The Price She Paid (1992) | Full Movie | Loni Anderson | Tony Denison | Stephen Meadows

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign breakfast in 10 minutes I have a surprise for you Dan called a little while ago and guess what you're pitching today what about Randy oh he's sick his mom called Dan and Dan called me and said you're pitching so I fixed a breakfast Fit For A starting pitcher thanks mom stay right [Applause] you're doing great just don't get rattled all right and quit worrying about that big kid when you're on the mound you're the big kid okay I swear that last ball RT through actually danced that was his knuckleball really I've never seen David throw one Marlene David plays right field [Applause] ball one thank you don't look now but there's a very interesting dad that's been staring at you for the longest time I said Dalton now why do people always do that I don't see anybody all right let's go try again over by the tables [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I'll call him back [Music] [Music] how do you feel I'm okay across your heart mom don't say crush your heart anymore nobody talks like that don't forget you pitched five great Innings today it was a sixth inning game so next time out you'll pitch six great innings I choked I didn't choke you made one bad pitch a mistake Pros don't choke I choked mom RT you know the difference between pros and 11 year old boys just starting out in Little League Pros know how to cut their losses and come back and try harder next time don't let the past beat you honey Let It Go okay you sleep on that [Music] I love you Mom you better [Music] then can we take a rain check on the movies no it's not just because of our tea but I can't ignore the fact he doesn't exactly feel like player of the year I'm sorry honey it's just been well I don't know a long day I tell you what I'll get a good night's sleep and tomorrow we'll really do something fun okay foreign [Music] sorry I didn't call but I wanted to surprise you you surprised I got two medium pizzas loaded to the gills two yeah but you know how guilty I feel about picking out alone oh in case there's any lingering doubt that we're not into major gluttony this bottle of Cabernet I have been told that it is an impudent little devil with a hard body and naughty thoughts did I uh come at the wrong time Lacey I already ate with our tea okay is it Dan what has Dan got to do with anything hmm Saturday night I just have all this painting I have to do okay is it that guy what guy you know Mr tall dark and handsome by the picnic tables at the park oh him don't tell me that's what this is about oh merlane wasn't worth a bottle of wine and two pizzas maybe a cracker and some cheese spread oh come on don't get it Kidder what's the big deal anyway remember me best friend share of Secrets I saw your face when you looked at him I have never seen you look like that in all the years we've known each other bye well five's a lot you're gonna be disappointed I'll be the judge of that okay he's just this guy I used to date a long time ago in LA yeah now it's getting interesting come on overnight we had this fight I mean sort of an argument and uh I got out of the car and I thought he'd come after me you know at least drive me home or something but he didn't he took off of my purse and my keys and I had to walk home and that was that never saw him again end of story see aren't you disappointed why are you looking at me like that why don't I believe you that is a question better answered by you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's hi Lacey I need to talk date isn't even the right word I mean we went to the movies once and and this other time he he took me to a baseball game that he was playing in I wasn't a big romance or anything kiss me good night at the door and then he'd want to come in and I'd say no and God this is hard I'm sorry but what was that 10 years ago 12 . What's Happening Now what's changed what's changed is he's out of prison for it well it's against the law you know Marlene he used a knife a kitchen knife you know that scar I have right here well then he deserved to go to prison well thank you very much why is he here I mean it can't be for Revenge you don't go out in public places if you want revenge well there's more I I didn't tell you the truth about Arty's father he didn't die in a car crash he didn't die at all does anyone know the truth about this my sister in Saint Paul you never said anything to RT oh no I wouldn't want to have him deal with something as ugly as that Marlene I need help vicious totally unprincipled everything you want in a lawyer I'll call him first thing in the morning forgive me for asking this but it's it's have to ask why didn't I have an abortion well I almost did I made an appointment I even went to the club sweetie sweetie sweetie it's gonna be okay I promise oh Lacey I think what do you think well you know I don't think this color is really for you but I have some great sweaters over here I want you to see I'll put my things down and be right with you anything well just a couple reps from San Francisco uh so they call back later can't wait to see their new line Lacey if you don't stop buying everything in stock at wholesale