DO NOT Do This in Quarantine! | Celebrity Meltdowns

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Hi everyone I hope you're all well so unless you have been living on Mars for the past couple of months you will know that the world is in a bit of a pickle at the moment an insidious invisible force is sweeping the globe wreaking logistical emotional and financial havoc everywhere that it goes now unfortunately I am not actually able to call this invisible force by its name because if I do YouTube will D rank t monetize and possibly delete this video so since I am pretty sure you all know exactly what I'm talking about I am NOT going to call it by its official rather insidious name but instead refer to it as the much more charming beverage bug considering that millions of people worldwide are being forced to shut down businesses lose their livelihoods and stay in their homes for an indefinite period of time public morale is pretty low and as such it is very easy in a lockdown situation for people to develop something that the sailors of old liked to call cabin fever cabin fever refers to the distressing claustrophobic irritability or restlessness experienced when a person or group is stuck in an isolated location or in confined quarters for an extended period of time tempers can fray very easily and people are prone to behaving irrationally and it seems that one group of people who are behaving very very irrationally are our Hollywood celebrity class over the past several days video after video has come out of various celebrities revealing how special they are in how they're spending their quarantine proving once again how utterly clueless they are about the real world celebrities whether consciously or not have been flaunting their luxurious relatively carefree by normal people's standards lifestyle via attempts to remain in the spotlight because they're all a bit upset that not enough people are paying attention to them right now leading candidates in the field of grinding the public's gears were this tik-tok of former child stars Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale uniting for a faux high school musical reunion in their massive fancy houses while drinking red wine by candlelight then there was this display of wealth from madman actress January Jones who thought it would be a good idea to show off her high-tech and presumably vastly expensive LED light skincare regime while sipping on Coors Light through a straw in her high-ceilinged ultra chic home not to mention this effort from Madonna who sang into a hairbrush while dancing around her enormous bathroom with its gold-plated tap surrounded by what would easily be thousands of dollars worth of makeup and other cosmetic products Ellen DeGeneres even thought she was interesting enough to record and post herself calling Adam Levine to wish him happy birthday just gonna call my friend today hello Adam yes it's Alan happy birthday thank you what are you doing oh that's lovely not not much just wait to call and say hey so happy birthday so you're also doing nothing yeah love you bye but the clip that took the cake was gal gadot who apparently plays Wonder Woman and her army of celebrity pals singing John Lennon's Imagine the most depressing godless and self-righteous of all his songs from their multi-million dollar homes in order to lift the little people's spirits now I can't actually play you the clip properly because YouTube will absolutely ping me for copyright but the most accurate comparative to what it sounded like is this two three four now I hate to sound like a sourpuss here I mean there is nothing wrong with having millions of dollars and a fancy house I very much hope to have the same one day however if I currently had millions of dollars in a fancy house I would not be flaunting it all over the Internet at a time on people's livelihoods mortgage payments and life savings are being flushed down the Beveridge bug toilet it is possibly a teeny bit tone-deaf of these Hollywood peeps to behave in this way in short Hollywood has given us an excellent example of what not to do in lockdown but what else shouldn't you do in lockdown or quarantine I mean there is of course plenty advice out there about what to do but where is the comprehensive list of things to avoid surely a set of guidelines for what not to do while sandwiched in with people you may or may not enjoy spending time with would be helpful as such and as somewhat of a public service I have through extensive research suggestions from my subscribers and a lot of hypotheticals compiled a list of things you absolutely positively must not do while in quarantine do not play Monopoly while board games are an excellent way to pass the time monopoly should not be included in that it has been known to destroy entire families not what you want when you are lumped in with people so if you want to play board games stick to snakes and ladders do not take inappropriate photos of yourself and put them on the Internet I don't care how bored you are that is not a good idea under normal circumstances just because you know life as we know it has changed for the next little while does not mean it has changed so much that it is now sensible to do that the internet is still written in ink not pencil do not play pranks on the people you are living with I don't care how funny you may think it is to squeeze toothpaste into the shampoo bottle or put cling wrap over the toilet seat or react their Instagram and pretend that they have been abducted by an eerily green militia and dumped on a small but plentiful island in the Pacific populated only by pygmies and their reptilian cousins it could happen just don't do it do not stockpile your stockpile of toilet paper I know that we're all a little sensitive at the moment of toilet paper and even though we have been assured time and time again that there is not in fact an actual shortage of the stuff the paranoia still looms large but while I know it might be tempting to pinch a roll or two out of your family horde and stash it in your room so that if the apocalypse actually does come then at the very least you'll still have some for yourself but please it's really very rude and undermines the bonds of trust that you have presumably attempted to build up with your quarantine compatriots just leave the toilet paper in its designated spot okay do not binge eat it might be tempting and you could justify it as patting yourself up in case of an eventual famine but one you will run out of the food that I am sure you fought tooth and nail for at the supermarket and two while quarantine may seem like forever you will eventually exit your home and when you do that you do not want to look like this do not ever miss one of my videos or live streams and do not watch my videos without subscribing to my channel I know that you have probably watched one or two or three or maybe even more of my videos and you haven't yet hit that subscribe button so now would be the perfect chance to do so and I will help you stave off all that quarantine boredom do not panic this is stating the obvious however the media has been rather disgustingly sensationalist during this whole thing for what seemed like the longest time there