exploring the weird side of etsy

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I hope you're all doing really well I have to admit it's been a hot minute since I've actually sat down and filmed obviously you guys wouldn't know that because I've still been uploading every week I'm pretty sure I uploaded every week apart from one week last month and that's just because I pre film videos during this time of the year because school has been getting really hectic really fast and because it's my final year in university I have a lot of large looming projects that kind of scare the out of me with all of that in mind when I was trying to figure out a video idea for this week I was trying to find something that was interesting but also the same time wouldn't be too intense and I think I found the perfect middle exploring the wild world of Etsy this week sweaty shadow goes to crystal hologram who sent this tweet that says Alexander Hamilton posing for the $10 bill if you want to get a showed up for yourself I have to do is subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram and then tomb your favorite move the week and you might get chosen I'm pretty sure that Etsy is worldwide known but just in case it isn't for those of you who might not know what it is it's basically one of those website marketplace kind of situations where people can host their own shop and they sell all sorts of things I don't know but you guys were the first things that I think of when I think of Etsy or like socks stickers knitting like a lot of knitting considering all of that I was under the impression and I'm sure that a lot of people are still under the impression that Etsy was one of those like wholesome corners of the internet where people just trade socks with each other peacefully but it turns out I'm wrong like really wrong before we start today's video I did want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor which is recon between listening to music podcasts and just editing videos in general I spend a lot of time with your buds in my ears which means it's really important for the ear buds that I use to not only have a good sound but also be really comfortable Rickon ended up sending me their everyday e 25s and these things check off every box for me the earbuds come in a variety of different fit options which means that they're super comfortable and when you put them in they look great but they're also super discreet they also come in a range of different colors and patterns to suit your style and the compact carrying case that comes with the earbuds can actually charge your earbuds four times in a single charge personally I'm a really big fan of these because between my laptop and my phone if I was trying to make one pair of headphones work for both I would need an obnoxious amount of adapters to carry around with me but with just this one pair of earbuds I'm able to seamlessly connect with both without wires it's also nice of the fit options mean that the earbuds can easily fit in my apparently very uniquely sized ears the best part though was that break on earbuds started about half the price as any other premium wireless earbuds on the market yet they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know your newest model the everyday e25 earbuds are their best ones yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more pace and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit and it also comes in new fun colors so if you want to check out rate comb for yourself click the link in the description box you get 50% off of your order and yeah thanks akin to recon for sponsoring now let's get to the video now my first awakening to the real Etsy was when I saw this tweet on Twitter by a user named Jade noot and it's captioned X he remains undefeated and the picture is of this shirt coronavirus shall have no power over me in Jesus name can you guess what's missing on the t-shirt I genuinely could not wrap my head around the fact that there are 10 words on this shirt like whoever made this shirt just had to make sure that ten words were written correctly like that was their only job and they still it up there is also the small discussion to be had on what is actually on the shirt which apparently suggests that you won't get coronavirus if you believe in God guys come on open the borders bring back the NBA all that you guys are being ridiculous the only thing we need to do to beat coronavirus is to just believe but in the case that the coronavirus shirt isn't enough coronavirus themed merch for you they also have a mug that says coronavirus cove in nineteen an observation with a cup of tea so between the cup and the shirt what I'm gathering here is that we shouldn't be surprised when people start driving around with stickers like these on their cards unfortunately for us both of these items have actually been taken off of Etsy and I can't imagine why but after seeing those two items and getting a little bit of a sneak peek into the weird that lives on at sea I wanted to check out the site for myself and see if I could find some other weird and yeah I definitely did made to order coke Mouse taxidermy cocaine Mouse with dollar bill on mirrored glass base choice of trim color moveable freestanding what if you hey it's me umm just want to give you guys a bit of a reality check here you are in fact seeing a photo of a model rat about to do lines of cocaine and