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[Music] as his sweep of the United States comes to a close president Jonathan Hayes completes his fundraising efforts tonight at the Beverly Hills Home of close friend and Academy award-winning director Michael zeil KF traffic reporter Danny Jackson suggests alternate routes around Benedict Canyon due to congestion resulting from the president's visit ID [Music] please9 722 not why don't you just shoot it believe me I'm ready to Greater we're moving to the next event in five president's with his daughter in the study odad out front don't get [Music] lost we're moving out in [Music] five do this every time that we're in LA and you two get together Dad it's just a couple of Cassie's friends going to a club I'll go Incognito I have no problem with you going but it hasn't been checked out well that's just it if you did there'd be 50,000 photographers a secured area and zero chance of me having any fun it' be a total Fishbowl honey you're not going so please stop asking come on it's not fair I'm sorry unfortunately it comes with the territory yeah yours and just for the record this sucks excuse me ready when you are Mr President thanks Alex I want to go back to the hotel we need a transport to take Jess Back to the Hotel Roger when we lost Janet I I knew it was going to be hard but boy I don't know how single parents manage it she is really going through something 16 wasn't my here either maybe but I don't think being the president's daughter is helping any uhoh Jess isn't going to be happy about leaving this behind Smash Mouth don't look at me I grew up on kiss I'll make sure she gets this I feel bad she's right you know poor kid never gets to do anything normal hasn't even got her license yet keep promising to teach her to drive but I just haven't had the time well maybe you could surprise her with something that would feel less presidential thank you you I'm counting on your support thank thanks a lot thank you thank you thanks lot it's very nice to had you here I appreciate you very much all right thanks a lot thanks [Applause] lot get down the shooter I don't know we don't have a visual where is he Alex get the presid the go go go stay down you have a code 9 I repeat code 9 we need air and ground support infiltration points South sector on the floor are you okay sir yeah I think so I get this out of here take him out down the cway the shooter's about to launch something take him out Alex Alex he's okay we're in trouble here he's reloading doesn't anybody see him he's at the right side of the driveway behind the tree take him out we got to move no you're safer in the car no we got to move I said stay with the car it can't handle another hit you got to move come on Alex got two of them after you we're coming up behind H where's that backup coming up Benedict now sir Chopper ATA is less than a minute we may not have a minute come [Music] on [Music] go go go stay down stay down [Music] they've got us trapped in the pool [Music] house out of there C here clear where pres sir sir are you all right yes yes I'm all right let's get the president to the chopper move move move you wait ins side I'll deal with you later president [Music] [Music] please what the hell is wrong with you McGregor you rewrite procedure you know how lucky we were I did what I thought was best you ignored a direct command I had to get us out of there sir I couldn't identify what was being launched for your information in case you missed it in basic training that limousine is designed to withstand Heavy Artillery I don't believe it could have taken a second hit the first one nearly ripped us apart you took a hell of a chance on a gut feeling around here we do things by the [Music] book your willingness to take risk with the president ends here and now you are off my detail and if I have my way out of the Secret Service [Music] permanently [Music] [Music] [Music] we got [Music] [Music] company [Music] [Music] d damn it we tried something out there lo sir tunnel heading east we're on it check it out watch your butt Walter let's go there's something moving fast and it's not a Gman [Music] [Music] [Music] drop your weapons drop your weapons figures a man responsible for trying to kill the president would be crawling out of some hole gentlemen American freedom fighter Michael Smith there's another tunnel down here search it get him out come on get him [Music] [Music] out oh my God what the hell was that where's Michael he's supposed to be here I'm going back don't be stupid they go me he do for us no he wouldn't haven't you learned anything from him huh Eric let's go The exhaustive Manhunt for American freedom fighter Michael Smith the man allegedly responsible for coordinating the assassination attempt on the president concluded today in Montana where FBI agents apprehended him in a remote cabin outside of white fish more news and coverage as our story unfolds no look bottom line is we need to work together on this no more back room politics it's killing this issue I would appreciate it thank you senator another four years of this enough of