I fixed the Community Center as fast as possible in Stardew Valley!

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stardew valley is a sandbox game there's not a time limit there's not a final boss you just kind of like do whatever you want each day you can water your plants you can tend your animals you can go mining you can hallucinate trees like a bunch of trees float around the screen and everything goes green and they're just like trees there you can catch a fish however there is one achievement in stardew valley that is more iconic than any other and that's repairing the community center basically at the very start of the game the mayor shows you this building that's about as abandoned as an applebee is on literally any given weeknight and you're tasked with donating a bunch of specific items that can be found around the valley to repair it these items can pop up anywhere in the mines in the river just kind of on the ground in my first ever save file of this video game it took me around 80 hours of playing to finish the community center today we're going to do it in one sitting i'm just going to hit start on a speedrun timer and not end it until we finish that includes any resets we might have to do so yeah i guess we better not have to do that this video was entirely made possible by cordite who so generously typed up a route for me to follow in this run he does a bunch of super cool starter valley speed earning stuff over on twitch so i've linked his twitch channel in the description if you want to check him out all right okay enough delaying let's just do our best i guess okay here we go we're picking the forest farm as we've done every single time it is technically faster to say no to the cat than to say no to the dog i'm gonna do neither i'm gonna say yes to my favorite dog i don't care if the time lost type single player oh gender has to be female i have to be female because then it gives me extra money i am a woman now skip and skip intro yes advanced settings we're going to be putting mine rewards on remixed so it looks like spring year one is mainly going to be about gathering some ore making some sprinklers okay three two one go we're gonna zoom out grab our parsnips i wanna okay i don't know what the most efficient way to do this is but i'm gonna put my tv right there so i can check it when i get i bet every morning okay i have not had an opportunity to warm up today uh chop 50 wood okay so i'm gonna be a little shaky on the animation cancelling okay parsnips are in and watered what's next uh we're gonna play we're gonna craft the chest okay uh oh it literally says don't craft the chest yet uh in the route perfect okay good night all right kind of messed up day one that's okay it's again we're not gonna we're not focused on completely optimizing this right now we're just focused on figuring out the route and having a run completed so i'm gonna try and proceed quickly because that's practice a water and sleep okay but we don't need to be like screaming and crying over doing this as fast as possible good night we're gonna go out there and we're gonna water again nice okay spring fifth and sixth check fortune teller begin mine's day one if the tv is a pyramid or a star drop no okay we're gonna go harvest our parsnips these are gonna be used for energy in the mines okay harvest your parsnips check the bus stop for forgeables place everything in your chest nothing okay that was kind of a weak batch of originals because everything in your chest except pickaxe parsnips any stone or coal and any extra energy restoring forageables we have no extras so goodbye onto the mines through the back woods gathering uh wild horseradish and leeks we are hoping to find some oh wait no we're not going to the mines today cause it's a bad luck day shoot well on the bright side if tomorrow is a bad luck day we reset so then maybe we can have a better first day now that we know what the first day is gonna look like okay good night yep i'm aware if it's a bad luck day or a neutral luck day we reset the run and that's a reset that's our first reset okay we're gonna go again uh oh we don't need to do a countdown because the timer's still going okay this seems to be my achilles heel with these speed runs is um day one i'm very slow at switching tools and all that so clearing out space for parsnips and also i suck at hoeing so we're gonna gather 50 wood on our way to the lake oh wait i have enough nice okay bedtime already i think that was better okay now until the fifth it is just one of the party snips here coming up on the fifth check luck if both are bad luck days like last time it's a reset unfortunately okay that's not good i'm gonna harvest the parsnips we're gonna craft chests and we're gonna go look for forageables i'm gonna know we're just gonna go to bed immediately okay if tomorrow's not a good luck day it's another reset perfect okay we're good to go let's go fetch our forgivables ah see this is much better this is much better than last time tactical reset last time was a tactical reset okay now if we can find a horseradish on the way to the mines that's uh spring foraging done let's do it show me a horseradish on my way oh oh my god okay this is a blessed run oh my god there's more league look at this this is a blessed run say it's recommended to throw out anything that you need for the community center so you can go on your way back so you don't eat it by accident okay now i can eat anything that's my inventory if i need to go is gonna be 440 apparently i literally cannot imagine a world where i make it that far so we're just gonna go as far as we can progress takes priority over gathering copper okay well that's a good start it is literally not worth my time to kill that full oh no nice we're on floor four there's a freebie see that's why we check that's why we checked before going ham on some rocks if apparently according to the route it's not the end of the world if we don't reach level um oh boy if we don't reach level 40 which this infested floor is certainly going to not help our case we can always come back i think i accidentally just screamed yep i just screenshot the game okay good this is good progress we're a little low on health actually more than energy any quartz we're gonna grab oh i see an earth crystal i need that ah shoot not a good floor nice okay club please ah okay well i'm still gonna put them on pardon oh my god we've gotten two infested floors today that's really bad luck for first day all right we are very low in energy oh this actually yeah this is i'm sure this is like for people who do this seriously i'm sure this is a reset to already have two infested floors because that's like the odds of that happening are like astronomically low well not okay that's a huge exaggeration not astronomical but like they're it's not great this is really not ideal i'm actually really since since i'm like not under a lot of pressure real time wise i'm actually fighting the in-game clock more than the real life clock at this point because the goal is to get as low as i can before like passing out also i'm pretty sure we can pass out in the mines let me check the the route really quick oh i'm supposed to be picking up bug meat oh yeah you can pass out you can pass out okay so we can we have until literally two in the morning bye good god ugh that was terrible that was a terrible terrible floor please out run okay i see the bug okay you know i'm not even gonna mess i'm gonna mess i'm gonna leave you to your own devices i'm just trying to find a ladder dude pretty please pretty please pretty please oh my god it's a good luck it's good luck day there's always one of these floors and it's always 4 14. i was just talking about this on stream i feel like 414 is always a problem for me bye i need a munch there it is or 15 and it's 340. having a club would be so clutch i'mma kill this because if it drops a crab that is so nice for crab pop bundle ah darn you got off to a hot start and have been ice cold since oh my god okay this is a blast run oh my god there's more leak look at this this is a blessed run just not getting great luck with the ladders okay clearly i need practice in the mines because i'm supposed to be able to hit floor 40 in one day i wanna not even hit 30 genuinely i might not even hit 20 at this rate this is terrible i know it's mostly due to skill but i can't help but feel like we've been unlucky so far just with like all the infested floors not getting a lot of i need to kill this thing in case it gives me a glove or something ah you shouldn't have oh you shouldn't have our luck's gonna turn around mark my words any giant clumps of bugs that we happen to pass naturally are getting the slammer and the crab drop i told you did our luck's turn around what do we do eat both leaks i guess because we're really low on energy the reason that's so clutch is because the crab pop bundle can be very testy and that's we want to try and finish that without making a single crab pot and if we find the four beach forage items and use that crab then we do that i already have the slamma i mean just look at it it's a thing of beauty i have places to be man oh my god it's gonna be another okay i've got double left oh shoot that shade would have been great we needed a jade oh man we're gonna need that later so that's actually a huge bummer that i entirely missed that oh shoot okay i need everything else apparently i need to be collecting the bug meat i don't know for what but the route says so and the route is my bible right now so we're gonna do it we got the cape here it's okay let's do this and i need to save parsnips because i'm gonna have to come back another day later ideally you're supposed to be able to get to 40 all today but i am clearly not skilled enough to do that so lots of things need practice if we're ever going to finish this run in less than like 300 hours okay no freebies we've killed like most of the enemies okay good thank you nice okay nice okay okay not this time that's all right plus we have a huge excess of energy right now because that giant cave carrot caught we can afford to bust some rocks okay we still have like four hours 29. okay one more and we've we've hit our next milestone that's good can we get to 35. as much as i've been whining about bad luck in this mines run finding that club was such a game changer that saved us so much time oh boy okay can we please please please please please please i've really got to hustle i'm not even at 4 30 yet and i wanted to try and hit 35 by the end of the night plus these are just so hard these floors getting sleepy that's okay i can exhaust still no ladders okay well 35 is pretty much out of the question now look at this i'm breaking like every rock in this whole room this is so unfortunate okay literally no more rocks so i guess there's a ladder somewhere that i missed i'm just gonna run around right clicking yeah i don't know i don't know there's a ladder somewhere that i just can't see okay we're just gonna leave the mines and i'm gonna exhaust yep there i go okay that was a disastrous floor 31 i've actually never seen a floor where you break every rock and i like there's a ladder somewhere that i just can't see but like that really sucks okay what happens now look for the next good luck day before spring 12. there it is we have more money or more thing today skip place of vitals in the chest return for mine's day two and i'm gonna bring some stone in case i have to make a staircase mine's day two goals gather iron ore and copper ore at least one jade is required during wednesday too see we needed that and i