A Tribute to Grog

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I got to put together character tribute videos for CritRoleStats' series of tribute posts that will be released over the next few weeks. Here's the seventh! Check out their Grog tribute post.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eponymous_rose πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DiskMatter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Grog had... a LOT of moments! 0_o

Color me surprised.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ModestHandsomeDevil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Krauss who's interested right I'm unscathed so I run after girl just to give him back at the fini they are unable at this turn the rear brain creature however there's nowhere for him to ranch moves out of the cloud looks over you jog on around and just gonna bears down for a second and you feel this this intrusion know in your mind on my go ahead and make an intelligent saving throw oh those aren't good for you [Music] oh good my modifiers negative two so six good you suffer nine points of psychic damage this is Sutton just a blast of excruciating pain in the center of your brain it actually shakes you a moment from your rage which then fills your mind once again I'm going to use a German also you suffer eight points of intelligence damage technically you immediately fall unconscious what their intelligence is brought to zero [Laughter] [Music] offer him a sip from the cache Kumail he takes it in his hand which in him it looks like a small bug right justice I will [ __ ] kill you and I guess presentation and make noises a wisdom saving through 12 if should you choose to you manage to resist the urge to fly into a rage and smash your axe into the face of the team but your let you taste the bun in your mouth Chester I hate bottom in the face oh yes retrievin please know this fight we have a newcomer a newcomer who is named a friend today yeah you should have a fancy fighting name wrong to destroy up further opposite dragon you say yeah we do we have them we're 14 dragon teeth you're not there Oh four cups of blood that is probably more like a Jill right now several pounds of scales and maybe a few claws or I'd have to look there's so many how about this for direct rate no coin exchange necessary all 14 of your dragon's teeth then perhaps two of those blood vials all of the dragon's teeth and three of the vials of blood what he accepts all the dragon's teeth three of the four miles and white to come up you come up goes off the whole thing what are you doing my bucket I just reach I just like with desperation that this might fall away I just throw my Goliath fist at it alright so first punch what with disadvantage 17 to 22 roll damage have you can use this action to cast a spell you do not have to I see a shiny - I don't know what it does reach over and I grab it and it's it's a large set of tongs that looks used from dripping large heavy pieces of metal either for the actual forge itself or to bend and you know manipulate on the workbench make it slide a hand check stealing from the workshop that you party lots of cool stuff in there stealing from a crime 17 my passive pollution is my passive perception is 21 you see grow this could be do you wanna let this happen yeah I give him the evil eye she gives you the I put it back what what out of curiosity what did you pick up what did it look like was a big figure tongues I didn't know what it did it is one of it there was a big thing in tongues what would I have to roll to find out if it was covered in like some some like some some basic basic sulfuric acid it was just like if it was one of the things I was using for life for forecasting well you know your tools very well in your workshop and and yeah it is the middle is scarred and pockmarked from use of the various corrosive chemicals I will take about 10 minutes to take a fact all right I go into a Cal rage to start chewing faster you would like to chew all right so eventually yes hello I'd like to share the news of our Lord said you're my ax are your face as you guys are having this conversation like the air down here it's it's it's damp earth it's chilled in the night anyway but it's a little warmer because you're under the ground and absorb some of the heat of the day but it is getting noticeably colder it's getting colder yeah just as the evening progresses like it's the the temperature at night here and colder than I did last night because it also got she's nighttime that's yeah there's a low mist begins to form within the tunnel the temperature from the like just [Music] wake up my sister what what do you what this focus on what's going on what's going on juice it's cold can we sort of like see if it's magic can we see if it's magic make it inside do this thing again you can tell them something oh good anyone can I do in nature check to just show them it's just [ __ ] Falls yeah go ahead go back to sleep go back to sleep Oh 13 okay you step forward and take a good long look at the fogger this excellent again perform at the the basis of the tunnel you guys are in as you lean forward and kind of take it in the fog begins to form into physical humanoid essence and reach out for you for the three their conscious roll initiative how do you in shrink it what to do and slam him down to the ground just so he's at trinkets head height fights to massage accountant blesses him around like a dog with a toy yeah I picked up the sword Hoshi house that sold working out it's a little big actually is it look I have this one-handed Dragon Slayer longsword if you want to get used to like a bit of badassery before you move up to the big leagues I know you got that dinky piece of [ __ ] you've been using this home card says a note to a greatsword is is a strength-based melee weapon Dex does not play into it Oh which is one of your strengths is what you strength person strength is 12 you would probably not do very well with them which is why I was thinking about having it cut down and melted down into something more useful but but mmm this was also viable she was all right 3d6 no this is actually pretty badass if I did give it to crowd I'm going to I'm going to yeah you're a terrible person you're a terrible person not mad you are he gave you the device and you used it you've been playing D&D for years you know what this means just cookie I'm gonna let you know we should keep an eye on him just in case wrong as you take up a blade in your hands you hear moaning coming out of you again coming out of the ether a gentle low velvet voice caresses the inside of your head saying you are you to be my wielder Rogue Warrior Grogg have you taken up the blade of Craven edge is that what this is do you have a female setting you here a long-drawn outside do you accept the power there's a power that comes with you what what kind of power do you enjoy drinking the strength of your foes watching them beaten before you and have that very power become your own sound pretty good you wish the shadows to encase your form and grant you resilience and anger forcing those to kneel before you in fear the shadow oh you accept grog oh yeah then it is done together we will accomplish great see a name like do I call upon you can I call you bacon you called me bacon and this blade will cut the very hand you hold my name is Craven edge it will do you well to remember that but yet was totally kidding about the bacon courage well I'm excited about this partnership clearly we will be a force to be reckoned with by the way can other people hear you silence did B the barmaid comes up against it you champion grog sit down and you champion Tricia sit down as the final round of this show of majestic might happens now hands class please if I may thank you for your service to this city that last round was a true pleasure to watch her face goes from hardened and softens for a minute when she reaches out in clasps you not hand in hand but forearm to forearm and gives you like a solid chicness I've done so little you've done far more but we all must do our part keep the city safe but right now I'm going to have to destroy you I know I can't get to him I'll run up to the dead earth worm [ __ ] balls and try and cut backs out of his stupid stomach okay with Craven edge rush up leaping onto the body of the now deceased purple warm you bring the blade up and begin carving through go ahead and I'll say I'll say you managed to over the of course that's running off the roll for you let's begin to tear through with a blade repeatedly dashing open until eventually you you can feel the blows from the outside like if did I just help midwife backs out of just a moment I would like you to go ahead and make an attack roll with disadvantage 20 hits alright go ahead and roll damage I mean I'm unconscious you're unconscious what do you will be once he takes his damage unless so as you strike through you feel yourself hit something else within the purple world all right and a frenzied rage all right take out Kraven age I say how do you feel about dragon I think it sounds delicious let's try it tastes great weapon master run up to the dragon and hack away all right make your strikes 19:19 misses my team misses yes everybody here that dragon ate a bum rush Beck's I I'm using quick drop Oh initiative rolls from both of you guys oh yeah does this mean the door flies open just a moment that is all seconds this is happening a second 14 do I can I do anything uh 28 Jesus hey I'll say roll roll with disadvantage because it catches you entirely off-guard this is price attack just 13 okay and you had a 14 working um all right so you see grogg