that please sit down it's good to see you thanks for coming in it's my pleasure sir so did you hear why Michael Smith was trying to terminate my services something about the ATF raid in Michigan several of his men were killed you blame my anti-m militia campaign never mind the fact that they were holding women and children as hostages I'm glad it's over sir me too Dy told me that uh the inquiry is nearly over they're just going to run some sort of explosive test on the limousine Alex I uh for whatever it's worth sir I expect you to stand by the results of that test if I was wrong for pulling you out of that car I shouldn't be protecting you well for whatever it's worth I trust you and your instincts thank you sir open it I remember you telling me that your mother uh gave you the ones you lost they're just like them thank you very much sir yeah try it on I uh took you up on your advice about doing something special for Jess I've arranged for her and Cassie to go on one of those outbound adventures with some other kids oh that's great I'm trying to keep this as normal as possible for her so we've scaled down the detail to three agents I'd like for you to be the special agent in charge it'll be lowkey the public will think that uh she's at Camp David with me for the week I'm flattered sir but what about da uh here let me help you with that be uh perfectly honest he's against it how about it I think it might do you some good to be out of Washington get a little fresh air if you know what I mean I appreciate it sir hey kiddo hey uh guess what Alex got her job back how like to go on a tri trip thanks but no thanks our last one was kind of hard to forget just you and Cassie and a few other kids yeah right some press picture Crusade it's an outbound trip river rafting rock climbing backpacking and only three agents it's the best that I can do no way no way I didn't want your entire summer to suck Dad this is so cool and I have to tell Cassie she's going to freak she already did wait when is this day after tomorrow this is so great wait what am I supposed to bring oh uh Alex will give you a list of everything you [Music] need she's coming no I thought they kicked her out or [Music] something listen Alex D's expecting us to call him as soon as we get in and uh give him the details for tomorrow that's a good idea Cliff you do [Music] that what's that smell that would be Pine listen uh I'm going to go call Daily okay yeah fine hey hey oh my gosh it's a graduation photo a couple of tough looking agents weren't we H so did Kyle Kessler meet the Falcon yeah except it was a trap ooh it was a breath of a whisper in the biting night air but secret service agent Kyle Kessler knew he was trapped plunging into the mighty Colorado and taking his chances fighting the Ferocious twisting frothing Beast whose angry current could swallow him hold what do you think pretty good huh he spilled ferocious room now you didn't like it oh no it was wonderful Kyle Kesler is the perfect agent hey uh need something we're kind of busy well I just wanted to bring you this it's digital supposed to be pretty good I'm sorry about your last one cool any CS well I thought you could pick some up tomorrow I didn't see any Tower Records on our way here did you well it's a radio too oh by the way tomorrow I want you to wear sunglasses in a hat okay no sun screen I don't care look I just don't want you to be recognized by anybody in town you're supposed to be at Camp David when we're on the river you can do whatever you want what's with that what you ring a bell whatever she thinks she's my mom or something perfect lips and [Music] flowing made [Music] all you know how to twep no I don't then I'll teach you come on no thank you I have to get up early I'm not letting you get out of here unless you have a dance with me I said no thank you no don't be like that okay all right all right so you like to lead that that hurts really I feel for you kind of hard to two step with a shattered wrist but if you like I'll snap this thing and I'll get up and dance if not I see just guess you take no for an answer and leave me alone I can pretty much guarantee you that let it go [Music] yeah yeah has anyone got thermals and the other stuff in the list you know I didn't know Don made out door aw especially at night fashion first Mark last minute check okay have you got everything just excuse me you must be Emma I'm Alex McGregor agent in charge oh nice to meet you I heard you be joining us this is uh Jessica and Cassie hey girls hi just call me Jess sure I'll introduce you to the rest of the Gang This is Caitlyn Connor Hannah peyon over there is Milo hi girl [Music] there's another instructor a Grant Coleman I spoke to him on the phone where's he here now thanks okay guys so you're the president's daughter that's so cool I knew how you [Music] doing I'm agent McGregor I was afraid of happen I guess I should apologize for last night it was a long day and I was really in no mood I hope there are no hard feelings last time I touched that uh it hurt Dam did you get everybody ass signed a medical release uh insurance forms