Storing Explosives In Your Cabins Closet Is Not Advised

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back and yeah yeah I had some problems with the audio on the front side of this clip so I'm gonna have to do it manually here so we're gonna kick things off with this episode with this cabin over here and then shortly thereafter we're gonna head on over to what used to be the mill site and then just down the way there's there's kind of a oh it looks to be like a warehouse see it over there on the left yeah we're gonna head on over there and see what that's all about but let's get started with this cabin now that's a pretty cool old cabin you got a little babbling brook here bubble in front of it okay ooh wet foot let's see what we have here now there is a according to my map boy there's a lot of bugs out now see I told you guys just about time it's gonna warm up now here comes the ticks and the mosquitoes according to my map right out here somewhere and it's probably collapsed but we'll head down there and take a look but there wasn't at it right there okay let's look over here first not much going on in this room we have what's left of an old motor here you see all the copper windings in it no I'm not seeing a date on it nope okay some old vacuum cleaners and a bed frame what's left to the sink over there okay oh oh it's probably was a closet at one time all right another bed frame what do we got back here oh that's just that's a another door to the outside there's a chimney I wonder if this was built in maybe like the 50s near the wallpaper there do you think for it 40s 50s Oh what do we have here well it says explosives on the door let me reach for my flashlight oh shoot I forgot my flashlight all right hold on folks let me I'll be right back I I forgot my flashlight no Bob be right back okay back again folks sorry about that sometimes I get real excited and I leave some of my equipment back at little Bob look here we've got a road explosives on the door and the whole front of the door is still filled with a bunch of fingerprints let's look inside squeeze there we go all right yeah yeah definitely was uh an explosives magazine for keeping dynamite and such look up here in the ceiling we've got a vent that was a common practice you want to keep your you know let's saying keep your powder dry let's look down here on the floor see if we can find any artifacts little scraps of paper they've got another little vent thing what's that yeah see there there's another vent leading outside how cool would it be to find something in there hiding mm-hmm all right let's turn around keep looking around here oh hey there we go here's a scrap of paper we got yep looks like part of a catalogue let me dust it off here real quick see what it says six dollars and twenty something cents for it says a similar style in bamboo elk with brown leather saddles and tips leather soles and leather heels there you go you can get yourself some fancy fancy black and white wing tips for six dollars and 20 cents hmm what do you suppose were back in the 20s and 30s maybe the 40s hard Talon I'm seeing other little scraps of newspaper down in here but not legible like he was cool okay no turning back around and what's over here oh just another way through all right why don't we work our way outside and see if there's anything left of the of the adit hmm what we have here is a spring well I'd imagine that one time let's walk out over here on the spring ooh that's good she know nothing left of the adit it was probably right in here somewhere and it all caved in but regardless it would have been filled with water anyways okay next stop let's head over there to that trommel and we've got another chimney I'll see you over there okay looks like what we have here is another mill site and another roaster and let's see if I can do a better job explaining how a trommel roaster works then I then I did in that what was it episode 12 I think yeah yeah I was kind of thinking that that one back then was a trommel for placer operations but no that was for roasting so okay so what is what is the first and most important process when you're gold mining well the first thing you're going to want to do is get get the free mill gold out of your out of your or okay free mill gold that's that's gold that's already been released it's just laying there and typically you can get it out with gravity separation sometimes you can use mercury or you can put it into a cyanide solution and put it through floatation cells but actually that would be a step past getting your free mil out okay so step number one get your free mail gold out step number two then you're gonna want to work your or back into a roaster like what you're seeing right here and why is that because a lot of the ore especially in Nevada there's a lot of sulfides in it and those sulfides latch on to the gold and the silver okay and and you've got to free that you got to free that bond well how do you do it you do it by roasting the ore okay and there's three temperatures traditionally that that process used you you it was about three hundred and fifty degrees seven hundred and fifty degrees or thirteen hundred and thirty I'm sorry thirteen hundred and fifty degrees okay if you go any higher than that now you're crossing over into the realm of refining okay and you're getting the or too hot and you're actually solidifying the sulfides and you don't want to do that because then they're just gonna read rebonding old and silver okay so you got to watch your temperature on these things so what we have going on here is I would imagine at one time I'm guessing this is going to be your inlet okay