Reacting to Palworld Memes guaranteed to make you laugh With Nogla & Terroriser

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what is going on you beautiful bastards the boy said react we're back with another reaction all right I said I would never react to a reaction okay I get it I get it but I thought once we'll do it once we'll see how it goes we'll see if you guys like it reacting to reactions Is So Meta it might actually just work okay uh that being said I guess today I'm going to be reacting with Nolan Terrorizer that's that's that's how I'm going to that's how I'm going to frame it for today um I hope you guys are uh here for it I hope you guys want some content like this I mean down the line who knows if you guys if there's more reactions of reactions that you guys want to see just make sure to leave a comment and I hope you guys are ready I'm ready let's get it let's go welcome folks to today's video pal World memes blown up in the past week I love pal World bro and we're here to capitalize you know the no and react CH what we're all about re de did you do anything during that or should we do another inro he said no you didn't even say my name when you said no react yeah he said no and react I did I forget to put your name in there I said Nola and react he said you know how we do a nola react and I was like what about said oh boy there's your intro ladies and gentlemen enjoy the hey it's Nola Terrorizer in said reacts all right put my name in it [Laughter] video I'm going Reddit first oh wow okay this is a bit of reading they're interviewing P World guys on jptv and none of them knew how to develop a game we all learned on the job budget of $10,000 what no way mosts and gun stuff done by some middle schooler who was working part-time at a convenience store the devs went to originally they were going to do Unity but they realized it was was laggy so they switched to Unreal and he advised that a senior Dev who had worked with unreal once before none of them knew how to use unreal so they decided to split up the docks the senior Dev had they teach everyone else what unreal was and how to use it oh my God so they devs that have never made a game before yeah then they've just made a banger they just made it out of the fire the decisions to make a Pokemon with guns was because they were worried the game would not be a global success unless they added guns to it cuz Americans like the shoot things they're right pretty correct here gender neutral type a character creator was likewise because Americans sometimes want to make very ugly characters which is literally what you Evan Scotty me did no no my character is beautiful no Version Control used at all theu like a Version Control I think at least my understanding do you know coding more than me but my understanding is that you have a base game and you work on top of it and if something goes wrong you go back to the control version working up again but they never made a control version it just kept makation and if there was a mistake it was probably like 10 updates ago so debugging basically like it was probably a nightmare trying to go backwards so it's basically like Jenga you're like taking Blocks From The Bottom changing on top and then it begins to wobble and that's what college Yuji did when it comes to designing you do the same thing you know if you want to modify let's say let's say let's say we modified picture of of Nola right here for a thumbnail right I'm going to have the base picture I'm going to take a screenshot of this right then have the bass picture with then which then I'm going to duplicate hide and then name it you know original picture so I can always go back to this one if I mess something up when I'm doing the thumbnail and then I have the original as a copy to fall onto if I do irreparable damage which they never did with the game which is very bad became an absolute disas it's bad to do it with a thumbnail can you imagine in a game like it master of is the Perfect Analogy and I don't even know coding so that well done we didn't really know which one would work so we copied all the files into a flash drive every day and every week we would buy a bucket of new flash drive so their backup was their backup process was a bucket of flash flash and they probably just were like is it this one I don't know plugging it in this is so funny I hadn't got hired by any big gaming companies and I was very surprised that steam would just let anyone publish any which is very true I don't think I would be a good fit in Nintendo you want to make things that are groundbreaking and creative I'm a trend follower just like El let's go and that's why we love you and we love your game what is your Creative Vision I don't have Creative Vision I just want to make a game that people Li I don't See's wrong with that that gives you an idea of these guys so basically it's a bunch of memers that