A Tribute to Scanlan

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I just follow my other room okay the both of them walk out into the daylight to me follow yes things run yes I'll run up and I hug him okay full body big hug me and I go down okay immediately Stickley backs up and you watches vexes arms passed through the legs and thighs ain't grab under something smaller on the inside stop stop stop stop stop not here not here let's go somewhere else let's go and grog no stop I can't apologize to you because words don't work mmm so let me get this straight you think you can go away for a year and come back in your disguise and apologize to this group and that's gonna be good enough for me and then when I'm still pissed you're gonna give me a combo apology with pork and that's gonna be good enough for me I'm still paste you came back in a costume I lost you I'm not I'm not even really that smart it's not hard to trick me and I'm a big guy but you made me feel small I don't know if you missed us I don't know if somebody's making us go down into this jiggered [ __ ] ziggurat I don't even know why we're here I thought maybe you come back and be like oh my best mate the God that I would do anything to keep me in love there is I missed him no you come back you found yourself a brand new idiot one does amazing strikes twice in a row and it talks the Ducks has all sorts of new tricks brand new models new and improved in every way I bet you do all sorts of fun things with him so no you do not get to apologise to me I wasn't going to I was just gonna give you a gift because the times we had together were the best times ever you might be a little slow but you know the best friend I ever had and our times together were great not because of our conversations are our witty repartee it was because of the fun we had together in the experiences we had so last night I wrote something for you I know you can't read but no bugs he doesn't know that I just got you a gift because if if you won't spend time with me now it may be maybe you'll be able to spend time on your own so I wrote I wrote you this maybe someone else can read it for him [Music] yeah I don't feel like showing off my powers or I can't read the dirty head to betray all who read this let it be known by order of is a sedan it's a stupid name Scanlon but it's fine aka the meat man aka Bickle the vicious aka reddish the bold aka the little paws aka Francois 'he's boat ron jean-luc australia beware that the bearer of this note grog strong jaw shall be entitled to any libation of his choosing at any pub tavern restaurant in Ale House brewery or House of Lady favours within the city limits of on Carell he shall be allowed to drink until drunk and enjoy no molestation by any employee of said establishment unless he requests it all charges and bills related to his drinking cavorting or violent behavior resulting from drunkenness shall be forwarded to the meat man for timely payment in full by complying with this request you are hereby under the protection of the meat men and shall receive all the benefits and goodwill accompanying such Association the meat man always remembers sincerely eighth Adama probably probably best to test it out see if it's even worth anything Greg I love you I'm sorry that we won't get to hang out because you hate me now but I would never replace you and if you ask me right now you'll kill him I will kill him he's alright well you go drinking with me sometime rolled poorly we'll see I still like the idea of perhaps the two of you working together but you could you could talk to Scanlon about it and see if you would be alright you're suggesting that I Scanlon short hauls bequeath my employee charm to this gentleman here you mean to me you mean Shawn could join my brigade I don't see why not he's very yes and I won't have much use for him for a while so if you'd like to take him and you hope a gauge you can't well I mean not you're not going to I'm not going to say no to a fellow member of Vox marking on now am i all right I'll yell to the rest it's got key lick and then I'll I'll cast dominate monster on it okay so what's the SQL DC on them oh I don't know if I was probably not fast enough to pull up my horn so 22 natural four plus three yeah so as you say that and turn around you bring your hand up and begin uttering the incantation and finish it with a flourish as you finish the incantation you watch as a small ring of glowing purple pink glyphs can appear like a crown around the outside floating about three inches from the exterior of the gloom stalkers head and it's shriek goes it's just there hovering in the air about ten feet up watching Kela please deposit her on the other side you guys watch as the bloom stalker just over the wall and lands on the ground flaming kill if you it slams you into the ground is it the friends you take five points and bludgeoning damage oh yes he's gonna we're gonna almost knocks the wind out of you and you can slam into the hard ground but the claws can unfurl and leave you okay we'll need a name for him obviously yes so anybody got any ideas Benjamin's great I mean it's strange because you touch it it it feels less like fur and flesh and more like you're grabbing on to a very very thick sack cloth like it tugs and pulls and it feels almost like a like the scruff of a cat or dog's neck but it has a cloth II texture and as you grab it you can feel look like the cold wisps of shadow and darkness obscure your hands you feel like you're plunging your arms into it but you find purchase within that shadow and hold on well needs a spoon for warmth I nestled in behind scallop mm-hmm I gladly accept let's ride [ __ ] just died on the top of that tower you felt that obviously what do we do is at the end of the ritual so each time left on that our buddy I mean not enough to get back to our friends probably we gotta go it's a purely attack now just the two of us ah no don't do that we could