freaking didn't do it but any dates i need 120 copper ore 80 iron ore 33 coal one jade and a bunch of money worth of syllables okay step one is just freaking get to floor 40. okay we don't have much food but that's all right actually no that's not all right it's okay you know it's fine don't worry don't worry guys come on let's get let's get it done gotta make sure to run through the tile of everything i break in case there's a ladder there okay boom that's one already god the freaking dark floors i hate it dude i hate it okay we're doing too much like rock breaking we need to rely on boom boom boom bout to say we need to rely on monsters dropping ladders that is beautiful thank you this is a great start to the day oh okay nice what a great see we just needed to sleep on it just needed to sleep and contemplate about what we've done to piss off god nice dude this is like pretty much a best case scenario so far ah cut out the pretty much this is a best-case scenario at this point okay we have our first floor that doesn't immediately present us with a ladder never mind okay 39 nice okay good stuff all right i think we're resetting floor 41 let me check the we check the route gather iron copper ore from 441 okay energy's gonna be a huge concern need 80 iron ore 120 copper ore that is a lot we need to get a jade at some point during mines day two god knows how we're gonna do that also we need 33 coal we're at 21 so we're actually doing pretty well and cool okay this floor does not interest me ladder i'll stop by and investigate some more iron and another ladder this is good this is good oh wait can you have a jade can you have a jade please you are a beautiful beautiful child do you know has your mother ever told you that because it's true okay blessed run continues so that's that's the thing ticked off that we needed for day whatever the frick it is give me that oh yeah yeah i need a lot of sellables i need to be able to afford some straws we're just going to keep going we're only at 24 ore which is not good apparently we need 80 which is a lot speaking of a lot this is floors a lot it's a lot to look at hey oh sorry oh we need that frozen tear uh can i make room for it uh shoot this is actually tough the earth crystal we have multiple at home because it doesn't sell for a lot and we really only need one we're at 32 iron ore out of 80 that is not good oh it's got to be better though now the name of the game's gonna be energy okay if any of these could drop more than freaking one ore that would be wonderful literally all of those dropped one ore except that one that dropped two like come on guy i know we can do better 47 now what i'm confused with is that we're about to run out of energy and we're not even close to what this route considers to be like the bare minimum requirements for mine's day two so we're probably gonna have to have a mines day three magnet ring i love it only three parsnips left oh no it's okay we'll have to make a mine's day three okay we're down to literally one parsnip left with a 54 iron ore out of 80 though and we still need a lot more copper too you have until the 12th to to get another good luck day to go at this point if it's like the 11th it's not good luck they will just buckle down and go oh look at all you fools wait get over here lots of iron lots of dust brights speaking of which bunk okay well we have plenty of coal i think we don't really need to kill any more dust sprays at this point cause we have all the coal we need and we are officially out of energy items we're up to 73 iron we actually almost got all the iron we needed and it's still possible we still have a shot we still have a shot at glory boom that's it there's our 80 iron and we're out of energy so now we leave okay uh all things considered not bad it's it's like technically a bit of a time loss but we're okay at this point again we're not trying to be as efficient as possible we're just trying to have a completed run so we can kind of learn the route naturally now let me check the route to see what i need to save i think i can spin like everything later no later than spring twelve ship all severals in the bin keep one jade keep one earth crystal if you can afford to craft two furnaces and begin smelting iron and copper as a row of thumb don't wait on furnaces i'm gonna go ahead and sell everything that i can which is that and that and that that needs to stay i can sell all the quartz right i actually don't know i'm gonna pretend it is and live to regret it i'm like that i'm living in like the title of one of those darn man videos on youtube husband shoots kid and lives to regret it level 3 mining level 2 combat not a lot okay we need like 2 500 gold of syllables so we need to end up with like a live fortune teller okay bye person teller neutral screw it bye we have no energy but our only goal today is to get to 120 copper ore also we need more sellables that's our other goal 420 let's get some cup [Music] all right floor 15 get some copper not a great floor for copper but here we are literally do not have a choice oh this is terrible okay let's try 25. shoot man is there no copper anywhere i've tried three floors now that is so satisfying okay there is nothing copper has been deleted from this world please dude come on this is ridiculous this is insane this is insane i have now reset the floor almost 20 times and have not found copper anywhere maybe 410 okay they're okay we found something i'm gonna break these because if they have anything valuable in them that would be great no okay how am i gonna drum up like a thousand gold wait how much okay how much do i actually need you need a minimum of 3000 g by the 13th yikes okay so we're not even close i need a lot more sellables this is so upsetting that i'm having such a hard time even just like finding copper ore okay oh good there's plenty here okay this should do it yay copper or the goal is finished now the goal becomes finding gems and i don't have a lot of energy to work with here so i'm just going to keep resetting floor 40 because last time i was getting a lot of like gem rocks on 440. i don't know i need to like pull together a ton of money i need 12.50 i need 1250 gold oh cool that's cool no i love that boom we're rolling in it already look at us go please please i just how do i do this i actually don't know how am i gonna like find enough gems to be able to oh good good this is what we need we need stuff like that all right so this all together should add up to absolute dirt perfect we're ready to go i am just sad i am a sad i'm a sad little purple child all right come on now come on now come on now do you have anything valuable sir you appear valuable you have a valuable appearance can i just sell you to marlin like as a pet no i can get sick freaking boots look at all these ladders i'm laddering okay any gems no i need an absolute minimum of 3 000. stuff like this really bums me out because i like when i like that when i make like obvious mistakes i like can pinpoint uh i'm such an idiot i need to not do that next time but this time it's like oh i'm all around not efficient enough for this run like not even close i just i am not skilled enough to complete the community center in a realistic time frame frozen tier let's go thank you sir oh good god i need money oh we might die we're like out of food and pretty low on health hey we gotta watch it if we die that'll be the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me oh oh oh oh oh oh nice a ladder uh i almost went down by accident that would have been i would have literally screamed this is good i'm gonna go until i'm like like out of time because i don't have like memorized how much these things sell for i have absolutely no idea so i don't know what i'm gonna need to get 1250 definitely this isn't nearly enough because like everything i gathered on my way down here sold for like 1300 so i need equal to or greater than that so whoopee pups i'm sure i could go to like whatever floor has the crates issue is i don't know on hand what that is because i know there's one floor that has this giant like bank of crates in it and those have a really good chance of dropping like gems but i don't know what that is so i'm just doing this i'm sure this is like wildly inefficient another aquamarine and look at all the lads artifacts i don't know if that's necessary i'm gonna die careful okay and another frozen two that's cool um i don't know if the scroll is necessary i'm gonna keep it just in case uh here are the geodes and oh that's gonna do it for today in the mines okay between now and spring 13th it's literally just smelt ore and bars and get to 3 000 gold they have all the ore that i need officially it's official it's official okay let's sell all of this we'll see what it adds up to i need to make two fernai i need my iron ore and let's get smelting good night please tell for like 1300. you are joking oh i know that is enough that is literally just enough all right let's take a quick pause to hear a word from our sponsor while the judges enjoyed your dish they were confused by the use of a full tube of gogurt including the plastic as a garnish chef therm what have you made for the judges today today i prepared for you a barbecue cheddar burger with chipotle aioli and potato wedges on the side all right and how did you prepare your dish uh i used hello fresh it's america's number one meal kit service so you just kind of go to their website pick the meals you want and they send you everything you need to make it so pre-measured ingredients instructions you can eat it now by the way wait okay this doesn't seem right i had a great experience with it it's really nice to know that i'll have at least three meals every week that are delicious and healthy well that's someone who trained in culinary school not all of us have the time and money it actually saves money by limiting food waste you'd also use code pog therm may 16 to get up to 16 free meals and three surprises someone who trained in culinary stop saying that i just don't think it's fair that i worked for years to be a chef and you're over here making like food legos try it just head over to the hellofresh website and use the code pog therm may 16 for that sick deal i mentioned earlier plus there will be a thing in the description this video that actually live updates how many people have used that code and gotten that deal cool so do i win the show oh yeah um no so a huge thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and let's get back to the run unfortunately happy the 13th okay now we're gonna oh i need my scythe need my scythe my pickaxe my axe i gotta clear my farmland also i need 20 fiber and 50 wood and a coal many things happening on saturday the 13th the egg festy as i like to call it the eggy fest as some are inclined i personally am not at the moment but maybe contact me in the future and i will be scarecrow crafted now i gotta host some spots apparently this i need to hold it in a certain pattern starting from here and then i'm just gonna do like a set of four and then one here set of four one there one down here one here and that's that i'm pretty sure okay and then we're just gonna boom all right and now we go to the egg festy i'm gonna pick up all this i don't know if i need it i keep getting close to running out of energy so i'm gonna grab it all oh no i'm not gonna have enough okay i don't need those i needed space for my straws all right pierre i need 30. nice return home and plant them and then sleep if you're short on money there's 200 g available in the quest good night okay sleep these days while smelting