Episode 2, Part 1 | Standing on Golden Sands | Fallout: Zero

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello everyone welcome back to fallout fallout zero that's the name of this game not like an official fallout or anything just us sitting in a room pretending that we're playing fallout with a bunch of rules that we made up i changed my twitter bio to angry little boy prank playing pretend cause that's that's what i am and that's what i'm doing and i unmuted my microphone this time so um and we're live for the first time yay we're all here good job everybody we all made it congratulations yeah i don't know what's going on there oh it's the ten candles yes ten candles and also uh not the fallout overlay but that's fine that's it okay well we'll be back no no no nevermind we'll just stay here okay [Laughter] don't fix the overlapping it's definitely not less recording we left off here in the game i got it okay i'm just making sure i'm sorry last we left off um you guys had made your way uh into uh vault 14 as hired by the osi a branch of the ncr it's a it's a scientific sort of uh branch of the ncr and they had pulled you all together make some caps as a task force to go into the vault and respond to a distress signal you guys are sent in on a train with a private from um don't are you laughing at private he's dead he is dead private jenkins did die on the train that you guys were on as you guys crashed into a rock can't fix that after moving through a dust storm um you guys barely survived um nearly succumbing to radiation which uh jacob didn't think would be uh nearly as deadly as it was but somebody decided to have a two in their endurance or a survival game but that's okay it's okay we're good we're good we're fine um you just made your way into the vault you talked to a the computer um said it was just giving you messages back saying that they were someone by the name of ernest callahan um and that they were trapped in the fault and there are other people who are trapped and they needed you to reroute the power from the overseer's office into this door so that it could be open and you guys were like i don't know about that let's go explore around a little bit you explored the top level of the vault you found evidence of some person who is living here who died a long time ago seemingly of just pure starvation um the door was not open you have no idea what happened um but you guys made your way into the overseekers office where you found some um uh some some ghouls who attacked you um and you had found that the the tunnel underneath uh the overseer's office like the chair was kind of raised a little bit you guys just smashed that back down and um looked over all the screens took a br took a breath took a minute healed up a little bit leveled up not once but twice thank you to tyler for taking the hearing now so much needed yeah and uh you guys are still in the overseer's office resting away your wounds um and before we get started i want to go ahead and ask everybody if we can do a little bit of a just a status checkup on everybody on where we're at so billy how much health what's your health maximum and what's your health um currently 21 21. okay so you oh that's right you didn't take any damage how many rads do you have 200 200 um dr alabaster uh sorry i was busy how much health do you currently have uh i have 16 hit points out of 20 out of 20. so you're a little bit hurt um paige oh and how many rants do you have uh 50 rads 50. i'm assuming our stamina points are not to full though right your stamina points should be at uh oh yeah yeah uh they get reset to half um they get reset to full if you guys had any food over the course of rest um you guys get it half back but if you guys do if you if the three of you sleep or if you guys take six hours um you'll get all your stamina points back did we take a full rest or we just hang out here for an hour i think we'd start decided an hour from now but we couldn't do so so if you guys ate some food you couldn't get back up to your stomach i'm going to say my stem is 23. okay your stay of 23 out of 23 yeah all right and your health is 12 out of 12. 21 out of 21. cool um and what's your stamina full i mean i guess would be full and it's 19 out of 19. cool and paige um i'm confused with my hit points because i have 10 out of 9 plus one i remember because i marked things out to have know where things changed i want my plus one but it's ten out of ten i guess ten out of ten um stamina points is 13 out of 13. i currently have 125 rats okay yikes um um i have nine out of 16 hit points and i have 15 animal points all right took damage from the train threshold is now 16. nice versus seven yeah man that's good yeah um so like effectively you've got like 16 5 16 health health bars and you have almost effectively like 40 to 50ish health so like two of you are pretty much in the same boat the rest of you guys are a little bit lower paige or having a rush time no no you're good you're good um but anyways that's uh i was just getting idea where you guys were currently at you guys finish up your rest uh did you take any uh rat away was that something you were gonna do uh i we we did we only did them okay and you still 250 125 125 i don't think i took one we gave you one i don't think i took oh no you said you were going to save it because you were like yeah because i get more i'm only at 200 yeah it gets rid of 250 right yeah i should save it until i'm at 250. yeah you really shouldn't use that right away you're not looking too bad yet you shouldn't use that right away that red you shouldn't right away use that right here all right so what are you guys doing all i can think of is for some reason but we each have one level of exhaustion and dehydration i drink water so i drink water you have this good yeah we have the sink but we have to clean the water sink that's right the clean water scene level of exhaustion you said the right way gives you a level of exhaustion and that's right i don't have that did you exhaustion yeah and dehydration yeah that's right and i don't have that because i didn't think that's why unless you don't like that idea i trust past jacob then why did you alter that huh because i decided to change the judgment of pastor every time every time i laughed recently this is completely off topic yeah all i can think of is that stupid tick tock audio no yeah i know you're talking i don't know why but it's just living rich in my head right now no no video just that sound it's not good a level of exhaustion is just like d i think you guys have disadvantage on skill checks uh remember when the camera was out of focus yeah and we were like i think camera's out of focus oh my gosh is that i think the camera's out of focus people are asking about it i'll fix it right now oh while you guys decide if you could just go check and see if it's out of focus yeah maybe it's maybe it's out of focus i think colton's right i think it's out of focus it might be smudged hey just you guys know when we started earlier i noticed the the screen looks like the cameras that have focus yeah love you we all leveled down one you know everybody i'm taking away the here and now perk [Laughter] rock's fall we all die we all level up five times so we're wearing that what was hey jacob i know you're currently checking the focus of the camera i can answer your question what was in the room that we're currently that's the overseer's office so there's like terminals computers um screens a big desk i don't know much about all of this computer [ __ ] yeah i can talk to him is there a way to open the door yeah i can talk to him let me talk to him give me a second i'd like to talk to the computer you'd like to talk to the computer yes oh and if i can't maybe paige could talk to the computer a little bit better than well i won't be talking to her i'd just be breakdown one more thing i want to bring up i know i'm interrupting this right here but um you uh negative to being a gen two sin um you cannot gain your stamina points back from eating food no i cannot but i don't have a stomach yes so i know just make sure to get them back uh i didn't take i didn't take any hit points or any points because i was just hurt by the train not by a ghoul or anything yeah anyways um uh you want to go talk to the computer i like to use my new perk yes okay what is your new perk i took a computer cousin um and this says that i can hack into any computer with a dc of 10 or lower um it's like i know i can talk to him he's my friend okay so you um you go into the computer and you um you start writing away on the inside of it and talking at as thick as sorry as um you uh uh it's very strange uh paige you kind of go over a new look and huck isn't even like hacking the computer huck is just going into the bios and typing things and like occasionally huck is like one one one zero one one one zero one one one and you're like what what is he doing he's like literally like coding it to talk to the computer um and the computer uh is basically a function that um diverts power and it was programmed to do so and when you hack into this computer go ahead and make a science check just real quick oh this is where we fail friends okay 16. as you continue to talk to the computer and you find out it's it's you know it's diagnostics what it can do you find out that it um is programmed to only have certain parts of power go to certain parts of the vault um if one portion of power is going to one side of the vault that the other portion shut down um if there are other areas of the vault it also shuts down all of it comes from a reactor down in the basement um and it it's weird as you talk to it the compute you're like so can you just power the whole fault and the computer's like oh yeah i have the ability to do that but i'm not supposed to and you tell it well just do it yeah do you tell it to yeah it goes yeah okay i guess i'll listen to you and um you get off the computer and you just hear like as all the power is redirected to the entirety of the vault and he said he will turn the power on looks like he did it give him a little pat oh and then you also have it all says one more function you can open the stairway underneath you there's a small stairway that goes downwards do we want to see if this door opened before i opened the door underneath oh hello cat sorry isn't the door underneath where it is where the ghouls came from yeah try to interrupt this real quick quick question for you sir how do we get rid of exhaustion is it only through sleep um there are certain drugs and um the food and drinks that can get rid of exhaustion i know for a fact coffee can do it um but yeah sleeping will get rid of it this is threshold is actually 14 not 16. oh that's true i think i i think my math is good is that why you were while you were well sort of the authenticity of well i i erased it so i was looking for my indentation of what make sure [Laughter] sorry uh you uh say were you saying something doctor that's true you're asking about exhaustion you send a whole power of the vault yeah we were conversing about whether or not we want to open that extra little thing because that's where the ghouls came from did you shut the door behind you no which one the one um the door behind you that wasn't like possible right so i had a mechanism on the outside yeah it wouldn't have been [Laughter] you were keeping guard less oh yeah yeah what am i going to do spinning in the chair um so i would imagine it would be important to see about that guy that we were chatting with behind you in the nearby room you do hear a door open sounds like he's coming out can i go to here yeah okay i'm trying to make sure you just hear uh i'll go hello hello ah then he kind of steps back a bit uh uh no he looks like a middle-aged man um he's got he's got dark skin he's got kind of like gray sort of like fluffy kind of beard maybe about mid-40s um he's kind of balding on the top of his head he has a vault suit um it's a blue and yellow and he kind of comes up and he looks pretty bedraggled like he doesn't look like he's like like he looks like he hasn't taken a shower in a long time and he kind of comes out and he eyeballs all of you and as soon as you start coming around the corner billy he kind of ducks down a bit and he says i'm unarmed yeah you had a ghoul problem what and it's taken care of now are you the one that was on the computer yes yes he probably doesn't know what a ghoul is and if he does he probably doesn't know that's what it's called are you are you here to hurt us no just here to help we were sent to help jacob can i investigate the guy like walk over there and kind of do a little medical check like walk over and he says wait wait wait wait wait before you like go over towards him oh he says doctor and he's kind of at the bottom of the stairway and he says i i don't know who you are and to be fair and honest your messages were very threatening and your role speech i went through multiplayer one you don't speak you become we have pers we don't you need to set a percentage to meet based off of his speech skill and then yeah shut up just i was like what are you talking about he's bad i do you could use it early i could bad boy and this i won't okay so he looks up at you and looking at your um blood stained um armaments and a strange medical equipment that he doesn't really know with weird uh like stim packs sticking out of you he says i'll take my chances please i need to know who you are first why did you turn off the computer which one we i had to in order to investigate what the internal operations of the computer were before we didn't exactly want to get shot up by some security so why are you here are you responding to the distress signal yes yes we have nothing of value there's nothing for you to rob we're just people i'm a little confused if you send out a distress signal do you not expect people to show up to help you in distress we grew up our entire lives thinking that everything beyond that vault door was a monstrous and would kill us partly true i mean not terrible not the people but everything else we know now that the overseer and the people in charge here lied to us we've picked up on other radio signals from um the ncr the ncrs they sent you to help yeah okay and he kind of relaxes a second he says sorry we we were told our entire lives that beyond outside it was it was too harmful for us to live there were only monsters i mean that's a little bit true but not entirely i mean there's people who live out there all right okay and then he kind of realizes and he steps up and he kind of walks up the stairs and he looks at all of it he says the rest of the fault the trap down there they have no way out we need to get them out i at least need to go down to them my wife is down there along with my folks you don't have a an entrance down there where you're from no there was