A Murder Of Innocence | Full Crime Drama Movie

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[Music] come here [Music] i think we need a little review remember how i tagged everything by the room it's supposed to go in yes mom so if it's marked k-i-t it goes into the kitchen good one thank you debbie and if it's marked one kid br it goes into the first kids bedroom thank you becky nice work so why am i finding boxes in rooms they're not supposed to go in yes jonathan i can't read i don't know where stuff goes all right well maybe some of you older ones can help him okay we're in this together we've moved before all right let's go all right you want to grab that box it goes in the kitchen right into the kitchen okay perfect i'm sorry mom that's okay mary you are amazing i forgot you knew how to whistle like that well you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl so this goes into the basement you put that in the basement i'll put you in facebook [Music] take the name of jesus with you child of sorrow and of woe it will joy and come forgive you take it anywhere as you all know we've been searching for a pastor for quite a while we're so excited to have him and his family here as they help grow our congregation let's pray lord jesus i just thank you for pastor albert i thank you for his wife amy and i thank you for their lovely family i pray your blessing upon our congregation as you lead pastor albert to lead us in your ways through his gifted teaching and his anointed leadership father we just thank you and praise you in jesus name amen amen church the andersons [Applause] my family and i feel extremely blessed to be here we felt a calling to come we felt led to this beautiful town after our first meeting with chris and the rest of the board amy and i went home and we prayed with our six wonderful children the lord led us to isaiah 43 16 mom can the kids and i go play outside this is where he said it was okay of course have fun let's go grab your plates guys thank you mr sweets it is yummy oh you're welcome thank you so much you're welcome you have such wonderful children they seem to truly love and respect each other thank you we're really proud of them well that comes from good parenting and god's grace we're really glad you're here are we going to see revival in this town anytime soon well i certainly hope so always be ready to preach the gospel in season and down we're going to get along just fine pastor and we really want to see you succeed here so any support we can give you let us know thank you really appreciate that do you like fishing albert are we still talking spiritually or i mean actual fish well i don't get too often but yes i do we have a house boat down at the marina and we'd love to have you come join us this saturday if you're available that would be great absolutely the kids would love that well then it's set i'm gonna have to find my rod yeah that's awesome your name is [Music] thank you all so much for coming out this evening amy and i thought that we would do just a basic marriage seminar to help us all get to know each other and our stories a bit better as well sound good now amy would say that our marriage is a love story right sweetheart right i always get a little nervous when i ask that question hollywood would lead us to believe that a love story takes place in two hours or less but a real albert leaned over and whispered i have something for you amy my heart was fluttering and so was mine gentlemen you'll appreciate this one one hot summer afternoon amy decided to help out with the artwork albert it's a funny story yeah to you okay well needless to say amy got angry with the lawnmower ladies when it comes to making decisions being a marriage partner comes with great responsibility gentlemen the seahawks didn't just walk out onto that field and collect those super bowl rings now did they a real marriage takes a lot of effort it has to be nurtured worked and fought for fade your wife said you wanted to chat with us yeah well i just want to tell you my wife and i both really liked your talk nancy mentioned that i'm gonna need your help i can tell you that may regret it someday but really do need your help that's for sure okay well if you want to call the office set up an appointment we'll see what we can do we'll do [Music] that was interesting the devil's in that one excuse me well i mean there's just something not quite right about him we need to be careful chris you know maybe he just really needs our help other pastors have tried it's led to nothing but trouble and i want you to know he did a good job tonight nice job thank you and that was interesting we need to pray for grace [Music] really yeah chris did that yeah well i had no idea it took him months to live down that time that is some great ammunition for the next board meeting though thank you so how are you enjoying your retirement it's different all right ah still just as busy though between the house new boat the yard kids grandkids all the church activities closed yeah you know i've been meaning to say something about that you know most people check out when they retire but you two you're still just as involved i love that well god has a reason for us to still be here it's not just to serve ourselves i want to hear well done not well done until the last mile i like that i