netflix turned our worst wattpad nightmare into a movie...

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mm ladies gentlemen and non binaries we're finally on [ __ ] frame hey guys welcome back to my channel I hope you guys are all doing really well today we're finally going to be looking at a movie that I honestly was tossing up between doing a video on or not but I finally decided I would and it's on 365 days of course before we start today's video we have to do this week's witty shoutout and this week it goes to Moana dot Lisa dot wannabe who sent this tweet if you want to get a shout out for yourself all you have to do is subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram and then DM me your favorite meme of the week and you make it chosen now I noticed that most people found out about this movie either through tik-tok or just like in general on the Netflix trending tab personally I hadn't come across the movie until my friend messaged me and was like you need to check out this movie like it's an absolute [ __ ] show to which I went into the first 20 minutes not knowing what to expect and was pretty shocked at what the movie was acting about after tweeting about it though it seemed like a lot of people had some pretty interesting thoughts on the movie so I thought it might be interesting to watch the rest of it on camera and give my thoughts before we get into the video though I did want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor which is recon if you guys aren't new to my channel you probably know I'm a pretty big fan of recon they offer wireless earbuds that don't just sound great but also fit great too because they've got a variety of fit options the best part though is that recon earbuds started about half the price as any other premium wireless earbuds on the market yet they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know recons are great for working from home listening to music or podcast for hours and personally for me I like to listen to rain sounds or guided meditations at night to help me sleep and I specifically like the rake on earbuds because there's no wires so I don't have to worry about waking up the next morning being like strangled by a headphone wires something and since the compact carrying case can actually charge the earbuds four times on a single charge I also don't have to worry about them dying on me quickly their ever de 25 year butts though are their best model yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing or bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit and it also comes in new fun colors so if you want to check out Raycom for yourself you can click the link in the description box below to get 15% off of your order which is by Raycom / kc Eon so thanks again to recom for sponsoring now let's get back to the video hello the first 45 seconds of this movie is just each company introducing themselves but there's way more than what you typically see in a movie like in theaters so it's just companies introducing themselves back to back to back to back hey should come into a few judge solo agency I know it should be paying attention to the fact that those guys are trying to like traffic young refugee girls but the other guy in the back looks like it's taking every fiber of his being to not just break out in a dance right now the guy in the back with Ziggy's from love island naidu I'm slightly confused because the mario guy literally just sits down at this table and like slightly loosens his tie and then doesn't do anything and then the other guy is just standing there with this by knock euler's doing nothing yes I was standing over there with a second ago but now I'm over here I don't think I've ever seen somebody clench their jaw that aggressively while holding binoculars like jaws about to break okay let me get this straight they're in an abandoned area like they set the scene as like this lone building no one else is there and he's like looking out at the sea and there's some random girl just dancing I'm probably not supposed to be here but like girls just wanna have fun I think the worst oh one day you will also have to turn down a refugee trafficking situation get excited are they both dead hold on a second so when he was looking through his binoculars he was looking down and a girl on the beach like on sand right before the water but when they pin out there's no sand where the [ __ ] is the sand why the hell is this guy singing like that it's like every word has to end with like her this conversation is over I can tell that that guy probably only has one line in this whole movie because he just acted the [ __ ] out of that one line this conversation is this is America so Fred this just kind of looks like a running perfume ad I get noticing that this movie has very similar structure to the after movie in the sense that it would be like 10 to 15 seconds of dialogue and then a long-ass song with a bunch of montages of like drone shots and then there would be a bit more dialogue and then they go back to drone shots and more pointless music I will hand it to after though they made sure that every time that there was a montage it was to a different song playing in the background versus so far this movie has had like four montages and it's still the same grunting song still halation that's nice book of ours that she's about to lose her [ __ ] right now I think for us you know I won't [ __ ] kill you welcome via Brasil in Austria container la coka is anyone gonna say anything I think I get it now I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure that they're being awkward and quiet because the guy's implying that the stewardess took the container of cocaine so now the guys like going to the back to like kill her or something everybody hold a second that's not what's happening right now yeah that was um so I don't think I can show what I just watched on screen right now and I kind of don't want to because who was just really uncomfortable to watch um but there's a point at which it looks at least okay my favorite mine was I thought he was going to the back to kill her and it got to the point where I was like oh maybe he is trying to kill her but because this movie's supposed to be like fifty Shades of Grey instead of like killing her with a gun he's gonna kill her with his penis but I don't think that's what happened okay yeah apparently I was wrong cuz she's very much alive so I guess she didn't take the cocaine which is a plus which means that whole scene before where they were being like super awkward in the plane makes absolutely no sense and also it makes even less sense because the guy literally was like someone took our cocaine and instead of the guy being like oh my god who he's like I'm just gonna go to the back now and live Oh instead of giving the main character's friend a personality by chance they just were like how about you just hold