we could what's it worth well between you and me we're the most powerful ones in the group I'm just don't feel like free-balling it right now and I'd really like the group and I think we should go I know but will you at least confirm that yes we are the most powerfully yeah as the kids say Opie alright hold me tight alright mr. Mistoffelees I clutch my roll hey so you're good pince-nez gonna attempt a counterspell yep seven plus seventh level counterspell against him will measure the gathering [ __ ] you two yeah where you going alright so I know this guy's the Lord of the quad roads back up while you were gone oh I'm not sure did you know they'll have this little magical thing no no okay so because you kept my secret about craving edge and you've never told anybody about us alright not one time I've never told anyone never I'm gonna confide in you about this thing so I found this little luck take a look at deck of cards and I took I was like oh I'm a pole recorder and I did and I got a magic weapon oh I could throw and it was still fighting and stuff like that but the main stone to rust right and so I was like hmm I wanna like pull more out below convex was like that's a good impression she can be that way so went to bar so hard well actually I was looking for you you little [ __ ] snack and I was like hey I've got no idea because you were afraid yeah she said you can kind of you know like nagging me and my conscience yeah yeah sure so I got this drunk guy on the street that was I hate to pull out the card and guess what why he pulled a card and he got wishys did you get wishes no no cuz I [ __ ] I made him pick it and so he got like he goes oh and just all of a sudden he was a nut friend she closed and he had a thank you yeah well he was like he was like thanks I guess I have two more of these and he just [ __ ] read all right he took your cards and he left no I just took two hold the one card then it like disappeared in his hand Rock and then he walked up but he's the point is he's got two on him yeah and I told him about grog grog gave you those remember me so we're gonna go just so I'm clear okay we're gonna go grab him steal his wishes leave him in a ditch somewhere is that is that the plan or what what's our game I'm not opposed to it but what's our game what are we trying to get I thought maybe if we walked in like I you know if I was had a title like grog the wish giver and we were calling to luck check-in and on him that maybe there was that time to luck pay his tithe to the wish giver and maybe he would give us one of the two okay so our game is to intimidate him into having him give you one of the wishes back yeah all luck pressure him you know love you know lay it on faith but would you say hello your [ __ ] face is gonna fall off if you don't give me what are your remaining wishes what happened in the deck of cards or still got him oh why are we going back to get oh he has more wishes not more cards he has more wishes yes and he should give one to us yeah what would we wish for well peace on land right you don't seem enthusiastic about that we live forever I just want him to go like you will never dot I'm happy that's a better wish for you for sure and we have two of them so we can't look really old those a lot you good company that's true yeah be nice having you around for a bit what would you wish for hey enough with the [ __ ] well yeah well I think probably maybe you just get one wish cuz I could be a little taller little buffer I think maybe you can get real descriptive where to say your luck makes it real complicated I mean what what I wish for maybe think about it well we all know okay yeah but how about we go and we love pressure room and then if look he doesn't buy it then didn't we can take this hat it's I had him disguise put it on and you can look however you want to look but one little bug me you do remember me oh well then never mind that I thought you said you wanted to warm it up son let's get the bad ones out of the way right all right all right all right all right all right what do we need to intimidate him do you need me to be your enforcer yeah oh yeah or maybe like mark my manservant aha maybe make me look can make me look look really amazing you already look a man like like rich in like wish giver II yeah take this hat [Laughter] and now you can look however you think you should I want to look like like a sultan it doesn't do anything you have to turn to it which at this point in time by the way you watches for armed guards that approaching while the great record with these guys are they approaching us they're approaching you and they're kind of like the two of the sides are spreading out and two are watching up with walking up with purpose towards do you guys magic as the to kind of come of the flank and stop just hands on the side of their spears the the two that walked over the middle there's one that looks to be like a captain of some kind and this one that was right who's dressed in standard guard gear looks like he's he's got a few long healed scars and goes it looks just like him [Laughter] one further Adonis sir mmm but I have your name and purpose here in vassal hime first bucket I seek negative one it turns back to Scanlon and says don't think your prayers have gone unheard as well you heard right I knew it praying I'm sorry for all the cursing at first I was just I had a lot of emotions and I didn't know if anyone was listening apologies but you heard me at night when your heart was true to it yes Wow you won't tell me anybody will you as some of that is personal stuff she smiles and averts her gaze from him I just whip out my flute and I just I thought you were going to die I'd may have panicked wait wait wait wait wait we were asked to plead for your life and I may have panicked who did you did you tell some do get your shirt a permit it was a giant glowing Sun and I may have panicked I didn't tell them well I was a bit vague but I