we'll never have anything left for our customers oh and someone stopped by for you today did he leave a name how did you know it was a he [Music] Jane could I use the office for a few minutes sure is everything okay hi all right what is it why are you here what are you trying to do that's not much of a greeting after all these years lace don't call me that why are you here I'm out I'm free 10 years two months and one day I wasn't counting well I was all right you're out congratulations good luck in your new life I'm glad you feel that way it'll make it a lot easier on our son how can you stand there and say that there is no our son there is no hour anything that boy I saw pitching on Saturday half of him is mine out of here or what oh I'll call the police like it or not that kid is mine and I've got the same rights that any other father does you haven't seen the end of this what you're seeing it's just the beginning [Music] foreign did I mention that yep I was hoping for a while to become Mrs Elliott Colby instead of Plano Marlene Thomas but then we got to know each other still a wonderful lawyer though you know you're driving me crazy with the knives and forks sorry he must have got held up in traffic you know I think I'll go to the ladies room and he'll be here when I come back okay foreign excuse me are you Lacey Stewart yes Mr Colby Colby cute guy Blue Jacket behind you well you see what's wrong what is that a subpoena I'm being sued you're being sued by who Keith Wells this is unbelievable he's suing you for what joint custody of RT [Music] you mean he can actually do this you what sue her you can sue anybody for anything winning however is an entirely different matter can he win joint custody highly unlikely that's the good news the bad news is I doubt very much of joint custody is what he has in mind my guess is it's the first shot fired a bluff I think it settled for conventional visitation in a New York minute no court in the world would Grant visitation to somebody like that would they in Montana probably not but in California possibly I believe I'm hearing this well look at it from the Court's point of view he's paid his debt to society unless we can establish otherwise he's a rehabilitated man anxious to accept his responsibilities I I know what you're going to say I don't disagree with you I'm just trying to give you an idea of what you're up against according to the order to show cause he's representing himself I can give him a call see what he's got in mind it doesn't matter what doesn't what he's got in mind it doesn't matter I'm not going to negotiate with him I'm going to fight him every inch of the way if I have to all right I've got a first class investigator he's like a dog on a cent we'll see what you come up with yeah you keep saying that well I keep feeling like you don't believe me well you heard what he said I don't understand the system it's not like Heath has to prove he's responsible or prove anything at all it's like all he has to do is show up I'm the one with the burden of proof don't listen to me I'm not to be taken seriously right now have you thought about telling Dad I've thought about it well you gonna I guess I should I think you're gonna have to rt2 not RT not unless it's absolutely necessary well what's it going to take to make it absolutely necessary losing in court I don't understand why you didn't tell me before I think I would have eventually what difference does it make anyway I mean does it change anything between us you're missing a point what is the point please tell me the point so we can get it out of the way all right put yourself in my place here we are talking about a future together and suddenly I find out that there's this huge piece of your life that you chose not to tell me and I don't understand why and it bothers me I mean it scares me it makes me wonder what else you haven't told me you know this whole thing just reminds me of what happened with my ex-wife and God knows I couldn't go through something like that again Dan I am not your ex-wife I'm not cheating on you why won't you look at me this isn't about you about my fear my trying to bury the past I tried to convince myself that what's happening now couldn't ever really happen please honey don't make it any worse than it is foreign [Music] don't worry about me okay okay I'm with you all the way [Music] first we have a court date the 26th it's a week from tomorrow the hearing will be held at Family Court in the new courthouse 10 A.M why Family Court this isn't a Family Matter Lacey slow down it's okay this is not a criminal case Family Court was set up specifically for cases like this it's less formal more like a hearing Here sign this what is it it's a petition for a restraining order if it's granted Keith Wells won't be able to come within 500 feet of you or your home son do those things really work depends on what you expect from them right now it's more a matter of positioning strategy it tells the court we're afraid of this man why haven't we heard from the investigator it's been over two weeks well we have I've got a five-page report in my office if you want to read it can't be much in it if you didn't bring it with you a few scrapes in prison apparently nothing very serious