Every Disney Renaissance Movie Ranked

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funding for Schafer illness is provided by Skillshare tune in to the end of the video to see how you that's right you at home can try Skillshare absolutely free well well well everyone seemed to like my ranking at the best Animated Feature winners except for brave fans they do exist apparently yeah this is my personal favorite video I've made so far so let's do it again okay but this time with Disney movies specifically the Renaissance films that mostly came out in the 90s from Little Mermaid all the way to Tarzan these are Loki some of my all-time favorite movies I mean what do you expect from a former theater kid these movies tantalize my imagination from a young age and many of them have just gotten better with time so ranking them was a bit of a challenge but we're just gonna jump right in and hopefully not get anyone mad about my opinions this time which is an unrealistic fantasy I know but these movies are all about achieving impossible dreams okay let me have this disappointment in the game of life Pocahontas is trash I found this movie really boring as a kid and it has not gotten better with time I mean it's got some good stuff the songs are solid as usual colours of the wind is a real standout and I get a lot of ironic enjoyment from mine mine mine Miko is cute there's a single good line why do you think those internal demons attacked us because we invaded their land and cut down their trees and dug up that despite that the movie is stunningly non self-aware it's honestly kind of offensive how it tries to both sides the issue of white colonists forcing the Native Americans off their lands but I don't even want to get into that because it makes me sick the more I think about it bottom line is every character is boring every scene that isn't a musical number is lifeless and flat the villain is a complete and utter joke says we'll be mine mmm at last what why did you say it like that Pocahontas and John Smith can magically communicate with each other no that's not even an exaggeration it's literally some forest magic that gives them a special heart listening technique why the the tree can talk and whip people okay sure why does Mel Gibson voice John Smith his voice sticks out like a sore thumb maybe because he's not doing a British accent like all the other characters who came from Britain oh god why am I talking about this movie it's bad you know it's bad I can understand like you brave or Happy Feet but like how do people enjoy this tone-deaf absurdly boring piece of garbage just watch colors of the wind on YouTube and pretend it's a short film save yourself 81 minutes of your life that you'll never get back okay moving on I really didn't feel like watching this movie it really shouldn't count for the purposes of this list it just happened to come out after the Little Mermaid instead of before by some freak accident it is a leftover from a bygone era of Disney films that I have not seen and have no interest in seeing but whatever I watch it to be safe and it's fine I like a few things namely the villain he's pretty funny and menacing I really like that sequence with the eagle at the beginning it's real pretty the bird is pretty ok I guess the mice are okay despite barely being in the movie like seriously what's the deal there is it this movie called the rescuers down under aren't they the rescuers it is the titular role and yet they feel like weird side characters I'd complain about this other Mouse trying to form a wedge in their relationship but he really doesn't which I guess could be considered a neat subversion but I think it's more so a case of the movie not devoting any time to their relationship or their characters whatsoever I think they get like two scenes where the guy Mouse wants to propose but fails to two scenes does not equal a running gag buck oh this kid is the dumbest person alive yee haw kiddo I'm an evil poacher threatened to kill you on numerous occasions but now the Eagle I'm after is dead oh well guess you're free to go now kid but golly gee it sure is a shame that those eggs are unattended too if only someone would go check on those eggs then this dumbass goes straight to where the eggs are and the villain follows him in a loud-ass tank it is here at the very end of the movie where the titular characters finally impact the plot by telling the kid that he's a complete [ __ ] and that George C Scott followed him here oh there's a big surprise cut this movie is just unbearably stupid it has enough good elements to keep it above this but I feel like I just got nothing out of this experience if you ask me this doesn't count as a Renaissance film release date to be damned it feels so archaic especially compared to the movie that came out the year before it and I seriously doubt I will ever think about it again if you like it good for you I don't care Tarzan is kind of a frustrating movie to talk about it's not bad but it kind of disgusts me on a personal level I feel like all the pieces were there for a really powerful compelling top tier Disney experience but the movie really dropped the ball in a lot of key areas right off the bat the fact that this film heats the whole musical format away just to have Phil Collins semi narrate the emotions of each scene with his weird-ass songs was just kind of mind-boggling the songs are actually pretty decent I mean two worlds was used a great emotional effect in the animation classic the family simple why did it have to be this way all the songs ended up feeling samey and the emotion of each scene they appeared in kind of fell flat for me as a result maybe if they got a cover artist to sing half of them so we wouldn't have to hear the booming voice of Phil Collins at going through the jungle that could