Critical Role: The Perc'ahlia Supercut

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you yeah you have time probably to to tempt three arrows I'm going to try for three exploding arrows and I write one before yes you have I know and I'm consumed commune that mind thank you materials per arrow will cost you fifty gold out on another field alright under fifty go for materials you have your goggles on I didn't haggle with you Percy I'll just give it to you you know you know what I mean oh I certainly do I know exactly what you mean no that's going a bit beyond blinky mmm that's so coming off of the hi how I'm nervous I've been off the highs moving your grappling arrow yeah alright so you have a grappling hook arrow to exploding arrows and one exploding arrow with a star come here you beautiful bastard I'm getting the kiss everybody in this game I'm like already made my way through siblings you've been at that party I've kissed the twins I can't thank you sharpshooters you're close to me well let's try this versus you might just break it down oh very well you're much more powerful than I am person yeah ladies first ladies all right can I try to that's the thing I don't know if they do you you don't have to get involved in this oh we are well well what we all want yeah we do who you said you were dead personal you don't really have a choice in the matter my sister and I know a little piece of your pain I'm not gonna get into it but there's nothing she and I can do what as soon as they left uh trinket and I I'm ashamed we left and I went to the nearest shop and bought a lot of pink ribbon and I have been furiously tying bows all her trinkets here the entire time they've been gone actually I'll help with that camera but yeah um I do some braids guys you some braids yes and add some flowers a tiny little break okay baby healeth has been weaving flowers and and I've been noting braids started at the head and then worked all the way down trinkets back and down the tail the entire time fever like I come up for lunch killeth can I borrow you for waiting good God oh is it is it important do you need me right now listen don't argue it pretty important it's crazy comfortable with this he's being so comfortable oh boy mournful low Tyrell grokken gonna just get you bring a trinket down um trinket stands watch right in the center and a plop sound right up against the bars knock on Percy's door and say Percy yes trinkets out here he sees if you need anything you just come out any pet him thank you welcome I think we get out of this i they either I'm gonna need you to save me or finish me well we won't do that if it comes to it the moment the moment that I turn on any of you the moment that I even threaten any of you is a moment I am not in control no matter what is happening yeah okay I woke up and I kiss him on the cheek when I say don't you worry thank you especially with the coffee uh make another perception check I I go upstairs and I get Percy up against a wall I turned around and slam against a wall okay sexy 27 and I look I'm straight in the eye and kiss him and I say stop encouraged are you alright I think so I'm look me in the eye Percy I feel cruel but in control this is controllable at the moment alright I'm in sight Jessi Nick checking it go for it well it's a [ __ ] just [ __ ] 10/10 Johnson uh given I give give me your uh what's your Christmas fire my charisma modifiers - okay um he's hard to read right now yeah his his focus is is divided amongst your intensity and trying to answer your question there is this kind of the pause in his throat isn't because he's thinking it's because he grasps the words to describe it but there is a quiver to it and you can see his hands are still shaking a little bit as he looked at in his hands you also see the smoke it's still kind of slowly swirling his ankle fine for now let you know if you'll know if I'm not I will yes I follow behind him closely that's a keep looking uh you start seeing now the dark plume of smoke still down on your knee your brother got up and rushed off he seems okay knees like kind of taking a breath from talk of it Percy who's covered in smoke mm-hmm and I grab his hand I say personal how are you his head slowly turns towards you the mask still on you can see his eyes just barely through the glistening circular glass slot so he looks through the smoke still kind of building up underneath of the insulate turns towards you fine darling take the mask off and I I don't have it I don't have a turn yet knew it and I shoot at yes no I've I consider the matters matter settled I don't know exactly what was going to happen but I saw a blade against your sister's throat I would hope you would do the same for my sister if you were to see the same thing yes you would've caused it what yeah just hypothetically but mostly because I can I'm gonna back me up if you were to turn into some sort of I don't know you are you horned beast and go Pike Percy pulled into the trades I am to no effect I am going to grab grab the rope and I am literally going to just jump off the side and I'm going to just fling her off okay alright do it you might miss and ya know she's already wait wait before she before you do this have we tried a healing word on yeah yeah I just put another mountain item chance of damage from the fall how much how many 18 points John tree I take out my helper hook it back put it to her put it back maybe I will be placing the gun against your own head and back to hers Cassandra screams I don't Percy no be ready to restrain