said what what what games are good okay let's let's just put them all together and add guns so Americans will play it sick that's a great idea normally we need a video for us to be stimulated something about reading that conversation and getting an Insight of the people that made this game is very interesting that was pretty cool yeah usually we don't like reading on this channel autism and all that oh I already know this clip because it's exactly where our base is yeah it's exactly where my base is as well oh yep oh that's see where it is goes over the the Mammoth and then down to the church there's the skeleton whale to your left I'll be honest with you my bird is really fast so this is an impressive to me you've been growing your family hasn't seen you in days yeah yeah I'm level 40 level 40 I'm still a higher level than you and you've been playing for a few days I haven't you've been grinding with Lou you were like offline just going around doing your Stu grinding I've just been building stuff teaching l oh my God oh my Lord that's a very happy dinos funny story I spawned into the server once and saw this except without the water I was like what is that dinosur a DI who's the T inside I wanted to show you and Evan this but this is just 100 times better than anything I could recreate look at the face on the the face makes it way wor these memes are amazing I love P you're going to get me canell just by looking at jump on it jump on it jump on it yes oh I'm hiding launch I actually was happy that I still had stuff in my got to show this you go up so high are you Kenny I did the oh my God he's so high he doesn't have a glider he doesn't to low level he's going to take like a 100,000 damage oh my God oh I just saw you di he got landed in the tree wow that was impressive what I actually didn't know that happened yeah so if you fall in power world the height doesn't matter if you fall and you attach onto something as you're you know climbing so if any height if you climb you're fine but if you if you fall on the ground you're done for but that was very lcky I saw the flying up part and I was like I got to go try that and I stopped the video I thought this guy was a gunner dude oh yeah how Bri feels under you are replaceable go back to work you are replaceable bride go back to reacting okay all right all right okay I'm joking it's a joke bra it's a joke oh Bo here we go I'm sleeping on the couch today words carry away David call me David that's when you know he mad got me David yep now it's real dog house for me guys add Sixx to game if we get followers by the end of the year that's not a bad idea what if pal had 100K I wonder I'm pissed off with their Twitter they never got back to me I asked for a free code cuz I'm a cheap Mother oh my God I'm a no way they ignored me and now I'm addicted to their game they emailed me about getting codes early and I ignored them wow the complete opposite situation yeah probably should have reached out the to get home with power pressed starving stuck on roof major injury major injury when that happens I usually just kill them last night on my stream I went I wonder how original Bas is I went there I swear to God two of the reindeer guys had a shotgun one of them was addicted to there was like Rusty Spoons being burnt they were all depressed like what is that base they work until we kill them and then we get more that's about it that's what I do if anyone if anyone gets a major i k why did you think I butchered that relaxasaurus in front of you cuz you've issues cuz you serious issues just I think I'm up to level 46 45 now I still haven't unlocked the butcher knife I there just no point walks up to me while I'm streaming and then just this dinosaur lies down in front of me and then pixels appear yeah if you want to see something funny so basically you do this glitch by having a shotgun and jumping on him really quick what the [ __ ] you can fly him backwards what the again $10,000 had no [ __ ] clue dud you're going to get funny don't fix it yeah don't fix it don't fix it yeah that's not worth fixing don't fix this though that's not the clip I wanted to show you though here it is you ready I did this on stream I got a red black dragon i d the terrorizers penis you said Terrorizer penis yeah did you pet my penis I didn't mean to my God I didn't mean to I didn't mean to you're so gay you did mean to you did mean to though Terrorizer penis come here come here I don't want to pet you and I don't want to feed your penis uh hold on one second you gonna grab the saddle for him I terrorizes penis it's time for your circumcision oh no wait what wait you're going to butcher Butcher Terror ignis the whole screen the whole screen is this was fun I had fun with this I think that might be the first time your penis has satisfied someone brain yeah yeah let's go with that is this going to be a short another one that one of your