"The Deplorable Choir" are... awful

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel this week Twitter is back at it again well previously we can credit Twitter for introducing us all to white girls rapping in cars unfortunately there is yet another video that nobody asked for that's being shoved down all of our throats on our timelines this one though is called real woman vote Trump when I first saw the video my timeline I was like this is just tomfoolery I'm not there I'm not touching this but then after I looked a little bit more into it I realized that the group of girls that are a part of this viral video on Twitter are called the deplorable choir and they have a YouTube channel that is dedicated to making bad songs in favor of Donald Trump so I thought today why don't we sit down and see what these real women have to say of course before we start the video we have to do this weak sweaty shadow this fake it goes to Serena Molloy you said this beautiful beautiful mean [Music] look if you want to get a sweaty shut up for yourself all you have to do is subscribe to my channel what's makes you sweaty and then follow me on Instagram and some of your favorite meme of the week on Instagram and you might get chosen where the deplorable choir I already ate this we don't care if you're white don't care if you're back we don't care if you're gay we're all under attack we don't care go orange are the two girls behind her just like miming what she's doing like why is the main girl the only one singing no this is exactly what I see in the corner of my room when I have sleep paralysis [Music] and though we don't need no little choppy out there are almost too many things to address almost I think my first question is why are their hats so big like their hats are like floating on top of their heads I mean if anything this video is a good way to understand who the demographic is that buys those weird ugly-ass graphic t-shirts because they are front and center in this video I was a level the main girls voice like every couple lines dips and demon mode every couple seconds she's like hey we don't care if your girls don't care if your dues we don't care if your bow [Music] I cannot take my eyes off of the two girls in the back what the [ __ ] is going on here girls don't care yo dude man women top contains American Girl what dream your country's on fire shut up [Music] [Music] this 2 minute video is putting out an energy that I can only describe as women who put these kind of things on their Pinterest boards and also think that liking beer is a personality trait if you thought that one was bad there's also one called the fake news song let me get this straight this song is called the fake news song but they made the decision to put the front and center piece of paper as the song starts as a grocery pamphlet news hot off the press tell me who the heck is really buying this form of tax and megawhatts can someone explain to me where they keep getting these matching outfits like do they just have a t-shirt pressing or living room that they're like okay guys what are we gonna do for this week's video let's put damn deplorable on a t-shirt : Kavanaugh and cow flatulence imma getting sick of all the [ __ ] they spew Lord won't you save us from their pain ooh now the day another story in another scam trying to stop all the winning they'd rather see Trump blow up the world then with rocket man to find some hey what is the decision making process on whether you should buy a life-sized Donald Trump cutout or not like what were the pros in that decision can you imagine getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and as you're just kind of like walking down the hallway mind your own business the outline of Donald Trump is looming over you like Slenderman because you decided with your own mind to buy a life-size cutout of him is hot off the pace tell me who the heck is really buying this form of tax Imagi heads Covington Kevin I'll cap my children's imma getting sick of all the [ __ ] they spew Lord won't you save us from their plague dude well the world's gonna end in the next 12 years says the boss hey yo C well if there's one thing we can all agree on is it will if she's leaving fake news hot off the press tell me who the heck is really buying this semester guitar playing right there ex the mega heads just to Cavanaugh and cow flatulence I'm getting sick of all the [ __ ] they spew Lord won't you save us from their fame oh hell what would we do without Democrats creating problems just to solve them I just want to know why they keep adding the text for the lyrics randomly on the screen and then decide to fade them in and out using like PowerPoint transitions all of their videos remind me of when I was in grade four and first is using PowerPoint and I was like all right we're just gonna load up twenty transitions for one slide like this this presentation on my dog is about to be a [ __ ] light show okay moving on I guess we'll watch the vote Republican song if you lack money and a job you have big dreams of the border wall wanna keep your doctor and keep your gun back [Music] if you swamp your freedoms got in the Constitution Keep America great again my god relax [ __ ] on the street society actual poop guys it's real poo actual poop we know it's real because Karen just shat on the picture in the middle of the street it's real 13 Maxine Oh Chicago consumers make faith too then here's a ticket for me pick any country get the hell would you like money and there are things I never wanted to see in my life and I would say that girls in their mid-30s in keep America great again hats flossing was probably at the top of that list [Music] godly power [Music] if you like the sound swamp your freedoms constitute I have no [ __ ] worth really [ __ ] [Music] thank God you like paying for Eagles before those that's you know