but it was locked off why just rerouted the powder power you did yeah to everywhere you rerouted all of the power yeah well it's everywhere now like then we could go down we could find them mm-hmm good good is he not like put off at all that i'm a robot person um no honestly this guy roll i don't have insight role perception perception's not a skill yeah that's not a skill no just your perception oh it's not special 17. oh you would have had disadvantage on that i just i just realized that too um it's okay anyways marshall already has internal with his role what do i say 17 i think so yeah um this guy looks like he was expecting you all to be deathclaws oh so the fact that you're people and a little bit of a metal person isn't that weird this concern but yeah he's like he like does a double take and then just forgets about it and is what is more preoccupied with other things do you have anything down there that could help us um could help you harm us or harm us no no just people all right well let's go then wait wait what what what do you mean with a a ghoul problem yeah what is a ghoul you realize you might not know what that is kind of grab it just grab a body so do you remember how you said everything out there tries to kill you radiation radiation poisoning your people should leave this place too we've been getting some yeah sickness yeah radiation poisoning yeah and it's not really safe i think the uh integrity of your building has been compromised we need to get everybody out i think so yeah you're in for a shocker of a world but i can't tell you i'd really like to get out of here and get back so we can talk about all that you have like um food water you might want to collect that yeah potatoes how long have you been separated from the people six months have you been able to contact them at all no hmm i tried to i was able to hack the door on the way out i learned how to do it as a kid sometimes they would lock us in our rooms when we were misbehaving i've always known how to open the doors and after the overseer passed away we decided not to elect a new one to maybe find a way out i was able to hack the door but when i made my way in it closed behind me and i was trapped in that hallway in a break room there was only a couple of months of food in there i was able to ration it but there was a radio on the inside i sent out the distress signal because i couldn't get that any point of that or that door open we'll see what happens since we've since you've been wrapped those things came from outside no i came from underneath the you know i'm kind of getting worried maybe we should check out that room in their overseer's office it couldn't have come from me it seems like somebody else is underneath the overseas chair toying with this place oh then there's like a panel lifted up did that go to it goes deeper into the vault [Music] well that's no good because what if we go in there and someone locks all these doors behind us as we go in no i think the concern is more i don't think the concern is the people i'm claiming the concern is that he might be the only one left well that's not a concern though i mean that's impossible so far how quick does that stuff happen becoming a gold doesn't take too long he said he needs excessive amounts of radiation there's a lot of radiation in the area we did running i'm feeling it i i can feel myself sick only that's why i'm having to bob his gas mask yeah i want that back you will get it back once again but i'm i'm fine i'm okay you were in a different room i wasn't much deeper in can i check you do you mind okay i'd like to check and see if i can see any role medicine anything with hello um the only thing that is outwardly obvious and anybody this isn't because you failed or anything is just everybody can notice he's very clearly malnourished but that's it anything you can't tell if he's irradiated he can't tell if um like he you don't find any cuts or bruises on him um so i mean he's okay i think standing here just discussing this is not going to help us yeah we should either go back to where you are or under ground yeah the longer we stay here the more likely we are to be irradiated at least that's humans radiation that far down is not what these were built for to keep it out well it's possible there's been some kind of creature collapsed deeper right oh there is that hole over there maybe water could have been irradiated dripped down they could have drinking that's a lot of weights there's a lot of ways you can get it radiated all right which way are your b i don't think you should come like this no i think he should stay here i i don't know if you're safe either no back in his room uh maybe if he's okay if you say he has survived a fission there's a nuclear fission core deep in the vault it powers the whole vault it's possible well should we go check everything out i mean yeah that's compromise that means [Music] go now please i would suggest you going back into that room and closing the door i've been notoriously attractive again i'd rather be on this side are you prepared to fight at least i have access to the power in the overseer's room um well we covered it do you have anything to protect you from radiation no then you should go back into your room and i yeah let him do what he wants i mean if he doesn't want to all right it'll it'll be our job was to open the door and get them out after that so that's that's where our job stops well i'll just let you know if you start to feel sick you should go back to your room if not you're gonna die yeah roll persuasion the voles today have not been kind to us we are not the most charismatic of parties no i am actually i'm quite charismatic as a as a robot cowboy not when i roll a four um six um yeah he looks at you and he says he says i'll take my chances suit yourself all right let's get under that chair you gonna fit something are we taking the chair i thought we were taking the stairs we definitely know that ghouls are coming from the train yeah wait before you go down um any kind of looks around and he says uh one one second then he kind of turns he goes downstairs he goes through the door he goes into a room he rummages around and he runs back and goes up the stairs and he has uh like a weird like um metallic device um like uh put together with duct tape and like a blinking light and like a weird like antenna and he says take this it's a radio um so long as you keep it on channel 301 i can contact you can i talk to you uh yes cool not bad pretty yeah i was gonna say pretty impressive when you were able to create there so i'm confused where are we going are we going donny well the ghouls came from underneath the overseas chair i don't exactly want to go down there that's where we're going anyway we might as well we're going to shut this area either way it seems to be going down to deeper parts of the world the likelihood yeah there's a deeper way in that way i was could you show us which um yes all right um kind of looks down and then he looks back at the ghoul and he looks back over he says down that way he just points down that hallway all right okay i'm gonna go head that way where are we going you guys have two options one is going under the chair and one is going down the hallway where the guy had come from one has ghouls in the other way he does not want to go down from where the ghoul is like a couple of us think that we're it might be a better bet to go down the pool hall i don't have to be in there i don't think i can if i'm of any help they both go the same way that's what my assumption is but one's coming i also don't believe i can go underneath that chair in that same way so i will be going this way going that way will lead you to the atrium where everybody sleeps and eats and then eventually it'll lead you over into the uh the reactor room which leads to the overseer's office either way we're going to find people first this way there's still people okay sounds good let's do this then slide all of us over there yeah of course i assume we're all getting anywhere like that i'm gonna leave perfect i wouldn't leave he stops and he says what any any turns down and he looks down at himself and he says before you go wait wait wait um and as he he like goes down the stairs and he turns to his wrist and he has this small portable computer on his wrist and he like shitty click city and you hear like there are a few rads up here not a lot though um and he kind of goes down and he unclips it and he says it may be better in your hands i know how those work i'm from the vault too you are which one 23. i hope that's not an actual vault do you want me to give you a vault sure give me the golf ball the golf ball the golf ball what state are you from california uh 23. hi uh yeah you can be ball 23. oh all right 33 you're 23. cool the golf vault the golf ball all right um uh he gives you uh the pip boy and uh you kind of latch it on you look over it um and it has a built-in geiger counter on the side of it and also it's able to you can take notes in it um you also kind of scroll through um some portions of it and you do find what looks like um a map and then like a local sort of like like actual map that's like surrounded around you and as you kind of look at it you notice that there's like there's literally like a gps tracking on it and you can like tell where you are sweet things gonna be very useful but as you like you get down to further into the vault it like it like wigs out and like disappears does the geiger counter still work uh the geiger counter doesn't work okay this is going to be very useful immediately um your current rats in this area right now are one an hour okay well okay almost almost basically no but if you mean if you lived here for a long time you'd probably get cancer it's life um paige takes off the um until we i need it again you put on the gas mask um and as you guys make your way in and you open this door i don't have this part of the map but it does kind of lead to one of the parts um it opens up to this very large atrium um there are two levels here and uh the first level kind of uh oversees the top level you can see like doors and then uh down on the lower level you can see like tables and then more doors down the bottom um you do see sort of like a small map kind of to your right and you notice that if you like if you like there's like stairs that go down these are like rooms and living quarters um there's a door in the back that'll lead to another stairway down that'll lead towards the reactor um as you guys enter into this area though you just see cold steel walls you hear nothing is there any signs of people being here recently you look down at the tables yeah there i mean there's there's like plates and and um so food rotted at all or no it actually looks pretty clean huh no dust gathering or you take your hand off of the the the um the rail yeah there's dust either they don't dust well they're all dead probably they'll have either or i'm not going to find out unless we open the door right right where's the door right uh yeah there's a bunch of doors but there's like a door on the bottom level that leads down to the rear because we're not on the map currently this one um no you basically oh yes you went this way and then it kind of goes around so we don't move anything don't move anything we've gone this direction okay and we're now in a larger room and also kind of like elevated catwalk that has a stairway down to the actual level we're looking at right now yes okay i will go down there and the center is kind of like a cafeteria-esque yeah the start of fallout 76 yeah so i was thinking in the far back there's like another way down dictated by a map that says it's the reactor okay can i go to those doors on the side they actually have windows you can actually look at them you kind of look in some of them are like clothes they have like blinds closed one of them which one is it like a like a bed um a couple of dressers it's like a really bright colored carpet um and empty can i see that and if it's been like used at all or is it all like yeah like the bed is messy the bed isn't made is there a lap to open the door yeah you just push a button it opens look around the room you look around the room it's dusty like looks like it hasn't been used in a while but it looks like unkempt like it wasn't cleaned that's not a good sign it's like somebody looks like you find like a couple bald suits and you find like some shoes and um the fact that there's no one there is an awful smell also coming down from below as you kind of begin to move your way down around the ball billy you're from a vault right yeah on average if you know how many people live in a vault at once um your vault probably had about look at 200. i had about 200 people in it but but already as you go into this fault um it's already different than yours like yours isn't it doesn't have anything they weren't they weren't really massive to do well they were masturbating as far as i understand but they were all different and they're all unique i'm gonna look through some of the drawers in the rooms [Music] i'm looking through some of the drawers like i'm seeing those dressers and stuff yep you find some vault suits and some more bald suits and some shoes and road luck that's just it's just a good day for rolling you know what i'll tell you buddy i got a three sir three um you open the bottom drawer and there's nothing um can huck go into each of the rooms and start counting beds yeah um you count that this atrium alone could sleep about 50 people okay it looks like it might be a little smaller as you kind of go down and explode you find like a kitchen and you go to the kitchen all the food is is rotted yeah i don't think they're living and i don't know but the uh you also find like a couple in the kitchen you find like a couple of like dirt plots and you find like where like um like potatoes are being grown but they're they're like they're like dead yeah i go to those farms too can i look through them is there any like seeds of the fruit tomatoes and things like that roll um survival what's up roll up survival yeah dang it disadvantage yeah that's what's getting you it is yeah um tin that's fine you know that uh that uh potatoes can just are you just okay there's potatoes it's potatoes tomatoes no you go through the potatoes and you look down yeah you could just take the you just take whatever yeah you know you just take that and plant it if you want how many are there you find three i'll take three potatoes and they're pretty rotted but you know if you just stick them in the ground they'll probably just keep growing any weight on this boy um um every every potato would be one load it's a heavy potato well there's also can you define junk metal for me what does that actually look like junk metal like random pieces of scrap torn off from other things um so like