Dead On Arrival | Full Crime Thriller Movie

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me [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] sam you missed another payment don't back me into a corner make this right i really don't want to go on like this [Music] hey it's me i'm in uh louisiana right now on business you're not you're not making this easy on me i am doing the best that i can i'm gonna be back in l.a later today hopefully we can get a chance to talk [Music] give the kids a kiss for me happy new year [Music] um [Applause] ugh um [Music] you okay sir sir can you hear me sir can you hear me okay get any identification on you okay so i need to see some identification i'm gonna check your pockets okay all right hang in there with me sam collins you sure are long ways from home sam collins [Music] [Music] [Music] champagne lady thank you [Music] bye [Music] feeling groovy yet oh yeah sam cullis so glad you can make it dr alexander thank you for having me certainly this is um it's a beautiful house no it's my summer home i get away to in the winter sometimes a little place to clear the head well it's beautiful for your collection ah let's see very kind of you though certainly unnecessary there will be plenty of that going around tonight let me introduce you to somebody very special bonnie hello looking lovely bonnie jules please meet sam collins bonnie is a very dear friend of mine and a fantastic party planner hi sam pleasure to meet you and please let me know if i can get you anything and the greatest skill in life is perfect timing champagne anyone this is something thomas and i have perfected over the years now please okay that's all for now thomas cheers cheers cheers oh morning wood the controls how you doing man good man how you doing i'm good how you been courtesy of the doctor thank you i appreciate it y'all enough to do all this yeah you know we appreciate your services i'm just doing my job how's your dad you know i ain't seen that son of a [ __ ] in years all right have some champagne man it's moving oh man i'm working thank you don't drink too much see all right man tell your dad i said hey [Music] another winner ain't nothing shaken but the bacon ain't nothing up but the rent so you're sam doctor speaks very highly of you hans duncan prime waters insurance i handle all the doctors insurance needs sam collins max corp you know i always wondered about this vaccine stuff but some people say uh you do more harm than good i suppose it depends on who you talk to you know 2.5 million lives are saved each year because of our vaccinations and what about the children who died because of negative reactions to the vaccines well statistically actually there's children are born myself yeah but let's cut off this jupiter jabber it's new year's eve we're celebrating a new year with all its hopes and aspirations blackjack [Laughter] i'll drink today no i couldn't agree more um i got to see man about a dog watch my chips this man is a drug dealer [Music] i love your tuxedo thank you they say tuxedos on men are like lingerie on women that's a good thing i didn't rent this one then [Laughter] you seem tense rough here you could say that you know this is what she does for a living and what's that i'm a massage therapist oh what do you do oh i work at the fun house in my spare time [Music] we had two beautiful children oh wow boys girls thank you tell me more we have one of each actually yeah i both [Music] shoes [Music] you know bonnie you made me a little jealous you're crazy why can't you just enjoy the evening i'm just waiting for permission permission granted don't worry you'll always be my favorite i'm not so sure about that anymore don't worry about tammy she's young she's got plenty other hearts to break whatever you say you think the doctor's in live with you he's gonna marry you [Music] i think it's time for me to get a top off would you like one [Music] yep [Music] i want you tonight now [Music] sofia you look beautiful i think vince is mad at me he gets like that sometimes how did you come up with that he'd be having to drink out here with us otherwise well with that piece ass on his arm i don't blame him i mean look at that it's new year's eve for christ's sake and he's got something stupid freaking both watching for alligators first of all this is a very nice boat second what's with you you're always freaking complaining watch with me yeah if you'd be home what would you be doing i'd be at rails a nice hot meal a beautiful broad on my own with a nice bottle of champagne you're a friggin [ __ ] ah i gotta take this call okay babe we're being paid to be down here in the worst economy since jimmy carter and you're complaining you should be counting your blessings you see them they're losing brain cells me tomorrow i go to the gym i get my workout in i'm good to go these mosquitoes are huge out here they work out just like you zika it's anchor what a c you watch we're gonna come up with a vaccine for that stuff that make millions you're not as dumb as you look oh yeah why don't you go rub one out burn some calories god knows you need it why don't you transplant that mustache on your head god knows you need that mind if i have a drink good evening