A Tribute to Tary

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I love how a character who's only been around <20 episodes has a 45 minute highlight reel.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Cannolis1 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

The scene where he comes in is my favorite of the whole show, purely because of everyone's reactions. When I first saw it I had to rewind it like 10 times just to catch everyone's faces in reaction to different things.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/moskonia 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

The video makes me upset that Tary won't be around any longer. Don't get me wrong, I love Scanlan as a character but I almost wish he never left because over these past episodes, Sam made me love Tary almost as much.

It speaks to his ability as roleplayer/improviser, and I definitely look forward to what he comes up with in the future.

Scanlan was there from the start, but theres no question that Tary earned being a part of Vox Machina, and its sad to see him gone.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Got asked to put this together for an upcoming Stats post. It would've been very easy to make a video twice as long, so I apologize if your fave scene didn't make it in! Episode links and timestamps are in the video's description.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/eponymous_rose 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

You know...in episode 89 when Tary asks if the group sex stuff was a thing and if he can choose, in hindsight he was already eye balling Percy.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Hobodaklown 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for this compilation! Funny observation: when Scanlan left and Tary made his first appearance, my feelings are portrayed pretty well by Laura; however, when I watch it now, I can't help but find the introductory scene extremely funny :)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/schneeland 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love this for so many reasons. SO MANY!

Like on one hand I have a new appreciation for Sam as a player and both Taryon and Scanlan as characters because the more you watch, the more you realize how much of a wonderful foil of Scanlan Taryon is.

Then on the other hand, just how much of Taryon's character was foreshadowed at sly points. Like when Pike is having him learn everyone's names and Taryon asks if hooking up with team members was a perk of being a full fledged member. He asks that immediately after seeing Percy and Vex. And then it gets brought full circle when he is talking to his father about how Percy taught me the sort of man he wants to marry one day.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AeonPhoenix523 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's painful to laugh for 45 minutes straight. I can't breathe.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/7PurpleNinjas 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
opulent looking figure who is wearing what looks to be barely used or at least very well-kept armor and jewelry and adornments immediately catches their attention you're there you don't hello Wow who are you all look at this magical items from head to toe why I've never seen anything quite like it pour on a little thick friend what's up dhoti come here will you take this down watch is the giant construct takes a few steps forward I'm against writing into the book in my travel study take this down in my travels through on corel I have never seen so many magical items in one place but then I saw them walking up to me and I knew I had met some very special people that's it for now nice to meet you all the name is Terry and Arrington Darren Darren Darrington my my friends just call me Terry and I have a bit of an adventurer I've been travelling around this continent for a while trying to tick off things off of my list and I've had a few scraps and scrapes and I'm looking for more adventure I was travelling with a band of nerdy wells that I had hired and well let's just say many of them were killed so I was looking to employer a ragtag group of people elves whatever you are to accompany me sort of be my side men if you will how much would a band like you cost for a day 50,000 gold oh that's nothing I do not like you know you seem like a person and that's great I [ __ ] hate this guy that's my biographer dirty just write stuff if I tell him to he also has other skills what does he have many things I I can grant powers to many people for instance you little elf girl what's your name I have a rod no it's whatever I want it to be sword should you watch as the Robson transforms into this sudden like liquid metal like Vistage and solidifies into a long sword fire it bursts into flames now that is fun it's fine cool I don't have a current adventure right now fight off still getting used to some of the contraptions while then while they're talking I'm working on my my rod like the worst alter ego version of Percy he's a rich kid who just buys all of his cool toys no fence person oh don't you take this down as the group turned around I knew I had them and our adventure was about to begin and chapter I hate where's you how much platinum does he have on him right now