have worked a little better but they just blend together into this tepid pulp you're telling me you'll be in my heart deserved an Oscar over blame Canada from South Park bigger Longer & uncut is that an out of season April Fool's joke there's a scene where all the animals find a bunch of human artifacts and they start using them as musical instruments and I thought oh my god are we gonna have a musical number is this finally gonna be like a real Disney movie but no they just scat and make noise and that's it it's so painfully obvious that there was gonna be a song in the scene but I guess Disney said nah kids these days don't like musicals anymore just have Phil Collen sing everything you tubers sideways made a great video on this subject that perfectly encapsulates my feelings on the manner check it out if you want more detail and I wish I could say that that's the most disappointing aspect of Tarzan but actually yeah that is the most disappointing aspect but there's other disappointing things too despite Phil's best efforts the opening is really compelling seeing a gorilla family lose their baby to a cheetah and then seeing the mother rescued Tarzan who lost his parents to that same cheetah this rescue sequence is tense exciting and done without any words it made me wish the animals would continue without talking kind of like spirit and the emotion on their faces would progress the narrative but now they talk which is just great because we're introduced to the most annoying character in any of the movies on this list yes that includes George Costanza gargoyle Turk I hate Turk with every fiber of my being she's a blatant ripoff of Timon without any of the charm or story relevance also this elephant is just neurotic Pumbaa that's a no from me dog fortunately they're not really in the movie that much it's more about Tarzan trying to prove himself to his father who hates him because he's not Nate and him learning to become human when he meets Jane Foster or whatever her name is that stuff is actually pretty compelling in addition the action is really something to behold anytime there's a chase or fight scene it's something special also listen to this elephant talk no she's right there native to South America one more injury like that and you could wind up like that poor creature there but the movie gets dragged down again by this boring-ass hunter villain guy they could have had a great villain on their hands with that cheetah who killed Tarzan's parents but that thing is disposed of pretty quickly for some reason and now we got a deal with Clayton and his tired predictable motivations I mean at least Radcliffe was ironically enjoyable that was his mistake but Clayton has nothing cool about him whatsoever except his death scene holy Hera speaking of death scenes though the dumbest thing about this movie is Tarzan's adoptive father dying after the climax and telling Tarzan that he was wrong that Tarzan was his son all along I'm sorry that's even fake than the ending of Shark Tale gorilla dad was right he died because of the humans Tarzan trusted and embraced he has never shown a shred of decency to Tarzan in the entire film until now in reality he should have said I told you those white men were dangerous you idiot and then died right then and there sometimes people don't make emotional reconciliations with estranged family members right before their death it's time you stopped living in a fairy tale Disney or if you are gonna live in a fairy tale give me the musical numbers that defined your fairy tales for so long whatever the point is Tarzan is a mixed bag that I don't have much interest in revisiting ever again the emotional beats are really strong and some of the characters are solid but the slapstick and comedy fall flat the villain is lame and the lack of traditional Disney songs really tries this one down for me thank God Disney never hired Phil Collins again [Music] are you kidding me are you kidding me are you out of your cow Milan is kind of a weird film to talk about I like it but I can't shake the feeling that something's missing from it maybe it's the fact that there's considerably less songs in the typical Disney movie and not all of them are top-tier maybe it's the fact that the villain while menacing doesn't really have any connection with the hero I mean this scene from the climax perfectly encapsulates this issue the soldier from the mountains yeah he doesn't know her at all so his presence in the film is kind of limp even though he murders a ton of people the comedy is also kind of hit or miss sometimes mushi was a great liner too sometimes he doesn't work for me at all I mean we're basically just watching donkey for the entire movie and I don't know if he really fits the tone of a Disney film as well as he does the Shrek movie oh and you know what pisses me off Milan didn't fail with a matchmaker through any fault of her own it was that stupid cricket getting in the coffee if the grandmother hadn't stucked that cricket up Milan's ass none of this would have happened and I love how hilariously different the grandmothers speaking voice and singing voice are [Music] even so the movies visually need it's a very well told story the side characters are great Milan is a really compelling protagonist and goddamn they didn't have to go that hard on I'll make a man out of you but they did and I'm so happy about that I also love how a movie about a woman becoming the best hero in the land improving all the men wrong didn't turn into a self congratulatory circle jerk which modern Disney most certainly would have turned it into featuring another girl to read isn't one enough wow we're such a woke company by our products more because we care so much about social justice and feminism isn't it obvious by dolls of our strong independent princesses but Mulan