocket the whole time but we give him his $5 and we also take his child so it's ours now so we're able to go back on our journey you know that is still a fun level I'm going say it I actually liked it even though it's not yeah it's not as fun as when I first played it but it's still fun oh I love this cut scene by the way so we got all these ships going against our boys great CGI in my opinion just look at this battle wow it's so incredible it's thrilling dog I love this game so much what a great game and while they're fighting we're going to do some murdering or something I don't know we're just kind of hanging out so we just sneak attack them like jerks and we also blew that guy's literal body off okay I'm going to get this cuz it's a power brick why do we need it we have invincibility yeah but oh I wanted it to get the shot about that the shots bounce off of you if you have a power BR all right so we're going to put him in there and now we actually have to put up all these things cuz everybody has a different way they want to make it over nobody's does it all the same way but we got to go on these buttons we're just not going to worry about them we're Invincible it's like whatever kid the kid trying to steal my button what a jerk what a jerk man why can he not find his own what is wrong with him here I got you I'm going Force you so I can force him to make this go a little faster except I'm trying to force everything else it's not letting me focus on there's too many things in the way okay whatever you're not getting forced it would have been super fun for you but I'mma force him as soon as he's done all right are you ready to not mess up this one trick purple hair guy do not go close to the door the people watching you guys don't know what we're talking about but before we have soft locked ourselves we've soft locked ourselves on a lot of this game to be completely honest with you yeah this game has a lot of soft locking Parts okay let's get on at the same time oh oh my gosh that was terrifying boom Oh okay stay stay stay I've been loving you for quite some time time time you think that it's funny when I'm mad mad mad so what we're going to do stay stay back stay back Stay Stay Stay yeah stay stay stay up more up more you got to go up a bit there you go and now let me hit the button and now we can go okay that's what we needed to see oh gosh okay cool and now this thing just floats in the air it has magical properties which is pretty cool got to love that part but at this point we got to make everybody's way of getting upwards so they can use their grapple we can do that for the robots and then we also have to take care of these people otherwise they're going to keep fighting them like jerks and then the boys we get to do the fun one I can fly so we're just going to basically go through here try our best not to fall off and the kids should be coming up here in a second come on Budd we have to hit the button yeah he's so lazy man he better not try to steal mine okay thank you you never know he always tries to he has problems man now we're destroying these people's nice dining room area which is really rude of us but we'll just go straight on through Bop oh my gosh we don't have true Jedi yet oh dang that's actually surprising I mean we should get it here hopefully we're basically going to aim for a couple of these people I'm going to go get that so I get some money except it's not spawning any money please please let us get true Jedi oh yeah go over there go over there oh nice nice oh my gosh game this game doesn't want there we go that's true Jedi oh we would have gotten it right there okay now we got to do a nice shot up to these people and that got them nice which is going to spawn that thing all right I'm a push you I'm a push you get back here get back here robot I'm going to push you more I'm glad that you enjoyed that pushing it definitely wasn't a thing I wanted you to enjoy oh my gosh I would to look into that now we get to fly away again with the boys and also this guy gets his first confirmed kills you know had happen at some point when you're hanging out with these people but it is time for stressful part for me cuz I got to do a jump oh I love this jump yeah because you don't do anything with it exactly so we're fighting this dude he's kind of sick he's got the double lightsaber much cooler than what we have but instead of fighting us like a man he decides to jump away like a jerk so now we could fight him in this location but instead of that it's time for me to try to do this jump all right so what I got to do is bop bop boom okay that wasn't exactly the boom I was looking for so bop bop B up up up yes oh my gosh wait actually first try second try third try I don't know something try a try the hard part is getting up there so at least I got that part there we go come on yes okay first try let's go don't look at the timer yeah that was an awesome first try I'm very happy it was an insane first try probably my best first try of all time honestly I'm not even going to join in here yeah I know purple air guy kind of just chills out while I do all the work in this level seems like a normal level to me come on there you go Bud there and we get that now we get tons of money easiest true dreed ey of my life all these people just going to be vibing for real for real and now we spawn in here so the only one in this room purple hair guy that we have to get is in the front right front right that's what I thought what what what the flip I fell down and I don't think you jumped there okay so Darth Maul still running away what is his problem does he like not want to fight scared we're such nice guys we just want to sell them Girl Scout cookies now let's go over in this Direction first don't kill those guys cuz it's not worth it cuz they're just going to spawn more so I just want to push him that was so brutal and now on to the other side makes you feel a little bit bad for a second but then you remember we're in the right probably maybe yeah we're the good guys but there is going to be one of those up there that's the only light for this one and then we just go up to our boys bop bop how only one hit oh he deflected his own shot back at him oh but finally it's time to fight this guy except he's going to keep running what are you doing fight us come on so now this part kind of hard because we got to make sure we don't destroy all of our chances at life and happiness you'll see what I mean in a second first we got to just take out this dude by slicing him a couple times what a loser come here yeah he keeps run this dude loves running what problem yeah it's like all we're trying to do is murder each other is that really that big of a problem but now he's going to force stuff at us which we force back at him he falls down like a idiot and he's going to do it again which we might as well just wait let's get this one and we'll force him for what here go go go okay got him again put that down not too much there we go let me up so normally you're supposed to get this in free play and if we push these down too much they get destroyed so we're being very careful here to not go down too much stay stay stay there thankfully he's not attacking you right now he's like oh what are you you guys are trying to do that he yeah I'll let you guys get your mini such a nice guy Stay Stay don't do more don't do more sorry oh okay that's fine we'll just have to come back I hate that part uh we lose the fight obviously unlucky but then our boy decides he's super sick nasty with it and does that easy so yeah dead person but you know we'll miss him I guess and we get a party party too bad we know all the awful stuff that will still happen in this series so maybe we shouldn't be partying but you know we're having a fun time great we got something that's blue pondering the orb and even our Robots dancing hooray the boys that green guy did nothing right back into one six free play now cuz we got to get the other mini kits so first one now we don't have to do that annoying jump we can just go up through there just feels so much better and we will take this guy and then we got to go upwards where there's both going to be the red brick oh I got it I got it this thing also terribly coated it moves you sometimes we don't know why but he's going to go up in that door and now we have to both force all these lights and also push all these buttons forcing the lights gets you a mini kit and pushing the buttons gets you a red brick or the opposite way around one of those it's it's one of them oh no yeah the game is kind of breaking on me for a second okay there we go I'm back in and we got our red brick by getting all the lights and now it's lagging for a second yeah holy that's that lag is head I love Steam remote play but that is going to be our mini C I'm glad we didn't have to restart this level yeah honestly all right so we're heading straight down with the boys this guy is going to keep doing his jumping away stuff we've already seen it once we already know what you're doing so now there's two in this area one that's up there which we can just do a yod to jump and one that you're going to get Pur boy you got this yes it's not letting me in yeah there we go okay that was weird all right now we got to do this one you weren't supposed to jump from there but can I get it yes nice job and now unfortunately we do have to get the other one shouldn't take too much extra time but okay we made it back here and luckily this one already spawns or does it not no we have we have to kill him we're lying dang we're Liars all right but now he'll spawn the thing thank you sir we appreciate that here I'm going to come up with you man here we can hang out together man how you doing out taking up all the area no you despawned me there we go dude was taking up the entire thing what a jerk what a platform hog so now time for five which I have a lot of notes we go straight over here we go straight over here okay okay my B just believe in me man I have the notes I'm just going off my own awful terrible oh this is free play okay but as I was saying what we're going to do is we have to get all of these this is a very I have so many notes for this one that purple hair guy doesn't believe but they are true okay so we open up this statue we don't go to the left hall for this one we go to the next left hall though and then we have to press these buttons we got to be on it at the same time it is nice having invincibility right now yes definitely not wor so now for this one it's going to be all the way in this direction which this place is really annoying to get up to cuz there's these guys just blocking it and you have to jump over them come on now come on guys oh got at the same time that was beautiful boom and it doesn't spawn until you actually destroy those which like I could see some kids them just being like Oh there's nothing here so they never even try to destroy that thing and they just it's it's over I want it it's mine I think that was you unfortunately so sad all right time for you to drop out it's time for my super epic jumps of power do you think I made a cool name for them uh oh my gosh it did not want you to drop out there man super epic jumps of power yeah oh wait dude you're actually insane okay now I have to make this jump which this jump is weird cuz it feels like there's something that weighs you down there but apparently not yeah doesn't even matter are you even affected by this anym now there is one back here right yes I I this is the all or the only one I always remember yeah because anyone we've ever messed up before and forgot about we're always going to remember it at least you can't get soft locked here yeah oh ah come on get up there you could be trying this too man you don't have to just watch me this is kind of funny not going to lie you could have helped out man I fell off the oh my gosh I made it that was actually super sick but now this one blad it up and build it yeah I'm just all right good stuff I can come back up here so one thing we haven't mentioned yet is with the grappling only one person can grapple at a time for some reason cuz if we try to Grapple at different times then it just kills one of us and it doesn't make sense why that is a thing but okay so now we have to set up this nice dinner table because you know we have to help our guests and all that our guests are going to have some delicious dinner games come on there we go but then we also decide I hate dinner so yeah unlucky for our guests now they will never get the dinner that we promised them dang it thought I could be sneaky scrap up I know I thought I could be sneaky with it all right you thought you could be sick nasty with it oh come on so now the great part about this is we see all these people we have to save but also they're smiling so we do do we really have to save them I think they're fine so we're just not going to why would I save people who are actively smiling right now maybe they want to be held captive yeah nope left left left left left oh yeah up top oh oh we almost just got dragged back down that was scary and final ones at the end the level over here which we just have to jump up to bop I ain't doing your weird jumps Yoda right here and that's a finish yes pretty good level things considered and we got the super slap I kind of wish we had the super slap on right now that'd be pretty cool I don't think we even use super slap yeah I don't think so so we're on to this one first guy is going to be just right here which actually let's not even try that jump or how do you get this again uh oh yeah that's how we do it it I'm an idiot man here's where you say no Ben you're not an idiot you know you're you're kind of dumb I that was not what I said you're supposed to say there but I guess you tried your best you make up for it with your pretty face ah no oh it put me up here nice okay so the only one that we have to get is this one along with the red brick or like the only one here that I I don't even know what I'm saying anymore yeah I was going to say I thought we had none so far well I meant in the sense of um the only one we want because like blue bricks there are other places that's what I was meaning and while you're doing that I you didn't even push it on what the heck I was too busy a mini kit I wanted to get the mini kit man what's wrong with that oh my making me push all the things or is it blue that's F nope it's the white one that's F yep it's right there uh and then I'll let you do your thing here yeah this is where I be a super cool gamer just like the entire speedrun honestly nothing really changes I love how the game lets us drop out immediately like it doesn't make us wait for some reason or anything and over here there's going to be this thing where I can use the dark force on these guys and then destroy them and boom I actually don't know if I actually need to use the dark force on that I might just be able to destroy them no you you have to break the FL all right all right here spawning spawning Gore Gore Gore see you later bud see you later bud times to try so what we have to do first of all we get these fences yeah we force all of them which I somehow remembered this last time but we never did it yeah purple hair guy we were practicing and apparently he knew about this he just didn't decide to tell me that it's a thing we do I have to go up purple guy no no no no up up purple guy I need the camera I need the camera here you go here you go it's all yours I need the camera and then we have to go over to the painting where we go and make a beautiful thing and then finally the last two are at the last part of the level so we got to hit these buttons thankfully we have our explosivos again and [Applause] hooray nice don't hit the button oh nice the button Dodge you're crazy all right there we go that was pretty good we didn't forget anything somehow yeah for real now my notes for one2 free play are you know this hopefully so hopefully I know this what what what kind of notes are those you know this hopefully man I it's this one for sure no because I do know this Pur guy I I feel like I know it and I'm just not remembering what yeah no I legitimately know where we have to go for this okay cool it it was just funny that those were my notes so we got to get the red brick and then there's one the kid the kid brick yeah now you're remembering so first the red Brick's going to be right here we have to use the Bounty Hunter and that's going to open that guy up which is good going to be our nice red brick and then secondly all we have to do is bring our Boba boy over here I got to go first this is my mini kit wait wait let me let me go to Yoda it's my mini kit oh and we're Boba boy and Boba adult that's so sweet Boba boy and Boba this is even Boba F so for one one my note is only left doors we don't go in the right one here so we go here first where we got to get this guy and then that's going to open up all these Droids that are kind of just you can can't you do a wall here no no you can't it's behind the droids so like okay okay so we'll get that guy yeah and then we keep going are you sure there's not one and then there's going to be this other one on the left I know purple guy stop doubting my notes it's just kind of fun why would my notes lie what what do I gain out of lying to you I gain my own pain because I have to play this game for longer true I got it and I'm already playing it for 13 13 hours at least 13 hours at least but that's going to be a two right there now there's going to be another left door cuz the left doors really do be the boys and this room has two of them it's this annoying room there's one right there and we have to force these tools otherwise they're going to get in our way never mind you're a gamer go up you got I fell all right I'll go away you stay there wait let me switch yep sorry if you don't switch if your droa in there you are too big and it just puts you back because this game is amazing best trick coming right up literally yeah so stupid easy that's it that's the whole trick well no you still got to stay alive so we got to go through here boom We skip all of those things and high jump yeah high jump if we can find it there it is there it is got it I love that trick such a fun one that actually is a really fun trick now we got the red brick which we just have to open up that using our robot friend we got to press this oh wait we don't press that button we just press these buttons there we go thank you for the red brick NP that means no problem wow that was so cool of you to tell me that man I I would have had no idea but there we go no we did quit out before this cut scene oh dang my 5 seconds so we going straight back into 1 one this time doing the challenge same thing every time always play as the uh Yoda TR and immediately there's one behind us they want us to miss that they really do but then we have the right door is our first one which we have to do a high jump over here boom easy and then not the left door but we go to the second left door I'm being so analytical aren't I quirky what the heck what the heck are you am I not quirky please you're so quirky man no joke um there's only one in here and then there are two in the third left so that means there are two in this door dude I love Yoda's scream he's like ah it's so fun but one of these just right there in the shower you don't even have to turn on the shower which is kind of funny oh I love very slowly moving look at all the guys in the bottom no oh oh my gosh that was scary man that was actually horrifying all right let me switch back before you uh yep there we go go and now we will have to move this unfortunately we actually yeah we just have to move a tiny bit we're free and now we get to do the coolest trick yet again can we hit it the second time in a row two times in a row oh God I fell to my death what the heck oh gosh oh no oh no oh no where am I where am I you're good I got it and there's the exact same place for this one did that one was yeah it was at the exact same place okay I believe one in here we just go in there and it's in this one why did we both jump in there we didn't need to and then there's also one if we head back here in this direction cor going to be back back here I'm surprised you're remembering this this well what come on man like I no I meant I wouldn't because there's so much I had to spend the entire yesterday writing notes in order to remember this I seriously this is all that's been in my brain a few months like two or three months this is the only thing in life that matters Lego Star Wars at this point for me getting done with this run is the only thing in life it's the only way for you to continue your life yeah to finally move on so it's one two time where's the first one at do not shoot it don't shoot the thing we can just grab it skip the cut scene easy is it even that much faster to jump over it yeah with the slow force it is there's this one if we can make it over yeah I guess we do have slow force on which is super annoying to have just in general fast Force should just be the regular Force if we're going to be completely honest actually so true it is so freaking annoying you know what actually that one's kind of smart cuz people are going to be like oh I can just fly over with Boba Fett but no they actually had to play the game oh my gosh dude are we bad at this game I got it first try dude it's insane how many of these things I get first try I actually like crazy and then this guy and then there's one more up here the exact same spot as the mini kit cuz why would they be in different places now onto this area we need to move that down and we got the room one remember to get in the room the room the high jump we got to force these or oh no you blow up that how did I not die there I definitely should have got blow seriously have no idea it's also really funny they have platforms here that make it look like you should do a puzzle to get that blue thing but you just go into the swamp water that's good enough there's really nothing here got it oo and then another one that's in the exact same spot as a mini kit what beautiful locations man and then final one should be right at the end oh we're just too rolly boys for real for real okay where is this guy right over in this corner boom I win right a I think that's a e that's me dang all right so back to this level back to this time the challenge yep I almost forgot about that guy but I would never forget about him he's so cute and then yeah there's going to be one in that thing please stop shooting me guys I'm friendly I'm not friendly but you don't see that's the Art of War you don't tell them that you're not friendly H where is it where where is it oh wow so hidden that was super cool man uh I don't think there's one back here you never know you never know the devs really like putting stuff just behind you it's their favorite thing to do all right let's go the boys we and there's going to be that one you died excuse me no ah let me go that is the good thing about having two people here one person can die and the other person can carry on their legacy go my friend you got to drop out again go again got to drop out again go again my friend you never know it's going to be two three or four times that you need to drop out I don't think we've ever had a four have we I I hope not truly all right see you I just wanted to come in for the journey man all right so what we have to do we come down here and it's right in this corner somewhere nice now there's going to be one in that one room you know what I'm talking about yeah one in that one room yeah awesome I do know what you me but still see that one room I told you everyone loves that one room and then there's this one where we have to fly to you're a gamer please you're too good you're too good for the world purple air guy and that's why I shot you in the face yeah you shot me in the back of the head the world doesn't deserve you so I'm taking you out these places they don't show up right away it would be very easy to miss that but who will get their faster you taking the straight line or me cutting through ooh it's going to be close oh I think I pushed you there I I think I gave you more momentum there dude W well well I'm not wearing I'm happy that we did that so fast that was a good level we were gaming now we're on to the 14 challenge which hey look a mini kit right there we're not going to get it yet oh we never bought the arc fighter oh oh yeah we did didn't we no we we would have it on usually eh whatever who needs an arc fighter we'll just have to be good at video games which one is this come on give us oh we don't we never we never bought them uh we can just do the TR there okay yeah I think we messed up and didn't buy him at one point oops oopsies all right that is fine so we forgot to buy some ships that are really helpful just in general dude Oh I thought we had to get white ones for a second oh my goodness are you even playing this game right now what's going on like it's not like it really matters to be completely honest with you cuz we have to do three laps that is facts all right we got that one I was kind of scared we weren't going to get that one for a second we God we suck man dog we're fine all right you should drop out all right please let us get this is there even one up here there is yeah there's two oh my gosh gosh yeah bigger shifts help you grab bricks easier yeah so we should be using them more we should have a really big ship but we forgot to buy it as we have already explained you can only really blame purple hair guy for that okay what what wait what hold on wait a minute all right let's not miss this boom right we did get that right yeah we did get this one boom we're insane Booyah booah we have one chance here one opportunity one shot one opportunity one opportunity you're broken now on to five this one this is one that has it at the beginning of the room see that was the one you were thinking about earlier and there also is in the same location as that other mini kit there's this grapple so we can grab both of those guys now in this section we will want to go over to the left in this first room and there's kind of just a blue brick just chilling there right by this nice statue then in a similar space to last time we're going to this exact same place and the blue Brick's in the exact same place make it over had it come on I hate these guys why do they have to block us like this I guess that might be a little easier but it's not as cool all right nice so we got that next room is going to have three guys stop hitting us why does everybody want us to die okay so there's this one on the right side of