The Riverbank | Full Movie | Mystery Thriller | Kari Matchett

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foreign yourself that history is the pathway to the soul I know nothing about my past these are the things I do know my mother went missing 34 years ago I was five after that my father married her sister three days ago she was found dead foreign [Music] I told you I'd handle this somebody's got to do the idea you know I can do it she's my wife [Music] [Music] oh Jesus a couple guys started this morning and uh called it in why don't you let me wrap this up and I'll see you back at the station right thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign hey Angie what's up what [Music] I left that small town at 21. and never looked back until now [Laughter] my Stepmother's death is my invitation back home to finally look at all the things I never really wanted to see [Music] [Music] [Music] and she called you right she thought it might help you if I was here if you don't feel comfortable with me staying here I can stay in a hotel no there's your old room come in you look just like your mother memory serves right still no word no well I guess we won't go there I thought you're Mr a a and all that it's been a long week Kate besides I only stopped drinking to please Elaine so what happened I don't know an accident obviously we're still waiting for the autopsy report maybe she had a heart attack or who knows I I know you two didn't get on very well but uh she left you something I'm afraid of it oh come on Kate she's gone leave her alone you're right I'm sorry thank you she left me a house yeah I thought that place had been torn down [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hiding that teases and flirts but when you reach out for it for resolution for peace to breathe easy for once [Music] the devil is everywhere here in this house and that old man I can feel my soul rubbing against the sharp edges of bad feelings this place feels dead that's the autopsy report okay you didn't need to come to work today just keep him busy Jack uh Matt's taking care of Elaine's paperwork what do you mean come on Kate's back sorry hello good I just wanted to see if you were up I'm up pretty good until about 10 seconds ago um go ahead was everything okay between you and Elaine what well it just looked like she was sleeping in my bedroom and I said just an old people's thing yeah I snore okay so um see where the service okay well there she is finally hi pudding hi cookie so good to see you good to see you how'd it go with your dad oh you know awkward strange frustrating awkward some more same old same old nothing changes except he looks old well so do we speak for yourself well I'm happy you're here I'm happy you two finally buried the hatchet and the house in mirville how do you know that did dad tell you that yeah I was thinking I think he I don't know I don't know how I know I just I'm Christian right you must be well the food's almost ready but let's say we have a couple of drinks before we go please libations for the Libations yes the liquid courage here you go my lady thank you I brought up the good stuff for you oh straight from the boxing into the bottle you remember my tricks huh I think that was my trick I think you did teach me that Cheers Cheers Patty come here I want you to say hi to someone Patty get your tight ass over here let me see her oh she's beautiful gorgeous how are you what do you care that's the way it's gonna be yeah you know the baby's daddy's getting out of prison soon like a month gonna be on probation which is good so we can go see her again and everything she doesn't need to hear any of that okay none of her goddamn business Kate doesn't want anything to do with me said she could she quit I'm here now we could talk between you and my daughter there's an awful lot of [ __ ] flowing in here hey watch your mouth okay I'm going upstairs to get changed you get mad at the ones you love no is that it you know her mom's still in prison for that whole hillbilly heroine thing right dads never stop with the booze she still talks about those two years with you as her family years you know well I refer to those years as my satanic years so glad I got out of that yeah you know I envy you okay the whole going to University and the freedom the money men who wash their hair daily oh yeah it's a perfect life well and me the queen of my poor dad's greasy dreams Daddy but you look good you want fries with that Miss we are here today to honor the life of Elaine Mason please rise and join me in reciting the Lord's Prayer Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever now do a reading from John do not let your heart to be troubled trust in God trust also in me I think trying to change Destiny is the lost cause I came here to find the truth that no matter how hard I try to find it if the universe never gives me what I want but it does give me what I need [Music] well I thought it was a lovely Service as far as Services go short and sweet I don't know it's all a bit weird to me I mean what was she doing by the river at night and if it was suicide why don't