me I'm ready you possible Frederick Stein von Musel kawaski to Rollo the third you will fight this monster inside of you Delilah's looking at you right now you just see a little bit of some fume released from whatever slow processes dissolves I'm in front of him as he's unconscious and I go Percy God let's get out here you'll thank us for this later I'm just waiting for a new one hmm I kisses cheek and say I'm sure sorry she's paying for a new one work on it too okay Pressey whenever you get a chance could you um maybe how are those exploding hair has to me how could you bird not terribly difficult I don't think it's in two weeks but when we go home oh I'll work on a friend I know I like them too um Michael let's not forget that with him I feel what to say within six hours of meeting each other I ended up handing over a enormous sum of money to you it's actually like five hundred gold it was it was quite a bit of gold if I recall you have it written down don't you it's so endearing the 150 to our party funds imagine the jeweler Thank You Snow White your greed is endearing I think [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] friend Becks I saw you Percival you did I just put my ear to the door can I hear them a little bit you guys can hear shouting snip a sign though it's stupid yeah it's unlocked and you open the door and it stops like I said there's a door stop directly behind it you feel the door slamming in the back dog no I'll pick who you trust I trust your judgment Thanks listen to me what what did you see who's your friend good not yet key live will be back strong are you ready max I mean this is the first time we've had a home and forever I'm leaving it can you make it disappear or something no we can go it's nothing it's a hallucinatory terrain over it they'll last a little bit but Nolan it's just stone well we've done it once before we can do it again it will be built back better than before that's what we do let's go are you borrowing your city 300 that your gold that you just money might alone since I thought since the day I've met her I've given her every bloody time like me so yes I just no longer even think about it anymore she's practically the royal treasurer she's just happier that right so just yes I'm going to remove my coat as I've learned yes do we have a trinket with us yes I'm going to put my coat on trinket for a moment just keep it clean a walking coat rack no Sun drink it see this we're trying to get the coat off hmm so one big Eagle I think that's very fair wondering you yeah thanks yes 250 goal if you be so kind but not I'm going to make you something lovely I love you well III give the money to Percy to give to him and I hand it out would you like some coffee haha thank you you're so kind and if you would be so lovely to not mention us our to my friend if she should happen back if he go oh [ __ ] tell you what Victor oh I don't think you want to tell her anything so yeah yeah I saw nothing I love you darling that's it hey liquidly grabs like a glass of violent kind of like this includes perhaps you taking some strides with yourself how do you mean it's good to want things it's very very good at one things it's also very very good to have things it's good to that's good too it's good to find the things are important to you and move towards them I'm in a place where I'm realizing that I have to make decisions about what's important and I'm a little envious that you seem to be ahead of the curve on that we should felt that way I know we are trying and I apologize for any of the mistakes I've made and honestly I never miss takes unlikely to make you manage as you reach out and grab for the armor as your fingers touch it there's this vibration and it seems like the shadows the nearby shadows in the corners seem to reach up towards your hands you pull back in time but Ewan trinket notice a little too late as there's a burst of death a burst of death energy to just bursts out for a 10-foot radius around the entire psychic as you avoid it both you and shrink it are dead suffer 56 points of necrotic damage I'm unconscious that bring you below zero yeah vexes body falls and hits the stonework and you look over as you see your eyes stare up the last bit of air escaping from our lungs as the life drips out of her form oh [ __ ] hey what's going on how do you guys want to help with this ritual I take out three of my shards of residual and I place them and I place them in where that where the crystals are as an extra offering okay so the pace of residuum across where the diamond dust was shattered and used that is almost a focus for the the energy from the spell all right I need you to go ahead and roll an intelligence check sure old Etonian at your intelligence amount of fire I can use my rerolls as well correct I can't for saving throws that's for saving throw these checks would you roll six six um the energy itself vibrates within the glass shards which then shatter seemingly not able to focus the energies of the spell enchanted wait Posie did you set off a trap is that how I died yes well who brought me back I'm gonna take VAX aside very very quickly I had a careless moment I apologize wait any will the first apology I'm putting forward I don't know if I would have done anything different but I hope you know that I would have never forgiven myself what are you talking about but I want you to know that it would have I'm very glad that she's alive cuz I don't think I could have lived with myself none of us would be on mistakes but that is a mistake