A History Teacher Reacts | Oversimplified - WW1 (Part 1)

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hey you too mr. Terry back here once again for another history teacher reax video today we're going to be watching oversimplified video on world war 1 now they did two parts on this and right now you're watching part one keep an ad for part two if you liked the original video from oversimplified be sure go to the link that'll have below which will take you to their channel so you can make sure to give them like and subscribe in the credit of course they deserve and you feel like what we're doing here make sure you subscribe to this channel also for any history fans out there invite you to join our discord channel I'm a link to that will also be in the description and hope to see over there alright we'll go ahead and get started here with oversimplified World War one part 1 just a revolution full-speed now let's have a war everyone you a big war was coming France wanted some stuff back to Germany had taken from it Germany wanted to take more everyone stuff and they're building a big sexy Navy that was making the British phone company these two empires thought they're really cool but lots of different people who live there didn't think it was so cool austria-hungary and Ottoman Empire have two of the most diverse empires in the world at this time along with along with the Russians and diversity with that could be hard because you had so many little groups out there that if they're not if they're not happy can cause problems for the Empire the last major war and suddenly everyone was pretty eager to beat each other up in this it's like high school or as Bosnia this whole thing's gonna take place right here in Sarajevo background information for this this area this whole area the Balkans here let me hopefully get a bigger map here let's go back okay good okay this area right down here I know if we can see my mouse very well this whole area right here of what's called the Balkans about competence Allah used to be part of Ottoman Empire it was it was part of Auburn Empire not that long before this here and so these are all new nations you know at this time now one of the nations I was trying to get its independence from out of an empire or region was that little tip that they just talked about their Bosnia right here in the southern part of austria-hungary now as you can see as according this map they don't get their independence right at this time so you can see this area is has definitely has had a recent history of nationalist ambitions but what actually ended up happening here is although this territory to be part of the Ottoman Empire they very quickly lose this this kind of independence because austria-hungary basically comes in and sweeps and takes it away and that's really important for you to understand this in this early stage here is this region down here Bosnia does not like being part of the Austria Austria Hungarian Empire they do not like it they want to get independence like these other nations that used to be the Ottoman impart of the Ottoman Empire as well so I think it's important to understand that and the recent conflict that is going to end up taking place here at Sarajevo which is the capital of Bosnia a little bit of background of what these people have been going through so the austro-hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand goes there for a nice drive in an open-top car with his cars drew published in advance and that went just about as well as you'd expect Franz Ferdinand is an heir to the austro-hungarian throne so he wasn't just some kind of nobody but a little bit interesting about him the the current emperor was somebody that was much more of a hardliner against the Bosnians and try to keep them as part of the empire and Franz Ferdinand was actually known to be a little bit more of a moderate and maybe a little bit more sympathetic to the kind of the plight of the Bosnians here so in the end it's kinda interesting because they're gonna assassinate this guy is gonna be a future could be a future emperor here is also somebody that if in power may have improved possibly the situation for the Bosnians again as he was more moderate than the current Emperor so interesting thing about end up Sassanian somebody that possibly who knows could have been easier on them but who knows again what he would have done with Bosnia if he had become the Emperor here so yep there he is a target here a couple other interesting things about this visit us area of them the visit to Sarajevo had bad timing written all over it the time that he was coming coming to to Sarajevo was basically a holiday of Independence and nationalism as on that exact date and a couple different periods I believe was when the Ottoman Empire first annexed this region but then also had gained their independence on like that same day I mean it's it's like a nationalistic day it's a very patriotic day and you have this guy who is hated in this region coming to parade around in your capital city in my class I talk about I'll be like all right what's the country the United States isn't on bad terms and they all throw out names and I backed all right what if the leader of their country showed up on the 4th of July as this hated person and paraded himself around I think that ad almost to the tension in a way and then I call yeah I get this now so the timing of Franz Ferdinand's the ends up coming was bad and it compounded even more so with the kind of the the the history of this of this day so alright some assassins were waiting for him along the way and threw bombs at his car Sasson group is called the black hand by the way doesn't leave but instead goes back out in the open top car to visit the injured officers in hospital the driver takes a wrong turn and by sheer coincidence gets stuck beside one of the failed assassins who shoots him the dude already survived an assassination assassination attempt earlier that day and obviously he feels bad that people in his group had had gotten hurt and wants to visit them but man he was rolling the dice on that one and yeah if I understand they the assassin the this is a assassin group the the black hand had you know plotted all this out and they it you know thought they'd would define the place that he would he would be at and they you saw earlier they tried this assassination attempt in it and of course it failed and they'd given up on the day all right I guess this isn't gonna happen so they give up on the day and some of them had went out to lunch that day at a cafe there in Sarajevo and I