All Sam Riegel Character Introductions

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oh you haven't heard of scanlan shorthold we'll gird your loins ladies because he has his eye on you a talented musician master of disguise and dashingly handsome in his own mind scanlan sings songs almost as much as he sings his own praises born a poor gnome scanlon used his endless charm and soaring tenor voice to croon for coin and support his single mother one day he was discovered by a half-orc promoter and joined dr drenzel's spectacular traveling troupe where he learned the ways of the world and honed his skills as a barred extraordinaire a loner much of his life scanlon has never quite come to terms with the violent death of his mother at the hands of a goblin invasion while his years on the road provided many shall we say educational experiences with the opposite sex deep down scanlan yearns for the one thing he's never known the true love of a fellow gnome still scanlin considers himself a lover first performer second and fighter distant third on the battlefield he'll support his allies but rarely draws blood unless it's to protect fellow gnome pike count on scanlon for a hearty laugh a rollicking song and a twinkle in his eye that melts hearts and makes the female swoon there is what looks to be an eight and a half foot tall humanoid golem like metallics construct it looks similar to a uh a golem but it's smaller like the iron golems you fought before but it's smaller in scale like the one we fought in yeah in months but much smaller um it uh it's less bulky and it's more just like a functional tall metallic humanoid type construct protocol droids yeah you see it's clutching basically the vision uh a little a little bit more ramshackle construct it is clutching a leather tone in one hand that is open and is holding what looks to be a quill in the other and is just standing there quietly um to the front of it you see uh almost waiting outside the tavern in the process of thumbing through some uh satchels you see a handsome human male uh late 30s or so with shoulder length feathered dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes a well-groomed goatee adorning his dashing smirk as he turns and looks across you and very quickly the eyes kind of very overtly taken and categorize your decor your dress your stature and the smile grows even wider um his frame is felt his he's adorned in a set of polished immaculate breastplate armor with these numerous satchels kind of all around him and he carries a silver helmet under his arm that shines with many many embedded gems diamonds opals just an opulent looking figure who is wearing what looks to be barely used or at least very well kept armor and jewelry and adornments um immediately catches their attention you're there you're not hello wow wow who are you all look at this magical items from head to toe why i've never seen anything quite like it pouring it on a little thick friend what's up doti come here will you take this down watches the the giant construct takes a few steps forward and begins writing into the book in my travels i didn't want to throw something hard adam holy oh [ __ ] hell [ __ ] doki doki take this down in my travels through on corel i have never seen so many magical items in one place but then i saw them walking up to me and i knew i had met some very special people that's it for now i'm being naked hello get very nervous nice to meet you all the name is tyrion darrington sam would you like to describe your character uh uh yeah um uh i am a little goblin girl [Laughter] uh i i am uh a a goblin so you know the green skin the green hair the yellow eyes and uh she um she wears not great clothes just like her traveling companion there um she kind of hides in the shadows a lot because she knows goblins aren't uh kind of welcome in this part and um uh that's about it i mean she's a little skittish and right now she's uh she's probably stirring awake as well right uh well uh what's your name oh not the brave as you turn around hear a few cracks of branches and there's a crowd of other bears it seems they've been watching the whole time uh there's a panda those just kind of waves hey you yeah what's your name oh of me uh i'm patty tuckspin i i'm new to these parts i come from uh you know somewhere else but uh i've been walking around uh checking it out i like the place and sam what are you playing hello oh you're all right mate hello we got that hi my name is er eden goodfink and i'm i'm the olog you want to see if you're hurt because me is a sar bones i'm an olog so i'm rather big but i'm also a saw bones which means if you have toothache or something you come to me i pull the tooth right out probably half of your jaw too if you got a broken bone i pulled the arm off if you've if you've got a rash i pull your skin off so really i take care of all your medical needs um somebody came to me with uh they were having some stress dreams i ripped their head off solve the problem right away very outpatient yeah yeah usually most things can be solved without insurance um but uh yeah i'm just here to uh to help anyone who gets injured and also to kill some man filth the first the first student to walk in is uh uh griffin gore sam why don't you describe your character first yeah oh god what are we doing accent first is my name is claire citish i'm a roofer board no you're a griffin gourd i'm a drip and go um student am i a student i don't even know jesus nobody i sent you a thing cam you did yeah i don't know i didn't you're gonna die first my name is claire citish i come from a well-to-do family and i am uh quite admired all around the school the underclassmen the upperclassmen the fifth years the ninth years the twelfth years they all love me i haven't read harry potter um uh but i'm supes popular and um if you ask me to go to prom i'll say no um i'm also a super awesome wizard and um cross me and i will [ __ ] your [ __ ] up technically you're a witch but whatever sure and i've got red hair yes you do and i'm styling and that's it uh sam uh i'll be playing a character name uh known as obi the rat and uh when we when we see him he is a slumber uh uh in the pipe of a uh of the sewer of the city um just sort of relaxed all curled up in the curve of the pipe and uh i'm i'm gonna just say that he has a magical pager okay um yeah a little piece of stone that starts vibrating vibrating [Applause] kind of [ __ ] and and then he gets up started starts pushing his way down uh down through all the other rats in the sewer and uh opens the the um the covering of the of the manhole and comes out and you can see that he's uh a squat little dwarf covered in sort of old uh uh sewage and uh stringy things in his hair and he's real surly and he kind of squints at the at the sun and he grumpily makes his way towards the library as everyone sort of just does this as he walks by next up bunglestein sprucenberg yeah did someone call my name you work in the reindeer stables bottom of the pecking order over there and spend a decent amount of time raking out prancer and uh vixen stalls but you're also good with a wrench and keep santa's sleigh in working order too so little while a little meek and neurotic you're not without your uses uh yeah if you say so i'll take your word for it we have our resident uh duns sam regal joining us at the table the excited newbie to be joining us here in the world of doom playing as the archville right yes so i'm the archville icky board and although i am the resident dunce ichibot is the smartest one on the table so probably fancies himself a little bit uh a little bit more in charge than the rest but we'll see if that sticks and if this voice sticks viable
Channel: Fernatticus
Views: 101,289
Rating: 4.9695277 out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Sam Riegel, Matt Mercer, Laura Bailey, Liam O'Brien, Marisha Ray, Ashley Johnson, Travis Willingham
Id: G_rgmH9rv_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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