History Of The Entire World, I Guess Reaction/Review

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[Music] yo what's the mini one now bad RTT because it was so funny well maybe we'll be shot so ladies hey yo shots hey everybody that likes paid shout if you don't know pity on us well we got shot cover earlier for reactions of don't shows that you may be in a rock leg is right down below and if you like Bob the Builder that's completely irrelevant to me make sure you hit that notification button so we drop a video you hear about it burger first wankers Jose Eber prefer yeah yeah eat say coming my [ __ ] isn't that to the bone yeah he's me just hating that's what about they be my clothes but today man we met wouldn't know the video man we've got the history of the entire world what I guess it's been going crazy on internet a lot of people told me to go watch this man so where else without watching by RT TV with donkeys man so that's easy to learn see [ __ ] work I don't know anything there is to know about the world bro I guess yes me anything hi you're on a rock floating in space cool thumb some of its water [ __ ] actually most of its water previously computed there without buying a bullet it said I'm said I miss you and also now do you when never makes sense right chronic I said it didn't happen nothing was never anywhere that's why it's been everywhere it's one of soap everywhere you don't need up where you don't even need a whip that's how every it gets why I get you know white means a new beginning what Oh be something go somewhere do something I want things to change I want to invent time and space and I know it's possible because I'm long as he already happened I just don't know when to start now and that's exactly where it started I paused it I think there's a universe now of our exes that's a thing in a place don't like it try a new place and time try to stick together because there are others gonna get bigger up there but it's not empty yet it's still very full and about a jillion degrees great deals and works are now happily married in groups of three I like I do business really they'll circle around to that wants to join it but can't because it still has the electrons of naturally congratulations the world is now a bunch of gas in space but it seemed closer together and it's getting closer together way crazier [ __ ] explosions fire very interesting things like this ball of flaming rocks for example in the sky further cooler temperatures today the floors no longer lava Wow that's right so they're flooding the entire world is now notion [Music] oh cool like a plant or an animal down on microscopic speck it lives at the bottom of the ocean that meets chemical soup which is being served hot and fresh oh yeah so that's okay okay keep your eye on this look at those breasts now they're gonna dominate the world with one of them just gotta grab stuff and walk the same time that rocks too good to make her point across ouch someone's on fire Oh June make crazy sounds with her voice tarnished which can mean different things sometimes what you can walk over air-cool these people on the plane and they're chasing their food okay time to plant some grass this I control the food now elavil don't want to be my friend and live near me let's open the house except mine is bigger because I own food hey that's not cool tired of using rocks for everything use metal it's in the round Dollar Man was just a sweet name value weighted between these two rivers and the animals that's a view of a degree Celsius we're gonna to believe it's believed but I need people to help me to food and keep track of the sales and I make people amazing that an overhead meanwhile out at the middle of nowhere the horses probably obtained why isn't my metal so lame and lumpy tired of using lane sad metal introducing hormones with special ingredient in from the Far Lands of timid I don't know my dealer won't tell me where it gets it may because it's in the middle of its the people with horses and they made an empire and then everyone owes copied their horses that's look it needs to be the grease or a beta version of the grease let's check in with it in the server Valley Civilization they're gone guess who's not you can make a religion out of this the Bronze Age collapse now switch to a bonus of a loser - fine they are gonna came back to Israel it's the 12 tribes of Israel and just one though he's got like a 10-step program there's some huge and throws of Nations makes pennies the Greeks copy that idea that makes of colonies the Phoenicians main colony so big base colonies here comes the it's the Babylon station that's big but it was just a light who's the Buddha this guy who sat under a tree for so long and he figured out how to ignore the fact that we're all dying you can make religion out of this I'm just trying to just broke the weight this can see it's just have the idea of thinking about stuff and right over here Alexander just had the idea of conquering the entire person and now is that hopefully the rest of the game but Genghis Khan I mean you crazy he says game so most things we can do a lot of here if I give you 500 often sometimes and conquer that's the Tamil kings no one covers the table kings only takes legends go away and they've got slices I'd like to buy the spices they said the Arabian swiftly but selling it to the rest of the world hey China put itself back together again with good morals is their main philosophy up here the force don't have another life agreement and they would like to ransack your city that's charity week vacation levels of the green fightin kingdoms great at the kitchen over there by said the Parthian spies said the Jews I said the Parthian taking over the entire place is it raining for breakfast thanks for invading our own land said the Jews who are starting to tired of people who named their homeland hi everything's great said some guy who seems to be getting very popular his thoughts to other topics or more popular to make a balloon out of this silk trade routes accidentally