lower his head and then go for a burst run across the length of the the workshop towards vex yeah instinctually go quick-draw what are you doing um I'm shooting a I'm shooting a warning shot past his head okay diving in taking the taking the are you close enough I backed into a corner I've got six paces of movement in my room and my turn yes diving in grabbing the head and just and curling back around in the head the skull I'm grabbing the sculling just 50/50 distance between us I'm moving first okay and I've got I'm happy to spend an action surge if that'll make this a standoff I can make it roll for so as you dart first use a waiting tone also darts him both of the rushing across the room Percy manages to get there just a fraction of a second before you do you hear the blast of his pistol past your ear and the ringing hits the center of your head but you still continue pushing forward and the way the grog does ignoring all outside interference however you've got to the skull force you're gonna tend to wrestle it from her gently pull it out of out of his run so I'm gonna pull me out of the way or just the [ __ ] skull please to it oh she's if she's at grapple give it then I'm gonna try and push out of the way a post strength tracks from horses from me yeah 15 it's just terrible 9 it's less of a shove and more of a pull out of the way of drugs rush right so so he reaches over and grabs the skull in your arm and kind of pull well I grabbed her so right she but you haven't pulled from a grip you just pulled her out of the way shoves you to the side you go rushing forward as you get there she's pulled to the side she's still right there in front of you but the but the bum-rush hasn't quite I didn't get you there before anybody can react so now it's your turn it's my turn yeah you away your old a13 I roll the first oh yeah my no girl goes next to garage so you rush up and you can now see Percy pistol out hand kind of on the side of a vex off the set of her arm she's holding the skull there and they're both looking at you expectantly what are you gonna do I want Percy I'm gonna tell ya I'm gonna run straight towards mercy attack yeah ok alright so let me get some proper music ok so you use the momentum of the rush as you see him do this you turn out of the way and go for a shoulder shove I want you to go ahead and make an attack role or they actually make it making the Athletics role versus your acrobatics [ __ ] 14 14 I need you to go ahead and make a make a strength saving throat oh [ __ ] seventeen out in a saving throw 21 21 you slam into him and you you you essentially shove him with the shoulder you managed to knock him prone but he doesn't the skull doesn't come loose he loses his grip on it and early in front of you you are you are pruning the ground I'm proud on the ground so veg still hasn't what is fixes turned but nothing exactly you're just about this goal yeah so I wasn't trying to anything that's gonna train publish yeah I would like to turn and put my back to vex because she has the skull okay so you go and plant a protective position in front of her that's now your turn Grob who rushed over and just like shoulder slam Percy out of the way who's fallen to the ground this gun almost scatters to the floor the workshop around you as you're expecting him is now turned towards you in steady steps and his his giant frame is now blocking you with the shoulder blades in front his arms out in a defensive position facing off with people as they begin to enter the room what are you gonna do I reach up and I touch his back okay and I say are you yourself me just you [ __ ] yes [ __ ] it's me I woke up to within like 20 feet of Earth Breakers rude okay so you'll be down into the sand pit yeah okay so you guys inside grog you leave off don't know how deep it is but it's not there it's hard sand it's packed so you just kind of like the depression is it the depression is like an inch okay I mean the depression into the actual game yeah oh yeah do you like a vault into it island there's even move it all no he's still kind of facing a little bit away from you in the far corner I put my I put my fist in my hand and I bow slightly the silence is broken immediately by a low rumbling rumbling voice that seems to have no particular source you stand that says you come because your lands now Harbor a terrible conflagration how do you think groom can assist away from you we would like to request upon you his name is groom at which point stands up and you know would only come to about your external height wise but is just this like tense every muscle is seemingly there's none else of fat on this body and yeah yeah turns around towards us you stray from the darkness that I warned you for this current distraction is too great even your blood is drawn to the flames of promise and power this shall be a test to see if he will break against the shadow knowledge where do you find your strength as you're thinking in a blinding instant you see a flash of movement and like a dagger in your stomach his elbow is blue the instant has slammed you right in the center of your abdomen the breath just escapes you as you fall back unable to really catch yourself and just land flat on your back in the sand strong jaw where do you find your strength you walk between worlds weakness in mind or weakness in conviction what do you stand for where do you find your strength at which point as you're getting up there's another blinding flash for a second and your feet are left off from on you go ahead and make an athletics check is here darkness any steps towards you one step second step and while his mouth doesn't move you could hear his voice piercing into your head that just says [ __ ] you are stronger than this this thing that binds you where do you find your strength and my friends the darkness around immediately shatters rockets Caitlin what you guys doing I think there's some orc parts in there that have been in for a couple months I got all nervous when they mentioned a girl I escaped so I kind of need to go [Music] like stand guard outside the door can I go drop some Morgan's and as you find one of the few local kind of ramshackle outhouse is done or quite Goliath size and it's uncouple experience I thank God you brought a bard along I'm gonna open up let's just go into bed I saw the music playing right it's just like a stole to Jenny's should I take out craving it Oh keep in mind how tight is imbalance this is where all the best thoughts and conversations happy oh no it is your keep in mind how can find it is okay as you see one of the wood boards splintered on the side for a second you might want to play a bit louder and maybe take a few steps away it's about to get violent you focus in this you can feel the blade itself stroke : your fingertips Thea you can see well a little bit of light that filters through the bright orangish red colour that's coming from the sunset you can see a reflection in the obsidian blade as a voice comes to your ear and says you fed me well I mean we are really doing well question so we were fighting that big earthbreaker group looking guy he called you a dark weapon is that do you have feelings into that hurt them there's a brief pause before you hear this long drawn-out hold on no no listen oh and I take my thumb and I've run it against the blade real quick okay as you do all of a sudden in the boys goes sorry listen so more question is as much as I love opening up people to feed you I kind of want to know like what's in it for you know you gotta know who's boss boys creeps in again this time there is no feeling more terrifying than hunger and i hunger forever you hope satiate that hunger that is our arrangement I give you the strength of those you cut down and I feed upon them if this is unsatisfactory I can and have found others who are more willing I'm a big fan really I mean I am yoked out when I'm using you it's [ __ ] amazing community for a flying apart it's like a dream but listen can you ever be the one to find out I'm actually really lucky you found me a lot of these other blokes not even half the man I am but listen so there's no luck in game just to be clear you just want to drink and drink cause I've seen the blood right and usually I wipe it off but you like suck it in and that's a little unsettling I'm not gonna lie [Laughter] my hunger grows but the air tarnishes my blade perhaps we can continue this conversation elsewhere [Laughter] as you said you know I warmed it up [Laughter] feeling so like the plants all wrap around his body me and I tackle him Oh doc into the ground put my hand over his mouth punch him in the forehead punch him again this point now is like blood just kind of pulling out of the corner of the eye when eyes got a little red from just bursted vessels you can see it starting to swell up already blood is now pouring out the side of the nose where you've hit it and he's still kind of fighting even though the the plants have have kept him in tangled and as soon as the calm kind of comes to eyes go wide and all the tension the body just loosens my head if you make a sound wash rinse repeat yeah [Music] spits a couple teeth out the side of his mouth you're looking big supposed to be dead supposed to be [ __ ] dead I watched you [ __ ] you still funny thing about me so look um who else is out in this field with you right now it's me and Cole the Cole's heading back to the city and we have other ones past our most I'm staying in town especially during the day that's what the festivities are you won't back in you're alive man that's the time it's good time for huh yeah no I want back in for sure that's what I've come here for to come back in