is a very grounded story that doesn't dwell on gender issues too much outside of the literal law that she'll be killed if they find out she's a woman oh and some stuff this [ __ ] says she'll never be worth anything [ __ ] that guy this movie is just overall really confident in the strong female character it's named after and it shows us how strong she is rather than telling us which works and wonders it's one of the reasons I love Moana so much and also one of the reasons Captain Marvel gets worse the longer I think about it and dude that ending when Mulan presents the gifts from the Emperor to her father and he just tosses them aside and hugs her that gets me every time overall a really good movie even if it's kind of missing that zing factor that a lot of the other Renaissance films bring to the table but it's still a nice time and I love revisiting it every now and again that I mentioned in my review of Will Smith Jeannie movie that I'm not overly attached to the original Aladdin or maybe Chris said that I don't really feel like going back and checking bottom line is I'm not overly attached to Aladdin I don't know aladdin and Jasmine never really clicked with me I think they have good chemistry and I love that whole do you trust me motif but individually they're not the most compelling protagonists Jafar isn't really anything special at first either and near there is the movie really I think the chosen one narrative is really contrived here sure it's over with in the first act but still why is a Ladin of all people the only one who fits this diamond-in-the-rough criteria that's kind of weird also the CG and the Cave of Wonders escape that's gonna be a yikes from me dog then we meet the genie okay this is great now Aladdin gets a lot better as it goes along mostly due to the impeccable late Robin Williams being a perfect fit for the role of a hilarious all-powerful impressionist he is a nice emotional core to his character in addition to being tremendously funny and those songs holy wowzers friend like me makes an amazing case for animation being the supreme form of visual storytelling one jump ahead is a ton of fun Prince Ali is a jam oh god I just referenced alive I should remake but then there's a whole new world which in my opinion is the most gorgeous duet ever written for a musical it's flawless in every way watching aladdin and Jasmine soar across the stars and visit all sorts of different landmarks from Hercules world to Mulan world to even Prince of Egypt world it's tremendous from a lyrical orchestral visual magical every old standpoint it's legitimately one of my top 10 favorite scenes in film history and I could gush about it for ages you know what add this song to the list of video topics that keep insisting I'll make eventually but never do anyway all of this greatness leads to a sensational climax where Jafar goes from a moderately decent villain to a holy crap this guy's on hinge and I love it his crazy sorcery tricks his hilarious bad puns his absolute madness and the fact that Aladdin beats him by outsmarting him rather than by using brute force what a ride easily one of the best final battles in any Disney film bottom line is I really like this movie just not quite as much as some of the other Renaissance films when considering the overall package but a lot of the individual elements here are some of my favorite portions of any Disney film ever and as a result I can't be too hard on this movie it's a really fun time with some absolutely transcendent moments and I highly recommend it [Music] holy carp I don't remember the Little Mermaid being this good not only are the songs vibrant and alive not only is the underwater world magical not only are the side characters endearing is all heck not only is the villain such a delightfully bad [ __ ] but Ariel is just such a great central protagonist believe me I've heard the complaints oh she gives up her voice and free will for a man she's so whiny and a terrible character and so on and so forth ha that's where you're wrong bucko Ariel is established early on to be completely enamored with the human world and all of its relics Eric wasn't even the tipping point to get her to see Ursula that was King Triton destroying all of her human artifacts she feels misunderstood and like she doesn't belong Ursula is the one who goes on and on about Eric but Ariel actually has a lot of different intersecting motivations for wanting to become human she's a really compelling fun protagonist and one of my favorite Disney Princesses but she's not the only aspect of this film I love the pacing is perfect every scene advances even the story or a character's motivation the songs are just phenomenal under the sea and kiss the girl are practically flawless poor unfortunate souls is a little slow to start but that bombastic Andy makes up for it part of your world is a gorgeous I want song even if Allan Macon lifted the melody at the end from his previous work on Little Shop [Music] and he thought no one would notice also the orchestral score version a part of your world is one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard in a motion picture the cinematography is stunning there's some great jokes vibrant colors absolutely incredible animation it's pretty easy to tell why this movie was such a gigantic influential hit this is just everything I want in a musical and more I could rewatch it a million times and never get tired of it and keep in mind this is only number five on the list yeah when I said these are some of my all-time favorite movies I wasn't kidding guys I would love to put this film at number one improve all the naysayers wrong I would love to say that this is the best overall package Disney has ever put out and that deserves all the accolades and acclaim in the world but this movie is a mess