like that a lot actually you mind if i use that in one of my servers oh go right ahead oh oh i think i got one oh oh hang on hang on to him oh he's pulling on it all right here we go that's all the kids are gonna be happy we're gonna have dinner tonight thank you so much for having us here it's a perfect day isn't it i i can't think of a better way to get to know our new friends so tell me more about growing up as a pastor's daughter maybe i'll learn some things i can help my own kids with oh honey your kids are great they're a joy and a blessing to us believe me thank you but seriously anything well times are different now there'll always be someone who has an opinion about you and your family constantly under a microscope everyone will be looking to you to your kids to see how their kids should behave either way listen to the lord let god be your strength and grace i've never had anyone i could confide in that might understand what it's like well you're welcome i'll be praying for you fervently i hope is there any other way i don't think so [Music] you got it look that catfish hey look at this [Music] okay oh dad that's a big one it is yeah you want to touch it oh it's slimy isn't it yeah how about you mark you want to touch it yeah whoa look at you dad can we catch another one and keep it as a pet bless her heart hey that looks pretty good thanks you know if this whole pastry thing doesn't work out you might want to consider becoming a butcher thanks you're welcome today was a good day it was they're a real godsend you don't think so of course i do i think they're great but it's just we need to be careful i know you think the world of francine and i feel the same way about luke but people can get jealous if they get the idea that the pastor and his wife think more highly of someone else that's not i know we didn't run into anything like this at mountain view but i think that there are definitely some jealousies to contend with here all right i'll be careful thank you speaking of careful hmm that couple the other night at the seminar the blakes yeah what was that all about yeah i'm not sure what to make of that yet no bade really seems to be searching for something but i'm wondering if there might be some mental issues there as well maybe there's something i could do to help i love you now that is not fair what i'm covered in fish guts i don't care oh you don't huh come here i do care [Laughter] you know we all come from different seasons in our lives right now some of us are still changing diapers and planning play dates while others fay i know you have a child going off to college in the fall but it doesn't stop us being concerned for their safety i have grown children and i still worry about them our nurturing and caring doesn't turn off like a faucet just because they leave the nest it's a constant struggle that's where i think hannah had it right placing samuel and eli's care in the lord's house if we can do that then we can truly focus on just loving our kids isn't hannah amazing helps us to really uh focus on our children thank you for hosting sure it was my it was my pleasure oh that's a good idea would you ladies excuse me thank you amy are you all right i'm fine you can talk to me honey what what's the matter albert's concerned about our friendship did i do something wrong no no not at all he's just worried that other women in the congregation might get jealous if it looks like i'm favoring you i've seen that happen in churches more often than i'd like to mention albert's wise to bring it up we'll figure this out i have to tell you god brought you into my life to remind me of something i really needed reminding of we'll work it out amy thank you thank you for being such a great friend [Music] god brought you into my life for reason amy good morning good morning sleep well sweetheart you okay yeah i just i had a bad dream about what it was about francine hmm i hope it wasn't because of what i said i'm fine i'm sure everything's all right i'll give her a call today okay well i am heading to the office i've got a couple counseling sessions and then lunch with the board i'll pray for you please don't worry call me if anything comes up i will take care love you love you too thank you for calling the reeses leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can [Music] so hmm hello hi flint this is amy anderson i'm a friend of your mother's oh you're the you're the pastor's wife at my parents church right yes that's right flint i was trying to reach your mother over a meal she offered to provide for a widow have you heard from her yeah no no no i wouldn't worry about it no they got work in their yard they don't hear the phone cell phone coverage out there is pretty much non-existent got your life right well if you do hear from her can you ask her to give me a call you bet thanks so much bye-bye [Music] hi did i forget about a meeting no i wanted to go to luke and francine's place sweetheart we can't just show up like that i'm still having nightmares about them no one including their son seems to know where they are i'd really feel a lot better if we could go check okay let's go debbie we're going okay bye right here [Music] [Music] knocked on the door rang the bell no answer i hope they're all right i'm sure they're fine just give her a call in the morning and if you aren't