after he was transferred from medium security to minimum he took college courses in Horticulture of all things the parole report states that he has quote a reverence for living things I'm going to be sick he has a an apartment near Ocean Avenue he has a job he has enrolled in night courses at Sarah Costa College oh let me guess Horticulture right he may not make much of a father but he'll make somebody a hell of a gardener no Lacey wait I'm sorry if I sounded a bit glib I do that you didn't sound glib you sounded like we're wasting our time like he's going to win Keith Wells do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do Lacey Stewart do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do seated Mr Wells you're representing yourself in this matter is that correct yes that's correct your honor and Mr Colby you're representing with Stewart that's right all right let's get down to business for those of you who aren't familiar with family court we don't do Perry Mason here we keep it simple and direct I've read the briefs by both parties let's start with the petition for visitation Mr Wells you were released from the State Penitentiary how long ago just over a month ago your honor why the sudden interest in becoming an active father it's not a sudden interest your honor I have letters and birthday cards I've sent for years it's all returned your honor you may remain seated Mr I moved I moved eight or nine years ago Mr Wells show me the cards and letters just dump them on the table there your honor I appreciate the drama of Mr Wells version of Show and Tell the court should be aware of the child in question Arthur RT Stewart was only a baby at the time which placed Miss Stewart in the position of having to open mail from a man recently convicted of raping her of violently raping her I think it should be noted may I protest your honor why does everyone want to stand up today please sit down Mr Wells now what is it you want to say I never used a weapon on hurt your honor in fact I never raped her your honor I object this man was tried and convicted of first-degree rape and to sit here and listen you've made your point Mr Colby I quite agree and thank you for not standing I don't expect miracles for Honor I gave up believing in them a long time ago all I want is a chance to live my life like a free man again like a man who's found the capacity for forgiveness and forgiveness was necessary I believe it was Skinner who said to deny the belief in profound human change is to deny belief in the most fundamental aspect of human existence I guess that's about it though and I I love my son I'd like to think that I could help him steer a course in life I respectfully hope I get a chance to try I don't hate Mr Wells I used to I did for a long time there was a time when I wish they'd keep him in prison forever and there was a time when I was so afraid that he'd Escape and come after my son and me that I moved constantly so five years ago I moved for the last time I wanted to make a permanent home here I think I'm doing that and then out of nowhere here he is I Can't Describe to you just how that feels just how frightening it is when you've seen the real person inside and I'm not the only woman that Mr Wells has taken out his contempt and rage on I object your honor what's true it's true it came out of the trial that'll do both of you we're not here to retry Mr wells's previous conviction you may continue we'll keep it brief and to the point but there's one thing I do know and I know it to the bottom of my soul Mr Wells isn't here out of love he's here for Revenge whenever I hear someone say this is not an easy case I feel like saying what is despite that I am now going to say this is not an easy case we have two parties both highly presentable equally credible despite coming from very different lives very different perspectives and personal histories I want this to work I believe it can as an officer of the court I'm going to act on that belief for a trial period of six months I hereby Grand Mr Wells conditional visitation a maximum of 12 hours per week the conditions are the visitation be arranged through the good offices of a third party which is to say we need an intermediary to make this work any suggestions um I'd be glad to help if if that's what you mean that's exactly what I mean the reason for this is because I'm also granting Ms Stewart's petition for restraining order during the probationary period is that clearly understood Mr Wells it's not necessarily your honor but yes it's clearly understood thank you both petitions granted aforementioned conditions duly noted make this work I'm talking to both of you this hearing is adjourned how can you do this how can you do this I might have expected this judgment from a man but you just stop being a woman because you're wearing a black robe I'm very sorry you feel this way this way sorry look what he did to me they raped me you get raped sometimes and see how it feels you'll get raped and then tell me I have to share my child with this forever [Music] foreign good you got something to tell me Mom why would you say that because it's my favorite place last time you brought me here for dinner I wanted to talk about you and Dan you're a real