let's get the bad stuff out of the way first a common misconception is that the gargoyles are an annoying trio that are exclusively responsible for the movies tonal problems not true for two reasons first Victor and Laverne are actually pretty okay it being moral guardians and confidants for quasi to talk to it's this dumbass George Costanza gargoyle that ruins everything about this concept because he is so annoying and immature and unpleasant and I can't do this anymore let's just move on second this movie is a complete tonal mess even without the help of the gargoyles it did the fool parts all by itself for some truly embarrassing sequences during Esmeralda the initial escape at the Feast of Fools and even the final battle this babyish slapstick is wedged in between some truly emotional and heavy scenes and it gives me complete and utter whiplash also the goat gets on my nerves sorry not sorry but the gargoyles do take the crown for the worst scene in the movie and probably my least favorite song in Disney history a guy like you is so awful every bit the tonal disaster that fixer-upper is but it doesn't even have the courtesy of being catchy it's all about building kwazii's hopes up that it would get with Esmeralda romantically and then the very next scene she's making out with Phoebus oh I guess it's cool to completely crush his spirits thanks for that dicks but yeah that's everything I hate about the movie so let's move on to the good stuff everything else the soundtrack best in a Disney movie easily but only after you surgically remove a guy like you it's like the appendix it's useless and once it bursts it kind of kills the entire experience but the bells of Notre Dom best opening of any Disney movie yeah said it he'll fire the best villain song by far god help the outcasts and out they're gorgeous emotional ballads that show how selfless these two characters can really be Esmerelda straight up asks for nothing for herself because the liberation of her people is more important and quasi just wants one day to live amongst regular people and he gets his wish for a fleeting moment only for the crowd to turn on him because there's simple peasant folk who suck I mean listen to this guard what a rude ass simpleton wait a minute your servicer anyway yeah the characters are great I mean Phoebus is a little boring yes but the plights of quasi and Esmeralda really carry this story a long way plus Frollo is still the best Disney villain I know I complained that he isn't really as three-dimensional as he appears and that the musical made it more compelling but goddamn if this Frollo isn't the most evil ass [ __ ] in the entire Disney Pantheon I don't know who is he's tremendously fun to watch and he still has more depth than the typical Disney baddie there's just so much to love here the vibrancy of Paris the epic orchestral chanting the stunning molding of traditional and CG animation to give Notre Dom its grand feel after the misstep that was Pocahontas this truly feels like the next step up in terms of making every Disney movie more grand and last it's just brought down a bit by the tonal problems that really didn't have to be there like I said previously I prefer the stage of musical it fixes all these issues and it's a more compelling piece of art but this movie deserves credit for its ambition even if not all of it panned out in the end I really do wish I could rank this high or in good conscience because the best parts of this movie are straight-up the best parts of Disney in general I respect this movie more than I like it and I already like it a whole lot so that's a great deal of respect and if I were this movie I'd be pretty proud of that all right gypsy where'd you get some money yeah I know I'm shocked too Hercules is just so energetic so hilarious so compelling so visually distinct so musically distinct and just so flat-out fun that I ended up ranking it way higher than I expected it's not because I'm great guys believe me I already bitched about this movie's subpar Greek representation before it's simply the fact that this movie is the complete package it's the first time a Disney movie feels like it was built from the ground up around the music like if you took the songs out of Little Mermaid or Aladdin you'd still have a largely unchanged narrative it'd be way less good mind you but in theory these stories can function independent of their music but the story of Hercules is framed around the muses who unlike Phil Collins fit the setting perfectly and add some amazing gospel Flair which is an inspired choice since the movies about gods and such in fact let's talk about all the other things that fit the movie really well fYI I am about to throw out so much shade that you're never gonna see the Sun again like I said the musical style is gospel which works wonders for the theme of the story and setting the designer of this movie is Gerald Scarfe the guy who did the wall this is an inspired choice because his designs are so distinct compared to every previous Disney movie the jagged edges on the characters and the abominable monsters just pop and look incredible the look and tone of the movie is gonna be Las Vegas nice it really highlights Hercules becoming sort of a superficial hero rather than a true one which is a conflict within the story and the singer of the main song is gonna be Michael Bolton dude that buttery voice singing go the distance I am here for it Hercules is pretty interesting his plot line about not belonging is handled differently from other Disney protagonists Ariel Belle Aladdin Pocahontas etc wants something different out of life but they still have friends and a role in society and people who respect them Hercules doesn't have that he has his parents but everyone else hates him for his clumsiness which makes sense because he