spraying them with each other the entire southeast that's a good place for another training tomorrow's winners traveling up the silver I wonder if it reaches awkward and remember the Persian Empire yup set the person who's making it one axon that's getting so I really would like to build a long stick is anyone populated Madagascar yeah desert try camels no actually okay sure said Constantine will be the capital way over here because it was baby don't worry about Rome it won't fall [Applause] [Music] not just Gupta first name Chandra the first Romans being invaded by moments actually just have to put the other half is just fine but it's not a row anymore so let's give it you know somebody's back Anabaptist rating kingdoms there's no Korean history kingdoms Japan has a commitments the sunrise kingdom God whispers in Muhammad's ear well so because of the cute worships gods and he tells them their gods are all fake and everyone got so mad they never leave town and go to a different town you can make a religion out of this and maybe come to the world as well he's long gone but somehow the Pope is so the Pope wonder if there's room for rumors here's all the wisdom in a house more like doors wisdom just in time for these quick steps to accept the figs and your own Pope is so proud that he fights the king over for Christmas surprise you're the new Roman Emperor said the Pope pretending to still be part of the Roman Empire then the friends suffer with their Kingdom it's a what will later be called France and not France just north of the party or you they go north on the north to the northern north and they find some land two types of land and they name them accordingly company names such as Vikings there's the ruse the cameras are there Vikings I don't think so soon the Kinder's okay fair enough the poet is ready to make some more emperors of the Roman Empire the Holy Roman Empire it's actually Germany but don't worry about it no Kingdom sausages like please better mine's better mine's better time to conquer England the sickly it's a bird's plate is let me help they need help so they call the Pope hey Pope can you have a story of the seljuqs maybe take back the holding that on the way come on I know you want to take back the holy city instead come on I know you can see strength over saving someone which almost didn't fail but at least the italians got some sweet trade deals goodbye [Music] look at those bears there's the Pueblo I was wondering how to build a town and a cliff mr. Skinner we're here you just became it so that Japan is so addicted to mark that the military might have to take over the government China just invented bombs and warming and the Mongols just invaded most of the universe nice going Genghis yeah so the Islamic Turks were unaffected by the Mongol invasions because they were busy invading India is it a good time I think it's talking time I just found out where this way that gets all the gold look at this chat means like there's an empire is so rich is there - Oh Musa laughs the ritziest shadow what's that the Christians are doing a great job we talked about Liberia which will soon be called Spain and not Spain please remain Christian we will check in later to see if you're still Christian let me at least exam whoops half of your new kingdoms here and there oh who controls all the islands it's the MA chop it chop it pajama job let's me some bugs so you think you can conquer the Byzantine Empire yup set Turks nice job Ottoman Turks oops you missed a spot don't forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade but that's all shits at Portugal [Music] super super Columbus probably smoking don't worry we already got this so Chris goes to Spain his fame wanna hire me to find India by going around back in the world no please no please no please okay so he sails into the ocean and discovers more lotion and then discovers the Indies and let's draw a lobby to the side of its which half of the world it has second thinking and fighters are off to a great start I wonder if they know that Europe just discovered their great again move over Timor it's maybe going baby or something perversion again [Music] in Christians do you see now you can buy your way out of well that's [ __ ] this whole thing is [ __ ] that's a scam [ __ ] the church there's ninety five reasons why Martin Luther in his new domain name Protestant Reformation you know what will be magnificent so Sulaimon wearing an onion hat what if the Ottoman Empire was big which it is now what if Russia was big I've been trying not to be terrible and then that dream was real and Spain realized that this is not India but they pillaged it anyway we are friends we danced our pillaging some stuff then the Dutch Revolt and all the press to handstand against our poaching some stuff question one can you get to Indian through North America well but at least there's beaver question to is until the spice trade that's not a question but the Dutch came in anyway so the next thing I'm going to do list is to get bigger Britain and France are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world or specifically Ohio then it escalates into a seven-year discussion giving pressure chances in France did they figure out who's boss yes they did it's Britain this is broken also Britain so they start taxing the hell out of America [ __ ] you says America declaring their independence yeah it's up to them wait now friends is broke and Britain will have to send their prisoners to a dick [Music] [Music] but themselves and then they continued manifesting their destiny which is to cover us and hope to take their land and maybe check out the Mexicans to oh my that's right that's the fastest man controls Cuba I'll blame something other than go to war but should we blame on Spain let's blame the main on Spain so their claims are we're a wall on our business to celebrate the kingdom on the Panama Canal connecting the two roads bridges soil the Middle East of course China soon gets easier now that they delete their own government and make a new