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[Music] okay Ali breathe [Music] and a nice slow breath out [Music] [Music] that's great one more time I can't find that guy's cousin's phone number I am Ryan sorry sorry I gotta get done oh oh go ahead tell it good luck right give my best [Music] please my fate it's not good news your kidney function isn't improving wait I thought that by increasing the treatments we would get more time not always again I am I'm sorry okay what's next well unless you have family or friends that we haven't tested we've tried everyone and I'm afraid we're out of options that's not good enough was i how long do I have at best two months where are we on the donor list it's a four to six year wait Brian unfortunately not an option at this point it's time to get your affairs in order [Music] I'm not giving up [Music] closin one that wasn't so bad missus this could really be helpful to you man everything good everything is perfect great [Music] where are you right now we fought just didn't go our way we can fight into the handle this is the no there's still time there's still time sorry things no that's okay so you're still gonna get dinner on I forgot some things at the office do you need anything a new kidney [Music] me too enough tears tell me about this new guy Ben music name important yes it is I need to get my lips in there see if he's good enough for me like this he seems really thoughtful and caring he's really sweet what does he do he's a lawyer strike one no he's one of the good ones he works at the DA's office I have Ryan run a check on him excuse me here to see dr. Hayworth he's ready Ryan I need a minute there's Ali with you Wow have a seat there was an article in the news a while back it was the UCLA scandal with the Yakuza crime boss who needed a kidney do you remember that uh yeah I bought his way to the top of the list right so don't tell me that we're out of options I need you to help me save my wife Ryan twelve years in law enforcement I have seen some things I've learned tell me what you need I have access to resources you need money drugs I can make things go away just tell me what its gonna take Ryan and stop I know there's a way cuz there's always a way stop you you just have to have faith in my sister are you kidding me the system the system is broken she's got months not years you said it yourself you can't lose hope we're past that okay it's time for action please I'm asking for help what you're asking me to do is unethical not to mention illegal I'm sorry there's nothing more that I can do it's not in front No I'm not giving that woman I'm not saying that you should [Music] [Music] amen what do you want I can help your your situation I can help you know I'm a cop right and I know who you are you and your wife dr. Hayworth look that you want help or not yes okay call this number they'll do what they can I mean who are you just call the number [Music] okay here's the new meds yeah [Music] we're good an extra couple weeks is there like this maybe you don't have to what if there was another optional you find the donor ourselves No isn't just about you know remember let's just see what they have to say that's all we don't it's Valley just mr. graves yes James Dolan James Dolan it's very nice to meet you Allison Elias Lee have a seat right here thank you so how does this work straight to the point well you uh I'm sure you already know the stats the thousands of people that die every year while waiting for a donor you see US law states that a donor must be a relative a spouse or donating for reasons of affection making what you do illegal well let's just say it doesn't leave much wiggle room for people like yourself people whose lives are literally on the line my mother passed away two days before my 18th birthday kidney disease for five years I watched an exciting vibrant woman be reduced to a shell of her former self we're sorry to hear that I was top of my class at Harvard Law and I've I've learned the system from the inside out in hopes of changing it and when it comes to donating organs let me tell you the system is broken I couldn't spend another day working in a system that shuts how people in need like yourself or my mother oh yeah I carried the anger of losing her inside of me for years not knowing what to do gonna let me do this so I don't regret it not for a minute because what I do actually makes a difference saves people's lives how long does the process take well first we need to identify a match and once that's done we can go ahead and schedule your surgery well how long does that take to to identify a match well I make no promises but I'm fairly confident we can have your wife prepped and ready to go within the month and it could be sooner depending on availability dr. Hayworth said it would take months for me to climb the donor list no you're sitting in my living room telling me I could have transplant surgery within the month what's wrong with this picture look I'm sure your doctor is a fine man and a competent physician and if you want to follow his advice I say go with God but if you want to if you want to dance your daughter's wedding bounce your grandchildren on your knee for that matter live to see your next birthday I say go with me my company delivers a product to the consumer at a mutually