able to reach her we'll come back tomorrow evening okay okay all right oh hi susan hi um has francine been to your place this week oh hi faye how are you great it's it's amy i i was wondering if you've heard from francine today you haven't either huh oh hi george i was just wondering if their boat was still docked this might be a bit odd but um i was wondering if the rhesus had come in to pick up their shipment this week veronica hi you know i was just calling to see if you've heard from francine you haven't yeah you know i haven't heard from her in a while i was starting to get a bit concerned [Music] you're right we'll just will you take care and god bless you and and we'll see you on sunday great have a good day bye [Music] thanks for doing this with me again i don't think i could do it alone i wouldn't want you to in all honesty i'm starting to get a little concerned myself so i scheduled a pastoral meeting in the same area tonight the rentons thank you of course i was hoping we'd find them working in the yard i'll go check wait something doesn't feel right can we pray of course heavenly father you're a protector you are a rock or comforter we'd like to lift luke and francine up to you right now that wherever they are whether they're at home or elsewhere that they are in the palm of your hand lord and that you are keeping them safe and protected thank you lord amen amen i'll be right back [Music] hello luke francine it's albert [Music] [Music] well nothing nothing and the door was open and cracked but still when i knocked on the door last night it was shut are you sure positive i think we should call the police no hold on let's try flint first see if he knows what's going on all right let's let's get to the rentons and we'll call him from there pastor anderson welcome uh thank you mrs ren can we use your phone of course it's in the kitchen thank you but i thought you were here for the meeting hello flynn this is amy anderson calling i was wondering if you found out where your parents are no i've been checking around well have you been to their place or just phone them yeah flint my husband and i went to their home earlier this evening albert found the door open a crack and he called inside but there was no answer no i heard that now okay we'll meet you there is everything okay we're not sure i'm sorry do you mind if we reschedule certainly hope is nothing serious yeah so do we thank you they're both here they're gone [Music] oh in the bedroom [Music] ugh the police are on their way please but you didn't call them no i we need to call the sheriff right away where's the phone it's right here can't get a dial tone tap it a few times anything yeah do you have an 911 hello yeah could you please come to the reese residence on maple drive immediately sir are you in here no it's my it's my parents they've both been murdered the sheriff's department is on their please hurry they said that we should wait outside and not touch anything okay [Music] why don't you go wait in the car will you come with me i don't want to be alone you'll be safe just lock the door i'll be right here please all right [Music] where is he going i don't know he just looks like he's up for an afternoon stroll we all grieve in different ways sweetheart this is so evil [Music] go when'd you guys get here we arrived shortly after flint the the reese's son been inside yeah all right go to get into the driveway okay wait there i'm gonna need to talk to you absolutely [Music] [Music] what sheriff asked you a question sorry sheriff can we just go home not yet did they invite many people in uh yeah a few here and there but they didn't entertain much did they keep cash stashed around the house no oh god why is this happening i really don't feel well i think i'm done with you mrs anderson and flint could you drive him home of course thank you honey can you drive me home first i really need to check on the kids absolutely thank you [Music] i just don't get it nothing about these murders makes any sense i just keep running it over again and again and it just shirts untucked top few buttons undone on the shirt it's like something caught his attention before he could get fully dressed you know that could just be the way he dressed around the house no reese was an impeccable dresser yeah we took pride in it there's no marks around the windows or the doors so no one was breaking in and caught them by surprise they either knew the killer or let a stranger in willingly like somebody turned on them maybe maybe by all accounts mrs reese was an immaculate housekeeper i mean there's nothing out of place everything neat and clean in order no signs of struggle i i just don't get it do these things ever make sense poor thing tied up with a pair of her own pantios you could consider it a murder suicide i mean they weren't getting along hated retirement he offshored kills himself suicide doesn't fit though why would he untie after he shoots her and then kill himself no one shoots themselves cleans up their own blood before they breathe their last i don't care how ocd they might be and where's the gun the 22. [Music] everything's okay i'll be back god is with you [Music] so are you gonna be all right fine yeah thank you you'll be fine we'll be praying for you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so mom what's wrong where's