but here's the thing it's a bit of a surprise right a lot of people haven't seen me you like a good surprise right Horace yeah I thought you might here's my question have you seen my cousin Zandro is he in the city and what about um what about Kent deck deck stays in the city as well up with the old margrave's place actually don't new is Paris yeah well we take you what do I roll if I want to find out a forest really does like surprises you guys are still hidden by the way unless 10 so now we have plus 22 all of our stuff by the way from that hide in plain sight all right what yeah we have passed without a trace 2x plus then hide in plain sight that's what I camouflage just [ __ ] for yeah so all these things love you guys make another spell check with +20 natural 24 actually and I have a stealth for nothings 43:47 do you guys have never been seen retro actively no one's ever seen you you're in time I can fire my gun at this point and they'll be like ah rains coming yeah I would probably still break if it was bad news I'd probably still go well it was bad news okay unless you roll the one you're pretty ya know seen anyone know I was gonna pounce on this poor farm over here but I saw that you were you know obviously keeping your eye on the ball you doing that which we talked about Reggie yeah Oh broken foot over here it's a little picture one is yeah nobody know what I've got was sniffing around I think he's keeping some gold hidden really go he's poor for rust his home a couple times have you you know I can do it so old times sake he's taking arm poor until he tells us oh look whisper like a good idea here's my thing what are you guys in DC I mean it's not really our thing to you know being similar places here's the thing well let me get rid of Lucy for a minute feeling a bit was you know uncomfortable no don't think I will Horace okay yeah we were you end up northward we were just took out a smaller Caravan just south of Roe cuts yes super cut way in there then all of a sudden out of the sky we saw these drinking dragons come through no artists have ever seen dangerous is dazed on so we fled we just washed him come here and tear into this city Randy destroyed she's smoking flames in eyes and all sorts of craziness and they kept going again dragging has come didn't take the spoils was plenty spoilers for us say more than we get Eva dream of Western it's pretty well guarded but couldn't be much left over there so we gathered up who we had in mind you the herd swelled a bit since you left my friend we are well we conquered another wandering tribe last year zan roar took the head of their leader and commanded them to join about 100 strong these days pecking order still asking eyes to the top I we get all sorts of other piddly men really half men folks a few brutalized elves here in there they may cook it easy anyway I took that moment we rushed into the town looking before the day was over killed all who didn't bow before give Jack himself days of revelry ensued my friend whole you missed out wine women gold we took what we wanted until one of them dragons came back black one scary killed a lot of us well it's so much 100 strong then but I'd say by the end of that we had about fifty or sixty to our name before the anger finally stopped keV tacky Vincent Lee made not for into this dragon curve duck dude well no but trust me you see a beast this size we're survival through a mutual discussion if you will promised I'll Mike to its warship gathered our spoils do it every now and then we got to have the leftovers rule the city and it's dead not a bad deal if you say doesn't watch believe of what we find most of it at least we keep living on the side and we live like kings here Western is now property of the herd sounds really good you've down and quite a few openings now since we've lost a few of the last its strong folk you look strapping you look if that be more than happy to have you back hey I don't I've actually brought a few gifts our own chief Cray George Craven H hold it and I ask out loud are you hungry Dyson's breakfast tonight why this expression begins to shift as realization we gets the darkness hold it back I stick the point in between his rib cage I Drive it up Oh what are you can I grab my earring and say what I see you grab your earring you say it there's no response you guys hear nothing he's gone you're not 15 feet away from it now can I take my chain of returning and attach it to Craven edge and throw it through the doorway that I see you can enroll an attack should've had a breakfast 23:23 you fling it through and it catches something you feel it's taut then start pulling your way in pulling your way in pulling your way in go ahead and roll damage damage Oh damage sorry David 30 30 30 points a demon okay you pull the chain and make your way to the portal you put your hands out pull through and as you do it the chain in your hand you look and you can see now grasping onto the edge of the wall you see Pike sweat dripping down face Craven edges embedded itself into abdomen she's holding it and she looks at you were the great face and she goes Pike that's alright that's your turn as you guys finish your rest then you're all gathering the next stage of your advancement you watch his grog stands up and starts walking into the snow of the forest the blade out top wasn't Falls to one knee then falls face-first in the snow III run over to him we all run out we ran out yeah he's still he's cold there are no signs of life is he really I see your eyes still serves you well city came of course you have no we beat the [ __ ] out of him for being a liar no you should have beat the [ __ ] out of him for being a coward he begged me well seems we know it ladies caused all the commotion when ceiling dead man walking me down by himself into the belly of the beast so then tight easyacc he steps back as about seven other Goliath's from up behind and two longbow individuals in the far end go ahead and draw arrows and we get an option I take a Adobe will be such a shame it seems all of you will be missing out on the greatest show of your life you see in this bag I carried a very thing that will topple the mighty cat deck you know what I remember I remember a herd that nations used to part for I remember a herd that towns used to quake and run from I remember a herd that was so proud and dangerous they would never hold up in a [ __ ] stick city luckless but what do I see when I come here Khandaq prancing up in a place like this and what bending the knee to a dragon how far you have fallen now if you have any on your honor in you at all you'll take me to cap back and you will see what I have for him and then maybe just maybe you can call yourself as warriors again instead of pisspot squatters I'm gonna fly over right above cab back like a good 50 feet yes 15 all right I'm gonna I'm gonna so we can attack all right I'll say essentially because you held your action last turn if you wanted to go ahead and take your action to do a drop attack on this point here can this be my my bonus so I'm dropping him out of the bonus and then I still can attack your bonus action to do it yeah okay so rod you were released falling down to land at like on top of cab dak with the blood acts in a downward arc big wind up as we're coming down all right so go ahead roll damage on the three twelves again with the brooder critical this level how many extra dice is it for you Bruno critical is one additional damage during critical hits but then you've got that's gone up since you level previous so you are now add to believe critical ya 13 increases to two so you're all additional to d12 on the attacks to roll one to 12 plus you're not raging anymore because three plus three ten ten plus two more d12 once still filled with me 10 to 12 that's 22 at a 1032 and then double that and then we don't the first roll yeah the double different all right which was 10 so 20 so 42 42 runs off down the way gets new bathroom you start hearing things eventually she comes out this is less of a hat and more of an have helmets but maybe it'll and she pulls forth it looks like this very wide metal brim almost in a Swiss shape to a point to the front yeah helmet but it's only the front rhinoceros horn best buckles to the back of the head so which is that this is the giant metallic groove to the second curve it's that's what I like to hear this will be fifty gold is the point very sharp tried yourself and I'll reach up you know hit with looking good it's alright it can be sharpened it's it's more for decor it's not meant to like slice somebody in half it could be shopping well I mean what do you intend to do with this hat nothing just look sharp I can do that for you my big muscly man that is the very ceiling of intelligence [Music] about five minutes or so she grinds down with what material she has to a little more it does mess with some of the polish on the side on the very tip of the metal but it does come to a more solid point she's like be careful with that does it like one pieces they like strap in the back cause it just goes boom it goes on and then straps tight in the back to fit your head it's a big old rhino horn that curls up we'll do a point there it looks a little ridiculous I'm so excited for the art what do you think Wow I mean your silhouette is make a persuasion you watch as suddenly there's a burst of bubbles under the surface the water broke what to say to draw a lady out you're very charismatic oh yeah and just repeat what you hear scan and say okay well you gotta come closer though okay use your earring and maybe keep oh yeah we got earrings here my call Oh names here marble no once we spent an afternoon