agreeable price it's a private confidential transaction contracted and executed right here in the United States organs from the black market I mean well that's okay she's she's not wrong let me leave you with this thought within the next five to ten years the laws for the organ trade will be revised and this exact transaction will be legal it would be a shame for you to sacrifice your life because of old ideas and defunct bureaucracy let me leave you with the paperwork Peter review a few signatures is all we required to get started it's a lot to think about and you really should sleep on it okay how much is the cost does that matter can't lose your legs [Music] okay I've got some great news we have found a match Rosa congratulations Rosa you just helped your entire family get into the country [Music] not the best party town is it no this is actually pretty safe neighborhood I think this is it up on the right here [Music] [Music] any trouble finding the place no I work the area morning mrs. graves try to settle in and the doctor will be with you shortly final installment hi I'm dr. Bowman you must be Ali Hey hi mr. Griggs yes hi dr. Bowman nice to meet you so you must be excited to start any life but one thing at a time not to worry I've successfully performed this procedure literally hundreds of times it's best for you both if you just focus on all the wonderful moments that lay ahead any kids no yeah yeah ah that's the spirit we were about to start trying what do I got sick well in a few months you'll be able to start right back up we'll have you home before you know it shall we see you in there thank you thank you very much I love you I don't know all right on three what easy I'm my donor yes it is can I meet her it's best if you don't so Ali what what were you doing you know before your kidneys fail and as a researcher really interesting what kind Social Anthropology I was about to go through the stages of your recovery but I'm guessing that you don't print it out at home okay we'll listen you just take it easy that's into physicals the first few months all right Anthony here is gonna take care of your anesthetic and this will be over in a blink okay [Music] No [Music] [Music] he's crashing [Music] time to death slowly Lana okay it was just a dream so they go wrong with the operation everything went smoothly it was a huge success I got a glimpse for the donor she was so young I'm sure she had her reasons I'm just trying to think about okay who's she's okay I pulled some strings and had you pumped up on the list okay I made your appointment with dr. Hayworth okay I did the right thing it's nice work I'm glad you hasn't found other option yes relent license so it makes such a good detective don't you want to know where I got the kidney oh the less I know the better we're not crossing some ethical boundary here I'm well within the law to treat you post-op and ethically I'm just glad you're okay looks like you're in good hands this man should help the kidney tankard episod entres Diaz draws another result Olivia Gustavo D gwar phali Glacia pero nadie sabe nada que aunque el padre Suarez news contact area tan pronto como Kiara who's my oldest here we Sango [Music] hilli-ho mr. Rosa I'm sorry I don't know you guys I'm just so thankful me to Miami zoo keeper so what are you gonna do once I'm better you don't have to get a life honey come on let's go get you drugged up [Music] this got a call Jane Doe it's on you two slackers come on Sarge you know we had a stroke but twice already cause the graves thing everyone else is loaded up it's out of my hands Saugus is down there the two guys [Music] I always get here first [Music] Cara good a little white got enough pictures trying to take you for thanks John Oh very ripe she's been here a few days damn she's young cause of death [Music] a young Hispanic Jane Doe was uncovered late this afternoon down an alley in East LA police aren't ruling out homicide however the remains showed an incision indicating that she may have had surgery within the last you've heard right about what be dense the girl in the alley it's all over the news should be resting Ryan has nothing to do with you what do we do we didn't do anything Ali please just relax are you serious we don't know anything yet it's probably not even the same girl until we find somebody who can identify her body I can I can identify all my stuff Ryan I saw her face so what if it is her what can we do I know you being naive just to calm me down so stop did she have the indecision I think we're not having this conversation what if it's her we can help no do you realize the position that this puts me and I'm not the one being naive here it does to me we can lose everything it's not what good Ali tell that to the girl we killed we can't bring her man okay so just stop okay stop whatever it is that you think you need to do and let go kidney is keeping me alive what about her family what do you want me to do some you fall over if it's not her I will stop and if there's her one step at a time [Music] wooden hey Rams gone already yeah I got an early start making up for last time hey there's somewhere I need to go today you're free to drive me you sure it's a good idea you leave your house it's only been five days yeah I'm feeling pretty good a little exercise will do me good okay