A Mother's Instinct - Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eat beat Gus how many times I told you about riding that thing in the house dad he's fine hey honey our daughter is right we really need to get organized are you remembering I'm gonna be late tonight oh oh wait well after 9:00 I bet you dinner with all the partners yes okay well I have a 6 o'clock showing at the Horvath place so early do you mind okay all right you guys well there is chicken and quinoa in the fridge for dinner Oh cold pizza cold pizza honey no you got cold pizza like three nights in a row hey you guys have a great day good luck with the showing thank you I know it's gonna sell it just takes the right buyer I know it will hate you mwah it could be worse it couldn't steamed broccoli Oh what's wrong uh you know that cat from the missing poster what was his name tiger yeah I think I found him you found tiger I want to see you oh you don't trust me bud okay I can drop them off to my weight it's her work are you sure yeah it's just on the way okay all right you guys off to school I love you have a good day guys how did you die you don't wanna know by my mom welcome to purgatory excuse me saw the moving trucks we're neighbors cool yeah I'm Seth Scarlett yeah I know we have class together it's okay if you don't remember me most people don't well it's nice to meet you but I've got to get going she's weird [Music] [Music] Lord of Death can I help you I am so sorry pigs pigs are mammals the same similar structure found in humans stomach spleen small intestine kidneys bladder now what we're gonna do this little gal here is we're gonna see the similarities close up we're all gonna make it little for our little plot tops and we'll call it you see it's quite easy to get right through that flesh now we'll just pry it back with you in the spreader here let's see what she's got in store for us yes wondering why you don't want to be friends thought maybe I smelled bad or something sorry I just I don't add people I don't know and we just met yeah okay I got it can't be too careful these days right okay so what you want to do this um do what get to know me I could come over to your house you can come over to mine look can we talk about this later I've just got another class so yeah um rain check on that one that huh but oh good to see you Jeff dinner yet uh-huh yeah where's your sister in her room she's Zack - TV yeah this for an hour though curtains only thanks doc you're welcome Scarlett honey if there's something wrong we can talk about it honey it's wrong what is this this creep across the street took pictures of me undressing what his name is Seth Durand he's one of my classes he sent me a friend request and I turned him down but he wouldn't take no for an answer and now he sends me this mom he's really creepy honey this is not okay mrs. cyberbullying I'm gonna go over there right now and talk to his parents but wait are you gonna tell Dad well of course mom don't I'll just freak out and tell everyone penny no he won't mom please okay but if it happens again I have to tell him [Music] oh you across the street right right hi oh gosh I'm sorry I I probably should have come over earlier and introduce myself hi dad I'm Nora Buettner iris sure of a beautiful family that little boy yours I could just get him right up thank you his name's Gus Gus yeah my daughter scarlet goes to school with your son Seth Ben there's no easy way to say this so I guess I'll just say it but um he's been harassing her just what did mr. popular do this time he's been sending her inappropriate messages online online yes it's called cyberbullying huh well that sure sounds serious glad you brought this to my attention look the last thing we want is any kind of trouble but if this happens again I will have to go to the police so you need to have a talk with your son oh he'll hear from me don't you worry about that good I appreciate it sorry to disturb your evening isabody bitch where did you say [Music] so I finally met the people across the street well one of them anyway uh-huh yeah she was a real piece of work worse than the cat lady who thinks we killed tiger no lady is so rude to me let's just try to win over the neighbors sorry yeah I don't think that's gonna happen with this lady now I mean her son sounds like a bigger problem you know what everything's gonna be all right let's get some sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I'm kind of stuck right now mom's working and dad's up golfing with his bombs now just mean Gus you're so lucky this place sucks everybody at school is a jerk our total space cadet I know I know I miss you guys so much I wish I could just move back hang on a sec Oh gross a bird just committed suicide on our window I better get rid of it before it goes finds out but text me okay later uh Gus I'm going out for a minute [Music] gasps Gus Gus where are you if you're hiding I'm not looking seriously I'm so not in the mood for this right now [Music] oh yeah if privacy is what you're after this is definitely the place for you [Music] gosh excuse me it's my daughter hey honey mom hit the Gus he's not in the house he's not in the yard he's gone what do you mean he's gone I've looked everywhere and I can't find him uh I don't know what to do Nonna's bird could have flown its wings have been pinioned it's crude work but effective my girl said it hit the window and it had helped alright I want that turn around as fast as you can baby I need you to think a little bit harder are you positive that you didn't hear or see anything