Staying The Night On America's Most Haunted WWII Battleship!

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we are staying overnight on the infamous battleship north carolina built in 1937 this was the first battleship to join the american fleet during world war ii at the time of its commission the north carolina was considered the world's greatest sea weapon armed with over 29 high-caliber weapons and hosting over 2 200 men the north carolina was a nightmare for its enemies during world war ii the north carolina fought in every single major naval battle and earned itself 15 battle stars with over 300 000 steam miles the ship only paid for it with 10 lives since retiring in 1947 this ship has been nothing but a paranormal hotspot with full body apparitions in sickbay to hearing voices just near where the torpedo hit it's easy to say this place is haunted tonight i will be joined by your narrator nate and kyle and see if we can gather proof of the unknown [Music] ghost hunting round two first time we went to ohio state reformatory it was epic now i've got narrator here with me and we've gotta i'm here too dude anyway hold on guys no all right we're good never mind um look we've got gear we've got cameras we've got all kinds of emf readers emfree we got a thermometer dude how hot are you right now am i 93. i mean all right all right that's a little cold no code right that's good no code right are you okay louie zoom recorder zoom recorder we're gonna be checking uh wait no not emf what is it voice recordings what do you call it what do they call that come on someone help me it's one of those files it's uh evp no electronic voice phenomena there it is yeah evp we got evp stuff we got gopros tripods walkie-talkies because we're gonna split up during the middle of the night we've also got this awesome camera that you saw hook up to a live feed because we're gonna throw nate in the most haunted room i got muffins what is this not a sponsor he's already eating wait you're already eating we're splitting up already no well no worry about nate going into room by hand he's going to the most haunted room by himself we're going to have a live feed we're going full phasma phobia in this okay if you haven't played the game check it out so we've got all this cool equipment we're going to get the night started it's already almost 12 30. don't care tell me what time it is we've heard some great things about the ship and i cannot wait to experience that are you all ready you get one flashlight i got a muffin you get you can you can keep your muffin but we're gonna go uh hunt some ghosts and hopefully catch some uh evidence of the paranormal we got it all right got my lightsaber that's really dark oh turn your light off turn the light off all right oh okay oh right is that where we're going i don't know i feel about that do not enter this is the end of lower deck tour wait i mean what i say about the rules that they're really good and they set an example for our society so let's let jake go down there i'm gonna head this way come on boys that's a creepy hallway i'm neither lindy look down the hallway oh wow dude okay that is very dark worse okay so we were told that sick bay is like one of the most haunted places on the ship and that's where we're going first because we're starting it off with a bank uh y'all got the tour because we had to go get shots where's sickbay uh it's like it's either that way or that way i don't you [Music] nothing's happening you're scared of a cutout this is actually spooky what are you doing i don't know please don't touch it come on come on dang it you're leading the way now what yep where's the stick thing it's actually in the others thank you for shutting that it's down the other stairs we can't go this way i mean well what's this way oh wait those beds in there how do you get up there can you see in there how do you get to those beds jump jump jump i ain't getting up there then oh god this is where the offices are no i'm getting out of here wait wait wait what just happened this is this is every like lower enlisted like worst nightmare if you get called into like the officers then so narrator is previous military so he's kind of having like some flashbacks i guess okay hello [Music] what is it mom i don't i don't like how it echoes like it's really [Music] bruh can we just look shine your light that gear shift right there looks like an evil [ __ ] smiley face alright so you're gonna have a trick you go up those stairs and then pass the bathroom wow look at this congratulations you found a door oh no no no no no no no no what is this this is a big ward is a sick world this is sick please no this is where he said he said in the back left corner back there he said was like one of the most haunted spots like in the back corner why am i getting scared now oh why did you tell me that for real all right yeah he said back there it sounds like so much weirder now oh the acoustics in here are very difficult in here looks like a shower shower okay how creepy does this look and sound so when he was telling us he wouldn't even go back here he just said back there when we asked where it was haunted he sat back there okay so what you're saying did you hear that yeah that was did you hear did you hear that there's no way you heard you heard it i heard nothing [Music] because they said this is like one of the most haunted places there we go all right uh we're gonna break out our night vision camera you guys probably remember that from high state reformatory uh so the next clip will be green here we go all right so here we are it is