A Tribute to Mollymauk

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Similar to the tributes for last campaign, this compilation goes along with this CritRoleStats article. Hope you enjoy!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/eponymous_rose 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

644: "I'm fishing for drugs, I'm not gonna lie..."

fades to him wearing a D.A.R.E shirt, lol

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

thanks so much for making these! <3

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/fakerie 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thank you! Long may he reign!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dizzymama247 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love seeing Matt listening to the first introduction. He's there thinking "yeah, I can work with this," you can see the gears turning

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

At around 9:53 of the video Beau says something very interesting. Especially considering who she's sitting next to...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShitThroughAGoose 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Yo epon, why are your comments always closed? That's part of a channel to me, is seeing how its community responds to different things.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShitThroughAGoose 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
- shadows step into the doorway of the nearish noonday Sun the figure is one kind of eclipsing the other from behind and begin to step in you notice one of them begins to step from table to table kind of glancing about with a sort of grace to the movement the other staying a few feet behind tells me like this very very good I neither did I neither but here we are eh laughing I'm gonna Travis a lavender tea fling with with with red eyes and curled very pierced extremely ostentatious horns that are just pierced with little gems and little bobbles he's got a tattoo that seems to be running up the side of his face a kind of peacock tattoo that goes off into his very ostentatious ridiculous / overblown robes that he wears and his two swords and pouch dangling at the side of his hips he's yeah he's very very broad oh yes wow I don't believe I've ever seen a group of people more in need of a good time in my entire life monarchy think of the fletchling a moon drop traveling carnival of curiosities if there was ever a group of people that needed a good time to go out have a laugh see things that you've never seen before and my god take my word for it one month's time people will be buying your ale to hear the tale what you saw at the traveling carnival of curiosities this night we saw your tent going up yeah we did we're actually gonna go without the flyer yeah like now we also have a flyer it's just five copper steel it's a five silver it would be a steel five gold worth every minute but if you've got the five copper to spend we would happily happily have you all doing you put a form ah I'm less of a performer and more of an intermediary for these parts I do on occasion perform I I can read fortunes did you read fortunes can you do what now I knew you were gonna ask that well who has coin for a fortune do you know my name what is your name jester I know your name now oh my name is Marley to my friends and we're friends now aren't we Molly mark Molly for short ah this is Yahoo she's the charm your first card the silver dragon this is good you're pure you're virtually when you are worthwhile a wonderful human being obviously or creature of some repute it's true and heading towards the anvil and as a Destiny forged right to the venturous in your future Wow you know we did just this is a really big snake so maybe there's even bigger things coming you know the serpent card appears of course you did how did you even tell us all of the cards I was a simply a vessel the higher powers all right very carefully start unfolding my robe and it has my swords and very carefully laid out in there I'm gonna pause it I do a little prayer everything back on you bring over your swords yeah of course is that part of your thing you seem honest try to be well swords are magic there according my mum go back in our family generations to a very unusual rare line of tiefling that came from a demon of ice that lived inside a volcano and our family and take this with a grain of salt we're Royal Guards were entrusted with these magic swords and these swords can only be activated by the blood of the royal family and so in honor of any fighting I ever do with them I make sure that my blood is at least strong once that's quite the story can I in such a human there's nothing but death everywhere and I'm gonna miss mockery on him Oh him show him the bottom card and like Walmart at this point Molly is you're ahead of the rest of the group and you're making your way through the trees Toya begins to stir in your grasp she's kind of eyes kind of open a bit as you're kind of holding her and she looks up at you with these confused and lolling around and the sockets from it before they see you and clarifying come on just you've been through a bit and there's been some bad business friend turned on us but it's going to be alright I'm gonna I'm gonna get you home alright wait wait where's cuddly no and she starts trying to fight your grass yeah nope just it's bit I'm scared I know it's gonna be a bit rough but it was it was for the best I'm so sorry some people just turned I'm so sorry I had he he got sick there was something inside him there was something that just made him do some bad things but it had we had to be taken care of you're gonna be all right I'm I feel like I don't know I feel like you can excite me I feel like there's something that you have to show this really really exciting I'm not entirely sure it's all about stamina I think you've got something you do that on purpose I think that's a I don't know this is this is talk to me like I'm a child show me something I've never seen before you guys I'm fishing for drugs I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna drop my things and run downstairs okay come no there's nobody inside this is not a tavern night for a lot of people yeah yeah is it a drink is there smoke smoke II don't have a trick Oh take something interesting interesting you say take so the bottle looks like a like a deep green glass and kind of in Cork City hmm takes a small looks like a shot glass almost that has a bulbous bottom poor is it's the very very top of this liquid that looks like a like a deep can I see teal green and slides it forward fast or slow well bends now looks you like to dream how much for that before I heard you dead it's on the house nonsense for the night you want more you're paying top shelf ace what's the top shelf price for that drink run you about three silver I just put a gold on the on the table consider it a complaint consider in advance it's been a rough night for everybody right right of course and I'm going