else no I already I was for a second I came back he was gone now you said there was a dead cat - yeah we found it in the driveway yesterday morning look my daughter's been having trouble with the boy at school he lives across the street his name is Seth Durand it wasn't just trouble mommy's basically been stalking me and when we ran into him in the front he just kept staring at Gus there's something off with it oh wait a second you think he took your son hey Hugh and I went up to Lakeview we checked the creek and a gas station nothing Seth Seth Durant's him if you don't go over there right now I will okay Val put your game face on we're gonna have a chat with the neighbors it's a Rand house huh yeah that's why you're doing all talking Oh who's who set the rink don't say anything baby this is harassment and he knows it where's my son I thought I told you to stay put mr. Duran has agreed to answer some questions okay we find out anything you'll be the first to know I promise but right now you need to go back inside and wait by the phone he's right there honey this is not the way not the way how can you say that our son is missing everyone's doing where they can we're gonna find him I thought I told you to get off my property hey hey better officers these people are trespassing I'd appreciate it if you'd ask them to leave this is just going to make things worse [Music] [Music] [Music] every inch of the Neron I Shh look at me honey it's not your fault it's not your fault we got here as soon as we thank you so much hi Dean are you okay where's Chris he's he's out with the search party right now I have to ask me I think he was taken there's a boy that lives across the street the police are talking to him now you built quite a rep for yourself since we last met petty theft vandalism possession with intent it's like deja vu all over again so is that what this is trying to live up to Brian's shining example tell me detective how it is the room-service over at the Motor Lodge you know I just don't understand why you're so hell-bent and following in that losers footsteps loser okay how much longer you make me sit here and listen to this I told you I didn't do anything so that's not what scarlet banner said [Music] she's the reason why I'm here seriously that's it you've been harassing her yeah maybe in her dream she's not really my type kind of a kind of a bitch actually do you like animals interesting I thought this was about a missing kid yeah not another word Seth I missed the Duran's legal counsel okay my client hasn't done anything grab you things we were just having a friendly chat his brother and I were old friends Jesus ridiculous Vendetta you people need to get your house and you what that's smirk off your face yes ma'am [Music] this is Nora Detective hi let him let him go what do you mean you had to let him go did you question him yes I understand what probable cause means does your captain understand that a child's life is at stake think I can do that what do you think you're gonna find here you got some nerve coming in here some balls with the police are right outside you're gonna need to step back there you are this woman broke into my house and assaulted me I was just looking for my son are you overreacted I'm sorry we're gonna have a race mrs. Durant misses but now you need to come with us yeah mom what happens you better be taking her to jail I want her arrested you hear me you can press charges if you like but right now I need you to go back inside and stay there hey anything tell me you didn't do it do what assault the terrain woman how did you know about that the officer up front told us how you didn't find him you heard what Quayle said we don't know that this is foul play there's no sign of forced entry the animal thing it might be a coin so wishes just that's just wander oh I don't know what to think but it's not gonna help if you wind up in jail so we got to be smart about this Nora you gotta play by the rules there's rules Chris this isn't one of your places our son is out I know that I was the one that was out there all day searching for him I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that let's just find him scarlet I have something for you it's a hope canvas it's for Gus so wherever years I know madam how much afraid he may be this will be a little speck of light in the dark and it will help guide him home thanks grandma go put it by the window [Music] here [Music] we just would like to to let anyone know if they know anything or have seen anything about our son Gus - please come forward we just miss him so much and and he doesn't deserve this honey are you sure about this definitely in between classes I can put up posters and hand out pamphlets the more people that know Gus is missing the better I'm oh honey but you've already been doing so much your dad and I are worried about you I'm the last thing that you need to worry about really okay I'll be here to pick you up after school okay [Music] do you mind passing it around yeah they're over a hundred thousand different species of Iraq the only thing they got in common is eight legs and an attitude now this one is my personal favorite the wolf spine he gives us a wait for prey to come to it he's proactive you'll sometimes even hunt for prey in their own burrows [Applause] [Music] I don't understand how a message like this can be anonymous I mean doesn't that carrier have some way of tracing it they did a free terminal at the public library whoever sent this used an SMS spoofing forward check the surveillance tapes find