pitch black we have a little bit of light coming in from the hallway uh oh sorry i got light here sorry uh which is nothing too crazy uh so we're gonna try and see if we can get something we've already been hearing a couple noises um see if we can get something here um if there's anybody here that would like to make their presence known we mean no harm we're just trying to make a really cool video so if you can make the beds jingle say something into our mic touch nate wait uh maybe it's the tall one do we want to see that corner do you want to show me over there oh my shimmy over there like scaringly scarily apparently this is the most haunted uh area on the boat i've got a little green light it's not it's not too much it just helps out with camera for you to see actually i can just do this too because that probably just lit my face up yeah um is there anyone here with us that would like to make their presence known where is it oh it's in the back can i go get it we're professionals yeah um if anyone is here with us uh john william uh who else we got george george uh edwin something uh if any of you guys want to come make your presence known all you have to do is touch the device in my hand make it turn red it'll be greatly appreciated or if you would like to make any noise on the beds rattle the springs whisper any of those will be greatly appreciated i heard that one of the crewmates that passed when the shell hit was a uh a man named john uh john if your soul is still trapped aboard this vessel could you please give us a sign that you're still here you guys hear that i didn't what happened down the hallway something echoed yeah what okay um john if that is you or someone else if you would like uh to make your presence known i believe we heard you down the hallway uh we mean you no harm if you wish to come greet us uh you'll be really nice sit in the bed make something move make make a sound uh just something to let us know that you're here the camera caught that did you hear that i heard it yeah if that was you could you make some more noise please i have the most ridiculous chills right now yeah are you still here with us what is that you don't know no dude my eyes are tearing up turn turn and pan do you see anything on the camera i [ __ ] hope not no i don't see anything dude actually if you're if you're here with us could you tell us your name could you possibly reach out and touch this yellow light in my hand i can't be the only one who heard that like a really quiet like room no one hear that could you come forth and touch this yellow light in my hand please it doesn't mean doesn't it okay all right i say since we um we're hearing it down the hall we go down the hole we go down the hall i'm here we go down the hall let's go down the hall all right at this point we decided to explore other parts of the ship but wanted to leave a gopro behind in case anything happened while we were gone what you're about to hear is what the gopro captured while we were exploring other parts of the ship proof of the unknown decide that for yourself so we're going up here we go man i'm pretty useful eating oh this is the door i think it's time to make sure it shuts all the way yeah oh that smells that smells terrible okay it smells right that smells like high tide it smells like jake about five minutes ago okay first of all that smells like swamp fish all right okay which way is down oh watch it go to the bakery yeah we have to go out here wait big shop that's where we're going right the bacon is the biggest yeah we're going to the bake shop where a lot of people reported that have done this already that like every time they go in there and do like an efg read or ekg so it's called efm not ekg abc we're going into a kitchen okay so we are at our second haunt location we got a couple this is the bake shop uh like he was saying earlier or if it wasn't even in the film uh this is regarded as one of the haunted places on the ship as well crazy spooky stuff our guy told us earlier that the last group that came here um had the feeling or they were they got a voice recording but whatever was in here did not want them in there um as i'm telling you my back is freaking out so this will be fun like natural scooby i'm scared terrifying okay jenkins i'm gonna get in the back corner all right because i don't know yeah do you want do you want us all like again like scooby doo to split up in this room we're splitting up comes later hear me out that happy birthday cake don't remember seeing that port not gonna lie that's a v for victory anyway here we go lights out all around this table dude oh my all right here comes night vision round two [Music] that was recorded yeah i caught that so that was on camera it was it was on yeah on audio yeah because i just picked it up and hit her oh that's me in my head okay nevermind look is someone here is someone here with us right now that should sound like it was right there shake bro what over here the temperature is 59 over here it's 57 right where you're standing is it the light or are you like are you are you okay with lights is there someone in here oh my god this [ __ ] if that's you can you do that again can you make that noise for us again that was terrifying yeah did y'all hear something over there yep what'd y'all hear over there i heard that because i heard like feet shuffling over here yeah and i heard like almost like cracking up there that's exactly what i was hearing when we were yelling down that one hole it was like that if someone's here can you make your some noise again for us i just i dead ass just felt a