student of human nature honey maybe you'll become another Skinner who's that I want you to read this letter in case I can't get through what I want to tell you you know I said chicken out you know I can't read the way you write why don't you just tell me I I haven't told you the truth about certain things about things in the past like what like about your father he didn't die in a car crash then how did he die he didn't die sweetheart he's still alive foreign maybe I was wrong maybe I should have told you the truth from the very beginning but the reason I didn't was because your father was sent to prison and I didn't think you'd ever see him I didn't want you to grow up thinking you came from a bad person can you understand that what did he do ah well we can talk about that later but right now what I need to tell you is that he's out of prison and he wants to see you you won't see me well here we go now are you all right do you want to tell me what you're feeling don't forget your letter [Music] ah you're right on time hi Artie hi how's it going good so how do you feel so far I'm a wreck you got time for a quick cup of coffee he's not going to be here for another 30 minutes I don't think I should it's gonna be okay okay I'll be waiting for your call RT I'm leaving goodbye now go home relax I won't let them out of my sight believe me foreign [Music] well we're all set did I mention on the phone that I was coming along several times I'm glad for the company this is it I'll get our tea RT this is Keith hi hi good job call me take it son David's got the makings of a pretty good ball player really yeah nice quick it's got fast hands but he's afraid of the ball he is he's correctable in a boy his age I could work with him if you like a good ball player can never bring fear out into the field fear is a terrible curse sucks the life right out of you you uh know a lot about fear Mr Wells survived over 10 years in prison I should uh yeah I'm sorry it's okay Marlene you're not gonna believe this it's like you spent the last 10 years being father of the year instead of where he was you know even Dan seems to like it well Keith calls from coach and you know Dan he's a pushover for anyone who calls him coach Lacey are you there you there yeah I'm here Marlene that's great I couldn't be happier hi hi RTA I want you to know that this is awkward for me too yeah hey I don't expect you to feel a certain way or even act a certain way around me let's let what happens happen okay mom never told me you play professional ball a couple of years AAA team Bakersfield Broncos really with the Yankees yeah what position catcher it's cool all they haven't wanted to do in life was play ball come on guys let's go snap it up so what are we gonna pitch this kid how about a knuckleball you got a knuckleball yeah that's what I gotta say [Music] [Applause] oh no way [Music] I said save them Docs [Music] what is that well this we're going to put on you right around your waist like a little diamond [Music] s way to go all right yeah [Music] foreign [Music] maybe we should call the quiz for today no I can do it let me go for it now RJ we can come back another day wasted time just talking about it techniques the same whether it's two feet or 200. no duh yeah well you just take it nice and easy going down no Hollywood repelling like I was doing okay okay I don't know about this Keith hey you'll be all right safety line on him if he gets tired we'll just pull him back up I'll sit here Dan thank you for this I am having a great time I don't mean just today you're in a potentially awkward position and and well you've been real decent toward me as you know how much I appreciate it yeah no problem hey come on [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pull them up he's upside down we'll pull him right out of the harness you write himself it's conscious [Music] key put on a harness man you'll kill yourself [Music] foreign [Music] Ted climbing equipment caused a near tragedy averted at the last minute by a father's daring rescue of an 11 year old local boy now a bystander near the face of the cliff caught the entire incident on his home video camera and here it is Dan this is an amazing piece of hay that's right Linda right here we see the boy begin his deception wait whoa there he goes he's hanging outside something must be wrong Lacey the doctor said she wanted to give him a complete exam it takes time don't worry so much snap you don't think about the danger when it's your own son they're gonna really I'm not you know the only hero es relax RT is fine he's got some abrasion some bruises otherwise he's in good shape yeah as far as I know why you guys wait for me for a second oh sure sure I I didn't want to leave without thanking you I I mean I guess you saved RT's life I guess I did I hope this isn't violating any restraining orders I hate to go to jail for just being thanked it's frightening you know to think a little thing like a figure eight could have taken RT away from us isn't it too frightening to even say I would know figure eight if I tripped over it well if you ever do looks like this [Music] Solid Steel [Music] it's real strong unless it's tampered with tampered yeah I can saw it through [Music] then it can break just