out who was on the computer can't there's no camera and the staff said they hadn't seen anyone matching Seth's description all day even if we place him at the scene it'd be circumstantial at best substantial at best just like all the other evidence you think you have a gang stone so you're saying you're not bringing him in for what kidnapping cyber stalking loitering we can't hold them longer than 48 hours before we have to charge him with something right this isn't Guantanamo we can't force confessions out of people this is insane our son is out there dying and you're telling us there's nothing we can do we are doing something not the entire department is out there looking for your son it's naughty now I've seen you talk about this kid you know him he has a record doesn't he he's been in and out of juvie several times yes do you think he could do something like this what I think doesn't matter it matters to me it matters to me that the people out there they're looking for my son of the good sense to see what's right in front of their faces do you think he could do something like this yes or no if I were you I'd be more concerned with Iris Duran because if she gets her way you and your daughter might be sharing a cell thanks detective let's go we're leaving okay [Music] I'm gonna ask you something and I need you to think about it really hard before you answer okay okay are you sure absolutely sure that Seth Durant took us why just answer the question yes I'm positive but what difference does it make if they don't believe me I believe you [Music] [Music] mom what are we doing just gonna see where he goes I mean what are we doing guys maybe he'll meet us too and what if he doesn't we'll play it by ear [Music] [Music] stay here what I want to come with you know do you have your phone yeah if I'm not back in 15 call my wife [Music] [Music] hello hey we're looking for Gus I've been calling your mom and she's not answering her phone she's she's putting up posters can I get her to call you back no no no it doesn't matter we're gonna stretch the creek again we're going farther downstream this time water was fast this time oh okay people don't give up do you look give us in your head okay I didn't take your kid I'm not here because of guys really then why are you following me I don't want to apologize her what she did to your eye it's gonna stop us from suing you you're out here I saw your little transaction what was it marijuana or something harder maybe you should spend more time looking for your rug rather than playing narc harlot where's God it's gonna get worse guys sounds like she doesn't want to apologize to me apologize stop stop I would never apologize to you just how long [Music] [Music] we got to get him in the truck [Music] he's gonna watch me go oh my god mom I can't just think you need to leave no it's okay cuz I'm 17 that means I'm technically still a minor I can't get in trouble right right who lives here - recently a guy named format neither gonna help us he doesn't have a choice it's dead alright how do you pop the trunk he's still unconscious alright let's get him out before he wakes up [Music] look over here grab his feet okay help me get undressed what do it we gotta get him to the cage come on what what do you mean cage a Horvath they're worried about trespassers so he kept dogs mean ones are you insane this is kidnap why were him my son I don't know anything about the son okay I told you that I don't believe you because of your idea wasn't it I was just trying to be friendly to you and this is what I get just tell us where he is and let you go yeah sue me I like to get high just like half the teenagers in this country so what give you money okay I'm sorry I know okay I know this must be tough on you guys but you gotta believe me I'm not the person you want to be talking don't know maybe that copper coil protective clothes only painted my family thanks to us please I'm gonna ask you nicely one more time where is nice and what are you gonna do huh you're gonna torture me is that a don't you know that stuff doesn't work let's give it a try okay okay but the cyberstalking that was out of line all right I know it was I know but I am NOT some creep you have to believe me please [Applause] I'm sorry I'm sorry you had to see that how long as long as it tastes hey still with me what if someone comes out here they won't besides I'm the only one with the keys no no no you can't find out that less he knows the better you in case we're wrong we're not wrong it's coil go detective hi spent her I thought that SUV looks familiar yeah oh yeah I was just driving by the house and realized I hadn't watered the plants in a couple weeks so yeah I was just canvassing the neighborhood today oh that's good I just want to tell you that I'll be briefing the State Police tonight on the case oh that's great we're sparing no effort to find your boy I appreciate it thank you okay well I'll um I'll let you get back to it is everything okay we spend there yeah I'm alright thanks for stopping by I'll be in touch thank you [Music] back at it again tomorrow Thanks okay anything you need okay thank you how far are you willing to go sorry Gus what are you willing to do to find him he's my son so you do whatever it takes of course good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Noah's hair [Music] so much [Music] [Music] [Music] sad get your butt out of bed lazybones gotta go to school Seth Seth Duran you listen to me tailor Emily scarlet here Seth Seth Durand Mitch ollie [Music] morning thought maybe you were