you even know my God Kate she drowned okay she drowned just went there to I don't know think or something we used to go to their neck what I think is weird is that you left your family place don't you think that's strange what I think is strange is she left me half of the family place and my mother owns the other half what am I gonna do with half a house in mirrorville I don't know so um how's Joe taking it I have no idea he hasn't said a word to me thank you for coming here trying to get me drunk sailor it's been a long time since I've seen you yeah how are you that's weird why was Elaine Alone by the river at night it doesn't make any sense okay I'm Gonna Be Right let's talk dinner okay oh what a day I'm so happy it's almost done I gotta get out of here yeah where are you going I don't know well do you want some company no I'll just call me every five minutes [Music] thanks for coming Matt you know um and what you said about Elaine yeah well your Hunters might not be so crazy after all I've been uh has to investigate and death is considered possible Foul Play really I mean she might have slipped fallen and hit her head that's well that's one Theory and the other that someone smashed her head I mean she was demi-conscious in the water that three to five seconds between when she was she was standing and drowning right that's just where all the lines of logic start to get blurry Reasonable Doubt who would want to kill Elaine mainly no no it's just it's just a theory right I'm investigated in the causes it's just suspicious that's all okay so I thought you should know thank you right hey Matt sure is there something going on between my dad and Angie I mean is there something going on um no no you sure I'm not sure but I no okay okay anyway um don't tell anyone what I said about the investigation because I can get some serious trouble no of course not I won't okay thank you no problem hey okay Rock Coffee great I'm just cleaning up oh yeah wow I haven't been in here for forever oh look how little this is oh my God check it out what oh look how cute we were and you were wearing that necklace your dad gave you right before a stroke you used to wear that all the time how come you don't wear it anymore yeah I know it's uh it's too precious you know you were like eight when your dad died nine actually the start of me getting stuck in the family business oh my God foreign I think this is my mother's stuff Kate are you okay why is her stuff here maybe we shouldn't want it well why is my dad keeping it here I don't know look you look like you need some time okay I gotta go to work anyway so okay okay I'm gonna call you later [Music] [Music] what's that just you being a smart cop or a controlling father there's more inside you know when I was a kid I thought you were trying to protect me but you didn't want me to go into your Workshop because you didn't want me to hurt myself you're a clumsy kid no you just didn't want me to find what you were why didn't you tell me you had this stuff you should have been a cop the only reason I kept your mother's things was for you but I asked you Dad I asked you a [ __ ] 100 times is there anything other moms I can have anything as a Keepsake or memory anything you saw me after she left how screwed up I was and you decided it was a good idea to hold off on giving me a little Comfort calm down cake I will not calm down why are you such a [ __ ] [ __ ] dad why didn't you tell me about this stuff because I didn't think you'd appreciate it when you were a kid that's why a kid well how old did you think I needed to be I'm 40 [ __ ] years old dad did you think I needed to be decomposed old or dust old look I have work to do okay why won't you talk to me about this [ __ ] there is nothing to talk about I should have just burned everything I will [ __ ] burn it burn everything it's all over anyways all the hopes all the reasons for getting out of that cold [ __ ] bed every lousy day of my life I am so tired of all this burn it I'm just gonna burn all of it and when it's Burns I will like myself on fire [ __ ] it [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign but you know it's not real right it's all part of some ethanol fuel dream so all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so as far as I can tell Elaine left me half the property and the other half to my mother is that right that's right so what are my options you have three okay you can abandon the Inherited property let the back taxes accumulate until the city of mirrorville seizes the property find your mother and have her sign the appropriate papers reporter is missing or have her declared presumed to be dead it's a complicated legal procedure it takes extensive investigation affidavits lawyers you think she's still alive I don't know 35 years I don't know to sell the house Elaine left me I either need to find Mom or declare her missing or dead Pleasant huh how come you didn't tell me about this before do you see a law degree on the wall anyway because I was already going to murrillville to check out the house I thought I could stop by and take a look at the county records start