i like i can't produce it like i can't walk in this room and go well the fridge is busted can i just no no you could totally just scrap the fridge if you want how long would that take um a couple minutes you just go in take everything out find some pieces take the screws out take a sheet of metal and just like take it if you want but i like to do that yeah could i also do it to the oven yeah so i'll i'll give you um i'll give you like roll can you roll repair uh yeah i can we're crafting sorry yeah yeah i'm thinking in fallout not this game fallout that would be 21. holy [ __ ] you get eighteen four four jump jump i'm sorry scrap now just 20. just 20. oh only three i'm just kidding go ahead and get four um cerebella has gone in and just like it's just like tearing apart the oven tearing apart the fridge taking like pieces of scrap metal and kind of like compartmentalizing it and putting it in a bag you you said that the water could be bad it's possible there's like a sink in here no way that one of you could like test it clean water all right [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] what do you think billy you think that water is safe to drink i'm not going to drink it we have the water up above my canteens yeah would the water not come from the same place the water from above possible depends on the pipes as well if they're contaminated themselves oh i i see what you're asking me no no i was referring to the water here i would assume was pulled up from the ground but because of some of the things we've seen water could be above it that could have spilled into it because because some of it collapsed into itself you still got that right away i mean you could be okay you know you want to be like a hero i would test it if i could survive i'd like to say that that's why the doctor's gonna keep you alive don't worry about it i got you well i do believe we've come to the conclusion that they're all dead or ghouls or ghouls hopefully the few that we killed were the only survivors and that the other 50 42 are deceased we just go in you find like some rotted bread we should find where they are exactly if someone dies of radiation poisoning in fallout what is the percentage of them trying to gould to just being dead they can both can happen and nobody really knows what that percentage is cool so now here's a question but likely it's like like for instance hear me for a second because i never put it into games if someone were to die of radiation poisoning would their family then go burn it because it is substantial enough to where they know tradition is they cannot have a body as a ghoul you're right that would act that that is the smart thing that probably a lot of people are not doing because they don't think about that fact we should handle so then the world is telling me no so the odds are high but i would understand them as not that high yeah because no one is functionally doing these things it's well it's more that people don't just live in radiation people just leave but also radiation in the fallout universe is very very strange and will either turn people into ghouls outright kill them give them or just give them magic powers and it's like okay i do have a question uh if i if i know this what what does the whole like ghoul to feral ghoul thing like is that something that happened nobody knows is it like just literally it's a random chance okay some people can be a non-feral ghoul forever some slowly deteriorate into becoming ferocious and some are just really really quickly are just very good for the most part a body that is left in a radiated area can typically become a feral ghoul but not always i also think there's public i think there's more feral rules than not that's mainly from my own understanding right um what was your objective um i believe also for the osi they wanted data from this place okay oh we got i'm not taking notes you well i don't know by notes or rather the information from them somewhere okay well did you keep looking they never really specified what they wanted okay why don't i go first you can follow after the rats get too bad me and huck can continue in at least report back interesting question um you said that there's a smell coming from somewhere as a synth can i smell that's what i was gonna ask yes i assume i can smell you can smell you i'm gonna say you can i'm gonna say you can recognize what when it's smelling cooked cookies or pie i just know that that would signal to my old factory responses as delicious i imagine you have a little signal that goes off in the corner of your screen like your view that says clean clean clean yes you can you can know when there's a smell okay cool it's like a weird smell i like to i don't have viable smell smell detected you went through like the fridge and stuff right okay well the fruit everything in the fridge is gone but um there are like cupboards and whatnot if you guys want to look through and try i'll do that through in one of the rooms hey oh just regular role not disadvantage i know yeah cool yeah nice because it's uh ability scale yes um what'd you get eighteen eighteen eighteen eight twelve fourteen fourteen i think i was busy okay cool a d4 give me your screws give me your screws all right billy what'd you get uh two all right you find um you find uh two glasses of nuka cola um and you also find some blamco mac and cheese this stuff is special because it's been around for forever and will continue to be around forever non-perishable mac and cheese it doesn't taste very good but it's food um what are you talking about mac and cheese what did you get um marshmallow two two uh you find um some coffee grounds yes and you find some uh sorry i just have a funny thought paige could probably just die from drinking turkey cola yeah because nuka cola the fun little taste that they add in is radiation really radioactive isotopes is this like it's one cup like one cup of coffee um yeah one cup of coffee i like that it's like a little packet i like the cherry i like that cherry nuka cola you know what it's super special instant coffee and it's got three in there sleeping three cups i like it buddy got three three you find some cram how much crayon uh to one cram you find some insta mash that's where it's at though instant mashed potatoes [Music] and you find some uh absinthe what nice how much the coffee grounds weigh what about a meal um um for those instant kind of things i'm giving you ten would be one load okay so just no longer no load can i check the stove turns on protection [Music] there's water in it you can make some coffee it's a coffee you make some coffee all right you're like please and you make some coffee and you're like is there a mug oh and you find a mug and it has uh it has the vault boy on it and he's just like and he's like monday is right and you're like you're like you evil little boy and you treat you're like oh and you're such a bunch of books um and uh that becomes a collectible if you find 40 of those you get that man temporary stamina pointing to your level each of them have a different and um you can remove your level of exhaustion um for six hours but after six hours comes back jacob are there like like collectible bobble heads that you can find in the game that'll like increase your no what i mean i mean this should be because then we can like get xp or something maybe i'll add that in i'm going to keep them comments on them those are super fun to find like luck up here i'll just collect give me that look give me an 11 look i like the magazines in four you open them and you just get a random new ability yeah okay cool um yeah you found some absinthe uh what'd you roll on your one a one you find a nuka cola cherry anyone want this cherry liquid chicken you call it a cherry liquid i can't can't squint so i'm just like maybe all would just get closer literally don't have a face but you look the whole body is one unit now the master is kind of searching in place while just slowly like sipping on his coffee just kind of walking around you feel better you feel a lot better this is good what does it taste like you know uh it tastes like a lovely morning um with like uh not a harsh awakening but like a good awakening like you wake up like strong you know i don't sleep okay so that would be tough to explain um i imagine it tastes like when your batteries are fully charged i don't have batteries okay well you know uh like when your belly no okay that's not gonna work either um not like you have a heart what is it it's like a computer i didn't mean i don't i've never ripped open my chest to look inside do you have a tongue yeah to talk you have like no taste buds dilton i can't drink things now oh that's a pity could you do i have a tongue yeah you can taste things but i mean it's it i mean i can taste things you can yeah you can you can just unless you don't want to be tasting things i assumed i couldn't so i'm gonna say no okay then yeah no well yeah that would so does your tongue taste things at all okay so i've never it's gonna be really hard to explain taste to somebody who doesn't taste try your best well okay um if you ever do you know the feeling of being punched in the face yes okay it's kind of like that on your teeth but like it feels good the coffee or like in your you know it's like uh but it's in your morning time so you're like punch in the face in the morning that feels good yes you know um and it wakes you up so you know it's it's nice it's nice i guess this is kind of working you can't say how to wake them up now yeah i can't tell i can't tell them that [Laughter] back in my bag you finished the coffee yeah this coffee you put the coffee cup with the coffee in it in your bag you just hold on to the mug and it pulls a shotgun [Laughter] uh you guys wait wait nothing happens you just heard one thud and then you hear that where'd it come from hello hello is this working i thought it was a grump hello and uh he says how is everything down there you find anybody not yet okay how are you feeling really nervous i really wish you would maybe we're hurrying up we're going okay fast as we can all right we should probably get over that door yeah yeah we're getting to a door right now uh we'll i'll call you back he's like this doesn't turn off just don't turn up we're trying to be a little quiet down here oh i'll be quiet then yep thank you is there a volume knob yeah there's a volume knob and there's like you have to push it too yeah yeah i'm gonna turn it down a little bit okay but still if it tries to talk to us it'll go off and i guess we're gonna go to that door i am not going first why i'm just kidding you think you're not going first huh you open the door behind you yeah sure you open the door and you see like a dark hallway um and there's like lights in it that are like flickering and then it kind of like turns off towards uh your right as soon as you open the door you hear tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick coming from your pitch oh how bad is those bombs um where you are right now it's gone up from one to five an hour it's still not bad it's uh not great but i mean we didn't walk in yet i would i know i just gave it to you but i would not ask for the gas mask back go first because if it's already at five i'm going to probably start feeling bad i'm not really good with it you should wha wha wha wha what do we see down this hall is this another hallway it's a hallway and it turns to the right right there's like a flickering light there's no other once we get back they're like doors does it turn like hard 90 degrees or is it kind of yes okay you um go down the hallway so now you've turned and you're in it now and you go over and um uh yes do we want to do hug no fine okay okay i'll take the rear it's like this what kind of just in case you felt like you guys enter this room right here you can go ahead and um uh uh hang on um just pull it back a little bit oh that was too far but that's fine um just take it off now you know you're good we saw i didn't see you guys enter a small room this small room as you get in it goes from five to ten to fifteen to up to thirty an hour um and it's it's climbing and climbing and climbing as you get in here i think i might want that mass mass effect you're not taking on any immediately but you may soon maybe um you could stay game wise and me and hug and scout now true uh they could always just bring stuff back to you wait jacob how long were those uh the rad x's how long do those last that's a good question and i'm going to write that in something those lasted an hour right let me double check was it an hour radix last an hour so we're a while ago what's your current what's your resist naturally or with the gap naturally naturally 10 jesus dude um as you guys make your way in um uh uh the rats begin to climb you guys look around this room there look to be a lot of like beds and sleeping mats in here all covering the ground um it looks like like maybe like a like a safe spot of some kind there's like empty food everywhere open um water cans all over the place and they're just scattered but in the back of the room you can see that there is like a crack in the steel wall and it's been opened and pried through into another room in which you can hear and then as all of that happens at the same time you hear coming from your from your radio [Laughter] we should go back back yeah well we really got to push forward i guess they are probably all dead we could make noise and force them to come to us in a room that's not follow okay um it might make sense to funnel him down the hallway then we would just become a shooting gun away for us oh look you can go that or pull out a molotov what about what about and then yes okay all right and we run down that hallway you can throw another one inside here could i make like a like you know what find some like throw items around here with one of them we know there's nothing here rule crafting all right i'm gonna get out of here guys you do your thing i'm gonna go out there too okay you do something i'm gonna try my um i'm tired so i'm not yeah you're like you're like looking around you're like you can't find anything you're like looking around you don't really find much the best you come up with is like you could take some of these um these bed sheets and you could like you could tie it to the ceiling and then maybe you could shoot it to have it fall but that's like the best you could come up with okay you don't find any like you know would be better just to have them just to throw them at them at that point it's fine i like the idea though keep keep that line of thought up i don't want to don't want to dismiss that it's just the rules today have been pulled yeah and disadvantage does not help it hold on maybe we're gonna die i'm just checking this out real fast and then i'm good to go if you want to turn that thing out i'm just