breeze from this wall you hear something who's here with us right now can you tell us yeah is it cranked up is there somebody here with us right now if you're here with us make any noise at all our microphone be able to hear it yeah very far away for that yep there was a tap over here like distant yeah echoed could you get in here all the money yeah it didn't come up it might be super directional when you turn it up but that was so terrifying yeah because i heard like it sounded like somebody was like shuffling next to me yeah and i was like i feel like there's not one person if there's someone here i think it's multiple the camera might have got that what you guys just heard and i just didn't know what it was like it's got super bad chills there's multiple people with us right now can you make your presence known again and it's not just some random noise we're hearing tap on something that's me moving okay tap on something uh knock something can you knock for us are you back here in the bakery do you hear anything nothing like distinct at least no i'm gonna turn it back down just a little bit yeah because i am hearing stuff but it's like i'm here and i can hear you dropping your hair what there's a noise over here as soon as i can hear you drought there's a noise over here you want to move in there yeah we're going in here okay dude i feel like a heavy reach of that wall [Music] let's go back here okay that popping sound again yeah let's go back here we're getting stuff right now oh are you back here that's my bad are you back here in the kitchen oh in there he had said to go in there too oh in the mess hall yeah are you back here that cot is terrifying [Music] we're hearing a bunch of noises we're just trying to find out where you are let's sit down at one of the tables the lights off no yes yeah yeah i would just leave that on for audio keep it for you is that you is that you yes tapping no are you dude are you kidding me were you shaking in any way when you were just yawning no dude dude i heard that i felt it in my dude okay play it back play it back all the way i felt it you weren't tapping the bench no i could hear it dude i heard a little oh my god oh my god what there was a shuffling feet dude they were shuffling like big shuffles back there is someone here with us dude you weren't tapping the bench i'm gonna have these on let's go lights off again oh i don't know if i can do this like real talk i'm gonna have this pointed over here okay back there i thought you were shaking the table because i noticed you were yawning so i thought when you were yawning you were like shaking no because it was like it was literally like here ready hold on what don't move no no because i felt no i felt it i'm recording on this we're gonna try and see if we get something um yeah if you're here could you make that knocking noise again or if you're here can you make your presence known can you tap on the table again or shuffle your feet we would just like to document it where's the emf reader right here tells me okay i'm just shifting sorry it's an old [ __ ] no i hear you memphis still on three out of five we're okay dude i'm so uneasy from that tap yeah like i felt it and then immediately there was shuffle well i heard i heard it with you it's just that was recording it's just that that's not going to put me in my opinion though the show's worn out the shuffling of steps i heard was so loud another room i really don't want to freak you out but if you look right down that hallway shadows are playing with me and it looks like people are down there but i know it's probably just shadows so it's it's complete it's probably shadows so i'm just like again if you're here can you make yourself known could you come join us at the table for food i don't know about that angry seats available over there dude narrator i i honestly think you're right i'm looking down that hallway and i'm seeing like the end where the light is i'm seeing the light be covered up oh my god i'm seeing the light like be covered up and then like disappear like someone's walking in front of it standing there and walking away i'm about to shine this light homie hold on can i show my light down there if you're down there can you make a noise you see that it keeps getting covered up oh my god i like that dude i really don't like that oh if you're down there can you make yourself known make a noise i'm 100 seeing something who just made that pop what the [ __ ] that wasn't you no that wasn't you no that was loud that was none of us that was none of us what is down there dude if that's you what's your name if that was you knocking can you do it again i'm just asking you to do what you just did can we please like nate needs a break for real can we gather do we need a break please like i feel really ill we decided to take a break after catching what we believed to be proof of the paranormal from feet shuffling to random banging we knew we were onto something or someone nate started to feel uneasy so we rested for a little to regain some much-needed energy the hunt continues with us taking turns and groups investigating again the sickbay having no idea what we have already captured on the gopro is there anybody here with us we heard a couple knocking on the footage that we left down here wanted to see if you wanted to come out and hang out with us just me and nate here hanging out i want to see if you want to make your presence known to us did you see that yeah the light changed yeah that was kind of weird that was completely weird i saw something right in front of the door too i swear like i