can't control his literal god-like strength I normally hate clumsiness as an excuse for why someone doesn't belong but it's a natural fit here this builds into one of the most inspiring I want songs in the Disney Pantheon with go the distance being a beautiful ballad inside the story and out Megara is sassy but there's so much more to her than that she's probably my favorite female character in any Disney movie being a totally unique world weary reluctant servants of the villain a dynamic we've never gotten from Disney before I really believe the romance and I love the conflict she has about not wanting to hurt Hercules dude Susan Egan can do no wrong she played Belle on Broadway who's like the polar opposite of Meg yet her amazing expressive voice fits both characters so naturally also she played rose quartz I'm contractually obligated to mention that sometime you all need to comment that now anyway moving on to Danny DeVito he brings filled to life in such a delightful manner he's not some shoehorned comic relief he's kind of the emotional core of the story dude when you see that constellation at the end and that guy says you're definitely a heartless if you don't tear up at that just a little bit oh yeah and Hades rules easily one of the best Disney villains ever he's so witty and quotable yet menacing when he needs to be and all the other side characters are just totally awesome even though their first awkward scene had me worried pain and panic actually have a ton of hilarious moments I love what a booming presence Zeus has r.i.p Rip Torn I really enjoy those fickle [ __ ] town people hermes has like five lines and I still distinctly remember him the songs I remember every single one there is not a single bad track in this movie from the intricately conducted gospel truth to Danny DeVito's bouncy training romp one last hope to the absolute jam zero to hero to the song that practically invented music itself because of how iconic it is I won't say I'm in love my only real issue is that the light-hearted tone doesn't really correlate to a compelling climax which itself is really poorly staged I mean the whole conceit of the movie is that Hercules is destined to defeat Hades when he tries to take over Olympus but Hercules doesn't really do that Hades chains everyone in Olympus up with the Titans help but Hercules just kind of flies in and breaks the chains so suddenly everyone is totally capable beating the Titans even though they weren't like five minutes ago it's real dumb also Miggs entire body was crushed under a pillar she should be like instantly dead right her organs should not be working also Hercules is able to touch the river of death but then he's got a dive in from a pretty steep height honestly this entire climax is just kind of bonkers and not in a good way but it still leads to a sensational ending that makes me think finally about the experience as a whole it's certainly not perfect but it has everything I look for in a Disney movie unique and expressive animation phenomenal songs a villain who's intimidating a hero's likable of romance you believe an actual suspense leading up to the climax yeah this is my jam obviously it's not my all-time favorite but if someone forced me to only watch one Disney movie for an entire year as some sort of new-age corporal punishment I'd probably pick this one it's just that fun and something I never get tired of visiting The Lion King is an unprecedented cinematic achievement that can never be replicated so I even try hakuna matata come on every frame of this film screams iconic from the Magnificent circle of life sequence to the visceral intense Stampede scene the emotions conveyed through simple facial expressions vibrant colors expressive movement all the things that can only be encapsulated by animation are simply astounding this is a rich mature boundary-pushing gorgeously styled story that flows perfectly hits hard dramatically offers a ton of great comedy as a counterbalance it stands the test of time as the crowning achievement of a studio at the top of their game I simply don't even know what I could possibly say about this film that hasn't already been said no seriously you guys got anything I'm kind of at a loss for words it's just so grand in every way it doesn't feel too cartoonish or slapstick II which is a trap some of the other films can fall into one occasion every character is iconic in their own way every setting beautiful every song engaging every emotional beat satisfying the worst song in the movie is still catchy as hell an integral plot wise and the other four are absolutely pitch perfect unlike Mulan which had very few songs and only one real banger this one has such phenomenal music that the low song count is totally fine oh speaking of music I'm just gonna come out and say it The Lion King has the single best score I've ever heard in a movie and I've heard some great ones mind you but this movie score is absolutely stunning keep in mind I don't throw best of all time around willy-nilly it's usually my favorite because objectivity and film is really hard but I stand by this The Lion King is the best film score ever written somehow this is the only movie score Hans Zimmer won an Oscar for but if we got to pick just one then I can't argue with this one the score enhances the ambience of every scene makes for such compelling action introspection lightheartedness and tragedy it isn't solely responsible for this movie's artistic merit but it's a very big part of it and it's the centerpiece to one of the greatest scenes in film history a scene I physically cannot get through without chills or sobbing or I mentioned that a whole new world was in my top 10 favorite movie scenes of all time this is in my top 3 I briefly touched upon its impact in my Elsa video and I don't know if I could ever