doc hello vincent i hope you'll be attending my party on your way i think it's gonna be a quiet night from here tonight we just we just rolled in oh that's too bad i was hoping to have some drinks my favorite investor well you know i'm glad you brought that up how's that uh new contract coming along fine fine we will be out of the red by sunrise well i sure hope your enthusiasm lives up to his promise doc you've put me in a very bad spot my investors i don't like to hear that uh how can i make good you know my guys put in the cash to turn the investment not to lose it you know i got to tell you so far it's been a very bad experience vince i don't have to remind you that the medical vaccine business is a 24 billion dollar market as we speak i mean we're we're not dealing with some construction company or some convenience store here all right there there have been some hiccups along the way but i assure you that let me cut to the chase here doc i don't run a charity here and i can give two bits what vaccines are working on to be perfectly honest with you that's not how you do business i don't appreciate you talking to me in this condescending tone i apologize of course um just i am sorting it out as we speak it's in the works vincent you have my word at this point that's all you got i understand i'll see you in the morning happy new year can i get you anything fetch me sam collins [Music] sam have a seat hey [Music] i looked over the paperwork and what makes you think i would sign this deal with you our vaccines have the best proven track record in the field i have the statistical research to back that up if you want i can just have it um sam yeah i would sign with you why would i bring you to my home on new year's eve if i didn't want to do business with you huh all right here all signed congratulations i wasn't expecting this tonight louisiana is a marvelous state for the unexpected let's say that again don't let me down okay i bring you into my home so understand that anything that happens here is extremely private catch my drift sure you need anything you come to me okay let's have some fun the business and pleasure i agree [Music] that's the time for you anytime you feel lonely and you think you're friends of you [Music] that's the time i'll [Music] scoop it too [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh renated dispatch i have a 1037 copy that 10 37 suspicious vehicle on blood river road crossing highway 22. hey billy hey where'd you find this guy uh out on highway 22. he was throwing up all over the place and passed down on me what's going on with it well he's severely dehydrated his temperature and blood pressure normally high um a preliminary blood sample shows some sort of poisoning like alcohol ah it's much worse than that what a way to start the new years huh yeah we're gonna run some more tests but uh he's in no shape to be released anytime soon i'll tell you what all uh contact is family next can let them know okay good idea yeah it's pretty bad all right thanks for bringing them in yeah you got it i'm missing my wife's new year's day cooking for this tradition for the whole family what did she make black eyed peas and cabbage good luck and money all year long well that's right you armenians don't celebrate new year's with us do you i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that where's the body up here who called it in one of the guests that stayed the night i want to talk to him who owns this place dr richard alexander the doctor's okay dude what kind of doctor was he medicine research vaccines research nice freaking thingy let's get a look at those security cameras list all the vehicles coming and going last 24 hours or so maybe we found one without a tire on right no vaccine for that hey so how you feeling fine yeah fine uh a little bit confused on what happened uh do you have any family or loved ones in the area that can come and be with you no my wife and kids are in california i'm here on business what are you um mr collins have you suffered from any kind of depression or had thoughts of suicide no why are you asking well we found a rare poison in your bloodstream poison your system's absorbed a sufficient amount of a toxin called botulinum toxin type h proves to be fatal along with a mixture of other ingredients and i've never seen anything like it this new toxin can't be neutralized by any of the current antibody anticera which means there's no effective treatment for this form of botulism i don't understand what the heck what are you saying your bodies absorb a toxin that will kill you okay there's no antidote for this there's been a few recent studies of possible antitoxins in mice are you freaking kidding me i'm afraid i'm not mice you think i killed myself no i didn't say that then what are you saying oh you've been murdered mr collins you have less than 24 hours to live well i've notified the authorities as this is a possible case of homicide doctor doctor [Music] [Music] [Music] what was your relationship with dr alexander i was seeing him for the last year on a regular basis yes for the most part were you involved in any of his business dealings i only knew about his personal affairs when he chose to tell me we would