to sip this mother it has a very very has a very very smoky kind of like oak barrel flavor to it at first as it hits your tongue and then it kind of burns into this very medicinal herbal almost almost a nice mixed with charcoal that sounds nice I'm gonna sit and sip this and grin and very silently have a mild nervous breakdown about what just went down okay do you have to a pray over your swords or anything this morning no no I have oh that's everything's fine they just sort of they do what they need to do I just have to keep him clean yeah well we were sharing a room one night Molly as a ritual era I think it's just part of his custom oh yeah he performs over his swords yeah I have to take care of them else though no they'll stop working of course sure they do actually yeah I've got it I've got it feed them submit well it's complicated I don't like to go too deep into it but I've I've got to use my blood line on occasion like that actually since we're already on the road I should be honest I wasn't entirely telling the truth when I talked to you that night oh you're just you're just a bundle of truth too aren't you what is it blood fine I suppose it's only fair I didn't I I did tell you that these swords are special and that they sort of use the blood of my family to activate themselves yeah and I know I might have said I was from a long line of priests and oh my god who killed your whole family I didn't kill my whole family okay thank you god I'm sorry our family were less the priests and more the sacrifices and we may have stolen the swords and run as I've been trying to keep a bit of a a bit of a low-profile when it comes to some of the authorities yeah I mean for fear of your life you ran it's been a long time but I'd rather not run into them what gods were you being sacrifice to oh I couldn't tell it was my my parents I was really I was just we by the time that happened so is there a roving band of priests that are trying to find you right now I hope not I mean it's been a long time where where's home where's this place that you stole my parents never spoke of it and you go to somewhere out he'll be out east this circus from that house well it was a it was a bit of a mess but just sort of ended up there eventually just looking for a place where I could rest I suppose it's funny you gave me an answer but you didn't really give me an answer well I don't know you that well kind of what he's been doing like this whole time that requires a drink I understand that sentiment trying to find it a little little respite a little peace mmm it's a good place to be if you want to run but not run your family out there on the run not that I've ever met was it just your parents in you that were being sacrificed you know I don't know I never thought to ask did they want to kill you or just take your blood ah apparently they needed us alive for it so there was that oh so it wasn't so bad they just slowly drain so bad I was told I mean isn't that kind of why you're doing to yourself you know it's not that bad though it's it's you know it doesn't actually doesn't leave a mark really you're in control of it you're using it for yourself oh yes of course and it can be very Antonia come in handy does it have to be your blood oh yes of our bloodline apparently have you tried well I cut a lot of people with them would you like to take a take a run in it you could be lucky I'll say that for another day I had a funny feeling I'm gonna take a swing at the at the big guy go work that's 16 hit it's gonna limit you and that's normal that's eight points of damage eight points of damage as soon as it rears from the attack Ford you watch as in a flash the cloak billows of Molly mucks arrival and as the cloak Falls you just watches the Noles head just rolls off of its shoulders you can see this the blow that struck it bonus action with the glowing sword goes down into the hyena go for it the flames I'm gonna run down to the priest and douse the flames and then give Caleb a good slap in the face okay Caleb comes to play back in the game time for that later all right yeah all right big kiss on the forehead in the morn you know why they use a devil's tongue come on we're all friends here why don't you just walk away leave your things and just admit your defeat it was a good try Matt makes a valid point engine starts taking his trousers off immediately in the place all the other guys go pulling and stripping their armor off and as they take third their masks off you can see a lot of them just look like dirty poor wandering brigands happening so now that the leaders dead who's the de facto leader here speak up be bold two of the ones go me the most looking to their and she to the devil these horrible bears go though it's me again the same time was it [ __ ] to you the same time no this is kind of frustrated you know parchment shears stone yeah take your leader do it come on you're both kind of come together and kiss yourself Matthew all right the one on the left who looks to be as a scraggly redhead probably in his like I'm posted 20 or 21 years old wins the bouts of Boulder parchment shears would you agree that the previous leadership of this group has probably failed you on some level you know I'm I'm gonna say so yeah no I mean try to even well look where you are right now chaves chaves turned it was a bad decision it was very badiy it is a very bad man perhaps you should rethink your line of work yeah yeah you're right you all right right now let's go right moly I think they also need a bath all right here's the deal everyone's fine yeah she could have bathed me maybe put your clothes back on this is just this is just embarrassing all of you don't pick up your weapons weapons they start taking their clothes and the one who this this young kid beat a bullet heart room chairs like do not criticize new management until it's had time to take full effect right right they'll start putting on like bits of their clothing most of they're just kind of holding under their arms now line up line up eight now and and three of them look like hey you're hurting pretty bad one of them has their own crossbow bolt on their chest that both earned is still there he's like he's kind of holding out now you're gonna leave tonight you gotta find something better to do with yourselves and remember no matter how you die or where we can identify your bodies without the heads so be careful and I'm going to give and the line one gold piece each yes I'm in a row yes I'd like that alone they all look very confused now for this you promise that you're terrible bandit days are over because you're really not very good at this I mean we were barely paying attention this is pathetic it's only been two days I'll kind of lower their head or anything goes yes City is it Shu so you're all walking away with one gold well as this night could have gone for you make sure you wash your gold thoroughly because they're all infected with syphilis Jude I'm just dropping in the ground and then pick him up again oh yeah with the bits of their