brothers has made to make you look cool we sure will how word CEO just tweeted this they're making cards let's you cracking these one opening man I love how they they literally haven't used any new art it's the images from the game for the cards and it'll probably sell like wild fire I there's two types of players it's 20 levels above me I can't catch it there's is a 0.3% chance 3% chance which one are you Bri be honest I'm pretty ambitious with some of my uh that Mammoth by the Bas bro I I was determined I still haven't caught him I still haven't caught him no cuz I moved I moved away but I came back there yesterday and I was like I'll get you yeah Brian's definitely the bottom one I'm the top one I wait till I'm at a good enough level and I've been catch some crazy [ __ ] with like low percent chances course yeah this been great you want to read the comments on your P World video look at these comments bro you only got to hear and you stopped wow honestly that's impressive wow that's 9 minutes more than what you watch do me a favor open a new tab yeah I'm open a new tab Vanos yeah yeah go to Vanos here's his lastest video and all the way he watched it all I didn't watch the whole way through no no no no no no no and shout out to evans's editor that always steals my titles thank you for that one you did not steal your title it was just the best thing that the session was based on no one stole that is crazy the title check out evans's one oh my gosh here we go Brian it's wait wait I just thought of something the guys are always on Nola about NOLA stealing uh but not stealing I don't know why I use that word putting van O's name in titles when it doesn't make sense right going out of his way to put van O's name in a title I think I'm just going to name this reacting like power World memes guaranteed to make you laugh uh reacting with theoriser and Nola or something different title Lou that's a very different title just cuz he used Rage Quit oh my gosh my own rage quit I made you rage quit you know what you sound like you sound like those react YouTubers that tried to copyright the word react I own react I am theine own yeah you're the Fine Bros why you show me you comments what mean things did an autistic child say to you in my comment section what mean things stop being mean to me okay oh no guys you upset a millionaire oh no oh guys you really hurt his feelings my feelings aren't hurt I'm trying to laugh about them when you make a deal right now man make me a millionaire you can you can hurt my feelings all you want that go home to Ireland and you're driving in that nice car of yours just think oh man I really hate that guy that called me a idiot in the how World video my happiness is the best I'm things but we move on here but it helps stop being mean to me all right okay no it's entertaining there go come on Fair sorry but no after what you said about my Pagan family's Traditions you deserve it don't care paganism is bad that's good that's good well done well done payback for making Brock quit at least this guy said was a this is a joke so I appreciate that no is the new mini lad that would hurt why why oh you can't that one he's going to be up all night like stressed out I know different I know for a fact there you go if you pray hard enough for it your God would stop him Liam just like gez Li it sounds like you have a grudge against God not me there same what he's just that out now you know how moo felt I'm like what I feel like because of this all the comments from this are just going to blast Nola you know maybe not actually maybe not so moo was bullied by the crew for 12 years no by you no I don't think so but you can see your comment section are like no you deserve it no it's funny it's just zero sympathy just [ __ ] evil bastards every last one of them you've got some in your in your videos you've got the same back to me yeah find one find one dude all right let's continue here [ __ ] hell this is great enjoying this one Frost Allen damn those hips She-Hulk true this is why it got renewed 26 that's going to work not with 26 there is no shot no damage no damage hyper ball hypers spere 18 of them and completely yeah I I I have like I can make like 400 of these if I wanted to if it was first try it would have been impressive to spam it I feel like their percentages kind of are not real like in a way they don't really make sense to me because a lot of times I feel like okay A lot of times I'll get like 65% catches and it takes six balls you know it's it doesn't feel right but then I'll get like five catches in a row on on Pals that are like less than 10% so I I don't think the percentages are right the fourth either that or I have like reverse weird luck wow I'm going trying that now I'm [ __ ] doing it right now [ __ ] this [ __ ] right now right [ __ ] now let me join the server and watch it yeah that didn't work did it all right here we go