Is a Blue Bowl worth using?

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hello everyone dan hurt with dan her prospecting here welcome to my channel I have a whole bunch of her rock gold I recovered the other day from crushing down all that mystery or and it's been sitting in my pants since I crushed it just waiting to be cleaned up and I thought what a great opportunity show off the blue bowl in action now this gold is significant let's show you a shot of that there's a fair bit of it there it's unbelievably tiny up to some some of course and we are going to see what the blue bowl can do with hard rock crushed gold I hope you enjoy [Music] now the blue bowl isn't my typical way of cleaning up gold I like just panning it but a lot of people ask me about blue bowl whether it's worth it is it worth it to buy a blue bowl or is it worth it to use a blue bowl would you use a blue bowl I have one I use it once in a while but only for certain situations I really don't like it for fine placer material because those fine flakes can flutter around the water float and flow away but for hard rock crush gold like this which isn't flat flakes it's more of round balls or jagged pieces I think the blue bowl is gonna do a good job I don't really know I haven't used it on crush before so well let's find out first step here is to do some classification I have a thirty mesh classifier a fifty mesh classifier and a hundred mesh classifier one thing about using the blue bowl is you have to have very fine classification you need to bring it down so every particle is almost the same size as every other particle so let's start classifying here we go let's classify this yes I've taken over my kitchen again and even though I have it is sort of part of me it's a little too worm and I don't mean it I'm inside let's get it off [Music] there you go down to minus 30 I'm now going to go into the minus 50 there the minus 50 and of course the final stage - 100 here's the - 30 and here is the 30 Plus this stuff all just pan out I won't bother with the blue wolf the blue ball does not do well on the big course stuff so for this will just pan it out and see what it's got in it I can see some big pieces in there already now I'm not gonna explain all that much how blue wool works it forces water through this bowl that has a hole the middle the water spins around and as it's spinning around it climbs up a center cone and falls out of that hole in the middle that hole action of the water swirling and trying to leave through the middle creates a good separation between the lights and the heavies and the lights climb the cone very easily falling out the hole the heavies can't make that climb up the cone and stay sitting in the bottom that's in general the theory there's a lot more of sort of nuances to it than that but today I just want to show you an action to show you what it can do with fresh gold so we're going to start with the courses a 30 plus nope 30 minus and what I'm gonna do with this 30 - is just dump it all on the bottom here get nice and spread out and then we'll turn on the water flow and get it to just the right spot and I'll show you that okay here we go with the 30 - we're just going to spread it all the way around nice little evenly make sure nothing flat the classifier we have some jet dry in here to keep things from floating on us and it's brought in a bit of a flashlight here to give a bit more light in there see what it all looks like but for now it's just sitting all on the bottom they're ready to go you get this camera closer and then stir up and here we go and the water way down to start with well Val over here that just adjust the water turn the power on turn the water up get up there bubbles out now for really coarse stuff like this the trick here is to get the water level almost up to the top of the blue bowl [Music] you can see all the stuff moved into the middle right away leaving a bunch of the gold around the outside edge but you can also see some of the big chunks of gold here left behind where some of the whole arms of blacks are stayed out and I'm gonna try to get the camera in nice and close at one point to show the gold climbing the combs both know the black stands climbing that cone jumping over and falling down the center and I can see it right now I'm watching the pieces go by making sure there's no gold that's all the blacks and I can see them Brooke white well it's all just black the one over that edge leaving all the gold behind in the bottom it might be a little bit aggressive at the moment let's turn that water flow down a bit [Music] look at all that gold left behind isn't that great now that happened a little quicker than I was expecting I'm not sure if that means that the lights were really light or if I had the water going to aggressive although it sure doesn't look like it at this point what you want to do is turn off your water blow the gold out into the field more rather not against the edge that's gonna break that's going to liberate any black sands that are captured in that gold so we're gonna turn it off oh that looks good we're gonna take a little snugger bottle here full of water and we're just going to go and blow all the gold out a little bit away from that bottom edge just like that and then we're going to turn it on again and let the black sand that's still stuck in there move back into the center and hopefully climb this time [Music] and the what well just adjust it to the water comes back up to that same level we'll go to the happens from the top edge where it seemed to be happy with this uh this goal [Music] you know I can see it's moved almost all the blacks and away from the gold now and I definitely see black sands climbing the cone might need that water level higher though it's still not taking the black sands completely away so we have the water level almost at the top right now which is pretty fast but oh yeah it's cleaning the box now black sands are going away nicely back that off a bit it's getting a bit too high oh that looks pretty good for clean gold in there for now that's pretty nice let's bring the camera down show you this a little closer [Music] now remember this is part rock crush cool so some of the gold still have iron attached to it if you see little bits of iron in there that could be still attached to a piece of gold oh I see way over here and expressi of that there there was a bigger piece when the dink stopped past the cosplayer somehow it's stuck in there and those will have to deal with after the fact because they just won't be climbing to get away look at that nice clean gold that was fairly quick clean that gold you suck that up and then put the next finer one in the 50 - go in there suck all that up [Music] [Music] okay now this is finer material so I can't have the water going quite so fast so even before I turn it on I'm going to turn the valve closed a