that I am going to be thinking about for a very long time we are going into dangerous territory we all have to think a little bit more and she especially I I couldn't well listen Percy are we are not playing a game and you will all make mistakes and I wager I will make my fair share I've little doubt and first of all I want to apologize I'm sorry but um and I punch him in his know-it-all [ __ ] mouth you attempt to move out of the way or take it um I'll take it all right Dex you swear in that you know for as hefty as a punch it was doesn't hurt quite as much as you expected but it's not the physical pain it hurts more than the action and the knowledge that there are more repercussions to your rash decision than even you initially anticipated mmm having this conversation thanks by the way I've got something for you yes dear and I pull out the arrow what is this this is an evening of unbridled guilt come here let me show you in theory this is a siege siege era shattering stone shattering doors breaking things that is what you're after it should work never forget you're my favorite and I'm so sorry I guess I'm on the cheek thank you that was it much nicer than your brother luckily I just I didn't sleep what do you say Percy all right I are you are you honestly I are you honestly asking Michael you said what actually Percy Giancana I know you can build things and make things wonderful well can can you show me what is this thing you he what did you steal what is this I pulled out the room and I lift up in the air big eyes watching special it takes off above the breakfast rooms right that is what I call backward it's pretty bad I know if I prove out if we shoot some arrows from up there yeah sure okay marrows okay you're not holding on to the broom yeah I I don't know I'm in practicing I've been practicing I reach on table and I grabbed what I'm sure is a whole chicken sitting there sure and I hold it up and I go has it not occurred to you that you're not gonna be able to lift oh no no look I'm not holding on Percy on okay I'm not holding on ready vex vex oh dear trust watch your eyes watch your eyes [ __ ] I really need to work on this okay they'll take some proud of this this I don't think this is a this may be an engineering issue yes Percy this is the thing can you build a seat on this uh I pull out my notepad and start sketching what it would build a seat and then I can sit on it instead of trying to sit on this tiny little mistake let me let me tinker tinker dismember a mini video yawns you're understanding my understanding all right very well or we could just send back some vex on the broom right now to get it solo what we're not flying a half-elf into the city on a broom that she's already fallen off of in the last 20 to 1 ha ha ha I'm Barry I'm a broom for a bed you want to work on it yeah well that's it's only I might as well can I stand next to you while you work on it oh wait oh yeah no if you want to double the amount of time it takes for me to work on holding you in the message yes see what you're doing all right it's very boring mm-hmm all right so as you guys are preparing to rest for the evening you head down to the workshop yeah just to work on the broom okay are you a ting sure okay go ahead make tinker and check with advantage all right Oh with a bandage very nice it's new now I have to remember I have a new number natural 20 well you guys ditch your other numbers between these by the way you realize all right so you guys work the evening and and though you were uncertain of X is actually a very quick learner and is eager to help and so between between bringing tools you're supposed to helping you you know hold a few places properly during the construction process managed to get far more headway than you expected and just in evenings would have work you still have probably a couple of days of work before you could actually complete your prototype for this and try it out but I at least have the tether done or is it still still in progress the tether for for a deck save if you fall off yeah I'd say I'd say you got that enough all right there isn't it can't stabilize you up at least there's a yeah at least if you ever a tumble there there is a tether piece that would hopefully have a chance of keeping the broom with you so I feel safer already excellent yay to a constructive day that was you're quite good at this we should we should do this again sometime I would love that yes this was actually agreeable right there's not much I can really do and we're all fighting with our [ __ ] axes and swords can we in the lair at least it's stuck on the ground what if we could trap it onto the ground here how do you intend to do that we have a wonderful tinkerer quite an tit and is creating something to trap the dragon I take a little of a suit and I give myself some like druid battle makeup there you go to smear it yeah yeah did you scry yeah I'm about to oh okay all right summer I do the same thing I suit my face up to no good [ __ ] new face let's all make battle battle she's crying absolutely not pretentious [ __ ] I wanna do I want to do a hand these smiles just right now let's all grab him on the face I get stood on my finger and walk up to person he just put a line from his forehead down his fame I feel violated I kind of hang out outside I kind of want to keep my eye on the skies yeah yeah not a worry goodnight perception check oh geez I was about to say I was gonna join you cool yeah I've had my several parties I'm sure you were uh superstone look over to Percy I was about