cloth buy something you know a service when you teach these good mends and make money based on the services they provide you all have one [ __ ] job you go and you tell all your stupid friends no one [ __ ] with the mighty nine you see is like three of them like quietly under breath but spelled like in ein the mighty nine don't don't forget it it's at that moment you think you've lost most of its partially unless anybody else has anything to say all right yeah yeah the travelers with you all forever whose thaumaturgy to you Gandalf voice it for a moment I'll kind of take a step back so so lead us anywhere we off to is like um I think uh let's just hit the fail to win it's a very bold decision well done okay thank you welcome go away and since I'm really or what I can do is I can do a vicious mockery again so I'm going to cast vicious mockery and just and give it a shot make a role against wisdom save versus wisdom so your spell DC would be eight plus your proficiency which is ten plus your mr. modifier which is what I was mother fire is 303 so yeah that hits go and roll damage so that's a alright I'm mock him and that's that's three points of psychic damage and he has and he has a really doesn't not even matter and then he has a disadvantage of next day how do you want to get the spider to do I something about my words or just are just making his blood boil back just for a second and wait and I very quickly just gently socially in Calif to the wall face to face as awkwardly close as I can go no you're not Oh Caleb I'm fine if you skip something off the top that's fair but be clever about it just distribute sixty seventy percent of what you find okay good boy getting a little slap on the face and I go up nothing for me done huh you watch is not slowly creeps into the room heading over towards Ford's pack what you do what were you looking for nothing thicker were you looking for this and I hold up a folded piece of paper what will you give me for it I'll give you a whole gold piece you know something I don't want money I want something give me something two gold piece gold pieces what do you have I have a vial of acid that'll do don't try and go through this stuff you're just gonna get caught I'll head up to my room first and I'll pull Molly up with me because I need to have a word with him already Molly listen yeah I can't get over the fact that not what's going through my stuff I want to set a little bit of a trap oh you want to set some sort of trapper example floor I just want to see if she's you know learned or less or not sure yeah so I'm gonna put an object in the middle of the room with our door open we're gonna hide out of sight you game this seems a little unfair sure great all right I'll use a minor illusion to put in the middle of the room a bundle of buttons with a tall shiny flask covering jewels round middle of the room all right you want it we want to put down some ball bearings I've got a bag of them I mean I guess so once she's in we're gonna shut the door I just want to figure out what the [ __ ] she's sneaking around for hello there okay right and there you see a shining bag of looks like glittering coin and what looks to be buttons like spilling out of the top of the small do I see Ford's belongings over near his bed yes you do I'm going over there as soon as she comes in the door the door slams shut Marley get the window no no we are gonna have a talk don't try any funny business why are you trying to sneak through our stuff I know I would never do that to a friend Molly told me Molly told me you were in here rifling through my stuff definite explanation for this what were you looking for seafood you must have some on you you see I love shrimp and I never get a chance to get any so so we're so landlocked in here I love the taste of the sea do I believe her you can go ahead and make a mess inside checks natural 20 I should tell the nice man the truth Devils tongue you are charmed by Molly what does that mean I meaning charm you that means a very you're very friendly and amiable and you know take his advice and suggestions like a very dear friend yeah oh just I'll just tell him what you were really looking for I was looking for your letter to the soul stress Academy to make how long do you need to make your face let ball leopard up ah about an hour we don't want to look at it too closely like just coffin step would you be a sixteen oh I'm gonna do that too I got plant rights you're going to spend time in fly I've got it faster what if Caleb just burns all of your clothing and you go in as a burn victim you're not gonna touch my clothing hi mom that's not we're not doing that no we're not setting fire to my favorite I'm going to uh I'm going to mess up my junk what fierce in the street no in fact back at the are we are we I mean like do we have a place where if I can work it am I going back to the leaky tap or is that too far away I mean minutes up to you you can you try and duck into like a shady corner I ain't spending hours now aren't painting my dick yeah I'm gonna need some privacy I'm also gonna need to order some breakfast food something eggy just distraction puts a meeting over space okay um no no I was I'm gonna give myself a little putt sir there's and I'm just gonna go for it right in his face as soon as you spray in the face the cake sticks the scarf off and I can sit down please any points over to always be a bench crawling along the floor and I'm gonna actually just cut myself a little bit on my neck since I'm used to I know I don't mind a little blood I'm just thinking myself a good Clutton cut maybe there'll be a little ice Fleck I don't know if I want to activate that if it'll work on my fingernails but what the [ __ ] and I'm gonna just start crawling leaving a trail of vomit into the next room or no sitting and freaking out the to the the two clerks that are now trying to push funkin out are trying to escort you they see you sir sir they started grabbing your arms and lifting you up and I'm like still bleeding from the neck they start dragging you into one of the rooms in the side they open one room and there's somebody in there already who's like was sleeping but it's certainly coming sorry close the door go to the next chamber and start dragging um I mean I'm gonna go limp okay and then the minute the doors open I'm gonna make a break for it all right I'm going to use I'm gonna use double stone and I'm quitting this is mockery so they shove you into the chamber they closed the doors and if you land on the ground and you hear it lock behind you because you're now a danger patient who needs needs other glancing aches but on both sides of the window you watches the window just shadows out what I'm just gonna jump out of it all right well the paint itself is about that big so you're gonna take more the window with you to do it yeah that's okay all right you just shoulder roll leap through shattering the window infirmary rolling into the alley you see this happen as Molly just like chaotic spill of glass shards and purple skin