$1,000.00 Gold Paydirt - Unclassified Nugget Bucket from Lynch Mining

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to another episode of gold prospecting at home today we are gonna look at and completely go through this Lynch mining nugget bucket from Lynch mining comm and that's pretty much what it is it is a bucket of pay dirt and this is the unclassified one they also have a classified version of this which costs a little bit more this one here cost me nine hundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty five cents and that's after the fifteen percent discount so originally on the website right now if you go there today December 8th 2017 you go there you'll pay one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars for this I bought this in combination with two other items so I'm gonna divide the shipping by three so I paid a total of twenty one dollars twenty cents or something like that for shipping I divided it by three and I got seven dollars and seven cents or shipping now if you buy this it's gonna cost more than that for shipping so we can't really say how much the shipping is but you can go to the website and find out so we're gonna go through this we're gonna classify it all down as usual and we're gonna see how much gold we got we'll see what's in this nugget bucket alright hope you enjoy the video alright let's weigh the bucket says nineteen point four pounds on the website it says it weighs approximately twenty pounds so I'm cool with that it also says it's gonna contain many different sized nuggets but there's no guarantee of how much gold is in this one so also a correction real quick to the price that I said right now it's one thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars on the website it's no longer 1125 I just I just checked it and they up the price by two hundred bucks so all right let's crack into it and see what's in there all right so here's the plan we have our nugget bucket here we're gonna crack it open we're gonna classify it first like I would at the river this is a quarter inch classifier it's going to go directly into that bucket anything bigger than a quarter inch is going to be up here we're gonna put that in a separate pan and we're gonna weigh it next we're gonna use this here this is the only it's it's bigger than a 50 this is a 20 mesh and this is bigger so I don't know maybe it's like a 10 mish I'm not sure what that the number is but it is bigger than this and it'll help make room because there's there's 20 pounds of dirt here so we want to make a couple different classification sizes so we're gonna run it through this kitchen strainer then we're gonna do 20 mesh and then we're gonna do 30 mesh and we have a couple pans here to separate it out so let's go ahead and do it let's separate it all down and hopefully we can find some nice one nuggets in here we'll be able to see those right away so let's do it there we go there it is so yeah there's absolutely stuff that's bigger than quarter inch in here and a first look just looks like gravel you know but we know that there's some good stuff in there so let's go ahead and run it let's pour it through the quarter inch classifier and separate the big stuff so we'll do it dry it's like this [Music] what's dust glad I'm doing this outside [Music] thousand bucks worth of dirt oh yeah I see a couple Nuggets in there check it out that's all cold nugget right there on that one fell through there's a bigger here's a nice one check that out that is sweet there's another one and then another one so we eat whoops almost lost that one down to the thumb of the neighbor downstairs between the between the floorboards that is cool guys all right so let's take all this quarter inch plus quarter inch stuff throw it in the pan did you hear that that's the sound you like to hear Wow I'm just looking in this bucket and yeah there's there's some definitely some nice pieces of gold in there is it going to be worth $1,000 and we're going to find out so there's going to be a lot of this this size here I'm just going to run it right back into the bucket thing works really good yeah guys if you're uh if you plan on getting this bucket you got to do it outside cuz it or your shop or something where you don't care if there's a lot of dust look at that picker that's awesome man I'm getting there I'm taking a scoop full at a time and just classifying it right through this kitchen strainer which is actually a really big help I work the end of the bucket here for the strainer I figured I would fill them all this cuz why not you guys enjoy these videos pretty nice one here's what we got for our plus kitchen strainer right there alright here is everything classified out of the mug bucket from Lynch mining here we got our plus quarter inch our plus kitchen strainer this is a plus 20 the plus 30 minus 20 and this is everything minus 20 there was a lot of it it's pretty heavy I have a feeling there's a lot of black sand in there the next step is to remove all the magnetic stuff and then after that we're going to weigh it up and take a look at some of these pickers especially these ones here and they were pretty awesome those were Nuggets those weren't even Pickers those were denotes alright next thing you'll see is removing magnetite alright it looks like we have to break out the big guns for this one whoops alright let's start with this let's see if there's anything magnetic in this big there's one there's one magnetic rock in there [Music] and yeah this is kind of a pain to use it seemed like a good idea at the time it's just I don't know let's use the other one I like this one it has a handle on it so I'm cool with that those gold nuggets in there it's crazy yeah that works awesome I'm not gonna worry about taking magnetite out of that there's only a little bit all right now I'll start the video again I have a lot to do here that stuff is probably mostly black sand but I throw it all into the bend of the bows good and then we'll get back to you so yeah there's a ton of magnetite in here so far I'm gonna have to I need to find a way to spread this out maybe like a plastic something a bigger area so I can take the magnetite out a little bit more efficiently this will take forever