The Isle | THE GREAT HERD MIGRATION!! (Server Survival Event)

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you guys can see this there is all kinds of chaos going on on the server right now there's actually somebody waiting for me to catch up as well so I should say guys for everybody watching this it might look a little bit confusing and not the normal set up for the videos that we usually do for the aisle this is something that we've chosen to do for our server we calling it server events and this is called the great migration it's just one massive herd of herbivores making their way a specific way across then your Island to a specific point without being destroyed by the incoming carnivores which are about to get there now for you guys the audio is gonna be super quiet because I'm gonna mess around with that father video but for me it's gonna get super loud and I'm probably gonna panic so you have to bear with me on this by thought I'd bring you guys along for the ride because you never know it might be cool if you guys are seeing this now then that means there's been some really cool stuff happen so just so everybody knows the only real rule that we have in place for this event for the herbivores at least is to not be eaten right now the carnivores can come from anywhere we've slowly got to make our way to the objective which I think if I remember right is coastal point I will show it on screen for you guys again all you would have seen it so that's what we got to get to so I guess guys this is it we're gonna see what happens anything can happen anything can come from anywhere you guys know that if you play the isle there's gonna be people who are gonna be taking part in the server event it's gonna be people who are just playing on the server so we don't know walking up it one thing's for sure though it's gonna get super super loud so I'm gonna try and keep my distance at most of us something's gonna happen Oh got some stegos over there's anybody broke their legs yet if you're wondering what those things are by the way for anyone that's new to we got a trike back there for anyone that's new to the Isle those things look really cool they're called shunts and then oh we got rekt we've got a wrecks oh no no no no that's one of the carnivores we are gonna be chased all the time by these carnivores look at that just moves up into the tree light I want to stay with the herd strength in numbers well together I could have swore that somebody broke their leg then wait that little that little stagger was it got a broken leg or is it just super super slow a lot of these guys are gonna be talking in global if you guys are watching this and you are from the community you're all amazing because this took quite a lot of planning from the admins of the server and just to get you guys in and everybody was super nice super cool just getting ready to go we couldn't have asked for more guys so thank you so much oh look at this there's an aloe the aloe just ran straight in front of me that I didn't even notice it oh something's hurt Oh No Barry's injured look we've got other stuff back there too that's injured we need to make up some ground we need to keep going don't stop as painful as it's gonna be for people that I've been taking bites out of that they're bleeding we've got to just keep going I'm just gonna keep going in hopes that a lot of them are gonna kick Harry on following because if we stand still look look you guys can see it that ello back there it's having a field day just doing strafing runs although having said that if I go a little bit further on on my own I'm gonna be completely isolated the good thing is is that this stego is no joke and one swipe of my tail will completely annihilate that allo I'm fair there it is I've gotta get know he's gonna do Street food run again did it bite someone oh we've got a lot of her people lock the track I'm gonna go for it it's just too quick it's just way too quick I've tried to sneak up at the back of this allo oh no he's gonna get one of those guys down there no trike turn around oh they were onto him pretty quick look at those ants I need to play one of those they look so cool to play I don't actually know what their attack damages and stuff just to update everybody I think a lot of the people that were hurt or a lot of the Dinos that caught the early brunt of the carnivores they're managing to catch up now that you can see this what's that up there what's the little thing is that Herrera I think it might be we got a Rex coming in that thing comes near me I'm definitely going to take swipe with this tail I still want to see what it can do to a Rex have no idea I think we have pretty high damage oh we have super high damage look at that there's no wonder this thing is not survival okay so quick update we do have an aloe just up in that tree line which is just watching us I don't know if it's been I don't know if it's been injured by one of the trikes down there or maybe the Shantz but there's a Rex across this way and there's a whole load of noise coming from the other part of the herd down there we're just waiting for this there is Eno to heal up it's just to her the moment to move