would corner my eye never had the core of my eyes saw something right across the room i saw you see the thing next to me yeah yeah yeah there was nothing like like a like it blinked over and then it was like kind of a light down here and now it's going on and now it's kind of gone like something's standing there can i go up no so like kind of wears me out even more though dude i keep getting chills on the top of my head i think that was the thing uh put it through a monitor right here there's someone with us could you give us a sign maybe tap on one of the beds or shuffle your feet we're here as friends which just trying to document if there is life after life are you all saying anything like we're still getting a lot of activity so i feel like shut them just switch out because i kind of want to watch yeah all right well if you don't mind we're going to switch out with our friends narrator and kyle they're super cool guys uh thank you for everything you've done for us if you wouldn't mind being awesome with them as well um we're going to switch out and uh yeah all right well uh hello how's it going uh my name is naohwaiter i am here with my friend kyle kyle thank you for introducing yourself that's really nice of you kyle you're kyle and uh yeah you met with our friends so um thank you for doing that if you were here um we kind of want to ask you if you know if you're if you are here like can i i gotta finish the sentence before you give me a sound there skippy goodness gracious but if you are here uh could you give us a sign or like move something i got a bright little thing in the middle of the ground if you can make that go from orange to red by getting near it that'd be pretty cool i got this cool little thing that if uh you know i go like this it's like 73. 71 all right uh leonard i don't know if you are here in this room but if you are can you uh make something move make a noise [Music] creepy if there's anyone down here we're just curious make a sound make yourself known oh jesus i'm sorry sorry put my hands on my pockets you know what i'm saying i i'm getting ready for spooky was that you yeah yeah okay cool oh oh that wasn't me wasn't my old ankles oh man is is that you lennon george laurel george someone else if you get close to this it turns red and we'd really like to see it turn red it's pretty cool if you'd like to see us move out of here very quickly oh i mean like we will just immediately make that red like if you make that red i will do the most like oh heard that [ __ ] you hear that i did it didn't register until sometimes i said it yeah i'll get the heebie-jeebies in my in my spinal area bro the second you just said the b word another [ __ ] sound just happened down here bro you need to stop that all right nate you're up at the barber shop we got some serious sounds down here when when nate started talking to us over in the over in the creepy corner yeah it was creepy corner then it was that corner i don't like it i don't like it i don't know i don't like this not one bit after leaving sick bay for the second time we decided to put a gopro in the bake shop while we explored more of the front of the ship like the gopro in sickbay no one was around to interfere with what it captured what you're about to watch is what we got [Music] so we're trying to get to the workshop and also surgical wherever that boy got it when okay if i'm not paying attention that would hurt yeah okay oh this smells like a haunted house door's gonna shut behind us just be careful when you're around this still touch don't don't trip and fall there's actually uh okay i heard you i'll suit your needle over here somewhere too so uh don't trip and fall yeah look at those needles those bad boys well this is of course those are not original not original they're period-specific they look as the curator says so we have you know retired doctors and retired medical staff that have come in and helped to staff or put stuff in here nice why is the doctor getting handed a machete for those really serious venereal disease cases thank you what were they what would they be making down here uh like this lane over here i think he's got like a hump shaft i'm going to lay it there's he's turning this piece of bar stock and he's making the the shaft for a pump or something yes they basically made anything they ever needed on the boat yeah if you look over here i guess it's got to be self-sustaining oh yeah to some extent uh spare stock oh wow it's a bare metal stock i just left so that's just like is that's like original just yeah metal that's just been left oh what's down below oh that's the computer room and radio room here's a big mechanical computer and there's another one over there this is what they used to calculate how to aim the big 16 inch guns and then they would relay it up well once they no they don't really they dial in the ship's weather data as far as the wind speed and direction that goes get styled into here that unit over there is a gyroscope that takes into account the roll and pitch of the ship that's automatically fit into here and they take the ship's uh gyro compass the direction of the ship and uh i think over there is the speed of the ship so they can dial that in and then the brass handles over there is where they fire the guns from so they actually fire the big 16 inch guns from down here wow what it what is this shot oh range of the north carolina's oh my god not bad eight 23 mile so that's right range why you have to have the airplanes up there for stopping this ship you can shoot past the horizon yes and this is on this is on a ship that's 