the missing persons protocol legally so I can eventually sell the house Katie wasting your time I tried to find her and I am one last I checked a sheriff she's far away new name New Life see I'm pretty sure about that well listen do it good luck and keep me posted I will [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I'm wondering if you can help is there a registry or a website that could help me track down a resident of Merrillville going back at least 35 years oh great yes her name is Iris Smiley Mason she was born October 25th 1950. okay okay she had a P.O box I'll just take that down great well thank you very much hi hi can I help you yeah my mom had a box number here and I'm wondering if she still has it I'll need some identification in the box number what's the name her name's Mason Iris Mason me and the box number is right here let's see well this is strange the two receiving names were Iris Mason and Danny Gower but the only key holder was Joe Mason looks like all the invoices were paid for by Joe Mason and he collected the mail Joe Mason paid for everything do you know who Danny Gower is no no idea is there anybody else I could talk to who might have worked here back then Miranda but it's her day off I could have her call you that would be great okay well thanks for all your help bye have a good day [Music] okay no give me a hard one Angie hey Matt how's it going good good morning Chief morning ask a couple questions can it wait still have my breakfast uh no well sit down I'll make some eggs no no can we all the time okay Don't Touch This what was that about Frank told Matt he saw somebody's Elaine the night she died hmm [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you hey I just thought I'd check in glad you did so I hear you're filling out the missing person's paperwork for your mom did my dad tell you that no comment you know there's this tribe in the Sudan the nuba if memory serves it takes the fathers of the tribe and buries them alive after their first daughter gets married and your point is you want to get married um actually I think we already are married you're right we are grade three recess yeah the boys trapped me pushed me into that little uh Alcove out in the yard and the girls did the same to me and you bought me a ring I did and um cost me about a month's allowance and they still have it well anyway I was just calling a chicken call me sure hello hey so I saw what's left in the house hey am I interrupting something uh no no we're done yeah we're just gonna have some dinner you do that a lot you should just stopped by with some takeout Kate goodbye foreign [Music] [Music] yeah yeah almost done don't uh touch or even look my notebooks or my mother's clothes on my bed why don't you take it easy Kate I'm just trying to help I know and it's really annoying so why don't you go [ __ ] yourself instead of my dad [Music] foreign [Music] why don't you ask me about mirrorville I'm completely exhausted dad but you're fine right I mean you're completely cool at some point you might want to think about actually grieving a lane not that I care but a tear shed here and there might actually help sell you as a human I mean you'd think that Elaine's murder would be driving you crazy what do you mean murder who said anything about murder the investigation is still open for Christ's sake Kate bother aren't you going to say anything like what dad you and Angie are having an affair and I had to find out for myself she should have told me maybe she didn't know how to tell you'd ever think about that well then someone should have told me just like your mother you didn't look very hard for her did you then you started sleeping with her sister and now you're sleeping with my friend who is a lot younger than you by the way you don't know everything no obviously not I'm not sure Iris even loved me why would you say that when you were young your mother left us for a year that's when I started calling Elaine just to check on which bar your mother was at on which night and then our conversations just I don't know just turned into us talking and then we decided to meet and that's when you started sleeping together it was companionship now when your mother came back we stopped but Iris had been gone for a year and Elaine and I developed some strong whatever feelings I was in love with Iris and Elaine ended up getting married it was only after the divorce he came looking for me when did you and Mom get a divorce long time ago the sweet you knew where she was she had to sign the papers no I didn't know where she was Elaine and I wanted to get married so I forged iris's signature I didn't have a choice you know I keep hoping I'm gonna find Mom and it never happens your mother was the most beautiful funny brilliant woman I ever met her eyes were so alive I felt like we could just get lost together I thought she was perfect I loved her more than life I still love her every man she ever met instantly fell in love with her and occasionally she would love them back maybe for some people Beauty is a burden you look just like her Kate [Music] when mom's coming home honey [Music] I leave for a couple hours and everything goes to [ __ ] what's the matter with you the napkin holders are empty this salt shakers need refilling and you've got to bust the tables as soon as the customers leave so sick taking care of everyone come on grow up get your head in the game Angie get off my [ __ ] you're not my goddamn mother so you tell me what to do besides as long as I do the opposite of what you do I'll be fine if you want to keep yelling at me you can do it later because I'm going upstairs to check on the baby hello Patty for you okay hey Patty uh uh yeah we can meet um do you want to come over here tomorrow morning okay see you then [Music] were you with Angie the night Elaine died yes you're such an [ __ ] it's complicated Kate try me Elaine didn't want to have sex anymore we came to an agreement 100 of you hey oh you're smoking um I'll just grab a sweater so how's the little one fine so I just wanna apologize for the other day when you got here that's okay a hundred years ago I was young and angry too and maybe I'll soon apologize [Music] just your whole life not more I was so young when you left and it just felt like after that my life just stumbled you know and then you completely forgot that I existed that's not true I kept tabs on you through Angie how do you think you got the apartment after the baby who do you think paid the rent or got you that job at the diner look Patty I have my own life and you're not my kid I didn't have a baby I didn't do that I never felt ready and I didn't even know if I wanted one but if I if I hurt you I am truly sorry you know when my mom left my whole world changed I stopped trusting everyone and ever and ever and I pay for that every day I'm glad you said that is that the budding sadist in you or do you mean that [Music] where you been you're supposed to start an hour ago I have a cup of coffee yeah listen about yesterday my head is spinning lately and I didn't mean to be so harsh heard Patty came to see you she was with you during those formative years right guess that's where she picked up running away when the going gets tough huh I thought we'd put the daggers away okay since we're taking final swipes you shouldn't talk since you're sleeping with my father Joe and me I mean what do you want me to say just maybe halfway I know this is weird for you Kate I know but you can't help will you fall in love with you [Applause] you're home early I'm just here for a minute but uh I thought you might like this your mother wore them the day we met [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Jesus Christ I never thought I'd be so happy to see you what's going on Angie just lost her [ __ ] [ __ ] on me I swear to God she's losing your [ __ ] mind she just went ballistic on me accusing me of stealing some goddamn necklace I have no idea what the [ __ ] she's talking about foreign what what's going on I know we have our problems or whatever they just I'm so [ __ ] I don't know what else to do I gotta get out of here I gotta start over [Music] can you take me and Tammy with you and you go back to the thing please please just take us with you you're just running away from your problems if you leave this place I mean I'm the queen of doing that it never works okay great yeah you know what it's fine thank you okay Patty Patty I'll just saying this [ __ ] all [ __ ] town for the rest of my life thank you for that thank you Patty yeah no thanks thanks a lot Patty yes yes is this Kate Mason yeah oh hi Miranda oh my God you look just like your mother all right all right oh I'm Kate oh well we've already met we're just out of Bonnet booties so you you knew my mom oh yes we were Kindred Spirits we were but I uh lost track of her how is she I really don't know I'm sorry are you worried about your mother um yes and no my mom disappeared about 35 years ago disappeared do you know who this is this is handsome Danny Gower quite the bad boy he was sort of a Steve McQueen heartthrob type when you said that your mother disappeared I uh as soon as Danny laid eyes on your mother they were a lot faster than horse and Heidi if you pardon my French no worries I would run off with him myself but she wasn't a bad person Kate we had a lot of heart to heart she just wanted to be happy we all did and then he made her happy he did for a while about a year later though she showed up eight months pregnant without Danny she stayed with me and my mom until she had the baby a little boy so I have a brother oh he died in childbirth which was devastating she was heartbroken by the loss we all were my father doesn't tell me anything Kate memories can bring a family together tear it apart human nature to want to escape the things that are painful no hmm therapist your mom did go back and live with your dad for a few months after the baby died but then Danny showed up again all Flash and pheromones I remember calling over there your father was so upset and he told me that Iris would run off again and I just figured that she and Danny had really decide to make a go of it because I never heard from her again and a few months later your dad came into the post