dad your father is fine he had to drive the reese's son home why what happened something terrible sweetheart come here i'll tell you both tonight your father and i found mr and mrs reese dead in their home somebody shot them what who would do that we don't know but they loved us just like they loved us like you and dad love us they were so good to us can we pray for dad of course dear god please bring dad home safe and help us so we will all be able to go to sleep when we wake up we won't have any worries in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] [Music] hey gang dad hey you okay yeah how's everybody doing when i was driving back home um god put a verse on my heart can you read it towards dad of course i can buddy i'd love to it's from psalm 46. it's important that we remember it especially in times like this this is what it says god is our place of safety he gives us strength he's always there to help us in times of trouble the earth may fall apart the mountains may fall into the middle of the sea but we will not be afraid it's beautiful i don't know about you guys but i need a family hug come on let's get in here anderson family come on yeah your mom and i love you guys so much you are so precious to us thank you i don't think i'll ever be able to think of the reese's home in the same way again i know it's going to be difficult but i can't see that sort of thing ever it's etched in my heart i know sweetheart i know we have to go we have the kids to think about god will keep us that's just it luke and francie knew god just like we do she taught sunday school she was the daughter of a minister how could something so terrible we have to trust him but i know i know it's hard to understand right now we don't hold all the pieces and we probably never will but amy god is greater than all of this he has the power to deliver us from any and all fear albert will you go downstairs and make sure the kitchen windows are locked and then check on the children again please okay thank you [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] give me to come from my [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh if there's something in the house all right i think there's someone in the house wake up there did you hear that noise it's downstairs what it's in the hole now can you go check on that yeah the children hurt me okay okay i'm going sweetheart okay so okay but i know i heard something you did yeah you heard the floor creaking i could see how that could sound like someone walking around it's okay thank god it's okay come on let's get back to bed sorry don't be sorry are you okay no i'm not i just keep thinking about luke and francine what they must have gone through who's safe you want me to pray for us heavenly father we plead the blood of christ lord over my wife over our children lord over our congregation over our entire community lord we need you we say lord to this entire situation we say peace be still that you stole our hearts lord you bring peace to us we thank you lord for these things and we pray for it lord in your mighty and powerful name amen amen thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] trust us [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] pastor everyone's afraid they haven't caught the killer yet they could be someone in this room yeah pastor it's really changed the whole town i mean normally everyone's pretty easygoing and laid back and we don't even lock our doors or windows at night i know lori has me keeping my shotgun next to the bed now she hates guns yeah well gentlemen i can tell you firsthand that things are things are challenging right now for all of us but we can't forget that god is still in control yeah but pastor how can god let the rhesus be cut down like that in cold blood i'm not saying that i understand it mike now the reality is that we live in a sin-drenched world now there really is an enemy out there that seeks to steal kill and destroy us if there's one thing i know is that god can take a situation even like this one and make good from it me i choose to trust i hope you gentlemen will do the same are you ready to go sweetheart have a blessed afternoon gentlemen thank you best thank you that's a man of faith thank you for making cookies mary we thought that it would be nice smells great over there ladies i'll get it here hold on buddy i'll be right back nobody is going to roll until we'll be right back okay faster flint come in grace can i get you some coffee or tea the girls just made fresh cookies no thank you so how are you two holding out why'd you leave the funeral so quickly well it was very hard on us as you can imagine your parents were becoming very close friends of ours did you receive any money from them money no of course not how much beef did they give you i'm sorry dad told me they gave you some well about half a half of beef i i don't understand how much money the cranes got from our parents know what i mean we know they love them some to help out but we don't know how exactly everybody was taking advantage of them of their goodness and their generosity because of that they're dead excuse me what i'm saying is because of my parents generous spirit they're dead somebody in this town didn't get what they wanted and they got mad so they killed them hold on flint you you can't go around making