exploring the world of terrible youtuber merch

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i hope that you guys are all doing really well today we're going to be doing another exploring the world of video which i'm pretty excited about because i feel like it's been like ages since i've done one of these but also i'm excited because the topic that we're doing today is one that i find especially interesting and it's because it's youtuber merch [Music] i don't know why but i just have the weirdest fascination with youtuber merch and i'm sure that some of you guys have noticed that sometimes i'll like slip in talking about somebody's merch if i'm talking about them in a video if i find it especially ridiculous how bad their merch looks but i just find the whole concept of people who have all of this money that they're making off of youtube not being able to just make not ugly merch just so interesting so a couple weeks back i'd actually asked you guys on my instagram story to send me people that you thought had either good merch or really bad merch and i've compiled some of the people that were mentioned there as well as some others that i got from twitter and we're going to be looking at their merch so if you want to explore along with us into the world of youtuber merch then feel free to keep watching before we get into the video though i did want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor which is raycon if you guys aren't new to my channel you probably know that i'm a pretty big fan of raycon they offer wireless earbuds that don't just sound great but fit great too because they've got a variety of different fit options the best part though is that raycon earbuds started about half the price as any other premium wireless earbuds on the market yet they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know plus celebrities like snoop dogg mike tyson and brandy are all obsessed with raycons too raycons are great for working from home or listening to music or podcasts for hours personally i'm a really big fan of listening to guided meditations at night and because raycon earpods are wireless i don't have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night or the next morning to any wires trying to strangle me and since the compact carrying case can charge the earbuds four times on a single charge i also don't have to worry about them dying on me quickly their everyday e25 earbuds though are their best model yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noisy slitting fit and it also comes in new fun colors so if you want to check out raycon for yourself click the link in the description box below to get 15 off of your order which is by raycon.com casey ayonso thanks again to raycon for sponsoring again if you are interested definitely check out that link in the description box but otherwise let's get to the video the first merch we're gonna look at is by far the one that i was sent the most on instagram and it's jake paul's merch he actually doesn't have that much merch on his website right now which is kind of surprising considering how much he peddles his merch and his videos like you would think if he's peddling it that much that he'd have a lot of options for people to choose from but for the most part he just has this t-shirt with a baby on it am i allowed to roast a baby if the baby is no longer a baby anymore i'm not roasting a baby this is just weird i'm assuming that this is baby jake paul which i get where he was going with this like having like a baby photo of himself on his merch and the merch itself isn't bad it's definitely simple but it's not bad but considering that jake paul's audience is so young the idea of like nine-year-olds wearing a photo of a five-year-old i don't know why but that just sounds weird i have to say that that shirt is nothing compared to his next two sweaters that quite literally trigger my fight or flight response i think the reason this one bothers me on such a strong level is because the gradient is so bad actually now that i think about it i feel like it's more of a balance between how bad the gradient is and the color scheme like i don't know why that color scheme bothers me so much but it bothers me it's like a cross between bad tie-dye and someone just genuinely spilling a pink drink all over this sweater and then them just selling it for 65 i have to say though i think this sweater is the worst of the lot solely because this camo just reminds me of that three month period where everyone just wore those awful awful fashion nova camo pants [Music] then obviously the jake paulers thing on the back which i just can't believe he actually calls his fans jake paulers and i can't believe he went as far as to put it on the back of his merch i just don't get why you would set your fans up like this like they're too young to know any better but you know exactly what's gonna happen when they pull up in this sweater at recess like that's just cruel it's especially weird considering that he's on fan joy with his merch and his merch specifically is just out of ordinary bad like usually on fan joy everyone's merch is like pretty decent this is this moving on from jake paul though we have laura lee's merch which i guess more than anything i have a gripe with her logo more than her merch because her merch is just sweaters and t-shirts with her logo on it anything that involves this font immediately just activates deep deep rage this font is easily the happy ukulele of fonts it's overused it's uncomfortably bright and happy and because it's so overused and you're bombarded with it on literally every single platform it makes your head want to explode i have actually complained about this font before on my channel and someone had messaged me at the time saying that the reason that the font is so overused is because it's copyright free so my new mission is i'm going to find whoever the artist was that designed this