together once we spent an afternoon together the Sun never shone brighter the Sun never shone brighter the clouds were never quite as fluffy we're never quite as haha oh it would make me a man again to see you once more [Music] respond better if you say good day and if you have your head we say good day good day [Laughter] the two guards closest to you within their helmets their eyes narrow and they look at each other and shake their heads Oh Dave your accent is perfect don't change I think vex and send oh right in front of X like a human shield there yeah and I look up and I'm like Jesus this is [ __ ] stupid I was broken some hearts in my time but you stupid Romeo or taking it way too far guess what nobody cash and I take the chapel in a light [ __ ] not throw it up 12 points of my image all points of lightning do this throw it and hopefully get it to go like right in his mouth as he's trying to have a comeback and I'll just look bewildered that it worked can I like flag down oh yeah you see I'm in walks you can yeah I'm royalty from the far-off land of pride myself on drawing the fiercest luck spirit in in the aerial arm visit in war do you guys progr cell phone do you want the Sun Cakes hide the sin cake side the sand kegs hide Oh hide oh is it like a food it's a drink it's a drink yeah one of those will be great expensive big well don't tell anybody but I'm super [ __ ] right only because I have to check with my National Treasury how much is it do you wish to have a glass or a bottle bottle bottle will renew 350 - no no no I'm hitting on ladies on me with a simple shoulder tap and introduction they turn with a smile and stare directly into the Rhino like helmet on your forehead just seemed confused to lose interest very quickly you you clearly do not know how rich I am as the Countess of Febreze owned many magnificent horses deception attack 15 [Music] this is now the third woman you've come across in here turns raunchy she's early 40s grain sides to her hair pulled up tight but impeccable makeup beautiful jeweled earrings and she turns and gives you glance oh well my apologies for not recognizing greatness in my presence so why do you bother me well I'm looking for a companion believe me I've had a great victory and I was hoping I might celebrated with a fine lass lock yourself I do not mean to blush in the presence of such greatness I just need to speak to my compatriot first honey and fairly nice attire dark blacks jeweled necklaces dark skin square jaw kind of rather well built what looks to be a human turns ghost you're a smart B this fine fellow here is asking them to spend the night with you that's alright with you yes what's this one yes yes I'm the Magister of Tabriz and I have many steeds a knight with me would truly honor your lady fair we both kind of share a glance in the packet you English piss off half boarded butts oh [ __ ] he's off oh no he takes her arm by the side and pulls her close to him I'll reach out grab her shoulder oh I'm so sorry this amazing decorative piece of my head sometimes impedes my hearing I take the hat off what was it you called me linen he leans back and goes oh sorry I didn't realize that it was not part of your actual forehead several hands reach your shoulders as it appears about five of the various guards of the establishment have now encircled you grabbed you and I are pulling you away from them as for a woman not dudes no really I just wanted one lady there they're like grabbing over their arms now they're pulling you towards the entrance no I'm doing I'm not gonna pay for this really I'm not and it takes all five of them but they do manage to kind of heave-ho you out onto your face across the cobblestones where he lives there waiting watching this happen when he jumped up and did the like hoof kick down I'm gonna take it and then grab his hose and then wishbone him I grab grog how do you do it do what you're able to utilize your rage when necessary how do you keep it suppressed when it's not needed Oh a good question please enlighten me it all comes down to one word really family before I was a part of this group I had no family part took me and I met all of you and I had a purpose so before that lot I would be down to [ __ ] anything of it any time no problem I still kind of had but I realized if I fly off the handle too soon it screws over my family that's no good cuz I care about you most do you so for me you're gonna get yours it's coming and I'm gonna help you and I'm a half of you when it's done but until then you keep that [ __ ] tucked inside let it build and then when the time is right you let her have it and I'll throw you into the fray when the time is right promise yeah before I go to sleep can I try and find pod could see if she will teach me the alphabet before my box is cunning wears off that's the saddest thing maybe you can learn a letter you go and find pike in her room she comes to the door already groggy no pun intended sorry about that you open your door and you see drugs and looking a little sheepish I have trouble sleeping and not actually no luck giant but I can't I can't read it do you think maybe before this luck I'd see small potion wears off you can teach me some letters well if we have a maybe a book or something I could I could like a beginning to read giant is there anything like that where I could no longer charge just even luck common just common yeah yes I can I can show you the alphabet I could always write it out okay do you know how to spell your name okay you have four letters in your name but there are two of the same letter I'm not so hot on the numbers numbers okay what's the first letter of the alphabet this you know G that's the first letter of your name you've said it before [Laughter] hey is the first letter of the alphabet hey hey hey and we can keep going this as I get out of the room Magma seeing Pike unconscious is the worst if I try and grab her and head for the door I have to go past the pit fiend yes you'll get an attack of opportunity on me if I'm cradling her does he get one on her as well uh generally it's our opportunities against the creature that's running so uh so probably be against you all right I would like to pick up my buddy Pike and make luck hell for the door okay okay hey twice with my axe and with the throne I'll pick up Pike and I are using us you also do see to the side a what looks to be a wooden box about that big that is latched shut has beautiful engraving all across it and what looks to be almost like gold leaf with little gems of blue and red kind of put towards the corners it's they're really beautiful in the artist single uh wooden box about that big and then there is a large looks like a beautiful tapestry that is rolled up and bound okay that's more the box look is it look like it's simple to open you pick it up and look at it it has a little latch on it we can intelligence check what would that guy that's always sneaking intelligence egg - - yeah - okay so zero yeah you shake it there's something inside rattles around its got will have to it oh boy you look at it try nothing even with the time-served knuckles I don't know you do you want your strength go and roll strength check yeah force it open 11 11 okay it was a low roll you and though the wooden case just breaks in half and as it does you see what looks to be a small leather sleeve similar shape kind of in land I'll go get it pick it up and it's a leather pouch it has a little little top it's button shut and looks like there's there's something inside about 13 cars they smell they smell clean fresh carry how far away is the lover maybe from where you are right now and this portion is 825 feet I'm going through the loot you all a [ __ ] healing in [ __ ] I'm trying to find something useful Laura Bailey manifests I step up and I take my tiny cell knuckles off I take the belt to dwarven kind off I wrap it around the knuckles and I lay it next to scattering and I say you've been with me through so much I pride myself on my strengths but as we fought let's break a groom you were there by my side as I learned that my true strength comes from my friends which means that these trinkets no matter how strong they are I mean nothing you knew me before them and I would hope you would know me after and well my best buddy Pike taught me to love you taught me to laugh and I don't want to know what life is like without that and the last thing I'd say is saying you spent so many times inspiring me I'd like to take a page from your book and to the tune of the Washington Redskins fight song sing hail to scandal in short halt hero to victory no one can make me laugh faster please bring him back to me go ahead and make a make a persuasion check with advantage fourteen now if you guys send it back she gonna act as Lahaina and mr. bored starts coming out asking questions tell me haven't even you got it no no no just tell me haven't seen kima box what box past tighten goes up and just gonna pass in the chest it's okay big man I said anything [ __ ] you Bester splitter 43:33 well 37 okay how do you do I'll show what's happening either you've never played Boulder paper shears of course Cheers right it's just to see for those birds ready one two third one I passed enlarged with the title stone nice sneak attack ermahgerd with the rest of my movement can I turn around and look at it i'ma go yo Oh ancient one can you read my mind now and I walked through the portal together and currently is propped up against tequila this chest she's sitting behind him so he's kind of like leaning back against her she has her hand against his back I'll stand up I'll told you before no one kills you but me and I think back to being