to leave the didn't walk out the door but but if you're walking before you leave I whisper in your ear you still have a little blood behind your ear you want to take a walk with me sure and if you can and if you can find people who can do it I want to very quietly in that crypt create a small shrine to the Raven Queen this will help and I bring out the vial of blood from the pit perhaps they will know what to do with that but I would like her to have a quiet mark in this city is this for you or for my brother it's for your brother so that he can help us we are apparently all in this together I get really a kiss on the cheek oh thank you blood all right we need all the help we can get tell anyone you like where I went I'm it's not a secret I just wasn't ready to I don't think your brother I would hate for him to think I'm competing I just had some questions I won't tell anyone Percy thank you your business is yours and mine cuz I noticed thank you for noticing and I'm trying hard not to make it my business it's hard to remember sometimes that's awful isn't it alrighty that was super awesome and I can't wait to see the outcome before that happens I was standing right here when these two walked off so I'm waiting the exact same spot my sister returned a lot of time passes fine a few hours passed before she returns but she eventually does who's still here you go to bed I will I took a little bit of a nap in the dining hall uh yeah um you know uh you're a grown-ass woman and you're twice as strong as I am so your business is your business just um both eyes open yeah always a very deceptive do that to me to wings oh please don't ever ever ever do that and if you do you will never use that wink on me again it is it it's not for me just um he's charming but both eyes open please I don't know what you're talking about the fact you don't gonna go to my room now oh [ __ ] please come on tonight just passi what yes one quick question yes because um I don't bother you because I know you know it's been a there's a lot going on um but um we're going into the fray wild yes and I'm really nervous about this room do you do you see the giant mess in front of me right now yeah this is the thing for your broom I'm sitting here while you were drinking working on this you were you will put a drink aside for me okay I will see you either later tonight if this goes very actually give me the broom give me the Brady give me all right but I will either see you later tonight or I will see you in the morning don't lose sleep over it unless you really want to but I don't want to force you into anything this pains me this pains me and it must be put down this must be put down I'm finished thank you dear great okay I walk over to Percival Percival um I'm worried you're gonna walk your glasses into a tree or something do you want one of us to hold those all the time being I'll take them off and put them in my pocket you have something to put them inside Oh besides just the pocket I don't want you falling on them no it's it'll be fizzes I got a thing it will be all I would you like something to hold onto um as you walk actually if you don't mind I do drink it can I borrow bear yes there would be lovely I pop drink it out okay do you actually listen off but it might wear off in Java shake as you now we're in a weird flavors whispers things could happen drink it we're in a very weird place a weird place things can happen and um I whispered a trinket don't crush the flowers I'm wait actually willing to try and make this work for a moment that's farland in this trinket can you help Percival walk he's kind of blind eye Matan yes Pike is with us right no no no okay Donna [ __ ] Sheila she's back she's back in white stone she's talking light sound all right I robot out once in a while on skype I guess in Ithaca um alright so it's a separate how you feel the the somewhat damp cold nose of a bear nudge under your hand and then mmm gonna loop shoulder lunches into you oh thank you saying I do into any trees drinking I'm gonna try and hop on top oh so I'm gonna make a leap to get on top of the bear okay it takes you a little while but you get aqua onto the bear eventually you have to come hell yeah what else money directionally that's way look can we just be clear you picked a flower I mean it's clearly hilarious but Percival is a sharpshooter I don't know for the mind shuttle our sharpshooters thank you very much Oh like we want one when we could have two let's try again let's do it a blind sharpshooter might not be the best and if a wild I would just throw it out there shame if your broom breaks all right leg okay well 3d I want to hear you do you want to be healed or not / ID give you a wet willy she's first you say you're mad at me and then you ensnare my mail a wet willy oh we're tearing ourselves apart of the feline I'm just reminding with your voice and her bread is buttered on let pike get rid of this in magic well take it off excess skin removed all the time I just don't want it's like you know the Hat is not magic you could leave that on thank you so I take off everything except for the Hat yes I just don't want to you know risk too smooth aging for the mansion it's like we're taking a short walk alright oh my eye every time I've seen anything attractive and naked it's gone very poorly today it's like wearing metal in a really hot sauna you just don't do it alright yeah so essentially it's just vexes away backs yes little [ __ ] put a charm on me I felt about 45 minutes ago before we made the deal with his round