font and i'm going to convince them to copyright it for the sake of the greater good for the most part her merch is just her logo placed on like sweaters and t-shirts but she also has this subscribe hoodie that's just a bootleg supreme i don't get why youtubers do this i don't know if that's just me but i just feel like that's a weird slogan to wear like that's almost like wearing hey guys welcome back to my channel or don't forget to follow me on instagram like she's been on youtube for ages there has to be something else she said in videos that she could have put on a sweater other than subscribe to my channel next we have a youtuber who we actually have talked about in regards to their merch before on the channel but they have updated their merch so i thought it was only fair that we'd talk about their new merch as well as a bit of a refresher we'll go over his old merch he had this crew neck business and then he also had this hoodie um the coordinate one wasn't the worst thing i've ever seen it definitely reminded me of like one of those graphic sweaters you'd see it like zoomies or something but the hoodie i actually don't think there's anything funnier than this sweater using papyrus on your merch is so brave the last time that i talked about the sweater we talked at length about it but i have to say every single time that i see this sweater i just have to take a moment and realize that this was available for purchase which means that not only is this a thing that's available but there might actually be somebody who's walking around wearing this all i'm saying is you're really testing the loyalty of your subscribers if you're going hey guys if you want to support me in my videos you can buy my merch and this is the merch option you give them in a weird way it almost kind of reminds me of like being in grade six and everyone had to do those powerpoint presentations on egypt and every single person chose this font for their powerpoint presentation on egypt on the other hand his new merch looks so much better it's definitely a lot more simple but i feel like it's one of those situations where less is more like he has this light blue hoodie that says dysfunctional on it and i believe that's cooper black which i think is a lovely font he is on fan joy now so i almost wonder if there's designers that kind of help out the youtubers with their merch as well as host their products he also has another sweater that plays on the whole dysfunctional thing i do like the other sweater a bit better but this one isn't bad by any means it does seem though that he made up the definition for dysfunctional on the sweater because the actual definition is not operating normally or properly but instead he just put simple but chaotic okay we're now moving on to the family channel merch section which if i'm being honest it's a mess starting off with the ace family i don't know what it is but there is something about their merch in general that is just so tacky like for example this logo with the lifeline business on it it technically isn't a bad logo like i don't know who would consider the ace family their lifeline but that's besides the point but the logo technically isn't bad but it also is giving me like tongue out winking emoji vibe like i don't know why you bother me so much but you do the hey ace family one though is straight up tragic like i don't think i've ever seen such a sad uninspired piece of merch in my life it's just so clear that they don't even try like there's another one that says eat sleep ace and it's so clear that it's just free clip art and free fonts on a t-shirt which becomes even more frustrating when you consider how much money they make of youtube that they're not even willing to spare a bit of that to make their merch look nice so that their fans who are the reason that they make that much money can actually look nice in their merch but instead they just take the cheapest option so they can make the most money possible while they just make their fans wear dumb [ __ ] the kicker though is that they're selling a rip-off north face t-shirt which is currently being sold for more than it would cost you to buy an actual north face graphic t-shirt they're charging you more for the bootleg speaking of tacky merch the next family channel that we're going to be looking at is the prince family and they don't actually have a ton of merch available they only have two t-shirts and the first one is their logo with prince gang and then the second one is their logo again with princess gang this is definitely personal preference more than anything because there isn't anything outrageously wrong with this merch i just find it kind of tacky but i feel like at the same time family channels in general are just tacky so can we get mad at them for that next we have a youtuber that i got sent quite a lot on instagram when i'd asked you guys to send me people to talk about and it's hayleyfam she actually has some pretty nice merch she has one that says family on it and another one that says fam friday i'm personally a pretty big fan of when youtubers do this kind of subtle merch where it's not like in your face that it's youtuber merch but there's just enough that kind of ties it to the youtuber that the person who's wearing it feels like they're wearing a youtuber's merch there is one sweater on her merch site though that i'm almost certain is the reason why she was sent so many times when i asked people on instagram to send people and it's her narcissist sweater this is i can't take my eyes off of it i think this sweater is a good example on why i'll never complain if a youtuber's merch seems too simple like as long as it looks nice because this is exhibit a on how less is often way more there is just so much going on on this sweater like there's print on every single area of this sweater apart from the back of the sweater and the pocket which i just feel like is never a good idea