believe they're you know eating lunch or whatever and then they leave and lo and behold the upper is coming down the street again and they're like wow this must be fate right so Gavrilo Princip is the Bosnian teenager believes about 19 I think at this time is the one that found himself in the situation that he's able to come out Archduke is there talk about wrong place at the wrong time and she was the guy right there in cold blood they capture him and the others you're the Prince it's prison time he was actually too young for the death penalty so he was gonna get a prison sentence he ends up getting I forget what kind of ailment her disease and dies a few years into not very long few years into prison so alright let's continue austria-hungary is understandably pissed about all this and they think the Serbian government had something to do with it so yes they think the Austrians think that the Serbian government was possibly behind this and like it was actually like a like a government plot here right because in Bosnia there a lot of Serbs there are a lot of Serbs there and so Austrian yeah that's true government thinks the Serbian government is a part of this now we end up finding out that there does seem to be that there were some officials from the military and government that did help supply the black hand with with weapons and things like that but doesn't seem like necessarily like an official plot by the by the Serbians but that's why they're directing this to Serbia although they're a different nation outside of this scenario but they think that they were part of the plot so that's why the Austrians are upset here this is often they call this the blank cheque so austria-hungary goes and appeals to Germany for help with this basically do you have our backs here and Germany said absolutely those the Kaiser Kaiser Wilhelm sign was called the blank check basically saying you take whatever you need right and Austria took this I think as as like a message that Germany almost wanted them to go to war although that may not have been like the official policy for Germany but it sure made it look like look like that so that gave I think extra courage for the Austrians to put more pressure on the Serbians here so possibly a miscommunication there okay I know I'm stopping a lot here I'm sorry um it's it's important I think that if you want to study more about this go ahead and look up the ultimatum the list of demands that Austria sent to survey there's not that many of them but without going into all of them point by point here because definitely look into that one of the the topics are one of the things that people talk about is this ultimatum had some some some like terms that would be very difficult for Serbia to actually accept and a discussion to have is is this did austria-hungary intentionally make the ultimatum basically impossible to agree upon so that they could go to war with Serbia which they would have wanted to do possibly anyways and that in doing that though then maybe like given that this ultimatum and giving them a chance so just because a minute says you gotta listen you gotta you got to agree to all of these otherwise there's going to be a war also I believe they put a time limit it's like hey you've got like a day or 24-48 hours I forget how many hours and that was like that was it you have to agree to all these things in this time period or there's gonna be war declared on you but one of the points is did they make that intentionally so difficult that Serbia would have no choice but to reject it thus giving opportunity for Austria to go to war and also make possibly making that not look as aggressive or as bad because it's like hey we gave you a chance but you turned it down so puts it puts the ball kind of in your court as far as where the blade goes so definitely look into the ultimatum but this is obviously he's gonna make Serbia really scared because up to this point Austria Hungary is a very big nation although Serbians are very tough as well and and fight very well but they also have the Germans who is a giant military with all kinds of advantages so naturally they're gonna be very afraid right now we're gonna have to look for help sorry okay I'm stopping a lot Russia here why are they why are they allies because that's that's I think that's important question is why two countries a lie what makes them candidates to ally with each other now the kind of Slovak culture and some of the the ethnic groups in Eastern Europe were once that the Russians almost had like almost almost like a paternalistic view and kind of like they were like little brothers or little cousins it kind of felt like they they were like the protectors of these people so that brought a little bit of the cultural connection of why these countries would be allied as well okay now with France that makes a very straight very important strategic Ally with the Russians as this alliance centrally here to Durban austria-hungary with France and Russia you have you're able to spread out right and that can be you know course an advantage but this alliance system is going to make things a little bit tricky Britain you got my back Britain is like maybe and then they decide to stay out of it which is great yeah they're not angling in France a very complicated K go back to this cuz you need a listen leaf in plan man there's so much stuff here and they pack it into its only a six minute video although it's only part one this thing could easily be much longer here we just talked about how Russia and France have this advantage of being on both sides of the Central Powers here right and Germany and austria-hungary of course they understand that this is an issue so you need to have a strategy to be able to overcome this disadvantage of being surrounded on two fronts so this is called the Schlieffen Plan which they're just about to talk to and I think I'll probably add depending on how much detail they go and maybe add a little bit more to that Germany will send all its troops into France at lightning speed while Russia is getting ready defeat France they move all the troops to Russia and defeat Russia then we all speak German any prophetic podcast every day just one problem France has loads of forts and defenses along its German border okay let's go ahead and take a look back here so let's go to this so I can show you a little bit so the Schlieffen Plan again has this idea to take the make the best out of the the bad scenario that the Germans are in here that they are basically surrounded here now they talked about this a little bit Russia has the largest