the time I made it because you said it was fine well I it's fine you didn't know well well at least we know that he definitely can't be trusted it's our own stupid fault we knew we weren't supposed to trust anything you know I've never make sure the pipe doesn't give him back his his whistle just yet coming after figure only did you want to fix his whistle you just liked he was so nice yes I mean he was just so nice damn it I thought you knew something we didn't know I really really thought you did I did it's sadly what I knew is he's a little [ __ ] just didn't know till about half an hour ago I hate magic hind flights they hate magic fuzzy bird change of subject mmm would you say I look put together well off with this armor in what sense will you come from money r-right yes right so um do I look like I come from money ah did she look like she come sir honey that's entirely up to your opinion you you know the attire she wears you've traveled with her it's it's based on what you want to base that judgment on whether it be just pure looks the person inside its whatever personal thinks she would be in his eyes hmm she's naked honestly dear these are too happy to look like you come from oh I don't believe that no it's it's a sure sign of it it's just an abject misery believe me I can speak to it um you look too much like you and you don't look enough like something you're supposed to be um if you feel the urge to deeply [ __ ] I'd be happy to help you it's not hard yeah no it is easy to pretend you come from money ah you just have to be a bit of a [ __ ] and we're with everybody else is wearing um is this have something to do with that city does doesn't it who's there well you know everyone we weren't judged growing up like I don't look forward to seeing that again well it's not important time oh I disagree I think dear I think I think that if you're worried about them knowing whether or not you've made your money and made your fortune I I don't think that's going to be the thing to earn their respect I think you're better off a with the company that you keep and be with the fact that you're probably just better than most of them I've known a lot of people with money and they hadn't definitely not worth you ah I'm besides if they have something nice that makes you feel inferior we can just take it I like the way you think well and then they're just you know [ __ ] without anything and then you're you with their stuff Thank You Percy you're welcome I know it doesn't really help but this stay at my side when we're there yes yes and the outfit works don't change it keep the Hat all right good night good night sue sleep well sort out this um charmed mess in the morning oh I'm sorry for my part in it Georgia so this grants this grants an audience for all of us thing yes um you're going to have to amend that one name though just to be fair it's Lady Luck salia baby lady vex Elvia baroness of the third house of white stone and grand mistress of the great hunt so good sir despite your relationship with her do watch your manners please hit take my apologies ladies exile oh you didn't know where are those terrible influence side of the family I run up and I do pass through the biggest hug possible it's the gift of smugness it never goes away no was it was it all just to her no I actually occurs to me that we didn't kill uh two of the three Barons a flat stone the first time that we were there so there's no house and there's no money and it's the once kallenberg this is we're so on the scanner but this you're the lady of the house that I and there's there's just there's just a crypt and that's being used for other things but I got a title but you do have a title you can't resist and once a year you have to do something ridiculous even surpass see you're welcome I thank you so much use it in good health at least we can prepare ourselves how slimming doesn't just keep sleeping I wake purse full up look no fuzzy what wise what yes my grumpy was we've been discovered by fairies that's nice get ready to use your charming wails all right um I'm gonna let scan and sleep a little bit more cuz he looks [ __ ] exhausted that you put him in sleep you go back to bed then no what can we like you know make things look fancy around here so when they all come back we look like we're ready to to talk to my slowly crawl out I pull out a case of the parchment II sure sure I mean I'm asleep right now but why don't we go and I write hello fairies we're napping I put it on the tree above us back to the bleep you're just letting whitey go back to the disturb why see ya aren't they called wisher you what you see that's a good nickname yeah I think it's apt [ __ ] it I go back to bed i spoon healeth and fall asleep alright oh I'll allow it I actually go actually go back to sit back please how is this happening next one awake I find my watch my watch I'll get up I sit up in that take the watch you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna put out the little gold tea set and I'm gonna act like we're welcoming them to tea whenever they show up Rose I will everywhere I will take the watch and I will make some tea see set the clubs are bigger than they are then they can share like oh you made drowning pots for a threat I never did actually find out what this tea set does home about to find out that oh you know what and I take out my old wooden music box that I discovered and allowed all of your cursed items yes and I and I wind it up and make some pretty music okay crazy grandma on the wood I am I am joining