don't he go ahead and speak go ahead dirty speak oh that's right Dodie can't speak does he have on this person right now there's no response Duffy only listens to me if you had some sort of a pet you would understand if you just hold that coin up you'll turn invisible that's seriously an invisible Nike no no do not show satisfaction in the things he says this is just my gut reaction you're impressed we pretend like we're not the same like you're not impressed I'm not saying I can't be bought that's nice hey big bag yeah look at this heavy crossbow you can shoot it and with that we embarked on our new adventure The Adventures of what was it deal with this is going to be fun fun fun I have a list of adventures that I am currently going through some of the adventures include rescue a maiden any major transport a treasure escort a muckety-muck a revenge plot a classic dungeon crawl oh this one I'm looking forward to solving a mysterious riddle oh the old-fashioned double cross teleport haven't done that yet really shopping mission but really I can I can wait on that one slay a dragon and there's there's there's more but I the list is extensive I'd like to conquer various beasts rescue different people find different treasures it's it's going to be quite an adventure shopping is not what it's cracked up to be you just work wiping off the list right now shopping while we're watching it slow on the list it's a low it's a lower if you just erase it alright be fun alright maybe you you fellows could help me pick it pick a title here's what I have so far that was a good one but I had I have some other alright Terry on with caring Terry and Darrington the terrific and terrifying tales of daring tearing in Terry Darington that's pretty good alright 50 shades of terry bravado the t Darington story no one Sears appropriate zen and the art of robot manservant repair thumbs down adventuring for dummies the things they tarried the blond hair of courage The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the Odyssey [Music] Terry's daring do's and daring do not dungeons and darrington's and this one just popped into my head critical Patrol is happening I step away for five seconds and everybody's at war this is great we're just we're just given one little trial run in that right Terry is it this great no this is not good he's fine are you changing your mind I'm not I can't do this I can't do any of this I'm not I can't I'm sorry oh wow I'm not a real adventurer that was a story I told you I know it was very convincing but I haven't been on any real adventures ever and we knew that as soon as you said you want that I was an adventurer and the handsomeness beyond me the armor and you think he has it all [Laughter] should I be real with you guys all right all right my sister's gonna get everything all the money the whole business the compound the villas everything he's giving it to my sister unless I prove myself all right I just came out here to prove myself to my old man and [Music] [Music] honestly if you would have led with daddy issues we probably would have just taken him right as fathers can be awesome this very dark headlock and I turn to my sister and say oh this guy Terry have you ever passed out from drinking too much no have you ever been unconscious only go to sleep at night let's get you a beer would you like a beer no I don't drink beer would you like a glass of wine yes we have wine we have a lot of wine some of it is quite good believe me because the stuff we had an uncle wrote what's really gross I didn't want to say anything but no we know it was great it was really gross yes it had no terroir as don't even in a fight for the record you now look over at Dodie has been writing all this down you are the worst person I love you don't know why just pause for now I play combat and I pretend to be some of the characters I've read about and he pretends to be the others I'm gonna kill so you want to be an actor that's cool man no I want to be a hero and I just haven't had the chance yet because my father says that I should just be focused on taking over the family business learning financial things and learning how to shake down a customer and I'm so much more than that something about your eyes make me feel ashamed and I'll Ram the fish man oh yes it's slower strange so go ahead and roll with advantage an attack role of +7 Oh 19 with a big advantage oh natural 20 well okay so roll 6 d-10 for stem all these 35 1770 points of force damage against the creature there's a there's a burst of divine white-looking energy that turns into this giant plate like shield in front of you it just stays there you like huh huh and suddenly it thrust forward and it out the front of it like a portal a giant spectral Ram head just slams into the chest throwing it off the ship Oh has it screams it just turns into sea foam scattered into the ocean across from you it is destroyed can it be like a kid who's holding a rifle but not hello hello so I figured you would have a little bit of an easier time if you know the names of the people that you're spending time hmm I had him make you some I don't know maybe some flashcards so who's this I see before you is a very beautifully realistically draw an image of a female half-elven druid and they male half-open rogue paladin both clutching bedsheets in the same