and dull grey robed person arrives but but their body has covered in the dark black almost Panther like fur their faces is cat-like with ears that curled up this is a black to back seat that has turned around the corner in those aren't friends I do not recognize Oh Lucy Oh what you're alive what I was sorry friend I've got one of those faces people just tend to recognize I've seen it goes forward and just does a huge and that's right this I'm gonna stand up and walk over to great okay creep agree it's kind of still standing by the bar with the satchel as used to end up in and start approaching she kind of smiles life time I know indeed I can't tell you it's so good to see you I have a weird question yeah I apologize for it the spell I used to get away it man I wasn't there for as long as you thought I was I missed how a bit of everything ended in the end I hate to ask but I was long gone before anything really started to go down how did how did everything and can you just I just I'll explain why in a moment well I mean you had acquired the tone with the the the ritual spell she required to to attempt to reach the city and that that lady I I don't remember her name the UM the spelling word from the capital she came and oversaw and performed the ritual for you and I don't trust those folk but I trust you and if you trust it then that was enough for me um and you give us a speech we had a fine meal and we all got ready there in the forest that's where I lost you then and I mean she said it'd be hard for us to tell her whether or not it worked at first but we went and checked him you are not breathing for a good hour you're not breathing and you were gone cold so we we knew then that we the we lost you we checked and I I'm very attuned to vitals as you know so there was no heartbeat so we waited longer sun rose nothing so as you told us if anything were to go wrong we had to give it if any side any trace so not far from me it's to take a hideout we buried you and we went our separate ways she took the tome the the mage woman that was part of the arrangement you had with her don't have to find her again at some point the reason I've stayed quiet it was never going to work somebody was working against me I don't know who but I can't trust anyone I saw how you reacted to seeing me it was I'm willing to believe it wasn't you who turned but it could have been it could have been her but it could have been one of us that's why I needed to keep it quiet please no come a moment where I can tell you everything but it's so complicated please just keep it quiet for now of course until I know that everyone's going to react the way that you did to see me right of course listen I I will tell you everything eventually please please do I give a hug I woke up without any names or any past buried in the ground two years ago buried under grow you woke up buried in the ground are you dead obviously not in in a box and the dirt in the dirt and you are saying that you're having no memory my first memory my oldest memory is dirt in my face underground some [ __ ] got buried in the dirt [ __ ] him I am enjoying what I'm doing I want nothing to do with that anything that came before I was happy to just leave it be yeah but do you have any theories for what happened before no it's all do you have memories from your childhood yeah it's not like that it's all bright and more meaningful than it should be there was just nothing I I was practically catatonic I was barely speaking did you wake up two people who are alone alone well I did she seemed like she looked up to you so much I don't know I don't know who that was I've never heard the name Lucien before or them that other name I've never heard of any of it yeah do you really not want to know your past answer truthfully I really don't I whoever that was came to that end and I want nothing to do with that whatever it was it doesn't feel good when I that moments when something creeps through I don't like it I don't want anything to do with it I was happy I I like the circus the circus was great calmed people we've all conned people I've used other names before and no but did they know you did they come up and give you a name I a lot of this was in the hopes that maybe it would never happen to keep moving keep quiet you don't know anything about the ritual that she was talking about I think I just cut myself again on the wood frame and grab it and use radiance okay he watches this bright vibrant light just billows out of it I kind of glowing in the vicinity similar that you've seen it in case the Scimitar a limit this is new yeah that's a hell of a thing you got to see the first time this happened okay here's the thing that you're not catching that wasn't me this is mine I don't want anything from that other person anymore that person is someone else I don't want anything to do with it I did not feel good coming out of that I I it was I'm in for a penny might as well I am told although I don't entirely remember this part that I normally said the word empty over and over again for the first week and I don't want anybody I don't want to remember anything I don't want anybody else's baggage in my head I don't want anybody else's problems thoughts ideas I like this person right now is a good person is a fine person I will say I'm a little concerned about you know loose ends coming to bite you and us in the butt however we'll have a fewer so I believe in second starts and that's enough for me there I spent two years before I met you all cajoling people occasionally ripping them off occasionally doing a good turn here they're never trust the truth truth is vicious the truth thinks you did you oh it's something none of that I like my [ __ ] it's good it's happy it makes other people happy it is exactly who I am can I ask you when you're praying over your swords at night are you actually doing anything well do you know who the moon Weaver is No excellent the swords are cheap carnival glass there's nothing special about me you seem like you have a pretty solidified identity for someone who has only had consciousness for two years Thanks came back quick and the circus helped there were good people they did a lot for me and joy can fill an awful lot of a person's life cheers to [ __ ] I'm not a I may be a liar but I'm never of a traitor I'm almost honest in my work and I believe in doing a good turn I've never cheated you out of money never robbed from you I know how I stayed with that circus for two years I know how people treat each other it's important and all that stuff you told me before I gotta admit I didn't even listen any bit of it it was just trying to teach you a lesson I don't care where you've been I don't care what terrible things any of you have done you're here now this is how it works people are looking for a path they're looking for a path and I'll tell you and this is true I did my best every town I went to and every time I left no matter how they treated me and a lot of them treated me with some deep disrespect some people are vulnerable