trying to check out my molotov explosive that's not pretty good actually um sorry is it multiples or explosives correct uh yeah it should be use explosive scale i just think can't seem to find it oh there it is it's right there it isn't explosive okay whenever you're ready can you back me up a little bit no of course oh yeah we can bolt back if you want yeah uh do you want to get like here yeah i suggest it might be the best bet to set up back over here and draw them over to this and then we just have a nice straight should we instead do the atrium i know it's on there whatever the long hallway is we're using oh the atrium's here technically yeah it would effectively that the next atrium over would be as big as that entire mat i see the entire map so like it's the transition i'm kind of just pointing to like what the end of the hallway before the atrium yeah i'm down for that i'm just the entire hallways yeah so i'll be taking gunfire also if i could i would probably don't just shoot things on the map the door you know the door that goes to the entrance that would effectively be the door to the atrium so you guys do have that hallway there if you need it no i kind of want to see if we can bait them into that atrium okay yeah but that's all on there so you can't really use it i could drop an atrium yeah could that'd be great because i can't get anywhere that's not going to be directly in fire so if we could bait them into that room so i could at least take a sidestep from the door then we still get the bottleneck and then we went around the door right yeah i think we want to surround the door i think it would make sense for you to to not be in the hallway right away and what you do is once they get close to us you step in the way and then you start taking when they get to us that way we have shots free shots that we can funnel them and we don't have to deal with a whole bunch of them at the same time because they will be piled up on top of each other we can't get through all uh okay my job is to serve and protect you i guess if you're if you're okay with that idea right i'm trying to limit the amount of things we have to be finding out if that works we can stay here in the atrium for a while and we can pair you back up my friend i think that sounds perfect though i want to do that looks like you were taking a bunch of the scraps from the kitchen so i think so we could do that before the hand that would be we're going to have to play this smart depending upon how many are you currently in there but if we could get one more i could actually tank a little better if possible like another hour yeah that'll be an hour yeah do you want to want to wait an hour huh as long as we're not sitting in anything would be faster if we helped uh will be faster if they help help you help you prepare yourself yeah uh does it take you an hour takes an hour to repair me yeah yeah um but but it assumes me is doing it or someone else uh i mean yeah if somebody else helps and rolls a crafting role they could help you i'm gonna say only one other person could do it though i can't all just [ __ ] stop like an hour to 30 minutes yeah to 30 minutes yeah if you want to do that okay wonderful i could help okay let's do that then um that's kind of my stick is crafting so oh you know what i said that solar power doesn't work if i'm not outside that doesn't help nothing will change yeah i'm outside so we do not stand in the sun there might be a storm stop yeah so i guess we'll just do the atrium thing okay all right let's do it all right you guys back up and into the atrium get your shotgun ready and uh prepare to fight so i want to do this i think i could [Music] uh yeah let's do that so um i'm going to erase all of this over here and then uh well not all of it um a portion of it we'll use that for the atrium because we don't need the rest of it because you guys have already gone through it okay and uh we'll do that so we're not gonna take a break but we're going to come back in like five minutes so um so this isn't break but it doesn't break a short a short quick thing we'll be back a few minutes i will run the break card though so we'll be back in just a minute guys welcome back um we've got the map ready to go and everybody is ready to get going so you guys kind of step back into the atrium here and are now standing in the atrium what do you do next okay i'm going to turn the radio all the way up you here you hear a voice occasionally come through like hey bud i can't hear you what was that set to i don't know didn't he say he gave a he gave uh uh you look at it said it 301 that's what he said to keep it at right yeah well it stayed there yeah probably i just wanted to make sure that that didn't break or something all right okay it wasn't um i'm gonna go retrieve a pot hopefully he didn't go outside okay and i'm gonna oh with all my i guess i'll oh you know how there's like that large pot and the pan goes inside it i'm going to do both of those i'm gonna throw it on the hallway so hopefully both will go and then they'll topple out of each other okay as you do so you hear as you do that a singular uh word come through on your pit boy here task i think they're i'm telling you guys i think there's other people further down further down who are monitoring this bolt i think they're just stuck maybe well there's goals in the way got to figure it out hey if this is the ncr we can't understand you so uh and if you're further in the vault we're coming for you hold on a second what if we went back up it's possible we just learned possible did you throw the pots yet well unless unless they were like in the middle some no okay i mean i i i would i did but i didn't want to like interrupt whatever was happening oh then um well because i said it and because if this was happening i would have like not have just okay okay made an executive decision for us but what if the ncr is just about we can let them handle the goals can you trick the guy turner i don't think the ncr is about five an hour five it's low here let's try and get even further away from the rads and see if we can i'll put the panthers find a better suitable for that thing i can walk back up there sure you i mean you walk around it doesn't help no i walk back up oh you go up the thing over to the hallway you go back out there and sitting kind of on the floor you see ernest looking up and he says oh you're back you've been trying to talk to me no okay have you heard anything on your radio he pulls this out he turns it up tasks when you were contacting the ncr click click and it task and he says they're using a different signal it's coming through on this one turn yours off turn it off and he flips it and he hear like his towels and it like changes and then eventually stops and he can hear a voice come through and it says task force zero do you copy this is the osi dr cromwell please respond task force zero do you copy he says what is that that's not a game is that who we were no can i anything to maybe know who to ask oh sorry yeah no dr cromwell you know who that is who is that he's the guy that contacted you that's what i was asking um can i see that he hands it to you uh yeah this is a hug what do you need and you and it and it kind of like stops on here huck this is dr cromwell we've recently discovered that there could be an isotope down in the vault a very radioactive powerful isotope if you retrieve the isotope and bring it back to the osi and the ncr the reward will be doubled you should be careful though it's very dangerous i don't know i'm gonna find like a lion shoe box or something uh yeah uh so we're thinking that it uh can those things break because we got a lot of ghouls down here copy are all the resident schools uh we've got one survivor so far we've seen six ghouls copy keep the survivor there retrieve the isotope copy i won't be able to respond talk to you later be here wait well what do you want [Music] here it's keep the isotope on the protectron it'll be very radioactive is that going to hurt my human companions as long as they don't hold on to it copy can i leave now you're free to go see you later boss man go back downstairs oh you stay here what's going on oh like my boss just said uh i i think that that radioactive isotope thingy is a busted isotope i don't know what that means sorry okay you should stay up here though because downstairs pretty irradiated not gonna lie nope found a lot of rotted food though and uh pretty dusty pretty dirty not gonna lie um but hold on to hope always heard that once don't really know what it means i'm gonna go back downstairs all right so you go downstairs i go downstairs do you go down the stairs you go back to the party everybody's just waiting you're still holding the pan you're ready to throw uh so that guy that we were contacted by each of us um he um was coming through on the uh the radio he wants us to take the isotope thingy the radioactive thingy and he says that would be the reactor then you should hold on to it because it'll kill them and um you're stronger than i am okay well sh were they all he was doing the channel how's that if it's time he would go through rooms and he's looking for like a cigar box or roll um perception do you know what channel they were on no the guy upstairs figured it out not me [Music] three nobody in this bathroom nobody in this vault smoked gosh dang it i'm gonna go back up there you go back up okay hey huh what uh what channel were those guys on [Music] 305.4 all right go back down now remind me because i don't know the guitar i don't know the pit boy too well from can i can i speak to them or is it only a receiver uh the pip boy unfortunately is only a receiver and that's good to still have at least 305.4 that's what they're wrong if they say anything we can hear it do this [Laughter] you get some air in your gear sometimes down there yeah um all right i think we're about ready throw your pots and pans yes yeah take the golf club oh my god hold it like this i swing it yeah pull yeah pull out my gun just wait for a few seconds and you wait and you wait and then a hand comes out on the other side you see a yellow eyed bald creature with melting skin turn around the other side hey there [ __ ] everybody roll combat sequences combat sequences those are circumferences i don't use dice all that much combat sequences is perception do you remember when these guys were crap last time yeah both first rolls were eighteens i got lucky with an 18 and 11 so far but the rest of it's all been below five yeah yeah your roles have been mine's gonna matter because characteristically bad it's marshall that's marshall rules not not uncharacteristic i'm going back to my first start playing on our kindergarten and rolling poorly again yeah keep doing that no you're a gm in one of the games keep doing that sorry i'm not going to do the thing up here i don't have them already i'm just going to write them down over on my side being a dm's you always just kind of go they're terrible they're not exactly does a uh 30 hit of course at 30 hits all right uh 20 to 2522 damage 25 20. all right uh 20 to 15. uh 17. 17. um 15 to 10 14 12 12. all three people are going at the same time everyone because you're on like a wheel no it's because i chose bruiser so i'm slower but i hit him turn the music down like a point i'm sorry yeah connections have legs they just are kind of just it looks stumbling almost i mean since they don't have the knees so yeah it's just the one leg kind of pivoting oh wait hang on mine's my knees real small i didn't even add my perception which i did with plus two but i have a minus four so i just disapproved that actually it's going to be helpful for my barbie yeah well yeah i guess so there's like the barbie dolls that have kneecaps for some reason i'm sorry everyone here you can see how much they actually move in this that real yeah why they shouldn't they should they move more with their heads that's what i'm saying yeah that's all the hip movement okay we're good it's still around at least okay all right um i'm gonna move over to combat boom yeah guys i know the stream is a little low guys right now but it should it should fix itself sorry at least it's not stopped yeah yeah sorry guys give me one sorry oh hello i didn't even see you get up here buddy it wouldn't be an arcane arcade stream without something it was fine except for that but that's been an issue um okay do you want to play a little because they look accurate and also they're all the same and also i assume that means the fallout minions haven't come in yet oh they still haven't come in yet but i did get an update they are shipping whoa so yeah wow i guess it's a good thing i brought them all one space no no put that one at the point and then put them all one space apart yeah yeah and then one one he's kind of in two spaces but that's fine like that yeah perfect uh all right i guess i can put [ __ ] actual hexes and i can't do it looks like they're all doing a little dance yeah it does flash bob can you imagine they're all dancing all right i'm outta here they just happened that's like this yeah you guys have it i don't want it what do you say it's your turn hook oh i'll shoot him all right go for it bang bang oh wait uh dirty 20 to hit dirty 20 to hit dirty 20 is going to hit oh that's four action points and i will also be writing down if you guys recycle any so if you forget i'll remind you how sweet that's awful sweetie sorry that was a weird weird roll um that's five damage five damage yeah uh to that one right there yeah to the guy at the front and then um i'm gonna do it again again i like it so much i'm gonna do it again it's pretty cool with a 21 to hit 21 hits um oh i was looking at the wrong thing sorry that would have actually been a 16 and a 17 to hit okay i was looking at my tire iron um and then it would have been it was three that would have been six damage on the first shot and then big jacob yeah i don't know if you realize this or not every time you send them messages i know okay i can i can hear it jacob yeah i was looking at the wrong thing so that would have been six to the first on the first shot damage and then um eight for the second uh eight for this eight damage the second yeah okay so and i would have had to move right there sorry but that is that is four and nine action points so i have one so i don't recycle it what did you use my uh shotgun your shotgun so you just go down the hallway bam bam and blast twice uh you hit the ghoul it fall it flies back and flies back again you've done damage to it hit points it's bloodied um but it is not dead okay um and you had to reload uh i'm checking that really quick actually i might not be able to do that i think i should be updated sarah bella you're on deck okay when i use my lasers and it uses the cell is it like a it's like i have multiple of them it flings the cell out and it auto reloads or