truly express its magnificence with words the cloudy vision of Mufasa reminding Simba of his destiny which then turns into Mufasa as Simba remembered him as the music swells dude it's unbelievable you know it's unbelievable I don't need to tell you literally the only problem I have of this movie is Matthew Broderick's weird voice otherwise this is the most iconic animated film of all time how could I not adore it and yet Disney already made something even better even as a little little kid with no real semblance of taste or quality I always knew there was something special about Beauty and the Beast everything about it was captivating to my five-year-old brain from the songs to the visuals to the romance and it just kept getting better as the years went on this is Disney's magnum opus it's not as grand as Lion King but it's practically perfect in every way the romance between Belle and the Beast which seems impossible to achieve from the outset based on their differences progresses in such a natural well paced intelligent manner their chemistry becomes apparent after he saves her life and from there every decision either that makes is in service to making the other feel happy they become better people thanks in no small part to each other's influence it's like manga mines but even better fleshed out and developed everything is so well set up for the most believable intricate romance Disney has ever produced to bloom in the most beautiful manner possible on top of that the side characters are fantastic the castle is so intricately designed the songs are wonderful and express the desires of each character expertly the opening song gives me life it is musical theater incarnate setting the stage for everything and introducing us to the main character setting an antagonist perfectly be our guest warms us up to the castle and makes it feel like home after all the disturbing imagery we've just witnessed which is exactly how Belle feels Gaston's influence over the town is illustrated through his titular song and the mob song you know yeah as if it wasn't good enough that this movie gives us the most beautiful love story ever told we so get the supreme meme dispensary that is Gaston my favorite works of fiction are the ones that can flawlessly tell a story and hit you hard with emotional powerful moments while also having that extra fun factor it's why I love whiplash intricate perfect narrative and Fletcher is just hilarious to watch it's why Majora's Mask is kind of my favorite thing on planet earth dark mature subtle story with gore on rolling cow abducting guitar shredding fun and here not only do we get the same amount of incredibly enjoyable zaniness and energy that the other disney movies have but we have a rich mature expertly told love story where every narrative beat and character action is believable from Belle sorrow after throwing her life away from her father to Gaston continuously more menacing demeanor to the beast reluctant expression when he decides to let Belle go because he values her life over that of his own because he truly has finally learned to love oh my god it's just flawless I guess I could say I don't like the slapstick and Lefou constantly falling over gets real old but honestly who cares Beauty and the Beast is a momentous achievement and perhaps the greatest animated movie I've ever seen it's so easy to see why this was the first animated movie to receive a Best Picture nomination at the Oscars it's magnificent and easily the highlight of the entire Disney pantheon every time I witness the tale is all this time sequence and see those little painted angels looking down at the two from on high leading to that incredible pan shot past the chandelier with our leads fully entranced by the love they now feel for one another as this gorgeous song echoes through this absolutely mesmerizing ballroom I kind of forget I'm watching a movie it shouldn't be possible to capture a moment this stunningly beautiful on film but they did as long as I live this sequence and this entire movie will always hold the key to my heart hey speaking of keys and hearts and Beauty and the Beast I take it you're talking about Kingdom Hearts I love Kingdom Hearts but the writing is so bad you guys oh my god it means hot that was undeniable proof that we totally owned you Labor's if only there was some sort of service these writers could utilize in order to take classes to improve their writing oh wait there is Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes covering dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills Premium Membership gives you unlimited access so you can join the classes and communities that are just right for you whether you want to fuel your curiosity creativity or even career skill share is the perfect place to keep you learning and thriving my recommendation this time is Emily gold's creative writing for all a 10-day journaling challenge her writing exercise really helped me improve my scripting methods and I really enjoyed the interactivity president in the class skill share is super affordable especially compared to pricy in-person classes and workshops an annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month and of course because Skillshare is sponsoring this video you can sign up with a link in the description and get a two month free trial get on that y'all click that link and enjoy Skillshare completely free for two whole months [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 2,536,902
Rating: 4.8561721 out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Disney, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocahontas, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Mulan, Tarzan
Id: Fcl4Uo89Zqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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