bit more turn the water on now and slowly bring it up [Music] oh you can really see the gold on the outside edges right now that's amazing there's a lot of gold in there and I can see even at this level let's take it the water is the inch down from the edge so it's not really spinning yet but I can see a lot of black sands climbing and going away I don't have to get turns out down a bit I see it doing its thing really well right now Cameron the siege accountant taxes the spirals of blacks and going off around that home coming up coming up going ups and they jump over the lip and go down the hole and the gold is just too heavy to make that client I actually see a few pieces of gold trying to climb up but they get stopped about halfway up and just can't go farther and then where I'm watching nut roast again typical I watched that full flat spot on the top of the lift to see what is going in and often they said the material stops on it so you can seat and see if there's gold going in there now it has slowed down it's not moving so much right now so I'm going to crank the water prank gonna tweak the water a little bit little more water so that was a lot more water let's do it just a little more water let it mean that black sand away bit better [Music] this is where the process can get slow if you can just leave this go for my powers is let's slowly get that left and away good I'm impatient so I'm gonna let it go Victor [Music] I'm gonna shut off water flow here a sniper bottle and squirt the water down along that joint around the edge there to push the material out again there's gonna let that black sand the lighter stuff move in and get freed up from the gold a bit better gold again there's a little bit of iron attached the gold in some situations here so that's why you might still see some iron but that is pretty clean hardrock gold let's suck that up and get the fine stuff in there okay now the finest there's the 100 mm - 100 basically just powder spread it out somewhat evenly we will have to make sure this stuff sinks cuz it's gonna want to float it means so fine an extra shot in this one I get that stuff down once it's sung it's fine I put a lot of jet dry in there this one might suds for me a bit suds up a bit and again because we're finer we have to have less water flow this time here we go now this fine stuffs fun because it really shows the patterns nicely sort of sunburst pattern it creates leaving the gold trailing behind I said as I said before I don't really like the blue bowl for class or stuff but is it worth it for hard rock I think so this is convenient a bit aggressive there get the camera down here closer really see it climbing there all the blacks climbing that cone it's our seat a little bit closer now that sort of layer on the top edge where I can actually see what's falling in because it pauses up there for a while this is this fine stuff the stuff that you should just let the blue ball go for a long long period of time and see what happens but slowly take away all the fine heavies leaving the gold of course now I am NOT an expert with the blue ball I do not use it very often so I'm sure there's lots of people to help there seeing this that know how to use this better than I do saying hey you're doing it wrong or you should be doing this or why don't you try that please if you have comments like that leave them in the comment leave them in the comments let me know I'm always eager to learn more and I don't use this blue ball very often I see lots of heavies now climbing and going away again I don't see any gold going up with them this could be neat to see when this one's done [Music] don't let this one go slowly like this for a long period of time so I'll probably be cutting a bunch out here so this is going to go on for quite a while now and it looks like it's got it mostly clean I still see some black in there but you know because I'm smelting this stuff after the fact I'm not all that worried that there's a bit of black left so I'm gonna go in there and start sucking all this up now now before I serve dry out and everything all the gold they do have to go through this big oversized stuff and get out the gold because there's some big pieces in there in the 30 plus and a fair number of them so I'm just gonna go and pan those out off-camera I'm going to include them in this mark I'm gonna include them in the overall way up but all right now let's show you what it looks like in a pan wait so there's still a little bit of black in there but as I said before because I'm smelting this and not all that worried about that that looks pretty good look how fine fine fine some of that stuff is it's crazy now hey they go pan out the big stuff okay let's see how much gold we found in that about 500 pounds of rock we crushed there we go 2.16 grams of gold also to vest 2.1 six grams of hardrock gold and about 500 pounds of rock now I do have to go back to the tailings of the blue bowl because I messed up a couple times there one time I had it run way too hot and then when I let it sit for a while to run at a slow speed who wasn't paying enough attention and it crept up on me so I think I lost a lot of my fine gold I will run a second time and see if there was any losses for my to mess ups but I think that's a pretty good estimate of what we got there and that will have to do for this video one three seven oh let's go so in conclusion what I use a blue bowl to clean up gold well I guess I just did so yeah would however it's not my first choice I still like panning it out better and the fact that I messed up a couple times when I was running this means I have to do the whole thing again anyways I don't think it's that much of a time saver versus you know just panning it out panning is still my cleanup method of choice it's fun it's easy and you're good at it you get all the gold these ten things they work however I missed a cap and hope you enjoyed watching the blue ball going big thanks a lot patience up there because of you guys I get to spend my time doing this maybe these YouTube videos for everyone to watch so thank you so much for your support if you'd like to become a patron there's a link here at the end of my video click on it it'll take you off the patreon a simple $10 pledge goes a long ways in helping me make these videos so please like the video comment subscribe if you have it hit that Bell icon so you'd never miss an episode and until the next one never one bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 34,984
Rating: 4.9474015 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Bowl, How to use a blue bowl, is a blue bowl worth using, should I use a blue bowl, using a blue bowl, blue bowl setup, blue bowl use, blue bowl concentrator, hard rock cons, hard rock concentrat
Id: vZ-i2cK3d2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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