drive to reload my arms you have to take it out and put it back in okay so that would be but that'll be the reload action right so the six okay then i'll be using one laser and probably never again we'll open with what kind of gun is it oh it's okay it's the round thing that it says yeah five okay i'm good then uh no i'll i'll actually get out of your way oh no i fell over okay that's ten points all right so uh that was ten points are you do you have any left no that's okay all right uh sarah it's your turn okay i'm going to i really like the molotovs but i feel like that'd be a bad time if i dropped it right now just in case of that one so i'm going to laser this guy right into the wall so i will just laser the guy in the face there you could also just do you want to aim for the face do it what is it it's a minus six they're rolling fine it doesn't you should be little humans that are not okay i'm trying to shoot them all right go for it the legs are the easiest um the test games that we did we just let it blow so i i totally would but i can totally catch fire oh so my fire's really great i did i i didn't think about dynamite yeah though but it's a little different now uh well i mean this is the this whole thing minus six the arms are minus four the um legs are minus three so so it's the screen two and then i do i roll the d4 and then that's what happens or do you roll that uh you roll the d4 um if you crit though you get the you get the special one sure you know what let look for sorry head is six arms minus four legs minus four um just trying new things okay try for the legs i'll take a minus three all right go for it i have a plus four and an energy weapon so i'll just have a plus one instead sounds good go for it oh that's crap that's a six a six that in fact misses unfortunately you shoot for the legs and just goes right between his legs and hits the ground okay um i have five points one from recycling or one from reloading uh i don't i guess i'll cycle them okay my turn you have to wait how many how many can you shoot before you reload well one it uses one i think it's time what no way does it use multiple that that should not be that it says uh uses one per attack uh ammo fusion cell uses one per attack what the why did i write that hang on let me find it real quick um it's in the uh it's in the race uh yeah use your energy skills to hit receptive bonus to damage 30 feet damage 2d6 great chances you just fuse the cell uses one per attack why um that's right i will recycle five points because that'll be the first time i ever do that so we'll do something well i'm gonna retroactively change that now because that is that should not be one per attack and it's insane okay um i think i'm just gonna make it a laser pistol um the people know uh which is what i'm pretty sure i just did anyways yeah it should be it should be like 30. every every cell should do 30. oh i see you know you should have no you should be able to shoot 30 times i have 36 cells on me you're yeah i bought too many bullets i'm gonna have more money uh does it do 2d6 yeah yeah it does okay so we'll do laser rifle because that's why you're dead yeah okay okay all right uh that ghoul right there is going to turn uh the other one this one um yep it's going to run down the hallway it's going to use seven to get in melee with pain two so how does this work three four on it's no no on its buddy's space would be three three four four five six seven oh wait it'll just potentially just outside of my range uh billy no relation to oh no this one gets like shot with with a with the shotgun and nearly with with a laser and another one skirts around the corner looks down the hallway only sees paige runs directly at you he jumps and flings through the air and takes its arm and just like clotheslines you um with a school with a clothesline and you just kind of duck and rolls and it'll actually use the rest of its ap to move that way um so it'll go uh five six seven it'll be right here one more one that's it yeah okay it's there now and it kind of scrambles back up but listen this finally didn't do [ __ ] um billy paige and alabaster all right can we just surround this guy i'm gonna shut down this guy right now i don't want to go and swing at him i'll let you guys do your thing then i'll do mine afterwards i'll go up and swing at them this is for ap to move either you should let me shoot them first yeah go for it immediately before you move okay so i don't choose too you know that's a good idea you're like i'll get him you shoot billy in the head they do have spread not a bad roll not a bad roll uh it's just plus guns right yeah guns all right thirteen bad hits roll damage open so yeah i'll put me over there now yeah now run over there as you're running over he's like all right then i'm go gonna swing 19 hit not great seven damage to him seven nice and then i use an action to reload cool eight damage um eight damage um so you get to his hit points he's pretty hurt um but he's not uh dead um pretty pretty bad as you fire into him you hit him with the golf club uh uh it kind of stumbles back but he's still alive okay i guess it's my turn now then um yeah i guess i'll just whip around and just get like jumped over and you're like bang yeah pretty much yeah go for it um i i'm just gonna use my gas pistols i was planning on using it anyway so i was i'm just gonna sit expensive rounds though you're using your energy yeah um imagine if you're nine a nine is it two you literally need a three to hit him yeah i know i have a plus seven to this thing um okay what's my thing for this one it's um uh how about a nice uh 20 damage oh my god melted you you just turn and you aim and um as uh you hit it in the head billy with the with the um with the golf club it like puts its head upwards and that you like take the shot and fire it blows its head off and tonight yeah deceased um humans are doing a pretty good job over here that goal right there is going to run um and it's going to uh it's going to attack alabaster it's going to get it's going to go one two four five five so he used five um so let's have five um that means he can do uh he's gonna do two bites he's gonna bite you twice i'm just trying to snap at you this one's really biting now you're a werewolf uh natural one so big miss nice um but a 11. uh sorry at 21. oh with the same time close to missing it was this oh no uh so that's for um for piercing damage no okay cool um number four it's gonna go five and again the damage threshold comes into hit points uh yes damage threshold does not affect stamina that's going to be getting quite five ten why am i you want me to move it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it's gonna get there and it's going to use the remaining three that it has to slam you um cerebellar okay uh i have rolled three ones with this dice okay how much did you you didn't move right you just attacked i just attacked which is six action points to fire and i have nine you have nine so yeah you you you got it um that one's done and matt got this guy right here he's gonna go one two three he's just gonna go there he's going to wait he's going to recycle he'll get 15 hours next turn oh no um huck your turn um all right is there a disadvantage at uh melee yeah yeah okay with a shotgun i didn't think about this look it up all right it's good look it up jacob who wrote this i didn't think of that let me see if i wrote it down jacob probably did i think that's your benefit [Music] yeah yeah you probably shouldn't get a disadvantage today but then again we have the advantage of spread that's true i was just and i think you also get shelled but i thought that was a really clever idea of handling that because that makes sense it's not you're jumping out of the way you're just literally well because you have a shotgun you're like trying to get a shot while they're trying to get it out of your hands in that video when when you went to that gym it was like oh widely have this what do i have disadvantage doing i just whack his hand he's like oh we're going to explain what dashing and attacking looks like we both ran at the same time and while i'm running i'm like this isn't how dashing works in d and d we can't go at the same time just watch that movie equilibrium it'll explain it all i gotta think sorry yeah do a big i don't mind that i didn't have this no you're good oh hello i've gained another jacob's like this will set a precedent i need to i mean yeah especially since half this group uses shotguns shotguns i'm making a mistake by saying this um there are no opportunity attacks and the main reason that you do have disadvantage in dnd fifth edition is sure maybe it's realistic that when you're within five feet you can easily dodge but it's also because then it forces you to use different weapons that aren't just ranged in the middle but we don't have opportunity attacks um so it's almost pointless just to give you disadvantage just so that you have to spend ap to move away um in order to get that bonus there um i think in the original game you didn't so i'm going to tentatively for now say no you don't have disadvantage i may change it in the future when i inevitably inevitably find out the real reason why which is the coast made that a role so uh let's run with no you don't have to disadvantage them specifically for any gun anybody's weapon in it within within five feet is not disadvantage okay see um good and we might change that in the future with um to tell them the chat with the shotgun it has the spread thing yeah could i also hit the guy behind him or no they have to be within five feet yeah oh yeah if there are two people who are adjacent you can you can hit both oh then yes yes uh let me double check how spread works i thought that was a certain range away though if you attack a creature that is beyond the first the weapons first range you can also attack any creature adjacent to the oh no far away from me because then the spread is actually spread i got it cool uh okay maybe but beyond that first is that disadvantage when you roll yes so i can do a spread attack at disadvantage i think that yeah okay hang on i'm gonna find it real quick it's on page 34. thank you can we move through non-allied space uh i know d and d rules two two spaces instead of one but it goes to the w i don't know if it i don't know how it works in this movie don't stay here so it's like double leaving yeah i'll just stay here that will use my entire action i'm gonna add an addendum to that and say that it's not disadvantaged when you when you when you um are beyond the first range of of the shotgun and you're using spread is that disadvantage just for the shotgun that that non-disadvantage is that just for seconds uh just for the spread ability it's for the spread ability yeah all right um we'll see for now now no disadvantage and this is a reroll correct it is a reroll it's advantage okay it's advantage in a reroll is it before i know the result type thing it's a thing it's like it's like when i say inspiration you need to use it beforehand and then everybody doesn't do that and then we just kind of run with the fact that you don't have to do that um so what's the rule the rule is that you need to do before okay then i won't use it um so that's an an eight and an eight in eighteen an eight and an eighteen yes uh the eighteen hits okay wasn't there i see eight last time was it nine i don't remember it was ten it's like it's time it's ten right now so what's up they're ac i thought it was like super low last night um yeah because i will detune so that's right that's right you said you need a three that's i have a plus uh eight damage to the guy right next to me i made a decision sorry thank you for the eight damage but i was thinking i'm gonna change i'm not gonna do that instead the spread rule is going to apply so long as you aren't within five feet so you can spread to another creature um as long as you're not within five feet that makes awesome so it doesn't have to be beyond the first range so five feet of the original creature or both creatures um of i i would say you you're just not within five feet of both so you could do it right now if you wanted to but i am within five feet of one but not one but i want him one but not both okay then i will do the other one does he also take eight damage uh no the damage for both oh then they both both take four all right cool um that's how the rule works now just like clarified spread there is no range requirement no it's not disadvantaged no but the damage is hacked the damage is half and you both targets cannot be within five feet of you yeah only one can be within five feet the other one has to be within five feet of the target but not within you yes you got it it's a little complicated but no you're not all right so four damage to both and that is those guys right there um that dude nearly dies but he's still up um and the other guy takes to his uh stamina points which one nearly dies uh the one that is that one right in front of you yep um cerebella it's your turn to do this too again yeah molotovs do not have a radius they don't have an area of effect at least not in explosives they don't let me find it they have a range it's probably in some weird place and i'm dumb could be ammunition maybe explosives molotov cocktail uh 10 foot radius it's under range it's under strength oh i'm sorry right so just the range strength times six is how far you can throw it so those are different stats yeah yeah so you can throw what is your strength uh my strength is like seven uh seven so it'll be 49. so you can throw it too you can throw it up to 45 feet and then when it lands it's doing yourself okay okay i see i see i'm just gonna call it do you mind is talking if reaction can i just say something uh real quick uh evan back up from them paige says that could i so and then theoretically i drop the bolts off here and it goes block block 10 feet 10 feet it's a 10 foot radius so pick that point and it goes 10 feet out from there so go one two one two one two so you could throw it in the middle there here right there and it would it would hit it would go ten feet this way and ten feet that way okay because i kind of want to do it here because it goes this way i'm probably hitting me okay i'm not final cut hitting you so you just don't yeah um yeah you would um [Music] it would it would hit alabaster if it was there i don't want to do that it's kind of the doctor yeah i would prefer not to burn it but you can heal yourself you're so great at this then i'll just i'll just do what i do best and i'll punch this dude i have 11 points because of my cycle um uh yeah you should have plus so do you normally have nine i do yeah you have 11. um which i can do what i can always have plus two if i do it this way okay um i'm just gonna you said this one looking real bad yeah and i can attack uh this person correct i guess i'm not technically into space you can't actually yes okay i'm going to attack this person twice with my fists go for it a big punchy big punchy oh that's not very good i don't know well um but it may still hit uh because that is a uh 11. 