oh no the spreading weeds have caused damage okay we're fine we're fine we're fine okay we're done with smelting iron ore so now we do that and every day we're gonna start watering the straws happy straw watering day and bedtime 16 through 20 seconds smelt and water the strawberries each day the doggy what should we name the dog i'm gonna name him after my real life dog i have i have two dogs in real life one of them looks like this though i have a spaniel that looks like this and i have a gold retriever that does not so i'm gonna name him taff which is the name of my spaniel be good boy taft and bunk bonk i placed one copper ore on the table i need that back can i have it thanks let me sleep because it's raining we're harvesting the strawberries on the 23rd we need to remember that okay we're done with smelting now got all our bars okay now it is just a couple more days of watering unless it rains hope i didn't accidentally miss one of the ones that are like on their own because the ones that are on their lows lonesome it's a lot harder to tell if they like have been watered because their soil color change is really hard to see because the plant like blocks the whole tile okay tomorrow's last day of watering until our first harvest and we got to be very delicate because right now we are like perfectly aligned to have max harvest but only if we don't oh see i already see two i see two that are off schedule shoot man we missed two of them i knew it i knew i one of these solo ones would would screw me okay tomorrow's first harvest day for some of them wait no it's not what happened i was supposed to water the spaces on the 13th i was supposed to water the spaces on the 13th oh wait okay the 24th you don't water the strawberries so it's actually built in there's like an accidental built-in failsafe for idiots such as me so it's we should still get max harvest on most of these even though we screwed up but i say it seems weird that it's five days per like a regrowth of strawberries so today should be our first harvest of the strawberries this is a this is a lot strawberries and this should be enough to get us to a high enough farming level to craft our sprinklers we need one two three four five six seven eight there we go sprinkler recipe unlocked now boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom because this is our last day of watering ideally if we've done everything correctly which we probably haven't even already screwed up maybe five times with these strawberries sleep until the 28th harvest and sleep and then we'll be done with spring look at us go dude let us go okay we should have another harvest of strawberries today we should yes we didn't get all 30 but that's all right is it though because 30 is a very specific number okay whatever sleep and that's that we're into summer let's take a pause let's check our time yikes and let's see what our goals are for the season plan grow blueberries for money to purchase materials for additional sprinklers grow summer crops and collect summer forage summer first prep spaces for 30 sprinklers and one quality sprinkler in the shown pattern wowie place 16 sprinklers chop trees until you're out of energy enter the town from the bus stop after 8 a.m to trigger the community center cutscene buy 62 blueberry seeds one melon seed one tomato seed one pepper seed and 64 wheat oh my god and buy the backpack for 2000g if you can afford it if it's okay if you can't we will get it soon wow all right let's do it to make the rest of our sprinkle we have a lot to do today okay we are hoeing okay we're placing sprinklers in this format do i need to water the spots i don't know okay i know it's technically supposed to like water the spaces first and then place them but i'm gonna screw up otherwise so i'm just going to go ahead and put them down that's all the sprinklers i can make but the hard part is now i have to like hose spots for more imaginary sprinklers oops okay so just imagine there's one here oh tree in the way same amount of energy this is why we grabbed that extra forage okay this is very janky this is not how this is supposed to be that's okay we're gonna do our very best okay i'm starting to get into a groove here oh no okay wait all right uh at the very bottom okay wait wait wait i just need eight more spots do i have enough energy for that no okay that's all right that's all right i just need one more thing to eat then this is perfect okay all the spots are hoed probably maybe probably let's go buy this seeds oh spice bear give me okay we got our cut scene i like what he says don't enter until after eight as if i would ever in a million years finish all that before eight it is literally 11 30. hi pierre we're gonna sell all our strawbees ugh money a melon tomato pepper 62 blueberries and 64 wheat was it 64.8 why the backpack if you can afford it we cannot buy it is it okay if you can't afford it we'll get it soon thank you for your reassurance cordite i needed it i am very stressed plant the crops in the following layout exact location of melon tomatoes doesn't matter as long as the blueberries tomato and melon are in sprinkler spaces and the wheat is not do not plant the hot pepper at this time yes sure only plant the blueberries on sprinkler spaces i have four left boom and the rest is wheat i'm assuming the purpose of the wheat is gonna be to keep spots hoed going into fall since wheat can survive from summer to fall and i'm also assuming that this spot for a quality sprinkler is gonna be the reward for the summer crops bundle look at me and all my assumptions and my math added up things are falling into place let's do it from now on flawless play we sleep straight until summer 15th oh okay this is good again it's like every time we run this eventually we're gonna like all these aspects of the run aren't gonna be stuff we have to check on a document it's gonna be stuff that we can either know or just kind of know from intuition so we're gonna get better from here on out and it's slumber town baby harvest wheat is not grown but it doesn't matter because even if it was we ain't harvesting that she okay there's our melon lovely let's put this down boom get our tomato so now all we're missing from the summer crop from the summer crops bundle is the pepper and bedtime now we sleep until the 19th all right welcome friday oh grapes nice need that for summer forage i'll grab that on my way out oh i didn't know whether to stay on my way up on my way out so my brain was like double up dog my brain flipped a coin and it landed on the edge graped up on a friday afternoon all right here we go summer 20 oh yes we did level 5 farming good good good summer 20th uh check the bus stop for summer forage we just need a sweet pea we got our grape we got our spice berry yes oh my god it's already there so we didn't need to do that i'm assuming that's the point of the route is that you won't have to like pick it's supposed to all but whatever okay chop trees while making your way left of the farmhouse clear the pathway shown below and place wooden paths along the route i see i'm making a path that looks like this please dog dog dog i love you but please alright nice so we now have a path that will never be covered by garbage uh whenever you're out of energy or 7 40 a.m whichever comes first head to the community center and touch the button it is 7 40. and i definitely did not run out of energy that means i did not play efficiently that is okay oh that's right i was supposed to chop wood i literally cut down like two trees go to pierre sell all the blueberries tomatoes and hot peppers says do not sell the melon buy the backpack if you haven't yet dude freaking iii i'm so excited to not have to worry about inventory management anymore in case we're going to sell everything we're going to buy the backpack then we're going to go to clint we're going to buy ore smart i love reading this route because it makes me realize how smart these people are buy up to 70 copper or 70 iron ore and 28 coal i mean i need to buy all if you have leftovers from the mines i forgot to check how much coal i have but i probably have like 10 extra maybe even more on your way home check the beach forgeables for the crab pop bundle run home start smelting iron ore and sleep aye aye and let's sell our goodies thank you very much i would like a backpack yes we have almost 21k now we are wealthy 70 copper ore 70 iron ore and probably like 10 coal good stuff and let's check out the beach we got an oyster we need a sea urchin that's that's very very fortunate so we're going to need that for the dye bundle we got an oyster we got a clam now we just need muscle and cockle anything on the left side no okay that's good that's good and now let's go home we need to start smelting iron ore and then we are good to go to bed ugh okay i would like the bats please i would like the bats please for the artisan bundle i'd like the bat thanks thanks demetrius for wasting my precious time uh oh my god we didn't even need that okay well we played it safe and i feel good about that i'm always down to play it safe 21st and 22nd sleep and smell iron i love this i love following directions i know that's very like sheep of me to say but that's why i always loved legos growing up is it's just i i find freaking falling directions so pleasing smell copper then go out for the third blueberry harvest smell to iron then sleep okay you've got bloopsters oh wait i don't have room for the copper bars i gotta put my goodies away i'm running out of room all right 24th 27th sleep and smelled iron switch to copper or when the iron ore runs out then we go out on the 28th smelt do the final blueberry harvest okay we are out of iron all right 28th smelt to the final blueberry harvest do not harvest the wheat in all caps here's all the wheat wow we're about to be two seasons down this is fun and exciting i'm having a great time my least favorite part of this speedrun is easily the mines because i'm not good at it and it is stressful okay final blueberry harvest you know harvest the wheat melt again before sleeping at this point you should have 20 to 30 copper ore meaning to smell yes i do welcome to fall let's check our plans for fall grow two rounds of pumpkins and craft ten jars okay we're gonna be making some pickles do fall fishing on a convenient rainy day oh we're gonna be fishing soon and then we're gonna build a coop okay fall is gonna be big then fall first scythe all dead crops and grown wheat read all of the mail wheat look at all the wheats also i need to clear the farm a little bit happy fall as i say every time we're in fall in this game the best season in stardew valley uh read all the mail i just got some some cash place all of your completed sprinklers in your appropriate spots don't worry about hand watering that's the best i can do go to the wizards tower we're gonna unlock the community center today okay before leaving the farm ensure that a minimum you have these items in your inventory shoot i screwed up i screwed up if you see a common restroom collect it uh i screwed up i forgot to put stuff in my inventory let's go get all our goodies to donate okay let's see i need all wheat i need uh hey i need clam no i don't not claim yet need blueberry hot pepper sweet pea grape that that that i thought that that i think that's it but we'll find out when we're there i guess where's the other thing uh oh i forgot the dandelion don't worry guys don't worry let's let's take advantage of this time to read ahead on our route she goes out to pierre's shop and sell everything buy 125 pumpkin seeds one corn one eggplant