and looking for answers left every town better than I found it which which tattoos are the the old ones I mean you don't have to I don't want to see a naked body or anything but do you have some is it yeah no um so I show off the peacock a little bit and one of the peacock feathers on the neck what about your tattoos though Thank You leo one of the eyes and one of the peacock feathers is a bright crimson red which any of you if everybody [ __ ] inside check what it knows I was waiting for you to [ __ ] with me it's also the same place that he bleeds every time that he uses any of his powers there's also a red eye on the snake on the palm and there's a red eye on the snake on the opposite side what does it mean I tried to cover them but they wouldn't take ink so I just did my best they're not tattoos no I don't know what they are there anything about you that you don't want us to know yes everything I like the safety of it but and if I had had my way this would have been a conversation for a later date but I need to protect you and myself from whatever that is so you need to know that that is a wild card I appreciate that well this was fun I feel like we should do this every night it's like a simple tool it's like sorry I drooled a little you know what that's fair I'll take that well you think through this I won't tell anyone well it's a little late I already took mine is over just wait and see alright so two of them have taken it and whoever sober keep us out of trouble well there's something I need to go to you guys I hope you know I always take it and never feel anything so I'm excited the two of you that have ingested the scheme yes ten minutes pass yeah and the edges of your vision begin to cloud and as you sit for a moment your body begins to feel a bit weird kind of nausea creeps in a bit and then like it looks almost like a very faint snow of dust in your vicinity just begins to cook I like you know the upside down where you just kind of that that that kind of weird material that's only for only for about ten ten feet out to you and like just like a ten foot area around you and the coloration of your vision in this area becomes almost like a gray colorless you know black white and gray tone vision I need you both to make a wisdom saving through wisdom saving account fifteen fifteen okay I say don't [ __ ] me okay just with some saving through yes 17:17 okay the effects of it you resist the hour-long stun it would have held you in as it is not a healthy thing to ingest under any circumstances it is a very dangerous substance but but for for the duration the two of you concede into the ethereal plane of ten feet I'm going walking wait what who wants to go to a cemetery right now wait I think they can see into the ethereal plane out to a range of tests I'm gonna I'm gonna put on my least interesting cloak and I'm gonna go find myself a cemetery to the brown side I don't know where they're going but I think we got a baby sitting I think it kind of sucks we're going on a wall as this happens you watch as this translucent looking almost piranha face serpent kind of scoot by this kind of ghastly looking almost almost anglerfish looking kind of creature kind of like I'm going for a walk are we saying this is night one up a couple of days of piddling around yeah like this was the first night yes this was our celebratory night yeah there's more of a down time period so I'm trying to not get through it I'm grabbing a little drink downstairs and then I'm gonna go I'm gonna go find myself find myself I'm gonna walk in whatever direction seems the most interesting [ __ ] outside Molly in the best interest of keeping a low profile for the next few days you both wander out into the city streets you guys begin to wander through the intersect sprawl once again strange shapes pass through your peripheral this occasionally hear this like chattering and distant chuckling and it's kind of weird alien laughter this seems almost like drifting spiritual energy that kind of freezes your your blood is you kind of passed by it's a really uncomfortable sensation for about an hour so you just kind of wander in this space the end of the outreach both make Constitution statements wrong 18:20 feel your body again to grow woozy and for a second and feel like you're about to black it up I'll back out and pass out but you kind of catch yourself and the sensation passes your vision returns to normal and it has run its course didn't discern and learn much and you feel exhausted your body is pretty strained by the process oh god such cottonmouth you know it just occurred to me what I didn't have a childhood I've never said that how does someone before [Music] what happens if you have a childhood but it's like barely a childhood because it was supposed to be someone else's childhood but it was you instead it's not what happened you were even Dirk about ten minutes ago instead it was snow the big mud how people have a sleeper are you I don't know I feel after a day like today pretty [ __ ] day come we'll find out I'm gonna go downstairs okay so is he alright so you head downstairs and I'm women I'm going to at least need the best masseuse they have who's also willing to do other interesting things and someone to feed me and talk to me is the entire thing is going on well I think definitely by this request so that sounds like aid a to companion request I would imagine so wait just so I'm clear get a full release massage while you're eating a steak fruit don't be proud that it's just the difference between best hands best conversationalist I just surprised me and you better sleep there you can sleep through it or not if you like I thought about this I had time to think watching watching things outside not you guys I've got the remnants of the fruit I'm coming in with the food into their room and I'm just wearing nothing but my tapestry [Laughter] I'm you're gone long meow rain evil my fruits I just ordered another fruit platter it's good I rot through a lot of this is a nice piece of higher armor that's that's nice that's very nice he's also for trade or purchase also I have meats they have pelts what are you selling me hide armor for mm-hm he thinks to himself for a second considers what he is but the time energy into it and made 15 gold pieces how about 16 gold pieces and you thrown a little bit of meat two pounds of meat perfect cops a bit goes over and starts grabbing the armor and pulling it off of the in the knob and setting it down grabbing some meat he goes and opens the back door and steps out starts pulling it off of some of the racks and nails on there yeah you're saying we were mmm I'll start making my way over to their horses having heard them go inside I think okay Ben now writing this to everybody back your perception check 10 10 okay um he goes ahead and grabs the meet set some like a small sack that's what up hands it over the armor he preps in the folds and sets over heads it to you pay the man pleasure doing business with you be careful there soldiers run around all over the