drop yeah oh I mean they would have had to been the one on the left is I lovingly refer to her as Adler she is the most powerful and leader of the group all those things are true but and take this this quilt now next to her next to her picture please right keel if no no no no she says no you are going to write it down do you know how to write of course I know how to write an educated man so write down kela mm-hmm odd vowel sounds in your weird okay he left the man laying next to her mm-hmm do you know his name little elf boy I would never say that again his name is that with a V like backs with a V as in all right that one sounds familiar I feel like he's introduced himself to me okay next up who's this this is another pair this this one let's try it appears to be a human male looking confused glasses pressed up above the top of the forehead and a half elven dark-haired female on top glancing back with a don't you [ __ ] dare expression alright just looking at the faces then who do you think they are the happy one is little elf girl oh I would definitely not ever say that to her all right what's her real name her name is vex and you know that her and VAX our twin brother and sister I could tell by the bone structure and any contempt [Laughter] next to her what is his name merciful Frederic steam von musel Karl just a quick process question here okay in the other images there was some revelry some intercourse happening is that now that I'm a full-fledged member do I do I get to partake is this how it works with everyone or is it just certain members is it a hierarchy is it some sort of a competition where you prove yourself sexually and in Babel or how does that work or is it am i misreading this you know I think you should just continue to try to explore that it would just be great just to see what happens you never know to me you just never know do you know my name ah daughter of Saron ray I'm guessing no it's Mike and last but certainly not least whoa married oh gee she said realism in a classic Michelangelo style one knee cocked to the side the beard fluffed the rippling scarred muscles and the obvious half giant side of Prague strong jaw before you on the page I mean how does he walk with confidence and pride that is just that is primal all right I've been taking to calling him jumbo or the big guy okay and it seems that I was correct say that again grog grog okay and that is my very best friend you know I have learned that he is a confident ally and a friend to me as well and I will do my best to protect him in battle in your absence well thank you that is very very kind of you so before I leave my request is that you look at these every night before bed until you learn them can you in this form can you see me all the time yes I will so I will know if you're not looking it's your flashcards every night wherever you are in the world know that we are fighting the good fight and I will keep your friends safe your friends Greg box box Kiko first of all read books to him what you saw wrong Kowalski [Applause] memory so I'm gonna let it slide I have a few more nights of studying to do you do it okay it was wonderful to spend time with you I'm gonna just I'm gonna go back over here here behind you guys at the doorway oh [ __ ] so the emotion impacts of metal rapidly and heavily oh oh Jesus what's into a long sword and he glanced behind and you see walking through the doorway the very heavy hulking figure of Dodi carrying two unconscious guards that are a bunch of bows one Tommy to the jaw just for extra measure okay both jobs are very broken well yoga really did a number call okay everybody's gonna die all right everyone that we see all right partners yeah can you see through the counter another the prior is the backroom he's he's wrapping your stuff right now knowing this happened let's get rid of them get rid of him once in the shell-bed they're like is there like a tapestry is there like a rug as though it's not very big there is a secondary room to this side it looks at this upper platform but that looks like where his bedroom is maybe there's a couple in the interior I mean up in the corner okay chalices are throwing in their laps cool now I need you to vomit on them I can't vomit to it right now put your finger down your throat hiss they make it make an inside track sure 16 vomit on those [ __ ] and that's gonna be gifts forever [Laughter] [Applause] Constitution saving through natural 20 about 30 seconds if you're trying to get yourself pass before the shop owner comes back sorry these two gentlemen obviously have been off their ass they came in here smelling of booze looking for lock something to make them feel better I don't know and they just passed out in the corner is if someone you know that we could call I'm really hey just leave it please afore he slowly hands out this really nice bundle and and it has like a little bow on it and it's wrapped he hands it out to us please take this hey come back your presence has brought me no end of pain just go obviously we have gotten a better end of this deal I think that that is true absolutely you're still good recently all right thank you for your good daddy let's go don't II come and just comes running after you guys as you exit we gotta go we gotta like um holed up somewhere for a minute you know drink please yeah there's