about any time you want it to you like that [Music] I see Elise [Music] I don't get it am I missing something Marlene he broke it in his bare hands the figure eight Dan why are you just sitting there just hold on a second now I'm confused what are you implying I'm not implying imply I know what is it to say what are you gonna do about it Lacey are you sure you're not just jumping to conclusions think about it RT is his son too he loves him not to mention the fact he easily could have been killed also honey look you didn't know what a figure eight looked like any more than I did before this afternoon or maybe he was just trying to show you what could have happened [Music] he did this on purpose he planned it he risked my son's life to prove to me that he's not throw with me hey hey Dan how you doing I'm fine I guess still hurt a little bit well RT's lucky to be alive because of you you know that don't you I didn't do anything listen um I don't like bothering you at work but we gotta have a private conversation how much more private can you get unless you're wearing a wire listen at Lacey's upset she says last night at the hospital you showed her a figure eight she says I showed her a figurehead yeah she says you broke it right in front of her I don't know what that means well me and she thinks you had something to do with what happened she thinks that poreless well that's what she thinks I told her I'd talk to you about it you're saying that this conversation never took place it took place all right even the part about the figure eight I told her that they look like this as far as the braking Parts concerned I only think that maybe she got confused because some of my keys fell off onto the floor I should get a new key ring I guess but kind of attached to this one made it a metal Shelf my first year in prison I guess I guess it's harder on her than I realized coming back into my son's life wanting to be a father I mean she goes from being sweet one minute to this kind of thing what do you mean sweet one minute we talk on the phone you know you talk on the phone she didn't tell you that looked in I don't want to let any cat out of any bag okay let me just get back to work I'll see you later let me ask you one of the questions um why do you always call her lace when you always do that have it I guess when we were together that was my little name two are together when we had our put it this way when we dated she didn't tell you about that Garcia thanks I just don't oh Dan me Lacy he said that's what he always used to call you that that was his um his little name for you do this don't let him do this why didn't you tell me what that you dated him you told me that he raped you but you never told me you dated him we had two dates if you could call it that we were never intimate you know I really don't know what to think anymore I mean first of all I find out that you never told me the truth to begin with and then when that comes out I find out that you never told me the truth about having dated the guy I mean come on Lacy look at it from my point of view I'm sorry I didn't think it was important maybe I made a mistake thinking that I guess I've been making a lot of them lately you want to hear everything here's everything we had two dates the last one he invited me to this little house he was renting said he had a surprise for me when I got there he locked the door he said here's your surprise and he started to unbuckle his pants I tried to scream I tried to run I tried to fight but he cornered me in the kitchen I grabbed one of those spray cans and I sprayed him in the face with it I was hoping it was one of those insect Killers or oven cleaners or something poisonous but it wasn't it's one of those sickeningly sweet room deodorizer sprays the smell was all over him I'll never forget the smell wait a minute I'm getting off the track here I want to tell you everything like how and I bit him on the arm he got the kitchen knife [Music] I think he was glad that I bit him gave him an excuse to cut me which he did 12 years later scars are still there inside and out I don't know what to say [Music] okay Marlene how you doing well I had no idea you shopped here usually don't just coming back late from a job over in Pineview you look great well it's just my normal work Rags but thanks I was in the mood for some spaghetti tonight I don't know mama peska you ever tried really bad that's what I figured then again I'm half Italian so I may be overreacting now my marinara sauce is not to be believed the flavors the Aromas sounds irresistible especially to a man who has spaghetti on his mind I should go hey Marlene um I know this little place Bel Campos real Italian cooking fresh baked bread what do you say [Music] I don't think we should Keith really why not what did Lacey put out a restraining order for 500 feet with you two [Music] hi sorry I missed your call I think leave Marlene where are you I've been calling all night I've got to talk to you he's gotten to Dan now you you believe it it's like I can't talk on this machine are you all right call me as soon as you get in please [Music] hello Marlene oh hi Lacey no no I'm fine if I uh sound out of breathless because I I just got in I ran into this guy from the