Taryon and Percy tinker | Critical Role | Ep 87

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so expert no you didn't incurring on the chef's okay well what have you been thinking Lance roast up stuff science rough stuff because I do we have to tell you what it is or do we have to let's trouble with it or it's gonna be DC yeah so he's got this really cool we get something really cool did it work succeeds we were very careful Harry you were very knows you got no another one slip-up like while we were on break so I didn't know if this was simple here at what would be sales on be using one of the opals from my helm of whatever brilliance he wanted to craft a little housing for it so I build a couple housings for these opals the plot the opal in and it will allow it to create a either a concentrated beam spotlight spotlight basically like a little flashlight on a radiant beam like a like a like a torch or like a like a floodlight for our camp or while it's hung wild some spotlight it's got like a little railroad thing it's got like a little slot that will go in and give me a little bit of a red bud so we can have like a low light red light and I'm also going to make a little clip so I can stick it on my gun so I can have a little spotlight oh my god you cannot get round eight hey I'm doing okay just saying firstly doing okay and I'm not even king current good so that's Google on the opal doesn't perpetually go out yeah see you last for an hour wait is there something that we can turn off and on at last for an hour like a battery or just an hour zone and then we hop in your local boy generally it's Papa Doble alright no problem but it's like yeah you crack the opal you put it in and it's like one hour of like either flashlight meant a little blinders to turn on and off and memorable it's basically like a little train Lantern yeah I would say like an old-school guy go ahead go ahead and roll it together sigh okay yes wizard you'd be giving him advantage as you wanted to so you trolled wise person and that was yeah that was pretty good it's permeable never get down to 16 I got a 19 oh I got a 16 but I get +10 with my tinkerers tools and then I mines proficiency bonus and exponents on top of that 19 so that's 30 between the two of you guys it is not an issue even with your limited materials but your travel tinkering capabilities and you you managed to definitely create this seamless beautiful can you sell it on the street fool they get capture they're going to happen we maybe make a little headband Sipapu monster like guys are so cute great all right I spend my evening reconnecting with bad okay well the hallmark our way of saying well there there goes our sponsor [Music] horrible days apparently for a while right you're three days before this encounter you have a data has a day pass and satellite no nothing afterwards I tell you if I get my treasures back I just I I don't I don't want to say it feel I can be replaced no one's what that it's curtly its kind of bubbling you all right I'm not long we're not hanging out all the time with the hydraulics I'm a good friend well like I was like yeah I got distracted sorry you're busy tinkering yeah phew you're having a conversation where Baxter's trying to console kilos oh because a friendship there was no friend of mine thank you every need we hear them laughing from their room both you know really like special and it's a mystery right unfolded friends yeah you're his best friend yeah that's just new and there's two have never met nerd as pure as the other I know he told them to like the ones but no I mean no it's fine it's kind I'm cool I'm cool you're more than cool I miss you you [Music] know I do you know you guys dynamic and I don't know what the new guys chemistry's blood do you know what's really cool oh we're not on the verge of death every [ __ ] day right now truly you know pluses and minuses I'm glad when you guys the worth of our problem come heah I look person so maybe a consoling the rest of you guys but your evening to rescue outside Brig uneventful I did want to argue that up any calculator Oh George octopus go for it it wasn't going up the party yeah no thank you well I was gonna say wait you're welcome with with my precious only when you're finishing up we had we obviously did it we built car my love my so Wow yeah we put the whole thing the other put the whole thing together grating my chair oh man yeah here you're a little right over here as you guys are finishing up thank you here you hear a knock at the door coming over hello yes I'm in filled with smoke in here oh hi Jamie will you hiding on a boat even wow what relatively safe whoo what do you make in the crack one let's do it right oh wait we're using one let me yeah sure why not Sam thousands nothing gold but okay sure father money Robby this is like the opal it gives off a bright equivalent of light spell yeah or this is this is pay light stay what I'm sorry but this is a [ __ ] yeah basically if there's a Sun in the room something you're literally blinded for a moment your eyes look we put it we put it in the in the box contain it wait open it just a little bit and then I'm going to take my helm of brilliance and just put one of the diamonds up to the laser beam like light coming out so it makes like a dazzling light across a beautiful prism which would you're able to see in about 40 seconds it's just a lot of spots right now but I'm sure eventually Oh pity um get out you not you if you don't mind I don't know I get it okay I know I have a lot of dictation jokes and I boot him out
Channel: Shortlan
Views: 326,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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