accusations like i don't know who did it yet but when i find out i think we're done here let's go [Music] oh and if somebody borrowed something from our parents we want it back tell them that put that in one of your sermons come on flint i mean it sheriff tomlin sheriff this is john claussen over on willow drive i got to thinking about this deal with the reese's yeah i couldn't get it out of my mind what do you mean i was driving to port angeles on 101 i think it was september 2nd or so as i came across a rise in the road just past stevenson's tulip farm i saw this woman hitchhiking at first i wasn't going to stop but then i saw she had a baby i felt sorry for her so i gave her a ride i don't really think a woman could pull off a murder like everyone's saying happened to the reeses but this gal didn't say much and she didn't seem to know where she was going i kept trying to find out where but it just made her more and more nervous we drove through squim and headed towards port angeles suddenly she asked me to stop and let her out i was right near the dungeness river bridge i said to her why let you off here and she says i'm going to sleep under the bridge tonight i told her this is no place for a baby she looked like she was giving it some thought but then she got out and walked away i didn't know how to convince her otherwise so i drove off that's just a few hundred yards from the reese's place yeah i know anything else you can tell me about the incident i'm afraid that's it sheriff all right john i appreciate it appreciate the call if there's anything else you can recall about it just don't hesitate to get a hold of me yeah of course thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] are you expecting someone no um bait you can't just come in here hey we're here to protect you protect us from what from the murderer of course i don't understand it's like the newspaper said preacher it could have been anyone in town you're an important man important enough to protect are you are you sure about this bait well that's just it you can never really be sure do you have a metal detector no we don't did you ever consider that the murder weapon could be buried right out there in your yard well like you're the only decent man left in this town they already killed luke reese i'm i'm concerned well you should be concerned we're going to stay the night maybe a couple nights if we need to i don't know that's great bait thank you yeah we want to make sure you're safe we appreciate that we're going to head up to bed now have a good night let's settle in tubby sweetheart what's wrong this is what it's going to be like from now on what do you mean i'm scared mom sometimes i'll stay up at night wondering if you and dad are gonna make it home wondering if i'm gonna have to become the parent what would make you think such a thing i don't know it's gonna be okay i promise is everything okay up there mrs anderson we're fine up here bait just checking it's gonna be all right okay come here [Music] good night just so you know i'm not okay with this i'm not okay with it either then why'd you let them stay well i thought it would be worse if i asked them to leave like telling them that i didn't trust them are you telling me you trust two men with lovely guns and conspiracy theories to camp out in our living room no sweetheart what i'm saying that if i ask them to leave they may have taken it the wrong way [Music] what are we gonna do i'll bait about everything i jump at every sound guy here i have you chasing every little noise throughout the night the whole town is terrified poor debbie thinks we could be killed next so does bait apparently how can you make jealous right now i'm sorry but i'm sorry i'm sorry you're right what you don't think pete has something to do with this dude i can't say that i haven't wondered about a few people but but what we can't go jump into conclusions out of fear i'm not just talking about you and the kids you know it's like you said this whole town is paralyzed you're right i feel like i should have so much more faith than this oh no no doing that to yourself okay i wish this never happened i'll tell you what i asked them to leave at first light and let them know that we appreciate it but that we've got it covered from here on out okay i'll even put in a few extra locks for good measure okay okay i just wish they'd leave now i know i'll be gone soon enough come on i'm right here [Music] [Music] [Music] babe why'd you do it do what call the sheriff all we were doing was trying to help you trying to protect you but we did no such thing babe why'd the sheriff come around in asking all kinds of questions about the reese's well i don't know i mean they're talking to everyone but it seemed to happen just after we come over to protect you that night you expect me to believe that's just a coincidence no then you did it what no look all i'm saying is that they're talking to everyone made i warned you warn me about it i warned you that you might regret getting to know us that time has come what are you gonna do babe i'm gonna tell your supervisor that's what wait till he hears how you've been treating your flock you you have every right to do that babe know this but what i'm gonna keep praying for you and your family francine reese was not the kind of woman to turn away a woman