was not vague I scanned him What did he say well Oh No you know first comes love don't come don't becomes marriage Fintan wait you're married I may have hinted wait no you said you were betrothed the to be Metro silence hmm on behalf of the mistress I own I speak in her name and all she tasked me with this we seek a book we would love some help and it contains the incantation of isolation maybe about a 812 years old ish maybe 8 13 no one seems to be paying attention to your words you know like it's microphone okay just take a look it's a number the Scanlan rainbow you watch as the same librarian stop what they're doing and turn back towards you the sword is kind of vibrating and ringing it's expanding the notes of your song as is the nature of myth Carver you seem to have their attention it's been about 20 minutes by the way I sing to you in desperation I'm looking for a tome of isolation we need to find a tone so we can go home and kill a guy named vecna it would really make us nothing rhymes with 29 yeah [Music] you watch as the librarians kind of gonna gather all right unlike their up above you and they gather closely two guys are singing the song as you finish your final verse they all look a little confused and they all begin to shift as one unit around at the edge of one of the bookcases okay I'm just gonna keep talking I guess the book we're looking for is fraught with insanity it dates back to the time of calamity it's about a guy with oblivion chains you know his name as you continue to sing the the more with each bead each name that's mentioned that deals with the the calamity and the chained oblivion you watch as their pace seems to quicken a bit and then as you as the singing kind of slows they begin to slow down again there's there's a specific correlation and dry it between your storytelling in your song singing and apparently the the drive in which they're pushing towards yelling from down below as he doesn't have any earring if we don't act soon vecna might just wreck yet I got it in there waiting your neck to your mother what people get paid for that [Laughter] the book is eight centuries old or so I'm told it's fraught with mystery it's teeming with history so please listen to me and don't kiss me because I really need this I'll recite a poem now this little Nomi went to the heavens this little Nomi wants to go home this little dome is looking for a book this little Nomi is trusting I own this know me wants to go all the way to this tome thunder wave on it right like suggestion or crazy laughter I'll just I'll dominate monster that's a super high level spell level spell zone eight eight level spell dominate monster in the book okay so as you're flying through you cast the spell into the book and the book it takes the entirety of the spell into it and you watch has suddenly text all of the pages on the inside the book is now filled with scribblings and appears to be commandeered somebody was figuring this out as they were writing it you can serve your shoulder in it it's empty are you sure are you sure something's there because I have a beautiful mind we're that's--you arced down into the center of the library where you see the large dome where you first met I you and you're not sure how much time you have left but it's down to the wire I like to read things and really hope my god the script and the cover does it's it's a little it seems in a weird way the best I could say is a Google Translate version but it loosely translates to the tome of isolation basically yeah where is she she's gonna be pissed she's obviously like she knows the kid let's go down to her bowl yeah we're at the bowl all right so let's go down into the bowl wait for her all right so you guys land in the center there it's everybody else doing right now barrel rolled out of the way as they rush by I was sitting on the house I've been digging through the pillows no good rhyme with Vecna you know you hear what I heard when you yelled it Oh gorgeous it was the neck ma that I couldn't come up with a speaking to your mother should say fighting I say no I wish you would have been chosen as soon as that happens the wind picks up and for a moment you kind of close your eyes from the sudden bursts of air into your face and as you can reopen and just there in the center of the dome where she was before you see the knowing mistress there resting her arms kind of crossed in front of her robes and she looks out so are you to present your findings I just casually blow the hair out of my face I walk over to her and say mm-hmm oh mighty mighty goddess it was a challenging challenge but I think you'll be pretty happy with the results and as I hold up the book I'll cast wrist pocket and make it disappear Oh God oh it's gone just kidding she doesn't this is this is what we found for you I hope it pleases you and this is your final choice you know we didn't actually look at the other ten yes yes I with conviction I I firmly believe that this is the correct book she takes and looks at him it's been a while since I come through these pages myself this will do you well in the coming fray she ends it out to you can I still see the writing I'll cherish it always so you have wandered the vast library that surrounds you through your knowledge through your magnetic telling spinning of yarns through your knowledge of history perseverance and apparently decent grip have managed to return to me and complete the challenge I said before you and for that I grant my grace unto you for the coming affray miss gettin inshaaallah and it's a little off-putting at first but in her forehead where you saw her too kind of purple eyes a third eye opens up in the center of the forehead and it seems to glow for a second and you watch is on Scanlan you this kind of warmth fills your body and you stand up straight and stink chilly and you guys watch as a strange purple glow appears in the center of his forehead in the same place where her I was