standing army in Europe at this time it's probably bout six million people the German army by about four and a half the French army probably around a million British are three million with France British Army standing army at this time isn't necessarily huge but they make up for that in the Navy and they can always they can raise an army for sure but England's not in this scenario right here but so with this with Russia having an enormous army the issue with Russia is very large and it would take a long time to mobilize this army so what they believe could be possible or what needs to be done here is to try to avoid having two front two war fronts at the same time you need to attack one of the sides that you think needs to be attacked first so the target then is France so the idea is you go in all in with France right going hard there and take out France before the Russians can finish their mobilization and then hopefully that by the time or but when France is gone Russia is not mobilized but then then you can shift all the troops and things like that over from west to east thus potentially avoiding a two-front war now there's another part of this piece that I'm sure they're gonna get to and all that I'll give them a chance to get to which is how do you take France out as quickly as possible because it has to happen you already saw they showed you right here that France definitely has a ton of fortifications France and Germany had been on the brink of war for the whole four years up in this early part of the 20th century so they are you know prepared here so let's see if they go into the strategy for that is neutral but Germany wants to mark 750,000 troops through it to get around Frances defenses they're hoping Belgium will just kind of sit down and shut up but they don't they fight back and they're pretty good too so they slow the Germans down what's worse is that Britain shows up and they're pretty pissed that Germany is invading neutral countries okay that's the point crossing our invading across the French German border border would be a very difficult thing and again this is a timing thing right so the idea of invading through Belgium is promising because it's got the lower lands and it'd be easier far easier to get there now like they said the problem is Belgium is a neutral country has not declared on side of this on the side here and that makes it look really bad what the Germans are doing I mean fact when they invade Belgium it villainized the Germans across the international press for sure everybody looked at it as a a very bad thing that they had done that now the other part of this because you also have kind of a dice roll here and it's this one of the chances you're taking here is with Britain so it's very clear Britain and Belgium are allies and Britain as you've seen thus far has not declared any war yet or anything like that but the risk is that if they invade Belgium that that would get the British into into the war so that was a chance that they had to take because they weren't quite sure if the British would actually do that or not they thought that maybe even if they invaded Belgium they would back out whatever you know and so you can see if this works out that way it could be very beneficial for the for the Germans but as you saw the British do basically take offense to it and they do join the war so that dice roll is going to fail now the other dice roll they had already rolled here was with Russia right how long is it going to take the Russians to mobilize and hopefully find out here really villainize the British are the dreams Wilson sees himself as a bit of a Jesus figure and spends most of the war trying to get everyone to just get him out but there's also a large population of ethnic Germans living in the United States and when the war first broke out yeah right he's wearing a bright blue uniform with red trousers and do you know who else spotted him easily to the Germans so when the French were slowly marching in columns through the countryside the Germans easily toured them to shreds with their giant guns all the nations involved in this war went in with an old-school Worman yeah good point here and we'll go back like five seconds so you can see it because why why would France go into these war this war dressed like that bright blue and red now you have to understand times are changing here militarily big time in the older days you know with even with with with rifles and things like that rifles they were not very good right in the old days they took forever to reload they're extremely inaccurate and you had to fight at such a close distance that to be honest what you wore was not really that important in fact one reason that wearing bright can be good as you can tell who's on your side or not but this is the 20th century here okay this is 1914 tactics and technology have changed in a swimming here that they will talk about the the new technologies that completely changed warfare and made the old ways inefficient old ways that used to be super effective and they're talking about here look at these old ideas of what war was like through so much of human history right up until this moment the idea in the first one of what war was war was seen by many and preached as something that was adventurous it was it was it was glorifying right and it was generally good for your country and and these sort of things now I can't tell you that that whole first line here war is an adventure that dies with World War one that will not be a thing the other thing yeah bayonet charges they're cool it was part of the the glory to do these charges which is so much of what war was like in human history is you you do this charge as glorious charge and you all go together and you're screaming and whether you're on the ground or you're on horses with with a cavalry charge like this third one here it was great because it freaked out the other side and the other side they they retreated and and it was like this yeah this proud moment here but what we're gonna find out as charges cavalry charges went on ground around on horseback you can't do that anymore because there's some new technologies that will completely blow through that and you'll see but yeah this idea dying for your country is awesome because of these earlier things here so you can see this is leading up to being very tough for the French because they are you know many people still believe in these these kind of assets here of what a what war is and they'll learn from that especially in the early on both sides will for sure a lot of this was learning on the fly about how