11 hits which will be for the first one five six plus two beats uh eight points of something eight points of damage might not die oh oh they have freaking half hunted for die you punch him and his jaw flies off and he he's still alive i'm sorry i shouldn't have rolled 2d stick that's only 1d6 oh well then he's super lifestyle yeah so he was very alive i'm trying to hit him again go for it uh that one will hit i'll just give you another one which will be that instead so i did i guess technically it would have been seven on the first okay and then three on the second he does he blows his head open and he he is dead um is that plus strength too yes your damage is blistering if he's dead he's dead a lot of like billy patient over here paige you have a recycled point it doesn't matter anymore no doesn't matter anymore oh i actually have recycled try to not stay two near them uh three so one okay they may explode i might make them explode i should clarify or you could not i was gonna question that how does that work with a goss rifle it's an energy weapon so i'm not sure it's weird yeah we talked about this i was like oh yeah because i was gonna put that gun and then you're like it's an energy weapon technically it is technically energy but in all five games it falls under an energy weapon you're gonna attack go for it i'm gonna shoot the guy i'm pretty sure everything it falls on the engine actually 19 a hit that's fine okay no don't tempt yourself be a good tank we'll figure it out more damage four damage to that guy right there yep all right uh right into his stamina points kind of dodges it a bit when he hits him uh 18 i reload and i'm using my last point to take one step can i step up onto this yeah table yep cool i'm on the table that's that's fine are the tables are fixed to the ground uh no i should have moved these tables a more advantageous position for you to have a ready action okay so i'm using eight action points for this to whence the other ghoul gets within five feet of this other one i'm gonna shoot at the lower the lower one okay sounds good henry so cool and it takes you so you're readying and attack action yes cool yeah so um just for everybody who doesn't know readying is just two action points plus what you're um plus the already action and you use that um cool so uh the ghoul in that goal's dead right we only have two yeah okay then um the ghoul in the middle there is going to uh punch you in the place that was my job four times yeah that's all right i'm much different than the first game 12 12 uh to hit miss oh my gosh okay 15 uh hit um lower than 12. and uh 18. all right so two hits cuts it's not bad still not bad about it we've got the first damage is four so one the second damage is six so three one two cool three okay dude barely even hurts you um that ghoul turns the corner and sprints all the way down goes 5 10 15 20 gets to there and then you can take your shot at it paige please don't let me down roll your cap i i've already used the cat oh um good not natural 20. oh yeah full damage um not bad not bad that is which one are you shooting i'm shooting the lower one um then those little dancers are freaking me out i want to stop 15 15. i love each other craig they like dancing yeah he dies um you fire yep um as so you know the normal way to describe this perk is that it's like uh it's like you hit it with a laser or an energy limit it just overloads the body with heat and plasma and it just explodes but you're using a gloss rifle so um um i have an idea but if you have a better idea i think it's somewhat similar but instead of just being like an over like almost a heat wave that comes out it's almost like like like the electrical wave that kind of googles it yeah almost like a forceful electric wave as the bullet goes in it just explodes the body um which then uh does uh damage to the next one same amount 15 15 damage that guy nice boom and then it like hits the other dude all creatures spent five feet of the dead creature take damage equal to the damage that killed the creature it's bloodied not dead though that one uh so 12 so that would go past my second threshold that's the issue so 12 um 14 16 so two into second threshold you're taking more damage from your comrades you didn't do 15 damage out of the ghoul though it's looking bloodied real bad but it finishes its turn and uses its final two points to get within range of you page okay um it has nine points it is going to uh use a um legendary action too revive its fallen brothers it evades that arrives here's um it's going to use slam so it's going to get uh three slams on you first slam is a 19. i mean yeah these ghouls were a dance crew they were uh that wasn't that its last two action points to get there no because it recycles you cycled so many of them yeah it's like fifteen um it is going to uh the first attack does nine damage we'll just wait my first turn okay out i'm just like yeah all right i'm not bloody i'm not i haven't taken hit point yet okay second attack is a cerberus 30 20. gotta do it to my weight first eight bludgeoning damage okay now i'm taking your bloody um yeah i'm gonna flip your karma cap and i'm going to get advantage on this last one oh god oh boy i rolled so bad got an eight that misses whatever oh the last one just swings over you um and you uh you're good all right top of the round huck i shoot him shoot him i shoot him only once though then i need to reload all right with the miss um how much is reload how many uh six six uh okay [ __ ] reload um yeah that's why i shot one laser and stopped yeah i was gonna be it forever well i'm sure he'll buy this round oh cheers i just saw uh paige melt a man i'll back up a little bit that'll be my turn all right um cerebellum loaded in like electrical right that's how it works if you have two you get one back you just reloaded and then moved no i shot missed and then backed up and then how much and then you went one two three how many do you have total ten ten so you recycle one you get one more on your next [Music] i was playing new vegas last night and random we were fighting a bunch of fiends and a random citizen which had no no weapons randomly punched a fiend but missed and hit veronica and veronica decided i'm taking on the entirety of vegas now everybody i was like stop a ten crit twenty uh no no above it twenty and two yeah both hit okay i will i will recycle nothing okay this one i need the damages separate absolutely i can do that that'll be [ __ ] you that's five okay he's still alive seven he dies how do you want um you know what if if if he lives that one i'm gonna go back this way and i'm just gonna grab his little head go and then when it falls i'm gonna look at i'm gonna do this with my little club like awesome you do so you kill him he's now dead yeah you're next i can't you know all you know ahead of time that they could blow up and they decide not to stay back my turn it was on your turn okay huck's turn then you do not get squished i'll be like then you survive honorary meat bag look at these funky little guys get out of here stop no it's like cup of hand all over again all right you guys defeat all of the ghouls and um level up successfully well let me figure out how much while i figure out how much xp you guys have we're going to go ahead and go on break oh real break this time we'll be back in a couple of minutes where we'll be playing more games see you know what oh i will read the patrons before we go uh well well jacob looked at the patrons that's amazing so so you guys know we uh we figured out xp yeah we did so it's a thousand for every level yeah yeah basically every level it's just a thousand xp so and also system what are we writing a book yeah that's true you can go sign up for a little email some secret secrets as if i put it in the description search question on google and it'll show up it's the first result which is awesome and apparently if you try really hard can't you find the landing page for the uh right now i think the only way you can get to the landing page is through the newsletter yes so if you want to get to the landing page sign up for the newsletter right you'll get an email though later that'll put you on the landing page yeah stop shelling out guys cheese all right we are stopping shout out to dub mill dig dean noah barton big buff soft you know what melody hang on they told me how to pronounce their name and i'm gonna figure it out right now give me a second melody give me one give me that hang on i don't like it no hang on hang on give me one second one second did they do they at you on twitter so you're saying my ellie it's my ellie there we go myeli whitetail cyber reptar 13 melody olvera michael res storm arthur souza six salmon and a salmon cask duncan new york pimp into hood will pratt possibly related to chris pratt zav creator of deity waifus micah god of puns jaren addison henning the psychic pineapple fluffy the barbarian teutonic knight penguin culture up up down down left right left right be a start now you all have unlimited lives no adam halleck death the fire angry bird god mama love and papa joy mimi h laurent notorious thief jessica m reno kdl autism i'm gonna put some golf balls in your eyes burger josh travis a vault dwelling furry help they want to shave me cal the god grant goad alex rogers ryan eisenberg tom michael shuriken sean taylor champiola mira muriel's my next fallout character in a minute marshall looks like neil patrick harris yeah marshall looks like robin williams marshall looks like a mind and marshall also looks like alex the lion from madagascar oh i'm surprised you say that one alex the lion yeah you look like handle mega i don't think so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay i don't know what are you doing intelligence i hate to say it but like your sister would disagree she would say that i look like mr tumnus all right though i get mr tumnus i don't like this no stop i don't want mr thomas to my doctor we need to stop this right now mr thomas has a gun oh i didn't tell you alabaster plays a pan flute so oh yeah these creepy little goat legs that's what you just played all right so um you guys just killed a bunch of jewels um this is nice it's nice nice transition it looks like so now what well i kind of want to repair but that takes a long time takes a long time to do anything an old intuition yeah i have to agree with that one well we said we were i mean we said we were going to heal yeah yeah so i mean i have to do that now should we take the time and do a little bit well we could do it actually it takes an hour but if we did you and i would be only 30 minutes we could do two of them in an hour's time yeah with an hour yeah yeah just because i don't mind me and huck going into the radiator area and getting what we need to retrieve but if i get there and become dysfunctional yeah and you guys have to prepare me in the irradiated zone it's gonna be worse you better do it here all right oh pizza time pizza time in darling queens i'm gonna roll dice to repair myself okay uh if she helps me it's 30 minutes right yeah what if she helps me do that's not your solar power thing right yeah it's just no that that's my natural thing uh yeah so uh uh paige can help can you roll d20 and add paige's crafting okay you bonus while that's happening uh dr alabaster would like to investigate these ghoul bodies i'll check on one all right look down at them and as you kind of look down you notice that they're flesh it's almost like melded with their clothing too much as you go to the ghoul bodies you notice that their flesh has melded with their bodies a bit that as you go over the ghoul bodies you notice that their flesh has melded with their clothing so um they almost look like they're just like fully naked almost like kendall's um but they're um their skin is very like sticky plasticky and it kind of like um uh pulls apart a little bit um as you as you look down um but i mean some of them have their heads are exploded and they look really bad um you notice that uh there's nothing on them really but you do see um like bits of what could be clothing and have pushed into the skin a bit um and you notice a distinctive blue color can i kind of like feel around for any pockets and see if there's anything in pockets roll um do we have an investigation i don't think that's no um the just role um [Music] science or science or um survival yeah over there yeah you're fine we're just searching ghoul bodies um role perception probably was on 13. it was resting on 13. i was watching it rest and i swear the the forces that be that was beside me just naturally moved to 13 it was like red to a natural one no we'll add your bonus still two you'll find anything i don't find anything all right freaking turds like you're like trying to figure that you can't tell what's flesh and what's a pocket and this is a flesh pocket like three chickens and it's and it spills out with liquid and the liquid is like is like it's like [ __ ] and you're like yeah now i'm done this is the second time today i've wanted to throw up i mean i imagine he'd be more like putting his hand in there he's like oh man there's just a bunch left over this don't have this doesn't bother him yeah because he's a surgeon just like yeah he's just taking it out just dropping and then you just realize that this is just like then you find like a bone and you're like this is in a pocket well i'll tell you what i was just pulling group out of this guy if i had a nickel every time i thought it was a pocket oh oh by the way paige uh that party have you helped the person uh cerebella get repaired but um spencer rolled for you and you don't got to call me so it took instead of 30 minutes 45 minutes perfect awesome great so well tonight yeah i was and then i had to roll for you um i was gonna do something and i forgot what it was fine guess i'm not doing it oh do any of them have pip boys roll perception one is a pit boy nice um i don't know why i was going over there 15 yeah ew no gabe that's gross he said drink the forbidden ghoul gatorade all right 1 000 rads dead um oh also over the course of being in here and investigating being in the kitchen fighting the ghouls and repairing yourself up the 45 minutes and everything that you're doing right now everybody takes 20. sorry everybody takes eight rads hmm sounds good do you think everybody immediately resists yeah yeah okay um uh do you you go down with the gas mask yeah and you do um as you look over you do fine plus the gap like pieces of what would be a pip boy but it's been completely destroyed and ruined by by um the uh the like it's weird it's like the flesh like overtook portions of it and then broke it and then there's like shards of metal still left over but you don't find it in the technology all right well you good let's go check it out so are we gonna wait here while you guys go do you want me to take that thing do we know how much radiation is down there that's a good point i'm sorry huh my finger fell off i'm sure i'm just not gonna show up here anyways yeah i'll put it on if radiation dies down we could come back and get you and type there's just a small bit of it yeah sounds good okay so also other thing nobody hit zero during that in combat right no no okay so oh it's p yeah uh just keep going actually okay um oh it should have kind of just lay down uh let's take advantage of cerebella and huck are gonna explore everybody gets 40 xp oh all right wait wait wait wait yeah 40 could be 40. 