travel go places you know things of that nature who do you think would have a motive to murder the doctor i don't know he kept his business private i can't say notice anything uh unusual strange lately i organized the new year's eve party and i only invited very close friends he surprised me last minute and told me he'd invited some man uh sam collins he's some sort of pharmaceutical salesman and did you meet the sam collins yes deputy renee hey billy hey uh i heard you picked up a uh sam collins today yeah sure did got him in the hospital here he's not doing too well though yeah man you're not gonna believe this but uh he doesn't want it in connection with that murder out of alexander's they want us to bring him and talk to him is that right hey why don't you uh don't you go check on him all right i'll do that i'll be right back i won't be there [Music] uh [Music] she holding something back here's the thing is sam calling she mentioned had a hospital emergency visit this morning poisoning he was picked up by deputy renee on blood river road all units all units please be advised you have an apb out for a caucasian male 511 180 pounds black hair goes by the name sam collins last seen at mercy hospital on blood river road you need anything you come to me [Music] [Music] you know i gotta tell sophie to step it down a notch with this christmas decoration it's driving me nuts yeah it's me it's kind of cozy it must be my mother's house you got a problem what's the problem knocked out an accident you had an accident yeah i don't think he made it what the heck did you do i didn't do anything the cops were all over the place you didn't do anything no hey if it was up to me you know the doctor be taking the dirt knife a long time ago he was taking this for a ride us we were never gonna see that money mm-hmm us since when is it us uh-huh huh i can't friggin hear you listen to me you friggin [ __ ] you laid a friggin hand on him i'm gonna friggin kill you you got that all right if i lose two million dollars of my money because you decided to have a freaking opinion i'm gonna feature to the freaking alligators you stupid egrets you're responsible for disposal you got that two million dollars of my money sitting in the stinky fish hole i need you to find out what the heck is going on get my freaking money back understood you'll be warned what did you do are you doing anything what's an egret [Music] 81 repeat what are you doing what put the friggin cigarette out i'm relaxing can i friggin relax why don't you just flesh your high beams and honk your horn at the same time did you know they had a big party here last night nothing good ever comes from a big party excuse me um do you know what's going on dr alexander has been murdered are you okay mister do they never did it well i'm sure we will they are looking thank you oh i work at the fun house [Music] [Music] from this town to that town [Music] otherwise he don't really want me living life but i'm living now [Music] is what are you doing here last night you told me you worked look if you're looking for a relationship you will be sadly disappointed okay i'm way past disappointed i'm trying to work here what do you want oh okay somebody's trying to kill me and i don't know who it is my guess is it's the same person who killed dr alexander that friend of yours i want no part of this okay okay i know i know you don't know me i'm dying they poisoned me i don't have anywhere else to go okay i know i i need some help and and you're the only person i know so if there's anything you can do please help bonnie arranges these get-togethers and she hires the girls from here i was there to entertain nothing more nothing less and all of the girls are hired even bobby especially bonnie i did get a call from bonnie she told me what happened to the doctor she said the cops were looking to talk to me that's all i know you should talk to thomas he was more involved with the doctor thomas who the waiter from last night yeah hired by bonnie he's more than a friend of her yeah yeah we're good you sure i'll wrap everybody's got a transvestite story around these parts hey be careful he's a son of a [ __ ] excuse me trying to pass you recognize me no i don't i don't know what you're talking about yeah i think you do you mind telling me what the hell you did to me last night look baby you're one of many that i have served at the doctor's house i do as i am told and i don't appreciate you accusing me of whatever the hell it is you're talking about now if you don't mind i'm working listen you better stop the food with me okay you were pulling the drinks last night so either you poison me or you know who did i say get your face out of my way you're the wrong place thomas [Music] i know you can hear me i just want to get home to my family so [Music] [Music] hey you said you were quitting yeah i was gonna but and i didn't i can help you with that yeah you could hey you got to get out of here you're in danger doesn't matter i'm like dead man anyway come on let's go hey take this so why are we running from that cop every time we've had a private gathering at dr alexander's that cop has been there guarding the place okay well i i was he there last night yes he was i didn't