office and uh he asked me out to dinner so I thought well why not what's up a lot of lies about past Lacey you know Dan has always been the jealous type forget Dan for a minute I'm telling you about Keith what he's doing now and it's working I mean that's the frightening part he's got our tea completely mesmerized and he's got Dan thinking I don't know what that I might be attracted to Keith or something can you imagine that I don't think it's fair to blame it all on Keith do you what's going on first Dan now you Lacy I'm really tired can we have this conversation tomorrow yes okay we'll talk tomorrow good night [Music] Mr Macho himself Keith well call me call me better yet [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well well read it last [Applause] are you Eugene so here we are eyeball to eyeball with the competition stick's a little too pale if you don't mind my thing your message said you had something to tell me but he spent a lot of he knows locks as well as anyone here I want him back I really don't care how he's planning to kill you he's a bad man one of the few truly evil men that I've met oh what's his plan he's been working on it for years he's going to invade your life like you did your body he'll take everyone from you one by one and when everyone's gone I'll end it [Music] Eugene I've come a long way I need help can you help me Maybe tell me why should I he used you like he used me Eugene please I'm scared and I'm tired I go to sleep afraid and I went afraid try sleeping here for 20. Eugene please [Music] what can I do [Music] mom what's that it's a gun I didn't know you had a gun what do you have a gun for I've had it for a long time since before you were born I thought you were asleep I was reading RT we have to talk what about I know how excited you are to have Keith around and everything but I need to talk to you about some things I haven't told you before you mean it by dad he already told me all about it how about what [Music] you know the rape and all that what did he tell you he told me that you'd be talking to me about it he told me how sometimes when we get mad afterwards and say things to get a man in trouble or t that's not true he said you'd say that it's okay Mom I'm not mad at you for anything he's not either he understands [Music] he even likes you I'm gonna go to bed foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign s he hates them Dan I'm sorry to bother you I've missed you could I see you I don't know it doesn't have to be a big deal I just want to talk to you I'm going to a PTA meeting at RT school tonight maybe you could swing by and it wouldn't take long we could go for coffee okay so it's always something of a problem trying to strike a balance between the parents concern over the nutritional value of cafeteria food and the student's preference for junk food incidentally junk food does have quotes around it lest we offend one of our supporters next question I was wondering excuse me sir could you please stand and introduce yourself certainly hi hi my name is Keith Wells and I guess you could say I'm the new parent on the Block and I guess um just concerned about all this budget crisis and school cutbacks I've heard about and whether that will affect this school district and my son RT's education that's a big question Mr Wells if you can wait till our next meeting we will have a special report on the budget issues [Music] get away from me all in due Timeless all in due time I'm warning you you're violating the restraining order for what attending a PTA meeting as a concerned parent or for going to my car afterwards call a cop [Music] give it up please I can have you anytime I want to [Music] [Music] Welcome to the Jungle vase foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] foreign I just hope you don't hate me for it you don't believe anything I've told you Lacey I'm worried about you I'm worried about you and I'm worried about RT since when am I the villain in this piece I mean ever since the other night on the phone you've been I don't know distant and critical what's going on well it's like you've gone overboard it all began with that incredible fuss you made over the figure eight business even even Dan said he was afraid you were losing it like you finally found someone to blame for everything in your life that's not working you don't listen to anyone you live in your own world and it's a very black and white World Lacy truth is I think you should seek professional help he's gotten to you too hasn't he who you know who I don't know how he did it I don't think I want to know Marlene don't lie to me I'd rather you didn't say anything at all this happened you and me I would have bet anything on us Going the Distance toss in our little lawn chairs and our shawls sipping tea in the afternoon I'm sorry give me his number I know you have it at least you can do that for me you going out yes do you want a sitter no what's that a tape recorder it's new you just bought it why are you going RT I want to be honest with you if things don't change with Keith and our whole situation we're gonna have to make some new plans what do you mean what new plans I don't know I haven't quite figured it out yet but one thing we may have to consider is moving