we're getting in of course L right now like how we doing the react video to power now we're just playing it this just proves the addiction need him his handywork is level three it's super high we can have go and super fast what the [ __ ] is he doing what the [ __ ] is he doing I told you to make the balls you dumb [ __ ] get working on that he's hungry now doing get what no stop [ __ ] planting you you actually have to take care of these things they're not just slaves we can only make one oh we have no [ __ ] ignot now all right oh we have no or where's the or who used all the ore who else lives here [ __ ] Lou rat all right Brian pick these up don't let Lou take all right you need these pick all those up you're going to need them for when you go to hot and cold places we need you to have something to fly fast with that one vanor in the B base so take him into your inventory so how far north can you fast travel up to ice wind Island I'll teleport there now okay I'll guide youz this thing is level 50 it's at the very top of the map and it is a pretty hard guy to get all right here we go yeah it's not an easy you have your guy set to do not attack yeah okay get ready I go first then you then me and you got to throw it just when it fails we're assuming it's going to fail a lot here okay here we go oh it's zero what why is it zero I am Frozen hold on we got to hurt we're in a fight here we got to hurry it really wants you just run protect me send your dragon on I can't cuz you told me to make him passive no oh [ __ ] attack aggressively attack aggressively [ __ ] I'm dead [ __ ] dude why was that person's catch red higher so I guess we can say that clip this game [ __ ] blows let's go back to [ __ ] memes I'll TI four okay although that might [ __ ] my game up a lot oh that was a nightmare me giving my friend a house tour of my base I built in h world oh I know this I like to cut the middl man Shoe Closet I got my own sweat what the [ __ ] I got these [ __ ] working 16 hours straight yeah that's that's it marel marel and palor need did that you're in Gods Brian no our in Gods my friend once he realized he can craft from private chest yeah I learned that the hard way I had 10 ancient civilization Parts I put them in my private chest with a security code on it I log in the next day they're all gone I'm like how the [ __ ] are they gone I'm like Brian used them Brian crafted something and just used them and didn't even think well I didn't know that's what I said that's what I said you didn't know you didn't think me having a 30 minute break to eat something pal world you streamed it for like 9 hours straight I did a 9 hour stream and then I think 6 hours the next Dayo on a Sunday nonetheless I feel like you dream about pal world now someone made a pal World elevator all right I'm curious about this oh it's a gra what would be the purpose of this but I'm not we'll see grappling gun okay just aim at the bottom at the crack between the two and then yep wow this is so the grappling gun is the grappling gun is so like janky it is why would you ever want this though someone could just break one brick and the whole thing's gone and you're not even inside your base quarters anymore yeah that's fine it's cool pretty apart yeah yeah yeah that's going to break apart one raid and it's all gone but still cool figur out yeah but if you put walls around your base you can't get raided based on a true story all right her and a chicken with a spear she pokes the chicken Dark Laser I haven't seen that happen but I've seen clips of this chicken doing big giant laser beams I'm like why am I not getting this I don't understand this I haven't encountered it yet that's why here's the clip to show here it is this is the chicken oh it's a shiny one ready yeah yeah it's you get it this just a little chicken damn H World cartoon ooh we already got some animations Brian it's going to be a cursed cartoon maybe yeah that's what you see yep the big thigh this is perect this is perfectly recreating the start of our let's [Laughter] play yep yep sweet sweat shop oh it's so [Laughter] good I love [Music] it yep that was my first thing I R oh no that's the Bowser Castle Pokemon Po Monopoly blows it up with the big dragon why damn you pal world this is perfect this is pal World sumed up in a minute dude pal booy man it's the lender this is great well done well done Mr Mr zens well done well done big thumbs up very good very good cboy is very good oh yeah Pokemon gun Pokemon gun Pokemon gun that was so good I don't know if Pokemon gun was just like a rumor it was a Pokemon a never doing that no no no no like someone was going to make a mod like of oh if they did be G and seconds d i remember the Pokemon gun thing yeah that's what happened there was a Pokemon gun mod in like Unreal Engine and DMC and then power world because it's not Pokemon oh no oh god oh this is so D oh what the my GL