A Psychic Predicts Our Love Life

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well it gets a little bit um provocative but it just definitely gets a little bit more sexual so I'm not gonna say that you're gonna lose your virginity but I'm gonna nervous before but now hi yeah hi I'm Shane hey Courtney it's been a while guys for but I'm here at the white barn on to check in with you guys it's a new year it's a new us I mean I got a hair color it's crazy Wow so we're really excited to be back on this set this episode's gonna be actually very special I'm very excited but first let's of all what we're doing with this new year what do you yeah yeah we got some words it's you know it's 2020 it's so it's so so time it's around Valentine's Day right now almost there girls Oh chocolates flowers buy them get those chocolates and flowers for yourself I've done that before oh I bought I bought myself flowers this week I bought myself some sunflowers so I wanted to sunflowers yeah some flowers seem nice for myself you know cuz I was just like they're just friends do you have any like is there anything to see you're like resolution was big time bro big time Big Time preparations for this year okay so number one bad start to the year [Applause] number one guys health I white stay alive stay alive survive the year it's gonna be harder than we think so I wanna you know stay in shape I had some crazy stuff happen last year I also really need to go to the dentist - well this one's a big one for me I last year did a lot of self care for me and me time and and you know spoiling myself and my skin routine but like now I'm going to working on others and connecting with people connecting with other humans trying to upgrade your spectrum Internet I need basically I just like really need the faster Mbps and what else what else I feel like I told you do you remember I need a third one what are you what else here let's go to mine and then if you think about it here take the cab okay okay I have a couple I'm gonna go with the the small minuscule ones first try okay so I'm gonna right try new foods but I'm giving myself I'm giving myself a rule this year where whenever I go to a restaurant if I've been there before I I have to order something I've never had before so you know even McDonald's looks like I'm trying that full of filet-o-fish this time like I got to try it too okay so I'll go with my big looks I can't think of a second one hopefully by this point I didn't scream farther but guys I'm trying to do the splits this year I am trying to do the splits it's something I've always wanted to do cuz it's funny I tell you so many jokes you can do you move food yes so my big one and I'm gonna just do a drawing here my big one is is this I'm gonna I'm gonna draw this is my this is a self [Music] self-portrait this is what my brain feels like a lot well I'm trying to think less and I'm trying to I'm trying to think I'm not kidding I put a lot of pressure on myself I can you know it's a crazy industry we work in YouTube is nuts trying to clean this up a little bit you know just let just make some space memory just yeah I'm trying to eternal sunshine of the spotless mind myself so that I'm just like it's just like that in the air happy in there that's my big goal which is the opposite my 2019 resolutions I had like pay pages after pages of like I'm gonna hit the ground running over to Brian I'm gonna write this thing I'm gonna write this thing I'm gonna produce this and I ended up doing none of it because I put so much pressure on myself I couldn't move that's real right there you are prepared from realness where are you I remembered my number one one that was my original number one but now it's gotten moved to number three anyways get the [ __ ] off my phone it's all I'm gonna put phone and then a circle around like this because it was that and then in addition I want to read more books they're good okay Sean finished on the resolutions on my part all right ready oh no none of this has anything to do with what we're doing today yeah series really is what plot twists but we're about to actually get deeper into our psyches or just deeper into our should I say energies timelines we'll talk about a futures right while speaking of futures Sarah Whittle our producer and mom thought it'd be a great idea to bring in literally a psychic guys I'm so excited and we're gonna be told about our past but a present about our future and focus a little bit on our dating lives we're gonna change the lights a little bit well get the mood ready we'll see you guys in a sec guys literally I'm serious welcome to the most crazy episode of this show yet I'm just like oh my god guys you can you've been genuinely freaking out like this all day bear has brought in well someone from our office who actually uses this person this is Tommy Oakley yes a psychic and you you mostly use Norse route Norse runes yes I've been doing what I've been reading divination for most of my life but professionally probably about 10 years now so it's like you're technically a master Oh master of one yeah mine or yeah I got my Norse runes down I don't do anything else there's other tools out there but when it comes to detonation the runes are what really are the most accurate form for me and I feel like they give the most sound message for everybody this is my first time doing anything like this if you have it in a question form I can pretty much answer it for you I do have a couple rules here on the table though no crossing on the table okay so your your hands your eyes or toes it's amazing what yeah that's amazing what people across really it is how did you win what's the reason for that the reason for that and almost the time people get the they're afraid of the initial answer to some of the biggest questions that they have they're like am I ever gonna find love wait hold on don't tell me and they start doing some weird things with their arms and their eyes and I'm like alright no crossing here alright so I hear that you guys want to see the love lines right we're interested in our love life and it basically where it's gonna go I can give you past present and future in your love life and it also comes with it an advice card the advice card is the most important card pay attention to it because it basically tells you what you're not you're not hearing for yourself the first thing I need to do is I need to connect with you is I'm gonna look at you like a weirdo right here on the table look at me a hardcore yeah it happens every now and then I'm sure go ahead and give me your first and last name Courtney Miller now I'm gonna have you help me say show me my love wanna show me my love life hey it's not bad actually pretty good I'm not gonna lie no it's pretty good actually it says that you're waiting for something oh I know right that's good news so that means you didn't pass anybody up so don't worry about that you waiting for partnership you know that could be for any reason normally I'd ask you why but when I get your ax which is a perception of time and people it's usually saying that people have disappointed you alright constant disappointment not necessarily on aesthetics so that's the cool thing about you is that you're not necessarily looking at this thank you I appreciate that one more thing you need to know about that well it gets a little bit um provocative but it's just definitely gets a little bit more sexual sexual so I'm not gonna say that you're gonna lose your virginity but I'm gonna but I am gonna say that there is gonna MIT there's gonna be a man that's gonna sweep you up and probably make you feel like you are starting all over