in Percy's workshop at Grayskull keep and I say I love you too then I'll reach back and I slap the ever-loving [ __ ] [ __ ] out of his Dead face a tiny pinwheel Oh spins it's made of metal I do a little Gus can trip to blow it and I put it on your lapel or dear little strap that counts as a you just I've just put it in the belt loop child now you know if there's wind blowing this is what I had I'm really like I'll give the glasses back when I'm done with them this is a rental job because of my high office I will forgive this offence come back when you're serious talk of Smashing title whatever I'm sure you're very small you'll think of something you want another title I'll keep this is a deposit though with the reassuring grabs like oh we got thick towel like a pile of cloth and kind of wraps it up carefully sit sit down a pleasure doing business with you all the gift-wrapping heavy sorry my apologies he'll be right to it he turns and leaves the room Terry that was a personal gift from me to you I know but we're at partners as you just said and I felt that you would you would approve of me doing so I suppose I am a bit proud here behind you guys at the doorway oh [ __ ] zombie in [ __ ] impacts of metal rapidly and heavily ohh oh Jesus what's into a long sword and he glanced behind and you see walking through the doorway the very heavy hulking figure of Dodi carrying two unconscious guards a bunch of bows one Tommy to the jaw just for extra measure okay both very broken well cool okay can you see through the counter none of the prior is the back room he's wrapping your stuff right now no this happened let's get rid of him get rid of him once in the shell-bed they're like is there like a tapestry is there like a rug it's not very big there is a secondary room to this side it looks at this upper platform but that looks like where his bedroom is maybe uh-huh there's a couple lanterns it's it's warm load on the interior as you're looking around it's not a huge establishment but I mean the jaws of the blood terrible didn't you put a mask on Donny let's do it again I don't have extra mass what up in the corner and I said the other one up another lady on his shoulder okay just stop or a nail all over your drinking their cards on to do terrible God they make horrible life choices chalices are throwing in their laps cool now I need you to vomit on them I can't vomit do it right now put your finger down your throat hey make it make it inside check sure sixteen and that's gonna be gifts forever natural twenty about thirty seconds if you're trying to get yourself pass before the shop owner comes back sorry these two gentlemen obviously have been off their ass they came in here smelling of booze looking for lock something to make them feel better I don't know and they just passed out in the corner is it someone you know that we could call I'm really hey just leaving please afore he slowly hands out this really nice bundle and and it has like a little bow on it and it's wrapped and he hands it out excuse us please take this your presence has brought me no end of pain just go obviously we have gotten a better end of this deal I think that that is true absolutely you still have the good recently all right thank you for your good daddy let's go don't e come and just comes running after you guys as you exit yeah door smashed open right yeah all right go for it kill him attack crack of doom 23:23 hits what do I roll I just will damage for your ham oh yeah that makes sense right Oh 25 25 damage come 50 because the siege at the door is absolutely stunned Urton comes off Oh God as the door blows open you glance inside you can see within the walls are covered in this like [ __ ] fleshy muscle like substance with these long stretch two tendons and pieces of sinew that all gather to the center and you see this kind of shifting larval egg and within you can see a small humanoid figure that it's like swirling and writhing within it seems like it's in this perpetual state of agony screaming quietly within this weird fleshy egg sac and you can see the features of like a tiger like face and things just like writhing inside Australia forward and swim away ok as you step forward the chain golem no I already used this reaction so it just cannot you just walk for make an attack it's 32 roll damage a million million 22 it just spattered across the ground what was what shifting is now a fine red cream as the the true form of hotus partially returned is now scattered across a steaming pavement of the depths of the mentira prison the devil is no more you are creeping of course at the tavern here's the tipsy quorum we have Pike and Grogg catching up on crazy business amongst the rest of the jovial atmosphere the tavern as people have been drinking heavily into the evening like a city that is still recovering from five years of the perpetual torment does put my earring and I have conversations with Scanlon but I know [Music] [Laughter] some dogs are good the house is lady fibers an oblong one for me and one for have my curiosity about the deck of many things piqued so at some point along the way vex is warnings ringing in my I found a nosh drunk SAP so so as you are wandering down an evening by way the quad roads of vassal hime a number of cups in yourself you hiccup loudly and glanced off to the side to find one gentleman who's been far deeper in his cups and is currently like trying to study himself against the stone wall in an alleyway a Margy warrior do you need another drink yeah from the cake hey do you have blood my wife kids attachments anyone that would miss you if I did I'd be drinking this hard oh my take down as a note cool hey look I don't know if you are interested but I'll have in my possession something really cool and I'll take out the deck do you know what great great we're in luck the street right yeah you're like near a thoroughfare and there's a small alley off to the side with an advantage because he's really drunk a little sparkle of interest kicks in and I mean 5% sober the prospect of something fun of the stranger that gave him a drink wait what are you talking about but listen I am kind of look an evangelical spreader of good news and I found this and one time I pulled the card out and I got a magic weapon it was amazing and I just figured like you look like a god that would appreciate such a weapon yes and no let somebody else pull this oh you raised your hand that's the [ __ ] after all a die first he takes the card looks at it turns around shows you and it's this this tarot card of a beautiful moonscape with like an open night sky yeah that's what it is it puts it back in the deck all right what's the trick I'm feeling a little strange can you describe to me how you feel right now it's like trying to concentrate he goes wait a second I wish I was a powerful Lord God of the quad roads and there's a strange tingling visual image as the cloth around them that was tattered and worn now becomes beautiful silks the drunkenness fades from him ever so slightly and now he looks washed and you glance over at the far end of the alleyway and there's a guy there who's dressed in long long tails and a coat inist sir how are you going to be yes right with you thank you so much strange or any Pat's in a shorter Grove grow broad strong job grog strong things maker of kings great yep I still got one more of these and he walks off and runs off to the carriage you want to be casual let's build the best castle ever [ __ ] a babe yeah do you know to do that do I know how to do that are you trained in seeing kastlevilla I'm a tinkerer oh ya know and some some of those tools may come in handy see what you know what I'm gonna doing this sandcastle rolls you are strengths individuals this is gonna be an exterior you're following his plan we're gonna go to my history knowledge and try to base it on one of the famous castles from for my from my youth from Etruscan temple trust an area of these I misspoke earlier episode when Dali and Empire of King Bertrand went okay everybody looks over in Castle Ravenloft is towering exactly yeah so make your dexterity check for Tyrion go ahead and make your history check sixteen great so you you you get the structure built you map out the right kind of scale structure of this castle and you get about three chords the way through it before grog no maybe I maybe we shouldn't maybe we should have you know let's just try it one more time no girl why did we do wrong to burst on just be very careful drug because you were backing up and I think he just knocked into it a little bit so you putting his on me what it was probably dirty yeah I was probably definitely yo dude go walk over there holy listen Sabrina ten feet all right let's do one more try yeah yeah yeah I really put put some some art artistry into this we want a moat we want a defensive towers I'm gonna put a little alchemic a fire in the middle of it so if anyone gets through the gates they explode Wow dungeons of course like alligators in the moat yes let's do it alright now make an intelligence check okay to lay out the design okay justice trained intelligence straight intelligence thirteen that's still good that's been like it's not a very hard DC your your structure II understand castle keep it real 5 this one's bigger and you're like you're pretty this one's coming on great you're kind of glad the first one is lower because now you this is this is me much better do step I mean the central structure held the whole thing I want to get my hair braided with beads on the end does the beard know he picked a card he got two wishes he's the Lord of the kriti roads crossroads crossroads yep he's rich he had a servant