you for this ridiculous team alright alright let's drink out of the tree tops I beauty is beautiful my radish okay well I know it's appealing to you but don't get cursed again chicken-skin bacon call um tonight can I go Nasser on Percy store before we head downstairs just really fast um uh personal yes yes sorry good morning hmm oh I forgot you're grumpy when you wake out is all right um look VAX came and talked to me last night and he actually reminded me of something that I forgot to say to you which is thank you seriously um we haven't really had a moment to say anything and no um really what she did back and single was more than I ever expected and honestly it's I don't know if any other time that someone is stuck up for me quite as much outside of VAX so thank you you're welcome and yeah it's a lovely thing about a title and I had one to give is that it's when used appropriately and properly ah um it's mostly there to remind you you don't really need it right question though yes because I sort of realized being a Baroness of white stone that I literally oh my fealty and allegiance to you yes alright no technically my sister but yes okay well that makes you feel a little better Thank You grandsire de Rollo and if there's anything you ever need in return or to do and again that was very weird yeah it was really it was it was worth it to see the look on his face it was quite wonderful was quite wonderful no and it worked out well because technically speaking there's only really about 15 square that's actually standing that you technically have a baron rio ver and I thought it is currently a shrine to the Raven Queen so that works out well oh that's what so technically I we gave it to Sara didn't we no she's just fixing it up okay alright we did not give it to her it's not it's not wasn't mine to give just the title you're welcome and it doesn't change anything but that would be very strange it won't although I imagine you're eventually going to become very unsub all but yes only sometimes dear oh you have to be there's a thing but we'll get to that later there is a thing I forgot there is a thing does have to do with the hunt the other thing we'll get to that way it's not important right now that's if we survive that would be very important but right now it's not not not a given no we might die today remind I'm gonna get some coffee I think it's an excellent idea let me join you I'll eventually find your way down give you the means to protect them your own what would you ask in return Oh how did someone else's and I pulled my bow he withdraws a moment the tendrils without again ants connect into his back and he's pulled aloft back further in all I ask is one who knows my pain what is your answer I released the arrow one attack oh thank you wasn't good at now he was me I'm gonna saunter over what we're a lot of lies what an ass usual spiel friends can I walk over the back as quietly as possible put another five gold in front of him Oh miss cheering stops and he swallows reaches out kind of patting around it finds the gold coins puts into the pocket you asked for one more question what do you inquire did I make the right choice two cards land across the carpet before you one of them shows upon it looks to be two hands joining and the other one shows a symbol of a Sun rising over a mountain range made many choices but the one you speak up brings unity be pleased takes the cards up shuffles the back of it I could sense it down push back into his minute of trends I feel that was money well spent I guess so cool that's our wisdom it's a 1919 oh you feel quivering in the broom as Percy's hands begin to shake and you can see the fingers himself that exactly kind of butter as you look down and ask about a squeeze okay you just watch as this food spray I throw up too just because I use a very poor decision I got back to you watch up as you see just the gentle rings yeah we gotta forward we just gone straight up six on straight of an arc okay so they're not we're not gonna hit please you're fatigued I'm sorry excuse me but this is poetic justice if I have ever this has been a metaphor yeah this is just a metaphor for our entire existence yeah some some poor folks in Agra hell right now we're just never really bad yeah I do um I do a little cuss contra but I must to keep from getting splattered I'm gonna keep my hand on your wrist all right I'm just not gonna look down I'm gonna look ahead I'm good doggy okay so he directs you there it may have landed okay I need you to go ahead and make an imperceptible yeah she's good at that's your jam I'm gonna try this this fancy little guys here ya know crazy high nope shut up no that's a seven right this is a one and I'm gonna blame it on Matt Abernathy Oh powerful dice always good to blow wait is it the Oakland dice again [ __ ] what I said it I didn't okay that's okay that's okay I roll over you love you ever nappy no listener their team perception you all the natural one one automatic failure Mike sorry Charlie damn it begins telling you about the wind trajectory in the end the direction of its travel and the general the the hypotenuse of it she gives me this long series is very cool I use jounin and I noticed that I accidentally puked a little bit on Percy's head and like you just look into one little bit of his hair directs me just focusing the one little bit of hair a little clump right that it's tiny but a puke on the top of his head and I feel so bad I just can't focus on you so because of that it should be we've done about 350 and we