we just wanna check something out humor me what makes dad out of hotel stay in the car I'll be right out Ali I'm not gonna please I'll be right out fine but I'm going on the record this is strange on the record things must be going well with the lawyer just hurry up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I can't find anything we can scratch what she's bleeding out I'm and death it's really better [Music] [Music] can I help you actually you can I was here last week and there was this lovely old man behind the desk Frank yeah it doesn't work here anymore really he retired oh okay did you need a room just a bathroom around the corner Thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on I never should have agreed to a to what Ryan was so sure Ali there was a teenage girl found dead here a couple of days ago was on the news she was my donor [Music] I was so scared you want to die [Music] and Ryan [Music] I wasn't ready Anna but not like this we killed her okay it's not your fault yes it was no anyone in your shoes would have done the same thing doesn't make it right this girl made the decision to donate okay if it wasn't you and it would have been someone else it just feels so wrong well there's nothing you can do about it now I have to find out how this happened Ali that sounds dangerous [Music] this isn't helping okay so let's just let's get you home all right it's new guy you're dating anything he'd react to learning about my situation thanks for rushing the results just add that to the pile of favors you already owe me tell me about the incision understand you're seeing a kidney and they nicked her lung causing a collapse then she bled out that's a bunch transplant it's more common than you think any other identifying marks no this one's young no ink scars nothing how old late teens 16 17 thank you thanks him joking his wife is just going to renal failure would you do me a favor could you send those to us okay Ryan [Music] what is all this he is covering his tracks who his real name is not James Dolan the real James Dolan from Harvard he died six years ago in a car accident yeah so it's an alias alley I called that number the line is dead he had the concierge at the hotel fired the rooms were totally cleared out hey tell me you didn't go to the hotel drive Kate talk we talked about this you're supposed to be focusing on your recovery same girl I don't care stop it Ryan she's not the only one this has happened to that's right she is not the only one that this has happened to because this sort of thing happens Ali these things happen they happen I see it every day why is it so hard for you to realize that further you dig that deeper the trouble we get into alone please you know me better than that I'm not gonna leave us alone it'll be the end of us Ali think about that a second gotta leave messes come on [Music] come in hey mister plasmon you called it that we weren't meeting it's the next week this couldn't wait so you said some complications in a manner of speaking I don't follow well kidney seems to be taking but uh I just can't come to terms with how it all came to be dealing with these desperate situations day after day must be really frustrating I'm sorry oh yeah still not following you watching your patients die year after year because of some out-of-date bureaucracy it's not my favorite part of the job so every now and then when you come across a particularly desperate couple or say husband it makes sense that you would do what you did I might have done the same which is don't play me dr. Hayworth I know you guided my husband to James Dolan Oh James Dolan the broker who sold us the kidney alley if you think that I had anything to do with how you got your kidney then you've been sadly misinformed this is the young girl whose kidney is now inside of me she couldn't have been more than 17 that's awful yes it is I can't live with myself how do you do it I'm not sure what you want for me I want to make sure this doesn't happen again I have nothing to do with this my husband came to you and I told him that I couldn't have him you expect me to believe that it's the truth ask him I know about Dolan's fake identity hotel it's just a matter of time before I uncover the rest I always check it out I'm building a case with the district attorney so you're gonna have to decide which side you're gonna end up on think about it don't forget your folder keeping [Music] [Music] seeing lives what is this what the hell happened I'm looking I'll take you just keep it cool relax [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a waste of time these organs come in from all over the world no homicide yeah really oh okay okay yeah thanks I think they got an idea in the Jane Doe how about that [Music] Diego [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll take you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may I help you oh hi no I was just looking around for anything in particular I thought he saw a woman come in here who I know a woman yeah I with brown hair very pretty perhaps if you had a name pardon me for asking but are you all right oh yeah I'm fine well if you'd like I can have someone take a look at that no no no really I'm fine I should go anyway okay feel free to stop by anytime our doors are always open oh thank you that was the graves