over tavern near this shop in the quad roads yeah they're actually quite a few times as we step outside a bar fall over just comes naturally I can't force it to perform I needed you okay you got more in there no it's just a wonderful okay okay that looks like lucky job okay alright I will run round the corner baby Souter around the corner you see just this massive fur that is trinket this massive muscle that is grog and this tiny little bit of the devilish head of this this female okay I do have more movement no a little bit yeah alright can I get up to poke it because it is a reach weapon you can like frog giggin +2 magic so that's six all right the fire is reduced by half oh so it's eight eight eight points of damage as hastin I get another attack you do shrinking yeah the second one gets in the throat only goes up sleep don't you take this down I am the Vanquisher of souls so I'm gonna make a program delusion upon anyone approaching a chain devil will appear over the dead bodies that we just killed and say there were five of them they went that way and point down the hallway that we just came out of go come now hey as ayat Aryan Darington embark on a mission into the very depths of hell I do so with no fear or hesitation though this undertaking is fraught with peril I have a secret weapon that no Inferno monster or hellhound can defeat I am flanked by the ferocious band of mercenaries known as Vox machina in the days since meeting this ragtag company our relationship has blossomed at first I was viewed as a suspicious outsider man as a gallant entrusted colleague and now having proven my mettle accepted as a lifelong brother and full-fledged teammate no matter what we face in the abyss my comrades would risk their lives from me kill for me and I'm 100% sure each would gladly give his or her life to save mine loyalty like that you can't put a price on it what if I had to I'd say that friendship is worth about two hundred ten thousand gold which even to me is a relatively large amount of money I get it now I see the appeal I understand women are soft and tender and hmm they are not for me you know what you know what I'm gonna doing this sandcastle rolls yeah we're making rolls for Saint Catherine so make sure to check for terraeum go ahead and make your history check Oh sixteen great so you you you get the structure built you map out the right kind of scale structure of this castle and you get about three-quarters the way through it before grog no maybe I maybe we shouldn't maybe we should have you know let's just try it one more time no God why did we do wrong the first time I just be very careful drug because you were backing up and I think he just knocked into it a little bit so you putting his on me what it was probably dirty yeah I was probably deadly yo dude go walk over there holy listeners Davina upgrade all right let's do one more try yeah yeah yeah really put put some some art artistry into this we want to mode we want defensive towers I'm gonna put a little alchemic a fire in the middle of it so if anyone gets through the gates thanks blue Wow dungeons of course like out of the gate is in the moat yes let's do it all right no make an intelligence check okay pull out the design okay justice trained intelligence you're straight intelligence thirteen that's still good that's been like it's not a very hard DC or your structure II understand castle [Laughter] you keep it real five this one's bigger and you're like you're pretty this one's coming on great you're kind of glad the first one is lower because now you this is this is being much better do step I mean the central structure held the whole thing I'm getting the sunburn cuz we're here for some I think that was my barring me again you were messing about with grog Percy grab your [ __ ] and hit it first of all yeah my dear friend he was he was chortling the whole time I don't believe that he would do such a thing alright I walk away Percy's room I'm gonna go knock on his door are you in your room oh god no yeah no answer I try the door it's locked chime of opening opens up quick glance inside there's just sand scattered all across the ground and in the far end right next to the bed kind of haphazardly jammed underneath you see your armor loins we were science Bros how could he don't he this calls for revenge Oh No what can we do Doty what can we do Terry mm good good idea but a little bit too cruel I'll go to my cloak and tear off the patch of two Mastiffs oh no dude just two big dogs right yeah yeah all right and I'll just kind of throw some kibble all over the place and just be like go on just chew everything up and make a mess and pee wherever you want right as you pull up as you pull the patch in the throw in the room it glows of right orange then flashes and burns into two small blue sinkhole like embers when they slamming the ground crack and open and from those two embers you see two full-grown Mastiff you're free now let's go away I don't know you sent that woman to kidnap me I sent that woman to bring you home to see that she was safe she bound and gagged me and threw me on the back of a horse that's how you brought me home you're a hard man to find when you want to be I am literally the least hard man to find I tell everyone my name I wear a gold helmet and I walk around talking about myself I say dhoti