for a while Mom RT listen to me no you listen to that we wouldn't move anymore that's what you said you said this was home but you lied like you lied about my Dad wait a minute you listen to me I am trying to do what's best for both of us and all I'm getting is criticism and I'm sick of it I'm your mother and I deserve more I know more about what's going on than you do I need a little faith right now okay I'm gonna ruin everything [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] foreign will be right with you thank you so darjean 1981. maitre d said it wasn't a very good year for French Bordeaux I said never mind it wasn't a very good year for me either I didn't mention to him that that was the year I went to prison remember lace I didn't know that you're small a lot of things you don't know about me bad habit so how's Dan good that's a nice guy it's a little bit on the jealous side don't you think can we stop this little charade and get down to business thank you I want to know just what it'll take for you to leave us alone a bullet what's the matter RT told me you have a gun if you have a gun you have a box of bullets 50 bullets to a box it won't take 50. just one that piece of metal you showed me that night at the hospital the figure eight you rigged it to break so our tea would fall while you were climbing at Lake Jennings didn't you is that a yes you know damn well it is I arranged the whole thing planned it for weeks you almost killed our tea your own son as you're so fond of putting it it's nothing personal your own flesh and blood don't you have any feelings about him at all the point of all these quests you need to uh understand just why you're doing this to us is it because you committed a crime of violence against me and Society sent you to prison for it you sent me to prison lady that's society it was you and you only you took away every dream I ever had no more baseball no more Young Buck no more nothing you want to hear something I mean you'll love this my second day in prison I was raped yeah me held down by five guys and afterwards one of them smiled and said Welcome to the Jungle well I knew right then that one day I'd say it to you it took me over 10 years but here we are so tell me Lacey how does it feel huh to know that you're dying piece by piece inch by inch and there's nothing you can do to stop it good evening would you like to hear the specials for tonight [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pick up the phone honey if you can hear me pick up the phone sweetheart it's really important RT if you pick up this message I want you to go across the street to the dorsey's and wait for me there [Music] Carlene talk to the police tell them to come over to my house tell them it's emergency tell them anything you want please please just get him there Marlene have you ever cared anything about me please doing this for me I'm begging you if anything happens to me give them that give who this the police Lacy [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you wake him up and I [Music] don't know he's got a date with a knifeless get your knife a knife late it's so late it's disgraceful 12 years late 12 years late [Music] that's how you were meant to be taken you know with the kitchen knife death and sex we have a lot in common they both take you and every woman is meant to be taken it took you away yeah I have the tape I have the tape I have the tape a little you understand lace this is not about a tape and this is not about will he be caught won't he be caught this is about Destiny your horse and mine they're inseparable you sort of what what fight huh foreign you let them inside and I swear I'll be up the stairs and in your son's room before anyone can stop me you understand [Music] yes we received an emergency call about an intruder at this address man that's right you Lacey Stewart yes I am but there's no Intruder I was just getting ready for bed no intruder everything's fine any evidence of a break-inter burglary no I've been here all night you all right man yes why your nose is bleeding oh that I've been trying to stop that all night I get these in the dry climate yeah it happens to my son sometimes too sure you're all right yes I am thank you very much well sorry to bother you it's okay you have a good night wait who called man about the intruder um Marlene Thomas said she was a friend of yours yes she is foreign [Music] you can do anything I mean don't kill my son our son by the time I get to him you'll be long past caringly [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 488,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Trailer, Free Movie, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, thrillers, thriller movies, 90s movies, 90s thriller movies, The Price She Paid, The Price She Paid 1992, The Price She Paid full movie, The Price She Paid 1992 movie, Loni Anderson movies, Tony Denison movies, Stephen Meadows movies, Loni Anderson, Tony Denison, Stephen Meadows, films 4 you, full movies on youtube, criminal rehabilitation, rehabilitation
Id: 65JelYQE15M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 26sec (5546 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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