your good gently fades away the warm vanishes and your restored to yourself backs and just wordlessly say to her be honest do you think I'm more handsome like this or as normal Scanlon I'm gonna think in my head Scanlan's the best be aware that as a divine being I can sense any lie [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] I mean if I can halt right now but I love you like you were hmm you're always my favorite when you know you're just yourself alright thank you I turn my little naked butter its person [Applause] so here's my question Scanlon first and foremost let me pull up is there a saving throw right no but the next time you see a feature within 10 minutes after drinking this filter you become charmed by the creature for 1 hour if the creature is of a species and gender you are normally attracted to turducken you regard it you regard it as your true love while you are charmed this potions rose hewed effervescent liquid contains one easy to miss bubble shaped like a heart how long does it last all right I guess my next question to you Scanlon is based on your journeys and travels across the lands of Tel d'Or a and beyond how adventurous have you been in your various exploits a human man that was teenage years by [Applause] I've gone much further than that since then then as he glanced up into the beautiful eyes of the white-haired master of white stone his his white locks gently curling at the tips from a foreign afternoon of sweating amongst the heat of the volcano his fingers gingerly caressing the outside of the Goblet in which he's enjoyed his own wine [Applause] [Music] you find yourself impossibly attracted to we're once a lie now direction of your affection I don't know I don't know if it's the wine talking but oh man I feel something I've never felt before Percival I that sounds like the wine talking I I've just never seen you in this light before your your eyebrows there I want to lick them they just seemed soft and you went to what I don't that came out wrong what I meant was I what are you doing later Tom Scanlan's forehead and slam I'm sorry it's just well you've seen it [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] continue the way he the way he looks at you and everything stops the way all sound fades away when he's talking oh no that's just his silent spell that he got recently the way he [ __ ] his gun posing so firmly it trembles just a little with this just a gentle touch would this be an insight check at this point yes it feels like forever one song glory one song to in your heart glory where do I even stole from the pretty boy no we I mean I don't blame you I just this seems to be coming out of nowhere and and he's married to me and I will cut you love knoweth no boundaries and even though there's a significant age difference between us I'm not at liberty to say why why does marriage need to be so constricting man I mean we just be free in this crazy mixed-up I'm not going to pretend that I'm not extremely flattered by this and I am but I don't know I want to see you naked Scanlan are you experiencing a bit of cottonmouth maybe yes are your pupils a little dilated the lights I'm gonna look into his eyes oh I turned it back to what did you do is it that hard to believe that maybe just someone finds me a track [Applause] guys this is all besides the point we have a god to kill what we're going to do yes no we should talk this is beside the point we should try to strategize [Laughter] [Music] language point Odell who's standing there currently is like physically like sweating concentrating on this sphere right now it looks over and sees you appearing us at which point you glanced over your shoulder you can see that the the darting cloaked one stops and spins goes facing towards you I'm gonna go to the one that had that night near it right the middle one the middle one I'll go to the middle one I'm gonna keep the ball sort of like in front of me a little bit to kind of just obscure me just a little bit not like dead in front of me but just like it's it's up here just in case okay I'm hanging my head a little bit okay and I'll go up and I'll just say I need okay make a deception check with advantage what did you say we were tunneling with your and we found something an ancient reality it changed things it changed my voice there's there's a pregnant pauses stillness that causes the back of your neck to grow warm the nerves begin to creep up the back of your spine and instinctually your eyes begin to glance of the two are there archways as you see shape-shifting the armor to figure kind of gives a subtle chuckle a very well lead us to this find I have been injured take the orb go down to where we were down that way I will go get help for myself Odell needs you to help him contain the power Scanlon let's go to sleep all right Scanlon way to I'll spoon you okay to cast a spell as he sees Scanlon one go flying off the edge it's coming to climb up he glances down and he's gonna go ahead and attempt to dispel I am going to reaction counterspell okay at eight level at eight level yes okay go ahead and roll eighth level means that it could no location spell yeah he was dispelling in a six level however he looks off past you but you've always been an issue y'all how you all escaped from my clutches last time well how's this for a bit of irony my dear okay yeah underneath eat your arrange I need you to go ahead make a intelligent saving throat one for yes yeah do it can I add my inspiration of that Scanlon again saving my vision saving and I have advantaged cuz it's a spell right I've had Vantage against all food well it's are you he has to choose its to camera one is going to counter spell this alright do I don't recognize this spell uh make make it our contract because you are island what's his physicality guy but now our comment check his his his restored him just reaching out towards her as he glances down with the green 2008 when T it used before