place right now a lovely day thank you very apologies for intruding look close the door you're cheatin off that weirder yeah I am just yelling bored and I am going to take I'm going to take a swing at the one that's looking a little rough I believe it's one Oh shift in right behind him and see Molly looking around give him a little wink I'll take the pouch and just just take the back of his head off well you watch as as its pulling back way to delete that you and as it lurches towards you kind of like stops cut you watch is like the upper half of it shoulders and echo and slip and sloth and the laden herself in what firm and [ __ ] and although oh wait that's for 20 so you peace out for your up as you we operate within 10 feet of where you were closer to Molly there then I go oh [ __ ] [Laughter] and seeing that they're engaged elsewhere all far my first of two elderts blasts that the one that's engaged with Molly and Yasha the first time I do a son-of-a-bitch model on inside you watch as one of its arms just gets blown off and flings landing on the top of the stairs to point rolling down a few steps and coming to rest my legs over like it slips down into the water you actually take one swipe at it just for good measure as it sinks below alright and roll you do 20 to see where you stay or go 13 it's important to remember that you don't go and I will hold elders flash until I see the reappearance of good to know oh you're nice the hit for it oh [ __ ] balls 16 ethereal like like like photo with a ring on you guys last campaign the finisher sports turn Yasha hurry up the doors closed currently I'll give it a knock sorry for closed you're not buying today we're closed and sundown they're not shopping up already what time you open tomorrow sunrise are you sure you don't want to perhaps buy a fresh troll heart what it's full of poison very wet make it worse always respect there's a moment in you hear the door opens and you see on the inside this kind of wild looking gods dwarf who has like a chin beard with green moss kind of growing on each side of it his clothes look a little moist and his forehead too listens with sweat he kind of peers through his eyes gonna popped out he said she'll have a troll huh opens the door and lets you both inside closes the door behind so I'm sort of curious as to how you can across this Tarou heart did you kill the troll found the troll me killed it Sesame I'm very impressed I would like to very much place it upon this counter please on the leather which you carried and they opened the leather and grab some of these metal tongs and starts like kind of pushing it I am inspecting it broad fine take some willing to look around I can see there some very fascinating applications chambers it is quite exquisite I have won't be happy to buy this off of you do you have an asking price or would you like me to make an offer or we also we could talk about trade possibly you would good buy it and also give us some stuff you must not to try you've seemed like a clever fellow I'm sure you've got something around here that's interesting and unique without breaking eye contact as it starts rummaging behind like this small wooden table that acts as this counter which has a bunch these are like planters and like you know potted weird-looking swamp fungus and plants that are kind of like grown together and entwined one of them you kind of lean a little close and it kind of a little spore goes off and you back away carefully he pulls up you hear like the clinking of glass and he pulls at least two small jars and kind of opens this I could spend the nights preparing for perhaps some medicinal potions like really strong ones strong it's your finest had a little bender I was that like regular longer than that I don't know I have to brew it to find out it's not a perfect art form your new pshh I say that's saying if you brew something together together and we'll definitely talk about what this is worth in the morning and if you have anything unusual that you put together if you have a signature blend of any kind I'm always interested in people who are excited to experiment unusual yeah but they're more interested in the healing potions that's right good morning then we'll see you bright gnarly what's your name Smythe Smythe Durbin pleasure to meet you I mean we kill the trolls I leave to goal on the counter before I leave for you no matter what but if you tell me what it is I promise I won't tell the rest of them I just want to lord it over them she palms the two gold it's called feathered liver enjoy your evening sorry the one guy stands up for the guy who's yelled out goes we are so sorry we are so sorry we didn't didn't know what you folks almost - sir apologies don't understand these are the ones that Trevor they put their guys weapons oh [ __ ] we're so sorry they dropped their crossbows Caleb let's slow fizzle we we didn't mean nothing we're so sorry higher one crossbow bolt at that guy go for it Marion heads is that apology accepted at this point do you guys have healing potions cuz he just sent a lot of arrows at not I mean at this I mean we don't have much it was so sorry seriously this is a huge huge misunderstanding I'm just gonna put this up here that we just received an apology this sort of behavior should be rewarded I'm going to walk right into the middle this gentle persons are you harassing our employee right now the both look wildly confused hello no services of this person right here and I would agree that you should probably leave right now and get another table for yourselves make an intimidation check nope that's a four as you lean forward and in tense glare a little bit of a liquor based verb comes up abruptly and kind of breaks the intensity at the moment Oh someone's starting early not too bad now but I've heard about these folks their bloods fire but on the inside they're nothing but cold and clammy and he goes and flicks the edge of your nose there's two little gnomish punks I use my pain and I'm using I was about to say if you want to go to at the same time I say a little bit of infernal and I'm and I'm going to actually use a blood malady I can make him go blind for a second all right which one there's the one in there there's kind of the bigger one the other one yeah okay for me so the one that just flicking the nose is I just go black and you can see the bit of crimson kind of pulling at the corner of the eyes the stool and falls on the disaster bug what's gonna start with your drinks fool let's be good with that I need you to go ahead roll a constitution joke just roll a d20 add your Constitution modifier ten okay you watch there as Duncan takes it you're drinking it and it's getting through it's fine you're part way through your drink and he's already finished on the table was a natural 20 on his own so you finished the drink like a little effervescent but it's there that's one loss on your end how the rules work is the first two three losses it's the one I missed in these competitive space fast well you just said it didn't