yes the products sold I have so many questions um like for starters is that real cocaine like is that real cocaine and is it built into the price my apologies the cocaine obviously isn't included I'm so stupid to think that I'm gonna be honest I think that the cocaine is the least weird thing to be included if you're buying something like this like just imagine customs like you would much rather than open a box and it ends up being cocaine and they're like okay you're going to jail and you're like ah damn I'm going to jail versus them opening it and they just see a rat preparing to do lines with a dollar bill and you have to try to explain that I am trying so hard to get into the headspace of somebody who would want to buy this thing and the only logical and I say logical very loosely here explanation for the reason somebody would want to buy this is maybe if they're like a quirky party person and they did a lot of coke and they're like hey guys let's all do lines and let's give my model rat a line - the weirdest part though is that the coke Mouse is not the only one there's a whole ask community of them we have a mouse in a tenement floral dress an elf Mouse another Mouse in a dress but this one is pink with a bow on it a pumpkin mouse a mouse that looks like he's from the cast of Hamilton and finally we have the most terrifying Mouse and it's the rat Joker someone is actually selling this for a hundred and fifty four dollars the description is just as interesting it says beautiful Mouse and Joker the Joker Mouse holds them very neat job he do be holding a man ideal for Joker fan and curiosity cabinet or unusual decoration mouse measures 12 centimeters wait oh they're all real how it was I said well how is this legal I'm sorry I think I'm gonna be sick I think that now is a good time to admit that I did not know what taxidermy meant and I just kind of skipped over the word because I thought it had something to do with doing taxes in my defense I saw the coke mouse first and when I read it coke mouse taxidermy I thought that they were giving the mouse a backstory as to why he turned to cocaine as in he used to do people's taxes and then that went downhill because he developed a cocaine addiction so it turns out that taxidermy actually means the art of preparing stuffing and mounting the skins of animals with a lifelike effect you know how is this even legal like how can you like send never I don't know I honestly don't know anything about the process of stuffing stuffing in general hunting nothing I am no thougts brain empty on that so if I sound like a dumbass right now it's because I am yes I just I'm kind of surprised that you can order a mouse like that the way that you could like Amazon Prime at charger cord all I know is that this is the kind of hobby that a suspect on Criminal Minds would have alright moving on we're gonna keep this light and bright with crochet shorts you know what at first I thought these were kind of weird but the longer that I look at them the more that I kind of like them like look at how happy they look in those crochet shorts he's like radiating peace and comfort I kind of want what he has okay according to the description the materials used our yarn and love these crochet shorts are tons of fun great for running walking dancing or just wearing everyday these one-of-a-kind shorts can easily be worn by a man or a woman great for festivals after the slopes or for morning yoga in the winter I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of warming up to the idea of these shorts but I don't think it's a situation where you choose the shorts rather the shorts choose you judging by the description it seems that the demographic for these shorts are people who are primarily dancing all day or doing morning yoga or meditating so it seems like the demographic for these shorts are either people who have reached Nirvana or tick-tock stars the next item we're gonna be looking at is a woodland Nursery doll kids shelf decor baby shower toy housewarming gift plush art doll soft toy woodland doll and stuffed hipster doll and judging by that description you're probably expecting like a cute little doll with a cute little face and saw like soft and it looks really cute no this thing is terrifying there is so much about this doll that scares the living out of me this is exactly what I picture at the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the night staring up at me before it kills me apparently I'm in the minority on this one though because people have been giving this item five star reviews and one review says soft and cute detailing on the face is sweet and well done have a collection of little guys like this and it makes a great addition why would you have a collection of these little demons why I do appreciate though that they did a little bit of a photo shoot to include more product photos like they've got stuff with twinkly lights and a candle to try to take away from the fact that when you order this thing it's gonna kill you in its sleep moving on from the creepy doll I want to see something a little bit more wholesome and cute which is why we're gonna look at the dog dress Couture sparkling mystic with Swarovski crystals that is being sold for over $8,000 she's serving though look at her she knows it too look at her looking back at it I enjoyed that that was a nice palate cleanser but moving on we're going to be looking