against green dragon you once fought what I know what level to spell you have not cast this spell you do not know seven okay it is a seventh bubble spell okay double spell so you stop the role okay so I need you to go ahead and roll all right so your spell-casting ability so rollin add your charisma bonus 2222 that is going to cast with his last seventh level spell Wow a seventh level banishment spell I would like both Pike and Grogg to make charisma saving throws please and through the hand I begin to attempt to teleport no nope I take my shots [ __ ] chop that layer yeah I do have a reaction work attack of opportunity no right no I do I have a remain a reaction I'd say I'm gonna take I'm gonna take my shots okay I pulled grid on a on so as long as I've got reaction I just knew what I was doing so he was actions yes so shot number one that would have been yeah 24:25 I'm yeah so these are and these are all buses with these are all sharpshooters that's why I've ever um dad it worth it him here yeah he's running away Jenner in a way dude being trying to get away when they're your dog okay 26 in China counters felt all counterspell oh pretty course that's right well that definitely works in this Kalin's turn and use two legendary actions to attempt to cast to dominate person can do it without arms the fourth well not both arms are currently graphically the arms can't move it can still do okay there's a lot of people grappling I was saying it's also a very big guy yeah grappling is morph right now just holding on to in fronting him from moving but he can still it's alright while she at this size alright so Scanlon I need you to go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw a cast counter spell have a level three okay go ahead and roll I hate to admit it but uh did you finish school do you want yeah yeah all right well let's do that then way to school nobody made further Lyceum we can go visit okay you expect you to recommend school yeah well I listen I've made a lot of mistakes in my life or not I just don't want you to make the same ones I I love you and I want to support you in whatever you want to do at this point my time has come and I've done my thing and my thing is done and now I just want to help you do whatever it is that you want to do and if that means I can be close to you then great but if it if it doesn't then I'll just come visit every once in a while you know we've made quite a bit of money as the meat man oh yeah we did and it's a good sum to get started if you wanted to would it be enough to pay for a right top-end education so I can gloat over all the other kids that are raised by their various lords and ladies hang on Kyle one of them privileged kids you can have the best education that's what I wanted you don't throw it in their face yeah yeah yeah okay all right education for spite I like that that sounds like a short Holton different hey Scanlon boy pike how are you doing and now that Percy's arm is healed I'm fine that was bad wasn't it yeah that bug bear came out of nowhere the the the bug bear I'm fine Oh guys I forgot about that yeah listen I'm I'm glad you're alive me too thanks for saving us all in that big fight thank you for saving us all I don't really have a whole lot to say I just I care for you a lot I just wanted to let you know that I care for you pike i I oh I've always loved you since the moment I met you and I'm so happy that we became friends as well and thank you for everything thank you for putting up with me when I was a [ __ ] and I hope that I've become more tolerable for you and you know after all all that we've been through I was wondering if I could ask you a question I have a proposal for you if you don't mind well now that everything's sort of safe again and back to normal I was wondering if I could take you on a date just like to a restaurant or something then maybe if it goes well we could go on another date and that's it well I actually was gonna ask you the same thing my plan that what I wrote down was fine Kaylee make sure she's okay help Pike repair vassal hime or literally whatever she wants to do give all money to Kaylee except for my platinum bracelets with sapphires worth 2500 gold that I send anonymously to Sybil to make sure she's taken care of long term I would like to use my my wish slash teleport to check on Kaylee now and then at school or wherever she ends up she ends up the alabaster Lyceum in eman which is one of the highest places of learning you have connections to the council and with the money that you've given her oh she lords over many of the children of the Barry it's my horse back yeah he was a good tutor in I don't know what we'll wait till we get to Ashley to find out how things are going with our our dating but otherwise in my free time I would love to use my time to write down the epic stories of Vox machina from our meeting to saving the world and everything in between it will be difficult as Scanlon is not an author but he will rely on guidance from iron herself and may even ask sprig to be a copy editor of sorts the working title is in the belly of dragons The Legend of Scanlan short halt and Vox machina and I hope to finish the book by the time I turn 71 I'd be 70 when we started I was 69 you were that young yeah this whole time you were like 300 years old just full of [ __ ] and I mean that's about it I I think every once in a while I would maybe try to see if I could see VAX or check in on him somehow but I don't know really how other than to scry which does not succeed yeah but you still send your thoughts and wishes into the ether in hopes that they find their way there okay
Channel: Eponymous Rose
Views: 566,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, scanlan shorthalt, dungeons and dragons
Id: MzLMtaTDvY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 55sec (3355 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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