and we got all the all the bags everything all right I got the I'm going to go get some sunscreen do you want anything try let's just if these kids will go regulations check visions and then well we get out of here took the canoes that was a lot of [Music] fun [Music] here we go all right guys I'm going to gather around there a couple of things I want to make perfectly clear to you all this river is beautiful but it can be dangerous even deadly if you don't handle it in yourselves properly all right so we're going to need to learn to work together become a team all right all that it's not going to be easy still want you to have fun okay next 7 Days could be the most exciting week you've ever experienced you might even find out something about yourself you never knew now uh Emma and I are going to be teaching you some elements of uh rafting rock climbing survival techniques and if there's time I will uh throw in some of my personal fly fishing secrets um McGregor Jess and Cassie you're in Emma's raft along with Milo Caitlyn and Connor the rest of you are with me all right let's get rafted wait a second right right um your two gentleman friends will need to split up one in each boat wait dispersement it doesn't matter which hey hey hey I'm curious who's the better Rapter between you and Emma I have more experience but then I want Jess and I reassign to your boat I'm sorry but everyone's treated the same here miss McGregor it's the way we are honestly the last place in the world I want to be is in your boat but when it comes to Jess's safety no matter how small the margin that's where she'll be now if you got a problem with that call her father tell him you don't like the way things are [Music] running how bad is it going to get don't worry Emma and I have been through this 100 times we've only lost a few kids right M you I know it was less than 10 all right [Music] my don't fall in uhuh all right after this run we're going to come to a small Ed where there's a little beach you got to make it into that beach it's very important to make it into the beach and not be sucked down into hell's half mile you're going to be exhausted we got to make it to that beach you understand anyone ever run Hills have left no one's that crazy it's far too dangerous M scoot the High Point ride the left shoot got [Music] it here we go we go down down yeah you got to stay [Music] high puddle on the right stay off that [Applause] [Music] rock well done group I believe this is yours thanks all right you're doing great Cassie keep going you're doing good is this the fun part in your brochure make it fun challenge yourself yeah you can do it keep going that's it keep your focus at the top of the tree Cassie's dad's one an Oscar I think maybe I should pitch my book to get her to make it into a movie you haven't even finished it yet I know Hollywood Works B that's it it' be a dream come true being an agent was your dream come true where's to say you got to be locked into one dream it cracks me up people put them on a hole before they know it it's too late you know if I die tomorrow I'm going to have no regrets you got to learn how to fly Alex sooner not later no I can't go any further let me down sure you can you're almost to the top you're almost there all right [Applause] good work all right Miss McGregor you think you can make it I'm not a climber thanks ah not much for trying anything new are [Music] you hold this please look I'll make you a deal if I get to the top you drop the McGregor and call me Alex and if you don't I'll ride in the other boat deal Emma yeah bring in the harness there you go what's she trying to prove I don't know how not trying to get to the top never climbed before kind how Daly doesn't like her because he thinks she's after his job what about you she's eye candy in the department pushed up fast only cuz she's a good-looking woman and friends with the president Department's going for PR you ever think she's trying to prove she's not can I give you a hand I got it all right [Music] she Easy Come on Alex come on you can do it now can do it she's got it watch inside what's her problem anyway is it me or just men in general she's not into men if you know what I [Music] mean that explains a lot just above your right hand yeah [Music] go made it guess I [Music] lose let's give your casting a try here a little longer on your back cast keep that wrist nice and firm here we go he's cute look at his butt as if I'd scam he just seems so different then what you go to an all girl school so you ever going to talk to him or just keep doing the Voyer thing Connor you're going to shake hands with r look now's your chance okay [Music] oh hi hi what are you listening to sorry what what are you listening to um it's just epiclear oh pretty cool what about you uh just some country music station it's really the only thing that comes in up here I forgot my CDs bummer yeah bummer da doesn't know it but I would have taken this assignment as vacation time it's incredible here feel guilty calling this work you thinking about the inquiry aren't you yeah I just keep going over and over