so we've just got a stick can O'Connell's caught it I got a good here we got it we got one nice nice Carlo down I'm injured oh alright let me just see let's see what that did to us hover over that 1.5 bleed every three seconds we're okay at least the Terezin I was up and moving now but this could spell disaster for me guys it could be all over super early on if it is I can't be mad because I chose to take that fight with that car no then we came out the victors but might be at a price I'm sure there was a Rex in that tree mom was positive of it okay now that does look seriously cool look at the mixture of dinosaurs we got in there we got shant's we got stegos we've got an Kees trikes a little bit of everything Saracino looks pretty good now I'll wait just lay down again maybe these guys got attacked it's a really nice area here like there's not a lot of grass and stuff so you can generally see quite far into the treeline see one of the things that I don't think people have realized is the longer we take to get to this next point or to the final point we're all going to starve we need to either stop off and get some food and there is a lot of mouths to feed so that's gonna be very very difficult or we just need to try and get there as quick as possible and complete it because I mean at the end of the day is an event once we get there we've technically done it we right the front now oh yeah this is the front see everybody stopping like that is really not helping we got to just keep going keep going guys this trike in this package TEFL Saracens got the right idea keep moving everyone I'm out of stem that's probably why people are stopping okay so as things stand right now we are losing daylight pretty quickly and I think if we go down this way the round to the right it should be a straight shot if I'm not mistaken to a place called party fields on the map and we've got a wide open area there if we need to spend a little bit of time just to rest up and catch our breath maybe just get some food or something before we move over to the right which should be the way to go to coastal point we should be pretty much settled look out baby fifiluv back there that it's ridiculous well you see I think in this group alone is like thirty maybe close to 40 people okay so I just wanted to hold up for a second and see what the numbers were looking like I've got to be honest guys it's not looking too good compared to how we started fair a few people have been eaten by those carnivores look at this shun just keeping an eye out back there a lot of them have just gone over that way I wonder what they've seen I hope people don't think that's where we're stopping we need to keep moving look those guys are relating way up look at that there's a whole line of carnivores just in transit right I'm going to try and push up to the front don't want to create panic but we do need to move you can see it's getting dark very very quickly in the game Oh what has happened did they just take that oh I thought they took down that the dilo those shant's was so quick with that oh wait they did take something down oh yeah they were super super quick with that they got two of them is that that's a Serato and what's that one with the blue head oh they're both Cerritos I just quickly glanced to my left and there was like four shant's just just running at something okay quick update we're approaching why I think he is a waterfall and there was a lot of noise that came from back there and I think two or three shunts went to go and investigate and they haven't come back yet or at least one of them has one up they're smelling but this is gonna be a little bit dicey because we got to go down and then round to the right and I think that's when we hit party fields okay so I've quickly just checked global chat and from what I've gathered from the herd is that we should just keep moving which I like the idea of even if it's in nighttime we should just keep going the longer we sit still like I said before we just paint a target on our back and it's easy for the carnivores to kind of surround us so loud this about of Herbie's good well we're just gonna keep going guys somebody's just got to start moving then we'll the rest will follow oh wait is that baby is that baby pachycephalosaurus probably not gonna see for much longer either you hear that yeah it's a Rex shunt just appearing out the darkness alright let's keep going gotta stick together because as you guys can see we're not grouped just gonna try and stick with the herd it's best you can if you get separated that could be a it could be game over I'm gonna try and get a little bit further ahead because the noise for me is almost unbearable let's keep going I'm gonna broadcast everyone else is doing it oh there's a dialog right there what is it I mean hey I think I might just caught that track by accident I was trying to get the dáil Oh buddy I'm so sorry if I just hit you where did he go see I don't want to chase do not give chase to that thing look might be leading me into a trap I definitely hit this trike I feel so bad for that that's part of it though the trikes can hit other dinosaurs so get the stegos and so can the Yankees - OH oh no no no no they're doing strafing runs right I've got a decision to make guys I either stay with them and try and help or I go and try and catch up with the herd let me see if I can spare oh no wait the stego can't smell I've got to stay with them I have no sense so I can't even see that their footprint oh look it's something right there this could be the end gonna stick together guys where's the injured trike is he still back there was it are we good Oh oh no no I'm injured guys I'm injured gonna lie down what's the damage like oh no I'm critical 2.75 bleed and 15 damage from a broken Oh No this might be ripped for me guys it could be all over so soon I mean we've made it past the halfway point and I haven't told anybody who is a carnivore just just as a quick heads-up to everybody at home I am fair game just like every other player is is no off limits for me so if they kill me that is totally my fault okay I think that's a clear sign by the herd they want to keep moving I'm gonna follow okay so now's a good a time as any to let you guys know these are the group of herbs that were at the front of the herd the bunch that are back there I think there's like five or six maybe a little bit more and they're quite badly injured I needed to move because I was just losing people and as I've said I'm not grouped with anyone so and that's a diol oh that's not good that's really not good I could really use some food too you know I'm gonna do I'm just gonna risk it I'm gonna see if there's a bush nearby is this one let's go see if I can just grab a mouthful of food is this it no I could have swore that look like the bush that we eat from there's something right there okay there we go I think I hit it it got me though kind of bleeding to do six bleed oh no that's so bad I gotta lie down I've got to lie down or it's over for me how did it get away from my my tail swipe surely that thing should be dead what do i do one thousand two hundred I mustn't have hit with it hits it then Oh No yep it's over for me right please defend me with your life I can't die now we're so close just down the hill where I'm looking it should be if I'm not there's another one in front of me trike you have to defend me here dude or I'm dead you have to defend me dude or I'm dead just down that hill should be swamp and just behind the back of a swamp should be coastal point that is our destination that's where we're migrating to Oh oh my god the trike get him trike get up dude I might have to stand up and help I don't refuse her that was a gig wasn't it I'm almost positive that was yet that's a Giga I know that call also just a quick side note I really don't like the new Giga call I think the old one was way better it was just a little bit too loud I just really preferred the old one though for the new one okay so a little bit of time has passed I was lucky enough to find a bush that I could eat from I went a little bit further away from the herd that I wanted to and we're now at the swamp so I'm just filling my stomach with as much water as possible look at these guys all the battle scars that they've got I'm actually really proud of everyone like they've stuck together this whole time nobody's just run off and left us I mean there's been a few that have just gone for the sake of not being eaten and I totally get that I probably would have done the same if I wasn't badly injured and I needed to lay down but I mean look at the numbers guys look at the numbers we started off so strong people have just been taken out bit by bit I think the nighttime is what really got us there oh no this guy's super hurt too I think this was the one that tackled the sukkah was just popping up out of the water that's so nice to see like being on the other end of it because I mean you guys have all seen the video where I was the Zuko and then seeing them actually pop up out of the water like that is so nice to see okay this is probably one of the most dangerous areas that we've been to as the herd we've got so few numbers now compared to what we had I want to try and keep everyone alive at this point who's left that Zuko is going to come running through in a second these two are acting as a distraction that one is the one that's going to do the damage I'm not gonna let it get round yeah it was about to do that you saw that I want to you so you go just need to keep moving but there's so many dinosaurs that I've got injuries this one still got a few I think it's doing better than it was before but look at this guy this poor guy is not good this guy's seen better days 1,000% even the therizinosaurus ended up here we just need to be unlike guard duty right now just try and do what we can it's so insane what's that what you what are you little thing oh you're a little pachycephalosaurus it's joining the herd oh I was just about to say I'm gonna try something pretty ballsy but if I die it's my fault come back here you there we go I definitely gotta hit the problem with this stego is that a sews all that thing's bleeding you come back here I've got to take you out you're so much of a problem I think one of them ran through the herd a second ago I'm gone another couple of bites in if I could