with a baby i'm thinking this deranged woman got up went to the reece house for some food or a handout and if she had a gun she could order francine into submission and bounder and if you really think about it this is just the size of pistol a woman would carry what about mr reese how would he fit into this scenario his son told me that luke liked to go out on the family properties in the morning to work all day long he'd come back midday for lunch so maybe she surprised him when he came to the door to change his clothes and if you really think about it a psychotic woman might be more likely to untie the bonds after shooting mrs reese and might be more likely to clean up the blood put out an apb on every detail we have maybe someone will remember this hitchhiking baby woman you got it all right i understand but as soon as you find out about that call me back thanks she's clean what she admits to being in the area and even sleeping under the bridge but she didn't murder anybody she was up at dawn on the road and seen a hundred miles away from there she might be mentally challenged but completely harmless back to square one uh under sheriff johnson uh now is not a good time well i thought you should know that my dad's 357 is missing flint uh i'm sorry what did you say well my sister was doing inventory but my parents place and my dad's 357 is missing he always kept it in a shelf in the closet here he's a making serial number your parents were killed with a 22 though yeah i know it doesn't make any sense but still i thought you should know thanks flint here's what we're gonna do we're gonna run the gun of stolen if you're okay with that yeah get me a signed stolen report for that and call the fbi i want to know if anyone has ran that gun oh and get a hold of the atf and have them run the gun through e-trace maybe someone pawned or sold again for some extra cash okay let's get this case moving again down here well i'm assuming this isn't a social visit do you have more questions for us how well do you know babe blake well he's a he's a member of the congregation you might think this is ridiculous but i um i let him and his grandson stand guard a few nights back you did how with the shotgun right here in fact why well to be honest i i felt that it was safer to let them stay than insist that they leave a bait isn't a suspect is he sheriff no he's not but i wouldn't recommend him guarding your home anymore though why he's a diagnosed schizophrenic with a record really well we've had a falling out since so is he harassing you no no no nothing like that sheriff he's all bark he's got a good heart i'll keep an extra patrol in your neighborhood just in case though thank you mm-hmm yeah we appreciate that you know we're still questioning a lot of people friends of the rhesus we know that mrs reese counseled a lot of people was in the church so we were still a suspect whoever it was it wasn't just a double murder it was a double execution someone with a seared conscience i'm sorry i didn't mean to uh upset you thank you for the coffee ma'am thank you for coming by sheriff absolutely i'm sheriff yes mrs anderson never mind it's it's probably nothing oh hold on a second in a case like this nothing could be something what is it um well have you been by the crane residence yet no i haven't why well right around the time of the murders fake called francine all francine said was i can't talk right now i've got to go and be with my lord faye crane what else you don't think that has anything to do with it do you we might anything else after faye's friend caroline passed away faye had a vision that two more people would die she was so upset she didn't even go to the funeral remember i didn't do sweetheart okay is that it that's that's all i can think of for now but we'll call you if there's anything else very good thank you we'll see you out okay listen a friend of mine goes to your church i can see if he can't loan you a gun or two you can never be too careful well i don't know how comfortable i feel about that but given the circumstances thank you you're welcome have a good day what do you say we grab the kids pile them into the van go for a drive and get some fresh air okay [Music] so [Music] not too far now i love this place i still can't believe the sheriff isn't any closer to solving this than he was two weeks ago now these things take time sweetheart i just feel like if they could find out who did this i could be myself again i wouldn't have to be afraid anymore that's not how god works that wouldn't be faith at all what do you mean well we live in fear because of the unknown so we fill in the blanks we fear the worst our friends are murdered how can we not be afraid you heard the sheriff these were executions whoever did this could do this again i know i know sweetheart but god asks us to trust him to deliver us in the middle of the fear in the middle of the unknown think about daniel when he was in the lion's den i mean he faced some very real furry and sharp fang fears but he prayed and he trusted while he was surrounded by his fear and he came out all the better for it look we found a fuzzy caterpillar a caterpillar see that [Music] what are you doing here sheriff do you come to her ask me again babe we need to talk so talk i need you to leave the andersons alone don't go near their home don't