and somewhere out here on this concrete pad they had a furnace of some sort I don't see any coal clinkers laying around I doubt if they were using coal in the process to heat their furnace this is more modern operation so it could have been diesel but anyways they're putting those hot gases into that opening there and blast in those hot gases down down the trommel here okay and then after that they're coming they're going up and up the hill and out that smokestack that you see up there now why did they do that because releasing sulfides from ore is a dangerous process especially if you're if your ore has arsenic in it yeah you don't want to be breathing in arsenic that's why they would build a chimney to get it up up in the air and up and out and away from the men that we're working in the area okay let's look down into this thing so you can get a light in there huh yeah see you notice if you look in there I'm gonna try to get the camera in there you notice it's it's lined with brick see it doesn't it's not it's not steel and it doesn't have a bunch of holes it's all lined with brick like what you would find on the inside of a like a wood-burning stove yep big old modern roaster okay let's work our way up here take a look at the chimney back then let's see it was a lot cheaper to make clay darn it if I can't find the words sometimes folks sometimes that happens to me just ignore it but anyways you had a these pipes ran out crossed here went down the hill and down there to the trommel alright and it looks like up here we have what's left of some sort of a mill operation I don't know if it was I can't really tell if it was a part of what was going on behind me with with the trommel I can see there's a grisly screen screen right here but it's all collapsed ok all right well let's work our way down to let's look here we've got some sort of a warehouse looking thing down there let's take a look at that what are you doing mr. lizard can I come up and take a look at you there's a big lizard right there on the chain you gonna sit still this is a photo opportunity that's right there he is I just had to stop and show you folks that I also wanted to come over here and push on that I'll be darned it still kind of turns they're built by the Shaffer belt company yeah I see that look in your eye okay we're out of here alright folks we're headed that way to the warehouse okay we made it to this warehouse looking thing with a whole lot of water pipes laying here look at the size of some of this HDPE high-density polyethylene look at the thickness on the walls they're not good anymore cuz what happens when you lay PVC pipe out in the Sun like this it gets really brittle but we're not here to talk about PVC pipe no we're here to look at this old hole warehouse oh look at that old oil heater I've seen these before yeah that's from the 50s yep okay what do we have in here probably should turn mr. flashlights on sex of our samples read load hole number eleven twenty to twenty five so what that is so they they drill the sample they're calling it the read load hole it's the 11th hole and they took this sample from the 20 to the 25 foot level okay there's another sample there Kant says maybe at it I'm not sure I can't read there but um hole number 18 taken from the 15 to 20 foot level all right then we got a the ghost hanging right there Nolan ain't no ghost it's just a piece of plastic Wow lots of samples anything interesting hiding in the workbench area not really just a bunch of rat turds well this makes sense the hill that we're going to go to next is all corks corkscrew spiraled with roads so that tells me what they were doing is what they first do is they go into a location with a grater and they grade the roads in a corks corkscrew kind of a pattern all the way to the top of the hill that's so that they can make way for the drill to run up that corkscrew and take take samples all the way up to the top and here's where here's where all the samples are let's look back this direction oh that stink bad in here like mold okay getting excited gold and silver in the early 2000s ooh boy oh is this one stink I'm gonna spend too much time in here it's loaded with probably black mold and we have another one okay you can only look at so many or sample sacks before things get start getting really boring all right let's work our way back outside see you out there all right we're back outside and notice the size of these waste rock piles or tailing piles well at this point these would be tailing piles because they're what's left over after coming off of the roasting process and all the gravity separation up there so all this or these big piles had to come from somewhere and I'll bet you dollars to donuts it's coming from up there so why don't we work our way to the top of the hill and see what they were scratching after see you up there or if I find something along the way I'll show you that - all right back again folks I didn't have to drive too far down the down the valley to find the location where they were getting all their ore from yeah take a look at this look at the size of this open pit Wow I know it never looks as grand on camera as it does in real life but this is absolutely huge look out there you can see the bands of silver sulfides running through that rock it looks to me that there's still quite a bit of material left to mine here and they just shut down a lot of times they'll do that you know prices just fall out if you can't make a decent profit there's no sense in and milling mill and dirt if you're not making any money so they'll just shut it down and if prices jump back up to a decent level then and they'll