that a pillar know we're all of a sudden you have [ __ ] dope ass threads I mean I feel like we should I've seen nothing but good things happen [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] we found your tour hat oh you did and it's wonderful oh great we're gonna see it it was sitting on a special shelf labeled tall hat show that's lucky yeah let's see yes there we are oh [ __ ] a magnificent isn't it down giggles hey jangles this is an official weitfeldt drew yeah we can definitely find you no matter what yeah now I've been like a long history of distinguished torrid leaders before me you would think that but honestly I don't believe that we've ever had an official tour guide before you would be starting first Beck's new Grand Poobah and first tour captain are white and I take facts with me by hitting the back of his knees it's cuz it's customary to show respect by jingling the belt that's you both bow and you say at this phrase you watch the co master like they bow low as well suppose you should tell them the short names for my titles you know I think it's just so much more exciting when you say it what was it like silly bean and sweet chestnut why not yep [Laughter] [Music] please rise rise man it's gonna be a lovely day we have a lot ahead of us we do please jeez that hat is busier than Kevon soul fighting is it like well-balanced no don't gonna have to hold it no here's the thing it was designed for a much smaller head so even for you to get on it's like it's like squeezing a tiny rubber thimble over your thumb so it's like it pops up with a very very tip so it holds itself but uh it only only really covers the very very top of your head I'd be worried about circulation up there but not really a concern and you feel you might fall off then you eventually you find a little strap inside [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] no spacing Alvin is currently enraptured by the music she's creating a learning weapons around her feet or where she signal play may perception [ __ ] it's very nice boots that's a man who has made boots in the past you can acknowledge those are very well made boots goes to two three so good so he turns a nice kind of focus for a second and you had a dim kind of snow blind looking pupils and it gives you an odd thing kind of turns on the side and her part of the song comes to a halt it's whether the two other bits of musics can kind of like till the continue the beat and they go kind of look at her and she's nice boots but Dave standing there with one hit point acid melting my flesh I would like to pull out the deck of many things but keep it facedown five cards you guys got a pic alright I get for you good one okay keep track of the order Oh final one there okay so next is the last one okay we're never gonna get that far okay grog first would you pull the picture is the cliff exploding in a body fly weirdly not much happens to you that you notice in the moment at all your bag of holdings [ __ ] empty now vegetable items are gone oh you're just poor you're just all of your person about this guy oh yeah what about his weapons and all this shit's magical items unaffected oh no you're no boots in this temporary alternative earth right so that probably was one of the better cards you get a pull what's the second card grog rogue okay what's the deal devil with five swords going through his torso okay so no discernible effect at the moment what does that would do but I'll say for the hell of it should you survive this battle it's gonna be really really rough one day to go ahead and have will hand stab you in your sleep while you're sitting there and you were arresting in United like acid melted and laying there dying and he walks up with a little butter knife I'll be like doing alright oh star which seems to be the opposite of what's been happening so maybe I'm [ __ ] increase one of your ability scores by to score kill dragon score intelligence no you're you can increase your Constitution by two let's do that okay so your hit points your hit points now go up by seventeen that's important 18 points yes he does really three creases is modifier by one key oh [ __ ] okay it looks good this is the one that I thought you would pulled originally a rare or rare or magical item so don't say yeah oh no there's your card please let me have Kirsten just course you guys I want the one that lets me succeed on my next I'm gonna randomly for this real fast bring it [ __ ] the highest number you really know everything it's just more five say Krog just live one-two-three-four-five one-two-three-four-five a beautiful beautiful black and like ivory-inlaid sword shows up a great sword shows up in your hand you have to tune to it unfortunately that's what's nice card looks good to the night this is doing you here boys go look to your side and there is a gentleman with armor Oh [Laughter] [Music] things are very bad it's Dora stakes Laurel hmm real strong no you I'm really strong oh yes I think I know that ace does he depend on you he does yeah how long you known him probably about well I'm not really good with years but for days or months but probably like a lot of days maybe it may be a year mmm how strong do you think you are well the other day I've tried to high fire rate across the table and just punch him in the face all right roll for an attack and grog no stop I can't apologize to you because words don't work mmm so let me get this straight you think you can go away for a year and come back in your disguise and apologize to this group and that's gonna be good enough for me and then when I'm still pissed you're gonna give me a combo apology with Park and that's gonna be good enough for me I'm still paste you came back in a costume a costume I'm not I'm not even really that smart it's not hard to trick me and I'm a big guy but you made me feel small I don't know if you missed us I don't know if somebody's making us go down into this Zig [ __ ] ziggurat I don't even know why we're here I thought maybe you come back and be like oh my best mate the God that like would do anything to keep me alive there is I missed him no you come back you found yourself a brand new idiot one that does amazing strikes twice in a row and it stalks the Ducks has all sorts of new tricks brand new models new and improved in every way I bet you do all sorts of fun things with him so no you do not get to apologize to me I wasn't going to I was just gonna give you a gift because the times we had together were the best times ever you might be a little slow but you're the best friend I ever had and our times together were great not because of our conversations or our witty repartee it was because of the fun we had together and the experiences we had so last night I wrote something for you I know you can't read but he doesn't know that I just got you a gift because if if you won't spend time with me now it maybe maybe you'll be able to spend time on your own so I wrote I wrote you this maybe someone else can read it for him yeah I don't feel like showing off my powers or I can't read the dirty head to betray all who read this let it be known by order of is a day sadang it's a stupid name Scanlon it's fine aka the meat man aka fickle the vicious aka reddish the bold aka the little paws aka Francois x-bar' on jean-luc Australia beware that the bearer of this note Grogg strong jaw shall be entitled to any libation of his choosing at any pub tavern restaurant in Ale House brewery or House of Lady favors within the city limits of Ankara he shall be allowed to drink until drunk and enjoy no molestation by any employee of said establishment unless he requests it all charges and bills related to his drinking cavorting or violent behavior resulting from drunkenness shall be forwarded to the meat man for timely payment in full by complying with this request you are hereby under the protection of the meet men and shall receive all the benefits and goodwill accompanying such Association the meet man always remembers sincerely ace I'd I'm probably probably best to test it out see if it's even worth anything Greg I love you I'm sorry that we won't get to hang out because you hate me now but I would never replace you and if you ask me right now you'll kill him I will kill him all right well you go drinking with me sometime rolled poorly we'll see by the way what you know when you died are saying a song I would never sing for anyone else and I'm sorry you didn't hear it but it was really hard is that true anyone else I want to see if they can make a salad with meat in it brings them up to the Grand Poobah if this is indeed your request they will do their very best to do so and within an hour so you are presented with a bowl of various textures of shredded cured and prepared meats so loosely resemble a salad I guess a melon it's like a giant pokΓ©ball you look at the the waitstaff there and they kind of I actually saw it was chef Boren you look over and you see this this one and then you've seen a couple of chefs near you have an interface with them too much you know the social figure necessarily more of a demanding figure when it comes to the food and the meal but you see this this this gentleman with this very like thin kind of Jonathan Waters pencil mustache this this thinning hair that that's short but slicked with a bit of this you'd pattern baldness going on and he's a bit bits thick around the waist and he sit and there were the big beaming grin of pride Jeff this is going to put you on the map we need to name it well Grand Poobah I imagine that would be your honor to give I am but humble to present you with such a meal so the choice is yours mmm won't foreign tender meats or