what babies crap but you still do resurrect cheese no babies the only sane one in that room he's like get me the [ __ ] out of here my mom is nuts girl on the left is feeling that Beach just to create here's a ticket from me pick any country get the hell I feel like that clip is the closest I'm ever going to be to experiencing what it's like to work at a clothing store and have women like this coming up to them like listen sweetie I need to speak to your manager because this says it's 50% off not even the dog wants his face in this [ __ ] [Music] the Constitution Keep America [Music] Republican if you lack money and a job I love her she just gave up on strumming the guitar at the right parts where the guitar is actually playing in the song you have the dreams of the partner well I just don't understand why she keeps emphasizing words randomly in the song where she's like the blah the next one is called national emergency and one of them is wearing a what is the guy the back doing you can just tell there was a conversation before they started filming where the guy in the back was like hey like can I harmonize with you guys in the video and Tiffany over here front center was like I swear to [ __ ] god if he do anything other than play the goddamn guitar I will kill you so instead he's giving us an ASMR performance this entire video [Music] girl find the note find the [ __ ] note and will be Venezuela pants Democrats Democrats their promise free [ __ ] a KOC and taxes all and seventy and if you are okay we I hope you like the taste of can the [ __ ] that got something to do with anything it's a national emergency [Applause] what the [ __ ] wrong with rats they want to Wallace they want your guns they want the wieners of your son damn democrats okay guys ready on three the end of the video we're gonna say damn Democrats at the same time okay one two three damn damn Democrats Stacy are you [ __ ] kidding me the next one's called no smoking gun and they still are wearing the exact same hats no the rain no smoking gun just [Music] we've got choreo choreo on this one [Music] bro Obama bro Obama Hillary holy beep that breathe and don't forget written and crappy crappy clapper listen to that chorus again that was almost - no one should have ever heard I'm still confused on if something is lagging in this video if the people in the back are lip-syncing because there are seconds off of everybody else but the audio itself sounds like it was done live I'm very confused on even why those two girls are there they weren't really singing they were just lip-syncing and doing weird dance moves and listen I don't think there is any choreo that these girls could whip up that could be any better than the absolute art that we've seen before with the white girl dropping video it was lying straight to my face I told him that I wasn't him cowboy Jesse [Music] train moving ahead ladies damaging and energy what is Dragon energy like who is the dragon Trump you guys see there are four people in this clip and not a single one of them is on [Music] [Music] [Music] I can say annoying I just don't understand how I'm sure these girls have a passion for music but out of all of the things you would want to shape your career like your entire career round you're gonna choose Donald Trump judging by these videos it seems the personalities of these three girls solely orient around a Cheeto with a piece of felt attached to his head that we're supposed to believe his hair like if you go to their main website that deplorable choir they say just deplorable is making music God country Trump and fun like this is all they do you know what I am looking at this photo while editing and I am realizing I am 99.9% sure at least one of these women were in the Arbonne MLM trailer we were watching last week like I could fully picture them posting [ __ ] like this on their Instagram stories they also have merged so ugly that I think that this dethrones logan paul's merch trust in god book vote republican deplorable choir one nation under god damned deplorable i love wine and trump ain't no shame in my trump game seriously though have they actually made any sales on this [ __ ] like if someone is actually buying this for $30 USD give me two seconds and I'll whip something up with clipart and tees for two like goddamn be honest the terrible merch on their website they also wear this shirt and cardigan combo in their videos like what is this where the wild things are asked Vaughn wig wearing elephant American flag ass cardigan [ __ ] like where are they getting this stuff I don't know how they managed it but this stuff is actually worse than the lularoe leggings all I have to say after watching those videos is that I am heavily debating leaving Twitter because that app is what led me to this if you guys did enjoy the video regardless of this print yes content feel free to subscribe and like the video if you want if you want to follow me outside of YouTube you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram which are both Casey onso and otherwise I'll see you guys the next one also feel free to put video suggestions down below I'm kind of running out of ideas so any and all suggestions are welcome and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 600,526
Rating: 4.8206072 out of 5
Keywords: casey aonso, the deplorable choir, the deplorable choir cringe, deplorable choir, twitter white girls, singing trump girls, white girls trump, white girls, cringey white girls, white girls rapping, thats cringe, cringe, reaction, roast, reacting, react, cringey, shock, channelId, roasting white girls, roasting the deplorable choir, diy, twitter, twitter rant, twitter roast, vine compilation, vines, codyko, noel miller, casey, aonso, tik tok
Id: oYLpnt5PCXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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