A Bride's Revenge - Full Movie

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ER it was my understanding that the wedding was canceled [Music] oh no no he'll be here he promised [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] dance [Applause] oh my gosh I found it this is the dress oh that is so you right modern lace no bows you look gorgeous in that thank you okay now just find a bridesmaid's dress it doesn't make me look like a frilly whale because I plan on finding a man at your wedding it will be classy and a little bit sexy just for you oh my God you're such a doll thank you my Apollo is here for her spray tan you okay this just came in the mail it's an invitation to Ian's wedding to Lori Lori the Laurie Ian's ex Laurie yeah that's got to be a joke right I don't know some joke [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] cheese sorry sorry do you okay yeah it's it's been a really long day I got invited to a wedding today your wedding with Lori come on you're kidding me and if I could find the invitation I would show you this is crazy someone must have taken it here today we're supposed to be married doing she sent him something he's whack Jeremiah and she's good at being spiteful great look I haven't heard from her in months best thing to do is just ignore it besides this is our time I get to marry you and that makes me the luckiest guy on the planet Plus guess who's up for promotion for senior consultant seriously yeah so the question is do we look at two stories or three stories I love you I love you tons come on I don't want to be late for the movie I gotta look up okay so we're clear I think it's a three-story no no [Music] happy birthday Mom one for each decade it's better so Maya before we eat I have a surprise for you you just had surgery you're not really supposed to be up walking around I'm I know this is traditionally done from mother to daughter but I thought you might like to wear this is this your wedding dress custom made with French lace it's beautiful well if you're worried that I gave it to the last one don't be I will get that he's a nurse I thought of our hair for at least a few hours Lori Hi Ian what are you doing here I remembered it's your mom's birthday excuse me hi happy birthday Deb Laurie hi your ears must have been burning no why were you talking about me for entertainment hi I'm Maya Ian's fiancee oh congratulations thank you so Deborah this is for you no it's a photograph from the Marche Gallery where I work in Los Angeles oh yes is this your dress Maya that is debstress I thought it would be nice if uh Maya wore it hmm well that is an honor well we were just about to sit down and eat so I'd ask you to join us but I know you were never a fan of family gatherings I actually have plans but it was so nice meeting you Maya it was nice meeting you too thank you Laurie you really only come here for my mom's birthday of course does Maya received an invitation in the mail yesterday it's our wedding well that's odd so you didn't send it don't flatter yourself in I only came to see your mother nothing else all right so she just showed up weird right you were like psychotic at least she saw you and Ian together so she knows where she stands good point liquid just arrived wonder who they're from as if you have to ask this is a bridal bouquet what's the card say there isn't one they've got to be from Ian right oh my Becky's here I guess I'll find out later hi [Applause] hey you hey you still at work conference call in a few minutes well I was just calling to say thanks for the flowers the bouquet well I would love to take credit for that but I didn't send you any our other admirers I have other admirers I only have eyes for you good answer uh this might be a strange question do you remember what Lori's favorite flowers were uh yeah yeah roses white ones why that's weird this bouquet is oh hey uh Maya my conference call is coming through let me uh okay okay bye foreign [Music] [Music] I know you're out here where are you Lori Lori where are you Lori what the hell are you doing Lori get off my property [Music] foreign this bride did you see her face at all no she had a veil on but your ex yeah yeah I hadn't heard from her in almost a year and recently she showed back up this year would display any type of violent behavior before no well recently she sent an old invitation to their wedding oh may I see it I misplaced it or someone took it or something but she sent these today how do you know because White Rose is her favorite flower and no one else would do this okay we'll look into it in the meantime I suggest you document any further incidences it may help you later on hey there you go thanks laughs okay [Music] I'm so sorry it's not your fault [Music] oh this just makes me think of when my mom was attacked [Music] I am trying so hard to forget her final moments and remember the way she I know I wasn't there when your mom died okay but I'm here now I'm wondering what are you [Music] okay [Music] foreign can I help you detective Watts I'm investigating attempted homicide may I come in of course yeah please so what is this about Maya Ellison I'm I'm sorry I don't think Ian Ferguson's fiancee right of course