they'll get it up and running again but this is really quite the show holy cow like the Grand Canyon here Wow well I'm not this is as close to the edges I'm gonna get but it looks like right down there that's where they were bringing their trucks in and out maybe there's a road or something down in that location we can get a little bit closer to look at the geology down there in those rocks maybe up on the side over there let's see if we can't get a little bit closer all right I'll be back up with you in a bit okay we are now walking down into the belly of this open pit you know sometimes you you just cannot having to get an appreciation for the size of these unless you walk down in them looking down on them from up on top looking down is all fine and dandy but Wow look at this now that's a hole let's get out over here to the edge at least what's what looks like one of the stair steps down into this thing I don't know if we're gonna walk all the way into the bottom I don't know if that's necessary but let's at least get to right over here cool look at the layering look at all the layering in that we've got some what is that or some shiny oh it's a little bit of a spring coming out right up here on that rock see that's why they don't want you down in these things I mean let me tell you why see see there's a wet spot see there's a spring right there that's undercutting that rock oh wait let me turn around I just heard just my voice right now knocked off I can hear rocks falling down this this face right here and turning back this way see like I was I always pointing out to you I see how it lit up learn to talk that's starting to get undercut and eventually that whole thing is going to go full and fall down so don't by any means think that an open-pit mine is safer than than an adit or a portal or going into an underground mine they even had large-scale collapses in Salt Lake's in Salt Lake City at that big copper mine there were the entire sides in the mountain come down all one big push yeah so this is as far as I'm gonna I'm willing to go I'm not gonna get anywhere down in there for fear of rockfall and I'm not wearing my helmet but we're at a good vantage point to take a look at some of the layering here let me do a 360 for you folks see that big crack right there there's one right there eventually that whole thing is gonna give it enough time that thing is going to cleave and down it comes there we go okay well let's keep scratching around maybe we'll find something else cool to find all right be back in a bit okay back again folks all right I lied I could not resist I saw some something down here I just I just had to look let me show you Wow look here I don't you're probably not hearing it but maybe you can see it there's a whole bunch of rocks tumbling right down that we're gonna stay away from the edge there but look here and that beautiful silver sulfide and you should feel the heft to this rock it probably weighs I'm gonna say four and a half five pounds for that little tiny rock it weighs about five pounds filled with silver this one too hefty little rock that's about three and a half pounds and this by going off of the rusty color it has if it's filled with a lot of the iron iron oxide and of course that came from way up there where you see that one that's precariously perched right on the edge ready to come down that's where that one came from okay like I said I'm not gonna get anywhere near the edges no these cliffs let's go up here yeah we don't get to explore an open-pit very often do we that's why I wanted to show you this head on over here okay a lot of water and muck filling up the bottom there's a nice view let me give you a 360 okay and turning that direction there's another way out right over there but you see that real soft looking sandy material I'm not going to go back that direction that's too dangerous we're going to stay away from that that's a potential rock fall area so all right at least we did it back the way we came I'll meet you back up by old Bob is he up there I would like to find a mind to go into for crying out loud all right we got well that's where it used to go darn as you can see it would take a considerable amount of digging to get into that alright well folks I'm shoot I was hoping we could get into a into an edit today but instead it turned out to be a open pit operation see sometimes you just you just never know cuz you know if you drive a hundred miles to a location it's not like you can drive there once and investigate it and scratch around to see if it's worthy or not and then then you're gonna drive all the way back there again to document it no no we're not doing it like that and I really don't want to do it that way folks because it ruins the excitement it ruins the exposure surprise for for me and as well as you guys cuz if I know what's coming you know it's just it's no fun so all right well I'm gonna get on out of here and I guess we'll see see see you folks back next weekend when we well let me show you real quick you see I'm out right in front of us sir oK we've got something on the other side of it what we're gonna do that next weekend okay I'll see you then folks thanks for coming along and what and again I appreciate all my new subscribers thank you so much and always feel free to leave a comment down in the comments area I love chatting with you guys that's a lot of fun okay I'll see you next weekend take care now bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 30,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: iENReT6z5qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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