matter it didn't matter just know that was how fast he finished the ideas you both make competitive Constitution checks and the first two three losses in that competition is the one that either barfs or passes at me so at that point soon as you guys drop the drinks next round fills up both of them the crowd starts cheering go ahead roll a eight-year-old at two so this time around he finished you manage to finish little sin ahead and put it down he's like hey roll again bills up for the third round twenty you go ahead and finish your drink a little bit sooner than him pop it down from behind me here Oh buddy go to choose it boy that great like it's been slammed across a hundred years of seawater it's rough roll-off again 19 yes you finish your drink you take six next one pops it down you both stare for a moment down the front of his shirt scoop it back up no and you watch as Irena kicks him out of the chair the three-fourths you know beat needs to pick a three one two three one two three as you guys continue to dance a few other couples begin to get up and start kind of faking it they don't seem to know if they're kind of watching and playfully making up their own waltz type maneuver and like Oh an impromptu half-assed waltz begins to develop here in the center of the tavern I mean so you guys begin to join this as well which one he is leading I'll leave all right all these leading not so at his beck and calls you guys now begin to kind of dance around in a circle bow and ford you both they're kind of drunkenly staring at this actually I'm gonna grab bow before we head up all right what is alright if I try something no nothing like that I just wanted I will [ __ ] punch you if you try and kiss me how was your hangover whatever team you're on I'm not sure I play for that one team [ __ ] off I'm well-aware car your hangovers normally I normally like wake up and I sweat it out oh I got a weird thought this this may feel weird I'm going to try my blood melodic what I'm going to do the the I'm gonna do the predation it advanced to see if I can cure a hangover with it I don't know if it'll work technically it's a poison and I'm willing to drop some HP into this gets a little fancy and it's like mostly just to see if I can like clean it up a little bit maybe it'll work maybe wall are you going oh yeah I know I want to see if it works go ahead and make a constitution saving trouble saving throne yes this one does every time I get rid of that one yeah it's kind of a dick six-six you manage to sober her up a little bit but you're still pretty tipsy but it from going blackout drunk here now just like heavily buzzed and like right out right at drunk I feel like this would be very useful I'm gonna work on this what did you what's interesting is is as you finish this you watch as out of some of the pores the actual alcohol is drawn out hovers in the air for a second before one second you two circus people remark yeah that's cute it could be two of you do something fabulous over there make a distraction yeah yeah I could you know have you stand on my shoulders we can do that thing do you remember the vaulty thing this is the bunting thing all right you know the thing over there all right tough goes like oh we're gonna see a performance get ready preemptive listen Schmidt over to the closest bucket okay and the range on that is can I get two feet till I get more than 60 feet from you right yeah that's correct okay so what are the two of you doing if you get near you if you get near the fence I want to try and jump on top of the fence jump on top of the fence Oh God all right so here's a question I'm sorry Oh how wide apart is it bars the fence what can I know that there are large metal poles incrementally about every 12 or so feet in between them it looks like there are cross lattices of like a inch wide and about a quarter inch thick metal bars that kind of weave across and form the fence so that buckets not going between any of that probably not not would you be able to use your visible hands to leave that open oh it comes close enough yes okay all right you guys prepared yep so I would like you to go and make an acrobat exchange because you're being aided by Asha Oh ten as you reach down grabbing the foot of Molly mock with one big you lift him he tosses in the air gracefully arms out almost like a reverse swan dive into the air you land and land legs open you managed to miss the vital areas but it definitely racks the inside of the thigh a little bit and a painful landing into a handstand and you managed to do so but it it lacks the presentational and grace of it so go ahead make a performance check but with disadvantage from the impact so when he crashes right at that moment I asked Schmidt to move the bucket three feet closer to us okay low to the ground natural 20 yes up fifteen fifteen okay still pretty good so in spite of the impact you slowly stagger back up to the top balance yourself and flipping back up and I'm gonna get the swords out I'm gonna start slowly working on moving down the fence with both swords doing a spin and trying to actually get a little flipped going black or mentally another ten feet towards me all right I'll leave you spotting cuz I'm not great at this I'm watching alright so this is happening if you're turning it around and starting to working your into your advantage as this is happening Schmidt is slowly dragging on its own.you instance turbine is dragging this this bucket three feet at a time any workers you might be noticing the bucket nuns notice in the book at the moment but you do see about three or four they're looking over at this very colorful flashy performing nearly racked tiefling who is in the process of juggling swords in the air and doing a series of completely spontaneous performance art for no reason Bravo you see two of the nearby workers start kind of looking over confused start talking to each other you can kind of hear the muttering one of them runs off to one of the supervisor dwarves who's about a hundred feet off to go tell him what's happening he looks over and eventually you hear as from it's getting closer and closer the bucket of tar is maybe 20 feet from the the fence line and you hear a voice go alright what are you doing get down from there okay so I'm gonna take a jump and try and land on the shoulders straight acrobatics or acrobatics for this all right you go away I'm trying you that's a natural 20 laying right onto yashka shoulder she catches you there and you're still from their perspective you jumped off of the fence and then landed behind the fence in our side-by-side walking to make it look like you sorry you haven't you had a great friend offense and we're working on an act I have some beef as you may have gathered with this crew I'm not interested in just getting your friends and getting out I want to [ __ ] kill every single last one of them oh so if you want any more information from me I'm gonna need a little bit of buy-in um I just tossed 20 golden like throw me a cigarette please wait so if you could