one yam run home and plant everything make sure to place the quality sprinkler obtained for the community center reward and then sleep okay we need to do some more smelting anyway this is this is a win i hope we actually have a dandelion we do thank god all right we're back and ready for anything uh boom yeah i thought i was tripping i was like how am i how am i what's what's going on where is the camera i'm being pranked now i need to turn in summer crops and collect the reward as well wait is this a glitch i don't know what's considered a glitch because it's like animation canceling out of the community center cut scene like a glitch that you can do or is that just i just invalidate my run i don't know it doesn't save me that much time and i already suck so i don't think anyone's gonna be too pressed oh i need to turn in my wheat in my hay all right that's two things donated right there go south to pierre shop sell everything that you can okay we are up to 30 000 i need a yummy egg plenty of corn i need 125 pumpkins nice and now we go home this is good this is good this is good plant everything and i should be able to finish crafting all my sprinklers today nice okay i always like to put my special boys right next to the scarecrow all right i have all my sprinklers one goes there one goes there okay i know this is a time loss but i am scared also i didn't do any of the wood cutting that i was supposed to on the day that was supposed to be like a wood cut until you run out of energy because i was too busy trying to figure out how the freaking paths work so i'm going to use this as my wood cutting now we should be good and sleep wonderful fall 2nd through 14th sleep on the first rainy day after the first go out and we're going to do some fishing here it is okay so we're going to put everything in the chest and we're going to go to the beach while at the bus stop grab a wild plum and or a hazelnut this segment will take some practice oh unlike the rest of the run which is just comes naturally there's so much inherent rng to fishing a guy can really not account for all of it oh god as you practice many people to learn recognize memorize the patterns the fish take i know a lot of them luckily you can press e to cancel a fish i didn't know that first section of fall fish ocean i need a sardine a red tilapia and a snapper i didn't say that right i need to start i need a sardine i need a red tilapia damn it you need a sardine i need a red snapper and i need a sardine i need a tilapia i need a red snapper good god at 9 00 a.m enter willie's shop and purchase a training rod and three trout soup we're getting a training rod because apparently with a training rod certain like more difficult fish can't get hooked so it'd like filter them out if you don't need them okay so so far we have none of the fish we need there we go red snapper oh this one had a big jump that might be a tilapia oh it was an albacore another pretty active fish wonderful okay so now we can use the training rod to look for the sardine okay i would like a training rod and three trout soups each one immediately and we're using the training rod for the sardine nice okay so we've we've done all our ocean fishing uh i see a mussel now i just need a cockle and the crab pop bundle is complete all right second section of fall fish town shad walleye catfish and tiger trout anyway up to the beach skin the beach trendy forge bowls did that uh reapply trout suit when it runs out trout and cat tiger trout and catfish are fairly difficult such a low fishing level okay apparently we will be fishing this way and using the directional thing to send the bobber downward shoot i was picking at my finger oh i forgot to hold down s we'll figure things out okay we'll figure things out while i and shad are catchable with the training rod tiger trout and catfish are not this is how big my bar is this is gonna be so hard how am i gonna catch the catfish with this thing uh-oh am i not gonna be good enough for this route once we hit 4 p.m i'm going to the beach oh god this has got to be a catfish right it's definitely jiggling because i hope it is i'm not getting exposed by something lame no shoot i almost had it man i don't think i'm gonna be able to do this am i literally getting skill barred by this route oh no i guess i need to practice fishing because i can't i don't know if i can catch that thing plus that was not a hard pattern for a catfish okay this looks like a shad or a walleye okay okay it says regardless of whether or not we actually catch everything we need we need to go to the ocean at 4pm to look for an eel catfish please oh we caught it okay so i overreacted we can catch it we missed the first one we got the second one okay once we catch a tiger trout we can switch to the training rod for babies baby rod for baby boys such as myself i remember what the tiger shot looks like it like shakes vigorously tiger trout is like tiger trout is very wiggly and wobbly reese's puffs reese's puffs seed them up eat them up what's that pear that packs that punch unique tastes so creamy with the crunch p b and c is what i'm thinking of and it only can be found in my reese's puffs peanut butter chocolate great win separate when they combine they make them one in time epic one time epic time epic r double e s e s yes p to the u double f s yes it's currently three in the morning thank you guys for hanging out with me i don't think this is anything we need but i don't trust myself enough to hit skip come on man give me the tiger trout i deserve it i don't have the time oh god i don't have the buff if like if i hook the tiger trout right here then whatever i don't know it's wiggling oh my god stop i think this is it of course right when i freaking lose my buff i'm on hard mode right now [Music] shoot dude i knew it this game is scripted technically every game is scripted but you get my point oh my god i'm hanging with it yo all right i caught it with with my baby boy rod now i can do training rod for the shed and the walleye oh this is one of them for sure this is shad and walleye they always have that little drift upward yep there's the walleye now i just need a shad and then we're done in the river what's that pear that backs that butt piping is oh there we go that's a shad slash wall i know that it's a shadow not a walleye and i got some treasure it's a walleye oh a diamond okay this is our last cast after this cast we're gonna go grab that eel oh okay this is a shad or a walleye it's one of the two they have the same pattern please be shad please please please please please please ugh i don't want another walleye dude okay well we're going to the ocean and then we'll come back and we'll have another shot at the shot oh my god bubbles that's fortunate that's a neal all right we've hooked our eel all right well that was easy goodbye all right now i'm gonna go nab a shab final section of fall fish town turn it down to catching eel deals happens before 6 pm so you're ready to catch a brim i thought i heard a sound i did not i guess brim use the training run for the segment fish south location show and use minimum cast for the best brim chance oh okay okay it's a shadow of walleye is it a shad we've got three walleyes in a row nice okay now we're ready for the bream right here and the second to hit six we're on it we're doing minimum casts intentionally to catch in the brim go to the saloon and purchase 15 coffee in the maki roll recipe all right here we go and then we sleep straight until fall 15. show me a bream oh this is a bream this is a bream this is a bream 100 this is a bream yep okay and i'm gone wow i have literally exactly enough inventory space it's a blessing okay and now we sleep until fall the 15th how are we looking on time a little under two hours okay we are about halfway through the script so we're on pace to finish this at about like four hours according to the script it's a really janky way of like measuring time but it's fine i will say though that part of that time is a reset so in reality we're doing even better okay i will see you on the 15th all right today is pumpkin day oh nice voice crack okay we're gonna ship everything we don't need which is that that that uh that that that that those two all this goes in there we need to bring let's see pick one basic quality pumpkin oh i got a harvest oh god those trees are getting close oh i was only supposed to pick one pumpkin that's what i meant by pick one basic quality pumpkin i thought that meant like pick your favorite not like okay let's reset the day really fast yeah i don't know i thought it i thought it meant like pick your favorite it's i'm so dumb okay pick one pumpkin there we go i need an eggplant i need a corn and i may yam that is fall crops done take common rush if you have one i don't yeah basically take all the fall forward you've managed to collect which is just that for me as well as all the fish and beach forage to the community center and if we happen to find a hazelnut at the bus stop oh wouldn't that be nice no fall forage is starting to really worry me fall crops kabumi i don't know if this is illegal still okay fall forage that i can turn in which is just you two idiots okay no more cut scenes we unlocked every room fish tank junk river fish uh catfish tiger trout shed crab pot one away uh night fishing we can actually complete ocean fish almost place your bee house next to the mailbox okay return to the farm harvest your remaining pumpkins place the bee house next to the mailbox use your axe or pickaxe to delete the eggplant in corn sorry my friends i gotta clear this whole area yikes okay that was a dangerous game i miss and my pumpkins are deceased okay we've cleared that area harvest our pumpkins i believe all of these pumpkins that we're picking right now are going to be turned into pickles because that's going to be how we make like all of our money okay everything's done okay what next court i before leaving for pierre's make sure you have all your pumpkins fall seeds if you got them i don't have all your wood stone and any extra coal keep track of any extra copper you received i have none money can be very tight this split if you have less than 175 175 stone and no extra coal okay i should be good if i won't be able to afford everything without selling extra pumpkins i should be fine drinking a drink of coffee at nine immediately before entering pierre's it is 10 20. [Music] so i might be a bit behind schedule i forgot to put down my bee house it's fine i'll do it when i get back pierre so all your gold and silver quality pumpkins all of them sell down to 50 basic pumpkins yep okay buy 128 pumpkin seeds all right you want to leave pierrot with about 32 000 gold if you sell below 45 pumpkins the run is dead okay we have 46. go to clint you know buy 25 copper or an 80 coal okay so i only actually need 64. oh 85 coal sorry sir go to robin buy up to total of 500 stone do not overbuy in all caps 500 stone and 800 wood you need to have 4000 g left over after this we're gonna move the shipping bin to a new spot which is a shown okay so right like in front of the house buy up to 500 stone 800 wood i need 331 now i need 500 526 okay i did not need to sell him any pumpkins all right uh move the shipping bin to here and i need to build a coop right uh here yeah okay okay now i'm gonna go home through the back woods maybe i'll find a hazelnut on the way who knows that would be ideal wait mushroom and hazelnut yo fall foraging complete use the path you constructed earlier to reach the house quickly plant the pumpkin seeds okay coffee's out wow so that was perfectly timed