definitively ranking the weird wild west of face masks

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i hope that you guys are all doing really well today we're gonna be ranking face masks now i know what some of you guys might be thinking casey what the [ __ ] which totally understandable but hear me out [Music] i've noticed over the past few months as face masks have become required in a lot more areas than a couple months ago that there have been a lot of marketplaces that have been popping up to offer face masks because there's obviously a big demand for them with that though there's been a very interesting rise in the weirdest designs i've ever seen in general let alone put on a face mask that you would wear out so i thought that we could look at some of the weirdest ones that i found and just rank them i do want to make it clear before anyone gets the wrong idea that while we are ranking these masks at the end of the day if i saw someone wearing one of these masks like at a grocery store or just anywhere where a mask is required i'd just be happy that they're wearing a mask because they're protecting themselves and they're protecting the people around them so any of these masks are better than no mask at all in general though i don't really understand why people don't want to wear a mask like it's a free nose job how are we not unanimously on board with this i will say that most of these are just figuratively a danger to society but there also are some that are quite literally a danger to society so i want to say that this video is like 97 joshing around and then the other 3 is just complete disbelief that we're living at the same time as people that are completely devoid of any critical thinking skills and let's just get to the ranking before we start today's video though i did want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor which is expressvpn as some of you guys probably know by now i'm a pretty big fan of expressvpn but if you haven't heard of the company before their vpn that i've been using for about a year now 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here i would be concerned next we have the uncomfortably patriotic tier which i feel like this is another self-explanatory one this is like reserved for eddie masks that are just very patriotically obnoxious if that makes sense following that tier we have the you peeked in high school tier i guess the best way to describe this one is this is reserved for masks that i feel like i would only picture on people who peaked in high school following that we have the facebook mom tier which is kind of the same as the you peeked in high school tier except if you wear any of the masks in this tier you're probably a facebook mom now the final tier on this list which i would personally argue is the creme de la creme mainly because it's the only good tear on this list is called the soul lady tear soul lady is actually the debut album by yukika it's flawless impeccable stunning so basically any mask that's in this tier is flawless impeccable stunning so the first few face masks we're going to be talking about today technically fall in the category of white claw face masks there is so much to unpack here i think my first question is more for the american phenomenon that is white claw versus actually a question for these masks but i remember last summer everyone was obsessed with these drinks they finally came to canada this past summer and i had that kind of expectation where i was like this probably isn't going to be as good as the hype but also i'm kind of hoping it is and i have to be honest they taste not that good so i'm genuinely confused why so many people are this obsessed with this drink that it would be on this many face masks like we have this instagram sticker kind of style one we have another that says ain't no laws when you're drinking claws and then another that says will remove for white claw which i just don't understand the hype over these to this extent i guess it technically makes sense that these exist because they're definitely people out there who have taken on this drink as a personality trait so i guess it makes sense i will say though if i had like a gun in my head and i had to choose to wear one of these masks i'd probably choose the one that looks like an instagram story sticker mainly because i'd rather dunk my head in a bucket of glue than where anything that says ain't no laws when you're drinking claws so ranking wise where are these guys going ranking wise i honestly don't think there's anywhere else white cloth face masks belong than the you peaked in high school tier moving on apparently hype house masks exist get your hype on the thing is though like they're not official masks they're all bootlegs which it's almost impressive how big the black market for high post masks is because there's so many of them and like most bootlegs there are definitely some that are more legit looking and others that are definitely not we have one with the high post logo on it one that has a slightly less official looking high post logo on it and then there's this one where it's just the high post written in balloons and then there's this one no words the weirdest mess by far though is this one where it's like a collage of photos but it's just shirtless male hype house members there's not a single person that could wear that mask and not look creepy like i don't even think a nine-year-old could get away with that now in terms of ranking this is actually kind of hard because the high post masks don't really definitively fit in any of the tiers like i can't put them in the you peaked in high school tier because the people that are wearing these masks aren't even old enough to go to high school let alone peak in it but at the same time they definitely don't belong in the facebook mom tier or the you replace your family doctor with essential oils one so i guess they're going in the uncomfortably patriotic tier maybe this does kind of make sense like the masks do make me uncomfortable so maybe for the sake of this video the hype house is now a country congratulations viva la hype house the next mask we have to rank is the roblox face mask mask i think this is the funniest thing look at her little smile imagine seeing this in a grocery store like this is amazing it's so simple but it's so good that is a 10 out of 10 mask i really like that one and that's going straight to the soul lady tier where it belongs the next mask is very odd in my opinion and it is a mazda face mask why would you go out of your way to get this like i would