these windows got all of that now you need to leave again purple hair guy cuz I don't need you I don't need you I don't need you I don't need you but I want you I mean I did not say that at the end let the record show oh oh my gez Louise there we go hey hey hey give me a second to do my work man boom wow wow that one usually takes me so many more tries to get they don't need to know that that is ah they shot me you jerks what's wrong with you why would you shoot somebody who's flying these guys have problems man we got to get this if you want to help that would be nice oh my God you and all the help stuff over here I just like my friends being nice to me for once in my life I need help come on man just make the jump I guess that's fair enough so now for this one it actually is just down here it looks like there's only one in this room so we do that we can make this guy see you later oh see you later you jerk see you later now boom then in this area it's right over no it's not over here nope I thought it was thought it was in the corner nope it's not oh they're on the sides nope only one on the side only this one and then there's one in the final area yeah we have a lot of like fake memories I feel like inside of us of where things are cuz we were like hey this spot has to have one right nope nothing that you think should have it has it it's really it it seriously is fake memories it's really weird yeah we've implanted memories into our own minds to full ourselves but this part is great because we're like oh I wonder where this last blue one is oh there it is so we'll go and grab our boy and yeah that's 10 and we get another guy no you should keep being a droida we could have been br Brothers of three we could have been Brothers of three why didn't you want to be brothers with us I don't want to be the middle child what you could have been the older brother I would have I would have let you have that one you just didn't ask you should have asked that's true I didn't have time I didn't have time and finally to finish out one we have one six which again they do one that's right behind us cuz they hate us I'm I'm kind of embarrassed uh so I'm just going drop out okay so we have to make the ship first wait I don't think I can back don't think I can join in do I have it I have it here you go oh okay okay my keyboard had it kill them please kill them for guy you're fine just Just Do It Go ship come on ship buddy there you go that's what we like to see I you bud now we can come over here yep I'll put you up somehow you're not falling off it's pretty sick yeah you have to position yourself right on the like inside corner of that dude that's super sick I love that what a great addition to this game on the right here people don't have any idea what we're talking about for I trust my notes please I can't see your notes you haven't been yes you can I sent them to you yeah but I can't out to see them I can't Tab out or the game will break you're choosing not to see my notes there's one more where you got to go do your thing downstairs anything to reduce the amount of times this game can break is something that I'm going to be doing I guess that is fair they this game does love breaking oh there we go nice so now let's go through here I love when it doesn't let you switch your character for a second but so my notes say um there's three one is to the bottom left one is to the top right where's the third over there there it is all right so let's go to bottom left first which is right here those are actually good spots to put these in cuz like who isn't going to go up the flying lights it's the best part of the game oh my goodness he just has been spawning Yoda SC stop screaming it makes me feel bad for murdering you man it's really rude of you to do now other one is just through here which this one we don't have to go up the lights he now we got to kill our boys oh my gosh it spawned me again and then killed me okay get him get him get him nice that's exactly what we wanted to see man so now we have to go through this entire Chase sequence again with this guy when is he you going to learn this is the third time now and there's just a random blue brick just right there you know just chilling and final one I kind of forget where it is right here nice I hit the perfect jump us missed the jump Oh yay I won no oh it's always a good day when I win and now we don't even have to kill this guy he gets to live another day unfortunately all we have for episode one now mini kid and character bonuses until we get to go back to the shop okay so this is another one of these where yeah it's just the mini kit bonus you want to put invincibility and uh explosive on yeah we might as well put our stuff on as long as invincibility and exposive bolts around this invincibility does go crazy and hopefully a power pallet will go crazy as well we should drop down might as well get the stuff up here you told us to drop down now who looks like the fool now for war guy I do it's okay man you're not a fool you were just misunderstood and another Power and another let's go dude crazy RNG let's go we love to see every single power pallet of all time at the same place another one okay this level's great I like this level this is a fun one power pellets power pellets any power pellets for sale thank you sir over here and we should be finished right there another win for me now another purple hair gu section so I'm going to go fill my water no I want water so bad not to ow B about anything but he said I couldn't eat or drink or or I'd be fired and he'd go get someone else yeah I'm out hey nice job man now it's time for shop we have to remember to get those ships okay characters we got what are the ships we need ey bomber that one on your right and then the big one right there Arc fighter okay so we get those and then we're also going to go and get Force grapple and super slap dude that's going to be sick I'm so excited to Super slap some people okay let's put on get our super slap OD you're not supposed to get super SLA but think about how much fun it's going to be for us I don't actually know what super slap does so me neither okay we're going over to sex all right so we're in this nice 61 level and we got Darth Vader just looking at the boys having a good time and he literally looks at my man and makes him cry so now we're just a couple of robots trying to go inside a building and they let us through but we got to go save those robots oh wait do you still have C3PO on you I think you didn't turn it back on well we'll have it back on later we'll give you them again one day so I will build this you go and spawn the ice so you got to actually get in front of these things before they start trying to shoot you so then we can just hit them multiple times it takes like a ton of bullets for some reason but there we go now the door is open oh yeah that's smart make the box then these people are going to dance look at him oh that was awesome great idea but I'm going to put a hat on because I deserve to have a hat do you like it do you think I look good in it you look really sick oh thank you man you sickening what what okay help me sa just hit the door hit the door doesn't matter if you don't need your helmet again yeah I guess that's fair okay now I'mma lift you up I'mma show you what you want to be and take you where you want to see I don't know if those are the song lyrics but anyways you're up now have fun and now I will shoot through this guy oh I could have gotten a beautiful shot at the same time I don't know if that actually would have worked but they are just punching you man they do not stop for any cut scene look at these guys by the way just over there you shouldn't have came towards us guys oh I didn't even kill them okay now that's just kind of embarrassing that I even said that yeah they have like extra health I'm coming down here with you I got to get Luke you're a gamer you're a gamer now I got to do this jump which is kind of hard there we go that's our first one you can go to go to the robot thing I do this one oh second TR I I just I just destroyed those man I'm crazy these jums are kind of hard you say come on okay you didn't have to say that in that voice I don't know why you would do that oh nice juke box that literally does nothing for us though oh I guess they dance I didn't know they dance from that far away that's sick now it is time to push the worst part stop stop stop you you were sto but you were stopping me from pushing that's called ceration I'm The Pusher man all right you ready so we're trying to get him to face through this wall basically and it's kind of difficult but once we get it it'll be super cool there we go nice all right I drop out I I think I think you might have to stay in why are you where are you don't I was I couldn't go down any lower oh okay so that was dumb there you go all right there you go I think oh did you die no no okay I thought I heard you scream no you didn't what the heck I I don't know what's going on with those P we have never had this happen to us for this part I hate this game what is going on man all right come on make sure I'm in before you do anything what is going on one more time one more time dude this is so weird you might have to do it for real I hate this game oh come on did it work are you alive yes thank you you got to jump up more all right you got this you know where to go I can't remember go go left left left keep going keep go up up up up up up dog you dog you know what room your so up left up left sorry I'm like totally I once I was under the map I was like L all right now just jump up are you okay actually this works this we can just go through that is so dumb well it happened an awful experience that was ah it's okay having more people here will help I guess don't hit them we we got to close their things first don't hit them I just got totally like messed up when I went all the way down and couldn't find my way back up okay so we'll open up that gate now we need the Bounty Hunter Mas stop stop stop no we'll just have the Bounty Hunter first and then try to keep uh them alive so yeah just stay away from people keep surviving I got to go get this mask kill them okay that did exactly work so now we're going to do this now because we might as well and we'll have to go back and get the Bounty Hunter again but that is fine we should have just done it normally I guess but we've never had that much troubles with it hey look at me look at me look at me go damn you styling bro you wish you me I bet so now we can actually use the Bounty Hunter mask and here's where we see some Stone guy that's Han Sola n that doesn't look like Han Sola what are you talking about but before they can have their nice reunion Faz bad well I guess they did get to have a nice reunion wow but after that this guy comes out and now it is time to fight some big guy okay so we're going to drop one of these guys and they're going to try to eat him he's going to be like oh that looks yummy so he grabs it what grab him dude here I'm going to block him off there we go all right you got to do the thing you got to drop it on him like it's hot it's not this right yeah it is oh wait no it isn't oh you just hit him we're dumb yeah it's been a while man the we have been doing this for 4 and 1/2 hours there's only so much now get another one of those guys out while I get the mini kit problem is all the characters run away yeah it is kind of annoying all right come on man just grab him he's tasty I promise num num num you're going to love him and we just kind of wait a second before we drop this on him unlucky that's what he gets for wanting to eat so bad but unfortunately even though we did all that it doesn't really matter that much because we're still going to lose Princess Leia we also get taken away there's this weird guy and yeah this part happens we don't talk about this part all right this one we just get one and it says J Freo one I don't know what that's supposed to mean oh my gosh oh I this yeah yeah so now we're getting taken away by the ship and our robots have gotten taken away from us like the 50th time and this guy's trying to get us to jump off we're super scared I would be probably but then we suddenly become really confident and we do the sickest jump of Our Lives we're like Boop we're having fun on the trampoline he's embarrassed that he's not having this much fun we're jumping for honestly a while I forgot he jumped for this long and finally he gets our lightsaber which he gives back to before we push wow killed him we we he really did kill him there but okay anyways it is time to do this game we now we're all just kind of safe and together and we did kill that guy but it also really seems like his problem not ours we get the two other boys we all just working together for real this be the squad and now it's time for this fight which this is the funniest fight of all time because literally all we do is just shoot him over and over he keeps trying to fly away and stuff but it's such a dumb fight and then of course poor Boba boy all grown up now got eaten unlucky so at this point there's not really any mini kits that we're going to get there are a few we could get but we might as well just come back for the free play since we have to anyways oh my gosh I made those so we're just going straight on our journey while purple hair guy screams it's a normal thing for purple hair guy to do he likes screaming now I will grab this one which that is going to be number two and now put this up and then you can jump off that okay that was not a hard jump at all I don't know why I tried to act like it was but I will move this H come on come come on there we go and now watch this bop oh no you bop bop bop bop till you dropped dude please game just push it off push it off push it off no okay I accidentally did I wanted to be cool I I'll hit this cuz I'm Han Solo right now dang Luke really wish as he was Han Solo so now this opens up the new path for me which we have to get this cuz we have no flying characters imagine not being able to fly you see that guy fall out of the map yeah that was weird that wasn't just me seeing something all right you get that one I will get this all right got that keep pushing push push got it got it good job pushing man I'm proud of you now I have to do this jump where I just do a slam at the height of my jump I have to get a little bit of a running start oh come on man you got this i got this I got this there there we go if I was Han Solo I would have gotten that first try but you know how it is now you get in the corner and we have this cool trick I actually really enjoy this trick cuz I start making now I come over here I keep making I hold up into the left and I fail and then I try again y anyways as I was saying I keep making hold up and to the left I fail a second time okay there we go that's what we like to see so now I'm through the wall I'll respawn and then I have to jump back through and there we go and now I just try to make it to the door you want me to drop out yeah drop out drop out there we go I knew where the door was that whole time so this guy's really mad so she chokes him out unlucky but kind of deserved not going to lie it was really easy to kill him too it only took her like a second but we got the whole Squad back together and it's now time to get the only brick we get before free play which I call the freelow brick that is what is written in my notes it is so easy to it's literally like it's impossible not to get basically cuz you could see it right there now where are you Chewbacca or pretty much anyone who can shoot oh it's not on the platform I'm an idiot it's I'm bad but so we make this up we start hitting these guys it starts exploding some stuff we somehow get the Freo brick I don't even know how it happened there and yeah that's the end of this level we killed a bunch of more people hooray now Han Solo just leaves without even checking with his girl meanwhile Luke is like hey I'm Mr steio girl even though that is his sister and yeah he takes her like that but then Han takes all the glory of course so yeah kind of awkward situation and a lot more people dead I think we should have left those robots I won't lie why because you know what have they helped us so now it's time for the Luke and Leia mission where we're wearing all green we're looking sick and I actually really like this one cuz we have a cool trick so first of all we have to start out while doing a cool jump and by we I mean you you literally have to do this it's up to you man oh go you're failing right now I know I know everybody's laughing everybody's laughing first draw you're insane all right and then the second Jump's a lot easier I guess you don't even have to jump if you don't want to and we make it over here where we have a super cool trick I honestly love this trick cuz it's not that bad let me get get him thank you cuz I need the double jump for this trick it helps a lot so these guys jump off their cars and we're like oh thank you my car now and yeah they're ours now so it tries to get us to do all this stuff to open up this gate but who needs to open up a gate when you can just chill out in a corner okay you're in there so what I'm going to do is go into this then I turn around and then as I turn around I do that I drop out it puts me on the other side of the gate I get in the loading zone and it's that easy I'm surprised we got that first try yeah that was really good so we basically skipped the entirety of the level and all we have is a boss fight now we can just go through here open that up I did not get to go that elevator you kicked me out you jerk I hate you sorry about it okay hit these first and actually what we do here purple a guy last time we were a little confused but purple air guy you actually want to keep pressing the buttons yourself we don't have to do those at the same time so while he goes and hits the switches we hit the first ones together cuz we might as well but now he's just going to do them Al so he's going to keep going through I'm going keep taking these guys might as well and finally we get that guy which that's the entire boss fight I don't even know if you could really call that a boss fight and all we have to do is hit some switches what a great level that we did not cheese at all yep so we make it out nice and easy easiest destroying of a base that I've ever done in my life honestly so now we see our boy chewbaca he wants the Scooby Snack we're like Chewbacca do not eat that Scooby Snack please and he decides to take I think I think we did the Scooby Snack joke in any% as yeah we did that's only for the people who like really care and for some reason they bow down to Yellow robot I don't think he deserves all this praise personally cuz he's made of gold no he's made of yellow and he's like hey look at these guys yeah ha this guy's bad he killed that guy he's really good at describing things and now Chewbacca doing his greatest dance ever we're at this point and at this point you're supposed to do a lot of things to mess with older tree forts but instead you can literally just use R2-D2 yeah good good working with you man we work together oh oh wait yeah we start right away with that one right away what I want to do is jump on these things I have just enough propulsion to make it on top and that allows me to go over this skipping making all of that stuff then for the next one we're going to be heading over here and you can see that I have a slightly elevated surface so I will go right there and I want to basically make this entire fly which is always a little scary but I like that first try and then that spawns obviously everybody back here so we can actually play as the boys now purple hair guy he's going to be going upwards meanwhile I just destroy all this stuff and yeah you can kill those guys while I do this then I start pushing this uh get upwards when you can so you can use that switch that was actually really good and I'm going to see if I can make it up with this thing it works sometimes it doesn't yes time save you get that one I'll get the hard way to push it come on come on oh perfect we're Gamers even 4 hours and 45 minutes in we're still gaming and do not take my button yellow robot you better not I never trust that guy okay so you try to open this stuff up I'll try to do this jump it's a little hard to hit we try to do it but we don't really rely on it meanwhile he's just doing all his deal I almost got it there all right uh you can probably probably drop out honestly okay see you bye goodbye great working with you man anyways that's all purple hair guy for this video unfortunately see you guys wait I'm being kicked out what no I'm joking you're you can't you're never you're never allowed to leave Pur where we're together we're in this together this is our destiny okay see where people are going first this is why I wanted you to see where they're going first man what the heck they keep switching on us okay now you're going through there and then you can press that button which we have to build a bridge over on the other side oh yeah yeah yeah yeah because these robots are too lazy to build anything on their own meanwhile just chill on this button eventually eventually Leia's going to get here probably uh Princess Leia hello what is she doing what what are you doing you're so lazy I guess it's a good thing I checked go little guy you got this oh my goodness we suck stop moving I hate this game so what we will do here is we have another little trick where basically I go over here and I just keep rolling on this hill I'm having a great time you know it's basically a water park and now you spawn in perfect now he has to destroy that stuff make this Leia is so lazy just like usual not doing anything she could be helping out but I guess I'm expecting too much she's also standing in front of it trying to make it as hard for you as possible what a jerk but we can make it inside this building where I will switch the Han little guy I'm not going to give you Han come on man I like little guy yeah little guy is pretty cool but we will go over in this Direction first we have to destroy these and there's a lot of stuff in these rooms we have we have to do oh not that one actually we destroy these so then we can press this button which is going to be one of those then there's that button if you can hit it there you go and now last button is over here somewhere yeah right here meanwhile there's all these punches going on I really wish our NPCs actually did damage to anybody but instead they just like punching just for the fun of it but I will oh hey my bad oh my gosh oh my goodness come on there we go that's what we needed and yellow robot yellow robot what are you doing what a lazy jerk yeah yellow robot is really throwing the team back so that is going to be our first switch that we have to destroy there's a lot to this level this is probably one of the longest levels but that is going to be number two for some reason they just put it in the easiest place possible and then we have to go to the other room which we might as well kill these people first we need R2 over here where are you buddy you love murder I do know that you love murdering Pur Boer guy it's kind of concerning but oh no no out okay just keep yellow robot up there as well I know his name I don't know why I keep calling him yellow robot because he's made of yellow why else is is made of yellow that is true okay I'll get little guy and you got to make this jump the greatest jump of your career I think you went too early oh my gosh I'm I'm I'm okay I for sure thought you didn't get that I won't lie and now last one right there and I will drop out for you which it actually worked for once who would have guessed who would have guessed the Dropout button would actually work not me oh and now we have to pull these at the same time and then finally after all that work we can finally destroy this thing this honestly might be the longest level it is so long but we make it out somehow really easily all the boys working together I don't know where Luke is he might have died but not my he just left he was like I'm out of here he's just like this seems like a lot of work man I got to go fight my dad and now it's going to be time for probably the coolest boss fight in this game cuz we do a super cool trick I love this trick yeah they're just joking around but it is now time to work together with our father because you know I guess we're in the dark side now since we left all our friends I think that's what happened yeah exactly yep that is the lore we became evil and this guy's like hey I'm evil too but then Darth Vader's like hey you can't be evil to my friends or Sons or whoever this guy is he kind of forgets who it is butt no it was Darth Vader forgetting not me oh yeah he's he's like I think this is my kid I'm not sure though but anyways what I want to do is I want to get this guy all the way over here and take off invincibility oh yeah we have to take off invincibility you're right you're right I'm just so used to having fun come on kill me okay and now boom I push him no quit out dud oh I have to drop out guy you you got to quit out yeah now you're taking him FB air guy you're my go I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry dog we're usually so good at this trick you got to drop out and wait for your guy to come naturally yeah I forgot about that okay so he's gonna kill me and now drop out okay now it's time to push oops ah this might be a bad one no it's good just keep pushing him just keep going just oh a he got hit can we still do it let's do it again yeah we can still do it okay I'm I'm a pro no a you hit him in the butt we have never had this many problems with this one I think this is next phase yeah we we're going to have to restart come on first time drop out come on please yes oh my God I wasn't I wasn't even in there all right took a little bit but we got it I don't know I think what I was struggling with was I wasn't holding down like I needed to hold down sooner and I was trying to go to the left so now we're in a big war with a bunch of people we got this guy he's like hey yeah I'm piloting my ship and now we got a pilot with them which starts out with the very worst part where we have to find bombs oh there's one there's a bomb this part oh come on come on get him get him okay so the bombs instead of just them just being on every ship like they probably should they just put them on some of the ships and you just have to keep searching for them and hoping that you find them so we got to look around there's one got him we're getting fairly good RNG so far yeah sometimes you just never get