at the trap Queen Fetty WAP printed socks I do think at one point in time a very small group of people would have thought that these socks weren't weird but now in 2020 why my apologies it seems that there isn't just trap Queen socks they actually have quite the roster of outdated socks there's another pair that just says hashtag blessed girl boss Merry Christmas you filthy animal way up I feel blessed Yolo I am party trained and hey girl and they're $15 each or hear me on your phone you can get a corn centage ear of corn so I don't think you need me to tell you what's the better deal yeah it's literally just a 3d ear of corn shaped soap that apparently smells like buttered corn on the cob I'm noticing everybody is quite quiet in their review section but they're giving five stars sounds like people are a little afraid that they like the corn sope the next item is quite an interesting one it is your face on custom men's boxers with red lips this is a choice there is so much about this that makes me uncomfortable like the amount of faces that are screen-printed on there the lips are making me a little bit uncomfortable too but most of all that crotch I have to say though this is quite impressive because literally every square inch of this short has been used to make the person looking at them as uncomfortable as possible obviously the main intention for these shorts is probably to be a gag gift but you just know somebody bought these literally like you just know at least one person did and that's unsettling enough for the next item unfortunately we can't see the full picture for some reason when I click it it only shows this little bit but I think that we still get the point with what we're actually given and it's a latex dalmatian puppy costume oh and by the way it's over $2,000 there's also somebody else selling a plush rotisserie chicken and in the description it says nothing about it being a dog toy so maybe it's for the guy who bought this but maybe also people just enjoy curling up with a plush rotisserie chicken at night or alternatively if that's not your vibe you can spend a hundred and fourteen dollars on Logan 2017 Wolverine claws that are movie accurate and 3d printed the best part about this product though is that one of the reviews only gave them four stars and they said they're fine a little expensive for what they are which prompts the question if they were actually expecting them to work now I know that a lot of the Nicolas Cage items are a bit overplayed now like most of them aren't even that funny anymore but I came across one on Etsy that I think is an exception ladies and gentlemen and non-binary allow me to introduce like the Mona Lisa no matter where you go his ice follow of course I couldn't resist Etsy's very nice t-shirt section that includes this shirt that says I came I saw I had anxiety so I left to the first reviews that show up under this shirt are two people saying that they're getting it for someone as a gift and I just can't even imagine receiving a gift from somebody and you're like wow I wonder what its gonna be and you open it and it's like thank you for this reminder that I have crippling anxiety the last item we're gonna be looking at today is this t-shirt that says let hate sit alone and I think that the format of this shirt is quite consistent with what most cringy screen printed t-shirts always use and it drives me insane it is always the exact same format where they have the first couple words at the top written in a sans serif font and then at the bottom whatever they want to be the most dramatic is written in this exact goddamn font and I can't stand it anymore this damn font is on everything I've never witnessed people so obsessed with one specific font in my entire life it's on Instagram it's on Twitter it's on Facebook it's on Pinterest billboards products t-shirts for God's sake like what is it about this font I'm not saying that this font is bad or it's ugly but it is so overused to the point where wherever I see it used there's like this irrational anger that comes out of nowhere and starting to realize that the only reason I included this t-shirt was because I mainly just wanted to ask you guys why this font why is everybody so obsessed with it anyways I really hope that you guys today's video and exploring the weirder side of XE if you did feel free to give the video a like and subscribe to the channel if you want to follow me outside of YouTube you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram which are both KCA ons oh I also have a second channel which I will link in the description box where I post more like lifestyle vlog Beauty content so if you're into that feel free to check that out as well but otherwise I really hope that you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 240,801
Rating: 4.9561095 out of 5
Keywords: exploring the weird world of etsy, the weird side of etsy, weird etsy, etsy, The Weird Side Of Amazon, The Weird Side of Amazon 2, Awful Products That Shouldn't Exist, h3h3 productions, amazon, weird, danny gonzalez, reacting, weird things on amazon, weird things on etsy, etsy weird, weird amazon products, commentary, casey aonso, channelId, who is buying these?, weird amazon, kurtis conner, insanely specific t-shirts, The Weird Side Of Etsy, joe santagato
Id: MI6iDChR61Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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