to fight in this new this new age of military technology [Music] there were the dice rolls right first dice they roll is Russia's gonna take a long time to mobilize no way faster than anybody expected and they're not done with France not even close the Central Powers here now have a two-front war so the two dice rolls of Russia again trying to are Russia taking a long time and then also invading Belgium and England maybe or the British not caring both of those did not go their way than expected yep the austria-hungary can you get on top of that oh yeah sure we've got this note so Germany has to send some troops Austria can't defended themselves not to be the best military strategist austria-hungary constantly ignores Germany's advice and then comes running back to Germany whenever they get in trouble austria-hungary even gets its ass kicked by tiny Serbia who repels all their invasion attempts at the start of the war it's better news for Germany in the north people know that sir be it's just fine okay it's important understand the idea going back here is France needs to fall quickly so how do you invade France quickly and take them out yeah you go through Belgium next thing you do you've got to get to Paris right Paris goes France is going to be done I mean Paris is the epicenter of the country be honest it's really the epicenter of Europe and and in a lot of ways so you can see they're going for that I mean if you take Paris it's probably over and the French have and with the British now with them have no choice but to put every possible measure into defending Paris life you know lives are just going to be thrown out there and the amount of killing in this in this very area here is just incredible look at the casualties of some of these battle the Marne and these places here that just the casualties per day were just absurd we had never seen anything like this in in history but a hat you had to do whatever it took to defend Paris if you're the French or the British the French commander in chief knew something had to be done and he ordered his armies to stop retreating in the resulting battle a gap opened up in the jury line if the gap opens up the enemy can use it to flank you from the side and behind so the German armies have to retreat the Allies launch encountered let's remember how close to home this is for the French like if you were from Paris you're fighting you could be fighting like 30 miles away from your home you imagine being that close to home and there's just hardly any you know buffer to move right you have to dig in literally like they're doing here to protect us now trench warfare is about to get into is not a new thing trench warfare has been very effective through the history of warfare it goes back to those bayonet cavalry charges right you dig your trench out and then at some point you all rush it into the enemy trenches now the new technologies of the war here are going to make trench warfare ineffective as anything that can get you any kind of offensive advantage here you'll see go and appreciate the is art of shell-shocked before if you wonder what that might look like probably look at this dude right over here with the sling suicide clicking thousands of casualties the attackers would send wave after wave until either they gave up or the opposing trenches finally overrun there would be months of fighting and the deaths of thousands in order to gain a few meters or kilometers of land okay so old tactics versus new technologies equals incredible casualties right the old days of yet storm in the other trench used to be what you did right and it was successful does it work anymore why this thing right here the machine gun the automatic machine gun you can set a turret up have two people man it and completely wipe out all kinds of people that come across right and in the early months of this war they just threw people into these these trenches because this is what you do right out of the trenches into no-man's that's just what you did and the casualties were just appalling I remember reading a I believe as a German machine gunner who talked about and fighting at the Battle of the Marne was talk about what it was like to man these machine guns against these cavalry charges and he's like he basically said I didn't even have to aim didn't even have to aim you could just hold it down your trigger right gun feeds and just mows people countless amount of people here and this is how it went and and obviously it's gonna change later and they figure out no this you cannot do this so what eventually is gonna happen here is you can't leave your trench you can't leave your trench which means nobody is moving think of the think of the trench system is a big ladder right and you're trying to move up rungs and both sides would you know eventually try to make some kind of charge or some were successful when you go to the other enemy trench and you get it but you really didn't move very far right it could take tens of thousands of lives to move feet you know what I mean which is why this thing is going to entrench itself into a stalemate which most of the war it is basically almost four years made here and machine-gunned was a huge part of that now the other thing you have barbed wire here barbed wire this is one of the first wars that barbed wire was actually every Euston and it also made trench warfare even difficult too because even if you did get the guts to go out there you had to go through a maze of barbed wire wow they're shooting at you and that's not gonna make people want to move either so you have a couple inventions here which led to this stalemate and again you got these old tactics and new technologies and nobody really knows how to deal with it early in the war here in the trenches with hard work two corpses mud that could swallow you whole pools of poisonous water rats disease the smell it's insane that millions of soldiers put up with these conditions and commanders ordered them to do so for years okay yeah looks like they're done here parts will be coming up remember how we talked about and said earlier how war was seen as glorious right it was a common thing in Europe here because think about it this air era the age of imperialism here warfare has been very successful for Europeans in the recent times here especially because so much of what they were fighting were foreign peoples that had the military superiority and the at war was seen as glorious trench warfare changed that trench warfare changed that the these soldiers found there is no glory in sitting in a trench for months years potentially while you're