in my head and I I still don't think I would have done anything differently Alex you [Music] know you made a judgment call and you went with it if you don't have a gut feeling you have nothing seniors is what makes you a great agent if I was wrong I could have gotten him killed agent McGregor hello Mr President what's with these bodyguards is your old man Richard son you don't know who I am no should I are you serious you don't watch TV or read the newspapers or anything no my father's a president of the United States so these guys with you are like Secret Service agents yeah what a drag what's funny it's not the way people usually react when I tell them who I am yes yeah it's for you it's your dad hi Daddy want to say hi to Milo hey man how's it going having a good time yeah you're having a great time uh M McGregor Alex I just uh just wanted to say that I I understand why you reacted the way you did the other night at the motel I just want to say I'm sorry well thank you apology accepted okay [Music] all right everybody let's bring it in it's getting dark we got a big day ahead of us tomorrow let's go CH time right let's do [Music] [Music] it [Music] thought you said the buck ran up here you did [Music] guys something strange here [Music] what it's just those outbound kids I saw in town what do you say what's an outbound group doing with guns who's getting all the protection who needs three [Music] bodyguards I think we just found Michael's ticket [Music] [Music] home done [Music] [Music] good morning did you sleep well don't do the chipper thing okay takes me a while to wake up so where's Jess want to thank her for leaving the back of the tent open woke up freezing half to death she's not in the tent well I didn't check the east Wing Jess Jess what's wrong Jess is gone Jess come on let's go I'm on it going on Jess okay everyone Jess is gone I want everyone to spread out and start searching Jess follow me come on let's go [Music] you hear me yes all the way over Alex over [Applause] here come on Jess [Applause] [Laughter] all right hey since everybody's up let's break camp we got a big hike in front of us today I said show's over go why are you trying so hard to ruin this for me hey don't you turn this around you know the rules give me a break we're in the middle of nowhere don't you get it no ha hear that no ha God I hate you look you're not at the top of my list either but like it or not I got a job to do so why don't you stop with a spoiled pain in the butt little brat attitude and give me a break [Music] back off [Music] [Music] lady up on top you don't have any uh brothers or sisters nieces or nephews do you no and you're asking because well because you lack any ability of being able to relate to kids or or listen to what they have to say what's going on between you and Jess is directly affecting everyone here and I'm as tired of it as I'm sure everyone else is this trip is designed to be challenging and fun you got it just fun so president's daughter or not this stops now okay is that to go ahead and that how much more [Music] Jess can we talk I'm trying here it's been a long time since I was 16 you got to work with me I'm just doing my job again with just doing your job don't you think I know that well then I don't understand what this is all about because that's all it ever is to you you don't care about me or how I feel I'm just something you need to protect while you move in on my [Music] dad I don't want another mother Jess your father and I are just friends yeah right why' to give you that necklace he was replacing the one that broke when we were attacked he knew it was special to me it was my mother's and that's why we were friends I know what that must have looked like to you but I promise you that my Fe feelings for your father are nothing but admiration and [Music] [Music] respect up wow what she thought I was having an affair with her father that's so weird I did too thanks I guess Kyle Kesler would have handled things a little bit better huh no she did just fine she Alex I base that character on [Music] you since I'm such a gentleman ladies [Music] first kle kler huh now don't start getting cocky on me [Music] a yes [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] God [Music] you all right stay back Qui are they dead oh my they took the guns and phones too oh my God what happened kicked me in that how many were there three they took Jess where did they go that way it happened fast Emma were you shot no I fell whed my knee pretty bad all right that's it everybody get your stuff we're going back to town right now Emma you're going to have to take the kids back to town yourself Grant you come with me you know the area you can help me track these guys responsibility is to get these kids back to town safely they're not the ones in danger here we were hit by Pros if these kids you or Emma were any threat you'd all be dead now every second we waste arguing about this they're getting further away so we catch up to them and and then what well you said it yourself these guys are Pros look I care about just two but committing suicide trying