in it just gave us both a bomb that was weird I think the game just glitched out and gave us both a bomb right there that's awesome I like that all right this this has been we've had way worse ones of this where we've looked forever yeah this is really good actually like this game usually is not this nice and it isn't even being that nice right now oh okay well that's fine I did first no nice oh it worked never mind that was some good gaming right there man oh now I'm spin we we we I'm spinning we yeah I think we got oh hey look true Jedi wow wow that was hard so difficult it's almost like times eight is really good now we go through here we have to destroy these guys I got first one and I'll get the one to the right and that's should be good boom beautiful that's what we like to see and this other one I think is just to the left or maybe the right that's blue oh yeah this one no there's one where you just hug the wall you can get it through the wall awesome that's so cool are you ready for that one really weird shot we have to do for this level uh yes now that I know what the deal with yeah and I Wasing we both do it like one of us be in the middle and one of us is the closer so we both try you go first boom nice I got the second one the Cubby's up here yeah cubby first one right here and then we do the weird shot so the weird shot you guys are about to see it's kind of a fun one to be honest I like this like Strat that you do here so what we do is we don't want to come back here and free play so instead of coming back here with a different ship which you would normally need to open this up we just keep turning and oh oh my gosh what the heck how that usually takes us like a while what okay all right all right that was awesome I'm actually amazed that we just got that first that was so sick what we are Gamers man all right so now we have to get the red brick we have to use our bombs oh gosh stop stop sir stop you got too close it keeps going like that trick is a lot harder than we just made it seem you have to get like the perfect shot over there you go first you got to get the perfect shot over there to make it work so I am very surprised we got that that was like a astounding actually like I got that I think we missed one nope we have them all I am 100% all right so we got our first one in these these ones are so hard to see like this is not very well made probably actually suit bird put on like a warning flashing lights and Skip to this moment but that is going to be our second one that we just shoot it's really nice when you only have to shoot them it's harder when we're going for the challenge ones since we have to actually run into them but right now this isn't that bad we just got to make sure we're in general shooting everywhere and we'll probably be good which last one I don't even know how we got that one but we did yep and all those people died and now everybody's happy they're like hooray they're dead yippe and we oh my gosh we're dancing with their mass of dead people and before we end off of course we got to say bye Darth Vader burn him alive and he's like hey look I'm a ghost now haha look at me and I don't know how we see his ghost but we do and now we dance at all the people we died look they're using their mask as drums this is so much this is actually yeah this is kind of mess like those were people they they were against you to be fair they were kind of evil but they're still people well they could have been the good guys in their own eye that is true but we got all the ghosts chilling with us we haven't even seen Yoda die yet yeah we haven't even seen Yoda we're getting spoiled but it's the boys oh yeah and now we still have like half the speedrun to still do ah great so now we're in 65 free play and there is a lot of stuff to do for this one first of all let's get these lights that way we can get the red brick feels good not having to do that trick oh hello game that was what the heck was that I do not know okay there's this guy that we have to get then we go over to the right and there will be this over here which we just have to jump up to Boom I'm amazing at jumping I'm the greatest Yoda jumper alive we haven't done Yoda jumping in a while so now we're over here where there's going to be this one and we can just go and grab that and then we have this weird button thing where you have to like destroy things I don't really know how exactly this works but yeah it's really weird I know that didn't seem weird it just seemed like you know you shoot things but we have struggled in that room for much long what the heck you're just falling inoda now you will go ahead and get that then we have to build this I accidentally threw a bomb don't worry about that we got to go through there this is a you thing or actually we can just destroy it and now we have to go up here to do a super cool trick and it's one that I'm not very confident in hitting yeah this is a hard one so we got to go up here oh first try oh you almost had it honestly purple hair guy is better at this by a land slide than me holy crap man you're crazy you are broken it's not fair to have you on the team purple hair guy holy I I that was awesome also do that wall one the one wall I'm stuck right now they were just beating you up purple hair gu is much better at these jumps than me I remember the day when I used to be better at them but it's sad at least I can be Boba boy though one day it just clicked and it worked oh you're stuck in the wall I forgot that could happen I I think we I think we glitched it out when I went through it actually we have to go out I think hopefully what let's just get this last one yeah let's get this one I think that yeah just something really messed up happened we'll have to come back in that's fine I guess I was trying to go too fast man oh oh nice you're crazy all right let's see if this will work this time dog what is going on this blow it up hold up you're kidding me it is a oh my goodness we're just idiots I ha so stupid man all right be Bobble boy quick you know 5 hours we're going to keep saying we're going to keep blaming it on how long we've been playing but to be fair it is it is actually wearing down on that was legitimately the dumbest thing we've done so all right 64 time uh there is one behind oh no the one behind the Hut is for the challenge it's not for this one so first one we got to go ahead and make this jump which is a nice little Yoda jump don't worry I'm crazy I always hit my jumps yeah the distance ones never hit them now we can go over here dude what was that worry about it you could just shoot the wall there I think N I wanted to be cool I wanted to hit one of those for once purple air guy you always get two Yoda scream it's just you know maybe we're trying to die on purpose just to hear a scream cuz he goes like it's nice and fun you know is that a bad thing to say no it's hilarious all right so now we're going to go over here we're going to grab that one which is going to be four and then we can just jump through this there are three things in this area that we have to get so you hit the jump how are you so good at high jumps man it's when I have to do any other kind of jump that I can't do oh yeah got all love these rolly Hills that we sometimes get on come on make it over yes and now we can just jump over these things this really is a large part of the level without any loading zones it's kind of yeah it's insane they usually don't have these large levels without any loading zones in this one oh oh my gosh they got smoed look at did you see your little feedies they were like a don't take that out out of context every all right now over here to the right oh you're right you're right I am right get it cuz we're going correct you you you get how you you know cuz cuz cuz we were going to the right so I was like you're right you know what I'm saying that's really funny man do you get it no I don't get it oh okay nice now the other two just drop out drop out other two are on the right oh my brain is starting to not understand what's going on but we're going to make it through nice and then we can we get to create it it's always fun when you get to create your own of these mini kits like it's just like you're playing Lego in real life don't mind me it's me Boba boy I'm going to create this haha look how fast I am at building that's cuz I'm Boba boy you think Boba boy what did you just hit the switch no the one of the Stormtroopers does it if you don't kill them wait actually yeah yeah they do it that's so weird so now we're back to this level which you'll remember we skipped the entire thing so now we actually have to play through it kind of there are ways we will speed it up a little bit but you'll see in just a second oh let's go down here first though blue it's blue it's blue it's blue no is it yes yes yes I remember that one whatever you say buddy whatever you say he's right by the way I I I shouldn't be saying whatever you say you're you're objectively right okay do not kill the people remember don't shoot them because so basically we can skip some cutcenes and some fights if we do not shoot these people we're just going to let them live and instead how we get out of the cars is by dropping out cuz normally it's kind of scripted dropouts that would happen but now we have to do it like that what what is going on I'm I'm freaking out it's okay it's okay I got it it probably would have been faster just to go through there normally with Boba boy but you know why do that yeah why would we ever do that okay let me get my car all right and these guys are still trying to attack us I don't even know where they are if I'm going to be honest and I don't really care about them oh nice now we stop here all right I get out too and also by the way look at my car it's like flipped around it looks awes oh my gosh dog my car is so much cooler than yours look at mine okay now there are two we have to get on this ride first one is up here easy and the second one and second one over there if we can hit it boom nice kind of fun to actually play this level for once yeah you usually just completely skip it look at my car oh my God why does you just keep Landing like my car is just cooler than yours man your car doesn't have the skills to pay the bills now we have I think two more on this section to get this one is super annoying come on Hit it first try first try okay that one a lot of the times just randomly you don't hit it and there's no real reason for that but there we go and now it's time to do this trick all right nice and now I turn I do my flip I jump out I make it over the wall and I'm just too good at this trick if I hello there we go that's the loading zone we needed now let's get the red brick first and then yeah all right so I'm going push this guy boom excuse me Pur air guy how are you strong all right all right all right all right all right how is Yoda stronger than me but okay and there we get the red brick now we can just head up here dog don't try to do tricks just go inside I tricks okay now we just got to do that I'm going down the elevator and boom or do we have to explod it nope easy okay cool level oh we're making it up there in the mini kits slowly but surely okay now with 6'2 first of all nope it's not that we have to destroy these I thought there was a we don't do that jump nope we don't do that jump oh is that a blue baa no it's not even a blue purple guy what are you doing just completely misremembering oh yeah probably I'm also misremembering but what we have to do is we build these things remember um oh we build this right here and then you push that one over and yeah now it's going to spawn this guy can you guys stop trying to shoot me oh I almost got it right away I almost got it before there we go though and now we get this amazing fight again and we're literally his dad but his dad is about to murder him his two dads die son die son we never loved you anyways my God okay that's kind of messed up so we're going to head up here and then we just have to hit these switches now you build this one oh yeah you're right we don't even hit those switches I don't know what the switches do I'm not going to lie I have literally no idea I thought we wanted to hit the to open the uh platform eh oh I guess we could have whatever who needs a platform when you have jumps these good okay as I was saying who needs a platform when you have jumps that are this good come on yes I got mine I got mine yes let's go we're insane how are we so good at this video game and now we can get one up here sorry it just really fell a stop joking me sorry dude wanted me dead what what is your problem man it's just how it is is man all right you can't just say it's just how it is and make that make sense is there something behind us here nope nothing there what we do is we go through this wall oh yeah I'll let you do that yeah easy just kill these guys really quick and I can make a mini kit Yoda I don't know why you're the one I'm picking to do this but there you go and now you do this jump nice nothing back there and now we can head up here and oh I made it you're insane okay remember hit the windows hit the windows now hit the windows can Gabe can you let get out of here man okay there you go and now yeah hit all these windows that way we can build this and that's going to be our next one that's eight and now just two more and a red brick nice jump man I I meant to say that when you actually got it now it just seems like an insult so my bad but okay that's there and now there's one up here and one the red Brick's right here a you should have been over the one in the wall I can't do it I got it I got it I got it I how are you so good at those they really are your specialty this is going to be your claim to fame in your MVP status if the chat decides you get it okay so we have four there are two to the left to start out one that's over here dog well I guess we'll go your way then man we can't even go your way we okay now I go over here you did not have to come with me bro okay now there's one up there and it's just these two at this start so I will go and start doing these things while you do that these guys are so annoying how are they so indestructible now there's going to be one to the right here nice job opening that gate man nice gate it was really cool and then yep get that guy and we can head through here there's a blue one in that room yeah there's a blue one in that room but we ain't doing blue ones okay now there's one over here or wait is this a blue one nope no and there's a red brick over to the right uh up top yeah yeah okay we remembering we have memories still I do remembering is there a blue not that one not that that's a blue all right nice pretty good now we have to do this I completely forget how to get this one do you remember no all right you do that oh yeah it's literally just this I forgot I forgot how easy that is to get got it oh wow you didn't even need me man I wish you did need me but that's going to be that now we just have one more which is near the end of level cuz we already got those other ones with our amazing gameplay on this level remember when we had that amazing game playay what amazing game play wait what's oh oh all of our games I thought you were specifically mentioning something dog what you doing what are you doing over here what you what are you talking about getting this weirdo bruh you're making me bruh moment right now man but that was a beautiful thing and that's the free place now we got our character bonus and the other bonus and then it is time for the challenges challenges wee which hoay back to these and this one actually not the worst challenge I like this one oh I thought it fell off no no no it's just went you're you're just a genius man you know what's going to happen before it does how do you do it purple hair guy what's what are your secrets I looked with my eyeballs that isn't true I don't know why I'm doing that just just go over man why was I trying to do anything else okay hopefully another Power pellet beautiful is it even called a power pellet is it a pellet or is it I think it's a power or something probably people are complaining in the comments about it being called to pellet but that's okay because we still love you guys thank you guys all for watching so far and by the way if you've been enjoying this video you probably would enjoy purple hair guys channel so you know don't just blindly subscribe check it out beforehand see if you like it see if you're going to watch his videos but he makes some good content some good content it's not all good but you know some of it is okay good I thought you were just lying to your audience and 69 hey yo good luck purple air guy I'm out bye I guess it's I guess it's me again hello is that under a minute yeah I'm absolutely crazy at this game oh my gosh purple hair guy you were super fast yeah I killed it man which means we're back to doing some challenges yay got to love these large sections where you do the regular levels then you do the other stuff and then you do the challenges like you do it all at the same time but okay so we got this uh I wish we had infinite Torpedoes right now but that's fine yeah that'd be nice because now we have to play hopefully find some purple things game again again for another time this game really loves that game it's a game inside a game uh there's only one blue in the starting section right or is there two um I'm checking okay well there's two there's I no there's two yeah so that's our second one and now that's all of them that are in this starting section but where are the purple guys there's a purple guy come on yes got him it's sometimes hard to see if you actually get the purple guy because of the camera some sometimes it's always hard to see oh come on nice that's some gaming right there all right pretty good start and now we just have to sit here awkwardly for oh it Oh I thought it didn't explode on it for a second I was going to be so sad but now we just sit here and eventually it lets us in all right so there are two in this section that we have to get let's hit these first so we don't lose our bombs I think I lost one yep awesome wait it says at least according to my notes we're missing one is that another section of I don't know I guess will go forward and check or is it over here is it in the same spot I don't think it is oh yeah here it is y isn't what the heck wait I think we're missing something I do think oh there it is okay I don't know how we missed that one honestly I'm going to take a couple of these bombs really quick might as well I got spawn you three wait is that a thing that we can do that's awesome if that that might be a strat I we have never known that could happen but there are two in this area as well first one right there there really aren't that many people trying to kill us right now it's kind of surprising yeah I figured there'd be more resistance being inside the Big Spaceship but the very last boss okay oh that one missed can these stop missing please I fired one okay that was almost really bad there's one blue but we got to make sure we keep our purple bombs okay just these over here this one nice and now we just oh this one nice okay pretty good boom you hit it all right now this one is right left left where these Blues are going to be like I said before the blues are so much harder to hit than the other ones so we want to make sure we get them there's our first one and now we won't have one for the rest of this area and now we kind of just chilling for a bit and the next two will be on the left so once we make it to this section we know that there will be another blue somewhere here in between all these explosions oops come on get it we we can get this got nice okay A little bit of a mistake but we'll take it and but now we might die multiple times because the bombs are ahead of us kind of okay we're fine we're fine that was scary kind of sucks to be in the middle of multiple explosions I'll stay on the right here oh you said it's on the left though yeah it's on the left I even remembered where it was but hey it doesn't matter I mean it didn't matter because we don't have to we're just going into the explosions now okay so for this one uh right away there are seven that we get in this main room we don't go to the other room at all this one to start yeah then the one beneath it nothing on that right wall we go straight over to the left wall so we got to make this jump Oh I thought it was you one of us has to make this jump please come on oh you're a gamer never mind I suck I'm a do head Dum it's saying hey take our free stuff okay nice now I'm going to drop out let you go first off come over here we'll get this guy then we come over here and there's going to be this guy we really need all of our friends working together to do this and then I think there's one right here right uh there's one normally let's check sorry myad oh wait wait wait oh it's right there okay see this is why we have notes for situations like these so we don't just completely ignore and then be on a wild goose chase for the next seven years but now there's one up here in this corner right here oh yeah you're a crazy jumper and you draged me up I'm going to hit every jump oh never mind I saw not you man you are so much better at jumping than I am man I don't know how I I don't know how you used to be way better at it than I was yeah I I think I lost my jump ability and you just gained all of it oh nice let's go all right took us a second but we like that and I won it's my win Co that's so cool what the heck another dumb for the good guys all right 64 challenge this is another one we have made so many mistakes on in the past so there's no way we're making any like first of all we know about this one behind the Hut we'll never forget the behind the Hut one it's cemented in my mind what oh no my controller again oh I was like what are you doing yeah I guess from doing all of our practice of this game My Controller just kind of died after a while it just did not want to function anymore it said I've had enough of Lego Star Wars all right but that's pretty good now we have this section which yeah this is so annoying when you don't have explosives but yeah get the power brick I will get this guy I'll take these guys out you push go Yoda go stop being Yoda when you have to I know I know oh you're making me do the hard push again oh no oh please oh my gosh we're Gamers dude okay so we're coming over here isn't this the same place another one is I guess it's more out in the open and then there's one just behind this gate which is hilarious bro it's a challenge level be challenged okay I'm slowing you down I'm I'm sorry I'm looking at my notes that's okay as long as there's notes being observed that's yeah someone's got to look at their notes because someone doesn't even have them up I do I actually have them open I just can't if I tap out the game's going to break I made them for us okay anyways we're going down I'm yelling timber I just died that was so sad oh get it get the thingy that was actually a good thing that you know we fell over yeah that's that's all that matters it was actually a good thing that we died okay last one that is not inside is over nope to the right to the right it's by the plants to the right oh yeah yeah yeah this is why it's good to have a friend to do this speedrun with because then we can you know help each other and now last one is over to the left hate this door I want my explosive bullets back me too where did they go okay it is over here nice oh yeah boom good level okay one behind left got to love my notes man I love having notes because those are the most annoying ones where they're just like behind you it's so easy to forget the ones that are behind you Jesus can I hit this and now we have this one remember you reminded me of this one man oh it's huge why is it so big maybe we're just small in comparison and now we're going to completely take their cars cuz that's what they deserve when they let their heart win this one boom then this one on the right so I yeah drop out oh neither of us have cool configurations that's so sad I love when my car is in a random thing oh hey get in I just liked it cuz it was smoking it just seems more fun that way more exhilarating you know yeah all right this one's on the left that we have to get coming up got it I got it ouchies well there's another one on the left as well or is it on the right again no it is on the I can see it I can see it hey I just hit your car maybe if you were going faster I wouldn't have to to hit your car and now last one we have to get is also on the left over here so nice the driveby yep that kind of got messed up oh you and die I really like hitting trees I'm one with nature all right it's just who I am this is my favorite trick in the game you're so at good at it yeah it makes me feel good man that I'm just good at look how big that blue one is too yeah they're huge hooray and I win again what I think I got like six of them oh now this one okay lot of stuff to remember for this one is there one backwards from um I can't remember anything the first one is after we kill our son oh there it is yeah it's right there die son I hate you I hate you die oh that's you what you hate me no no no I was just trying to kill you oh okay that's better then okay so we go no we go to the right just to start and then we go NOP right so we go to the to the right and then we go back to the left now we grab this guy and then we keep going and then there's one behind one of these if you remember uh yes like right here dog Yoda's head just fell off that was kind of messed up all right we have to have one of these I think or maybe two no yeah you're a gamer oh right after I gave you a compliment this is why I should never compliment you man ah I drop out drop out drop out uh this is this part's hard if you do it alone yeah but you'll probably get back in maybe if I go all the way over here try dropping in now see what happens okay we're good we're good we have these four so we're good on that I love how Darth Vader and Yoda are working together now they're really becoming best friends you know I don't think we destroy these I don't know why we always have in our mind that we do all it's cuz it's fun I yeah it is very fun I do love property damage I got it I got it easy now we go up how that jump too high yeah iast back my bomb it's my bomb that worked why did you throw another that one just stop throwing all these boms dude what what are you doing I just love throwing bomb run run right here I was stuck what is going on man what are you doing what is this game I got it I got it too see you and