I'm sorry I think I've only met her once someone tried to attack her last night oh my goodness is she okay yeah she she's fine she's just a little Shook Up apparently the attack was addressed as a bride you and Mr Ferguson were engaged correct for six months yes what happened he called off the wedding did that make you angry of course it did but it was a year ago you know what they say about time and healing you have no real will towards him or Maya no no not I'm happy for them so then you won't mind telling me where you were last night I was visiting my mother at the Cloverfield retirement home my signature is in the log book and I spoke with several nurses well we'll check in with them please do ah another wink it's online dating world I just cannot get used to it well thank you if I have any more questions I'll be in touch great happy to help I will see myself oh thank you [Music] have a good day she's got an Alabama it had to be her detective said she signed in at the home several nurses were called speaking to her who else would it be who else would send me flowers or an invite to your wedding who else would attack me he also said it was your credit card that paid for the flight that's crazy I wouldn't buy flowers for myself I know I know you must have stolen my credit card number put it past her what am I supposed to do now just wait for her to attack me again well hopefully the detective scared her off I'm working late tonight in the meantime just stay at my place hey I love you okay everything's gonna be all right I'll see you later where were you I was visiting my mother for two hours yeah two hours is that okay she's needy Ian pretty soon she's just gonna suck up all of your time all of our time are you serious right now your own brother calls you a mama's boy she's alone Lori if I want a chicken on her I will I will not let her or anyone [Music] Winnie we are gonna go for a walk later on [Music] laughs dearest Ian today I waited for you sure you would follow through on your promise to be together until death do us part but you never came you left me broken with a heart that bleeds and grows colder every second every minute every hour a heart that I doubt will ever meant how you can live with yourself for what you've done what are you doing I thought you were at work yeah I know I left earlier than I thought I would I was snooping I'm sorry but you know you can talk to me just ask me whatever you want to know okay what happened when you broke it off with Lori ah I didn't hear anything for a few weeks you know and then my Minister called me and said Lori showed up on our wedding day dressed in her bridal gown and she was waiting for me that's crazy yes it is part of why I had to break it off what about her family I mean her dad left when she was nine he died like 10 years later in a fire she didn't talk about it very much when she did it was pretty bitter her mom only met once and she was already in some pretty Advanced stages of dementia so you know honey I didn't mean to hurt Lori but I just I couldn't marry her and now I regret ever having met her look why don't you I don't know take the day off tomorrow just relax you don't let Sandra and Caroline cover the salon okay see and then you know take uh Winston with you he's an excellent guard dog look at that face threatening that's my little buddy [Music] good boy good boy [Music] cake I mean even though I can't prove it I think Lori's behind this whole thing yikes so what do you do now I don't know hope the cops scared her maybe she backs off well good luck with that I gotta admit though the whole thing does sound crazy I believe Maya and Lori's just crazy enough to come up with something like this she warned me what do you mean dad broke it off she says uh he'll never be happy again like it was some kind of curse that doesn't surprise me she was a witch lucky shot dare you do that again Alexa got nothing to do with it anyway bro she can't put a curse on what you and Maya have all right I sure hope not dude don't worry she'll eventually go away and you and Mai will be fine all right yeah [Music] Winston Winnie Winston [Music] [Applause] I'm so sorry I know you apologized already I know I don't know what to do I tied him up I know I tied him up can I please I don't want to rehash it anymore okay it was obviously an accident just leave it at that I'm gonna go to bed you should get him a puppy I couldn't replace Winston it was the last gift that Ian's dad gave him before he passed three understands I mean it could have happened to anyone I'm just glad that we're going to dinner with his brother tonight take his mind off of him is his brother cute bringing a date killing me Maya the manager recommends the shrimp risotto and quail as main Forest options what do you think about that I think it sounds pretty good great my date just officially canceled I'm sure she's just busy she'll reschedule nah Ian's always had the luck with the ladies true except for that last one though bad joke oh in other news the agency called mom's nurse is unavailable she can't be there Wednesday I can't either I have a late meeting bro don't look at me I have season tickets I get off early on Wednesdays I could go stay with