they were making out like the beverage bug was the new bubonic plague it's not tens of thousands more people are recovering the not recovering there is enough hysteria in the media and on the Internet without you bringing it into your real-life homes as well do not play truth or dare you are currently unable to escape the people you are locked down or quarantined with so any big reveal of an Indian media truth or instigation of a deed that while it might seem glamorous at the time cannot be undone will stick and no amount of social distancing within households can unring those bells do not and I cannot express this enough do not discuss politics especially via text with friends on the outside Levitan sarcasm do not read via text so those friends you're texting might not be friends when you get out so much do not place bets on who you think will be the first to crack under quarantine it is impolite to speculate on the mental well-being of your quarantine buddies letter learn to place bets on who is going to go full loopy and on the rampage first we're all in this together and betting on those that you are holed up with especially if you don't really like each other at the best of times is not a recipe for a peaceful quarantine besides you just never know who's betting list you might be on or for what do not draw up a contingency plan of what to do in the event of a zombie apocalypse I know this beverage bug stuff has a tiny touch of The Walking Dead about it but I can guarantee you that we are not quite yet at the stage where all those plans of action that yes we know that we all have in our heads just admit it need to be discussed or initiated if / when that time comes you will know but how am I going to know when it's the right moment oh you'll know do not play is it really flammable with the aerosols and liquids in the house and garage you might lose more than just your eyebrows and I also wouldn't recommend attempting to make explosives from at home chemicals from recipes on the Internet do not rage smash your xbox when the server disconnects for the millionth time you never know if the shipping people can actually deliver you another one which would be frightful do not fry bacon with no clothes on do not fry anything with no clothes on do not engage in any activity that could end up with a hospital visit hospitals need all the beds they can spare at the moment the last thing they need is board quarantine is turning up with war wounds from I don't know playing is it flammable flying breaking with no clothes on or being the recipient of a vengeful attack from a prank gone wrong don't tell the cat that you just purchased $20,000 worth of toilet paper don't lick doorknobs and windows yes that is actually a thing look it up and then don't do it don't snack incessantly on all the food that you hoarded because you're bored don't snack incessantly on all the toilet paper that you've hoarded because you're so bored either do not commit to advising your spouse on their character flaws do not build an army of neighborhood squirrels to invade your neighbor's house especially if that neighbors name is taught do not open a daycare for infected kids do not start welding as a hobby or watch movies like contagion outbreak and quarantine do not watch CNN MSNBC or any outlet claiming that people are racist for saying where the bug comes from that is just wasting your precious time and brain cells do not become a communist don't start an argument just because the other person can't walk away from this one don't start playing really loud music at 4:30 a.m. or until 2:00 a.m. there are still some people who have to go to work and they need sleep the loud music may also attract zombies you just never know do not cut your own hair or even your own bangs recipe for disaster and I speak from experience do not set up the kissing booth right outside your front door or anywhere for that matter do not pick fights with your family members living with you they are going to be your only companions for the next little while do not grab a soccer ball and paint a face on it even if you love Tom Hanks and even though he has the beverage bug it might start to look like it's jealous of all the time you're spending watching Daisy cousins videos and you will not be able to sleep while it glares at you do not brush one's teeth with somebody else's toothbrush do not compulsively go online shopping the global economy is going to absolutely tank who knows what the financial ramifications are going to be we all need to be saving money right now if we can not spending it willy-nilly also you just don't know who has handled the goods you buy germs can travel by post do not have a garage sale I know you might be taking advantage of some time to do some early spring cleaning if you live in the northern hemisphere but the timing is most definitely off don't walk around outside with the express purpose of coughing or sneezing whenever you get near people just to see how they react funny as that might be the world is not your own personal TV show do not completely stop exercising there are plenty of workouts on YouTube to follow they will do your mind good it will help you to sleep and you won't come out of lockdown aren't able to fit any of your clothes do not cut off social contact completely with the outside world weeks in isolation can wreak havoc with your state of mind it is important to maintain contact with family and friends and not just fire posts on social media voice contact is also very important so where possible make that phone call do not hoard things do not become a rapper do not take up basket-weaving do not tweet to Hillary Clinton do not take up fly-fishing archery hurdles or lawn darts do not disassemble your car do not attempt home dentistry do not sleep all day I will plan a trip do not call a sasquatch do not answer a sasquatch do not learn to juggle do not host any party but especially do not host an ancient Egyptian themed fancy dress party the toilet paper wastage would be just horrifying and above all else do not despair we will get through this and when we do every concert and show and sporting event will sellout every restaurant and pub and club will have a cue a mile long and every shelf in the supermarket will be fully stocked because people will have stopped panic as the saying goes this too shall pass if you liked that video please remember to like subscribe share leave me a comment and if you really really liked it then check out the video description for my subscribe star link and other ways you can support me
Channel: Daisy Cousens
Views: 93,171
Rating: 4.9061742 out of 5
Keywords: daisy cousens, daisy, daisy cousens youtube, daisy cousens youtube channel, daisy cousens sky news, do not do this in quarantine, quarantine, lockdown, lockdown australia, lockdown 2020, self isolation, self isolate, celebrity meldown, celebrity meltdowns, celebrity freak outs, australia lockdown, australia lockdown 2020, america lockdown, america lockdown 2020, sjw, sjws, social justice, social justice warrior, social justice warriors, celebrities complaining quarantine
Id: Fgv4hTs5fDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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