that's hilarious i was thinking when when you said like drink it right when you're entering pierre's i was thinking like why nice uh playing the pumpkin seeds go into the house oh i gotta hold on play the pumpkin seeds go into the house craft 10 preserves jars oh smart okay i don't need this anymore i guess and then place them like this through your jars with pumpkins start smelting copper ore and sleep pickles and bars a match made in heaven i almost missed one okay level seven farming level eight farming all right all right and good night all right copper's done all right get my get my pumpkins pumpkins are jarred all right next batch is in no stop i don't need this this doesn't save me any time please god i hate you and everything you stand for let me just sprinkle on some of my fairy shut up dude literally no one asked for this hope we get hit by a truck on the freeway despite our few hiccups i'm feeling pretty proud of this run and by proud i mean i think we have been lucky because there are so many points that are like if this happens then reset that we just kind of happens to dodge and i feel like that is mostly luck i just missed my bed all right now we gotta go harvest the pumpkins there's some honey in the thing look at me go harvesting these pumpkins i'm a harvesting machine went to verse 18 sleeping and jarring every three days once you've reached 90 pickled pumpkins run out and put 90 pickled pumpkins in the shipping bin okay so we're sleeping until the 19th except when our pickles are ready i'm assuming we're gonna save like five gold quality pumpkins i don't think much happens in winter as with most stardew valley runs looks like winter 19th is really going to be our only action day in winter [Music] we got a meteor okay we are approaching 90 pickled pumpkins on the 19th we will start by getting our hoe in five copper bars oh i was supposed to put those in the bin it's fine we can wait like a little bit we have a little bit of time uh clear any trees and saplings in the area left of the farmhouse for your barn remember that barns are seven by four tiles all right we're gonna replace our pumpkin jars and we're going to go bend our pickles all right now we sleep until the 19th look at that we've made some cash 66k all right let me grab my hoe and let's do some clearing no later than 7am cut your way south and go to cinderstaff forest okay well i gotta finish this okay it's fine it's fine bye i hope i did good i probably didn't oh i didn't bring my pickaxe with me i seriously hope that there isn't like a wall of rocks blocking the way okay good from here on out get the first crocus and crystal fruit you see do a traveling cart check also this could be a winter route or a yam nice um items highest interest puffer fish lobster crayfish shrimp snail periwinkle truffle rabbit's foot duck feather large egg literally nothing now i need to run to the beach get a nautilus shell and till the beach until you get a winter root and a snow yam all right i just gotta winter routes i just need to snow yeah if this is a snowy m that'll save me some time kaboom no cockle i assume all right well we got our nautilus shell and now we go to clint and like right when we get there we're gonna drink a coffee talk to clint buy 25 iron or 15 copper or an eight coal uh upgrade to copper axe go to robins and purchase 2500 wood and 1100 stone oh my god build a barn shoot i knew it okay i can't do that yet because i don't have enough room oh but i just started upgrading my axe uh um uh okay well here's the crocus and the crystal fruit on the right side okay wait can i do anything at this point it's seven tiles by four tiles one two three four five six seven no cause this bush is here oh i was supposed to clear out down here okay we have to reset the day it's all right we'll be quick we'll be quick time lost but it's not catastrophic this is one two three four because wait where's the bush is it like over there okay we're fine this should in theory be enough room okay we're gonna say it's enough room and pride all right grab the hoe and then we go south time loss but we'll be okay good stuff and i go to robin see look at that we took advantage of our past knowledge bench we're gonna get to the point where we do that every time you see a crystal fruit and there's there's one right there all right robin i need um 2500 wood 2500 wood means i have to do this and then buy 502. oh i already had some okay well we'll have extra and then i need 1100 stone okay there we go and we are going to build a barn uh ayo we've done it and now we go home run home through the backwoods and sleep and we've got uh winter forging done that's the part of these runs that i always stress about the most is whether we'll actually get all the foraging outstanding what's your 20th through 28th uh sleep make sure you keep five golden quality pumpkins it says our copper axe is ready all right spring first we're gonna hot all our farming spaces ignore twigs for now because we don't have our axe yet then we're gonna run to the town catch a sunfish all right happy happy spring god damn it ken i don't care i really don't i wish i did but i don't i'm so paranoid i'm gonna accidentally host spots that like aren't covered by sprinklers all right i've heard all the spots that i can without my axe now we catch a sunfish all right one sunfish please nice okay drink a coffee at 9 00 a.m sell pickles until you have 23k i'm a little late but that's okay we sold too many okay buy 135 cauliflower seeds okay i need one parsnip one bean starter one potato go to clean obtain your copper axe aye aye nice go to robin's upgrade the barn to a big barn run home plant the price of bean potato and cauliflowers and sleep ah time loss big barn my farm looks lovely okay now i gotta plant all my junk also rid the world of these because i'm scared and now we plant the cauli is i supposed to be able to plant all these because i did not all right well good night sleep through the until the 13th continue jarring pumpkins you will run out of the pumpkins before the qualifiers are growing this is normal i really this is okay by far my favorite part of this guide is that it like reassures you if like stuff feels wrong it's like don't worry you're your own pace thank you so much corte that means a lot also i'm gonna do this because i don't trust myself spring 13th run out to the shipping bin and ship 37 pickled pumpkins if you have no money and ship one less per 690g you currently have uh so that's one so i will pay i will ship 36 pump pickled pumpkins all right we're shipping 36 pickles today wow we ran out just in time okay 36. hope i counted right i don't think i did i should that was like the dumbest way to do that okay and that's all we do i don't know how many i shipped wow i did okay i counted correctly nice harvest all cauliflower parsley potato and bean replant the remaining cauliflower that is 10. cauliflower has been replanted the tater and parsnip and the bean once the harvesting is in repentance don't drink a coffee go to your chest and fill all empty slots okay i gotta okay then i gotta ditch some stuff i wanna keep all this on me just in case go to me as you have most important tournaments go to the vault turn 25 put the crystallarium in your house in place of a furnace get out the jade and place it in the crystallarium fill your jars with cauliflower and sleep okay so i don't need these i'm gonna need this i need that grab as many turns as we can handle which is basically just like this okay that's as many as we can do i hope that's okay i don't know how many we're supposed to have and then we're gonna sleep until the 27th and jar cauliflower and collect crystalline oops messed that up a little bit all right nice um pink bank uh bank funk okay we got a sunfish that is in the river fish fake well i don't know why i collected that i didn't need it die bundle research and the most important apparently is to collect the 25 k bundle for the crystallarium okay now we're going to go replace one of our fernai okay you go in there and y'all go in the bins apparently when we harvest our last 10 cauliflower we should reach farming level 10. we'd be very sad if we don't because i guess that loses the run we're about to enter summer of year two we're really getting down to it here all right harvest the remaining 10 cauliflower and it should put me at level 10 please please please please yes artisan okay now we're gonna go ship all our pickles all right and it's summertime another 38k almost 39k but first grab the chair in your house and keep it in your inventory and hold out your farming spaces make sure to remove twigs now as we'll be turning in the axe later today oh my god there's so much stuff everywhere i am so stressed that my plants are gonna like die i think the land is now all hoed uh get your bamboo pole and trout soup go to the beach check for any beach forgeables literally we just need the cockle and we're gonna go for a tuna gonna believe shot purchase the fiberglass rod 50 bait we had 30 that we could have brought with us but forgot to okay no cockle it seems purchase the fiberglass rod 50 bait and a trout two feel free to delete the bamboo pole oh i will drink a coffee after you're finished fishing all right and then we wait for a tuna wait it says now we're supposed to go upgrade the copper x to a steel ax i don't think it ever said to smelt iron or that we should already have five iron bars right and if i have them i guess they're the chest so i'll need to go grab those shoot i was fixing my hair okay okay so we might be a little off today but we'll do everything we can to get back on track all right come on please okay i cannot hook a tuna to save my life right now there we go okay very good slow down now we need to go grab here let me down a coffee we need to go grab god damn it elliot that wasn't for you ruining everything as usual we need to go grab five iron bars i didn't know i needed five iron bart well no for the future yeah i don't i didn't i never smelted the iron because the guy never said to uh so i don't know what do i do now either the guy i never said to or i missed it i probably missed it knowing me i have an idea i have an idea but it's gonna take a lot of resourcefulness on our part okay here's what we're gonna do we're done fishing for the day let's grab this what we're gonna do yes this this might work this might work we are going to run right now to clint we're gonna put a chair in front of pam's door on the way things have seemed to go a little pear shaped here but that's okay we recover there we go i think we have a tiny bit of spare money to be able to do this i don't know if we actually do or not but i'm gonna try i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that let's try i need more i have now made four furnaces oh no i need i need ten more copper ore shoot this actually put a bigger dent in our money than i thought it would and now we might be screwed but now there we go okay now let's go to the rest of our chores while that's smelting and we'll come back in two hours and it should be right before it closes uh adaptation now we might have not enough money for the run but we'll we'll do our best i don't know if that was about the air now we're doing it what do we need to buy 25 melons 10 corn two poppy two sunflower 75 red cabbage one rice one apple sapling jesus god and then we go to robin's and upgrade our coop to a big coup and then we'll run home and plant everything okay we should be able to run up get our cube upgrade started then run back to clint and upgrade our axe i did not know we had to smelt iron ore okay big