thirsty look South all you have to do to get out of here just tell me where dress is I don't see scarlet anywhere she chickened out already she's at school where you should be I really hate that you're forcing me to do this look lady I can't tell you anything because I don't know anything did you kill the animals No then who did are you protecting someone come on you know someone's gonna come looking for me you can't keep me chained in here forever he is seven years old his birthday's coming up next week if he doesn't make it to eight I swear to God [Music] damnit boy where the hell are you call me when you get this detective Coyle hasn't been nearly long enough what can I do for you you can let us and what's this authorization to search the premises gonads [Music] [Music] now yeah bus got something get mrs. Durand in here tell her the good news sir ma'am can you come in here please oh now please ma'am I'm coming what the hell is this I think you know exactly what this is about stalking a little boy Cyrus you son of a bitch you planted them place are under arrest you have the right to remain silent you just slit your own throat anything you say or do can and will be used against you hey girlie a court of law you have the right to an attorney go ahead a couple tell you everything they know just don't strum that crap you can't please talk okay maybe just loosen these first I can't feel my arms can you still feel your fingers I said talk hearing you just give me a second I never took your kid so do i I know who took your kid and it's not me who was it I'll tell you but I need something need first do you really think I'm that gullible I think if you want to see Gus again you better start making me a tepee hey Irish durand has been arrested for what no one knows he was sister on the bicycle I said it's all over the station and apparently set is missing he's missing I tried to take the coil but he's not answering his phone listen I gotta go just let me know if you hear anything what were you doing out of school it was a half day how did you get here the bus why no one followed me don't do it again someone else who I don't know honey he's probably lying you know how much of a choice we do something for him maybe he'll do something for us dry cereal that's it seriously Oh Tigers can't be choosers do you want some or not yeah ah it's worse than them disco fine okay all right please possess game look at the rest we start talking okay look walk this through for you real quick I know you're not gonna kill me you know why I know that because if you do your daughter goes to jail and it's accessory so why don't you just admit you're not the one in charge here hmm thank you pretty smart don't you I know I am and if you were smart you would let me out here right now before it's too late yeah I didn't think oh I'll get you some real food but you have to give me something in return to the best of my knowledge she's still alive I couldn't know for him was that for just making sure I remember is really in charge steak porterhouse nice and juicy nothing cheap Oh some baked potatoes too I love I love baked potatoes what'd he say much what what just happened what's going on I have some shopping to do you stay here don't talk to him and don't go inside anything happens anything at all call me hey honey you know something I don't what you got groceries yesterday yeah I forgot a few things I was on my way to the station I started karna but here that's okay I got it let me give it a fight fine what's going on nothing's going on we have to stick together all right don't shut me out if we can't trust each other who do we trust get in remember when I asked you what you were willing to do to find gas sure I have something I need to show you talking earlier what do you want I [Music] already told your mom everything I know what you didn't tell you what I said tell me again where I don't know where your brother is okay but I have a pretty good idea took them who [Music] you know the voice is going to give us we have to keep doing this that's too bad because I'm staying right where I am oh that what your mom said stay out of here and don't talk to me I don't know Scott to me it sounds like your mom doesn't trust you very much does it Scarlett please please please I just want a little bit of water that's it please Scarlett what's going on where are we going horrid place why because it's empty and private what was that pig coil you know you need to start coming up with some better school it's not okay you don't think a cop is capable of that think again killed my brother it's an illegal chokehold barely even a slap on the wrist for they just transferred him division so my mom sued you lost everything the wife is kid as houses been living in a motel ever since what does this have to do with Gus I don't see what's happening here scarlet he's framing me so he can get back at my mom can you even prove any of this or do you just like hearing yourself talk you don't want to take my word for a head look it up but his name is Brian Brian direct why don't you just tell the police they let him interrogated me for hours believe me they ain't my whole family bu I know you're a good person okay you can't get comfortable with any of this I am NOT asking you to let me go I'm not I just want a little bit of decency to something there show me that you care please just a little smile I promise I'm gonna try anything just give me a little bit of water that's all [Music] [Music] Oh God set the ring is missing because you brought him here what the hell