again I'm gonna go to your past I don't stay here too long all right it's very suggestive to like you know so in the past I do see a breakup but I see coming together of different parts of yourself you're still learning about yourself man all right I got to tell you that it's saying that there's different ask tributes of yourself that you want to explore this can go into a new career field or maybe sexual orientation right yeah I recently came out as not straight in February that would definitely be it will have connections but you got to make sure you explore your connections past orientation because you're gonna realize that people are people inside and they have a lot to give and it's really cool that you actually think that way all right that's it really advice card I'm not about to wreck to you I'm about to smack you listen truth though nobody's perfect and I understand that you're looking for the the mind of the one that you want to love essentially the one that's gonna love you in the way that you need to be loved it says that angels don't exist okay I know you're looking for that angel to swoop you up and take you where you need to go he's never gonna come I'm just gonna tell you that you have to show the angel who he is inside and when you show him that he's an angel then he can pick you up stop looking for this angel okay because he doesn't really exist Wow that was heavy I felt the the like entire gravity of this room change go into your future oh god here we go time travel Hey your future is pretty cool I'm not gonna lie to you eyes come to you as the the warrior lioness in this sense there you go like I like buying this I like playing it cool hey um your partner is definitely not here right now so that's definitely gonna be the reason why you're not in the relationship the blank rune comes up with RIE though on top so it's movement this man is pretty hard to catch because he is probably popular or something okay there's your love light that's everything that's a bright day where do you think watching now you're about to go through this madam um I wasn't nervous before but now I feel free to ask me any questions anything that popped up during that what happened well I did want one you were first explaining I did remember that one time in a transport at VidCon there was a psychic that was sitting there in the car he said that was gonna marry or be with someone in the industry let me check again Boop yeah I do see a partner coming from the industry but it's mainly the person that's going to give you your first child [Music] have child:yeah the minds are gonna be better than that all right here we go cool so we lo it's a good one you're never really good at reading here okay go ahead and say show me my left line show me my love oh there it goes you got a really good go ahead and say your first middle last name for me Shane Robert top all right Shane where is home to you right now outside of Los Angeles it would probably be Colorado Colorado mm-hmm you should go there for the holidays yes you did how was it there's pretty really great yeah you got a brother of two two brothers yeah you don't have any sisters do you know just the brothers what's your relationship like with your brothers I think it's really good are they both married yes mm-hmm so I'm wondering why mr. Shane's not married then well living in LA is crazy oh yeah my job is crazy I don't have like it's hard to plan for the future right when I don't know what five years from now it looks like and it's impossible to like buy a house yeah I get like I'm like I can't have a family when I live in a one-bedroom apartment well you said the word right there when you go home to your family and with their brothers and you're with everybody else you're like okay I'm home okay I'm home I know my brother can hate me hate my guts but he'll always love me essentially that's what you need for a love life you need to be able to make mistakes and give forgiveness forgive your partner okay and it's not that in fact it's not the fact that love is hard to find here it's family's hard to find and that's what you look for now okay I'm gonna go to your pass mm-hmm someone broke your heart man bad bad bad bad I don't want to talk about it too much because that one is a rough one yo all right and I'm not gonna say that um things like this happen for a reason you're gonna find someone that you love no they suck man they suck so bad right but I got to make them myself a lie yeah if they happen for a reason they're gonna go to your Vice card all right this is something that you need to hear about your love life okay so please pay attention to everything I say all right okay like I that actor whatever I like feeling stuff yeah you're feeling away I can tell them hey you're gonna definitely feel this one because this is um a pretty good advice card it comes with gif bow and gif bow is all about balance and generosity and sacrifice this already shows me that either you need someone to sacrifice for you or you need a sacrifice for somebody I wonder what it's both it makes sense right give boat a gift bow get bow is all about giving and making balance you are all about imbalance right now man every single time you want to make a love come to you either you're not enough for them or they are not enough for you one or the other sorry find joy again in a partner if you're not getting that joy from them or if they're not getting that joy from you and none of you guys should force it instead say hey I respect you and I respect everything that I got from this spirit it's time for me to go now okay well you can do that right yeah here's your future need this card and this rune are pretty cool the reason being is because remember I told you about this wall if you look at the rune of need the rune of need is a wall but it has a break through it it means you did exactly what you needed to do to break down your wall for you to find love so something that was said here opened you up Mehnaz comes to you but Mehnaz is inverted all right that's a good thing all right oh that means we're cutting out people that no longer serve you I see it I see you protecting yourself from the people that did hurt you but at the same time do not protect yourself when the people that are trying to help you because you will find love in them okay all right man there you go wow it's just heavy like it's it's it is but it's a I was kind of like okay like you know I didn't know what to expect I've never I don't know anything about Norse runes but that was a lot more than I was feel like it just worked out I'm sorry but the only thing I could think about now is the fear to be pregnant yeah well you can always find me at the green men's store I'm currently working there as one of their Norse rune readers the north rune reader oh yeah you're not Abe thank you so much guys are welcome we've done yet but we have other videos as well specifically this one from YouTube that they have selected for you and then we have personally selected this other one for you over here and if you guys have ever seen a psychic or a card reader police Twitter stories in the comments below how you feel are the skeptics out there let us know I am I'm a believer I gotta say dude
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,498,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, A Psychic Predicts Our Love Life, why we're bad at dating, bad at dating, relationships, breakups, dating, psychic, norse runes, psychic reading, psychic predictions, courtney miller, shayne topp
Id: -ryddKbMFzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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