coop and we also need to buy about 100 more stone to replace the stone that we just spent oh god wait wait wait wait what happened oh okay buying that 100 stone i guess just screwed us because now we can't afford the axe let's reset the day we can do better okay so our weird solution isn't gonna work we're just gonna have to be very proactive with smelting that's rough because that was literally a full day of playing time but we're good okay all right we're all right plus this news is an excuse to get better at this you look rarity oops we're already oops we're already getting better at it everything should be ready to go no it's not okay everything should be ready to go all right now we're starting back from the top gotta grab our chair get your bamboo pole and trout soup maybe we'll hook a tuna faster this time okay now you've seen a tuna once we're done fishing we need to go pick up our bars it's not a tuna it's not a tuna it's not a tuna okay so i guess scratch that thing about maybe we'll get the tuna faster this time because this might be even worse i'm gonna run out of energy at this rate thank you and i'm gone we're still gonna have to do so oh please get out of the way elliot this dude i swear he ruins literally everything we're still gonna have to get a little creative with the strats all of our iron is gonna be done yet so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pick up the finished bars i'm gonna take one furnace with me put outside clint's put a bar in it and then run do other stuff furnace is going here now let's buy our seats which are now we know 25 melon two poppy ten oh my god okay shoot what do we get rid of our inventory is full but it's all like important i guess this through those i need what do i need 75 red cabbage yeah shoot we are like i'm just gonna do this and i need one rice and one apple sapling we are still one inventory spot short oh my god okay i'm embarrassed okay now we're gonna run to robin upgrade our coop run back down get the iron bar upgrade our axe and then go plant our seeds okay here we go big coop and i'm gone now i just stake out this furnace this will give us some time to think about things perhaps some major life decisions the people who are important to us all right and we're gone okay goodbye oh i should grab my other furnace i shouldn't leave it there that's a terrible idea oh i almost forgot i put a pam outside chair's door i gotta put a chair outside pam's door so we don't i don't know i think it makes her walk faster because she'll like run into it like what and then sprint through it and then she'll get to the bus faster when we have to go to skull cavern plant all your seeds and the apple sapling apple sapling and then supposed to use all my sap to make fertilizer did i forget to buy corn oh no can we get there with coffee i don't know no we definitely can't dude you're kidding yeah i can't okay oh all right we were supposed to buy 10 corn and i forgot to does that ruin the run let's find out i don't want to reset again we'll buy it tomorrow we'll buy it tomorrow and everything will be fine and i won't weep that really sucks though okay so first of summer has been an absolute monster for us that's where the coins are gonna go second through eleventh sleeping continue drawing cauliflower every three days collect jade every second day well first we need to buy corn all right pierre here i am okay another large time loss but it's fine let's go plant the rice or the okay corn needs to go on the fertilized spots okay bye okay now we sleep until the 12th everything's fine i got a message and i'm scared oh the axe is ready thank god i was about to say like the spreading weeds have caused damage to your farm and i was ready to cry on the 12th run out to the shipping bin ship all pickles ship everything whoa look at all our fun plants okay there's almost 17k all right 13th we're gonna get our fiberglass rod trout soup we're gonna catch all the lake fish we're gonna put away the rice and put away the tuna cause i'm gonna need inventory space all right cool all right eat the trout soup and here we go we need one of everything we need a sturgeon carp bowl head uh chub and largemouth bath so i guess we want everything but the rainbow trout that being said we are 100 going to be catching a lot of rainbow trout now oh god the sturgeon i forgot we're gonna have to catch a sturgeon i even said it i just didn't process it fully this might be a challenge i hate you i hate you with all my heart okay calm down all right the hardest one has been caught on the first try it's a good sign once we're done with the lake fishing we are going to upgrade to a deluxe coop we're going to pick up our steel axe we're going to check the beach for forgivables and then we're going to sleep i don't think this is a sturgeon it's too schmeezy yes good urgement bass and sturgeon have been caught chubb bullhead and carp that's all that's left it's good to catch the sturgeon early because that's like a very very recognizable pattern that we can like escape from immediately exhibit a okay looking at the route it looks like planting corn one day late isn't actually gonna mess with like harvest stuff it only was like just time lost we had to wait for pierre and i can deal with that i'm fine with time loss as long as i stay on the route because again i just want to finish this is a bullhead i'm pretty sure yep it's going well come on this chub oh this this has got to be a chub this has got to be a chub this has chubb written all over it it's a little shaky a little feisty love it bye deluxe coop please thanks down to a little under 10k spooky one axe please thanks all right check the beach for a cockle cause that's literally all we're fricking missing from the crab pot please it has evaded us thus far uh we got just about everything else all right well bad time okay now we sleep okay we'll wake up on the 18th oh no please don't tell me it was the crops on the 18th we're gonna ship all our pickles and all our cauliflower that we don't need which is everything that isn't gold we need to save the five gold boom boom bop get those out of here while we're at it harvesting the crops right we know that's tomorrow close one another 16k or so nice okay harvest all crops use the steel axe to clear all the logs and bushes south of that regular can be going to town on these things uh oh i can't pick up that poppy i cannot go to town on that thing okay and now i'm gonna clear out some junk oh i almost missed you friendly folks uh i need to collect like all this stuff all right nice leave the farm to the south do a cart check okay well again i'm out of ener i'm at inventory space is there anything i can clear out this one furnace and i guess the sap as well there we go now i have two inventory slots can you believe look at all that real estate better on energy but we'll make it yeah nope nothing okay i don't have my scythe oh god i'm not gonna have enough energy oh that just dawned on me i can't even get into the secret woods i need to eat something i hope i can spare one melon i hope i don't screw myself in this run by eating that one melon okay into the secret woods collect the fiddlehead fern great go to the pond catch a wood skip frick i didn't ugh i didn't bring my rod this is proving to be the hardest part for me is knowing what i need to bring places because i'm already having a hard time with inventory management so i usually have to like like i don't know if i need to keep all these crops on me or like what oh god okay i hope i can i hope that doesn't screw me but i'm just gonna throw a bunch of crap in there this is a lot it's confusing okay now we just need to catch a wood skip drink a coffee after finishing fishing run to marnies by one rabbit oops this is a cart buy one rabbit and one duck a happy family run to robin's shop sell pickles to pierre if you don't have 25k i 100 will not oh my god i don't know i got a wall basket dude i just want a wood skip it's like i don't know if i'm gonna have time to even get to marny i mean get the robin the wood skip is not supposed to be this hard to hook why just keep getting carp dude this is the worst i'm not gonna be able to get to robin's i don't know what you're supposed to do in this situation because it's not like it's okay if you don't catch the wood skipping time like you have to catch it here but i cannot hook it this might be a reset because yeah i can't make it to robin's yeah okay we're gonna have to reset the day because i just i don't know what was going on but i couldn't hook it okay from the top okay everything is harvested i'm gonna put away some of it also i'm making another chest again okay and now i gotta do this song and dance with the clearing a path and and whatnot oh i found kind of a jackpot there i'm gonna need to eat that again cause i'm gonna need energy to fish i think of interest forgot has the same stock we need our fiddlehead fern and then we need a wood skit this time can we make it happen that's a carp there we go good god all right we've got the wood skip all right coffee and then we're gonna buy a rabbit and a duck from marnie rabbit waffle duck okay we're at okay we definitely do not have 25k i don't know how you would so we got to sell our 10 pickles hopefully that's enough to get guess 25k i don't even know if it's gonna be yeah okay we had to sell some melons to get to 25k but hopefully that isn't like a run under move the barn to directly below the coop with like one thing of space and upgrade to a deluxe barn okay run home start jarring red cabbage okay we freaking got through summer 19th summer year two is our absolute downfall right now okay good god until the 28th sleep and continue drying red cabbage well get out of summer i swear oh we got the strange capsule thing oh god summer 28th is a lot dude oops don't eat the red cabbage okay remove sprinklers near barnard coupe shown below it is not shown below i'm just gonna do those two i'm just gonna remove those two i hope that's correct because it's not shown below uh take leftover hay place leftover hay from wheat harvesting in the coop and barn i rabbit and doc prioritize filling the coop if you have less than 24 hey i do i have far less open the door to the barn could you organize your inventory okay quickly done then go to the farm cave and harvest as much fruit as you can there we go i got all the gold corn i need let's i'm gonna instead of quickly organizing my inventory i'm gonna gather everything that i think i need for the community center so basically the gist is i'm gonna slowly organize my inventory quality crops is done okay that's probably fine oh my good golly i'm assuming i'm prioritizing all the like artisan there we go looking for four of the six tree fruits and at least one pomegranate is there another one no okay i got one oh that's right pomegranate for the funky monkey bundle okay let's see pomegranate need one more pomegranate uh one each of i got an apple get an apricot i got a peach i got an orange wild plum blackberry salmon berry spice berry can be safely deleted you have one pomegranate it must be safe for the enchanter's bundle do a community center turn in oh yeah okay let me let me throw all this junk away let me bring as much stuff as i can that is the best i can do okay quality crops bing bong thing a what i baited oopsie i think i made a serious oopsie okay uh all is well i think because now i'm i'm stuck with you okay don't no worries team okay fish tank lake fish get out my face tuna out my face still need a cockle which has evaded us thus far fern poppy palm and y'all okay oh also almost forgot oops