don't treat where we are right now right 80 80 90 90 feet ahead 90 feet ahead I throw up again because it's just so gross to see this time thankful you have the mind to kind of pull out of the way love you um however after about 10 minutes of conversation and you unable to focus again it's lost you have no idea Gelinas I would like to think you can feel my grinning from where so smart with your mouth and I just know it's it's not sometimes the math is not enough what do you want let's let's go slide down sometimes behind are using really expensive paper bag this one's gonna find some poor popper it impaled on a wall somewhere checking the mystery three unsolved mysteries oh no three month investigation no answers they're gonna have a documentary on me it'll be one dude impaled against the wall at some poor bastard that grabbed it they got [ __ ] electrocuted right as you guys fly back down to gather the rest of your party the javelin lost oh hey I'm so sorry I'm sorry wasn't my government no but it was your hair that I threw up on we threw up on my own I mean and I just ate Oh No if you hadn't thrown up to begin with this would have never happened I wasn't that was going to be a thing that could happen here is very absorbent that's going to take some time so as you guys take a moment to gather your deck really super super fun I need to take a round of this oil I think you see all right I'm going in as well all right 25 go 25 gold from my wonderful Jeff server now roll the dice Amy Evandro be with you I love you but I hate you Bella Percy fond of you as well yes dear you're a better man than you believe thank you I accepted that compliment you as well you're a better woman than you believe doesn't feel good does it there you are doesn't know [ __ ] should get for saying things like that terrible person it's not tiny so do a second level oh thank you and all just touch your face so I can heal a little glass shoddy things oh thank you thank you Oh even if I had something I couldn't do it I just scream I scream and I start shooting arrows at all happily before bill to tax did you something with that oh ok nevermind actually is asking to cinnamon what she felt anything cousin Douglas went off ok gonna stay were you are up in the tree I can I can I fly down and try to I don't know I want to fly over we're closer to Percy on the other side of the tree I'll fly down this side yeah okay okay everyone gather around her I'm gonna drop this thing and we're all gonna [ __ ] kill her together no yes we are um you guys all work towards and bring yourself towards the edge we'll say one thing I'm staying there knows you I'll shoot her from a distance okay get ready right I want an arrow straight through a heart and one in her mouth as she screams scream is cut short as the arrow finds itself placed in the back of the skull the other one straight to the chest Grogg your blade cuts through the midsection as the other grasping vine pulls the lower half down Ripley is entirely torn asunder and a final silent scream the shadow of or facts dissipates sputters and vanishes the battlefield grows silent y'all turn look back over your shoulder and see thee still body of Percy against the tree trunks over there I was still gonna try to cast kill winds on it I do the same you eventually find some of the the white stone glass look at the green glass that you guys had kind of flashed around a non Corral Jesus up the Ravens : I gave him driving skulls still on him yeah he hang in John his knocky knocky what is that it's um he says it's supposed to amplify magic right humming so I I put it on his chest all right um what do you want to offer to the skilled challenge for this event something something that that you as an individual bring to this and bring to the connection to Percy to try and I say uh Percy I don't know if you can hear me but that day and sing horn was one of the best moments of my life and not because of what you think it wasn't because of my father or the title it was because of white as Joan it was because of you you allowed me to be a part of things you hold dearest and I was so proud but I don't want to be here if you're not white don't still need you darling I still need you here and I leaned down and I kiss him and I say I should have told you it's yours so a girl natural 20 I trust you okay okay facts you often remind me of myself and yes I know that that is a bit of an insult stop indulging your desire to sacrifice and try being the man these two women seem to think you are they may actually need you one day vex you often remind me of myself and that is the highest of compliments Sean Percival true to form I hope you free yourself or whatever voices haunt you also since I'm gone you're the clever one now still look level one cut moments us in rank enough you stop gonna wait for the breathing to continue and you find the coat pocket where you found it gently slip the letter into the notes that you found it with us close it step away okay after they closed the door there are cucumber sandwiches we kill them no problem anyway and I leave this is probably good you probably should we should we should share everybody yes I'll be slowly [ __ ] feels really third-rate and the awkward pause dissipates me both bubble you're way out of the library to find the others both out the door at the same time yeah like that's that please I um maybe he'll surprise you but I think I think um he isn't thinking that way at all and honestly um you're a dummy I'm the dummy why are you such a dummy good night top