woman what did she want she's snooping around she must have followed Anthony from the hospital what do we do I'm gonna call Don Ally yeah I'll be right out hey no sorry my phone is off it's great to finally meet you Ben you too I've heard a lot about you hmm hi come on in please sit down I guess you know I'm fine thank you so Kate's given me a brief overview of your situation this conversation has to be completely off the record the less details I know the better right my goal is to bring the broker to justice without involving yourself or your husband who was a detective right yes I'm not concerned about myself but the less he's involved better but I'm gonna need first-hand evidence implicating broker sellers and a complete understanding of the infrastructure to build a proper case I'm working on that I'm sorry isn't in that more your husband's area of expertise I'm just gathering some data being as I'm the one who went through the process of course you know there may also be some considerations for testifying and helping the city put the case together I could send you over some basic legal guidelines you can sit down with your family and discuss how you want to move forward thanks Ben well let's just let you get some rest then yeah okay thank you again I mean if you needn't I will I will [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you hey sorry go back to sleep nice choice of reading materials I was your day look what happened this thing that we did I don't know how to it's just always there it's cuz you're one of the good guys my name's Rosso Garcia 17 or father came in and identified her body today [Music] why did he let her do it we don't know he's not talking I know it's hard for you but I have to do something I understand I shouldn't have to do it alone [Music] so why don't you show me everything you have and we'll do it together thank you [Music] most of my research is in a folder on the coffee table I'm bringing it to work tomorrow see what I can do I think it all centers around a church near Huntington Park Church I'm pretty sure it's a cover okay get some rest I'll be ready so she's been doing some ticking not the husband doesn't seem like it she was alone at the hospital I'd be good for him with his camera says she's working with the DA on this seriously that's what Anthony says huh I'll find out well what should we do business as usual it's time to pay mrs. graves a follow-up visit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] morning this is pretty thorough stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] mr. Dolan beautiful morning isn't it I wasn't expecting you Oh standard follow-up just want to make sure everything is taking do you mind don't mind my associate no no we're fine excuse the mess oh please so how are we feeling I'm doing well getting stronger and stronger each day excellent now have you been to see the doctor to get the proper prescription yes because most of these won't take without the proper medication I'm covered Thanks good Wow do you remember what it was like when you had no hope and no alternatives such a scary place I mean it really makes you realize how important it is to be to be grateful for what we have don't you agree thank you well then everything is as it should be another satisfied customer no wait there is just one little thing we need to clear off and I'll speak plainly so there can be no misunderstanding accidents happen that's all this was now an accident can be tragic and difficult to deal with but it's called an accident because it's out of our control unfortunately it's the price of doing business understand okay so no more digging no more threatening the people who help save your life so disrespectful the DEA really whom we both know that's a lie consider this a warning okay good you should focus on your recovery forget the past look to the future okay well I think we've taken up enough of your time you have a wonderful rest of the day are you doing I start this with something else it's not you've been looking through it all morning maybe she's looking a little something to do with our case show me why tell me not really we got company here this guy's dressed too nice to be a cop detective graves yeah EDA Martin have a word go right on out there Kate brought me over to have a conversation with Ally you're so far gone you don't even know who you're dealing with what the Milano crime family James Dolan is Dominic Pino a major earner we've had him in our sights for years you've seen one of his operations from the inside find someone you can flip and we'll do everything we can to keep you and your wife out of it all right Hey thank you so someday I have to tell you nothing thanks how'd you find me I looked at the bars closest to your place you know there are two that are much closer I like the ambiance does that help with the guilt ask me in an hour what went wrong this can't be worth it what do you want I need your help lady my job is done she was only 17 this has got to stop now that you have your kidney of course if I could do it again I'd have died if it wasn't you it would've been someone else I have to do something I'm sorry I can't help you everyone keeps telling me to look to the future good advice you should do the same this is going down one way or another that I can guarantee