almost forgot you okay now we drink a coffee good appears to sell all your pickles you'll need about 35k well fingers crossed i actually have no idea um ooh we are really low oh okay um let's let's run to the homestead and see what we can find that is sellable also we're gonna need that for artisan bundle okay all the extra corn i'm i'm i'm like i bet we can sell right this is dicey we should have been this i'm just gonna okay i'm just gonna bin all the extra melons and corn i don't know if that means our run is over that we're this low on money i don't even know how it's possible because i feel like i've followed all the directions all right whatever pierre would you perhaps like some corn that's literally the best we can do okay let's run to marny now buy one pig pesu one cow uh one duck one rabbit okay so we we need more of them i guess we need two thought we already had one of each but i guess we need multiple um and then i need a white chicken and a brown chicken this is a brown chicken tungus is a brown chicken all right and we're gonna go oh wait and i need to buy the milk pail and a bunch of hay and at least 100 hey well i got news for you is our run dead optional check the traveling cart i have no money okay let's just continue run home and sleep okay how are we so low on money what did i do what oh you're too far that's a year two fail and i thought i meant i failed okay let's do this so we path to the coop enter pet everyone leave path here pet the cow there's a pig pet the cow supposed to only enter if they need hay but they're like eating the grass so i can leave now and that's one day i'm pretty sure no god wait no that literally that ruins the run also i just realized i don't think i ever started the timer boop okay wait so did you actually okay no no no it's fine it's fine it just okay we're good it just made one of the eggs into a void egg we're okay we're okay i thought it turned a chicken into a void chicken we're good now it's bedtime and i'm supposed to not bother milking the cow until it has a heart of friendship i don't need the egg well i need one of them that works i need one to fry what am i at friendship-wise with you mister okay nothing that's all right also i'm gonna put this extra one down i don't know if it's necessary but i am low on money it also says uh note if correctly petting chickens and cow each day fall 14th is the first day that they're eligible to produce large products okay that's if we're doing it correctly which we almost never are but hey you never know okay all the animals have been pet pet the cow and bedtime and i guess this is what we're doing for the next little bit there we go there's a wall it is one community center item down i'm probably gonna have to bend my pickles soon and just go buy more hay from marnie just kind of like fight the bullet and do that because we don't have any money right now also might be a good idea to start doing car checks because there's still a lot of things that we need from the cart so today we're gonna go to the cart i think this is this is part of speed running i'm pretty sure there's our duck feather wow that was really fast outstanding okay and so now once we get an duck egg there we go now we literally don't need to worry about the ducks anymore oh that's right we can sell them now that seems mean but we have no money so we got a duck feather we got duck egg we got wool and let's go check out the traveling cart all right please have anything of interest today oh we're about to run out of food too maybe we should wait until nine and buy some from marnie there's a large milk that actually won't save us any time at this point the lower whale though that's crab pot done that's all our money so never mind to buying food we somehow still haven't found the puffer fish at the cart also i'm gonna go ahead and bin all our pickles because we need money for the cart cool okay a little more cash i don't actually know how much money we need to finish the run like with the vault and such so i'm gonna save just to be safe also we we need less hay now that we have two less ducks so getting that duck feather early was insanely insanely clutch okay we are just about out of food the thing i'm most confused about in this run is why we need two rabbits and two ducks is it to like increase the chance of getting a rabbit's foot and a duck feather then i just don't understand why we buy two of them earlier and then save the rest for later i don't know there's a lot of elements of this i don't understand it's probably my fault uh all right we are officially out of food what we should probably do we have this corn we're like out of money we have this corn sitting here let's just pick the corn and i guess we can hold on to it for we're about to run out of cabbage and just kind of stuff in general that we can deposit also i don't know why we needed two of these i guess just in case one got struck by lightning or something okay we needed apples as well for the fodder bundle this point we're just looking for large eggs and a rabbit's foot oh you need food okay you're gonna have to take a breather on the whole eating thing yikes okay we are having a rough go at this whole thing i my hypothesis is that we weren't supposed to buy two rabbits and two ducks today is the day we're gonna buy more food because we can we can merge it with like a cart run oh yeah something else we need to do is um get over to the the left here and get some mushrooms so we're gonna buy like a little over 50 hay because originally it said at least 100 and we bought like 48. so by a little over 50. there's our puffer fish okay check that's really the only thing we needed from the card at this point so thank goodness i'm sure this run could have had a lot of time saved with better cart luck but that's okay [Music] okay we are going to buy 55 hay hopefully that'll be enough that actually costs less than i anticipated and bedtime so the 14th is when we're supposed to be able to get a large milk from the cow that's not gonna happen anymore because it didn't get food for a day but we were supposed to make a tapper uh on fall first ice okay um okay we didn't do that that's okay that's just like a little bit extra waiting that won't make a a huge huge difference and we got more corn for our last bit of money that we need okay tapper uh and we'll put it on this okay we'll start with the oak resin that'll give us an oak resin in due time and then we need to switch to a maple the pickled corn is gonna have to get us by for a little bit it's tragic but it's it's where we're at there we go large eggs achieve now we're just waiting on the rabbit's foot so i can sell these now tongus is gonna be sold soon is gonna be sold okay you're at one heart give me some large milk ah okay we're gonna have to go really off script here because that's just kind of how things are okay large eggs puffer fish once we get the large milk uh we're done with animals except for the freaking pig and the rabbit's foot hi babies let me give you some more munchies there you go okay those rabbits are gonna be single-handedly in control of this run at this point yeah there it is okay you are finito take large milk acquired we've gotten all the animal products except the ding ding truffle also i'm gonna go investigate the fruit cave because if we could get like a cherry or a pomegranate that would be so handy for the artisan bundle we need either a cherry or a pomegranate and it looks like we're getting neither okay well let me grab all these because at least that's something to put in our our jars for now we didn't get what we needed but we got fruits for for money that's nice and fall 18th ship remaining pickles i got some picks okay well let me let me bend all this random garbage all right now we go ship the pickles i need to grab all this stuff because i feel like we are still low on money on the kashish all right rabbit's feet would be incredible here okay it's all right thank you for the attempt keep one jelly if you're short on artists and bundle items we are but i think we'll get the fruit cave thing eventually if you get all the animal products before fall 19th except for the truffle which is not the case because we need the rabbit's foot okay fall 19th she have a minimum of 28k at this point to finish the run oh boy okay fall 19th a lot happens and it worries me we need like 13k oh my god we're so good okay we have so much money we like over compensated all right we have lots and lots of money that's good though because we need lots and lots of money for um community center stuff i mean uh traveling card oh my god we just got a freaking frozen geode from that rock that is so lucky we need that for the community center good okay if it is not raining we used to say to ensure truffle okay do any remaining backups optional cart check i'm gonna take it i'm gonna take the optional cart check oh yeah i heard him he already got a truffle okay the truffle has been secured there's so many things that could be insanely helpful here uh uh okay we just could have saved money by buying that instead uh i don't know if we already have a cave carrot that's probably waste of money we're gonna buy it just in case i didn't save one because that is the exotic forging we're gonna we're gonna go do a community center turn in run oh you beautiful beautiful baby goodbye oops bye we have so much money okay we way overcompensate over overcome whoa okay let's grab everything that we can which is that and we're gone the entire vault must be completed today additionally the artisan bundle within the pantry must be completed oh i have an apple apricot peach orange honey i need a jelly which i don't have or a pomegranate or a cherry which i also don't have oh truck okay we can actually do this tomorrow let me check the cave just in case one spawned overnight chances are very low but it's technically possible yeah okay all right so we can't do the turn-in run yet so let's let's wait a day because our jelly in there should be done soon okay we got to go take care of the rabbits really quick in case they gave me a rabbit's foot no god the rabbit's foot is gonna be our downfall all right jelly there we go now we can do the artisan bundle so now that's done but first let's take care of the rabbits oh there it is never mind never mind rabbits can kick rocks for all i care okay good stuff all right you guys are getting sold hate to break and see if that's how it is we have so much excess money right now okay and there's our oak resin okay so then other thing we need to do today we need to get our oak resin we need to grab our tapper and then the tapper needs to go on the oak tree or i mean the maple tree okay turn and run also the reason we have two peaches i'm sure some of you were screaming like oh for inventory management like oh you have two peaches i actually need that second peach and you'll see why soon we're over four hours at this point but again remember our goal is sub five artisan bundle must be completed nice and that's because we need the keg our wool is still at home as is our duck egg so we can't finish the pantry quite yet but it's pretty much done exotic foraging can you hear it boom fodder bundle oak resin rabbit's foot frozen geode duck feather uh truffle maple syrups in the works okay this is the important thing this is why we brought the extra peach we're gonna put a keg right here we're gonna put a peach in it and this is how we're gonna get our wine is we'll come back in the distant future and get wine purchase purchase purchase i don't know what the rewards are if anything could possibly be useful they're not