change something away with the cube out or what you're gonna do okay not you oh um sure yeah I'm just gonna do nothing with stared that bloody [ __ ] why don't so sure um how are you after dying um I'm trying really hard not to think about it actually ah I don't know honestly um hasn't been a lot of time to process no there hasn't it's a lot in a few days um I would say it would be nice to be going home except I know what we're going home to so there's going to be no relief no not for a while I didn't think that creature hanging around yes yet death was not pleasant No it was uh I have to tell you something all right do you know do you know what Fentress means I don't actually it comes from the Elbert woods and surprised um growth and protection um would have eventually looked it up terribly boring thing I will do kind of odd that saunder had it for so long since he was quite the opposite of that don't you think I I tend to think that many people tend to result the exact opposite of what they are yes I think I don't know I think he focused was so long on the betrayal of his love on all of the horrible things within himself that caused that that he became the physical embodiment of it and I think he was trying to do the same thing to me I mean even though I refused him I could feel those seeds being planted self-doubt and loathing echoing in my mind every night reliving every wrong that people have done to me and everything I've done I've recently I will say before death had a bit of an epiphany and have been trying not always succeeding but trying not to dwell on such things that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about in the fight with Ripley yes your last words to her where I forgive you yes it was such a surprise yes I pull out Fentress and I show him what I've carved onto it it's see Nathan do you know that word uh how common was that word are you you know the word another word it it's forgive oh I can't this on Fentress because that's the key isn't it it's the only way to really grow I think so I've I'm trying it's it's it's the only thing I've tried that made any sense so far and it felt very liberating it felt good it felt it felt perfect and it wasn't about her and it wasn't it was just about me honestly that was really the thing that I I noticed was it wasn't I didn't say it to make her feel better I didn't say it to give her any peace and I came to that to that feeling before running into her I I didn't know if it would be true when I saw her but I feel like so much of my energy had been such a waste and worse than a waste had been twisted in the wrong direction and it's too late for a lot of things there are things I cannot take back and things that I have done that will forever be terrible Percy and but that's not the point though I suppose it isn't look at that boy was that created those things that suffered such [ __ ] that he felt they were they were just fine you have to forgive him too because everything you've suffered and endured and created in that time has made you into the person that you are now and you have a brilliant mind and any darkness that might cloud your vision on occasion the fact that you've found it within yourself to forgive her means that it will never overtake you thank you I would like to think we're all better than we think we are that may be your brother I think he's just a mess he's terrible isn't it just the words see him here maybe he's probably hiding somewhere shouldn't give him that ring thank you I know I know I have to forgive myself I'm not quite there yet but I can see a path and I like where we are and what we're doing and I think that we're we're the right people in the right place and the right time I agree and this this engraving is a reminder that every time I attack it's not out of vengeance I would be horrified if you were taking yourself too seriously never did you see the band that I carved on the tree is quite lovely it was quite lovely I don't know if the tree is quite as happy with it but I was quite impressed ah thank you hmm thank you what room are we in out of curiosity by the way it's no rumor in the woods oh no we're in the woods all right and as I walk away I walk up I kiss her so we'll talk later huh and I walk away anything can and it's 10 o'clock we're gonna go in BAM I lock up and smack Percy on the ass and say feel like making a home here I'm certainly thinking of some plans weird question how far away is vex from the door vex is roughly 15 feet okay I'm going to use half my movement to get to Veck is to get to vex ok this can be done I'm going to burn my action surge yeah and grab her and the rest of my movement to drag her into the into the end of the hole nice grab her three more feet 50 more feet 15 15 feet we'll get you inside and get her just outside the door Oh Dyke okay Donna do wait Mika's I thought she was already is lights and sound no that's me that he was doing this because I know she's in a striking distance of the [ __ ] I'm getting her out of striking distance of the Ashland he's a power hitter okay alrighty I want that back on yeah Percy before we put our horrible chains back on and I grab his hand and I give him a peck on the cheek and whisper thank you you're welcome and yes I was weird for me too yeah that's just weird right now just a peck yes thank you yes it's weird
Channel: Sparrows
Views: 524,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, perc'ahlia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2016
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