to chase after her doesn't do anybody any good look we got to get back to town and get some help what's that a 38 Cassie when you get to town I want you to call the White House okay it's okay I know the number I want you to call Daily direct me okay yeah ow I'm counting on you let's go all right [Music] Trail's back here why'd you change your mind because it's going to rain and there's not going to be a trail for anyone to [Music] follow great Emma wait no one's there how do you know the bird stay here [Music] [Music] I told you no one was here yeah the bird didn't strike me as a pet I picked up some tracks out behind the cabin mean anything to you a lot they're American Freedom Fighters part of the same group that tried to assassinate the president let's go what what was that I've triggered something's get the hell out of here if I lift my foot it'll blow you sure just was don't move they wouldn't have placed just one there's got to be more what do you want me to do I want you to go after Jess if both of us die she doesn't have a chance now please just go I got a better idea I'll go outside go underneath the cabin don't be stupid it'll be rigged too look you don't have anything to prove to me neither do you I'm not walking one of us has to keep on their Trail it's not going to be me every second that we stand here arguing about this they're getting further and further away stop it and listen to me go you ever played Battleship as a kid the only way to win was to separate your ships never line them up in a row [Music] I am going to hit you like a linebacker and we're going to go out through that door behind you you don't have to do this I [Music] know make it out of here you owe me a dance you got it one two three [Music] are you okay yeah yeah I think so I owe you my life no just a [Music] dance please please please don't hurt me I don't want to die I just don't want to die do as you told you get hurt okay satellite set Troy come [Music] in DK come in I got one relay set got one more RDL to put up and we're in business over get back here as soon as you can a radio station in Denver received the feed from somewhere in the Rockies maybe 10 10 minutes ago tell the sheriff's department I do not repeat do not want anyone to do anything until we figured this out you make damn sure they keep a lid on this we do not want the Press igniting fuses out there sir let's see it talk do it Dy Alex Mark and Cliff are dead they killed him they said they'll kill me too if you don't do what they say remember Michigan I do we lost men that day there's a chance for destiny that unites opportunity with cause we just plain good old luck either way I'm not complaining we like to make a little exchange with you we both have someone we'd like back let's ratify your Fair Trade Agreement shall we we'd like Michael Smith's released or your daughter's dead let you know how and when very [Music] soon station in Denver tried to retrace the signal but they uh must have used some sort of MSS talk English to me Josh it's a military scrambling system so we don't know where they are not exactly no well who the hell is this guy his name is Troy Nelson he's one of Michael Smith's followers perhaps someone can tell me how we ever let Jess get anywhere near there if there was even a remote possibility of this happening it's so remote they probably settled there for the same reason we did there there was no way of knowing because of that Jess should never have been allowed to go sir we all all except responsibility for [Music] this so what do we do now we have Lloyd Mason from the FBI on his way he was tracking these guys long before they tried anything on you so hopefully he can give us some more information it's a long shot but I'll get some people working on a satellite Trace sir I apologize for assigning agent McGregor to this I'll take full responsibility she's dead maybe it's time you gave her break finally Emma you've got to let me run ahead this is taking way too long please she's my friend stick to the trail where at forks go left wind down the rock face there's a cabin not far after that Marly you go with her come on [Music] come on drink thanks thanks I think we got off to a bad start no I deserved it I had a couple of beers I got a little cocky I saw you come in and I thought well maybe but I'm sorry I didn't realize you a lesbian I bet just told you that yeah yeah you're you're you're not [Music] no there house there a house hey hey we need to use your phone I have to call the White House right [Music] now Nelson brothers and Dirk lindman sir they were more or less a demolition team that moved about according to Smith's needs for argument's sake say we gave them Michael Smith would they give Jess back not a chance sir excuse me sir Cassie zel's on the phone for you says that agent McGregor gave her your direct number McGregor she's alive she's going after those [Music] guys I don't understand why we can't keep going the tracks will be washed out look we might have lost the tracks but we haven't lost them how do you figure Seven Peaks they got to be headed to Seven Peaks it's the