80 no 60 75 years old yeah so imagine what they can do now yes terrifying yes this is turning from like it's like half ghost hunt half the history lesson operator what is this this is the gyro compass oh okay so that's able to tell which way the boat's going yeah yeah it's down here you have no idea because there's no windows here's one of the clamps to bring it into the ship or you see this yeah we came down here earlier it's nice this is me yeah this just makes you realize how big this ship is everything down here is connected to the turret so this whole ship stays wait i'm sorry that has a little bit tricky all right i'm gonna head off to the uh quickest way to get to the uh barber shop just go back the way we came so look at all these beds but we still can't sleep okay thank you that was my entertainment of the hour so my flashlight's flashing is that is it this [ __ ] wants it oh she wants it oh she wants it come here what you need it's injustice what oh i found a light turned on here you all know something really cool yeah like i literally cannot see nate yes i hate this jake jake can we switch these realtors i literally can't see you but it's fine can we switch seats real talk no no please you'll be fine why all right unless the mannequin moves and touches you you're fine yeah you ready but a lot of siri uh nate and i are here for haircuts did you just stand up i stalled about it and then something compelled me to sit back down said no you're gonna hurt my [ __ ] [Music] narrator do you want to take nate's chair where's the [ __ ] where's the chair turn the light back on i'm right there yo i swear and click back there dude yeah i heard it through uh uh forward forward uh i think you're at the chair reach out to you now narrator my friend narrator myself are here for haircuts we heard you like to uh potentially tug on hair and or clothing that was your right narrator yeah that was me okay if you're behind me can you make that noise again is that ug okay you're moving okay what you moved and i saw the light change on the door oh yeah yeah yeah i was like i was trying not to move my ankle was killing me and i was traveling i needed to move it but i wasn't when he leaned forward while he was talking uh it almost appeared as if the man wait wait wait wait wait turn that again it almost appeared that the mannequin had a face wait hold on when he leaned forward i see like a weird black shadow directly behind him could be his own shadow yeah he's on shadow weirdness i'm over here just like staring as intended did you hear the thump again was it was it that no because it almost felt like it came directly behind me really yeah oh lady bro what am i good [Music] oh what what the [ __ ] oh that was loud that was right are you are you right here this is some stupid white people [ __ ] it's not wrong he's not wrong like what the [ __ ] all right well i'm trying to ski daddle thanks for my uh immediate immediate haircut uh [ __ ] that chair what you get something outside yes i'm gonna go investigate my voice hello nope are you there i i think we can uh go this way we gotta go that way leave away me bet george buddy dude i swear that tapping and my butt vibrating is the worst thing i've ever experienced right here sit back down for a minute uh uh sure all right uh lights out boys great movies one last time lights out one last time it's almost six arms boys what what'd you say something carbs one delicate arms gotta turn that off [Music] a little bit face it like hey jimmy gordon this way there's nobody can i just close my eyes all right we're back for one last visit before we uh have to head out so if you like anything to be caught for proof of your existence now is the time i've got a real big [Music] oh that wasn't me that [ __ ] shuffle over there that was not me everyone are you coming closer can you make a sound for us [Music] yes i heard it [Music] did you pick that up yes hey don't [ __ ] yell or i'll throw you i can't i actually can't because that was a voice can you make that noise again or not no [Music] [ __ ] oh my god there was one i haven't [ __ ] moved oh what the [ __ ] was that was that my seat is that you moving no no now i'm doing this okay okay oh i was about to [ __ ] because that's dark i was about to eat this seed back in [ __ ] one i can't [ __ ] [Music] [Music] the second i hear a [ __ ] little girl laugh no that's it for me that's actually that's it for me that's really creepy on the naval ship i'm gonna why would there be like yeah a little girl left i don't understand we all heard that chuckle yeah it was like yeah but it was like high pitch i heard it over here i heard yeah i heard it like i heard it took you what i was wait what i was looking at yeah what were you looking at well i initially started looking at [Music] it could be richard here keys oh dude the entire time i kept like looking here looking up like that or looking at you guys because i kept feeling [ __ ] eyes over on me over here and i'm like if i look at it like that dude it was like it was like when uh i got hard chills just then mm-hmm but it was it was like right after i started looking at that to see if anything was moving yeah well god damn it that's really creepy like do you think you picked up a wife oh i did oh no yeah yeah he looked up all of us looked up when it happened every noise that we've heard this time i got amazing made up for the the one i missed the tapping that was that was near you that was on that was on the bench we don't we don't have to go we don't have to say how close it was there was a shot that i missed so neither one