her I'll add it to my schedule yeah it'd be great thanks that'd also be a good time for you to tell her you're not going to wear her wedding dress that would make for an entertaining evening no apps you're definitely on your own [Music] hello boys Maya what's the occasion we're tasting for the wedding party what are you doing here I come here all the time best lots to bisque in town by the way Maya I heard what happened with the bride that must have been terrifying it was an attempt to scare me it didn't work oh well I love the attitude but I I have no idea what you're talking about on that note I am not one to spoil parties so I think my date and I will head over to Valencia's across the street have a good night you too okay that is the second time we need to go to the police what are we going to say she remembers my mom's birthday she loves lobster bisque well we should at least tell her date tell him what that he should run now [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't do that yeah yeah she's still here oh Lori what do you mean she just attacked me to the bathroom with a knife what sorry I swear Ian that was not the bride from before it was the bride from the other night it was Lori okay okay you said she was going to the Italian restaurant down the street right let's go check there okay okay is there a problem yeah Lori there is okay well I was offering you the courtesy of staying out of your business but you don't seem to want to return the favor are you for real what's going on here you better knock it off come on you hear me what sorry did you just see that did you witness that that woman is crazy I can't believe that unbelievable is it possible you were confused maybe was the other bride that was there for the party no it was the same bride who chased me before she had the same dress and the same knife okay well we'll check with Lori's date and see if he can confirm she's with him the whole time thank you Miss Ellison I have to ask how are you feeling in general what do you mean I did a little checking found out about your mother the carjacking a year ago what does that have to do with anything I'm losing someone to a violent crime like that it's hard you think maybe you're suffering some kind of post-traumatic stress related to that incident do you think I'm Chris Detective why don't you just talk to the guy okay find out the facts let us know what you turn up of course thank you [Music] wow that was really nice actually one of the best online dates I've ever had yeah it was fun you know it doesn't have to end what are you doing finding out if we're truly compatible don't touch me I used to think my mom went crazy after my dad left going on and on about how men will break you but she was right and I don't have a plan on falling prey to your kind ever again [Music] he's with him the whole time we'll let you know if we turn up anything else yeah I appreciate it Ian aren't you supposed to be in a meeting with alvotech oh crap ah yeah how long have they been waiting long okay thank you the detective confirmed that Lori's day he dropped her off at her house well maybe he's lying maybe they're in it together or maybe it really was the other bride you saw at the restaurant it wasn't well that if I were you I turned around and throw it back in her face stalk her what is that gonna prove oh maybe you can catch her in the act the only thing I've left in my day is a petty and then my afternoon's free until I see Deb tonight so go you can watch her see what she does and what goes up for you she works at an art gallery Marsh I think yeah that's uh over on the west side it's not far from here okay slow down are you sure you want to get that close to her because if it's not her stalking you then this might all come back to bite you in the you know what but if it is then I'll have the proof I need I don't say I didn't want any [Music] warn you don't mind her foreign [Music] Maya what are you doing here are you following me would it bother you if I was oh wow are you that insecure well if you were no one would blame you Ian does after all have a history of leaving his women at the altar Ian didn't leave you at the altar he broke it off weeks ahead of time but you're in some crazy state of denial who's the one following his ex-fiancee around and who's accusing me of stalking you dressed as some bride if someone here seems crazy that would be you is that what you're playing at you're trying to make me look like the crazy one I don't have to try from where I stand it's all very clear oh and with Ian being so gun shy of the ideas I mean I'd be worried too hey listen Ian and I are getting married no matter what game you okay you take your hands off me right now Oh but before you do smile at that camera [Music] are you kidding me hello Maya it's Dan hey were you still planning on babysitting me tonight or do I get to play grown up again no I will be there I'm just having some car troubles someone deflated my tire I don't I don't have a spare what in the neighborhood are you in I'm uh just out shopping I'm at the mall politol I'm sure that I can draw my own bath no I will be there I'll just be a few minutes late fine I'll see you when you get here oh