call them just stay away got it yeah i got it well i understand perfect i'm sorry sure i don't know why i did that sheriff i'm sorry really sure i'm sorry i apologize for forgive me all right it's okay man i'm gonna get you some help buddy okay i'm sorry sure it's all right let's go [Music] albert we're all in agreement you need to do more what do you propose i do gentlemen given sermons we've had prayer meetings we've denounced the enemy when it comes right down to it it's about people and their choices now i can lead them to the water but it's up to them to drink it and the sheriff is doing everything that he can to solve this now i'm sorry but i really don't know what more i can do i'm so sorry to interrupt gentlemen i have sheriff tomlin on the line asking for you pastor you mind taking a message i tried but he says it's urgent okay i'll take it thank you he's online too excuse me sheriff how can i help you i'm at the crane residence can you and your wife come and try faye crane at the psychiatric hospital she's having a breakdown that she won't go without your wife i understand as soon as you can get here of course we'll be right there thank you albert what was that about amy and i have to drive one of our church members to the psychiatric hospital for evaluation now that's exactly what we're talking about this is getting out of hand one of our congregants is being committed to a mental institution if you'll excuse me gentlemen i did something's come up you want to grab a sweater i'll explain on the way okay uh becky can you say grace yeah debbie you mind taking work for your mom sure don't worry about us love you dad love you bye mom i love you okay i should have seen this coming what do you mean after sheriff tomlin's visit she called me and she said she thought her husband was the murderer it doesn't make any sense i know i i assumed it was her exhaustion talking and she asked me to pray for her and i did i thought she'd be okay after that we'll do whatever we can for them i can't believe it's come to this [Music] hey bring i know everything about i know everything about him yeah i can imagine we'll be right behind you hit your flashes if you need any help okay i'll meet you there no no no no the psychiatrist can my husband sit on it amy hey the doctor's here mrs crane i'm dr barrett i'm going to ask you some questions how long did it take you to get here how long do you think you'll be here i know what you did and i know what you did and i know what you did and you didn't you didn't you did mrs crane you gonna cooperate peacefully or do i need to get some help in here oh you know what you're just a horrible horrible little man you're horrible people don't shake your head at me [Music] you know what i know okay you think you're so smart like you pulled one over on me but i know no i know you're not gonna get away with this don't touch me you're not gonna get away with this either no no no no no no no no don't don't go please no no no i know you know it's no i know you see it too you feel it i know you feel it okay that dress will set our face the troubles that are free don't touch me [Music] do you think i could end up like faye i can't shake these fears sweetheart sometimes god gives us more than we can have more than we can handle on our own that's why he created us for a relationship with him but i know him and i know i need him and i talk to him i just feel so trapped amy are you letting the lord carry this are you still trying to carry it on your own i don't know it's okay it's okay take a nice hot bath try and relax i'll probably be here all night with rob i'll get the sheriff to give me a ride home okay okay just give me a minute of course i love you i love you too [Music] i'm giving this all to you jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mom you're humming i am i am i mean that's such a great day what's going on isn't it a good day daddy [Music] come in what is going on what did i miss hey we are dancing for joy daddy you are well i want to dance for joy too come on [Music] come here you love you guys come here [Music] you're home just in time to make breakfast oh perfect sheriff tomlin sheriff this is detective reed over in bellingham we've got your gun what i'm sorry did i hear you correctly we picked it up off of a perp last night i ran the cereal through the ncic and got a hit who is he uh edward chaney best we can tell he's new in town he's working as a tree planter in bothell so last night he borrows his boss's vehicle and ends up in bellingham after picking up a couple of hitchhikers and all of them have a little bit too much to drink chaney runs the car off the road one of our officers witnessed the whole thing so the hitchhikers are laughing and chaney takes off like a fox officer tillman is in pursuit we lose him just outside of a nature park so we call him the dogs and when we do finally catch up with him he's got the 357 in his possession says he picked it up at a junkyard for 10 bucks but can't for the life of him remember where of course he doesn't oh and you should also know that there's a hold on him from new york state parole violation i need to talk to him yeah sure have at it okay thanks we'll be there first thing tomorrow morning okay see you then all right thanks well this is good i sure hope so mr cheney sheriff tumbling claum