of you like popped your wrist or something no i didn't okay and that sounded like it was right it sounded like it was right here oh dude you're telling me yeah yeah okay yeah we're uh blue blue skadoo we can do mo [ __ ] paddy wack i'm good we have a light on i feel so much better now and then you heard we heard a bunch oh my god what was that i heard that down there shine the [ __ ] light on i heard it to the left i heard it back here it was like almost like yeah while someone was talking to her like a quick little yup why aren't we leaving because stuff keeps happening and it's very like i don't there's a lot of dude that was a laugh again i'm out i'm telling down again hell no yo how do i do this i'll fight i'll [ __ ] you up here i didn't just hear that no i did i heard it from that one in there again yeah i hear it over there okay can we just run don't i'm not running anyway first of all yeah i'm too tired but someone with a [ __ ] life go nah am i going first here you go you have a [ __ ] mic your little girl had your diamonds oh my god it's [ __ ] freezing in here yeah yep yeah just stop just go i'm just i'm i'm i'm i'm 100 spooked by that spooked it's it's kind of dude here it's gotta be cold because of this i don't know how to think or feel about that because that was illegit sounded like a girl laughing the first it was it was it was almost like a chuckle it wasn't the full dude i'm gonna cry the first part of it was like like almost like it was a chocolate yeah and then the rest of it was like it was for how i heard it before playing anything back it was without a doubt i would bet every single dollar it was a human being's voice yeah yeah for sure yeah 100 i i am pretty much after that i don't want to continue yeah after hearing after after twice yeah hearing it twice because i you i don't know how you didn't hear it the second time because i had the mic sensitivity turned down at that point but here's my thing i heard the light on and we were done i'm like i have shivers on my back where i'm almost ready to like puke i heard it over the three of us talking up it sounds like it's a it's a girl going but you hear it right after he finishes saying oh something where was this at in the mess hall oh okay we gotta wait what because there's been a girl uh okay there's a story okay it's not in the mess hall okay down in the machine shop okay a uh small girl was seen and she started uh and that changed from a little girl's voice to a woman's voice to an old woman's voice we've heard i think me personally twice the first time i thought it was the wind like a or something yeah you don't hear wind down below oh my god i said it was a car if you're on the main deck you'll hear wind but you won't hear it down below because there's just too much steel it's too you know because then during the same time we heard the humming and i started keys jingling i thought it was you were you near the uh mess we heard you can hear keys jingling but you weren't on the ship at all were you what time was that about 30 minutes 30 minutes ago would you have been 30 minutes ago i was coming up from there no because a lot of times when you guys are here i put the keys in my back pocket so they will not jingle have anyone has anyone said they've heard a key jingle they've heard stuff like change rattle or something like that yeah because we've got if we play this back oh like because you have the humming but um in the humming you hear us like jingling i feel like like brass keys hitting um we've had the like almost singing or humming now another yeah this is normal that's normal after hearing richard confirm that there has been other sightings of a girl on the ship we decided we had had enough and we're going to call it a night the battleship north carolina provided us with more than we could have ever anticipated all right it is officially morning uh we've kind of hung out here after hearing a girl laugh because i don't know about you but it terrified me what about you i i'm dead you're what i i am physically and emotionally exhausted no this is physically and emotionally exhausted we lost him about an hour ago so well that's gonna be the video guys i appreciate you sticking around if you made it this far let us know what your favorite part of the video was if you saw something in the video that we did not catch leave a comment down below with the timestamp i'm sure there's something there because we heard plenty enough stuff to wear there had to have been there had been something we missed uh if you guys want to see more of this let us know in the comments who do you want to see in the next video i want to bring more youtubers we got your favorite narrator here but who do you want to see in the next video where you want to see us go in the next video let us know we're going to make it happen uh like and subscribe check out the merch and we'll see you in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: Jake The Viking
Views: 1,574,297
Rating: 4.9396911 out of 5
Keywords: jake the viking, jaketheviking, the viking, viking, ghost hunt, ghost, ghosts, spooky, battleship, battleshipnorthcarolina, battleship north carolina, north carolina, ghost hunter, real ghost, real ghost hunter, haunted, haunted ship, haunted house, ghost hunter investigation, investigate haunted ship, investigate haunted house, haunted ship investigation, shocking footage, actual ghost, caught on camera, ghost shocking footage, ghost hunter explore, explore, fun, scary
Id: vWeMrgK_bGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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