imagine the only people that would buy this thing are people that own a mazda but if you own a mazda car the logo is on the car why do you need it also on your mask i would just like to let everybody in aisle 7 know that i do in fact own a prius unfortunately i don't know anything about cars or stereotypes about the people that drive those cars so i don't know if wearing a mazda mask is like in line for somebody who drives a mazda so if anyone who's actually into that kind of stuff could let me know because i honestly did not see any other car logo masks except for this one but it's definitely weird ranking wise i think i'm going to put it in the you peaked in high school tier mainly because this mask is giving me the same energy as like that girl in grade 12 who got her license and would come in dramatically late to class like jangling the [ __ ] out of her keys moving on we're going to be looking at some mesh face masks you heard me right mesh face masks like i mentioned at the beginning of the video while some of these are figuratively a danger to society i think that these ones definitely fit in the category of being quite literally a danger to society the first time that i heard about mesh face masks was when i saw this tweet that had taken a screenshot of someone's facebook page and the caption to this photo was guys a new shipment of masks has arrived beautiful and super comfortable allows breath much easier in addition to the delicacy and femininity that these tulle masks bring to the female face you can order girls now oh my god i would like to say that this is the only instance that this happened but when i searched mesh face mask on etsy it turned out that this is a lot larger of a trend than i think all of us would like to think it is they've got a butterfly kissed mesh mask a grooves and neon one if you're feeling a bit girly you could get the monarch butterfly option or if you want sparkle there's a blue sequin one or if you're feeling a bit flirty you could even get a lace mesh mask have you people lost your mind do you guys want to know what you look like when you wear a mesh face mask in public hold on give me a second here this is what you look like an idiot if you want to wear these during coachella or like a festival when the pandemic's over like have at it some of them are pretty cute but the whole point of wearing a mask is that it protects you and the people around you because there's like filters in it and stuff like that but when you wear a mesh face mask there's literally no difference between you wearing that mask and just not wearing a mask at all obviously all of these mesh masks will be going straight to the you replace your family doctor with essential oils tear because there is absolutely nowhere else they belong next we have a mask for the nsfw community it's the corset fashion face mask and i'm not entirely sure if the intention was for the middle of this mask to look like a butt crack but it looks like a butt crack i almost want to like buy it and see what the general reception would be i mean like it's one thing to see something like this online i feel like it's another thing to like see it on someone's face as they're grocery shopping as if it's like completely normal this mask situation is kind of similar to the hype house mask one where i feel like it doesn't really fit in definitively in any tiers so i don't know where to put it i want to say that it would go in the facebook mom tier because i feel like a mom would buy this thinking it's just like a cute corset design and wouldn't realize that it kind of looks like an ass crack so i feel like that's where it kind of belongs out of all these other tiers this mask in general is like one of the cutest things i've ever seen but i definitely also appreciate that they took the extra effort to actually embroider tom nukk into the mask instead of just screen printing him on it it's 10 out of 10. so lady tier now if you thought the white claw masks were bad i unfortunately have to introduce you to the mega claw trump 2020 masks now technically both of these masks use the same stock model photo but i feel like when she's wearing this one you can almost all of a sudden see pain this actually isn't the only trump one though that's available there's also this lovely kerfuffle of chaos that's called the trump tank three layer mask this is just so chaotic like i don't even understand why somebody would want to wear this thing it's just so aggressive like can you imagine a customer coming in and they're getting ready to buy something and you look up and all you see is trump tanks america legal like relax this is a loblaws this one is well like why do you have no other hobbies other than these three things and wearing terrible fonts on your face by choice i think this is another one where it's pretty obvious where these masks are going and they are definitely going in the uncomfortably patriotic tier the next mask also involves god but this time it doesn't include trump and it is the christian face mask that says god is in control and his timing is perfect beautifully put girl defined there seems to be this trend within the christian subgenre of face masks where they keep writing think pieces on their masks even though no one is gonna have the time to read it as they pass you like i understand your intention but no one's reading all that i feel like these definitely belong in the facebook mom tier because i feel like a lot of these quotes i've seen re-shared on facebook by facebook moms the next few face masks we're going to be talking about were inevitable to say the least and they're wine face masks we've got masks that just have a copyrighted photo of wine on them where the person who made it didn't even bother to fully erase the watermark off the photo and of course we have the will remove for wine mask and about 70 other versions of that exact same quote i feel like on their own these masks aren't that terrifying like they're quite innocent but i feel like if i saw a mob of women all wearing these masks just marching through the aisle i would be terrified i think we all know exactly where these masks are going and they are going of course in the facebook mom tier beyond wine face masks there's also the bootleg emoji ones like this one that just says ew people she reminds me of the green m m i don't know why there's also a male version of this mask if you're looking for a little like couple situation but this one instead says i don't have kovid but i do have a temper so keep your distance she was fearless and crazier than him she was his queen