now all three are at this back part and is there one up here I don't think there is I don't believe so yep it's right over here instead okay that's going to be second and then our third is right there they're on the Goodbye Oh I wanted to fall I don't know if I'm the winner or you are oh you could have pushed me you were so close to pushing me all right so first one for this is it over here no it definitely isn't oh it is I was what are you talking about there's one I'm a dumb dumb I'm Dum just cut me out I'm dropping you know this is one level that I can't wait to never play again yeah actually real this one sucks all right that that was quick we hit those quickly so we get that guy he's a pretty nice blue and then there's going to be there's only one in this section and it's this tunnel thing so you get the tunnel yeah can I get it through the wall here yeah you can but it might not be worth it oh as soon as you gave up I literally gave up yeah that's funny all right nice now we got to go get this one where we have to use Boba boy go Boba boy you got this oh I have to break this we we yippee you need to crawl faster man kind of a slow crawler oh my goodness yeah let me go gab let me go we're getting more three dropouts than I feel like we ever have before you could make the jump but you're better at jumping the M dang it all right whatever lift me up I mean it was almost sick boom Oh that would have been sick if I did it right that would have been so cool but unfortunately I'm not cool now you're unfortunately I never will be is me England is my city what huh game what um can we reload The Zone can we go back and reload the zone yeah we might have to what just happened I I don't know nope I think it's over what the heck dude that is so annoying we won't get two once in a lifetime chances to happen in a row yeah okay so that was what was supposed to happen um but it didn't because apparently when you shoot both those chains the final one at the same time then it soft locks you so we were just too good is what I'm hearing out of it you know all right so we'll get that one and now for our next one there's one just behind this wall it is right in the corner there I hate this one man go I kind of love that one though I'm not going to do the it's Charming yeah there's my point in doing the skip gu it's on charm to it it's a Charming one man it does it it does what it needs to do you know puts it [Music] work pea what are you doing we got to put you down your your sleep deprived brain is not working for war guy it's not sleep deprived it's just like Mushi from doing menial can you protect me please you just need to kill these guys but I want to be protected by you is there two here and one in the final room is that what it is uh yeah one here one in the final room oh there it is okay and then there you go go save our boy Han no save boy H don't murder him sorry I tried to kill him and then this one right over there and that's episode 6 we're back to buying stuff hooray so now we're going to come over here we have two things want to get first we want to get times8 and then we want to get oh and then we want to get infinite Torpedoes which I could not see for second for some reason but now it's time for two and in here we're going straight into free play we got greens right yeah I think the other one I think I know what it is so we're going to take this one first you need some of these ships to actually go through those so that's what we're doing there uh can you turn the bonuses on uh oh yeah we need bonuses you're right yeah we got to have our Torpedoes man and everything else that makes this game go hard yeah yeah I think we're good on this section we just have to go to the next one be the fast guy all right now are you ready to do this trick purple hair guy uh I am right so purple hair guy he's going to get himself stuck in there and then my way through that's it boom it's beautiful it's gorgeous what awesome trick okay now I go through here and we get this thing and then there's two more we have to get we know where one of them is but we're not exactly sure about the other I I literally don't know I I couldn't tell you um let's just keep do we already did that one yeah to the left I thought it was in this area at the very least all right we're a little confused yeah I'll just go finish out the level and we'll get the last one there's a lot of stuff to remember in this game okay so now I have to explode some thingies so then we can actually get this many C we were supposed to get it earlier I just forgot okay there we go I got that one now I will restart from the beginning because we missed one of these did you get the one in the first room where you shoot Torpedoes at the antennas on the building in the middle that's what it is wait we did that I never even realized I don't know if I ever did this I'm not going to lie I do not remember doing this I don't remember doing this man I don't think we ever did D but we have gotten 100% on these before yeah we've done every level I am so confused so we figured out what we did wrong everybody we super amazing speedrunner I'll have their channel in the chat as well yeah we might have duplicated them in our practice and we just didn't realize it okay anyways where are we going uh oh yeah we just do the free plays right I guess we duplicated them and we just had no idea that is actually crazy one back here yep oh I love getting true Jedi literally immediately and then the other one is going to be over here and yeah now we have to do this jump this jump is weird because the game doesn't want you to make this jump so it has like an invisible barrier that stops you but as I say that I just get it first try you know it there is an invisible barrier there though all right that's the important part all right so we can go through there and by opening these doors now we can come in here which we just have to have a bounty hunter to go in this area and there are going to be two mini kits we can get here so first one I'll press that I almost missed that button that would have been hilarious if you just fell to your death not in a hilarious way but like a hilarious way you know what I'm saying yeah I know what you mean yeah you know only that so we'll go over here I got this uh you should probably just go back but what if and now this one is going to be this one that you go through I do remember we have our tiny boy go through there it's just like a fun little game I hate you and you're let me out you're keeping me as a trophy you Jer what let me out please purple air guy well that was sad so that guy's dead we got a new one but I'm pretty sure he died oh so we got the red brick disco we got to do we got this one to the right that we have oh no I'm pretty sure that's blue isn't it yeah okay yes I just freaked out I was like there's got to be one behind here I know dog you need to take like a 10-minute nap all right all right I'll be right back don't mind me purple AR guy I'm just getting some pieces there we go what a beautiful picture I made aren't you proud of me and we get the one disco of the Run let's go it's only one disco in this run yeah you ready to disco let's go boom boom oh oh go go don't miss your disco come on we got this oh I picked yours I'm sorry what are you doing man yeah disco that was so fun okay I'm forgetting is this blue or is there one I think this is blue but we could oh no no this isn't it's this thing I guess this is another kind it's not really disco wow that was easy that was easier than I remembered I remembered to take you a lot longer but that's how kitfisto back there oh no wait wait a wait a minute there is Bounty Hunter stuff but there's also a mini kit which by the way there will be Bounty Hunter Missions we do eventually those are a thing in this game and those are extra weird Okay poor Yoda man you just didn't even care about his life okay so there's going to be one all the way up here you go towards that button and you can go press that be ready for that while I go and get this actually this should not be the way we do it because I am not the good person at this stuff never mind I'm gamer don't worry about it you're the best you're the best all right now we can fly over and how many do we have nine good okay wow that was really I just really wanted to make sure we had nine you know that was that was something anyways all right you got this y e easiest jump of your life man yeah right now for this next free play uh we get this one first which is just all the way back here so it's not worth getting with the slow character and we also just get some true Jedi cuz who doesn't love some true Jedi yeah remember when you said we should have went there earlier per boy guy I meant the one on the right that you were n you meant both I didn't I couldn't have told you that I remember this is such a fun level where you just get to roll makes me feel alive you know get in there nice that was me all right now we have such a fun room hooray here we go remember to die I'll drop out boom look at that time save that's what we meant to do earlier you got this bud so dead Okay okay so now we can just fly across this area or you can Yoda jump if you're super cool I or I could be really stupid and not do either with those things okay so we have two more we have to get in here one of them is this jump which this jump this is my jump oh my gosh Come On It Easy that's what we like to see baby and then we have to get the red brick I'll stay here I'll stay here actually you're the better jumper never mind I'm the better jumper now I stole your jump skill there we go boom and now you can go back through the door and finally we just have the one at the end we have we each have a million studs right now oh my gosh okay that's actually insane oops wrong robot there we go stop fighting them why are you doing this I hate them what did they ever do to you oh you're crazy got it wait wait did we not get the red brick huh what oh my goodness we didn't how how did that happen wait how maybe it's because we left the room before it got into our inventory that's kind of dumb sure whatever yeah I always check those I always check we have 10 in the red brick you do this jump no have it just exit and we'll see see what happens um we might not have it I don't think we have the red briad no we have it okay what wait ssy swapsies sometimes this game doesn't know what it wants but we know what it wants and that's for us to have the red bir that was so confusing I was actually like concerned I was like what did we just go crazy oh you got this jump no I sucked this is a very fun level though I always enjoy going on it oh come on yes easy no don't come up oh you almost spawned me back there but you're gamer so I shouldn't have ever worried oh you got that one nice sometimes we just go ahead and just take the free stuff but purple hair guy is too good to take just opening doors he doesn't believe in opening doors right purple hair guy what is a door it's not because he doesn't like doors it's because he doesn't understand what doors are but you know that that is what it is anyways this is going to be a red brick yay red brick and then over here yeah so we have those then there should be this one and then and there is going to be we have to actually build this so it starts out which is the bottom one this one oh NOP okay not that one that one is what the one on top oh you're right you're right oh my goodness can we force the right things and then this one yeah then that one you actually have to build this otherwise you don't spawn that mini kit but nice and now there's just one more over here all the way past here just hiding in a nice little corner just hanging out normal stuff you know so now we have the count hold up hold up hold up yep yep Y where do you think you're going man come on they aren't tricking us that's for sure I cannot be fooled anymore you always check behind you cuz you never know if that's where it's going to be and it usually is where it's going to be okay so we need six before we go in that door so there's one right here and there's also one over here come on there we go let's also go to here right now eh we'll do it l what the over here over here that's blue I thought or is that blue that might be blue so now we do some buttons thank you sir please go ahead sir now I'll go ahead sir nice jump you're crazy with it and then we pull down these levers and let's switch off Yoda we're not having that habit again go to go to anybody anybody oh my gosh hey the boys this is definitely who would be fighting him himself and the other villain okay so first there's a red brick up here H come on NP come on N woo got that red brick then we go to the right first right first yeah we got to open this up boom boom well that was a little cooler than opening it I don't know why you had to do that to me and that one if I can actually hit it is nice and easy nice and then there's two right in this area game think I'm what's going on video game this is your controller no it isn't oh what the heck it was just the video game not wanting us to be happy ever okay so we get this one and then there's the one in the cave just shoot it yep easy I love these short levels man they feel so good okay so now we're in two FS challenge which you know it's just getting a bunch more blue bricks shouldn't be that bad we can go ahead take that one and then we can actually switch to the right ship instead of trying to do a trick which is nice tricks are fun they are for kids oh oh my gosh I forgot that we had to switch it closes the door behind you for some reason it just doesn't want you to be happy over here we'll go and we get this and I will grab that cuz we still want to do our trick where we uh spin around this thing but the bomb still helps with that so that is what we will be doing you got this purple air guy you're gamer never mind oh I'm a gamer okay that was sick always one of the most fun tricks to do in this game um you should be able to oh you want to just do this here all right now we do this because there's another blue what are you doing sorry I thought I joined in all right so I do a nice flip and get him really high height we love that height but that's going to be sick oh I picked it up I picked it up before I even hit the ground let's go all right now come back in when you get the chance and we'll get this bomb and we should be good now we'll keep you alive I'll get this blue you just stay alive probably don't run into the lasers like I am that's a me thing to do I love lasers okay grab the seventh blue guy and now time for the Trek you got this no I went the wrong way wait oh it almost worked hold up what all right perfect first try we love seeing all these first first tries it's insane that we haven't messed up any Tri yeah it's insane we've gotten literally everything in this game first try it should not be possible but we just make these things possible you know yeah we make dreams happen out here and there we go that's the blue I think what a sad day and now you're just switching all your ships not staying loyal to a ship which means we're almost done with two what we have is we have to go to 2 two and in this one the very first one is the drop down I remember this guy I remember I think I remember every single one you can't fly from there remember you have to go over here literally didn't let me I think you can but it's just really hard well I'm a gamer I don't even need to have second you H those first time I really am playing well every once in a while let's get this first I'll go right nice and now I'll get this while we wait for it and then we can take this guy I also love those Corner ones where they're just in the corner I hate definitely don't love them if that's the thing I'm hating on I'll I'll take it dude I I am so I am so sorry okay I don't believe that you definitely wanteded to Murder Me In Cold Blood all right let's get this and now we can go back and this one is going to be all the way to the left see I remember these things every once in a while I am going to leave you again don't leave me stuck in a case I'm literally a child I you're you're leaving a child in that case listen as your father this is the best thing I can do no you're a monster dude stop putting you in a crate you're a monster all right so now this time it's going to be the one behind yep yeah we love the behind one it's such a happy one and now time for this epic fight again oh yeah you could try that I've never hit that think maybe you're just yes dude that was awesome I can't believe you hit that so I think there's one in this one but I could be very very very very very very wrong and I was all right can you make this jump purple air guy cuz I surely can't oh you did nice I I was not going to be able to as I exclaimed just mere seconds before you made that jump and finally we just have to get you to do your one jump again all right you got this purple air guy okay you really hard jump hard jump it's not even hard for you yay I win what what what are you kidding me God I'm the winner so now it is time for 21 which starting out we have that guy these are a lot easier than the past ones because they're just going to be sitting out there Pur why you so far behind me I I feel like I'm extra slow oh come on get in there get in there got it I got it I got it I got it oh it's so hard to control in tight spaces I don't know why this game makes it so hard it it depends what ship you're using there's four I don't know about that one I think they're just all hard to use so we got to get four in this first location there's one right here the bridge one the last one's got to be I got to get it I got to get it I got to get it you got to let me get it man I wanted to last one's got to be in here right yeah it's right there it's it's just under that just kind of chilling and now can you do the trick yet again Pur guy let's see are you a gamer oh here he goes he's lining up he's going to turn he does up oh I got it it's fine it's fine he didn't have it okay never mind he did have it he's a gamer here's what oh did we we missed one in that last Arena oh we did we can go back right we can go back no I don't think we can oh my gosh we suck we're so excited for nothing oh we can okay okay that that could have been slightly bad well now we get to see you do this trick again you got this oh no I I undid it I literally hit the unit it here we go you got this wiggle in there come on wiggle wiggle so easy you just wanted to show it off yeah I really show off how good you are I was just feeling it you know please let me in there game he stopped kicking me out okay so I know there's one over to the left here somewh somewhere I think we just need two more Yep one right there to the left and there's one in this tunnel I believe it's got to be in the tunnel yeah and if it's not then we go back but I think it's tunnel tunnel perfect we're absolute Gamers it's actually kind of insane how good we are at remembering things that might be a lie but anyways this one's over to the left and there we go oh was that you winning oh I'm the winner that's so sad you won no but that is all two done now we're going on to four so to start with these we got 46 challenge which this one is a lot of stuff so it's 4312 for Bo guy 431 by the way whenever I say numbers like that I mean like basically what sections they're in we can remember we have to get four in this first section and that's kind of how we do this cuz otherwise it would be hard to remember everything but it is hard to remember it's over in this section 4312 yeah 4312 that's two and the four what am I even saying now we got to get one more in this section which is is going to be over here because there's a place where you have to be that one ship nice that's what we like to see where am I right now I I don't know I was just like looking at you sitting there I miss having infinite Torpedoes and invincibility fun thing to have yeah and invincibility all right there is that section done there's one close left on this yeah we go left first and we get that guy then we're going to go backwards and I believe it's is it right here yeah it's right here boom get that guy we don't take the bomb though get a couple of these guys now we might as well destroy this thing while we're waiting all right got those now head over here where over here it's going to be another one of these where you have to be one of these ships or is that not yet wait did we miss it uh no I think it's yeah no we missed one we missed something oh yeah it's a little further back I know where it is here let's get this wall first it's just if you head slightly back it's this thing oh yeah it's in there yeah so that is going to be seven keep up man we're doing pretty good on numbers now we have one blue thing we get in this section which is over here I believe and then you do a skip right oh no no no no it's not over here sorry I do the skip now there it is it's behind you it's behind you it's behind you oh it was there it's Lally right there okay that I was thinking about a different thing that's yeah that's F I'm very smart oh I don't blame you for whatever you think but at least I spotted it before yeah no that's good that's good so I have to do this again which is great cuz I just love this trick there we go got right through there now just have to not pop back yeah you got to be careful and nice cool and now we have this one which is going to be right behind us so again they decided to put they were like oh yeah people will definitely find this I don't think we ever would have found it if we didn't have like a guide oh I actually didn't die for once good job me wow that's cuz we were really really really fast okay you could just congratulate me you don't have to say that uh congrats man proud of you but that is all the challenges for four now we just have to finish out the free play now we got the Free Play version of this so we can get our other mini kits which how many do we need we need three more should be easy especially because now we have an infinite Torpedoes which is very nice yeah so first one get that we just put our purple things in there they go and explode that guy nice and easy for him so now we're going to come up here and do that TIE fighter one that we definitely didn't forget about last time and we have to hit all of these buttons in order yeah in order oh missed that one that's fine that's fine we're working this is why we work together that's some teamwork right there that's what we like to see and now we have to come over here they really like the TIE fighter in this level but I will grab this guy and we just got to bring this bomb with us and hope it doesn't get exploded cuz that would be kind of unlucky and then do it again nice that's what we like to see so we put this first bomb over on that wall and that explodes part of it and then we bring the second bomb all the way over here so we can get the second part of the defenses which did you hit it uh the bomb's just chilling there just chill in the corner come on bomb bomb what are you doing bomb all right bomb you're going to you're going to prison there you go that's what we like to see bomb good job we're proud of you took you a little bit long but you know you got it eventually now we have four fource free play with starting out we get a really fun mini game what are you doing extra toggle I did it I got oh you're right we should have extra toggle on so this is one of the very few levels where extra toggle actually helps but we'll show that later for now purple hair guy is going to try to jump over there because if he does that then he can just attack these people instead of me dropping them in a hole but right now because we don't have him making the jump I'm just drop oh there you go kill him hey go get him go yeah so this just speeds things up a little bit instead of me just having to drop everything so he's just beating them up like mean person and there we go all right goodbye forever that's one of the reasons we want the extra toggle but another reason is it's just really fast so it's fun like we but it does make us have more things we have to deal with but by the way Mr Skelly bones swag oh there's nothing in here oh I li yeah I believe in you I got I got to walk man can you help me just whack them whack them with your bones I'm Mr Skelly bones you think Mr Skelly bones does work now we go to the left for our red brick so we got to go inside of this and this is where our red brick is going to be which I can just grab right up there and now we go to the right right away so we don't even do anything over there cuz there's just this convenient mini kit right there in front of us hello and then there's this one as well that we can just jump over to kind of just a lot of really convenient ones and really convenient places now right here we actually want to force this stuff so we can move that and we have to press all these switches which these guys are being jerks but thankfully it doesn't really affect us given that we have infinite in lives or whatever but see you we look how much faster I am than you man okay I will do this and we'll get one of these we have missed this one before and we were so confused on where it was yep I sadly remember that so now we can go straight oh my gosh I almost fell off I was trying to go too fast man guy I thought it was so cool huh but hey look at that look at that wait yep on the right that would have been really cool if I hit that but I mean we worked together so now we have to destroy all these computers because for some reason that causes the TV to come on I guess there's too much power going on so we're killing all these people and their computers and now we get to watch whatever that is excuse us guys don't worry we're working with you we're definitely on your side uh hello and now this is you go get that I'll get ready to go on the elevator the guy just falling down all right there's a lot of uh there we go see you all right let's go and build these and then we can press ah don't do that to me you jerk go oh and on our final one is going to be on the left side which we need yellow robot for that's not yellow robot that's blue robot but there we go now I want to be Mr Skelly bones oh I can't I forgot there's no being Mr Skelly bones in this cold cold world so now we're on 43 first one we're going straight over to is back here where we're going to make a pool and what are you oh you're getting rid of extra toggle but it's so much fun it is actually fun to look at just all the stuff that you have an extra toggle I do recommend that one day if you have this game just look at all of it but we have to shower oh my controller