in this dish we've got quite a variety I wanted to provide an extravagant walk through the various creatures that we prepare here in life stones we have them all right I'm talking about so very we have we have two week unsalted goat meat autumn of that we have Hickory kept a long angle smoked fish guts mixed in there with a a wondrous mix of of minster steaks we've spared no no possible expense only there is pieces of the cow and weave from that point forward presented a sprinkling of pork belly it's been ground up and and salt cured as well over the period of about two months usually kept wah very esteemed I'm just free dripping saliva it has a very sedentary layers of the planet type feel to it whereas each reveal occurs it's a whole different genus of animal you're eating nature in a bowl I mean did you even look salt it I love it it's just like all these beautiful animals in my own private Ark of a bow they came salted well because it's got goat fish beef and pork in it I'm gonna call it the go Phoebe pull you have seemed to have like an accent so look let's put a little flair on it when you say it the bowl of coffee before you pour I like it of course Baba and I must decree there will be no utensils used when you dine of this Sablan dish you can't writing these things down alright alright you would need approval from lady Cassandra of course to put this in the the familial approval well if we were to make this the official meal of white stone that is entirely this just gets better and after submit whatever paperwork is necessary see that it's done you heard it folks Grand Poobah smoking go Free People and I'll just start like and smashing into my face this delicious salted meat collection yeah oh it is delightful it is delicious you should not be able to make up food that delicious just on the fly like that like I was like this is gonna bite me in the ass it's actually sounds really good and and there goes its curtly being submitted to the Senate of white stone for approval yeah after every battle we'll get all the protein we need and we will just fart our happy asses which at this point in time by the way you watch is for armed guards that approaching while I'm a great record with these guys are they're approaching us they're approaching you and they're kind of like the two of the sides are spreading out and two are watching up with walking up a purpose towards the you guys magic as the two kind of crew the flank and stop just hands on the side of their spears the the two that walked over the middle there's one that looks to be like a captain of some kind in this one to his right who's dressed in standard guard gear looks like he's he's got a few long healed scars and goes it looks just like him [Laughter] sir sure is gonna be up in a small office by the gate we got off these four days we're good the captain looking individual goes right mr. frost buckets hmm we would like the both of you to please come with us and the two guards rush into your flank a bit and kind of place their hands on your shoulder and your shoulder we I just met this man I've never seen him before in my life I was just you've been walking with him for 20 minutes because thank you for coming over here he he was holding me hostage he wouldn't let me leave I'm a small man I'm defenseless and he was holding me captive you make it as if oh no deception okay okay 24 [Laughter] that's natural there's really and what's your name mm-hmm Gerald Butler uh-huh well Gerald Butler the two of you should come with us and he turns around and starts walking away with the the other guard with him the one that seemed to have spotted you earlier just walked with him but keeps looking over his shoulder at you he looks like genuinely terrified of you and you at this point you realize oh yeah you've seen this cat before the two other guards just kind of for the shove you forward and as they push you a couple steps in that direction they just kind of lower their spears towards your back engine see he moving oh yeah so aside from the full rounders yeah there's probably like roughly 20 25 different towns spoke with in you kind of carve a figure thank you you or me all right I'll be mines are sure we might just do one thing you've got up all right I will I guess all seem so stupid [Laughter] critical role at all yep that's her that's our catchphrase now all right I will use some gigantic spell for no reason I can help me find it you I need to deal with I don't know what he knows he came over and fingered you said he said he looks like it looks like it's him [Laughter] I will okay I don't know what to do without causing everyone around us to die or be scared all right I will the guy is there a leader the captain yeah there's the captain all right the UM the the one looks kind of scared and it looks over he's your other friend around the other big one look kind of Blanche complexion or Jer yeah with the hits people in the face that one mm-hmm somewhere around here since the garden from the captaining is a there's another one around here possibly two she's not the thing about that one though he does a lot to leave loose ends 13 no I stay with my what did this other one this other wood yes the other one what did he look like he's very tall and not Halleck looking metallic looking yep no you mean the one we just saw around the corner we did odd was not really aware at the time that's super scary one yeah well now that you mention it I felt like you Polly please believe us there's an even bigger danger coming and I think oh yes it's right there a major image what I think he's describing which is just at all Ironman all right so first make a deception check to see if they'll okay 20 lots 27 okay so so you you urging them on it's just enough to get them kind of glanced over and look which gives you enough time to go ahead and cast a spell and release this image and from around the corner with a heavy footfalls you watch is what appears to be some horrific looking iron golem type entity that just covered in spikes and darkness and giant fists and people just start screaming and scattering and the guards all of a sudden huh at which point suddenly watches its size expands even further as metal tusks that not protrude from the front of its face and it's breathing steam and smoke its eyes red and glowing the guard captain there immediately singing this reaches back and pulls a horn off his belt and goes just as uncomfortable as I could possibly be this is the worst case scenario of my entire life I'm just not moving and hopefully this is all over it's just endless books beyond what you can see oh that's awful are there like chairs yeah Pike PI comes over no chairs no there aren't oh it's okay yeah walking I want to leave like fast the faster we follow them then the faster we can go okay rose gold I bet you could read some of these books no but not loser little books come on she got us your hand I'm against hugging you behind her you don't have never been on your game partner for the first time you see cord can a glance of her shoulder at you with I know he's been just like cult-like back over the shoulder goes like it gives a nice to one another monk Soho up top who kind of darts off if you awkward quite minutes past jumps down the sandpit runs up and hands you a small satchel it is filled with beans everybody else got one I've got the satchel just [ __ ] name the group after me if we are out thank you you know it's just a thought but like I do have the big-ass jugs you can make like a big ol thing it's about that big run out of water though because we're breathing it in try it again try it again really [Music] if you do this I will give you something really cool really really cool who stand to Jose Urbano all right do you wanna inspire him against Kenan yes I do I will sing to him as you try again putting the large small hammer up that's the best [ __ ] that's not we're not gonna I'm not even use the inspiration because it would like this there you slam down with the second hit as it hits the reverberation of the impact fills the room you pull the hammer back and there remains but you do see a mild crack through its form [Music] can I give him guidance nope do you get any more inspiration out the inspiration give him guidance he'll give them an additional d4 yes I'm gonna give you guidance I'm doing it guidance so as you're doing this kills knows it behind and then touches you come on that's my I didn't need it 25 oh good good what could have been only two trammels you barely managed to succeed in properly shattering and not ruining the third be big man yeah I'm not gonna be around much longer probably well you're not going to be around much longer one of the other yep yeah and boy I've been holding onto a thing for a while now terian that scamp gave me a gift ages ago he said he he became sort of a fan after I pranked his ass at the beach he kind of caught the bug and before we said our good-byes he talked to me for a bit and gave me something you printed us and he caught the bug it's about suppression right I gotta talk simplest sorry that's my mistake terian gave me a very unique item and the purpose of it was to [ __ ] with you I could say turducken and you people would turn it into sexual innuendo [Applause] that is anyway he wanted me to pull a prank on you and you know we have a lot of history with that and I held on to it for a long time looking for a time that felt right and it never happened and sometimes I felt like I didn't want to do that anymore but I don't want to give him let his gift go to waste and truth be told I did a bit of research on it I forgot about that lasts about an hour and you know for a while it