and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen i feel like there's no other tier that these belong in solely because of the bootleg emoji choice than the facebook mom tier next we have a canadian one which i'm not really sure if the meme that this mask is referencing actually went viral beyond canada or if it was more of like a contained thing within the country but the mask says speak mostly to me and it's referencing something that our prime minister said in one of his like interview things that was really weird because it prevents you from breathing or or speaking uh moistly on them it's an understatement to say that people took that clip and ran with it there's like tons of remixes of it and somebody put a version of it up on spotify that's now available for people to listen to so i'm not really surprised that this mask exists i would be more surprised if people actually bought it but i just really wish it hadn't employed that stupid cursive font that everyone uses see with this one i'm kind of torn because i feel like there's two groups of people that would buy a mask for an expired meme and those two people are facebook moms and people who have peaked in high school so i almost kind of want to like put it in both is that allowed yeah you know what i'm gonna make an exception now if the word moist on that last mask made you uncomfortable i'm sorry to tell you that we are not done with the uncomfortable face mask yet because we haven't even gotten to the overly sexual ones that include a penis face mask and i'm sorry to say that it does deliver on the name as you can see the penis face mask does indeed have just cartoon penises all over it i just don't get where you would even wear this like i feel like most places where you can go right now like where you have to wear a mask at least are areas that are accessible to everyone like including families and children so i don't really know why you'd want to wear that mask around people who probably don't want to see penises all over a face mask because they're like nine i will say though that that mask is more subtle than the next overly sexual mask that we're gonna look at which definitely gets right to the point i think they eat ass once again with ranking i have no idea where to place this like i don't really think it belongs in the peaked in high school tier or the facebook mom tier i mean it depends on the facebook mom but i feel like the general facebook mom would not wear something like this and it's definitely not the top top tier or the very bottom tier so i guess uncomfortably patriotic again even though it has nothing to do with the country yeah you know what by the terms of this video not only is the hype house a country but so is your ass viva la [ __ ] viva [ __ ] this next mask is one of the funniest things i've ever seen listen i know i sound insane but just close your eyes and picture being in a supermarket and seeing somebody walking around with this on acting like it's completely normal look at the model photos [Music] i think what makes this mask so great is the difference between like your resting eyes and like how they look with no emotion and then you're wearing a mask where a cat looks like he's going ah this is soul lady tear a hundred percent like this is amazing this next one i'm definitely gonna spoil ranking wise it's definitely going in the soul lady tear and it is the baby yoda quilted face mask i know at least one person is gonna be in the comments being like this meme is dead he's more than a meme to me this is full stop like the cutest thing i've ever seen look at how cute the little animations are you guys can roast me all you want for still liking baby yoda but this is the cutest [ __ ] ever i would wear the [ __ ] out of this and it's going straight in the soul lady tear where it belongs next we have a girl boss mask which technically i really shouldn't like this because the term girl boss just its nails on a chalkboard for me but i would argue that there's a positive to this mask in the sense that you can probably tell by whoever in your life buys this mask that they're gonna be the one that's about to start peddling a pyramid scheme in your instagram dms [ __ ] i feel like this is another one where like this should technically be in two tiers because i feel like there's two groups of people that turn into pyramid scheme peddlers and those are facebook moms and people who peaked in high school so am i making this exception again the final masks we're going to be looking at today are almost as scary as the mesh face masks are idiotic and that's because these masks fall in the category of joker masks listen i'm sorry but if i see somebody wearing this in public i'm running does anybody know where this mask should go anyone if it's okay with you guys i vote that we make a temporary tier that is just a trash can on the screen and we'll put it in there are we good with this i'm good with this there's no one else in this room so i guess we're good with this anyways that was the last mask that i had to rank today i really hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did enjoy feel free to give it a like and subscribe to the channel if you want to follow me outside of youtube you can follow me on instagram and twitter which are both casey onzo as well i also have a second channel which is more like beauty lifestyle vlog kind of content so if you're interested in that kind of stuff i'll be linking it in the description box below but otherwise i really hope that you guys enjoyed this video again and i will see you guys in the next one i genuinely have no idea where to put what's the definition of patriotic again maybe that does make sense though because maybe the hype house spiritually is like a country and can i shut the [ __ ] up oh and just a lace mesh mask if you're looking to seduce anybody in aisle three [Music] [Music] huh
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 541,885
Rating: 4.92909 out of 5
Keywords: definitively ranking the weird wild west of face masks, weird masks, mesh mask, etsy face masks, face masks, quarantine blunders, a definitive ranking of youtuber quarantine blunders, ranking, tier maker, definitive ranking, casey aonso, channelId, dangelowallace, ellen, tier list, mike’s mic, influencers, celebrities quarantine, youtuber scams, exploring the world of terrible youtuber merch, netflix turned our worst wattpad nightmare into a movie…, TheVarus Strakes Buck, quarantine
Id: BuHx7lyFF4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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