again okay it's okay I'll go grab this oh oh my gosh that's the laggiest way of getting okay now there are carrots remember carrots yep the're carrots n it's a already got true Jedi easiest thing of Our Lives carrot 2 is right there you have to force all these open yeah we also do that oh my gosh what the heck scary yeah that actually freaked me out yeah we have to go and look inside the trash because sometimes inside the trash are the best Treasures okay so then there's this one that is over here I'm going down thank you for letting me in your house very consensually you definitely let me in there that was not a breaking and enter okay so now we have this one where we just come over here we make these guys and we play a mini game are you trying not to play the mini game with me man excuse me you're blocking them so this mini game you just shoot these things four creatures who made this Min game why did they do this to these poor creatures man they don't even get bored we kill them before they're bored most of the time but okay cool yeah we're not the greatest people in the world but we try our best and isn't that all that really matters so you'll go ahead and push that I'll just chill here hey don't hit my guy I don't think they want to all right now they kind no they're going for me they're kind of just watching you they're like wow what is this guy doing and I can go up there which is going to get us one of those and we have one more in this section we have to get which over here good good you almost missed that one so now we can finish out all these guys to make it through our door it's so easy when you have dras dros they're so broken and there will be one inside of the Cantina of course behind a laser wall yeah kind of terrifying but we just jump over you know who cares about laser walls when you have hops now we have to destroy this there's one of these because now we get the radishes there's just a lot of they really like vegetables in this for some reason um I went down there on accident we don't go down here I don't think yeah we go up here and we go through this thing now there's going to be down here there's another radish somewhere in the trash yeah you get it yeah um we got that one now we have to open these we have to do the same door at the same time for this there we go that's going to let free one of those guys and then we let free the other so that means we can go through thank you very much and now it's just one more radish and then we go back full along with going in the movie theater so I will get movie theater first unless you can do it at the same time come on let's go oh dang it look they're all lined up to go into the movies actually it's probably a good thing we didn't go in here before it actually spawned because it might have broke the level that's true this game is notorious for breaking oh you have to destroy these things yeah and we'll get the Lego which we destroy as well excuse me and then go out the building I got this I like the Minecraft carpet in here yeah looks really good man so now we can finally finish out because we got all of our radishes this is another level which we took way too much time to learn because it's so confusing but now on to 42 free play there is actually we're going to put on the extra toggle again we love extra toggle and then we will head over here we'll get rid of this guy first excuse me and I believe the first one is yeah we have to for store this oh we have all these extra toggle oh that's why we don't use the extra toggle right away yeah we we usually do it a bit later oh we have Mr Skelly modes yes this is our last time seeing him and maybe it won't be we'll see we'll see but I have to make it through here next get down there and now now turn that off get that thing out poor Mr Skelly bones but it happens all right now you go through there can we go up or do we go up here um well it says we have four so I think we do um I think there's one over here but I'm not 100% sure better safe than uh sorry I not in there I think we're all good yeah cuz we went in here for blues all right waste of time but that's all right oh yeah actually if I just counted right I would have known that we have to go down there I'm just dumb now we're going to go through this level it's just normal stuff it's so much nicer when you have Yoda jumping this game in general is so much nicer when you have Yoda jumping it actually would be interesting to do an any percent speedrun like a free play speedrun where you have all the characters that'd probably be kind of sick but I have to do this jump which is kind of hard but never mind except oops I've never been stuck in I think we're soft lock um can we get out can we do this oh got out nice I was so good that was terrifying man I thought for sure it was over wait we do do oh no we don't do this you hit all of these I thought do we yeah no I I was wrong we actually go right here right here to the right to the right there's two of them in here do do your thing nope there's only one on swear there's two there's literally only one Pur Bo guy I I I'm tweaking man I'm tweaking to my notes they know more than you your notes are wrong they're legitimately not go kid good job thank you I appreciate for letting me know that door's open okay now I have to force this don't go right away we have to force this so we can open it up do one of those and then we can fly across why' you fly after me man cuz I'm hitting this jump I hit it every time I hit it every time single time you're actually a gamer you're insane at video games that jump is actually super hard where where's the last one here uh it's all the way over here oh it's the jump the yeah yeah we literally just have to go right over here and you do your thing good job yay and that is another lot of them done now we just have 4-1 fre play and we're done with four okay so for this one yeah we'll just do this I'm not trying to do the jump this time man yeah last didn't work out okay this one's uh four or it's one two to r two literally what anyways this is our first one dude I'm just trying to read my notes my brain doesn't comprehend what my notes I I remember I think I remember the entirety I'm like fairly certain yeah no I have a good idea of everything we have to do as well excuse me guys let us through and now there's this one under here no I want it man that's fine you can hit the you can hit the floor jump here do it it does not seem worth it and then there's one right here Boop ah all right you're embarrassing yourself man come on okay you don't have to say that I think you yeah you're welcome I'm a gamer I definitely did that on purpose man of course of course you did so get rid of this guy make him cough hurry up man nobody nobody is buying this that you're actually hurting man oh that's only one out of three did we miss any no they're back here okay okay so we're going to go through here uh we go straight over here first and we get this one which you can actually just wall this you could wall this yeah maybe yep nice whatever sure we're going to make a car but we won't use that car just yet but we do have it made oh nice job man nice job oh crap why did we do this what why did we get back here what are you talking about it's literally good to get back what are you talking about foror guy we need to go back here I know but now we're stuck I think we're fine oh my gosh there we go yeah we could not get that for the life of us now we got this we just have to do another one of these see easy oh my gosh yeah the jump that we take car you're right you're right I love the car this my favorite part all right I will get this just stay back there stay no you were supposed to the other one Yoda stop driving your car you don't have a driver's license you don't have a driver's license Yoda does look sick in his car though I won't I won't lie like let's be honest Yoda is super cool now I think there's one back here somewhere right I think it's up here or is that blue that's nope there's one as well it was blue and there excuse me go Yoda it's my car now Darth Vader on a car Darth Vader on a car Darth made around a car do you like no that's my car all right don't forget uh this one here yep the dumbest one in the game this is the stupidest mini kit you took my car yo on a car okay now go leave your car you're never going to get it again bud I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted all right go through there and now we just have two in this last little area one of them is to get more grapes or something like that it's flowers flowers in the wall flowers grapes they're the same thing is there one here there is oh there it is you got it nice excuse us guys we're just trying to make our way through here yeah guys excuse us it's got some important business to handle guys come on and then you shoot through this door no you don't shoot through it you have to do this if I can find someone that lets me and then you just shoot you don't go through the door nice now we go through here and there should be the last one around here somewhere I forget exactly where oh there it is yeah there we go Darth Vader in a car was so cool how could you do that to to PO Darth Vader Yoda car or with Yoda on it and we dark force that and there we go yay let's go another section of the game done only 7 hours in we now have a bunch of stuff in episode 5 to do before we get Indiana Jones Indiana Jones no way indana Jones that's insane my gosh Indiana Jones okay so now we have this level which I actually really like this level it used to be confusing but ever since we learned how to play video games become a little us this is free play right where you going oh to get the bomb yeah we got to get a bomb where is someone who can hold a bomb this car I got it I got it all right nice cover me make sure you don't lose your bomb very important more important than your life for Bo guy bom I'm just kidding your life is worth eight bombs bom did you break this rock no you didn't oh that there was a mini kit in that rock yes there was I'm I'm pretty sure that's one you always get then because I don't think I've ever got to that one yes probably I got it every time so now we got to kill these guys unfortunately we have to save these people it's so sad man I don't by the way I don't know if I oh you did we have eight switch to the fast one you're right all right see you later I can't goodbye Anakin's pod is just broken on the speed factor it's literally so good oh wait we need a bomb a they're taking my bomb hold it get back here these guys always trying to steal our bombs it's like they're not your bombs man oh did it explode no no no no no no I got it all right you're crazy you're cracked we already got the one behind the wall there yep we did all right nice now we go inside of this area and then there are two here and also a red but first one over here like totally stuck what the heck where are you where are you I I I hate this all right that's nine out of 10 and then one back here I think right or is that blue it's uh no no it is here let's get it before we do the red brick there it is I got it oh I don't even know how you did get that all right get out all right here here we go go come on okay it's fine we got second try second try perfect first try dog crazy you got at first try on your second try please purple ha guy dud I got this i got this oh my God okay there we go we're over halfway we're we're a lot over halfway man yeah we're killing it right now the super stories are the worst part all right so now we're on 53 free play and you already know we're started out with this section where we just got to murder some ships oh I do not have a gun out I was like why am I not shooting it's because my ship literally could not shoot the uh Millennium Falcon Auto shoots by the way wait does it yeah there's like it has like another gun that'll shoot it no it doesn't or is this not the Millennium F what is this look look there's literally like two bullets coming out of my shift dog we have to hit this what are you doing oh I thought I did not be oh I see what you mean oh that's kind of sick okay go to the fast one so our first little thing is just going to be over here here we can open up this and there are going to be two mini kits that we have to get in this area good thing purple hair guys is a pro how did that not work good thing I'm a pro you stole it you're treding to steal my glory all right let's work together that's called cooperate it's all you who no way what that was so planned man no I'm a pro I got this no oh my God stop taking the bombs okay I'm just gonna slowly go just creep up there and it was nice job nice let's go that area is a fun area and now we be mini ships again it doesn't really make sense how these guys are so small but so fast yeah honestly this is like a ground ship yeah compared nowhere near the size of these other sh compared to like a spaceship I got it first try you're welcome wow you're insane man yeah I know I know all right so now to finish it out purple a guy over here we got to go to this section and then there's that guy out oh and then I flipped over the wall closed me out you're crazy man how do you do that I don't know I didn't it seemed like it wasn't even on purpose but it clearly was right yeah no no it wasn't so now we're on to 54 it starts us with this cut scene and it is finally time to get our training with Yoda wow so we're on Yoda's Planet first we got to meet him and be like hey I'm some kid and he'll be like oh that's pretty cool but there are bats in this level I hate the bats if if you ever saw any speedrun you know how much we hate bats but thankfully we're invincible so they don't really affect us all right go robot I believe in you I'm going to keep beating up these bats while you're gone yes please kill as many as you can can you shoot the wall over here oh yeah my bad it's just these bats were distracting me so much with how much I hate them there we go that one should work nice nice good shot good shot go oh nice we made it all right now I will build a couple of these and now it's time for a trick that hopefully I can do correctly all right so what I have to do from here is touch that button go right away and then I'm trying to make it all the way over here we're trying to dodge Yoda cuz Yoda kind of a dummy and what I do is I make it up here then I jump here now I sit here and I wait for purple hair guy to show up yep that's it um on R2 am I in the wrong spot uh no I don't know if you hit the last button maybe he's confused you might have to go all the way back and try to follow the same path I think you hit a button or didn't hit a button so early oh I forgot about that one can I even make it back here it's fine it's fine I can okay yeah I can do it I can do it and then uh okay yeah just drop out yeah drop okay that was almost bad anyways we're we're better we're better there we go now I'll make it over here and hopefully not mess this up and this this trick saves like 20 minutes of just look you go did you see your eyeball did I did hello nice now I drop out and now we don't have to deal with Yoda so we just don't even talk to him he never trained us or does anything I hate Yoda ah come on get up there robot you got this go this way there we go robot I've never had so much trouble doing this I think my think it's oh yes nice okay all right now just make this there you go easy now I can cross over I'll open that up and we might as well also get this mini kit which is just right there and nice now you know all things considered not the worst thing in the world and now we have Yoda on our team and also we have a completely different outfit for some reason bats get out of here bats I hate bats boom easiest jumps of Our Lives I almost just dropped that for you and you would have never made it back so this part pretty simple part where we're just kind of walking through Yoda's doing his Yoda jumps I'm doing my Luke jumps mine are much better than his okay that's a lie Yoda does have good jumps yeah that's actually such a lie for all of Yoda's problems he does have good jumps so I'm just going to start attacking him he's not real I guess I don't really know what's going on with him yeah he's just he's just a ghost at the moment all right let me up easy I don't have to go up with Yoda even though it wants me to which is pretty funny but that's going to be that now I can just jump on this he'll Lift Me Up and there we go with that one it's super funny and now get him oh I missed him I missed him by a like centimeter there that's I knew he was going to come up I knew he was going to try that so I was ready for him let's go job now we got this last little area where we just have to be able to make a bridge for our stupid robot to actually go okay I should stop calling him stupid he's trying his best you know I mean he's kind of dumb but just a okay well I it wasn't me who said it and we also have to put that up otherwise he's not going to be able to make it yeah oh good good memory good memory I totally okay now here's this thing where I lift you up uh that's my bad I just released all the bats from there stop why did you just attack those why why did you like those bats so much I thought you were a bat hater I'm not a bat hater I just dislike them heavily they're coming for you they're coming for both of us I hate bats I don't know why I released all of them okay so now we just use R2 to do this and you need Yoda to lift up the uh ship I guess yeah unfortunately Luke is too weak to lift up his own ship go go go go hooray all right so that's that level done I mean we'll be back in a second but for now it's done oh my God it's a ghost yeah why ghost just randomly show up it's kind of weird and why does he look so disappointed in us so on to the next level Luca is feeling really good about himself maybe he shouldn't he's kind of a little too cocky but we arrive over here to try to attack our dad okay it's all right I killed them for you bud go get that red brick I believe in you I got it you got this now you get that red brick come back I will start building this for you and then make sure you get that uh mini that's right over there I'm going to open the door first you can run in after yeah that's smart that's smart all right you got this easy let's go now what we want to do is we want to reflect their bullets oops we want to reflect their bullets into this door if I can dude get out of my way hello oh there we go that's what we wanted to see you just have to hope that it uh goes downwards and yeah you just hope that it actually works now we're inside this room I will wait to get one of those hats because I'm probably going to lose it but now it's time to fight our dad for the first time so what we do is I hit him twice then we make him cough a bunch I hit him again then I hit him twice then he goes over there he coughs a bunch I hit him again one more time I hit him twice he coughs a bunch and finally I hit him again that it's a great you made that look way easier than yeah that was much better than we usually do it come robot all right now I will go get my mask and now with this mask we can actually head over here and get in another boss fight because this is just full of boss fights why did you disable me there I did not mean to do that I'm sorry okay so I will do that you'll be able to move me over with this and then I can use my weight to push this down so then you can actually make it over I put this fan out and then we can go up that together I can get this guy cuz might as well it's kind of just working together and goodbye what the dude what the heck man what are you talking about working together my butt you just murdered me we're basically just making this guy cough a bunch it's kind of just our thing to do and then you go over here and I will push this for you then we'll make him cough some more meanwhile all these guys are trying to attack me they're jerks but I'll go for them for two more hits you should be moving oh you're right yeah we're just completing this same sequence of events over and over all right puror guy I really have to use the bathroom so you're going to have to do this alone really quick I'm sorry what I I don't think I can I have to fly over and hit these and literally slice these guys in half and kill them and then fly back over and do this and then I just force the uh thing back okay or he does it so quickly that I can't stop it what am I am I just really awful at this game there we go all right and now I just have to uh kill these people again literally murder them and uh that's it cut that guy in half and he's dead and then fly over here okay and then arrive far too late and then get absolutely smacked there we go screw you Vader and then do the same thing again I've got no more gossip about Ben my my brain is melted can't believe you made me do this by myself what a jerk and you don't actually have to fight Vader here he doesn't care he will uh he'll like jump across I'm going to get it and then hopefully r two will fly down here cuz I need him okay Luke what it's like trying to Corral babies oh my goodness are you winning son I'm I'm trying my hardest man all right you get the VR2 here enjoy oh yeah this is awesome I'm sorry about that purple hair guy all right so purple hair guy is going to go ahead d destroy this man you're basically pushing him off the edge and now we get this epic fight where our boy gets his hand cut off and then before Darth Vader finishes him off he's like hey by the way look at your mom she's pregnant and he's like oh and he's like by the way remember that girl you kissed yeah that's your sister so so and that's why he smiles oh oh man oh no oh no Luke so now 56 we're looking at completely different people like we just completely ignore what's happening with Luke because now we got these guys oh I learned a new trick on this level oh did you what is it I did uh you'll see wait actually wait yeah surprise me surprise me I want to be surprised about it yeah it's it's sick it's totally awesome and cool dude am I going to be like wow that's epic yeah I think that might actually be the peak of your reaction will be wow that's epic I can't wait oh look dude wasn't he just fighting us how is he here too and and then this man goes and makes Han Solo turn into stone which I mean we already knew given we've already done six but we freed him from the but now we're finally putting him in there okay so for this one we now have the better version of Han Solo I'm just kidding that's not true well it might be true depending on who you are like some people probably like him better I think Lando's way cool cuz he has a mustache yeah so we're going to take care of this guy he's kind of terrible at his job he's going to run away and open the door for us like an idiot oh by the way you can have Lando yep yep I'm trying I know you're a Lando Man I am a Lando Man for sure you got this come on so this is the dumbest trick in the game because it is so inconsistent he has to get the door to close on him as soon as he is at the peak of his jump but there's not really a way to get that to be really good we just have to hope yep which at least you're getting it to close oh there you go you're crazy all right you're you're about to you're about to but you just killed a civilian don't worry about that that's not the trick okay that's just something you like doing for fun I understand yes that's a personal thing all right you ready for this are you ready boom they're friendly okay that is kind of sick yeah right because usually they keep trying to shoot you and you usually lose your Mas so you're kind of crazy man yeah how' you come up with that uh I think I watched a guy on that trick just to make sure I could do it you're just kind of the boy.com oh I just killed that robot oh I forgot chewbaca had that on his back it's it's been a while since we've seen him if you die with uh the that c3p on your back it makes the sound of see oh does it yeah that's the only robot we need right uh we got to get them both I'm pretty sure I thought R2 could make what dog why' you why' you all right that that was kind of messed up do you just hate R2 or something I guess so go robots get in there robots you got there you go you lazy people oh it's taking so long so now we do got to make it across here yeah here's where we need our boy you need both of them Bud both otherwise how was I supposed to do that wasn't that awesome that was so cool okay so now we need yellow guy yellow hair guy we need him to come over here come on yellow hair guy come on man you can't steal my gimmick like that of having a different color of hair yellow but his hair literally is yellow look at his head it's all yellow that means hair yellow he's bald I guess that's fair wait for me push me push me push me now die die to the poison do it do it a did you just see it the yeah okay that was pretty funny robots on not you robot me robot we need a cool robot like me okay guys bye you know oh they just they all just went in the smoke they all just died together it was kind of romantic no they just died yeah in a romantic way okay can you hit this jump I I don't think so I don't I really I think you give it a try so there's a jump that does save some time but we have no idea how to do it we just kind of hope that purple hair guy can figure it out he's supposed to jump on the ship but it's pretty impossible to actually get so we might just have to come back here later but I mean he might what crazy oh my god oh yo what the heck we don't know how to get that jump but okay purple hair guy is just broken dude I I think I've been performing so well this this run you want it to be done you're ready to go home I'm ready to go home yeah oh yeah we forgot a guy oh yeah we should probably save Luke at some point and somehow perfect timing before he dies he's like oh yeah ship hooray does have the black eye but you know it happens and also I guess not a hand so you know a couple bad things happen to Luke there but it happens and yeah there's some crying going on I don't really know we're getting a new hand though that's all that really matters it's really easy to put on since we're Legos so that's nice and we go and comfort our sister and we're like I know we kissed and we're siblings it was weird let's just not talk about it anymore but yeah I can't wait to see what happens in the next movie you know uh I don't think you want to know what happened oh my God his hand fell off what what's oh that's kind of creepy 61% we're making it slowly but surely we're at almost 8 hours oh jeez we're so we're so close to be done now it's time for some free play so the one thing that I put in my notes for