was really tempting and I was just looking for a moment because you know that's you and me that's our history but then I did some research and it turns out that it wouldn't have worked on you anyway because if you want someone to fall in love with you it has to be on a person who you'd be interested in and to quote a very handsome [ __ ] we know I'm pretty sure you go taco not hot dog [Applause] so I was right to assume then yeah yep yep dokgo you know it's not we're not all so limited but that's your thing that's fun so I can't even use it on you but I've got it and I am going to miss you be gone soon so I don't even know if we have time I mean a lot of us could be dead soon but I'm I'm not offering you this this thing but I'm offering you an experience [Applause] I don't know a lot of big words but I feel like I need a little bit of clarification I don't know if we have time yep yep but maybe for old times sake because I love you and I know you love me and share this in common I thought maybe we could prank Scanlon [Applause] as you concentrate on the cold metal of the weapon a difference but still familiar sense creep since we have a cynical I mean could you be a little bit more specific weights drag with the intelligent woman and then sit next to him and watch somebody just keep doing your thing I'm 10 feet away breathing down your neck you all right you are you [Music] faces [Laughter] [Music] yeah yeah I guess we do we do share similar goals I don't know if you can hear me very well your voice is not there so are you just inspecting it are you tuning the bobber - okay I'm not gonna did some what what is going on yeah yes talking to is what you've all seen this before and it says dis disconcerting now as it was oh it was saying that we have similar goals and into which must die and that the Lich is a mecha let's the Lich he's very emphatic about the Lich his followers Oh mr. Thapa apparently I'm gonna be an instrument and he's going to apply me to topple the followers and his secrets and what does it want from you in return anything what do you require from me [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] one of those green openings and just [ __ ] try and shove that [ __ ] why so you have the wound there you have the inside of the green energy force there and then you have one on the side of the head well I'm holding on to his rib right here I get his head I can say if I climb up a bit and go for it some pretty big muscle up I do a stroke [Music] we're okay kids we're okay yeah PR it is a 20 even 20 is the DC for applying a trammel on a stroke so it works it should takes years of my life with all the rage I've ever had I will reckless attack grab the travel from Pike and aim it right in his stupid chest inspiration because bucket why not yeah that's 33 plus you're know you don't get that because it's a strength oh all right so what's the grand total in that 33 33 as you as you take the Trammell grabbing the bottom of the rib cage curving it underneath you thrust it up into the core center it seems of his chest where the Avatar arcane energy is amassed and as the Trammell squeezes in you hear the guttural rage from the inside of Vecna just screaming and as he inhales the force the voice is pulled back into a moment of weakness and once again you can see the fear flickering the eyes the burning rage of the green flame begins to diminish ever so slightly as the second Trammell is applied do I see any would make reception shake Oh 17 dancing about I mean they're some of the pale guard around everybody seems nobody that you would be looking for necessarily soon be open to do as you please yeah wait what are you oh my god aaaghh wait and I'm walking back do I see him at all stop front of the castle like in the courtyard area make a perception check bike as you're as you're quietly climbing up the walkway to the base of Castle white stone you look up and directly see grog pull it card from the deck I just stand and watch Oh hold on deck of many things sure it's fine that's like the worst one you could get the crews laughing wait Heights I'm hiking sighs Mike can get a reaction internet hike oh I will ask grog for permission grog as as the father figure in a weird household I would like to ask for your permission to Wed you're not daughter Mike who is much smarter and older than you this little black rock that you gave that's worth literally nothing this and I take out the rare black sapphire and put it in your head that's pretty good I'll [ __ ] watching you you understand I won't I won't hurt I promise no I know you can kill me in my sleep no I usually put dead people in a bag of holding but there's always a first all right will you walk me down the aisle and by walking me down the aisle I mean carry me down there huh I'm so fascinated Baba so hog of so many interests that are fairly only proper to go back and turn myself in to their for days for punching one of the guards in the face and take whatever punishment they have for me all right as you head back to the district in which these occurrence happened you are immediately recognized and much - they're completely taken aback reaction they bring you in until somebody your Bastian's goes oh they'll point up at the large titan which is which currently has been cleared out of any curse done that they know of and it's a process that takes a while but it becomes a monument to that battle and it becomes as converted into a symbol of hope for the city and for generations to come in Bethlehem that that Titan will stand there lording over the city as a reminder of what transpired what could have been lost and what was saying that day and memory of those that were lost but as you point up to that and they all realize they slowly remove your shackles oh I'm free to go yes sir thank you thank you that's unexpected could you put me in the direction of a la berry sure come with me as we need to walk out you watch is a familiar figure steps up to this this portion of the air that the bastions a guard post you see a familiar merchant who rushes up and goes aha I was being summoned they found that why is him yes walking free yes yeah you will come with me gentlemen gentlemen this is the man who punched me this is the man who ruined my business argue gentlemen whose world are you going to take the savior of a salon or his new tutor what the guards go cobalt reserve library stations down that way to the left ah hard to miss big blue dome ah YouTube work this happen and they both are tracked back into the guard post and leave the to be in the streets well unless you have something better to do you could contribute to one of the brightest people to ever pass through the city and help me learn to read just a little bit more what would that be a problem I only have eight thousand gold to give you persuasion advantage well that would certainly go far for reparations for the damage you've caused to both my business my person in my psyche but I'm curious to see what the change of heart is so if you could stop over by my shop please oh no he drags a just big groove in the ground as he pulls it along and they do the cobalt reserve and and for as long as you'll begin to to to you I'd love to learn to read a bit more I'd love to split some time in the temple of called which which takes a while to get rebuilt and you probably help out a bit to worth bigger Grune who survived so many of his oh he did survive he did survive good and then hearty and stuff I'd also like to bring Parker every once a while and we give challengers a shot in the crucible but mostly I'm just trying to improve my mind and looking for the next challenge - Aiden Thomas Evans a good stock perfect happy with that yeah we start this game as you guys playing your characters grog has asked all of his members all of his fellow warriors in box machina to join him and Scanlon's magnificent mansion for a game that he has heard about what have the salad yeah yeah yes I just whipped up a fresh batch of Sookie sauce to go with it chicken did anybody have the chicken and the chicken so just making sure it wasn't me hey hey look you know I know we've got a knack to ourselves I was wondering if maybe we could all lot play a game I heard about I mean should I go wake up the others all right head yeah oh yeah it's only for Lagos big thinkers yeah so I was in this tavern the other day raw and I heard about this game oh I think it's called Oh bunions and flagons rot and you were all gonna play as little itty-bitty versions of yourselves and all you gotta do is use your imagination right I'm gonna tell you a story and then luck you contribute tell me what you want to do and I'll draw like little maps and we'll go on an adventure no it's not like massage your thumb like tiny tiny vice yeah yeah but tiny everybody this is wrong yet I'm already time yeah I mean you're tiny but you know you got a big heart what do you think it sounds great I mean this is so unlike you oh good no I've been thinking down for long something I actually made all for each of you guys so look I made I made Percy I made I made vex years and and arrows Ananda does back so don't like his ear is bleeding notice debate and then the scan night he looks down at his arm and you see they're similar scrapes cuts gashes as you saw on the corpse below he looks up grins and lets out a ferocious howl as he transforms
Channel: Eponymous Rose
Views: 961,138
Rating: 4.8167591 out of 5
Keywords: critical role, grog strongjaw, dungeons and dragons
Id: eRHpnayXi_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 36sec (9096 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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