40 xp 40 xp i was smart and ruin all this down i wrote down what it is if you guys do a difficult quest it's a 400 xp oh if you guys do an easy encounter it's four percent of what you need to level up which is 40. very nice yeah all right um what if i can write like a genocide maybe it would not matter well you probably feel it it depends on how hard it is complete questions how difficult it was for you oh then to produce you learned hello where's emma hey colton i hate it um no no unnecessary noise please you make your way into scratcher and as you push into those grits as you two push through the kind of uh uh hole in this wall that was very clearly like carved through and you watches like the steel goes in and it literally pushes through like rock and then it goes out to the other side and into this room you look over and see an enormous um like machine it's like rumbling and rumbling and you can see like it's almost like glowing as well there's like this sort of like green glow kind of um emanating from this thing and you look over and you do see one slot and in the center of this slide it's very obvious there seems to be um some sort of like like fusion core in the center there and it's kind of like is there anything down here though like people you look around no you um any any of the ghouls that were left over are not here can i can i see that there's like a stairwell is that what that is a stairwell looks like it does it go down or up it goes up um i took the pip boy uh how many rods are down here oh uh as you step into this room it goes from like five to twenty to fifty to a hundred to then going up to from to hour down to second and it is it's like five a second and they could die you put it back can you put next to this isotope thing i assume this is what that is five ten fifty hundred and then it like it like taps out oh yeah it's that thing um you like grab it and then you're like vibrating from it and then you you take it out yep yes you pull it out it unslots the entirety of the lights all shut off the entire vault stops moving and there is a blast of like some some concussive force that blows out from this thing and blows you both backwards both of your strength check oh boy oh come on now uh six dirty 20. six dirty 20. uh simple you take six damage as you um are blasted back onto the ground you can you watch cerebellar like fall scrape across the ground hell no do i take anything you guys just watches like all the all the lights just but the door did the door stay open and the doors if they got what or weren't they taking the power thing or something yeah i'm assuming the door was closed that's bad we lost so we shut in here now yeah you guys are trapped in here you guys seem pretty certain that that was a good thing that happened just now you don't think someone's can i put it back well it's something that i expected i'm going to turn the table over sideways okay i'm going to go over and grab the other table slide it over and put the other side of me so make some barriers some barriers and i'm like resting my shotgun up on the table and i'm just like watching the door you take this and this and make it where you want the barriers to be uh 16 plus four 16 plus four you go in and you you like before just shoving it in you look in it goes this way that's a usb push it in and then it turns and then you push this button when it all lights back up again um and immediately the rash is kind of like start um going up once again um and all of as you're like you put over the second table um alabaster all of the lights clicked turned back on and all of the doors uh no the door's not real but all the lights turned back on so i'm thinking yeah hopefully that stairwell leads to outside we can tell them to just head out tell us because if they come in here they'll die okay you want to go pedro knight for sure go make sure that's a hatch first because i don't think i can get this i'm gonna walk i'm gonna walk over there okay you walk back over you see the door is closed no to the stairwell oh you go to the stairwell okay or what i think it's in stairwell i don't know what it is exactly it's a yeah it's a spiral staircase can i open the like top of it you go to the top flat oh it doesn't go anywhere yeah it goes all the way up and it goes to nothing like a like rock nothing no like concrete uh there's it's concrete i'd well how do we get out with this thing that's a good idea maybe we can find something to keep the doors from closing two three four i think we could do it i don't know how heavy the doors are though well all right i'm gonna go over and open the first door to go back this way all right okay yeah whatever you put up the barriers you guys are standing around the door opens you guys the lights back on starting here the so we uh took the battery out the thing we're here for oh also will we get paid double if we take that back to the ncr i forgot to mention that oh okay okay that's they want it um problem the second we take it out everything closes the lights turn off um what about the stairway oh the stairway i didn't mention yet yeah there's a stairway in there um you didn't mention it but the guy said that that leads to the office i guess i could push that up no he said it was concrete we wouldn't lay concrete yeah well there was a hole though and i pushed it down was it concrete i don't know it was heavy to get down i can maybe push it back up well try something about opening that room back up in the overseas i can try that uh if you guys go in there you will probably die instantly oh oh what is that it's uh this thing maxed out um seconds um that's nice i didn't even know it had a maximum that's a very powerful radiation source then yeah hmm well then so what are you guys thinking so i was thinking that you guys could head back up to the the man up there i'm going to try to push it open if i can't i'll radio him you guys can maybe pull from above we have we have there's a door in between that's true i was thinking actually we have one two three there's actually a door again those doors if you could find a way to keep the door from shutting those doors smashed at ghouls so i don't think we're holding them up ourselves but we have four tables there are the tables metal yeah they are made of metal why don't we just uh go to the door in the overseer's office and uh you know this one over here is pretty good with uh rewiring when we just disconnect the door from any power so let's just try that out disable the door yeah rather than dragging tables to the doors shut is the problem can he disable them so they don't shut can you do that i can see but i don't it depends on how the mechanism is set up i'm gonna go try to open that hatch see if i can even have that happen in the first place go around the other way you go ahead yeah um you are gonna have to tell that guy that his wife's probably dead boy back yeah cool i'm gonna retune it to the station to the 301. if you need to contact us up there okay uh i can hear i can't say anything back but i can hear you are you strong talk about while they're doing that i'm sorry i forgot a very important detail oh okay as you do you know like like i this is written down right here and i just forgot to mention it i'm not making this up as we're currently going and i'm sorry i've missed it there's a there's there's a door in that room oh and that room in there the room that you guys were in with the thing there's a door in there okay i'm just gonna say that i didn't notice it the first time cool there you go i'm to go ahead and go back that way i'll go up here i'm going to leave here and see what happens uh i'll go back in my room okay you go back in oh a door a door i'm getting ready to go up to the overseer's office yeah see what's going on okay you make your way up um you guys go up the stairs back through the hallway back up through the thing up through the door go in um and then you see ernest again and he looks up and says hey progress uh yeah nothing good so far what now we run into is more ghouls to be honest i'm afraid there might not be anyone left it's impossible oh how many of them were down there four and then we fought six and then how many were there well about 50. but there's definitely massive far as we know there's only one other way to go which is back through the overseas obviously the reactor was it feels like it's the actors viewing out mass amounts of radiation at this moment huck will probably be like hey i found another door i'm looking there over i can't respond to that oh you can respond to that that's perfect you go over the door do you open it yeah the door like rises and it opens and as soon as you um look inside you see what looks like a small like um like a junk closet um and uh uh there's it's it's maybe just like about 10 feet in length and like uh 10 feet in width um they're like uh pillars no not cabinets not drawers cubbies no shells like shelves with like a bunch of like junk all over them but as you open the door there's somebody sitting in the back and they look up at you um this person no longer has skin on their face their nose is melted and gone and you instinctively almost reach down to your weapon as you see the school um and she looks up at you and she says wait wait wait how did you open that door hit the button she kind of stands up she walks over and she looks at the thing she's i've been trying to open it for months well we're here to help how are you my name's huck and she reaches out and she just hugs you oh she says thank you you wouldn't happen to be ernest's wife would you she looks up she says yes oh well he's upstairs and then she kind of slinks back a bit he's alive yeah i can't see him like this oh i'm sure he'd love to see you he's very worried about you do you know where the other people are they left they left how did they leave she kind of steps out of the door and she points over at that stairway they forced it open a bunch of us were getting poisoned the radiation they're starting to look like me yeah and then they started going crazy yeah a good portion of people were able to open that and get out i found the vault door i don't know where they went after that i i wanted to wait for ernest i couldn't seem to find him he's upstairs he's still here he got trapped in a portion of the vault uh he had food and water enough to survive but his eyes he's all right and she kind of like breaks down for a moment and then she looks up and she says okay all right take me to him do you want me to tell him that you're like alive do you want to tell me you're a ghoul i know you don't know what a ghoul is uh supposed to just call me it's what we call you uh outside the vault wait there's more of me yeah usually they we the ones please okay let me tell them that you're here it might take me a second to get you back up there okay uh i think i found your wife you guys you guys hear nothing for quite a while oh we're going to the overseas okay you guys go to the office um ernest comes with you um you guys make your way over um and now you're inside you see all of the the computers and comms and whatnot he did not go you're in there yes yep yeah this is our team right now okay all right let's see good luck um can i first with the door that goes to the hallway to the overseer's office yes can i see if i can find a way to prevent it from closing when the power gets shut off hmm other than just science other than just sticking something underneath it natural 20 plus 7. there is no way to do so they're falling literally because the the electricity is stopping from keeping it open okay the hydraulics just fail and they just fall basically um so if you manually hold it up it'll stay open okay um how much pressure do i think could it's it there's no pressure it's just the weight of the door that's why i mean how much weight do you think that it could be about 200 pounds do i think one of those metal tables would work oh yeah metal tables melt tables that's that's all we can do you guys go all the way down go down around go to a table you see alabaster behind one of the tables it'll work sorry if they're doing this stuff alabaster is going through all the rooms and he's trying to find like notes and like letters or journals he's trying to look for like documents of what the heck's going on around here okay you go into uh one of the rooms and you start trying to really find much you do find a letter in one you find one it is written by one by the name of charles um and it is addressed to earnest and i don't have a whole random letter right now but it basically says things have gotten really bad it's we don't know where you are where you went if you ever find it i hope we find you again someday but we have to leave and and then it's signed charles okay um uh you guys take a table as you're carrying the table up i would help them at this point yeah you say your thing uh hey uh ernest i found your wife she's alive um but she is a ghoul so prepare yourself for that and for my companions she is not a pharaoh she's a little nicer about it she still looks beautiful i'm sure you'll still love it you're just being fake i don't know what to say now she's getting quite upset at me uh over where is she i'll bring her up there as soon as i can get this door open and i'm gonna go i'm gonna go over to the stairwell all right you go to that stairwell yeah okay you should go over there you guys take the table all the way up um you guys go up and as you go over you see ernest pacing got the message hey uh do you want to go through this closet we know yeah do you think you guys have the table because i can try and open that sure thing i'm going to go to the overseer's office and go to the computer and try and open the door wait click click it opens you here and above you the stairway opens up with a bit of light do you think we need to set the table vertically so that you can get through yeah i think that'd probably be the best bit all right are you going up this area um i'd like to go through this uh door if i have the earth not