this is remember the one behind you yeah that's stupid one oh wait I know which one it's talking about you go outside I know which one it's talking about yes it's it's Fe it's outside and it is literally just behind you that's it I was confused about what I was talking about for a second but yeah now I know I got this no I got the second try I did it wow that's crazy okay so we spin this yep hey we don't really want oh do we not spin that or is it just over here no we do spin it it's beneath it so we have to spin it to blow it up a can you stop shooting us dude what is wrong with you and then we just ignore him cuz stupid and smells weird okay you didn't have to add the second bared wait open up the Bounty Hunter door oh you're right oh you could have done it while I did that it's okay yep come on no oh me oh wait you can't now we go through here which there's a blue one over here I think yeah there is there is but we actually go through this door that you somehow glitch through I still don't really understand how that works but oh what we can get that in a second yeah we'll get on the way back but here is our red brick um in the super stories we actually have to do that trick again yeah it's going to be sick man aren't you excited no not at all I don't know it seems like you're excited to me wait is isn't this one or yeah yeah you have to put all the chairs up guys please stop shooting us I really wish you wouldn't stop forcing when they shot at you uh that would make the game too easy what are you talking about but have some backbone man just just keep going all right Force those two together somehow that makes that I don't really know how oh my gosh what the heck I can't get over over there dude there's so many all right the one behind us the best one in the game hey that thing is so hidden it's actually terrible it's such a terrible spot for it to be but at least we'll never forget it again probably maybe well I guess if we don't do this run again we don't have to worry about it I hit those oh you're a gamer I suck but you missed that oh my goodness okay all right go through there you got this robot dude and now I go right here we get this guy and that's going to be our ninth and then last one's over to the right room right uh yes it would be outside if I didn't hit that jump yeah know that was super cool you kind of go crazy I'm not going to lie man but let's go another level done kind of all right so now for this one we just go straight over here don't we I don't know if we just fly can oh maybe you do have to force that yeah you have to force the wing but never mind do you I am sorry I'm sorry forgive me I can't I cannot forgive you what that is such an easy thing to forgive someone for what are you talking about they sins they're unforgivable how are they s that is not a sin hey don't mind me I'm robot guy haha oh yeah we get to do this fight again yeah they really make you do this like I think I can be Darth Vader I literally can't all right we got this boom hit him once hit him twice oh no three times he's out a dang it he's not coughing one more time you got to do it one more time oh never mind you're a gamer I know guy I wasn't even thinking you could do that how are you so great at everything man okay all right chill for a second I'm just trying to be nice man I I never going to call you good at anything ever again because of that just so you know we have to dunk these guys in carbonite which I can't reach them get the other guy yeah I'm getting this guy yeah so this is probably the rudest Mini brick in the entire game don't kill that guy just in case is that everything yeah just build just build it now yeah you turn a a guy into a mini kit it's kind of messed up just a little bit oh you get that one yep I actually forgot that one existed yeah all right can you get that one ah I know I can there we go all right here I'll go up there you stay down here and fight I believe in you see this is much nicer now we don't have to use the robot and instead I can just literally go up there and fight him on my own and then we go again he's like oh how'd you get up here only I'm allowed to jump this high and then he does it again and I'm like dude what are you not learning man like how does he not learn from this what an idiot and then one last time see you later dude I'm going to get in front of the door yeah get get in the door oh that might not be good please push me push me yes yeah so now we don't even have to fight him this time I guess I wasn't here last time you fought him but yeah I uh we can just fly over way harder than I I got most of them except wait did you actually mess up during well you have to fly over yourself and then fly back and oh you just bumped me dog you just made me able to make that jump at the sacrifice of your own life that was beautiful that's friendship right there man all right see you later man see you bye you didn't see it was off camera but it did happen 100 yes that actually feels really good I'm not going to lie yeah all right now next up 54 baby yeah now we are Yoda we don't oh that one nice I actually forgot about that but I saw it oh yeah here's where my really extensive notes I stopped doing them cuz I was like we'll probably remember this you'd be probably oh my gosh do we do we get over um oh you are you are you are you are yeah see you now I get to ride the car ha all right time for my favorite thing in the world hey you better not take my car my car don't take my car don't do it don't do it yeah can you stop blocking me what is wrong with you I it's my car this is my car it's literally my car I'm having such a fun time with my car I hate you oh we actually got it faster see I'm better normally we have to make like two rounds around I but because it was my car I think it was me following you it might have been that it could have possibly dog I'm getting this one I'm the car guy of course I'm the guy that gets that okay okay all right chill out feels really good to be the car guy not going to lie we have to get a couple of these only I think we get the next one and then we can make the jump I don't think make that watch me never mind I'm sorry I'm sorry for ever doubting you sir and now we get to go destroy Yoda's house yes I love Yoda's house I hate this place break his TV oh yeah break his TV quick quick break it yes oh he's going to hate that when he comes back dude he's going to be so pissed all right can we both make this yes come on oh yes oh drop out drop out oh that was close that was close I can't believe we got to break his TV that made me so happy I hate that guy yeah Yoda who needs him now I got to make this jump back the yeah the jump on the way back is a lot easier you just do this and then there should be a shallow part and I'm good nice dude I kind of wish we could break his TV again but alas that was the time yep we get this one I almost missed it this is why this is why you're here purple guy that and how cool you are I definitely didn't make it I made it see your failures I use them to become better and now this one's a weird jump you might just want to drop out yeah I hate that this one is very weird oh bats get away from me run oh come on come on the bats I blame the bats it's always the bat's fault like from Batman there we go oh my God the bats from Batman is this a genius play yeah kind of it was actually planned to hate bats wait that's what you were talking about right hating bats me me spawning in just so oh I hate bats that's all I know man I don't actually hate bats by the way I hate them in this game because they're so annoying but I like bats in real life for any bat lovers kind of wish I was a bat at this point so I wouldn't have to honestly I wish you were as well all right don't lie you're enjoying this uh it's better than I thought it but no I wouldn't say yeah when you first heard I mean you agreed to doing this pretty fast though to be fair I mean yeah weren oh you have to blow those up I forgot yep at one point you also have to build this it's so dumb nice all right now we go over here I know there's one coming up here but where's the one after that I think it's at the final part is it at the final part I I'm like pretty sure well hopefully we'll see what happens wow we somehow both made it that was pretty impressive well and then I died out the way back you got this no what the heck oh I spawned it it was actually on purpose I got it yeah see no this game you got to drop out man you got to drop yes no yes what the heck okay so now we'll take care of him here I got him fellow Yoda he's mine y Yoda yo Yoda I wanted to do that one done it then H come on Yoda sir get on there why I doing it the other one what if I done you just did the last one what are you talking about I think I got him up here he's an idiot attack nice job yeah I have no idea where this last one is hopefully it's up here so it has to be somewhere over here a genius statement I've like a 100% sure it's here or somewhere I don't know man maybe oh you know what it's up upes upes oh yeah we make that and then it's right here right okay you were right you're a smart guy purple hair guy I'm sorry for ever doubting you so purple hair guy I have good news for you yes we're almost to Indiana Jones yes oh my gosh when when the people see Indiana they're going to go insane like yeah they're going to be so excited it's going to be like riots in the street it'll yeah everyone's going to be like this is what we waited for and they're going to cry tears of happiness yeah cuz finally it's Indiana Jones time and here we go this should be the last one let's go a million What A D A Millie A Millie A Millie and now it's time for another purple hair guys section everyone loves those yeah all right go to the bathroom so I can talk some Ms smack good luck I believe in you go kill those Christmas trees oh there's a brick Oh Christmas tree is is it the golden trees that give you the no that's what I thought I think it's that golden tree that keeps okay so just stay by it basically it's really relaxing activity maybe the golden trees do give you that's another golden tree yeah that was another one okay maybe sometimes the game just breaks like when we got an extra mini kit and we had no idea that happened yeah I was like we have never gotten that mini kit before no never not once not once all right hooray a million good job winning there man I'm proud of you yeah I didn't expect to win honestly we have five challenges we have the extras then we have finishing out the threes and then we have have uh the Bounty hunts and then it's just super story all right so now we're on the five challenges right away it gives us this which it's in the exact same spot because is it here yep it is it for sure is man what a great spot in my opinion I kind of wish I put down notes for this area but I definitely don't have notes so I just hope we remember this yeah because I got bored of doing notes at this point so I stopped that's fair yeah we should be able to remember everything and this guy really thinks we're going to fight him ha so I don't think we go to that room right no no but there is one on the hallway to the right grab that guy and there is also the one to the left and wait there's two over here isn't there y there's one outside this is so dumb they don't even give you a challenge to get outside they're just like yeah there's one out here yeah it's there don't worry about it okay so now we turn into robot dude what the heck me I got got that one it literally was me you you left it short what are you talking about it literally me I'm walking here I don't think there's one up in the like tropical area I believe there is not yeah anyways let's go just check there isn't one back here but we always have to check it every single time we need to check that okay there's one on top of that elevator yeah I think we have enough I'm pretty sure we do okay that was awesome yeah thank you definitely something I should have done oh I'm insane what is going on man okay all right all right and yeah no actually we do have the right amount so we are good because there's going to be one that we jump up to here if you remember that one I do and then there's two more oh one outside and then we fly in the wind yeah yeah yeah uh right here it's this one bottom right dang it I'm making my jump down I've stolen your jumping power at this point yeah I I've exhausted all my jumps you're a closer I'm going to open all right yeah I guess that's fair you know know we each have our own things you need to come over here I know or quit out find the right guy please let me through stop shooting me you can't go around that way yeah I always forget for reasons I can't go on top yeah for reasons you can't go around are they good ones we're not sure cuz we don't know what the reasons are oh are you going to make it you're insane go go go mine I want it no who won that uh you did oh let's go yeah you're right I wasn't slightly more in the center I hope somebody lets us know who won every single one of these but that would also be a lot of work one in corner of room not Bounty Hunter room is my notes what do those mean I guess we'll find out dude what the heck it's is it this room you're talking about uh yeah I think it's this first room can you protect me please no thank you all right or just make the flying you're you should have protected me fine you could always shoot them yourself I don't have time I'm too busy slowly I took a bullet I took a shot I appreciate you taking a bullet for me it's very kind of you you know I'd catch a grenade for you would you put your hand on a blade for me no that sounds really painful yeah that would hurt a lot I can't really blame you for that okay it said not Bounty Hunter room which means I don't think we go in here yeah yeah that's wow what what a trying to decipher your notes look they're good notes hey hey guys yeah we're just robots don't worry about us my notes are good notes okay that's all you need to know about my notes oh we can skip the fight yeah I just had to throw myself off a cliff first of course obviously and then time for this he he why did why am I forcing this I don't know I literally do not know I just really wanted the extra lift you know I'm an old man Yoda is so I needed that no I got it I got I believe in I believe that we will win I believe that we will win um hold up hold up hold up hold up whoa was that the corner we were talking about I think so yeah yeah I was going to forget about that corner it's a good thing you said that man I was like wait yeah I was like there definitely is one in this room but I'm not sure where it is every single time we do something it's like wow we did it not push me yay I love getting pushed I died and you love dying oh and this is very two very convenient spots for this to be just kind of over there right in the open is there one behind us or did you already get that I already got that's why it oh I made it let's go there's this one oh yeah it's this one down here and then there's this one over here try to get in nice I want to fall off goodbye so now for this one um I don't think there's anything at the beginning it says 14 21 2 yeah we really shouldn't do this jump oh the bats I knew they'd comeing nasty eventually you didn't believe me did you people watching this video that the bats are bad but now they're never going to let us Escape yeah bats are broken in this game I wish we could be bats all right I will go to the first button ah this is so fun pressing all these buttons with you you can make that oh yeah I can I just didn't feel like it oh you ever think about that one no we don't go into Yoda's house do we no sir we do go back here yeah yeah and you're obviously a legend at come on no don't drop out in the middle of it good luck I'm a gamer I never mess up that jump I never have in practice that's for sure yeah absolutely not a what that was weird I'm dropping out when it's the game's going let dude come on game and you're a nice I don't there is going to be this one yeah we do is there oh is it is it just close it's right here yeah it's right here and there are bats take care of the bats while I do this I I don't think I need to get our Vengeance get our veness murder get our Vengeance against the bats someone needs to remember when your whole family was killed by bats no wait what just happened there did you see me like jump on air multiple time what was that all right but there's another one where am I oh okay I got that one okay so there is one up here right probably yeah I don't think there is why do we always think there's one up there I don't know why there's not one up there yeah there should be one up there that's the thing okay now there is going to be this one over here oh I have to Tab out again you can hit this one see I hit it through the wall did you like how I said just like the robot wasn't that super cool you like how I fell to my death just like the robot oh I think I'm getting carpal tunnel there ain't no way you could after all do this am I I suppose I have had worse gaming days what are we doing now is I I feel like there's something back here and it spawns but I could be wrong I think you're wrong I'm probably wrong okay I think you're wrong goodbye why why are you not being floaty guy oh this would be so much easier if we just played as this dude what are we doing okay there has to be one in this room right maybe is this what's this lag just some turbulence going on all right oh hey dude how you doing oh yeah there it is I see one ha ha I'm fighting myself here join my Darth Vader Army to defeat Darth Vader hey he yeah good job Darth Vader I'm proud of you kill Darth Vader do it oh that was a sick jump yeah here I'm right here go go hit him down okay oh okay okay okay Darth Vader stop what are you doing man purple hair guy you got this we're already we're at least halfway through probably I know what if we weren't though I need you to okay I guess you could do that too I don't know where this I don't care I'm over here it is over here nice right there Y and now we don't have to see these bats again stupid bats no you won now this one oh it's this one again okay this shouldn't be too bad I think there's a blue right here maybe not I can't remember this this one at all I literally can't well there's only one in this first area so maybe not let's just keep going I think it it's actually behind this one yep yep literally see it it's okay once we make it to Super Stories We can literally just turn our brains off yeah actually well we're going to have to do some parts of the game that we like never ever yeah but like more than this where you have to remember where everything is yeah oh yeah you're right we don't have to remember anything just like how to play okay so I think there's three in this section that we have to get there's one over here all right all right wait is there one behind this thing no right uh it looks like no no no you want to check or what no we got this all right I think that was a mistake wait no right here yeah actually we're good right here what wait it's over here no it's not it's lit I can see it all right white oh there it is wait I what is wrong with me am I still alive I don't know man I don't okay to the right to the right to the right and now you do your TR oh there we go all right good luck purple air guy I believe in you you got this bud I'm going to do this one come on now come on now game okay maybe you don't got this am I doing this incorrectly oh okay we I quit all right well we would have done a cool trick if purple hair guy could remember how to do this cool trick I I just don't know what's wrong with it it was just like locking me out I it's okay eight hours in we don't need to do tricks yeah that's a seven hours in type of thing thank you oh run right here good ey we just have to actually hit it there we go this one only has two in this section and the next one's to the right there it is if the game will let me get it there we go I'm actually doing pretty well come on there we go I got it oh there you go um please yay all right nice one you're crazy yeah that's what was supposed to happen back then but uh is there one down here no I don't think no there isn't yep it's just this guy but I don't think you can do it through that so I think we need more bombs I have three bombs oh wait let me use all these I think that there's one in the uh fighter gate could be wrong nope nothing in here because there's two one on each side of the end oh okay okay so I'll hit this boom please actually hit thank you I was scared okay so yeah there's one on each side like right next to each other one right here mine first no mine no no mine no come on game yes I want the other one too I want the other one too that was so now we're on to 51 and okay I remember this stage pretty well I think we should be fine got to get this guy first which ship I always forget which ship we need to use what are you doing I was going to open the gate a toe ship that one that one that one got him all right open the gate open the gate wait what is it open the open the oh yeah open the gates it it was from Frozen oh jeez once it stops lagging we got this oh jeez all right how are you supposed to this I think literally just drive over literally just drive over all right and you got that blue guy nice job man and now we have to not save these people these people are like oh please help us we're getting attacked but I mean there's a blue thing already there they're not even hitting you you're fine they'll be okay so I'm just going to speed over there all right see you guys later I hope you survive Sor sorry have fun sorry all right you shouldn't lie and say you're sorry no but I just want to make them feel like better I don't think saying sorry really would make them feel better sorry guys it yeah I'm dead you're actually leaving them to your their deaths do you think saying sorry is going to make them happy yeah but I said sorry man what you did you did say sorry that is very true but did you mean it when you said sorry no they deserve to die they okay I wouldn't go that far do you even know who these people are no so just these random people you're saying deserve to die yeah well I don't see how anyone could have a problem with that where's the fast one there he is now it's right over here right here you go go oh that was beautiful that was beautiful there's another one out here I think I don't think there is is there H I thought there one I don't see it I thought it was right here but yeah because three in one area that seems like a lot already all right go over there the coolest turn of Our Lives oh nice I didn't even know it was there I need the bomb we going to get the bomb the bomb you got to you you're going to have to spin him around though okay my bomb did not stay alive at all spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin do you like my Spinning Song yes all right get this guy now we just have to do this trick again it set you up right away for that trick yeah it really did and I messed it up oops wow you spoiled everything they've given it's okay you're a gamer get that one blue guy and now B bop boom pow easy we both got it all right now there are just two Blues in this area yep O So this guy first if I can get it yeah that' be nice sir all right and now we go to the left maybe it was to the right nope left works I think either way worked to be completely honest but that's my win it's about to come up it's literally we're right there but before before it's Indiana Jones time it is time to get some money now this is going to be pretty funny cuz what we're going to do is we're just going to go down here we're going to go ahead and get score score and also score and then we'll just go ahead and take a couple couple these oh maybe a couple more you know a couple more they never hurt anybody Y and there we go that's true Jedi like 20 bucks once you add on like a times 10 with those it's even more broken so now what we're going to do is buy Force pole before we go over to our next part which is going to be Indiana Jones we everything I don't know where Force pole is you might want to buy yeah there it is there it is there it is no no no no no that's okay whatever that worked I wanted perfect okay over here Indiana Jones time time for one of the weirdest parts of this game it it truly is well not Indiana Jones indones Indiana Jones that was awesome dude I love that that's amazing oh that's my favorite part of the whole game right there so that was Indiana Jones it's a trailer for him and yeah we just kind of skipped P it and instead we're just there that was Indiana Jones but now we can unlock him from the shop so that's why we did that all right so time for quite possibly the worst level in this entire game because there is so much stuff we have to do and if we miss a single one of the studs in this level then we lose well we don't lose we just don't succeed we lose a bunch of time yeah we lose time so there's just so much we have to remember and hope that we can remember let's try our best we got this so right now what purple hair guy do is doing is getting a bunch of flowers you have to step over a bunch of these blue flowers think we got them all nope I don't we haven't gotten the money yet oh that must be the last one it takes like a second after you get it yeah we should just make sure though cuz I don't think this is all of them is it I have no idea there it is oh there we go that's the money we wanted so that's what we get for all the flowers which that's such an annoying part it does not make sense but it is what it is I'm going to go on the slide we Yoda on the slide dude that was awesome and now over here more playground stuff destroy these fences destroy some trees we also have to make sure we plant all the flowers literally every single thing you can do on this level you have to do otherwise you don't win it perfectly mapped out what a million studs is all right hey get out of here dude you're money for me I don't treat you as a person you're just studs that's kind of messed up that is so messed up all right I got to go boating we hey make sure you kill those duckies come over here purple a guy oh yeah here let me go murder Ducks yeah we do have to murder the Ducks obviously and he can just go through and do his thing while I have to control this big ship and you do have to be in the ship to actually spawn these studs now let's finish out this house right now if you haven't wait the G and we also have to choke these guys out I don't know if I did all this I should have got it looks like you did it looks like we're good trash cans all over the place this place is nasty oh I do have to do this