a phone obnoxiously the entire scene unless Richard solute Babu [Music] are you lost baby girl what we'll get to that line in a second but all I can think of when I watch this scene is how fast would he have had to been walking behind her for him to follow her close enough that he could fully stop with enough time for her to turn around and he's like right there behind her this guy had to be like moving behind her in order to make it that much time now that I've gotten that out of the way what the [ __ ] did he just say it was beneath her own such wheat where somebody was comparing him to the map from Dora which objectifies makes sense because they're both trying to figure out where she's going but I feel like in terms of mannerisms he's more in line with Swiper how you lost me the girl who Swiper no swiping Swiper no swiping like I get the point of this movie is it's supposed to be very like sensual and sexy but who do you think you are Shamar more you just met her music montage again everybody like [ __ ] clockwork [Music] so typically this would be the point of the movie where you're like oh this is turned into a thriller and that main guy is actually the creepy bad guy um but apparently he's he's not we're supposed to be like oh that's cute can you imagine being kidnapped and there is a massive portrait of you in the house like I would lose my [ __ ] and also be even more mad if they did a bad job on it but that's like that's not the point it's just killing me that so far this movie is a textbook thriller but they're trying to spin it as a romance because the main guy has good hair are you lost vinegar why does he keep saying that it's so creepy I don't like this [Music] are you [ __ ] kidding me you just got kidnapped throw a [ __ ] punch we're officially all screwed we're not we're not getting out of this we collectively with this girl we're all [ __ ] okay we're not getting out of this situation about the bathroom I hate this so much if you do not spit that ice cube in his face I swear to god yes finally get it or don't get it done I love her like 10 seconds ago he was like super concerned about her heart problem and that she was okay and then the second that she stops cooperating he's like fine [ __ ] it I will roundhouse slam you into this couch and I'm not gonna feel sorry about it somewhere inside me I had this feeling of a certainty that one day we'll set him front of me and be mine can we be honest for a second if we put creepy music behind this scene like it's still terrifying like even with this like violent [ __ ] but it would be even creepier if we put creepy music behind it which is what it deserves that's why I'm can do a chest to fall in love with me no because that made you do it because you will want oh my god guys I am so embarrassed right now i i got it completely wrong he's the nice guy he's he's kidnapped her but it's through her own free will that she's gonna fall in love with him even though she's kidnapped and can't leave I kindly ask you today can you [ __ ] out this is completely unrelated but I really like those rugs in the background they're very pretty how many black envelopes does this guy have I can barely see that picture what is going on oh oh okay I can't show that so he cheated on her and like in the envelope was a picture of him like having sex with another woman I get it's on purpose that they do this because it's supposed to be like a sexual movie but like every single time that she's like trying to run away and he grabs her she immediately is like titties which again I get as the point of the movie cuz they're trying to like make everything super sexual but it doesn't make sense like watching it like if you're running away from someone and someone grabs you the last thing you're gonna do is like be like expose myself like instead you'd be like let me like try to like fight you and so she literally is like ah that's it I won't do anything without your permission you say is you have your hand on her boob did I hear consent no no I didn't okay just just check it all I can think of what I'm watching this is like this plot is the most extreme case of those situations where like a guy will have one traumatic thing happen to him and then he'll proceed to just ruin the lives of every girl that he's ever been with and then we'll use that as he excuses to why he's a terrible human being like when you dumb down this guy's logic it's basically a guy going my dad died and that was very traumatic and his girl that I saw right when my dad died I've now suddenly decided is the one I'm going to kidnap and then continue to keep hostage for a year until she falls in love with me I do anything so you can't fall in love with me except treat you like a normal human being why is this gave so many dungeons did you swim in there deep I mean I don't wanna tell you is this what I'm trying to establish him as like a nice bad guy I have to be honest I don't really think the music for the scene is terribly accurate much better oh my [ __ ] god why does this girl keep painting like how are you gonna get out of here if you can't [ __ ] get your [ __ ] together we're not forgiving give themself with what he'd been doing she's like you know what I'm just gonna go back to bed and pray that this is all [ __ ] nightmare because what the [ __ ] you have people for everything that's one of death bad they just have being a boss how do they act at these scenes with a straight face like I'm about to say something very controversial but I think there is room to argue that these two people are as good of actors as like the typical top-tier actors that are talked about in Hollywood simply because they're able to get through this dialogue without pissing their pants what are you talking about I'm not flying anywhere unless is Poland it wasn't an offer it was an order I love what this guy's whole shtick is that he's a good guy because he doesn't traffic women but he's just about to traffic a woman nice sense of me I'm not a big of potatoes yeah neither am i feminism get out get out nice what sorry to interrupt but didn't you say I want to anything without your permission oh so you did say that just checking if she feeds while she's running away I will kill somebody here lost baby girl how many times do we have to tell you this old man she's not one to accept the situation the faster the better for you one could also argue that maybe you could just accept the situation that she isn't interested take part in an adventure that faith is giving you it wasn't face it was you what if it was huge is it true it just has earlier would you mean that you won't touch me without my permission wait how are they having this conversation when he literally just touched her without her permission I like you to teach me how to be gentle I'm so glad you asked I'd probably start with not continuing to hold her hostage against her will my mommy there's cover on