and park around back the kitchen door will be unlocked okay bye really this is ridiculous I can run my own damn bath [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you what what are you who are you what are you doing here what what do you go away go away what what do you want get out of here what are you doing my daughter-in-law's gonna be here any second away from me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dab foreign [Music] what don't give me that look if you have something to say just say it [Music] you know she was a and Ian's always been just a little mama's boy he's done whatever she told him to but not now [Music] come on yeah you have a moment sure I've been talking to the neighbors so far no one saw anything no Intruder no bride she came in through the backyard maybe through the canyon that's where you should be looking we have what was your relationship like with Mrs Ferguson good why you were the only other one in the house as far as We Know do you think I did this on the normal circumstances I would think this was an accident she had a bad hip she shouldn't have been trying to climb those stairs but given your behavior and your unsubstantiated accusations yeah I just gotta wonder if something else is going on here there is her name is Lori Parker she hates this family not me find her ask her your questions [Music] Ian hey everybody's gone you want to head home try to get some rest why weren't you here I had a flat tire I called her and told her I would be late she said she would wait for me she obviously didn't yeah it was the bride Maya please I saw her in the backyard and you know that Lori hates your mother I think that she came here and I don't know pushed her down the stairs or maybe she might stop just stop I don't want to hear it okay I don't want to hear one more word about this bride all right no more I'm sorry I know me too I just go home namaste all right I don't want everyone are you sure yeah I just gotta think about some things okay okay yeah I'll uh call you in the morning I love you [Music] I know you reached Ian leave a message at the beep hey thank you I'm sorry Dad well that's a guilty conscience if I've ever heard one what are you doing here I came to pay my respects she was almost my mother-in-law that she would have been the first one to tell you good riddance I bet that pissed you off is that what made you want to kill her Lori why don't you pay your respects and leave of course Ian I am I am so sorry I know how close you are to your mother that really reminds us to cherish them while they're here my does your mother does she reside at the Cloverfield retirement home Maya's mother's deceased oh I'm so sorry I I just thought that she was there because well I saw Maya there the other day actually it was the day of Deb's accident that I guess it was a coincidence that I saw you there unless you were following me but you wouldn't do that that would be crazy thank you did you go there yes I thought I could catch her so you were following her she's the one who's been following me tell me is that the real reason you missed getting to my mother's no Ian I told had a flat tire I cannot do this with you honestly with the way things have been going I maybe it's best if we postpone the wedding I understand that you're stressed but you have to know that this is exactly what we want she's trying to drive away just but we'll get through it today please Maya ellerson yes you've been served have a nice day can I get any mail today thank you good morning Ian oh Ryan how you doing I'm all right you're sure because if you need some more time off no no I think I'm ready to get back in the swing of things and I don't want to miss that promotion that's the thing we've decided to bring in Dan Schultz from albotech is this because I was late for the meeting because I thought I covered pretty well once I got in there look the board just thought we should bring in an outsider to keep everybody on their toes that's all there'll be other opportunities right you know if you ever need to talk my office is always open thanks have a good he's right there will be other opportunities about that things are falling apart I work with Maya have you spoken to her no I don't even know what to say it's not in good headspace thing is I'm not even mad at her I should have been there I should have been there to take care of Mom it's my fault bro I get it I feel the same way but it's not your fault it's not my fault and it's not my's fault it was just a stupid accident look maybe maybe planning a wedding and getting married isn't what you need right now I mean just put it on ice for a bit take some time for yourself I don't think anyone would blame you so Lori took out a restraining order and now you can't get anywhere near her does Ian know anything about this Ian hasn't returned my calls in the last three days whatever game Laurie's playing it's working if you look at this everything in here seems true no she's the crazy stalker not you there's got to be a way for me to prove it to her maybe she's done this before you think maybe there's something in her past something I could find that'd be good but you can't go within 50 feet of her how are