we all right I'm gonna go have fun with my new friend enjoy something oh the basketball I got to shoot some hoops man look but I want to shoot I'll let do it I'll let you do it d one shot yep that's why they let that's why they let me do it yeah it was a smart idea to let you do it man I don't think I would have gotten it that fast but that's entirely RNG by the way there's no yeah there's no way to actually make sure you get that which is awesome now we have to destroy these houses by the way there's that one floating house I have no idea what that's about it's just floating in the air that we saw earlier and it is a thing we make a mini house mini house yes and now we have to spell out Lego all right and now make sure you get out of the Lego's way before we force them into their right position nice all right now we take out this guy we have to open all these doors of course because why wouldn't you this might be the worst level in the game to be honest so annoying like we thought it was really fun like this was honestly a cool level until we realize you have to do literally everything that kind of ruined the level for me yeah you can't do you can't miss a single one you're forgetting the fire truck bud I know I know I just want to shoot these so we don't have to come bro you're forgetting the fire truck my fire truck bro what are you doing why you forgetting my fire truck wee all right so make sure you park in the right spot there we go and then the fire truck multiplies itself so we can go ahead and save this Kitty we just threw the kitty on the ground all right uh jump up there I'll push it all right there we go now I'm safely inside see you didn't make sure that my seat belt was on first oh my gosh what oh no what what do we miss no we'll figure it out we got this we just got to look around really quick oh person oh he's got to murder people civilians of this town make sure you don't see any flowers okay I guess we have to try again does the swing set no you don't go on the swing set wait is it something over here I broke those but is there flowers Ah that's annoying all right we got to restart really quick cuz we do not know what happened all right whatever we're not worried about it we'll do this super fast now oh there we go wait we didn't even collect the cat what the what I am so confused all right whatever that was pretty fast at least I I don't know maybe the cat's DLC the cat is optional content apparently a 5 minute time loss in this long of a live stream isn't that bad and now we have another Lego City hooray this one's way easier and more forgiving so this one thankfully doesn't absolutely hate you it doesn't make you get everything it makes you get most things but you know it's it's better it it doesn't make me want to cry but it's basically the same thing we're just going for everything we still have to build up some flowers and stuff like that we still got to open all these windows up it's very similar to the last one it's just also different okay oh lights are also on so start shooting those because we turn the power on which means that's some more stuff we also have to make Lego this time it's actually spelled correctly I think the lights are our last things maybe but be on the lookout for any flowers just chilling around tractor did you get in the tractor I don't no I don't know you it is the tractor it's the tractor it was always the tractor let's go all right now the other extras are so much easier build build like your life depends on it Yoda I'm push you in I'm going push you in so we start out with this one or I guess we're not really starting out so don't fall like that D it's my bad I forgot I Happ I'm worried about you man but we do this one and we're basically just Darth Vader and one of is friends I don't think Darth Vader has friends probably not but we got to hit these buttons you got to destroy the casing first and then hit them so that way we can get yellow robot cuz this guy he just loves do not force me remember you would force choke me instead of oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but you still could run behind me you know make me go what I killed you yeah oh thank you for the hug man I appreciate that I've needed that hug man yellow robot what are you doing man come on why do he got to be so slow man come yellow robot hey it's me yellow robot here I go beep beep beep oh wow look sir sir I can't go that fast sir sir I'm going to get in here it's my job ah don't hit me die now this one oh I forgot about this oh the rail shooter whatever these are called auto scroll so yeah this is an auto scroller where we just can't die you need to make sure you don't fall off the stage otherwise it sucks but we're just playing through one of the levels we already did except it's an auto scroller if you die it resets the entire level from the beginning so yeah it's super fun really awes and also since we have invincibility on we can just get hit by all these things we just can't fall off that is the important thing not falling off now there should be a thingy coming up here that we have to destroy get that one easy this is such intense game play don't don't try to go towards the front yep yep yep y otherwise it will push you and there's our last one ones we get that one as well what an amazing Mission also don't go in the front there y all right let's go to the right I think right's better and now we get this part where this is where you got to fire faster you really don't have to fire faster I mean it kind of helps we just go in a straight line all right let's go left after we hit this boom that way I think it's a slightly faster maybe not keep holding left falling behind sorry this I'm really like heavily tapping my Xbox just shoot go go go you don't even have to shoot I'm the one ahead of yeah in case you missed anything oh yeah that's true that's true another extra done hooray your favorite level's coming up uh the one you do by yourself the whole time what I do something by myself why would I do that yeah pod race original oh no no no it is this oh yeah it is the next one okay I have one more a little bit before actually you know we said that other one was is the worst level in this game the one after this is probably the worst L the next level is the guaranteed worst level in the but for this one basically what we're doing is we're just going for these purple things we have unlimited bombs so it's not too much of a problem but we just got to destroy this whole thing so then we can open up everything you know they call this Anakin's flight it's Anakin and some other guy's flight he's just kind of living his life just helping out for some reason all right I'll take the left side each time all right you do look like a left side gamer so that makes sense boom beautiful see L how did you do that what's up see you later nerd all right I'm going to go to the right I'm so far off the screen I can't shoot any I'm going to get this button first so you can catch up so we'll get that then we have to explode that guy I don't know where I am now oh there I am and now there's one more on this side which we have to explode and now it's about time for the greatest boss fight of all time I think we've said that about every boss fight that's because they're all great so this starts out we have to hit their points remember oh yeah there's this one then nope this way there's this one and then I think there's one more down here nope that's it and now we shoot all of our purple guys of these and remember we were trying to time this I don't know if we'll get it hello purple guys yeah they're kind of just flying all over the place right now where are you going all oh I made inside let's go okay so I kind of out go slow go slow so I kind of you're not supposed to be in here and instead you're supposed to just like go very slowly and have to deal with this but instead we can skip all of that slow stuff and just go right to the end all right pretty good one and now only one more extra which is the worst extra in the universe I'm so excited cuz I don't have to play it I don't have to play it all right you don't have to say it like that so at this point first of all we have to watch this entire cut scene again where you we like oh yeah our engine you already know what happens but now now it's time for pod racing now the thing about this pod racing is it's just the same thing as the last time except we go slower and then also we have to beat him at every single point and I'll show you what I mean in just a second for right now we're just very slowly going forward we have to make sure we hit every single boost and I can go through that to get an extra boost you see we're about to get ahead of him and that's good because you can see now there's a 10-second timer and if I don't beat this guy if I'm not ahead of him with in that 10 seconds then it would have restarted us from the last checkpoint now they call this pod race original so I think this was how this race was originally supposed to work and it's awful I'm really happy that this is not how they kept it because it is not fun and yeah other than that it's just the same thing as regular pod racing I can see why it would be fun maybe if you haven't played pod racing 18 million times but just another situation we see we have 10 seconds the guy's ahead of us I got to get ahead of him I got to make sure that I'm able to just get ahead of him make it through that checkpoint and now again he gets ahead of me why does this always happen so I'm not going to make you a watch this if you're watching the Youtube video um yeah I'll see you when it's over okay finally this should be the end I just have to dodge all these bombs make it through easy win come on oh oh my God why even though you make it ahead of him sometimes it just won't work because we missed the timer but we were ahead of him we want that it's okay this one we have more than enough time I think please you say that okay we are so good we are so thank you all right worst level done hooray I forgot about that how bad that was so now our last ones of these regular levels we have to finish is in episode three so that's where we're going with we're right away we're going to start with 32 and we got some free play to do so there we go okay I think there's one up here right yeah I don't know if you can make I can definitely make that no not that Jo what are you talking about man I definitely got that one all right so now we can go up get that one which is a nice one then we have to come over here I can jump up there if I can make that is this a blue one or is this that's a blue that's a blue that's a don't even go there then is there another one in this section no okay okay I believe you purple air guy you are the purple hair guy to be fair I'm the the list or whatever you said wait is there one back think no there isn't I don't know now you have any think no no no there's not there's not it's all right I I made some new friends as you can see new rly boys all right nice now you can do that if you want you can try to get that jump I'm just going to do this the normal way yeah there is a trick you can do but it really doesn't save that much time it does look cool though everyone would have thought we were cool if we did do it so we did lose out on that sadly but still you know it is what it is I'll do it next time all right now we got to go through here yeah there's just one more in this one one room now I'm remembering we should definitely just use this fan never I won't do it zap him zap him he's my friend why would I do that I'm stuck you are the worst person I've ever okay that is so mean dog no uh I hate this game we should have just hit the elevator there we go I'm just going to kill him why do we even worry about that There Goes My Controller you're not jumping through yet it's in this building is where our last thing is but it's either back here BL it's up here then yeah I think you're right it's in one of these there's a blue one in the other side or maybe not there definitely is one here I think wait up up top can be up definitely not there that's where the blue one is I don't think it's here I think I'm going insane um okay I guess we just go forward we might have missed it earlier on that's okay we can always go back yeah okay I just jump through the did you get it yep okay now we can go through here because it isn't in the this section right there's a red brick here yeah there's the red brick so we definitely have to go back I think okay that's what we needed so what we can do for the red brick is what we got to get that to go first then we can throw that guy and then we jump ow we can jump right down yeah I don't think there's anything back here big dog I don't think so either I think it was at the beginning that we have to go go back I really wish I had notes for these right now what is going on what hello Internet maybe oh there it is okay yeah that was where it was yep okay awesome I love video gaming okay so first one is over here for General Grievous we got to be D Jango hit those we don't have to throw a bomb then we'll go over here oh we want to fly there fly Just Like a Bird but you are a bird okay you're right then I will fly just like a rocket then okay I don't know if anyone will get that Rio reference but is that Rio to no it's real one what are you talking about Rio 2 it's About Birds I thought yeah it's about birds not goats they're goats they're goated Birds did you just despawn me I planned that see wasn't that smart of me he all right so now what we're going to do because we exploded the mines that unlocks the mini kit and because I opened this that unlocks the red brick so we can grab both except flying back all right nice so now we're on to 3 four finally a new level it's been a while since we've had one of these and we come up it's time for the chewbaca and Yoda combo unfortunately he doesn't have C3PO on him but now he does oh yeah so we're just going to start moving around they don't really care about us yet until we come over here and they're like hey we don't like old people so yeah they're really mean to Yoda it's kind of sad but because of that we'll just have to do some standard murdering not really any skin off our back to be honest I don't mind doing some murdering if I need to standard murdering yeah what what what kind of murdering do you do you usually I I yeah good point actually so what we're going to do is make it up here we can do a nice quick Jump Then I go over here thankfully I have the force thing it's so convenient to have how'd you do that I'm just kind of Epic now we want to make sure that this guy does not get stuck by all these guys he does sometimes all right he's good he's all good he didn't get stuck thank you keep going man I don't care if you die you know that's okay but just keep going now another guy is straight over here and then we destroy those make that so now you can go up shoot those dudes straight in the face you're stop punching them you're punching your own friend what are you doing dude I don't know this guy he's just he just looks like me I guess that's fair now for this we're kind of just chilling on the beach people trying to shoot us but I got my power up so it won't even affect me and I guess I also have my invincibility so that's another way in which it won't affect me but there we go got to get that so you can go up there buddy and then there you go hit those buttons oh you almost missed that that would have been hilarious I would have been like lol but we're just going to go straight through these dudes you're kind of slow compared to Yoda I'm not going to lie I know it's actually sad Yoda might be the fastest man of all time so we can go through these hurry up chewbaca don't take my don't take my Walker I mean I need it too we just share it I use it first I thought you could jump up anyways I mean maybe I can but I want it it's mine I stole it fair and square you think you deserve something that you didn't even try to steal I had to put my heart and soul into that thievery man I will rock in my face kind of deserved for not allowing me to steal all right push those buttons I I just love your guy he's chilling man yeah all right remember take that car that's a car right uh yeah cars have legs yeah exactly hey guys don't mind me no don't do all of them I know I know I know I know okay so I'm going to get these and then destroy them bop bop and then that will go up and now we wait and now you jump and we that things so now we don't have to come back for it later all right see you later dude help F I don't know what happened to C3PO on your back but I guess he was never meant to be so now it's time for Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi to kind of hang out be the boys and also lag my game you know that's a very important part of this Yoda I'm going to need you to open that gate for me Yoda they're shooting me Yoda please stop them are why why would you tell me to die die what's wrong with you you know what just because you said that in the future I'm going to change my name to Ben oh my gosh you are the Catalyst that's lore oh my God yeah that's the lore oh nice truee Jedi and we're mostly just skipping like all of this stuff and let's try to force this and see if we can get it fast come on come on come on just hide hide from them please guys get away from me I'm just trying to turn some stuff hey that was pretty fast all right remember we don't want to kill them until the end of the hall cuz then all of them will be by each other I really wish that we had guns in this one so we could explosive bullet those guys yeah that would be amazing all right Upsy Daisy we're not in free yeah I did I really did yeah might as well get that guy you got this Yoda you got this okay maybe you can't get it you can't I've gotten it before I it's not worth it it's not we have to come back here anyways there's no point in actually getting that it's all my work I literally did all that work you did nothing Yoda and a Boop and a Boop and a Boop and we do want to get that one yeah say that as you fall down and die good job Yoda for dying yet again you die in the future by the way Yoda sorry to spoil your own death what what the freck man dude it's crazy all right so I will kill these guys you just go straight for the film go Yoda shoot the film look at that tape that was awesome Yoda good job now I'm going to kill you oh oh I guess we're friends again you know don't worry about what I just said to you Yoda it was uh spur of the moment you know oh jeez are you okay Yoda I don't know if that was even like pretending to be Yoda that might have just been me doing that Yoda I hope Yoda please all right last new level last cutcenes I hate cutcenes I got to go fight my boy and she's like but I'm prer dude you shouldn't kill that guy and he's like but I feel like it so that's what I'm going to do and yeah now they're getting in a fight or something leave Pur Bo guy hold up we'll see if we can do it please BR stop moving back and forth you're wasting time you got to just go straight on but we do have to get this thing come on oh no all right that one was on me oh my goodness oh my goodness all right this one's this one's done oh my God fly Just Like a Bird but you are a bird okay we got to get a couple of these there's this one that we get through exploding this screen can't get that one we can't get that one but we can open up this guy and we can also open up this guy and then we can come over here where there's just one sitting there for some reason and then we just got to do these all right good working with you man glad we're such great Partners you know we could if you broke up with your wife we could be partners in more than one way anyway anyways let's fight that was me role playing by the way I'm not actually telling purple hair guy to break up with his non-existent wife all right get this that one's awesome man I always love getting that one or this one that one's awesome as well then we'll do that you just go ahead and do this by yourself leave me alone I guess leave me to die I thought we were friends goodby I I get are you're really going to leave me oh never mind I teleported sorry I forgot I can teleport all right you got to get out you're getting out you're you're leaving you're Pro guy you're leaving Pur guy you're leaving not there that was the worst time to leave okay so what I'm going to do is can I still he got it my way just body blocked you oh my gosh okay now there's this one and now can I do this jump I believe this is the question come on man get up here can I hit this jump come on yes okay wait one SEC boom drop out and now go drop out game please let me drop out drop out yes oh my gosh we messed that up so much in practice I can't believe we actually got that all right so now purple hair guys is just going to take down this dude I can't spawn in since we have invincibility I wish we could fight to the death it would be sick I remember doing this with my brother and it was so much fun but yeah get wrecked idiot die it's really sad we can't do this fight we could finally see who's the real MVP of this game now meanwhile this is happening where she's giving birth and we're so excited to watch it's kind of weird to be completely honest but the miracle of childbirth and then she dies but now this guy is getting transformed into something I don't know who cares about these cut scenes I'm sure nothing important is happening right now oh he decided to put him in a Darth Vader costume is it Halloween that's yeah I think that's what's happening here that's super fun I don't know why he's so angry it's a nice costume it's really good quality you know so now at this point time to go back here and all we have to do is get the red brick for this before we do challenges a little B later but for now just a red brick so you should probably quit out I have to change off of Yoda and then quit out yeah that is true Yoda will actually ruin everything if he is left alone to his own devices yeah Yoda cannot complete the level that guy was going to die if I didn't die there stupid other Darth Vader what are you doing man yeah because even if you don't die if the CPU dies it counts as a loss it's actually so bad this level's just ridiculous all right but I'm making it there we go and now all we got to do is go over here just over to this room kind of sad you can't do this in the regular game like you can get everything else in the regular game except for this but that will be our red brick easy and we're good to go now time for 35 free play so we'll go over here first where we can grab our one boy and then we will grab that guy that was a beautiful jump I think there's one all the way to the left right or to the right either this or blue one over here uh okay it's blue you know we're just checking it's a good thing to check there is something up here though yes I do I'm like 72% sure I'm really surprised on how good we're playing you stop choking me you have to you have to break it I'm sorry I thought you were into it man my bad all right but now let's go over here there's a blue thing behind that one big ball yeah I do remember that and we also go into this place so we can go up here turn into your boy why couldn't that guy have just opened the door for us why do we have to open it ourselves but just kind of sitting there nobody even reacts to us being here they're like oh yeah Yoda I don't really care about that guy he seems like a nice enough fella can he hit it a dang it oh on on the left here on the left here yep we just go over there I'm going to die see you ah no you die aha that was my plan along heck okay now we can get rid of these and do some nice good old forcing love how slow these guys move up all right nice I thought they would kill us and now as long as we don't trigger them we're fine but is there something back here or is that blue that's all blue that's all blue blue blue blue BL blue BL blue now I blue blue blue blue blue blue oh really blue blue blue blue blue BL blue Blue's Clues where am I you just got put back they said we know who the real MVP of this run is okay all right I guess I am I I really am the real MVP insane I'm choking now man I can't play anymore hey what's up S back to reality oh okay nice another beautiful Jump by Me by Yours Truly this is like actually so sad I I cannot believe this okay now we go up here there should be a hand hand is that a hand it kind of uh I think it's a a circular d thing oh wow that was that's a great way to say it man that was awesome oh please I made it I didn't want to Yoda jump there hey up here I got this i got this for sure you could have had it I literally had it that's so disappointing oh you're crazy I know all right are insane all right nice that was crazy normally in if you don't do that you waste a bunch of time and we usually don't do that because you know 9 hours into the speedrun we don't really expect to be good at this this game but purple hair guy is never bad at video games he's broken I I think I am broken but not in the way you're saying but like I'm just anyway that's all that matters all right I will make that that's a force one come on now eventually I found somebody you had the force and there we go hit the thing all right nice so now this level would be a lot more fun now that we can both actually do stuff and there is going to be this excuse me sir great to meet you I tried hit it with my robot oh my robot would have done so well I got to shoot him if you can do mine go ahead and do that nice you're crazy how are you so cracked brother I've got no clue now dud I know who you are anymore no I I I'm I'm beyond the point of understanding purple hair guy what's your name uh purple hair guy all right you still you still know what you're doing man stupid nice and I I see the guy he's actually coming the way we need him to this guy is just in our way his stair was holding rip Jean skin was showing what have you never heard Call Me Maybe I didn't know that was part of the song you didn't oh I made the jump without the thing wow okay are you like a high jumper or something man please man there he is he's just taking his sweet time get the carrot oh my goodness what the heck there there's the carrot oh I didn't bring it all the way out one of these it's by the uh jump thing like I got weigh down there yeah sometimes this game just does that to you but I do like six and now yeah here's where the carrot is I don't know which one of these it is it's probably the last one I'll choose and now hello I don't know what was causing that but get that carrot I fell off you got this man you got the shots go go go and now just a couple more I know exactly where