see you yeah of course you didn't you were too busy trying to get in my pants get in where are we going to see a grona she's the only one i know who can either cure you or tell you about the poison in your body [Music] we have a match hang on guys send this text you hag what can i say happy wife happy life right what do you got the vehicle we recovered which was rented by sam collins is missing a tire iron single socket and we checked the murder weapon with the lug nut size of the tires on that vehicle it's a match lug nut size sir you're saying there's variation in lug nut sizes yeah 17 millimeter 19 millimeter 21 etc lug nuts is standard how's aaa going to carry seven different wrenches around to change your tire well they usually carry one of those four-way tire irons or an impact wrench to cover the four or five standard sizes uh-huh you study wrenches at lsu no just women in gumbo hey let me ask you something does it bother you that the most famous armenian of all time is kim kardashian i think about it thousands of years of history the greeks got aristotle the italians they got christopher columbus irish got st patrick liam neeson you all are stuck with kim and kanye what do you want to do about sam collins we still may be able to bring him in on probable cause off the missing tire iron get with the da's office and make it so time thank you kanye [Music] he's talking inside come in sit in the chair you took a whis bringing this man here i know i'm so sorry i didn't let you know before but i didn't know who else to call and save your energy you will need it this place sleep we're tortured and killed right here in this room by their muscles yes i can't relieve your pain the pain you are suffering in your deteriorated intestines sit down you have nowhere to go i am not the one who killed you [Music] it's okay what is drink sam she is trying to help you please the poison that is killing you was purchased from me what your lover has been sacrificed you are too late to use rescue [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] coming home [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have to leave whoa he's here take him leave out the back door now okay okay you have to leave sam yeah wake up sam we've got to go get up have to wait and we've got to go okay okay let's go see you in the next life thank you [Music] no she didn't morning sweetheart i need to freshen up give me a minute no it's fine i'll wait inside thank you though go fresh what are you doing here so early i had a dream about you to run away and i couldn't find you so i figured i'd come check for myself and how does your wife feel about that how she's done excuse me yeah hey can we get a ride with you uh sure where you going that poison didn't work the way that you said it would all right now he's running all over town it's just a matter of time till people figure out what went on and you know it come on in man all right you've invited evil to your doorstep it is playing right now with your children on that playground don't talk about my family your family is doomed and it's all because of you dirty cop [Music] hey bobby whatever way to start the year huh that's body number two this guy thomas has been known to get around a little sexual weasel i found his phone on the boat it's got pictures on how to place him at the doctor's party that night anything good yeah i got some screenshots dr alexander some strippers our suspect sam collins and one han's uncle insurance agent all engaged in sexual acts ah this guy's a freak kind of like chloe huh the second most famous armenian some witnesses saw sam collins at the fun house last night on the same time as the murder of course he was guy's poison knows he's gonna die he keeps popping up places with his bodies pretty lady what happened to thomas what did you all do to him so now i can't talk right now i'm being questioned by the police what kind of mess did you get me into listen i'm gonna take care of it okay you don't don't wear your little bitty head okay i didn't sign up for this keep your freaking mouth shut all alright just a trooper i'll get my usual please sure thing what time do you got i don't wear a watch how do you tell time time is uh time is an illusion i never thought of it that way you know if you had anything to do with the doctor you know he's gonna find out right that's so yeah let me tell you something when we first got down here the doc was in bad shape financially he was working on some kind of vaccine state-of-the-art something he was introduced to vince by one of our guys at the casino it was an easy mark to turn cash why are you telling me this because i was the one who was supposed to be running it down here so you did kill him i didn't say that you think you're qualified to run a medical operation yeah what makes you qualified my sister's a nurse your sister's a nurse hey honey hey mr duncan hey mr dunkle how you doing good morning i'm charinay how you doing bud doing good just grabbing a little lunchtime grub i hope you're happy with your insurance policy because uh i sure am happy with your business absolutely yeah you know i can't thank you enough actually you know what the recent floods and all it's nice to have peace