the store this uh closet if i have the time and look through it together yeah sure while they're setting up um give me one second uh you do so so you go up the stairs to help them with the table i'm sorry what did you just say we wanted to go through the closet that she was in oh see if there's stuff in there that'd be useful yeah you find wonder glue turpentine duct tape um you find a wrench you find uh you find um a lot of junk find a broom ceramic do we do you think we need any of this stuff yeah you all right take what you need um and then i'll go over with um can i get her name do you ask her name yeah what's your name julia julia julia julia and uh you make your way up and uh as you do um you make your way up and you guys go up and you guys are like setting up the table onto the door um and like like shoving it in there you go up the stairway and make your way out and at some point you kind of like turn over the corner uh um and julia looks over and sees ernest and ernest sees her and he he isn't super taken aback he kind of just walks forward and she kind of turns and she she goes back beyond the corner she's like i don't think i can do this uh he didn't look he didn't let go too worried bull persuasion ah come on i'm gonna use my cap all right thank goodness uh 16 for persuasion she looks up at you then slowly moves around the corner and ernest comes over out stretches his hand towards her and he says julie is that you and she says yes and he just embraces her and they both start crying and says i'm so happy you're alive and she says i thought you were dead and they're both very happy yeah so now we pull the power right yeah cerebellar is still down there um so we set the door up we set the table up vertically so that yeah can hopefully get through well let's hope that she can get up the stairs um stairs i'll yell down all right we're good i'll pull the isotope the entire thing shuts down the table the the door just hits the table um and uh everybody i assume uh do you make your way over towards the um you you go over towards the stairs go up them make your way out you guys are now all in the vault lobby entrance with the door right the door's cracked open isn't it yeah the wall yeah all right i think it's time for us to leave okay how big is this thing should we um check this out i'm gonna put it underneath all of my molotovs the geiger counter blow up um where are you standing like right right next to the vault as cerebellar comes up it goes from like it goes from like one to two to three it kind of stays there with us within range of cerebellum like cerebellar you like holding it out or you like you putting a purple one back okay yeah and then it kind of just it sort of goes down a bit okay then that stays there let's hope that outside isn't too bad that's what i was worried about yeah yeah i think all the schools that we saw are those possibly or they've dispersed maybe you know julia said that all the people who were here left ernest and julia are kind of talking while you guys are talking just to themselves that explains why they were a giant horde of but it doesn't explain how they even found their way out ernest walks over and says look since um i know the vault is pretty dead right now but i think i can um uh uh revitalize the energy systems down in um they're using a different type of uh energy system there's easier ways to do it i don't think the truth goes down there why not isn't it horribly radiated down there yeah yeah when we have suits oh where down in some of the rooms she needs one of those can she take one you want a suit yeah you have to take off all that armor i mean if i need to i will all right i'll go get one this week i think the two of us are going to stay here and try to radio out for any other survivors if that's what you want where you come from if you um make it back if you can tell people that we're here yeah of course it's not safe out there at least not for us yet i will say uh us telling you that telling other people that you're here might not always be a good thing there's a lot of bad people out there nowadays is there a safe way back to somewhere out there and we could follow the tracks back yeah all we can do is just follow those tracks i mean you could come with us but it's never safe i think we may be missed here yeah there's water look that's true keep that you're going to need it there's a map i can show you where i'm nearby locations i picked up a lot of different frequencies coming from different places um i heard a lot about a place called the hub it's to the south the hub it's about 120 miles away it's about five days but for deferred walking it's towards them the mojave well you can do 60 miles in a day you know 20 miles 20 miles in a day yeah the ncr knows you here i mean we could tell them i'm sure they wouldn't mind helping a little bit honestly they might like having access to a vault all right thank you for helping us no problem um i'm just gonna throw this out there do you think maybe perhaps as a group we could kind of rest up here before we head out stay as long as you like oh there's fresh water we got a working kitchen we could go give me a second ernest goes down goes in the atrium goes in one of the rooms finds a hazmat suit um it was like tucked under the floorboards which is why he never found it he goes up to the stairs he comes over and it's this giant yellow suit and he hands it to you and it has like a like a glass helmet this is here you go put it in my comfort zone that is going to be 10 load or hang on it might be more than that i was going to look it up just i'm oh no you did not um it is going to be uh you cannot wear it over your armor just letting you know um but if you do wear it it will give you a lot of radiation resistance just give me one second and find that dang armor all right you're gonna have to get updated character art i'm not gonna you're just in a full hazmat i'm not going to permanently wear this this is only for more like you but actually it's only five no it's only a load of five wow it's pretty light actually with the glass helmet though i'm gonna make it go up by two so it's eight bedrooms heavier than that's seven i'm gonna make a goal by three make it an eight load eight well yeah bed rolls real chunky this is just like a thin layer of rubber cloth and lead and rubber um it is uh if you wear it you will gain a uh bonus to your rad resist of i think thank you give it to you from lying load of eight and it's uh 200 resistance okay and as it goes for armor it has a zero dt and a zero bonus to ac yeah right isn't that great honestly i'll take one two i'm gonna give you my current armor just you're gonna do it are you just gonna permanently wear a radiation suit as the radiation starts getting bad suit and gas mask here's the problem with a radiation suit if it breaks it will no longer grant you the radiation bonus yeah yeah so it'll just be good to wear if we're in like a a storm don't get attacked while you're wearing them did anybody get crit ever create anybody no all right failed a few times like you did crit like last game we were rolling really low i rolled a lot of ones yeah yeah you might have crit uh sarah cerebella yeah it doesn't matter if it's her yeah uh is that is that how you do you could create your armored deterioration okay for staying here can i refill all my water canteens yes you can try another repair as well you guys gonna rest just for like eight ten hours yeah all right that's cool um if everybody you can get back your healing rate every six hours of rest healing rates your level and you can get back all your stamina it's the endurance house so go ahead and everybody put your stamina points back to pull um but all of your hit points um if you're staying for just that six hours that first six would give you um you guys could stay for 12. is this place considered a sanctuary i would say it is a sanctuary now doesn't that mean we can get all that stuff back without using our own equipment yeah you can heal up to your healing right here yeah like we don't but like we get all that and we don't have to use up any of our own food in our own water no no no no they have food and water here um so you guys can do that and um get back but you don't get back all your health you only get back what you're hearing right yeah and but but i could if i could succeed in my repair job oh you you could you're good but i am good to go what is what can everybody just tell me their healing rate i'm trying to calculate three did it go up with the level it goes up as you level it should yeah oh wait it is a thousand endurance plus level yes after you're enduring so i think you should be happy no that's half endurance happened during the mod or the school score okay larry just says i should have half endurance okay lily just says calculate your hearing which was half endurance plus level on the character creation then yeah it's one to five so it's half your score not your modifier oh my goodness so your healing rate what i'm doing wrong so what is five rounded it scales up with you so that your healing rate just isn't shitty as you get more healthy so i'm back and it's rounded down four what's yours mine's nice endurance is seven so i guess my healing rate is six six seven so if you guys stay for 12 hours you can heal you could deal 12 what's yours uh four four yeah well what's yours now it should be exact not exactly but it should be around twenty to thirty percent of your max health or about ten to twenty since i don't need to rest that amount of time can i say go outside and scout yeah just just go looks if there's a still storm so tell me when and how long you're going out well we're resting for six hours correct i'm gonna i'm gonna say you guys are staying for 12. you guys you guys like sleep and then like gather supplies and stay for about months these are just like chilling out and rest did we do we get our stomach points back all of them back what time do we start that 12 though um also you your coffee would have wore off but then you would have slept getting your res your exhaustion is also good sorry when do we start that 12 um it would have been at what time see it's about 6 p.m okay it's been at by 2 a.m so 2 a.m you'll go i'll go outside just to see if the storm has died down kind of you go out yeah and when you go out you look up and the storm is gone and as you look up you can just see tons of stars and um you see um like very very distant mountains you can see um a lot of flat land and in the you can't really see anything out there it doesn't really seem to be much good though um you see the absolute wreckage of the train that is still here but it's no longer like on fire and destroyed it's just kind of a wreckage how far is that away from the vault like well there's like the vault entrance and then there's a cave and then you go out and then it's maybe like 50 feet and then it's it's the train okay um we do right in front of the cave because yeah and that's something super loud so you can kind of determine how much i get i'm just going to scrap until until i can't tell it's too loud until you can if if it's too loud i shouldn't mess with it but if it's something i can easily get to i'm gonna no no you can um can you roll i can i have that ability with my wrist we got rid of well rested right it did get that was hard to say all right it's um it's still under um it is still in the conditions i meant to get rid of it yeah well it's also um where was that i just read it um six g i think you have negative left i do oh yeah it's a seven so six okay um so you're good uh you um you scrap and scrap and scrap and scrap and take a bunch of metal i mean you can get about there's some tougher parts of steel you really can't get it's just like scratch absolutely so um i mean literally like steel it's not going to do much but there are like small bits of metal that you use so yeah yeah uh i'll see you gather about eight oh wow they um by the way these each have a load of one that doesn't oh wow yeah okay they'll always take eight okay um do i find any other tools or anything actually i'm gonna say there's a load of two that's fine okay can i find any other tools or weapons or anything yeah yeah you do find um private jenkins he had his weapons did anybody take his weapon i feel like someone i took his stuff i didn't take his weight i think he takes weapons too i might have he had the rifle yeah like a rifle i feel like we need to lose i've definitely eluded him your question for you chems loads one parentheses ten is it ten of these cams makes one load yes okay you did i did um the uh the conductor of the train did have a a gun on her um who is very dead uh she had um you find a broken as in completely like you could maybe fix it later um 10 millimeter pistol okay and that's it uh no like like wrenches or anything like that no that's not there's a wrench in that closet yeah i i did grab that okay i'm collecting things now boarding things can be our pack rack you need the pack out perk what is that that thing i think that is a thing i should pick you guys have completed this dungeon so you guys would get some more extra also return by the way if you you were scrapping like it through the night yeah i imagine at one point probably around like like 4am or so billy comes out and sees you doing that and then looks up and sees the stars because you know they told us in the vault that all those stars were well they were once golf balls hit into the sky i i wanna let them like tear a piece of sheet metal half and go that's dumb who would say is such a dumb thing they're giant balls of hydrogen gas have burned for a million years half of them are probably already dead let's start from somewhere yeah what what if the golf ball ignited it stop everybody gets 150 can you you know what we're finishing the dungeon can i find a piece of coal um from this yeah yeah i'm gonna go hit this oh i'm gonna see how far you can hit it up oh can i hold it can i walk instead you can you can indeed roll luck load less than five are all reduced to one for you whoa that's super helpful maybe i'll do that later it's like you know how to tetris your backpack you said 150. you're cool yeah 1 250 xp okay okay um you guys also do i gave you guys xp for killing the first ghoul encounter right we did that uh guys at some point you guys haven't finished the quest yet so you don't get questions what just happened i don't know what just happened people are saying we're back but i don't know what's good what i'm just like hello they're saying never mind they're saying it's before
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 39,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3
Id: IpCZuXlVm8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 47sec (11867 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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