will you think I don't know just just happened this is your excuse I was trying to get him to talk I know I know he had something to do it Noorie no he's an 18 year old boy Scarlett let's get you home now let's go what we need to do is get in front of this all right sets probably already gone to the police if we get there first maybe I can keep one of you out of jail let's go let's go [Music] all right we won't be long okay Dean I need you to make sure she stays in her room and locked all of the doors if you see anyone strange hanging around call 911 strange what the hell does that mean what's going on dad we have to go long story detective Coyle and she said anything detective Coyle has been relieved of duty relieved of duty why planted evidence he's done here thought I could help I'm sorry you're letting her go no choice detective coils evidence was our whole case without it we've got nothing to hold her on you can't let her go she knows where Gus is Miss Ventnor you need to think about your other child and you need to stay away from iris Durand and her son and speaking of which Seth hasn't been seen since yesterday you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you no of course not what about your daughter she had any more contact with him Clark daughter's got nothing to do with this all right let's go no grandma's foots Gardens your favorite nice and warm fresh from the oven scarlet oh dear Lord [Music] right I'll help you maybe I'm looking for someone oh yeah sat/rad I know you guys know him well I think he got some bad input there Jump Street see we don't know anyone by that name I'm not a narc okay look it's really stupid but he calls himself the lord of death I just want to know where I could find him I've got something he wants I bet you do hold on what's it worth to you enough okay it's a talk I heard he's been hanging out at the crack Shack over on Grandview where I grab you some creepy abandoned farmhouse now if you like show you no thanks [Music] we heard what the captain said the evidence was planted that doesn't mean she's not guilty you involved our daughter in a kidnapping in a hunch there's no excuse none yeah ya know dad calm down no I'm sure she's fine what happened skylight she's gone she won't climb out the window let's uh no don't call the police will handle it that I'll call you hi Karla's leave messages Starlite it's me honey I don't know what you think you're doing but you need to call me right away [Music] [Music] [Music] where else would she go to find self the parental control app remember I install it on her phone when we bought it it's got GPS yeah yeah I got it what's it say looks like she's on Grahams brand-new where's that that's the middle of nowhere how far is it how do we get there well take a right up here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on for their sake Nora I hope it was worth it cheers steel what did you do to him he's drugged I wouldn't worry about him you my mum knows I'm here you just talked her on the phone a few minutes ago Oh despondent no batteries no I don't think so I don't think anyone knows you're here you know I think I think you came here to apologize you felt bad for what you did meaning are you sorry for what you did it's Carla they'll be here soon I swear you need to let it see when I was stuck in that cage listening in the place from Hell in a hard way it was kind of inspiring to me yeah it kind of made me realize how much I miss my big brother what's wrong we shouldn't have done it we shouldn't why don't you just let us go no telling it what I promise I promise I won't tell I don't know what's help you I'm serious right well I think I should keep you here for a little while only seems fair right yeah the minute Scarlett you liked watching me suffer didn't true in my entire life people like you in acting you're so much better than me laughing at me behind my back calling me a loser who's laughing now huh downstairs in the basement ma says why would you bring me here what in God's name tell me this isn't what I think it isn't tell me you didn't do this you're always telling me I need to be more like like Brian going on and on about how much you miss him now I'm gonna be just like him Gus here's gonna be just like me idiot do you know what you've done I thought you were gonna be happy happy happy you once call me that why would you think us in that shed with those dead animals why would you do that if you wanted it's that brother that's what Brian used to do to me you didn't know that did your mom that he used to take his kid brother out to the woodshed every night lock him in do things to him didn't know that had no clue nothing no no you lie you're lying Brian was a lot of things but he was never Gracie this is gone too far why did you make me do that they know it's you the finest you can't get away with this I told you that's right [Music] yes hello my name is Chris Beckner I think we found where my son's been yelled his name is Gus Buettner he's been missing since a 15th career at 4:18 Grandview please hurry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the cheats [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get away from it scarlet I'm very serious [Music] okay [Music] love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 309,557
Rating: 4.4917431 out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG
Id: E6FA0NchTe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 10sec (5290 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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