barbecue sound familiar no sound familiar what what's familiar about it you are well if if they get tired or ENT and they complain I just kill them no I didn't say that didn't put that in the video bro the game play is amazing game play today's subject slavery God damn bro oh my God oh my God his me was just made for this game Power Boss Battle burned on my computer oh yeah I've seen this it did it really did graphics card gone look at the [Laughter] monkey Evan's laptop smoking from the Sid dude that that is look at all those numbers on the screen oh my God you see all those numbers yeah someone dropped a nuke and all it kill it was a penguin oh my genius that's smart we've been using nail clippers we using the fork yes I've seen the fork use as well the n and I went to sleep and her character was in the lobby just making gun uh gun powder oh my God all night this game's too easy come [Music] here oh here we go cranking 90 playing fortnite sh oh [ __ ] on yeah I see it copied fortnite as well Brian this game copied everything everything [ __ ] Shameless there's a lamb ball over there okay okay don't panic be calm just just throw the ball hey I just wanted to hop in and give you a few tutorials what have I done this is wanted to go drop it put the Bell down on my watch don't do it God this game is so perfect for animators they probably saw this game we like yes here we go more C really good bro mem's already pretty relatable right now we about to get off power at 3:00 a.m. right okay oh oh but you have to go you have to go touch it oh I love opening those chests I love it love it oh a nice dungeon a nice dungeon to go through I mean oh is that huge egg got to pick it up mean you you got it oh shiny shiny no yeah that's it at this point you have to you know just one more egg one more chest one more shiny just one more who's that PO s the buzz what what yeah that's weird like The Buzz I feel like we're racked at a lethal company again where everything's just funny we laugh and we go to the next one I yeah but it's good we're all laughing together you ready yeah I don't think you're ready are you really ready I'm ready I'm highly saying the recommend oh my I wasn't ready where the 7,000 damage watch watch monkey got [ __ ] up where did he fall from I don't know maybe that elevator the other I made yeah American pal okay it's only a m this is a mod it's got to be a mod right okay yeah you just go around bombing it wakes up in the server like in her in her building and it's what's that noise that's like you what up [ __ ] largest depressor end my suffering holds all the weight of sadness in the world I'm full of depression cward glitches oh yes one of the most terrifying pieces of Machinery ever made what the [ __ ] I love it dude I love it I feel like gaming glitch you know for model the logic I think is like that's the default model before you start creating the ability to like well it's the model so you design him while he's T posing and then and then after that you can design everything else but while he's deposing you have access to everything on the character you know so it's it's easier to design that way the bones to move and everything so if it glitches it goes naturally to the toot so it'll be in every video game for all of history listen this guy knows the stuff look at that I know a Ting or too he's a programmer might make a game myself I love these moves how the pals of my party look at the pals at my base you peasants you're not the chosen one keep working fools I should love my Full Belly does your dog bite no shoot pad word you didn't bite go do a crime no close dog look at the dog I love it I love it I absolutely love it sick out sorry this post has been removed by moderators of pal world what [ __ ] off [ __ ] God [ __ ] soft bastards most relatable pal dude I love the way he mines oh oh my God I I had not seen a toaster from that one look at him oh my God this is all my editors he's so cute for all my channels I smiled at the end that was nice that one got a pay your eyes me when I say good job to one of my depressed editors I'm just imagine all your editors like we don't find it funny why of of course this is a Chinese server dude oh my God CH oh my gosh they put it right behind right behind them they working hard the Chinese sure know how to make them work hard the People's Republic of China these creatures are an integral part of our society and the environment so we should train them together alongside us so we can make the best life for both of us oh no buddy that's Daddy's 9mm here you play with the AK-47 instead and remember you're my slave yes just yes cute monsters catch power friendship become a bogam master Journey with one and flter the penguin goes in the P that's about it that face is so good what the oh my God they just lost their minds holy [ __ ] I you'd quit are you the way that you are honestly you just quit you just