of mind hey wish your lady a happy happy new year for me should old acquaintance be forgotten what are you gonna serenade me you want buddy hey listen wait a minute uh did you hear about uh dr alexander well you must help a party that's for sure what did somebody uh call the cops no no he was found dead in his boat you're kidding come on bud all right town's about a mile south of here thanks again hello good luck thank you [Music] what i think we've got some the cops are looking for you i know a place we can go to this is it fancy huh hey come let's sit nothing good ever comes out of that bonnie i'll tell ya what are you doing in this town came here for work i grew up in brokebridge the crawfish capital of the world it's not much there for a girl like me do you have family not a mother older sister she left when she was 17. my my mom lives with her boyfriend he's a pretty nice guy when he's not drinking detectives thanks for coming well thank you for taking the time to meet with us mr dunkley any uh i still can't take this all in why don't you start by telling us about new year's eve well an invitation from dr alexander for a gathering of this house how many people were at the party it was not a big gathering it was a small group when did you first meet dr alexander about eight years ago uh when he divorced his second wife he wanted me to insure his his cars boats etc based on our records dr alexander give you all his insurance business over time i provide a good service detective tell us about the other night well dr alexander invited me to uh to his house invited some ladies can you give us some names of course um bonnie jules who's dave the doctor off and on for many years she was there and she invited some friends of hers some ladies did you know any of them previously i did uh many of them worked at the fun house off the river so it's you the doctor the ladies anyone else well just the usual people the next-door neighbors the guy across the street john and uh oh a pharmaceutical salesman who is doing a deal with the doctor is sam collins approximately what time did you leave the party i left the house about 3 15. i passed off the couch and when i woke up i took a bottle off the table and i went home you didn't notice anything suspicious or strange no um i didn't notice anything i figured whoever was there was um still asleep mr dunkle can you think of anyone who might have had a motive to kill the doctor no dr alexander never had any enemies and not that i'm aware of anything else i'm good me too [Music] agassi what andre agassi he's armenian he won the french open the u.s open and wimbledon tennis don't count this is the insurance agent that was at the party yeah han's dunkle he's a freaking perv why do you say that he's a regular he's always trying to pick up on the new girls at the club is he close with the doctor him and the doctor been swinging swingers for a long time you know where he lives where is my lipstick hey yeah he's uh he's in bruce's harbor it's a few streets from where we were last night you can show me that's easy it's number 11 country club road okay i thank you for everything that you've done for me i don't want to drag you into this anymore i'm not your responsibility hey hold your horses i'm not doing this because you told me to i'm doing this because i want to [Music] if we follow blood river we'll get to dunkle's house come on this way sam collins you got a warrant for your arrest why don't you go ahead and come on out this isn't going to go away sam i'm here to help you sam why don't you come on down to the station we'll get it all sorted out and we'll get you taken care of you seem like a nice guy i saw you run in here and i'm trying to be friendly you remind me of me a little bit you're tough good looking you back here come out come out wherever you are [Music] uh you can't run from the law and go unscathed that's not how it works i'm not doing anything to you kid yeah you got me confused with somebody else look man i got a family and i got to take care of my family are you looking there you want it take it end yourself it's done okay get up let's go no get up hate to have to go visit you why oh don't come near me walk that way keep walking come on where i figure it is you came here you killed the stripper with the heart of gold because she poisoned you you succumbed to your pain killed yourself you just happen to be the guy bad luck i guess walker what's going on here hey i'm uh i'm glad you're here i i caught the murderer suspect what are you doing with him how you ran i caught him why didn't he have cuffs on uh i hadn't gotten there yet why don't you go call it in i'll be right out that's all right i'll help you take him in [Music] billy go call it in we don't have a problem no no problem say well don't go call it in i'll just be outside i swear you do that [Music] shoot [Music] what do people do around here i'd be bored out of my mind you know you haven't shut up since we got down here sometimes i think the universe puts me with you just to test my patience [Music] so [Music] [Music] just [Music] he's got music playing [Music] [Music] um all right let's pick him up we'll bring him out what about her she wasn't part of the deal maybe