starving you are a disease and rat infestation there's no glory in that it's just sitting in a trench waiting to be blown up which is essentially what you were doing in in trench warfare just basically waiting for your turn there was no glory in that and that I think that was a huge part of it one thing I want to end with here is a strong teaching point which will really help you understand the short and long term causes of World War one it's an acronym and maybe you've heard it before that there are four main long-term causes of World War one main ma I n we're gonna break down an acronym here real quick long-term causes let's start with M right first letter here militarism the idea at this time that for your country to be great you need to have a strong military a large standing military that is as technologically advanced as possible it's like this kind of scoreboard thing even if you're not even at war the idea of having a large military was something that they took pride in it's like a scoreboard even if you're not fighting you want to have more than you know the other person so the amount of money the budgeting that was going to that was just insane at this time but okay so you got militarism and the thinking about militarism I kind of use this analogy it's like so your military is like like a new toy right and when you get your new toy you you know you wanna you keep it nice and keep it clean and that sort of thing but what's the point of the toy if you can't go use it can't go play with it and it's like these militaries like they have this this toy ride that they're so proud of and they want to play with it they want to use it of course this analogy leads to death though let's go move on with our acronym I'm second one is alliances okay you saw the Alliance system here it was generally agreed upon at this time that alliances were a good thing right they're a good thing for the health of Europe you know especially long as they're balanced and the the two Alliance systems here it's had some definitely some balance in them in a way but why do people why would people kind of okay with these well who's kind of come down to this idea that alliances actually keep peace right because the idea was that no one would basically be stupid enough to attack another country because they are going to have allies so with die on that logic you keep peace there but there's a double edge to this sword there's there's another edge here and that is the act can keep peace that way but what it can also do is make a small conflict turn into a much larger conflict for example this whole thing here could have this whole scenario here going back to the assassination of the Archduke at its core could have been an Austrian Austria versus Serbia conflict right because I mean think about it Russia Germany France they have nothing to do with this this assassination which also of course leads to believe that that assassination is not the true cause of this war it lit an already you know they have this analogy of those a powder keg think of all these ingredients for war there but they're just waiting for a spark because they want to use it but anyway the Alliance system what editted doing is bringing in more countries and bigger countries into this conflict so that is one of the other long-term causes so we got four M AI n we got militarism we got alliances the third one I imperialism this is the height of the age of imperialism for these nations involved the idea that for your country to be great it needs to have colonies right you have colonies all over the world they make you money and you're able to spread your you know superior culture is what they you know believed here and that was like a scoreboard thing to is like who gets the most colonies France Germany etc and so you have that competition there as well plus just the whole colonial you know the idea that Eastern Europe used to be all colonial here under Ottoman Empire and others that you still have that that going on there and then the last of that acronym right is N and that is nationalism the idea of extreme pride in one's country and it's probably never been as high as it was at this time here Nationals are being the skin is the native extreme pride in your country and your and that can develop into other things like further stages like my country is great but then there's also like my country's better than your country then there's my country's better than your country and I'm gonna prove it to you you know what I mean so you have that kind of political and social motivation there as well so those are your four kind of easy to remember for long-term causes of the war so again ma I and four main causes militarism alliances imperialism nationalism now something else we can do here we can also throw in the short term cause of this or media cause short term cause here of the causes of this war we can shuffle the ma I n around and we're gonna add an A to it at the end and we're gonna make the word mania now that extra a we added here assassination the assassination of the Archduke which was kind of the short term lighting of the fuse there so you food you you history students who remember that main for long term mania for long term plus short term so take that with you hopefully it can help you on a test or something or just go but to go and press somebody with that so anyways I wanted to make sure that got in there I've been wanting to say that just wonder if there was a good part for that but we'll see how that goes here okay we'll let them finish out here if they got any last little words only a few seconds left is there looks like introduced in part two and commanders ordered them to do so for years okay okay so we'll definitely be checking out part to make sure you look out for that so we can continue and wrap up World War one there thanks again for joining us here if you kind of like kind of how I do things here make sure to subscribe for more videos like this in the future if you like the original video make sure you go to the link in the description that will send you back to the oversimplified channel so you can like and subscribe there again see like I said at the beginning if you would like to join our little community of history fans you may join our discord server and a link will be down below for that as well alright with that again thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 945,486
Rating: 4.8874998 out of 5
Keywords: react, history, world war 1, ww1
Id: g6mvXQxNg-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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