I need you to carry me away from all the bad people and keep I remember how we played keep-away as children we're playing that now keep me away from everybody Terry yes I cast sanctuary on Dodi I think I can do that yeah yeah okay and then for my action I will throw down the beat of force on myself and enclose myself in the bubble - hamster ball being carried around by a troll I take five deep core damage okay five deep for dammit uh-huh just putting yourself in the huh that's smart you know what and then we can't hurt you what about all-rounder a minute oh I got ten rounds y'all see I want him to hit the blazing TD on my chest and have the might of my name ricochet back with a power of energy my daring to name strikes him down it's it the cold shatters you and you feel the ribcage just break like brittle blundering on the inside of your chest like a black thing backward you fall to your knees with unable to move a muscle you can feel the life barely beating through you actually your body is heaving with each heartbeat pulse he's prostrate for you tearing as you approach I say don't you take this towel I win and I just kick him over in my year of travel I didn't just dilly-dally around the world having fun I was learning about the world and about life and about family I was learning from these fine people what it means to really be a family and care about each other I learned I learned from grog and VAX what it means to be a man and to be a father I learned from Pike what it means to be a caring mother I learned from Kela 'the what a real sister is like one who loves you and cares for you I learned from Beck's what a best friend is like these are things that you never gave us growing up I even learned from Percival the type the type of man I would want to marry one day and we never got that at home and from this day forth I'm going to create a home my home that I own that values and respects the opinions of each family member that cares for one another where we stick up for each other and help each other through hard times and not just rule by decree if you don't want to be a part of this that's fine you can leave my house but I want you to stay I need your counsel and I need your help and we need you as a father I need you and sister to run this foundation for me to repair our name and our reputation it could be great it could be the best thing that's ever happened to us [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] you're suggesting that I Scanlon short hauls my employee job to this gentleman here you mean to me you mean chod could join my brigade yes I guess that's what they're talking about I don't see why not he's very yes and I won't have much use for him for a while so if you'd like to take him in you have a gauge you can't well I mean not you he's not going to I'm not going to say no to a fellow member of ox market on now am I [Laughter] you know I have to I have to stay here and keep working on duty I understand you're leaving today I cannot I have to stay in fixed dhoti and get back to my home I'm sorry it's been a pleasure it's been a it's been an honor to have your acquaintance and I'm afraid I have to return but perhaps we'll meet again sometime and give him a big ol hug and I give him three copper I give him I don't have any feathers left I don't think how about this I wrote you a check can you just rip it up I don't think I can thank you and you have no other money on you I open up my pouch and I've got zero personal gold just party funds well I feel like I should leave you with all of my belongings and all of my magic but I need them for my page I'll leave you with the seashell crown Percy gave me yes hmm do you want the half of a geode rock with a 30 living Souls inside of it I mean I can't use it but 30 soul rock got it maybe I should show many thing else that you want to give and do you think you'll see Percy anytime soon I think when you do can you give him this little gem for this flashlight I can't spare many but that'll give him one one flashlight definitely how are you going to get how are you going to dirty home well after he's fixed I me and chaud well alright nice well I think he likes to be called mine I prefer child I think we'll just set off the old-fashioned way you know see here you pick up along the way hmm I could be chapter one of the new book exactly yes a new hope something like that I like it big catchy yes yes well I'm not gonna say have fun because they're going to a terrible place we might not make it out of mine but if you talk to my brother that's what he says I mean it says it every time I never saw them if you die I will be very upset and hey if I die you're a thing will glow so that'll be good same same so we'll know I'll see you sometime in wild take care of your hair you know if we shouldn't wash it as often as you do and play oil is helpful yes get it trimmed every two weeks right and have someone comb it yeah I probably should do that huh it's really disgusting yeah okay okay I'll brush it a hundred brushstrokes every night just like you thank you all right I'll see you soon little elf go
Channel: Eponymous Rose
Views: 941,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, taryon darrington, d&d
Id: JiG_tOoqfIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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