stronger government which is accidentally weaker and controlled by the previous government era peasant had a war since the last war so this no more look at those guns it's gonna be a great war so great we will be a second after hands over the glove German the Soviet Union the Arabs of Britain humps and now the Ottoman empires college so we did give the Jewish place to the Arabs won't mind let's cut the cake sex like simple co carving up periods of Picasso Ottoman Empire except and the Saudis Caribbean it just seemed like yes it's the 1920s calling let's get in the car drive to a party listen to jazz on the radio go to the movies yeah he's great mental target great forever just like a waiter our fish approaches to my Amazon controllers the international community turns in the joys of explain why coming knowledge uses idea but it could explain [Music] hi I'm done the end of Britain doesn't get the hell out of India I'm going to start myself in public now there's Pakistan actually where English later the Jews in the Arabs - their game 20 who should live in the holy man meat they both said at the same time let's divide up the land a little tabby there's a new China to China what's on the menu communism no thanks said the old china escaping to the ve2 is the real China there's the Korean or Korea vs. Korea nobody wins then it's on positive forever let's meet the sponsors oh it's the two global superpowers they're having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of Satan and they both have a tomorrow like wait no that will be the end of the world that's just mean Google and spy on each other instead and make sure we have an abundant bombs I'll race you to space whereby other continents on continents they were pillaging we're tired to be pillaged so here's a new map with new countries now you can't tell who they're being vilified the United States fun they decided whether racism is good or bad they decided it's bad and the world agrees South Africa might need another minute to think about Mars let's check the world population low okay technology is better - that might keep happening Soviet Union this that's - really it's a little man accidentally fall so far Europe makes a union it can all use the same money except Britain because they don't feel like it let's check them out surprise it's on the computer hey remember that phone call surprise you take your pocket I'll learn everything surprise it's on the computer the phones a computer which is my query rooms the economy has crashed don't worry the big banks won't fail because they're not supposed to make base Mars yep fly hub us with bombs to bring some people have no friends some people have no food the globe is warming let's take the planet said everybody let's elect a thing adventure said the thing that you're aiming after being invented by the thing inventor that's pretty cool where the hell are we talk to the person who made that byzanium honestly went to like the whole history of the world I yeah the fun way yeah it was like it was like there is your own world abridged every element divorced [ __ ] does the training bigger everything's really fun yeah it made him laugh mad funny with jingles is she like that bro that in Philly 20 minutes ago I didn't Oh yo Shelton bill works that's the new who does these videos so nothing like check out some of these other videos man you got a lot of subscribers but yeah man there's a lot of information bro that's gotta go back so I'm really interested man I'm happy gotta watch this today cuz now I gotta go pee from mouth for that hole in me and then I just showed a lot everything is really for business like it took racism model they just sorted they made everything look for my business proposal like oh when you sign there again that's not a war yeah it's mama no more photos in the same maybe imagined the world like leaders had really are just treating the world like that because it kind of is it looks like I've never voted for you but we don't rock I did not will figure this show that's great it shows moving like 20 let's do a fellowship over like eight miles per hour and if you blink or you look somewhere else you could have missed a vital moment in history the synopsis right here crazy has a wrap up I'm gonna show this to my kids it's crazy because they literally was like only reason United States and Soviet Union even each other yes cuz you know [ __ ] well no more I got too much too much weapons bro so much to lose so we just gonna find each other yeah [ __ ] yeah we'll be a last make sure you killed murder is smash that subscribe button I go by the name of DC follow me on Instagram DC's the EBSCO world art scene let us know any videos that are like this some of you didn't be interested in May will be here to react to it you can keep it locked RT TV yeah boy Rob City RT the Haitian Prince that hip company they're rocking back keep ugly good just that make the best money is my opening make sure you check out all the new school plays we got whatever you want anymore yo if they have that math to do a hip-hop version of this all around the world though Oh giggity-giggity even in every country coming to you from step all around the world means like what's the net will appear I completely iced a coke biscuit boy was you can follow me at was on ask or you know Patrick on see initial don't man nice little wrap-up yeah this man is a rebel it's a man the myth the cartoon maniac maniac on the on the floor on top of everything on the floor boo boo we all here check out that Legend of Korra playlist check out that avatar play let's check out that Rick and Morty playlist we got more coming for your heads up coming soon there should be more oh my god on TTV and that's it was that door a halo
Channel: RT TV
Views: 1,047,438
Rating: 4.8703184 out of 5
Keywords: history of the entire world i guess reaction, history of, history of the entire world, i guess, reaction, review, rttv, viral
Id: bUd9MlA6H6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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