reset the server oh could definitely butcher that bastard for sure pull out the butcher diap for that oh this is great I am having fun designs copied yeah I see it I see it I don't see it yeah I see it I see it a bit I see it a little bit no okay Terrorizer you're glazing I'm sorry but you are glazing if if you see you don't if you say you don't see some of those l androck i mean that's kind of pushing it a little bit how are you supposed to design a wolf without designing LA and rock but when it comes to like you don't see this you don't you don't see it with a straight face you're saying you don't see it that is crazy to me see I see I don't see what that you don't come on I see it I see it a bit I see it a little this one is hard cuz this is she's two Pokemon mixed it's it's this and Goodra mixed together would look like this no I see it I see it but that's a wolf it's just a wolf I mean I kind of see it a bit I don't see that no that's fortunate i' be seeing some of this stuff yes that one is come on no I don't what are you talking what are you talking about yes so yes so many are I don't know it's just a sheep you can't really it's just a sheep copy a sheep yeah what yes I've put that I I've I have made that connection as well uh zom also no that one's too different that's a stretch that's a stretch as well there's one that really looks like I for the that's a hedgehog bit of a stretch bit of a stretch a little bit of a one not a stretch that's the same different type stret don't play P world stop crying bro stop [ __ ] crying but look at this Pokemon copied from Dragon Quest look at those and which came out first the one on the right it's the one on the left came out in the 80s the one on the right came out in the '90s and there is some serious correlations here folks serious correlations here imagine sporting to blatant death and plagiarism that a studio does just because it's fun there it is just dropping facts there are so many more Monster catching games and you guys choose the one that blatantly rips off designs just say you want Game Freak to do better instead of supporting AI this is beyond hurtful as an AR yes game freak should do better this is not AI sorry this I'm tired I'm outraged everyone in the Internet is just so dramatic about nothing all the time take a look at this right here this Pokemon up here this is a Pokemon this is a pal from po world look at what what is circled here does that look the same to you no no it does not the design of the character itself is different anyway like the body shape is completely different everything is different it doesn't even look the same this isum has been real oh my God they both have so much effort they both have a nose right here this one crying over okay this is the bad comparison uh ribbony ribbony and Sylveon are closer but still they're very different but giving giving a creature ribbons is very inspired from Sylveon one could argue that being said there's nothing there uh it's just you know resemblances but then it goes down to like uh um one of the chillet looks like feret it's a feret man like do you own at this point do you own animals like Pokemon does not own animals there's a penguin Pokemon there's a penguin pal they're penguins are you supposed to shape the penguin into a dragon it's going to look like a penguin like it is what it is these two Pokemon and then there's this one right here I cannot believe you guys would betray actual living breathing artists like my counterargument is Digimon this is slow bro the Pokémon this is digim shellmon solar Rock Pokemon solaron Digimon ptera Pokemon E woman Digimon Sun Flora Pokemon sunflowmon Digimon ever mad like oh how world is stealing Pokemon Digimon does it worse and more blatantly I in my opinion I don't know man I don't know maybe just [ __ ] relax and enjoy something for can't they're on Twitter Brian what the [ __ ] are you talking about God so sad video currently enjoy the game and if you don't enjoy it hey don't play it you want to play Pokemon instead go play Pokemon instead I love Pokemon I love pal world I love both of these games they're very different some some of the pals look like Pokemon that's fair some of the Pokemon look like monsters from Dragon Quest what are you going to do about it well that's old it doesn't matter it's the same thing it's the same thing it's the same thing available must have been good oh get ready Zoom right in there editor oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I wonder why it's not available anymore andam to realize they already own Pokemon with guns and could have made palor years ago yeah yeah yeah they did did they did they're the secretly most pissed off oh yo depress though greatest Pokemon of them all oh my God no way that is his genuine animation is he mining have you seen he ising look at this guy mining Mak me laugh every time his life mate like I was like why