you gonna find out anything foreign [Music] oh hi um I'm looking for Mrs Parker's room I'm a little lost no problem she's in room 12. it's around the corner to the left haven't seen you before you a friend of the families yeah I'm an old friend thank you excuse me Mrs Parker my name is Maya ellerson I'm engaged to Ian Ferguson he was going to marry your daughter Lori I'd like to talk with you about her for a few minutes Mrs Parker foreign [Music] [Music] this is gonna be quite a treat for your mom having two visitors in one day visitors you can't trust them who can't I trust who else was here to see her oh didn't catch her name said she was a friend of the families she's in there now okay trust them no they will ruin you you will break you you can't trust them no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] Mom oh no no no no no no no no oh my God [Music] wow there so you saw her mother what happened she didn't even know I was there well not at first anyway so I decided to do a little snooping have a look around the room so did you find anything no just an article about the fire that killed her father well you already knew about that right about what Miss Parker said makes me feel like I don't know the whole story something like like what what did she say something about Laurie's past Maybe um I'm not sure look um I'll call you back okay wait Maya I Maya hey bro you all right yeah you know just figuring things out tell me where you said I'd never be happy again the way things are going I think she might be right [Music] it's just you know I love Maya I love her she's the one I want to be with for the rest of my life before Lori showed up before all this craziness happened you know foreign [Music] she would have wanted us to be together mom did always know how to read people I'm kidding [Music] we ought to be having this conversation with her not me call her yeah you're right what the hell Mark Mark laughs how is he he's unresponsive they say it's to be expected with the skull fracture isn't it so now we just wait we hope he regains consciousness do they know how this happened look like he lost control of a car went off the road I think maybe he wasn't talking to me yeah don't do that to yourself that's just first mom and no mark I'm really grateful I haven't lost you I'm really sorry you have nothing to apologize for your brothers gonna be all right may we all are okay thanks Sandra I'll be when I can his vitals are stable and the results from his cat scan I'm sure the bleeding has stemmed it was gonna be okay as with any brain injury the first 24 hours are crucial but I'm optimistic that yes we're out of the woods now that being said he still has a long road ahead of him I know Mark he's a trooper I'm sure he is and so were both of you but you really should get some proper rest don't worry we'll keep an eye on him and we'll let you know if anything changes okay thank you she's right you should get some rest yeah no but I'm not going to be able to besides I got a meeting at work I shouldn't Miss what about you I gotta follow up with something what the fire that killed Lori's father I found out that at some point the fire marshal suspected arson you think it was her I don't know I'm gonna drive out to Bakersfield try to speak with the detective see what I can find out I'll be careful all right love you [Music] they are here Mr Ferguson okay I'll be right in [Music] what I propose is an expansion to the West Coast with a 40 vested interest I think it would prove very lucrative to both you and the investors and not to mention thank you excuse me sorry about that what would that mean for vista's competitors right well that would give you the ability to get a jump on the market as well as excuse me I'm so sorry I have to excuse myself and make a quick phone call [Music] Dan why don't you take over [Music] [Music] okay I'll be there as soon as I can Ian wait up everything all right no Uh something's wrong with my brother I had to go to the hospital is he okay I don't know if they're taking you for testing though look Ian I'm sorry I really am but I told this did we get back to them early next week fine uh just give me a few more days to take care of some things you've been running on fumes for weeks now which is why I need to insist you take a leave go on vacation with your fiance break who's going to take care of my clients we'll find someone sure Ryan I will take that break foreign he's still unresponsive but stable I don't understand he was texting me how is that possible possible that he regained Consciousness for a few minutes would have been disoriented so he likely tried to disconnect the IV in the machines it's not uncommon and the nurses got here right away he wasn't in any real Danger sign he's coming around I'm encouraged okay okay thank you mark [Music] okay bud you need something I had nurse he's waking up can you get the doctor please what do you need man what do you need the doctor's on her way bride what I tried not to hit her what are you talking about what are you saying bride Road she was standing there Market mark hi there I'm uh I'm looking for detective Young yeah that's me oh it used to be I retired a couple years ago how are