look at all that that's just off the top there's just a ton of magnetite in here oh my goodness I'm gonna have to go over it twice because I'm picking out more than just a magnetite watch look at that there's a lot of dirt trapped in here so after I dump it in here I'm gonna go over this again with the magnet to make sure I don't get any gold or dirt or anything but this is the fast way to do it I guess so this is a little bit easier than just trying to dig it through the bucket spread it out a bit and that way the dirt and the blacks and the magnetic stuff has a chance to separate I'm going to use the bucket here as the tare weight for the scale will zero it out and we're gonna use this as our tare container all right so let's get going there's the magnetic stuff 39.6 ounces of black sand pure magnetite and probably a little bit of hematite and stuff but mostly magnetite that's a lot all right next next we have plus quarter-inch all this stuff here we're looking at 21 ounces 20.9 let's call it 20 point 9 plus 20 minus quarter-inch 42 ounces this is the kitchen strainer sighs whatever it is 42 ounces of that this is the plus 30 minus 20 that's 40 ounces of 40 point 8 ounces here's the minus 30 real dusty and 63 ounces sixty three point two ounces so we have a lot of work to do first thing we're going to do is we're going to go through this and probably this probably not this we're gonna look we're gonna pick out some of the nicer looking ones and put them off to the side and we're not going to weigh nothing yet not until we pan everything out but yeah cool holy look at that one all right so I dug through that plus quarter-inch stuff and we got five plus quarter-inch nuggets in here that's awesome got to see how much it weighs after we're done panning all the rest of this stuff out I'm not going to go through here we're just gonna pan it out and we'll see what we get there's a half dollar for scale to see the size of these nuggets here pretty cool Wow well I don't know how that one made it through the quarter-inch classifier look at that all right we got everything panned out there's the plus 25 here is the plus 20 actually now this is plus kitchen strainer this is the plus 20 here's the minus 20 plus 30 this right here is the minus 30 that's all that we got right there pour those in in all adds up even if they don't weigh anything and finally the magnetic stuff I actually did get two little pieces out of the magnetic stuff that's it let's just weigh it all up the one shot okay our scale is teared out to zero here let's get our golden off it sounds nice and heavy I could feel it feels pretty heavy here we go there's our wait ten point six nine six grams of 24 karat gold mostly nuggets that is pretty good I don't think it's a thousand dollars worth let's go on the gold calc and see exactly what it's worth so I transferred all those gold nuggets into little containers I put three in each one and now the total weight is down with two point three one five grams so yeah most of the weight is in these Nuggets here those are pretty awesome you tell you right now that's not a thousand dollars with the gold it's not even close however gold nuggets have a premium up to twenty thirty percent on eBay so we will take that into consideration as well but yeah I mean look down here you can see we got one two three four five six seven eight nine little nuggets they way from 0.45 grams all the way up to the big one here which weighs one point three to eight grams and this one is the small one at weighs point four or five and then we also have these bigger flakes in here but there's no way that's a thousand dollars with the gold I would say that's probably worth about $300 3 to $400 300 bucks 300 3 yeah I'd say about $350 and then if you add a premium for each nugget you know say this one would sell for 20 bucks there it's worth 20 bucks worth of gold you can probably sell for maybe $30 you know so add $10 per nugget so add one two three four five six seven add 90 bucks it says we'll just add 100 bucks to the final price just to kind of round it over and let's do it let's enter it in and see how we did all right so it is ten point six well let's just call it ten point seven grams that's rounding up a little bit it is ten point six nine eight or something like that it's ten point seven grams all right um it's 24 karat gold and at the current gold price we're looking at yeah so we're looking at four hundred and twenty nine dollars and 53 cents for nine hundred and fifty six dollars that I paid for it so we add one hundred dollars to that we're looking at 529 what do you guys think of that winch mining calm this is the unclassified a nugget bucket now they didn't promise any specific amount of gold or anything so I wasn't sure what to expect I saw it on it was a 15% discount so I mean they're selling this bucket right now for $1,300 13:25 right now so you think that's a good deal I'll leave it up to you let me know in the comments what you think of that but it is pretty cool guy I did get some gold nuggets I mean I could easily went on eBay and you know save myself 500 bucks but hey I'm saving you guys the hassle of figuring out what is actually inside those buckets so you're welcome I guess so anyway thumbs up if you liked this video don't forget to subscribe and all that stuff and I think I'll be giving away these gold nuggets on live streams so you know and I'll be giving these away to you guys so that's all I got I hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching liking subscribing and I'll see you on the next video or livestream alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Klesh
Views: 1,522,440
Rating: 4.7012339 out of 5
Keywords: gold mining, gold panning, gold panning at home, gold pay dirt, kleshguitars, pay dirt, pay dirt review, paydirt, paydirt review, prospecting, lynch mining unclassified, lynch paydirt bucket, paydirt bucket, 1000 paydirt, unclassified nugget bucket, nugget bucket, lynch nugget bucket, finding gold, gold nuggets, gold, 1000 dollar gold, colorado gold prospecting, gold paydirt bucket, kleshguitars gold bucket, paydirt bucket review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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