she's seen who we are [Music] so [Music] what's up [Music] neighbor saw two men breaking at dunkle's house called it in [Music] [Music] hey partner we got a problem axle kedzler little promazone lithium chloramazine that's some bad medicine all prescribed to helen's uncle from dr alexander is he treating him like a mental patient that stuff's used to treat severe disorders bipolar psychotic behavior dr alexander is in medical r d specializing in vaccines what the heck was he doing passing out meds like that to his insurance agent joanne yeah hi detective norah and this is dr kazan i treated your suspect sam collins 24 hours ago as you may know he's been poisoned technically he should have been dead within the first few hours of the intake what kind of dumb ass don't password protect well i'm calling to see if he's still alive based on our information yes he is okay well our initial test results indicated organ failure but if he survived the last 24 hours and there's a good chance that he can live with immediate medical attention last call how many times i'll tell you if i don't pick up i'm busy hans i'm dealing with a firestorm right now officer walker this is detective spiro homicide you got the wrong number damn all patrol cars have gps let's find out a little something about officer walker's whereabouts the last 24 [Music] hours [Music] [Music] come on let's do this easy way huh get in i'm doing the best that i can i'm sorry let's give the kids a kiss for me i love you [Music] so [Music] get down get down it's going too far [Music] this freaking swamp rat [Laughter] he made me do it i didn't want to freaking do it i didn't want to freaking do it i didn't want to kill anybody god knows i tried hit him on his feet you're one unlucky sob you know that this guy talk suppose so you're the guy from the church looks like your prayers have been answered the hell they did a number on your kid didn't they i'm not gonna kill you sorry you're gonna die but that's neither here or there based on what i've been told you have no idea what's going on here dear well you deserve to know i mean it's only right get him a bottle of water you see the good doctor was a piece of dirt and a degenerate gambler and he was in to me for two million dollars the businessman that i am i decided to give him one more chance to pay me back he signs the deal with back sport he takes the contract to the bank gets a loan on it pays me back and everybody's happy but that didn't happen then here we are i guess he wasn't in the cards come on i want you to meet somebody hello my friend you thought i forgot about you not today today today hans is your birthday i got a few gifts for you that prick poisoned you and killed the doctor and two million dollars of my money why why why why hunt why hans why'd you do it why'd you do it hans dr alexander has been treating this clown as a mental patient for years the doctor was creating a monster and he didn't even know it see his eyes look at that little frankenstein oh you know i almost feel bad for him [Music] he's all sedated and messed up i understand you hans i get it the doctor liked the scans hans over here knew the skins you see what's going on unfortunately for us the good doctor underestimated hans dunkle oh yeah hanza hated the doctor it was like a bad marriage you know you got a dirty cop in the mix you got yourself a quandary you think about it you want to sit oh it's okay hon you can have a ship good stuff huh takes the edge off what did you think was gonna happen today i told you it was your birthday [Music] finish listen i do this all the time the first time is hard but then you get used to it it's really not that big of a deal i'm gonna feed you to the friggin turtles when i'm done with you go ahead it's okay take care of me you deserve it this is your chance make it happen go don't do it don't shoot me don't shoot me i didn't know how i was doing i didn't mean it i was high when it all went down i i didn't mean it was walker it was smoking sound listen sound sammy it was walker it was walker's id dependent on you can we please don't kill me please don't kill me sound vaccines kill people you don't kill people you don't kill people you don't kill people you don't kill people people don't kill people [Music] give me the god go see your family [Music] go [Laughter] i got news for you hans vaccines don't kill people people kill people [Music] enjoy the ride [Music] help me don't leave me here i was high when it all went down i was high when it all went down don't leave me baby [Music] so we're done here yeah we're done what about hans gave him some of his own medicine give it a few minutes [Music] uh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello sam collins [Music] [Music] [Music] izzy is he alive [Music] why don't you tell us a real story [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 598,307
Rating: 4.5492468 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Dead On Arrival, Scottie Thompson, Christa B. Allen, D.B. Sweeney, Thriller Movie, action movies
Id: 8IvhA3E5HZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 2sec (5702 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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