county there's this little matter of a 357 found in your possession it was taken from a scene of a double homicide we're investigating okay i don't know nothing about no murder like i told all the others i bought the gun second hand yeah that's right from a junkyard 10 bucks which one oh you know i just i can't remember have you ever been to squim mr cheney look i came out here for work right fresh start and all violate the terms your parole no no no okay when you get out of prison they want you to reintegrate best way to do that is to move someplace new and start fresh i see can you tell me where you were on the 2nd of september nobody remembers that you're a felon violation of parole cited for drunk driving property damage resisting arrest and in possession of a firearm that disappeared in a robbery that left two people brutally murdered i'm having a heck of a time believing you came out west here to turn over a new leaf in fact i bet a grand jury would have a hard time believing that as well mr cheney you can't prove nothing and uh i have a one-way ticket back to new york tomorrow so oh you're gonna stay here is this your guy i think so brady i'm afraid your trip was unnecessary i have here in my hand a warrant for cheney from the clown county prosecutor's office he's a material witness in a couple of murder cases and that supersedes your extradition order thanks he's all yours [Music] [Music] looks like you got yourself an extended stay it's good though gave you a few extra days to think things over i wonder how many of those good people are going to have recollections of you in their fine town after we flash your photo around and i wonder just how forgiving they'll be sat down as a panel of your peers there must be a very special place reserved in hell for someone like that i didn't murder those people one of my friends that i served time with back in new york moved out here a couple months ago we planned a camping trip the plan was to break into people's trailers when days down at the beach we started down on the oregon coast moved our way north didn't have much luck though we ended up somewhere up here before we crossed the sound and went home is that it i said is that it no more details if you want more details i want a deal now i didn't murder those people but i know who did deal i don't make deals with convicts i have enough on you to put you away for life you'd be better off just telling me the rest you know what you're right you don't make deals the district attorney on the other hand they make deals and i wonder how they'd feel about this conversation are you sure you guys are okay with us i just thought you might want to be here and listen to this yourselves thank you sheriff we appreciate it all right got a pen i knew that my old cellmate brian sanders and his wife were planning on moving out here once he got out he told me i should hit him up when i got out so that's what i did um we had a couple of days off in early september and we decided we'd just go have some fun we were gonna rob campers you know people that could actually afford to be on vacation but we just we had no luck apparently you guys camped different out here than we do back east so the next day we were in port angeles area and we just started looking for houses we figured most people were going to be gone for labor day weekend so we find these houses at the back end of this dead end road pretty far out it didn't look like anyone else was around brian tells me stay in the car he grabs his 22 gets out and goes up to this house to check it out so he knocks on the door and this old lady comes out and he just shoves her right through the doorway i didn't know what to do suddenly i hear a couple of shots go off so i got out of the car and i ran into the house are you okay i don't want to hear it i want to hear what what is going on dude i was tying her up i was gagging her this guy right here walks up i had to shoot him what why did you have to shoot him we need to go come on let's go nope we need to get her in the room now why do we need we need to go let's go get up [Applause] [Music] right [Music] so yes there you go buddy now you have one let's go [Music] and we take off head back across the sound and home like nothing had ever happened so is that it enough to go to trial we'll see if a story holds up and there's still so many unanswered questions welcome to my world thank you sheriff tomlin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] whatever my heart thou has taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul it is well [Music] with [Music] it is well with my soul though satan should pass it the trial should come let this blessed [Music] and have shed his own blood for my soul it is [Music] is [Music] i [Music] no more praise the lord praise our lord oh my soul it is [Music] my soul and lord takes the day when thy faith shall be rolled back [Music] [Music] it is well with my soul it is it is well it is where my soul you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 2,801,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, A Murder Of Innocence, Faith Movies, religious movies
Id: rYExZIJ9r9I
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Length: 103min 58sec (6238 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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