you my name is Maya ellerson sorry to just show up like this I found your address in the phone book thought I'd give it a shot oh that's good detective work what can I do for it well I'm inquiring about a case of yours from Fort s ago a fire that killed a man named Brady Parker the fire marshal suspected arson but no one has ever charged he was the media I have a personal connection to the family I know Lori Parker just wondering what really happened to her dad can you tell me if you ever had any suspects uh yeah I question the family including Lori she was a teenager at the time she had no involvement in the fire really yeah she had a solid alibi where she did thanks anyway or your sister she didn't her sister yeah Rose Parker we had some evidence that she was there at the scene just not enough to convict her given that and raise the D.A refused to press charges it was a big mistake in my opinion there was something definitely off about that girl [Music] I'm sorry I have to go thank you thank you you've been very helpful thank you [Music] Ian what's going on is he okay yeah yeah better means in and out all day he spoke to me what'd he say he said he saw the bride and I think he was trying to tell me that that's why the car swerved the doctors say not to take anything literally that it's probably delusion or something he's not delusional it's her or her sister what Lori has a sister Rose Parker the detective in Bakersfield said he suspected Rose might be behind her father's death maybe she's even crazier than Lauren maybe maybe she's the bride maybe that's the reason why Lori always has a perfect alibi [Music] oh Ian what are you doing here can I come in sure to what do I owe this pleasant surprise this isn't a social visit Lori I just want to ask you point blank what the hell have you been doing sorry and I'm a bit lost really cut the ball that's right ever since you reappeared things have been falling apart exactly what you wanted to happen isn't it all right I will tell you exactly what I told the detective I have no idea what you're talking about all the cops here know that I I have nothing to do with any of your your misfortunes what about your sister my sister Rose is it the one you never told me about yeah well why would I since she abandoned us so you don't deny it you do have a sister she ran away when she was 16. she left me to take care of our mother after I'd already cared for them for so long so you know what I am so sorry that I neglected to tell you about her but I accepted the fact that I didn't have a sister anymore the day she left okay show me show me a photo of them burned them really uh-huh I think you're lying it's okay because I'm gonna find her I'm gonna find her if that's the last thing I do Ian what you should really watch your threatening tone with me [Music] I think the police are going to want to talk to you about this you are crazy we need to end this okay I'm sorry I'm so sorry the 405 is officially my worst nightmare I have so much to tell you Ian went and saw Lori this morning wow what happened I don't know yet put her back okay we'll keep keep me posted okay well I've got um a 9 15 but maybe we could grab lunch once you get those done oh Caroline did them for me when we were so the other day aren't they cute a rose yeah she likes my nails [Music] I was just thinking I've known you for what six months now how come I never hear you talk about your family I don't know parents and I weren't exactly close how about your brothers and sisters I don't have any who had a sudden interest what's what's all this about you know so much about me and I don't know anything about you okay would you like me to tell you every little detail of my life why do you always have a rose at your station is that your name Rose are you Lori's sister are you the bride Whoa stop I know you've got a lot going on right now but I think I've heard just about enough here I mean I've had your back through all of this and now you're accusing me of what of being that crazy lady sister following you around of trying to kill you no I don't think so Maya yo excuse me if I don't feel like having your back at this very moment okay oh and you know what take my 9 15. tell her that you chased me off because I'm some crazy killer in a wedding gown you're that everybody [Music] Maya hey I tried you earlier I'm sorry I was at was that is everything okay what happened with Lori all right she's crazy I might be crazier than I thought that's why I was there I was just trying to cover myself what did she do you're going home after work right yeah Ian is it bad to think that Sandra is Rose why not believe anything whether it's Sandra or not one thing is for sure Lori is definitely behind you stay away from you as soon as I can again bye [Music] Radcliffe mausoleum hi yeah I was wondering are you guys holding any special events there this afternoon wonderful thank you she doesn't picks and picks and picks your mother is conversation I don't like her I told you before that's it I'm calling it off I'm calling it off I can't do this what it's for the best I don't make you happy I don't even know how to make you happy say that you're everything to me that's the problem Lori I