you need to decide what side you want to end up on when it does [Music] wait I could use some freshener [Music] got a match just gotta find a doctor now I got the word out no she's coming to hey hey welcome back Haley you want to scream alright get out your system my husband is a cop maybe be gone long before it finds you hey Doc how long for his organ rejects without the meds again to the question how long could happen anytime I thought you go down on me good kitty in it okay that's enough okay you and that's enough well we've got work to do Ali baby I've been calling you all day Alley [Music] hi Kate is Ali with you do you know where she is I don't know she's not answering her cellphone [Music] boom are you alright yeah what do you think we are doesn't matter [Music] [Music] excuse me I'm looking for dr. Hayworth oh he's not here anymore I don't understand was his office moved no he was transferred I think there was a nurse and orderly his name was Anthony Anthony he has a tall guy closely cropped hair about this high no I don't think we ever had an Anthony working here do you know where dr. Hayworth was transferred to that's admins Department you can check with them in the morning all right this is James Roland's known addresses any of these addresses pop let me know that's when our pessimal alrighty oh thank God we know anything thanks guys nobody wants to do I need to find James Dolan well focus on the out-of-the-way places the warehouse is the docks we're gonna take the top two yeah that's good we'll focus on East LA perfect all right guys listen to me this is a potential hostage situation right if anything seems stranger off call it in come on let's go find [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you just couldn't leave it alone do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good doctor I mean all you had to do is look the other way and none of this would have happened but you had to keep crying still viable yeah this won't end with me the wheel is just gonna keep on turning don't think I've been through this before Ali my husband has all the information I gathered he will expose here yeah your husband's gonna hit a long list of dead ends no pun intended got a new doctor well I wasn't as hard as I thought perfect trapper the new doctor can whip out this organ and we can have this done before lunch okay Oh Hallie looks like you're gonna get you wish we're gonna take back the organ then you can clear that overbearing conscience of yours [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry oi boys [Music] may we help you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the area respond fire that's it the church we said it Oh senator old church let's go [Applause] [Applause] you know take it from here Thanks detective Brian graves my partner detective Nelson detectives that's right we were in the area when we heard the call from dispatch so why don't you walk me through exactly what happened to [Music] [Music] [Music] so he didn't say anything he just he walked in mumbling something that sounded like the Lord's Prayer and then he just opened fire Michael nobody got hurt and God what are these doors to here this one here that's to the basement we have bake sales and neighborhood programs that's where the thing [Music] [Music] [Music] all right come on left the units handle and one of these Dolan addresses actually in the neighborhood let's check this out and call into the station we'll get the number for that church that Ali has in her files yeah okay thank you for thank you thanks for go with God all right surround building is the place test she's here call for backup outside known comes out [Music] [Music] [Music] it's over swats on the way it's gonna be okay she guns down she's dead if you don't right everyone just stay calm we were getting out of here or she dies this isn't going down how you want it to [Music] how are you doing [Applause] [Music] what took you so long I'm sorry it knew my mains I know I got you [Music] [Music] okay sit down right here we're gonna take a look at you okay [Music] [Applause] who is that it's diego garcia it's roses father is he doing in the back of the car mr. Garcia could you come out please just watch your head hey listen to me don't worry about him okay you just worry about getting better Ali [Music] I'm so sorry about your daughter Rosa Rosa if I could go back I would trade my life for arms [Music] mr. Garcia you're free to go is to leaving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shouldn't you be a mark I miss all the excitement besides I get the feeling that I can't leave you alone for a second inappropriate let's get you home thanks that Deputy District Attorney Dan Martin is prosecuting the case against Dominic Pino will prosecute the case to the fullest extent of the law our evidence is overwhelming and we will be charging mr. Pino with multiple counts of murder trafficking mayhem and kidnapping that's all I got three folks an EQ these are for a lawyer [Music] it's me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 3,727,144
Rating: 4.6964936 out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG, surgery, organs, transplant, crime, organ theft, kidney
Id: ytPPunDiLBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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