like i don't think i've ever seen anyone pull off this much print on a sweater and i'm not even talking about just youtubers like even performers and artists this sweater's just giving me a headache there's so much print there's rainbow everywhere i have no idea why narcissist is written that big i just think it would have been a lot better if she'd had the hoodie with nothing on it except for the chest area and then maybe narcissist was written small enough that like it was actually just fit on one line and maybe put it in an arch got rid of that cursive font and swapped it out with something else and maybe just made one line rainbow instead of narcissist and shine person like just so that it's not like so ah it's just a very odd sweater considering it doesn't even fit in with the rest of her merch store like the rest of her merch is very like chill pastel subtle and then this thing comes out of nowhere next we have james charles merch which i think is a pretty good example of simple but effective merch but also plagiarism as most of you guys probably know he did rip this design off from kanye which he is pretty open about which at least that's nice that he's not like claiming it's his own original design but also at the same time it's kind of hard to praise his own merch when it's not his own design i will say though that his color selection is massive and really nice because i don't think i've ever seen any kind of youtuber offer that many color selections before next we have tana mojo who doesn't have a ton on her merch site either she does have this one sweater that says dizzy on it and it's like a tie-dye situation i'm personally a really big fan of tie-dye sweaters as you can probably tell i do really like this tie-dye design she has though i feel like if there's one thing the tight i tried to shown is that there are a lot of ugly tie-dye designs that a lot of youtubers have been choosing but i really do like this one i don't know if dizzy is like a tagline of hers because i don't watch her videos but whether or not it's a tagline or not i feel like this is just nice subtle not in your face youtuber merch which i always think is nice speaking of not liking obnoxious merch let's talk about onisions i'm not kidding when i say that this merch is terrifying on every level he literally has a joker version of himself as merch like i don't know what's more terrifying the fact that he made this merch or that there's people who bought this and are wearing it in public he also has these ones which i feel like if i didn't know the context behind onision i wouldn't find these creepy but considering that i do i do find these very creepy by far though his most ambitious piece of merch is his onision swear word translations t-shirt which both design wise and content-wise no words now the next youtuber we're going to be talking about is clearly in a league of their own when it comes to merch and that is jojo siwa she's not doing this press t-shirt fan joy business like she brought in the big guns she's got running shoes people obviously she has a very big advantage compared to a lot of other youtubers because i believe she's partnered with either walmart or target so clearly she's got a lot more of a budget to work with and her merch is going to be a lot more unique than what you see the standard youtuber putting out some of these are full-on looks though like we've got this rainbow moment where we've got a jacket with sequins on it and a matching skirt and there's matching shoes and even a matching journal as you do personally i think it's cute my little cousin likes her bows a lot and kids in general like glitter so i think it's a good fit the next youtuber we're going to be talking about is actually one that i got sent quite a lot on instagram and i have a feeling that the reason he was sent so much is because people haven't seen his merch in a while which in fairness i hadn't seen in a while either until i had to look into it for this video so i feel like people were anticipating a certain negative reaction based on his previous merch but as of recent logan paula has really upped his merch he has some shirts like these that are a bit more simple i keep feeling like every single time i see something simple i have to attach but it still looks nice at the end of it because i feel like people think that when i say something simple that i'm saying that it looks bad but that's not what i mean like if something looks simple it just means it looks simple doesn't automatically mean it looks bad do you think though that his best merch is his beige line the color combo on that is so nice and that is how you do a gradient dare i say that someone needs to take notes if i'm being honest i don't actually know what the text on the front of the shirt says it looks like mziv which i don't know what that means but i do think it's the kind of merch where it doesn't scream that it's from a youtuber and similar to what i've said about other youtubers i feel like merch that kind of falls into that category is always really nice a lot of people also sent david dobrik who i feel like his merch is the prime example of simple but effective because he's been riding that clickbait merch for like four years now his merch strategy also was kind of the same as james charles where he'll keep releasing the same sweater but in different color ways but david does release different designs sometimes as well in general though there isn't really much to say about his merch regardless of like which design we're really talking about because i feel like they're all kind of just quite simple and once again simple does not mean bad it just means that it's simple and it's definitely working for him so yeah next we have addison ray the shotty the baddest yeah and she got her ways i don't actually know what addison ray addison for you means but i do know that the keep on trucking font is yet another font that triggers my fight