can't be everything for you you want me in this small little box with no other life I can't be that guy I won't be I'm really sorry I'm sorry no you can you're confused by your mother by your job no you'll do the right thing I know you will you know how I know because you love me if you don't swear to you you'll never be happy again [Music] are you happy now Ian [Music] hey you okay yeah um I have to follow up with something you got this yeah sure I just I have one more customer to finish up and then I'm close for you if you want thanks foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Caroline what are you doing here I should be asking you that I came by to check on Lori I I figured I could help you out you know catch you in the act like we talked about I'm not naive Caroline or should I say rose rose don't worry I'm sure you can explain it all to the authorities Maya I was trying to help you why don't you believe me it all makes sense now why you started working for me right when I got engaged that's that's just a coincidence give me my phone laughs Wayne Maya may I stop please just [Music] how did you get here I don't know I guess the back door at the top of the stairs what do we do we go ahead with the plan Ian he just made this easier no no no we can't do it now you really think I'm gonna run away from this I am so close to getting what I wanted you know me better than that what are you doing they'll catch us they'll know it was us Rose I know you're scared but I will protect you like I always have when mom wouldn't when the police were coming to question you about the fire you didn't have to run away because I covered for you us that's what we do we are always there for each other it's us against everyone else right and if one of us gets hurt the other one is always there right Rose he hurt me bad so you and I are gonna finish this together okay and no one is ever gonna suspect a thing do you know why because it's a perfect plan I wear Ian I don't want to kill myself too I mean think about it he's lost everything his mother is dead his brother is broken and Maya we will take care of Maya later no no that wasn't the plan the plane wasn't to kill anyone it was just to scare them are you saying you have a conscience about killing someone after you killed our father that was an accident I just wanted to destroy Droid home like he did to ours okay that's fine we'll just make sure Maya also has an accident I will never never to you again [Music] thanks [Music] here let's go [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow please stop please I need your help I've been hurt I need a phone oh my I'm sorry I don't have a phone with me can I take you to a hospital no there's no time I need a ride to the brick Cliff Mausoleum it's a mausoleum yes please please it's an emergency okay okay [Music] [Music] Maya Maya is that you Lori [Applause] [Music] Lori before he waits [Music] Lori where's Maya Lori stop assistant [Music] [Music] Laurie [Music] where's Maya what the hell did you do what is going on [Music] what have you done with Maya she's not here Ian obviously it's just you and me and your poor mother over there so sad [Music] I don't know what this is about but if you have hurt my eye stop right there that's right where I want you you see It'll be so much more dramatic if you kill yourself in front of your Beloved Mother's Crypt of course you would have some remorse for killing Maya you know leaving her body behind at your house that was just so sloppy of course she has nothing to do with us us there is no us you took care of that when you broke my heart oh oh are you freaking out right now is the thought of Maya lying there in a pool of her own blood making you sad good it should make you sad I want you to be sad catch drink it she's as good as dead anyway Ian just just do it okay this is simple you can either drink that or I will put a bullet in your heart here we go don't make me shoot this thing again there's no telling what part of you I might accidentally hit would you just hurry and do it I have so many other things I could be doing right now let him go Lori Maya the police are on their way drop the gun Maya get out of here all right cut her do it you never meant to hurt anyone did you Rose the fire that killed your father was an accident and Lori's been using it against you this whole time girls do not listen to her Lori Put the gun down you can't get away with this don't listen to your sister she does not control you do it Rose or so help me God I will make you burn for what you did laughs [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right you'll be okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] no it's you and me forever now I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you me too it was a little less strong that would be nice I love you I love you too so uh you say should we hit the pub yeah let's do it what no oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 70,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG
Id: wpjXj53-EZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 15sec (5175 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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