only place that they can either cross the river or get back on it if they get on the river we've lost them look I know a shortcut but but what it's radical how radical straight up I can do it let's go let's go let's [Music] go how's it going check the scanner okay here why are you doing this Troy says we got to stand up for what we believe in do you do everything Troy says it's my brother Kan and able were [Music] brothers infrared crossovers water Fe bags and St reflected [Music] all going somewhere there's a watchtower at the top there should be equipped with a long range radio with any luck we can get some help and get to 7 [Music] ft don't think about it don't think about it no it's a little difficult when you're a few 100 ft in the air without a rope you think thinking about it just keep imagining that you're only 2 ft off of the ground I can't get a hole gr I can't get a hole don't look at me find a place to put your foot okay okay okay okay you got it all right here we go [Music] so the Denver station's putting a second transmission through now okay here's the deal tomorrow morning at 800 you'll have a helicopter bring Michael to a bridge that crosses the river at 7 Peaks land on the east side if Michael's alone and we don't pick up any activity within a 50m radius we'll release your daughter within 2 hours unharmed call it a safeguard you you're not there precisely at a Blu Michael's life is worth more than your daughters and she'll be terminated which by the way you and the rest of the world we get to see on tape why didn't they show Jess playing with you make you push a little harder to get Smith released we need Maps photos tour brochures I don't care I want to know every square inch of that Seven Peaks area can't be serious he is this guy's smart he's not giving us any chance to negotiate zero leverage we can drop a team in there tonight take them out as the helicopter lands sir they picked that place very carefully they're not going to let anyone get close there's no way three guys could monitor a radius of 50 Mi is there low altitude kx3 scanners radar stub reflectors sure they can what about on foot Mr President it took six of us 8 hours to go three miles to get through their defenses we still managed to let him know we were coming damn it we have to think of something and even if we do how are we going to get around Michael Smith I don't care Get Air Force One ready I want to get out there [Music] sure it's [Music] locked please God hang on runs on solar tell me there's a store charge ah yes full great what are you doing friends out there will no doubt be monitoring the airwaves I'm sending a signal to the computer we'll jacket the frequency and we'll have a secure Channel then I can talk the 2 b40 satellite photo of Seven Peaks uh confirmed four people at least they're working alone Cassie confirm there were only three of them when we land in the clearing one of them will be watching us to make sure we don't pull anything that leaves two on the other side no doubt one of them will be with Jessica and I assume the other will be on the bridge waiting for Smith if we can get them to show us Jessica get her out in the open we can make our move I need to know the risk factor for her it might be better to uh sir it's McGregor she's on a two-way from some Watchtower Alex yes sir you all right fine sir did casie get a hold of you yes they're American Freedom Fighters sir we know where they're heading they've already contacted us what do they want a trade just for Michael Smith tomorrow morning at 800 where a place called Seven Peaks you must be Grant yes sir I'm grateful to have you on board we're near cotton Ridge that's here that gentleman awac have confirmed their radar Fanning points here here and here what are you getting at anything outside that triangle high or low will be picked up by their radar and Grant and Alex are here my God they're already inside Grant how how well do you know this area it's my backyard sir if he can get Alex close enough to these guys then she can cover Jess when we come in she'll be on their side of the bridge they won't expect someone from behind what do you think Alex I think it's time to get your daughter back sir sir Air Force One is ready I'll get one of the rafts and I'll sneak it under the bridge you follow the canyon around here and start your climb there's a lot of cover in there you think you you can handle it don't worry about me I'll be waiting for you and Jess you just get her into that water and when you're ready to start the climb stay the left side of the face it's easier from there and remember you're always only just two feet off of the ground all right it'll be a piece of cake what nothing what was that look just a moment of admiration but for what are you fishing for compliments it was My Moment no no just uh Curious look we couldn't have come this far done any of this without you yeah well I don't know anybody who chased three heavily armed men with nothing but a 38 out into a Wilderness Area without an ounce of survival training or equipment and never once think of herself I'll see you