rescue your friends a friend or whatever there ain't nobody left to rescue them are you sure yeah pretty [ __ ] sure so it's revenge so if Shady Creek run it's full of a bunch of criminals and you said you lived there for a while what were you doing there it's not important well that's that's pretty clear no one there did anything nice okay so just [ __ ] imagine something shitty and I probably did it okay I'm not proud of it I'm trying to turn a new leaf as it worse so I just imagined not one to interrogate someone's pastime information is information we could use some help so if you want my aid I know that place like the back of my hand I need some kind of assurance that when we find these [ __ ] you're not just gonna grab your friends and run cuz I'm gonna need some backup if I'm gonna take them out oh sure and say you don't [ __ ] us over you can also hire us hire you twenty gold you just gave me 25 I know you can afford us look at the kid does he he freaked out by the way I look is he no no no I'm gonna try something okay you just have a giant owl on your shoulder and it's currently kind of preoccupied with the Apple so I'm gonna try this I haven't tried this yet I'm gonna hold up the moon card I'm gonna try and sly of hand do a sleight-of-hand trick and flip it to one of the one of my little uh moon trinkets moon bottles make it said I enjoy the most hilarious natural one eight eight okay it it happens but it's not not beautiful yeah the trick is very visible what you did and the kid still seems amused alright give him the bobble smiles I'm getting ruffles for the tooth looks at it spooked the scratch wanna gamble I'm not much of a gambler you're thinking adjuster no no I'm not what this is a game we used to play take my cards put the deck down put a question on the deck whoever draws the highest card has to answer it wait he's like pulling cards or your tarot cards tarot cards when they got numbers you know what [ __ ] hate those things no I don't want anything to do with them I'll throw one out there for you what's the best lie you've ever told the best live ever tools I'll give you mine if you give you yours whoever gets the highest has to tell whoever gets the lowest has to tell no idea let's roll d20 secretly some numbers lower yeah we [ __ ] my backstory with it you don't have to be I wrote very high natural 20 you played yourself this one it's a pretty big number on it [ __ ] best lie I've ever told I pretended to be royalty for three weeks for a scam that's fascinating what kind of scam I was just a little while after I had gotten my consciousness a sort of sorted out and we got into a town and figured out that we could actually get some nice nice digs and they were seeing if I could maybe [ __ ] my way through it and it was kind of my test so I pretended to be a reincarnated royalty from across the sea Wow it was a lot of fun do you not like knowing your paths that way you can have multiple Bank stories people at once I like knowing that because it's not there that it doesn't matter and it dips I'm sorry I don't think it matters for anybody I don't care where anybody's from it's nice I certainly don't care where I'm from I'll tell you where my big that's lies one that was most proud of before I passed the drink just because that was a pretty good one so usually how this rolls yeah ah there's a politician in the town that I grew up and didn't like very much didn't like his wife either I want to find some dirt on him pretending to be a house hand for them a little handyman found some dirt figured out that they were cheating on each other and destroyed their relationships in their lives maybe I shouldn't be proud of that I know no I'm very impressed actually that's your your good friend I have in a terrible and intended me to make anyway not quite being the worst people Cheers tonight Molly mm-hmm you have a brief moment as does the consciousness and life leaves you what are your last words with blood Oh God is it gonna slams in his face respect and in twists the blade the life leaves Molly I was never shot do y'all remember what Molly said a few weeks ago when he told us that he loves every town better than what he found it when he first told me that I remember my first initial knee-jerk reaction was you [ __ ] arrogant narcissistic bastard no I didn't [ __ ] know that he was an arrogant bastard but he was right and do you know how I know I had a conversation last night up for watch he asked me what my greatest lie was and we pulled [ __ ] cards for it loser would go first and he told me this story about drinking it sound and to thinking he was royalty being a king to pull up a scam and I was almost gonna tell him about my childhood and I didn't because he told that frickin story and I realized even in his scams when he was doing something shitty he was still making people feel good or feel special like the town was being visited by graced by his presence by His Royal Highness and I told him this story of ruining a couple's lives by extorting them because I [ __ ] could I said [ __ ] felt like it so I realized if I can deliberately leave a town shittier than what I found it of course he again [ __ ] leave it sound better than what he found it I'm not gonna do that again I'm not saying that you know I'm gonna go off and be a [ __ ] hero but maybe our we can equal out and I can at least not [ __ ] any more [ __ ] up and take baby steps towards the leaving the town better thing so that's the least I can do for him I'm gonna start with these [ __ ] I'll take you not why not drink it remember mommy bye Molly said not to steal from happy people is that what you think I'm doing No I think you should take everything you can but I can't steal from this one we say some words or anything or drink sure I'll pour drinks long may he reign it's the best [ __ ] [ __ ] I shine bright circus man I think you're supposed to UM say things about how good how good they were and how how many people loved them and wouldn't what a wonderful life they had but I don't think any of those things are true or at least we don't know we don't I don't think he even knew so Oh Caleb sighs and just takes like a 5 foot 6 foot sturdy branch one that could be a walking stick and I take that stone that lucky rock that I found and I start to hammer the branch into the ground so it is sticking up like a post and then hang molly mocks coat from it that'll be stolen not right away and if he comes up out of the ground it will be here waiting for him in a day or two maybe you should write another no leave it on the coat that says don't [ __ ] steal this your [ __ ] looter [ __ ] dead guys buried here I think we will just leave the coat but I got like a note could be very convincing III that's fair all right let's go
Channel: Eponymous Rose
Views: 157,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, d&d
Id: aNGz7Rd1s7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 27sec (4947 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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