office wanting to set up this mailbox for Iris and Danny which I thought was very strange at the time but he said that things were pretty civil between them if I was Danny were living in Mexico he agreed to rent this mailbox so they had a local address family is insane she loved you I'm sure well she had a pissed poor way of showing it pardon my French so do you ever see my dad no I thought about asking him how to get in touch with Iris fit Oh by then how much time had gone by I figured she wanted to get in touch with me she would have mommy's just learning how to dance hello hello I'm wondering if you can help me I'm looking for a Danny Gower he's probably in his 60s why are you calling about Danny I I'm sorry to bother you I'm looking for my mother she was friends with Danny a long time ago I thought he might know where she is he was murdered I'm so sorry I had no idea about 10 years 10 years he'd already been dead from younger I'm sorry to bother you thank you for your help [Music] animals live in the moment they live by what seems to be a design for life intuition that us well we think we're in charge and I'm learning that that's just a cruel joke the gods that be allow us to come before with my best friend growing up was Angie we saw things the same way that this town would kill us if it got the chance that this town existed solely to scare off anyone here with a hope for happiness I got away I guess Angie didn't find a way to live here and manage this town the people the lies and the Liars like my dad had gotten to her so this guy Danny turns out to have been my mother's boyfriend was murdered and my father kept a mailbox for them for years yeah but what does that mean okay uh hoping they should come back maybe or maybe he was trying to keep tabs on her I really don't know maybe there's something that uh that's uh still in the mailbox I already thought of that homes and my father discontinued the mailbox years ago oh my God pretty good team just foreign be right there what Angie's missing I called the diner there's no answer Matt you go and see if she's there and I'll head home the necklace you found by the river that's Angie's and I told her that she panicked and bolted okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] bad I think Angie's armed yeah go for man Angie what are you doing what are you doing with my gun [Music] Angie drop the gun it's okay Matt I'll handle this hey Matt um put your gun down do what she says Matt okay but this is enough Angie look give me the gun I have to take you down to the station just because my necklace was there doesn't mean you shouldn't say another word we need to get you an attorney look look if you didn't tell anybody you're going to be fine I don't want to go to the station I want to tell you the truth um wanted me to end it with Joe and I just met her there to talk just just talk and things got physical it was muddy and she slept so it was the way she felt I tried to help her but she was gone to all secrets I hope in the safe Joe no you you shouldn't be doing this open the [ __ ] [Music] all right [Music] oh it's not just women who do crazy things when they're in love these are the letters I wrote to Mom you told me you sent them where is Mom know about Danny [Music] you'll never understand I wanted to protect you you were so you were so little you're so tiny tell her the truth Joe Danny Danny showed up again he wanted to get back the virus I was okay with that if that's what you want to do but she swore to me that they were done came home early you're coming with me no I'm not I said you're coming with me what the hell is going on what the hell are you doing shut up Put the gun down this isn't the way to handle this iris is coming with me cheat on me again I know I messed up I already said I was sorry Iris come with me it's your last chance put the [ __ ] gun down sorry Danny it's over oh no she died she died why didn't you you record it was on the cop around here at the time I was gonna tell it to post out with my guns in my house and what would have happened to you why didn't you tell me I was I was just trying to hold everything together okay I I never wanted you to know about any of this so where's Mom near the riverbank [Music] Angie come on now come on give it up give it up come on come on give me give me give me the gun it's all right here we are okay [Music] Mommy here we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I was hoping you'd stay a bit longer I gotta go Dad you could come and visit me sometime yeah maybe you are so stubborn you know that like father like daughter Jill just went down my spine [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ly that beautiful lonely old man and I can start making some new memories without that fog of Darkness hanging over us [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,661,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Kari Matchett, Rick Roberts, Kenneth Welsh
Id: 18pkKYLUzg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 37sec (4717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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