or flight response i honestly don't know why this font bothers me so much like well before teenage vloggers were overusing it i still didn't like it so i don't know why do you think her party face crew neck is really nice though like it's such a nice color combo between the pastels and the blue and i feel like it's a nice mix of colors and like being very colorful without giving you a headache at the same time and just in general like the font is a really nice choice it's very simple but it just looks really good next we have kevin lang who apparently decided to rip off that demetrius guy it is one thing though to copy somebody's merch idea it's a completely other thing to copy that idea and then just make a worse more boring version of it and expect people to buy it i don't know why he would choose to copy from such a well-known and popular merch line but he did for some reason and i have to be honest in general i'm kind of over these like slap a sentence or slap two words on a sweater or t-shirt and claim it's like making all these massive changes and like mental health and all these things when in reality you're just making money off of these people just never feels genuine to me which maybe that's just me being cynical but i feel like sweaters and stuff like this just kind of give me the same energy as like companies changing their logo to a rainbow during pride month another youtuber that i got sent quite a lot was actually emma chamberlain who i'm pretty sure most of us know got off to a pretty rocky start when it came to march for anyone who might not know basically what happened was well before emma chamberlain had her own shop she had this line with dough that got a pretty universally [ __ ] reception because there were really high prices she didn't do a preview of the products like before actually selling them and it was one size fits all since that though i feel like her merch has been consistently really good i feel like everything i see from her is always really well done and i have noticed that she changes her merch quite frequently so a lot of things i've seen in the past aren't available anymore but her newest line is actually really cute as well it's like kind of like pastel colors and she's got this patch on it it's very simple mentions her name i think it's nice now technically the next merch line i'm going to be talking about is not from a youtuber it's actually from a podcast but i kind of want to talk about their merch line today because i feel like it's a great example of just being so blatant about the fact that your merch is just for making as much money as possible i do want to note that obviously at the end of the day anybody who's putting out merch is trying to make money off of it but i feel like there are some people who put a little bit more effort into caring about what their fan base is going to be wearing versus others for example i feel like slapping different words in the same font on the same sweater over and over has got to be one of the laziest things i've ever seen the merch line in particular that i'm talking about is the call her daddy line and i just want to make it clear by no means that they're the only people that do this but i think they're a good example of it the same actually goes for the next youtuber we're going to be talking about which is gabby hannah who has just chosen to put bonkers and desperate for attention on as many pieces of merch as possible i just can't stand when people do this like i don't know if it's just me but it just kind of screams like let's make as many options in the cheapest way possible with absolutely no effort so that there's a higher chance of more people buying it and we make more money like just put a little more effort in just so we can pretend like you're not being so blatant about it she does also have that monster merch which killed that meme quite efficiently but i feel like if you separate the design from how quickly she tried to make money off of that meme it's actually pretty nice the context does ruin it though anyways gabi hannah's merch was the last thing we were going to look at today hopefully you guys enjoyed exploring the world of youtuber merch there's definitely some that's nice some that's not so nice and some that i just can't even believe they put on the internet and expected people to take seriously but hopefully you guys enjoyed looking at it with me and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did enjoy the video feel free to give it a like and subscribe to the channel and you can follow me outside of youtube on instagram and twitter which are both casey yonzo if you want to i also have a second channel which is more like beauty lifestyle vlog kind of content so if you're interested in that kind of stuff i will be linking it down below in the description box but otherwise i really hope that you guys enjoyed the video again and i'll see you guys in the next one after i was exhausted then i get back here eat something and i'm like kind of just laying down and now got so much energy what am i gonna do with it and wearing it i think this is him as a baby why would i wanna wear your face like who is wearing this and the picture too just freaks me out like he's like [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 441,184
Rating: 4.9632049 out of 5
Keywords: exploring the world of terrible youtuber merch, why is youtuber merch so bad, worst youtuber merch, casey aonso, channelId, youtuber, merch, jake paul, tana mongeau, james charles, charli damelio, haley pham, the ace family, definitive ranking of youtuber quarantine blunders, netflix turned our worst wattpad nightmare into a movie…, tier list, mike’s mic, rank, definitive ranking, influencers, dangelowallace, ellen, youtuber scams, hype house, tik tok, prince family, reacting, tati
Id: B5-NbWig5LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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