all these are so we should be good yeah we I think we're fine oh I just did it in the wrong spot oh no we still got it that's good and this one is right there and final one going to be this thing I can't do it oh you see that that was sick Bro that was sick so now we're going over to do the challenges and I'm going to leave purple hair guy alone good luck man I believe in you go off Yoda why you on y oh crap I have to do it myself wait am I Yoda no no you're good you're good you're good all right so I'm uh I'm making this jump across the bridge but I'm alone right now and I usually don't do this part so I'm you know what fly guy I'm going as a flying guy yeah I usually drop out at this part cuz I suck at it and it's hard so you know I guess that's how it is whoa I'm just going to fly I'm just going to fly okay I made it I need to do this there's one in here there's usually a red brick in here but uh there's not this time got the blue here I think there's four more in here there's like a whole ton of them obviously there's one behind this wall got it there's one here there's one right here that was wrong it's somewhere maybe I missed it now I have to slowly force all these away which would be twice as fast if there's a second player doing it cough cough there we go the bot did it so there's one literally right when you get out and then you think usually you can jump over the top of it but what you can do here is break this and hopefully Vader helps me that would be lovely and it drops one down and you just get to see it right there will Vader do this for me nope okay well now that I got it there I can actually just jump over skip pretty much the whole level yep is easy as that and now as long as my bot doesn't die I should be all right okay my bot's going to die I have to do this uh like with the bot or break these apparently come on Vader come on Vader so I have to help Vader across and he'll help me across yes thank you Darth Vader okay and he actually helps me with this that's good that's good it's still me alone here so oh I just force choked them my bad dude my bad once again I usually don't do these parts so this might go poorly and I think you have to die twice here yeah cuz I can't get back or all the way back but I can do my best oh gosh okay so it's on the left as far as I'm aware there it is yep okay cool look at that I am going nuts easy what's up Vader all right Vader died whatever I made it back just in time hey man you really you really arrived the perfect time all right good job man I'm proud of you yeah that was so much harder cuz I couldn't jump over it I had to uh do the whole part of the level with slow force that wasn't that wasn't great yeah unfortunately couldn't be me having to do that alone personally but I can understand I'm sorry I I'm joking I'm joking you're crazy you're awesome purple hair guy go subscribe to purple hair guy if you enjoy his content only if you enjoy though only if you enjoy empty subscribers are not not good subscribers to have you got to actually you know go and do go and look at his videos and watch them all and leave a like comment and subscribe like you should for this video yes okay okay we got that let's go boom got that I'm master master dude I knew you loved Rio you always pretend you don't love Rio I love it so much yet I have yet to see it it's so Weir probably the biggest Rio fan there is out there besides me of course but to be fair I've only watched Rio too many times to more than any human ever should when I was a kid it was kind of a problem when I was a kid when I got that DVD at least it's a good movie maybe I don't know I haven't seen it's a great Mo don't worry one day when you actually come to one of my movie Nights I'll show it to you well when you pay for a plane ticket across the US I will come to your movie night wow that's uh such a cheap price to get you to come man that's awesome and then I better have a round trip the next day all the way back the next stay yeah man I'm coming you're not even staying like a couple days I'm coming for movie night that's all you're getting you're just a movie night guy that's it all right can we do this please game don't spawn these guys okay there they are got it nice you just have to wait for it to go back all right now there is a blue I think right here right or is it next it's it's on one of the side ones this doesn't look like it all right yeah they never do what even got them man easiest thing and now we got to do these guys what bro that was messed up I heard them screaming I don't feel good about that I don't like what I just did they were screaming man oh no I think I killed like almost every single one of them except those two I mean we can't feel bad about after we've done all the stuff we've done in this speedrun they were trying to kill us does that make it right though sure why not all right well that's a pretty simple philosophy to have but fair enough yes nice boom you see that backflip wasn't that sick oh I didn't make it down oops Yeah you weren't able to do that backflip but I was all right up here it's going to move over the hand why does it move the hand and open the door I I don't know like you only need the hand you don't need a door if you have the hand already you know and then it might be this one yep it is this one hooray get it oh my gosh get it all right there we go and now we just go to the end and we should be good with all those challenges bricks which I think it is just down here right in the corner and who won me no way I mean after you got that total annihilation in winning that last one I had to get you back you know I didn't even get a single blue one the last time how did you do so well on that one man okay next one of these and we're back to this level is there one behind us I don't think there is I hope not yeah otherwise otherwise it's over because we are not checking that we are not checking that one at all ah it's mine dang it see now I got to be conscious about this I haven't been conscious about winning this whole time but I should be yeah I still haven't been and I don't think I should be oh I love the slow Force oh yeah I forgot you also have to charge it up after forcing it into place all right so we got to save these guys another time stop getting captured it's embarrassing stop hitting him how angry were you at him getting captured ugly man stop calling them that it's so rude I don't think he went through I don't think he went through see this has happened to us before where he just sits there like a jerk so we got to make sure he actually gets through boom easiest blue of my life now we got to go save the other people I say other people it's literally just this guy you're insane how are your jumps still this good man I'm a beast I feel like your jumps are better than ever maybe after I stole your jumping ability for a little bit you got it back tfold it was like an investment I lost it felt so bad for a while I was like I'm never getting that mvp and then I think I found it on the ground or something oh I wonder where a blue thing is probably not in the water there would be no way you know I'm just going to go swimming though oh I accidentally ran it that was a terrible joke I didn't make it that's yeah I'm about to win this man our jokes might not be amazing but our game play is and that's the important part that is true we have kept up some amazing game play nice grab easy that's seven I think we are good on our count because there one right back here it just hidden I hate these ones and then do we go up here is there one up there see I have my camera angle no it's in the corner nope it's that one yeah it's that one and I do know where the last one is cuz it's just kind of chilling yes me too oh rocks they're going to try to attack oh that must have hurt man are you okay ouch you rock on my head wow that seemed like a very pained reaction that Rock's dead oh wow so because a different rock hit you you decide to take your Vengeance on a brand new one I guess it could have been like it's family or something you never know all rocks are related I've heard I don't think that's necessarily true but another win for me well actually you yeah no duh you got like five of them in a row 10 hours we have been doing this we have no not yet only 9 hours in 58 minutes come on man don't over H there is but we have to get that one first why because I felt like it I don't know man okay all right good good point just like why not this is a judgement free zone purp guy that means you can't judge me for saying things that may or may not make sense you got it I'm glad you agreed to that so easily I thought you would at least like fight it tiny bit you said I have to agree I mean you don't really have to you like wait is there something we missed I think there's one on the ground that we missed oh yeah yeah it's in the corner it's in the corner I know what you're talking about over over here oh yeah yeah yeah they really tried that huh yeah they really thought we wouldn't figure out where that guy was but we always figure out where that guy is are we missing anything else though there's one on the bridge and then there's two in the building and I can just get glitch to the wall here oh ow all right you glitch through the wall I'll go to the end nice you're insane I keep dying though this might be a U Win easy easy win no hey now we're 10 hours in hooray we made made it we're almost done with challenges then we get the best part Bounty Hunter Missions all right so yeah there's one back here then there's also one up here oh I keep forgetting we don't have Force pole or whatever it is force grapple yeah Force grapple is amazing it really is cuz it's so much faster than the regular grapple too okay so in here there's one on the ground that I remember not one up there yeah it's like down here I think I don't know what you're talking about there's one up behind the thing 90% I literally don't know what you're talking about I need something that stops my brain from hurting like satisfactor so I can just do math is there not something down here I have no idea what you're talking about I seriously don't know all right so we'll go through here is there one behind I don't think so wait you just shot me twice I felt like it I thought it' be funny was it boom did you find it as funny as I did that was hilarious can you help me can you stop dying and get over here bro you know I'm going to see what you did earlier oh I even took out you I are there any in any of these yes there's one in one of these it's this one and I think I just can't get it cuz I'm bad oh no you had to jump slightly up that was your problem can he get the jump before I can force this oh you're a gamer oh fix our camera thank you dude that was sick that you got that jump I didn't think you were going to no offense yeah you're a non-believer yeah total offense but I did not think that was was happening at all get him here I'm going to take him out oh he he was sleeping okay sleeping with the fishes bottom left here remember when you were obsessed with it being in that room for no reason and then okay I just thought I think it was a thing where I tricked myself into thinking it was there in the past you know like one of those things that we do sometimes I I don't know how you got that idea though oh cuz we would always look for it there I think it's what it was I think so oh my gosh get out of our way these guys are so annoying okay I think that's all in this room now we do the jump nothing in this room right I don't think so I think that you're uh cu the other ones are brick walls we remember checking them it's actually their best joke yeah that's like really funny it's just a basically if you try to open a couple of those doors they're just brick walls it's awesome like literally brick walls not just just brick walls they're just birk walls man nice okay for some reason it wasn't in the place I was very sure it was I I wonder why man I was like there's literally no way that dude my brain for sure like in my brain I think it's still there honestly okay it's over to the left and it's behind those computers nice and a win for me all right there's no way you won that I definitely got like all of them for I think it it's the tie you always win that might be true that might be possible but only one more challenge for this entire speedrun oh wait we already did this challenge let's go we just we got to check all of them all right so let's just check one actually we can check them we didn't we didn't get a oh yeah we have a money one here to do oh this is going to be a sick one man are you ready to have to make money this is going to be super hard all right man this is going to be hard to get all this stuff by hey we did it good job all right but now we get to buy a bunch of stuff what is it missing huh oh we character bonus B yeah we have to do the character bonus stuff okay that makes sense this is why you always check dude I don't even remember doing this one we might have never even practiced RTI this one and just forgot about hey game we could really use oh it just fell into the ocean and by ocean I mean there's one there's one yeah that's good that's good all right this is going faster now that we kind of have a nice General strategy for it yeah it is actually really hard to see yourself in this level it's super easy to Lose Yourself don't worry we're almost done just got to break a couple more of these I will be happy to be done with these character bonuses though and there we go oh yeah all right now it's time for you to go have fun man I'm going to relax oh immediate power up that's actually really good and this one's giving you money pretty fast oh there's another power up yeah I couldn't get it deadly almost was going crazy maybe they knew the hell they put me through before they knew how much pain we'd be at this part of the run and they were like yeah let's do this for them dude nice million that was a fast one 40 seconds jeez we should still check okay so we have this one done this one done and this one done nice okay that's all the regular stuff done now time for some bounty hunters after we buy some stuff oh my gosh oh yeah love this money I love making me some money man this is just such a good feeling to go through all of these people it feels so good man got love the money spending time of this game it's also these people are so cheap compared to how much we have I know it's just ridiculous we buy some ghosts we buy some indana Jones yeah best part of the run 91.3% now bounty hunting time so these are kind of the dumbest missions in this entire game where we just Tred to bounty hunt somebody and it's super easy uh do you remember where this first one is I'm kind of forgetting I do I think I remember all of them oops oh we need just treding to murder someone man we just make it up to this guy we don't even shoot him but we did it that's our first one and this is what we're going to be doing and some of these locations are just so stupid it's hilarious they're like really really dumb why is it me oh I have to lock in every time okay I didn't realize that all right next one yeah I I got this i got this all right you got this have fun I believe in you oh yeah I'm remembering where this one is you got this fly hello nice we got to get jar jar now we're coming for you jar jar come here jar jar yeah I love how we're doing all of these in less than like 20 seconds all right now this one oh let's go all these guys try we need a robot I just killed you by the way yeah okay oh thanks I got to switch to the robot you're G oh yeah now you can just go through there that's some time save right there man wow that was easy oh the best one best one best one oh this is the best one all right you take the honors man you got this i got this you got this yeah all right let's go buddy we got this yeah what what are you doing my bad just you really didn't want us to attack this person did you oh what what is that camera angle Roger Roger dead Roger dead bpop I did it oh you just teleported through that that was sick man good job I got I'm trying I'm trying man oh yeah rebel trooper time man how are we supposed to get through these things you shoot them a we don't care about the laws I'm glad you have so much memory of this man yeah this is like the one thing I could tell you were like all of more oh I see him we're going to get him we're going to get you bud we're coming for you oh gosh you're terrifying man oh he's just sitting there he's in salute man don't do this to him yeah oh thanks to me what oh thanks to me uh can he I think you might need someone who can dive no I can't do it uh you have to go you go up there to the top of it and then fly to the rck okay I do fly for this one okay yeah yeah you have to fly for it yeah you're right I thought it was a dive person for some reason you go up to the corner nice that's nice skip easy oh and you can't even see us I wonder how you're actually supposed to do that I just love the different bounty hunters like the robot guy he's so cool why is he not more in the movies all right which one is this oh yeah it's over here they give you a platform so you can do it with any character so you can actually make it over there oh blow up can explode it I I guess I can't hey you're underr and I it's also just focusing on me look at my gun it's a big one man a why are we hunting a robot cuz he's a famous robot is he really that famous I don't know his name just blue robot robot yeah it's blue robot oh okay bro what was that I yeah man I don't know all right wait why not fly across what I was like I was like I could totally hit this careful not to throw a bomb all right speaking of a bomb literally the first thing I said oh my [Laughter] God now for this one I'm just vibing don't worry about me worry about getting your own money up oh yeah this one's pretty far away isn't it get out of my way get out of here get out of here we're the cool guys you can't stop us all right now right to the right he's just kind of chilling here for some reason and yeah how you doing coming with me buddy oh Chewbacca do you think he's going to have the guy on his back when we're hunting him that might be fun he might imagine he's just like hey how you guys doing oh we can't put extras on he definitely won't that's so sad man oh no I was going to make sure it was turned on how could they do this to us you behind this wall is the only one we did check I think I missed him over here there he is wait he was hiding did you dude what Jaa come on man that's messed up of you why was he hiding was he embarrassed that he didn't have uh C3PO on him I think he wasn't ready and he was like oh I have a part in this I got this this oh you should be flying guy go flying guy you got this I'm just going to wait here all right keep going bud you got this oh yeah nice job and thankfully all these doors are just open for us they don't even care I mean it's like they just have Princess Leia it's not like she's that popular right yeah this one isn't she just in the exact same spot she was before H I think it's in a different one but I'm not sure no I don't think it is maybe it is though we could always just open it I I could swear it's on this one yeah in here she ain't she ain't she ain't for you we're coming for you there's no way she's in this right that I think she is this would be so stupid you here at lady we're coming for a py there you are on the other side a she's trying to hide so clever we're almost to the end of these we're making our way downtown all right where are you Admiral we're coming for you I know you're in here somewhere Admiral you got the gun I'm just a robot man you you also have a gun you literally have a gun no I don't yes you do oh I do what when did I get this there's a bomb next to me can you kill these guys not really they're my friends but I do have no karate so I got to he's like what when did I even get here who are you people I I don't remember where this one is this one's left I remember I don't know why more bounty hunters don't have jetpacks I feel like this is just yeah I feel like it'd be nice see he's right over over there how do I get to that uh probably breaking some stuff or just being better I can't spawn in so it's up to you man oh let's go easy he thought he was going to escape from us it's like Yoda you can't even walk fast how do you think you're going to escape man all right let's go boys where's this next guy this Lando fella I hope he knows that he land don't going to get away was that good what no that was really bad actually you like that one no you think it was good I actually don't know where he is here me neither to be completely honest is he over here oh oh oh he he's on the roof he's on the roof we're coming for you and I'm also killing civilians on the hey that was me going through the door we found you were we trying to find again oh c3p I thought it was Lando oops oh how why did I say it was Lando maybe Lando is the next one I think Lando's the next one oh now my joke is going to be so much worse it was so good man everybody loved that joke I made and now they're going to be like oh wow it wasn't that good here I'll just make it again a second time but keep the first time in the video as well all right Lando you think you're getting away well I think you land don't be able to get away was that good yeah that was awesome man was the first time or the second time better do you think I I think neither time was very good what what are you talking about man I put my heart and soul into that where are you Lando I'm a find you look at me do my little dance Lando I mean I there's no real way for you to look at me do that he's in the back you need to go with your Robo body yeah remember when you didn't know this guy had a gun why would he be a bounty hun I thought he I thought he just punched people man wait Lando kiss my hand like you do for Princess Leia please please Lando no a and now two more we got to get ly boy Luke we're coming for you boy Luke more like there land don't dude that was an epic joke how did you come up with that one Luke more like loon how was that that that was awful I hate my life oh my God that's not true you know me you love hanging out with me right especially because I make you play Lego Star Wars listen I chose to do this first of all that is fair that is fair he's mine this is my bounty I'm not giving you any of his money this kid's worth a lot I heard he's the chosen one or something all right last Bounty Hunter mission we're getting on solo where are you Han I can't build is this guy you got to leave the building to me robots the builder of the crew busy building can't tell you why can't you tell me I'm busy building busy building what can't tell you why can't you tell me I'm busy building busy building what I can't tell you why can't you tell me I'm busy building busy building what I can't tell you why can't you tell me I'm busy building busy building what I can't tell you why can't you tell me I'm busy building busy building what okay I think that's enough skirt skirt there he is I see him now this is my kill robot I'mma take him he's mine mine this is mine you jerk this is mine hey let's not mess this up he's mine okay okay cool cool all right and there we go that's all the Bounty Hunter Missions done okay these ones we have to get later with time so what we're going to do right now is all the super stories you guys have to sit through another bit of the game JK he's probably going to cut it all yeah so before we do cut this all if you don't know what a superstar is basically it's just playing the game watching all the cut scenes they don't let you skip the cutcenes but you have to play the game with no extras and you just go through you have to do it in less than an hour and you're kind of trying to beat your score on how many studs you get now we don't really care about getting the studs we just have to beat this game in an hour so as you can see it gives us the timer we only have an hour to complete this it's pretty easy since we are speedrunners and at least we get to skip everything but yeah we have to play through this whole game again now it does work out because we would have to wait for those golden bricks anyways but yeah this is awful so I'm not going to make you watch through it we're going to skip to the end check my stream it'll be in the description if you want to see the full run but yeah we're playing through this let's go purple hair guy we got this the finish the final moments so we are finally finishing out with this last level you can see by the timer it has been a journey but finally this is going to be our last little bit we go through there and now we get a nice cut scene of course like I said before you don't actually have to hit the 100,000 studs to get 100% which we'll see in a second but we get to watch this cut scene again I forgot that they have all the mass of the dead people on man there's probably still blood in those hey how you guys doing hey sis how you doing and as you can see right here we're 98.5% done which means we just have to finish out by buying a couple things so what we have to do is both buy the hints and also the yellow bricks so we'll start with the hints so I will go ahead purchase all of those and finally we go to the gold bricks get the ones we don't have and that is 100% in [Music] 14372 or according to in-game time 14325 or whatever it was because obviously we had some problems with recording in our game crashing but yeah that feels good let's go purple hair guy we're done oh my god I've never been so happy my life wait we got to make our own characters and now the character customizer now holds the key to Super Jedi powers and of course we had to make our own custom characters I don't know what his name means but these are our guys subscribe if you enjoyed and check out purple hair guys Channel bye bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,211,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, lego star wars, lego star wars the complete saga, the complete saga, 100%, lego star wars 100%, star wars 100%, lego, star wars, 100% speedrun, star wars lego, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, speed run, world record, lego star wars speedrun, lego star wars world record, star wars speedrun, star wars speed run, lego speed run, speedrun world record, speedrun lego star wars, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy lego star wars, games done quick, speedruns, lego speedrun
Id: k-1_-rIZdpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 328min 21sec (19701 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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