school which registers providers this time the vault out said nothing silly girl what are you doing this is Clown College at this point all right everybody fasten your seat belts we are apparently already entering these stockholm syndrome zones lose that other you think well I was scared went like where is the permission where's the chicken permission can you stop it what exactly is her logic like doing this like does she I I don't get this did you use the buzzer my fountain is closer why is this girl's reaction to everything just doing something seductively like if she's angry she does something seductively if she's happy she still does something seductively if she's annoyed she also does something seductively like why probably a kid you got any better don't look why is he less angry about getting rid of Laura than the boat I'm going off the bush also that has to be the most unconvincing drowning I've ever seen in my life she's like oh my god I can't swim even though I'm staying afloat right now I truly wish I was kidding when I say that after she's saved from drowning she suddenly is like totally okay with him and is in love with him and holds nothing against him anymore and then they just proceeded to [ __ ] all over the boat while music plays in the background for like seven minutes straight and like when I say all over the boat I mean quite literally all over the boat like all over it also we never find out what really happened to the old guy who was also on the boat like he just randomly disappeared and they never addressed where he went is this supposed to be like bootleg queer I listen I get the impact you're trying to make be you are not the Lizzie McGuire in a Cinderella story that you think you are your portraits have been hanging in my house for years nobody believed that I will ever find you normal this is apparently normal love how we've gone from him having those portraits and her being petrified of them because they're incredibly creepy to him being able to mention them flippantly in a conversation and her only reaction is like oh I remember those very cute it's still [ __ ] creepy okay they are once again having sex while music plays in the background but I don't know what to say at this point forget about Palma she's the best listen I think you're being a little bit overdramatic just forget about that girl who just said that she's gonna kill you like and it's actually a threat because she's like part of a mom so she actually might kill you like just forget about it and you by doubting you are the [ __ ] future this is so cringe serious question though who [ __ ] wrote this what am i crying Jodie gosh names that go whole yeah I get that you're like really conflicted right now but I feel like the solution is quite simple Mabel oh do not tie Mabel of this [ __ ] can you guys just like work out your issues through conversation for once listen I get it but I feel like this issue won't keep presenting itself if you just like talk it out instead of doing this every time you guys get in a fight y'all resolve nothing is this Rihanna where is this like a bootleg Rihanna mom is asking we'll do do for a living I'm a gangsta classy bougie nasty she's code nur nur why are there so many music montages this movies like an hour and 50 minutes I believe we're like an hour in 55 minutes there has been a music montage at least every three minutes throughout this entire movie this thing is better categorized as a music video the girls like going 80 what keep in mind that absolutely no one has actually said that she's died yet like the guy hasn't said that that guy called him and was like Laura's gonna get killed Laura didn't like scream over the phone or anything like they actually don't know if she's dead yet and they're already pulling as dramatic as [ __ ] all right so that was definitely a movie so the movie ends with them not really telling us definitively whether Laura is alive or not I believe someone had told me on Twitter that this movie was based off of the first book out of a trilogy so I guess there's supposed to be two more books on this and I'm pretty sure in the second book they had mentioned that she it's like revealed that she actually was just kidnapped but if I'm being honest I probably will not be watching the next movies that come after this this genre of movie is just not really my cup of tea if it is your cup of tea that's perfectly fine I'm not judging anybody who enjoys it I think what surprised me the most is that it just trended so highly on Netflix and that so many the comments that I saw from people online talking about the movie was that people were like oh it's Fifty Shades of Grey or after done right when in reality I feel like this is basically on par or even worse than after and Fifty Shades of Grey honestly I don't even think it's fair to judge this movie the same way you would judge others because they're basically just building a plot around these two people having sex like what else did you expect I think this movie does do a good job of just being what it is if that makes sense like they're not trying to like fake being deep or anything like that like they're like there's not really a plot here deal with it but then again maybe the plot wasn't supposed to be the plot rather the people they [ __ ] along the way I'm definitely curious to see what you guys thought of the movie if you have seen it if you haven't seen it and you're kind of on the fence and whether you want to watch it or not honestly while there were funny parts in the movie there was just a lot of overkill and just a lot of stuff that just made me really uncomfortable to sit through so if you're the type of person that just kind of gets uncomfortable with that kind of stuff I definitely wouldn't recommend it anyways I really hope that you guys enjoyed today's video if you did feel free to give it a like and subscribe to the channel and you can also follow me outside of YouTube on Instagram and Twitter which are both Casey Aeons oh I also have a second channel which is more like beauty lifestyle vlog content so if you're interested in that kind of stuff I'll be linking it in the description box below but otherwise I really hope that you guys enjoy it and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 794,202
Rating: 4.9697137 out of 5
Keywords: 365 days, 365 dni, netflix, after 2, after movie 2, massimo and laura, 365 days is a disaster, i watched 365 days, netflix turned our worst wattpad nightmare into a movie…, after 2 release date, wattpad, exploring the world of wattpad… again, bad movie review, reacting to, celebrity cringe, casey aonso, channelId, '365 Days' is WORSE than 50 Shades of Grey | Explained, commentary, reaction, a definitive ranking, tik tok, mikes mic, kurtis conner, ranking, tier list, dangelowallace
Id: 7z-Cf2K2zJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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