go back in time and not attack the Sukho I definitely would that thing makes you bleed just as bad as the dialogue or at least it did for me while I was a stego let me show you guys I know I'm moving around but 9.5 bleed I think I've been bitten once or twice something's happening down there I can't really work out what's going on I don't know if it's the Sukkos or if I was just about to say or if there's no Raptors around to look at that the Sukkos sneaked in there's Raptors here now it's just a bad day guys all around everything is just bad everything is out two killers everything what's that over there that pachycephalosaurus has he just hide him I see you over there these guys are showing us a little bit of mercy because they have done so much damage but they are fully able to kill us I mean we've got to stegos down hit look there we go the raptures just done another bite you could spell the end for that with a stego you're going in that's another bite not like this stakeout is hold your nerve track you have to go over there defend it try go now go defend it okay I can hear all kinds of crap going on up there there's definitely a Rex there's dialogue there's Raptors there's even baby Raptors that stain on the back of us if you're wondering where that stego is it wouldn't move I think it's in complete shock so I took the executive decision just to keep going for the greater good of the herd these guys are thinking just getting a little bit of rest but that's where we've got to go oh no look at the little ank you running away alright look like you were just down here make your call hopefully you hear us there we go well guys we got to keep moving keep going is he injured are you injured are you just getting your stamina back oh there's two of them there I just AM keep going I'm not gonna lose this now not now we're so close okay all the noises that are going on so far they all sound like herbivores you can hear this I don't know if that's a celebration or if they're warning the rest of the herd that something is here we're about to find out let's keep going are we gonna see anyone oh no they've come quiet no keep colic oh there we go so we caught up with them nice oh they're moving out gotta stick with them let's keep going guys to be honest with everybody watching the video I don't actually know from from here where the end point is I'm assuming it's straight down this way cuz that's the general direction I was headed anyway but at nighttime it's just impossible to see where you are like to get your bearings and stuff and yes I did hear that Raptor just a second ago there's death everywhere doesn't surprise me anymore looks like we've hit a wide-open space this is gonna be perfect for any of the bigger guys now like it Rex or something just to come out of the darkness and just take a massive bite out of all of us but this track here seems to know where it's going it keeps using scent so I think it might be following a certain path on the compass oh no there's something behind us there's definitely something there maybe 1 or 2 Rex's couldn't quite tell big it yep there's definitely a rex over there there we go the army of trikes have caught back up there's definitely something still back there but I don't think it's even going to attempt to come in with the amount of trikes that I've just caught back up to us we have to be close now we just have to be close Oh first group of herbs has arrived at the destination we did it this is it the sweet sweet taste of victories here every single one of these guys has battled through gigas Rex's Raptors Sukkos and God knows where else what is I'm sure there was a lobster god I can't think I'm sure there was a lot of stuff that I didn't even see that went on back there with the herd but that was so cool everybody did such a good job sticking together there was times where it was a little bit dicey because everybody split up especially at nighttime but we made it ok guys so I think this is where we're gonna end it I was just checking in with a few people making sure everyone had a good time how did people find and overall everybody really enjoyed this so this is by no means gonna be the last event that we host on the server again you want to be part of this guys links in the description for the disk guard all you got to do is join up and then you'll find all the information over there as long as you've got the game but for now I think we are going to end so thank you so much for watching thank you so much for you support and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Fooster
Views: 453,997
Rating: 4.9222236 out of 5
Keywords: the isle, The Isle, the isle game, the isle gameplay, the isle update, the isle new update, the isle dinosaurs, the isle new dinosuar, the isle raptor, the isle raptor pack, the isle raptor pack vs t rex, the isle t rex, fooster the isle, the isle survival, the isle raptor survival, the isle best dino, the isle biggest dino, the isle best server, the isle funny moments, the isle lets play, lets play, the fooster the isle, the isle pc gameplay
Id: mklTFhDQBwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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