is he just not doing much oh no that makes sense I love them love them they definitely need to make the press or plushies sell out like crazy first time I see a Shiny impal World this happens oh my what level is he uh he's definitely a de he should be able to catch him 36 is that what I'm see oh no oh not anymore not anymore goodbye shiny that is an F in the chat I would have been crying insufficient material zero out of two what ran out of wood all right well time to go get some more that's a good question because I'm bringing 100 50 right now I'm going to need a lot more than that if this we might have to delete that base of yours pal I swear to God if I lose like five more frames that thing is coming down dude what the [ __ ] no it's literally getting dark before I even make it to the top he's on oh he's he can see it from across the map goes down oh my God my whole entire game the are just floating loading down God it's raining tacos there's so much wood it's was so cool all right that's something I'm worried Len is going to build like some crazy sky base she wants to break servers when you had dream how long did it take to build that man having a career now you work at dead end jobs AKA Brian at Subway what kind of bread would you like my cheese foot long Italian herb and cheese yep you want to toasted no okay dragging groceries from the back yep that that's a perfect bright and some way there that's why you like to press I relate another day another victory for the OG Tak down the sweats the impost Among Us damn Jesus Christ the emo God I hated that I hated that so much I loved it need to rest okay oh no welcome to my base I hate the way they walk hey uh come on in get to get look at that leg spread baby the [ __ ] this is some of them are M so weird so weird I hope to make body pillows or maybe like a lavender Mouse boob pad oh my God yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that could definitely happen they've so much potential for Stuff Steven [Music] haw this has nothing to do with B world but I love [Music] it all right why is that a thing I'll catching Pals and pal would be like SP Spong [Music] it oh my God Theon really was pal world poor pal world if anyone should sue palet Digimon this is it right [Music] here there yeah there he is chick is all beat up and [ __ ] yep dude I've had some of them like you know you get your first roll and he goes all the way up to like 96% or something and at that point it's pretty much just locked I've had some of them jump out of the ball at 96 and I was like very confused that's it could you imagine if pal talked like in Digimon oh oh my gosh that needs to be the next thing FK is my favorite I want him to be able to speaking you dumb fck that's definitely how he would talk like he's from Brooklyn or somewhere in New York that's I imagine F talks like get the [ __ ] out of my way oh no I can take fall damage but can I swim I am a black character you can swim not if you run out of stamina you can actually swim inside this [ __ ] about climb why am I I had the same reaction yeah I was going to kep my show I already went through this [Laughter] phase the grenade launcher shooting eggs out of its ass using him as a shield oh was great grenade he's basically shot grenade our oh we know yeah this is Evan's favorite toy 68 damage does not just kill the penguin yeah look watch all this we SI how much it took off [ __ ] nothing now he's gone forever that penguin's deleted isn't it I don't know no you can revive him yeah this is pal World in Alpha guys secret pal world what is happening someone modded the [ __ ] out of Pokemon staff dude if only man if only they're just mad they didn't think of it well folks that's the end of pal world and if you want your pals to work faster and better and longer give them some glitch ain't that right Bri I had mine and I lasted the whole video usually Bri's falling asleep after 2 hours of reacting he's fresh as ever now I yawned a little he sand is down a bit but we'll get it up he's been working me to the board in here here the end of the video all right uh that was the first time we reacted to a reaction uh I don't know how how it's going to go if you guys did enjoy it uh the original will be in the description so if you guys want to go show no and Terrorizer some love would appreciate that uh go by Glitch use their code I don't know what code they use they didn't say it but go by Glitch support them uh if you did enjoy the reaction leave a like leave a comment let me know what you like to see next on the channel subscribe if you haven't done it yet and uh yeah it's your boy said reacts I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day I'm out peace [Music] n
Channel: Ced Reacts
Views: 1,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qLmCt945eNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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