there left a Repel gear down near the bridge boat's ready to good they're going to need to see the girl before the exchange so we get you to to bring her out for a look after that take her out okay okay [Music] okay [Music] you're right two feet [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] sh [Music] ah [Music] daily I'm in position copy that chopp is on its way hold tight I think there may be a way to talk to Jess how she's listening to the radio some country station it's the only thing that comes in up here maybe we can use the broadcast to talk to her I'll see what I can Doo one in position Mr President we may have found a way to talk to Jess Chopper is approaching and the rest of the area is clear 7:50 I'll be right on time Alex Channel's open go ahead Jess can you hear me it's Alex don't look for me I can see you go ahead sir honey it's Daddy you hang in there sweetie we're going to get you home just do what Alex [Music] says are they letting you take bathroom breaks good good I want you to tell them that you have to go to the bathroom and then I want you to walk straight ahead and to your left I'm behind the Rocks now if I tell you to run I want you to run and not look back I need to go to the bathroom hurry up can you untp my hands please that's great you're doing great thank you where's she going taking a leak just keep walking Jess just keep [Music] walking that's [Music] great don't turn around J just keep walking yo stop pretend you don't hear him just keep walking are you de what's going on Alex one of the guys is coming after her I can take him out can you get the other twoo no I can hold High Ground till you get here no Chopper's not Clos enough just keep walking Jess you need to get all three it's too risky otherwise wait for the chopper keep walking Jess just don't look back keep walking Jess I'm going to take the shots and cover her no you are not hold your fire that's that order listen to me keep walking Jess are you dead he's got her sick of these things move come on it's time damn here da I have a visual he's got an agent with him keeping eye on the chopper we don't want any surprises anyone else steps off shoot them my pleasure [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] Gregor what's your status I'm almost in [Music] position Far Enough Michael Smith will be released as soon as you show us Jessica all right [Music] we'll see her again in 2 hours now get [Music] lost on your move Alex [Music] Alex you're running out of time you have to make your move got a good shot if I miss Jess is dead make your [Music] move Dirk agent's on his way back to the chopper make sure he gets back on Durk Dirk come in Alex make your [Music] move it's a set up a set up take him out did you this chck get [Applause] down go go get behind [Applause] [Music] me die you got to jump on the count of three you're going to jump all right I can yes you can yes you can you can do it you'll be okay 1 2 3 [Music] go yes [Music] ah get her in get her in get d d come [Music] on J oh go go that's an order McGregor no not doing it by the but Alex he's [Music] coming I've got a steer from the [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] sh he's cing up to [Music] us je get down with Dy how much further can they go the is just ahead but first we have to make it through hell half mile [Music] I don't want you to paddle just hold [Music] on hold [Music] on [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] kayy [Music] [Music] breathe down I [Music] Breathe No Way not after all this [Music] breathe breathe I know you would dance [Music] remember [Music] [Music] this way [Music] that [Music] [Applause] Dy [Music] go [Music] thank [Music] you he was a good Agent he was a good friend I hear you going back to Colorado yeah I've convinced Grant to take flying lessons with me well thanks for coming in no problem what's this the results of the final test on the presidential limousine using one of the confiscated Rockets they were different I packed Fusion heads your instincts were right both you and the president would have been dead I'm not proud of the fact that I let something personal get in the way of you being a good Agent you were moving up fast for a reason that's become clear to me please accept my apology I do taking this bullet to has pulled me off the presidential detail sooner than I would have hoped I'm sorry I've made my recommendations they agree you start as soon as you can get back I'll do my best I know you will oh by the way president sends his regards he's spending an extra day at Camp David really did you say why little extra [Applause] RNR that's where you're going dad would you just relax sweetie you need to keep both Hands on the Wheel easy easy on the brakes you're really sweating dad are you okay sweetheart you have to listen to me now I know what I'm talking about I'm the [Music] president [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 2,832,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 55sec (5635 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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