that's our first room completed we need that because we need to go on the bus soon all right and we're gone and now we're gonna sleep until the 28th okay things are kind of falling into place here all right see you on the 28th oh the bus the bus we'll go collect the cact or we need to go collect the mushrooms that's that's one thing we need to do and there's our 36 jade that's good that's what we're supposed to have perfect okay first things first we need apparently 650 wood to finish the run well we need to get over to the left anyway okay i need to get over there there's a purple mushroom i need two purple mushrooms two red mushrooms i see one of each if i don't get them that's okay because we can get them in the mines as well all right we got all the what we need was multi-purpose purple mushroom red mushroom i don't need the common garbage can we get one more of each if not that's okay but it'll be really ideal okay we can get two purple mushrooms that's at least good okay the main thing is is because it's for exotic foraging because now we only have an extra purple mushroom to go with these two so i guess we can get like an extra tree product and then if we find a red mushroom in the mines which is really likely then then we don't worry about any of it uh anyway we have enough wood i hacked my way over but i don't know like through what i am lost i'm like completely lost who's up here okay collect the last jay break the crystal move until 9 30 to any backups use your remaining coffee you'll need 650 wood if you miss your purple road motions go to the far left side make sure you have your fiberglass rod and jades at 9 30 buy a bus ticket for the desert okay pam should be on her way hustle hustle hustle one ticket please collect a cactus fruit and a coconut coconut check i've seen a lot of coconuts i just need one cactus fruit well i know one thing we're doing for sure is trading in our 36 jade for staircases uh oh shoot there are no cactus fruit there are like 80 coconuts okay whatever let's just catch the sand fish okay and we leave achievement all right so no cactus fruit is not great but that's okay now we're gonna run to the mines we're gonna make a donation around the community center on the way wait do i have everything i need for the mines probably i don't have a weapon but oh not but i need a weapon i'm stupid we should have a run we should have a run completed here the run was never dead i am almost positive that we have a dead run and that makes me really sad i whined about the run being dead when in reality it was just a massive time loss which is uh which is which is great i'm gonna go ahead and do this i just need 10 wood okay exotic forging i need this i can do this though and this there we go pantry complete please hustle please hustle dude please hustle dude oh my god okay the lober should complete the crab pot yup i've got this and this and i'm gonna catch the ghost fish today okay give me that that's the enchanter's bundle done field research we're getting the aquamarine today this is i'm waiting on and these two will happen later gold bars we need that for the boiler room blacksmith bundle we're gonna get these today we're gonna get those today we're gonna get that today good stuff it's all coming together ladder rate of floor 80. we're gonna use only staircases to get to floor 80. keeping in mind the following shopping list we need five copper ore five iron ore uh we're gonna need an aquamarine there we go i need to catch a ghost fish on floor 60 and then i need two coal which i'm gonna get right now and then once we're at 480 we're gonna reset over and over again until we get a void essence of solar essence in a fire quartz i didn't need to do that okay let's catch our ghost fish oh my god we almost just exhausted ourselves do we have any food uh oh okay we do now i mean coffee gives us three energy the egg but we need that uh oh that's not ideal okay well then we better catch this ghost fish quick i didn't think about that uh oh okay well so far we're making an energy profit so that's good come on now it's right at least all the stuff we're catching is like edible nice okay so that is fish tank done we are really getting down to it here this is so exciting i'm just used to stuff like not working oh i just hit a bunch of buttons and opened up something weird on steam oh shoot didn't mean to do that okay we should still have enough gotta be careful not to accidentally double up again nice okay floor 80. we need a fire quartz we need to avoid essence venus solar essence none there nothing here okay we're gonna reset there's our void essence hopefully this doesn't take too long okay there's a metal head come on come on there okay now escape because i don't want to die in here all right we're fine now it's just fire quartz and i picked it up right okay good i was about to cry this is getting kind of stupid let's go chop chop we don't get it today it's not the end of the world because we're not gonna be able to finish any anyway today because we're still waiting on our maple syrup out oh my god that took like 90 of my health okay we're going to be careful cause i don't have any food if it looks like a dangerous situation skip it this is good though because i need copper there done maybe i'll have better luck i was about to say here we go this is my chance i was about to say next time i get a ladder one i might have better luck if i like use the staircase to go down to 83 and give it a peep no i don't see one okay i had one staircase left so i figure why not i should break those crates if they're in my way because they might have a fire quartz in them i don't know if that's actually possible but arden oh my god i am on very low oh see look at that i knew he'd find a red mushroom that was that was smart on me then to go almost kill myself there's a very high-risk chiron to play and we got the high reward so oops so i don't care all right so that means now that's that's the mushrooms crossed off for crafts room now we literally just need a freaking cactus fruit and then that's crafts room done we're really getting down to it here if we can just find a fire quartz oh my good golly ah please okay i don't have much health i can't deal with that right now is is this thing like did they get patched out of the game it's like gaslighting me because i know it can be found on 480 i've done it before but this is making me think that it can't because like where is this fool another purple mushroom oh there we go it's a bunch of energy for me and health is this where all of our time is going to go now is this freaky this freaking fire quartz what's up 480 reset until you collect the following items for 81. one fire course yeah once completed the mines go to robin's shop yeah that is long since passed okay yeah we're gonna have to leave soon just because of like time oh thank god that took way longer than it should have probably we're done with the mines for good and isn't that exciting now we're gonna go home we're gonna smelt some iron we're gonna smelt some copper and we're gonna go to bed tomorrow we're gonna have to upgrade our house we're supposed to do that today but there's our greenhouse okay things that need to happen today we need to get our house upgraded from robin first things first let's go finish the community center stuff that we can and then we're gonna go up north start a house upgrade come back go to the desert look for a cactus fruit oh wait hold on first of all is our is our maple syrup done no but it will be soon we should be able to finish this run on the fourth of winter year two i think all right fish tank complete die bundle complete now it's just the dang chef's bundle blacksmith's bundle boom up yeah i forgot already put one in there boom bam bam all right boiler room is done now it is just the chef's bundle and the exotic foraging and then that's it all right let's go to robin's plan for the rest of the run upgrade our house run to the bus stop go to the desert hope there's a cactus fruit if there is grab it go home sleep for two days wake up cook the fried egg in the maki roll and then we should be able to complete the whole thing and that'll be time all right and 9 a.m ma'am i would like to upgrade my house we have so much extra money there's a bit where i was very frightened about our financial situation but we're okay all right perfect timing i'm begging you please please please please please please please please have a cactus fruit i am begging you i am begging you do you hear my begging this is begging uh oh i don't see anything oh come on man i just need one i already have the coconut wow yeah okay still none tis still only coconut okay so new plan speedrunning is all about adapting right we have this new plan is as follows we are going to sleep for a bit oh i need an extra fish are you kidding me i literally just need any fish and i immediately hooked like a freaking glacier fish come on i just need one fish look at all these fun folks i have not even spoke to why do i keep getting such aggressive fishies good god what am i hooking okay we got a ling cod we're gonna make some ling cod sushi now here's what we're gonna do we're gonna sleep for two days sleep one day sleep two days moving up yep there's our house upgrade all right now we should be able to cook fried egg i would use seaweed i didn't know that we most definitely do not have any seaweed okay well that's an easy thing to get really fast maple syrup chop that away we're gonna for our last exotic foraging thing we're gonna do pine tar okay let's go get seaweed i did not know we would need seaweed oops this should be good enough for some seaweed don't eat a fish oh if you hit e a bunch of times it plays the sound over and over again today i learned come on my sub five dreams are getting tarnished maybe if i go over here where the water is shallower look at that i can't even cast there we go good god i hope you can actually catch seaweed in winter there's a chance that you can i'm convinced that it's not possible to catch seaweed in winter i know that wiki says it's possible but like it's been like 10 or 11 casts in a row okay i guess we were just getting like next level unlucky all right we're fine sub five dreams are not dead cook okay also get over here cook nice and now we are going to sleep for like a week so we can get our pine tar and then we should be able to call time i actually don't know how long pine tar takes i'm just gonna sleep for a week i'm pretty sure i know oak resin is exactly a week and i'm pretty sure pine tar is even less so it might be overkill but to be safe there it is okay and we're gone this should be everything we need okay crafts room first we've got pine tar i god i forgot the freaking hardwood hardwood hardwood hardwood be right back here we are bye okay now we finished the crafts room i always forget the construction bundle exists dude okay bye and that leaves just the bulletin board okay it looks lovely yeah chef's bundle chef's bundle uh what am i missing uh maple syrup okay this is it this is it this is it when the screen flashes white oh my god oh my god oh my god last bundle farewell therm farewell my friends yeah here it is here's the community center completed in uh i don't have two monitors so i can't check my time or else it's gonna pause the cutscene all right deal with it four hours and 45 minutes oh my god goodbye junomo's the gym was returned to the spirit world and we have officially speed run the community center so this is obviously very messy like all my resets are included in this time i had to split it into multiple recording sessions like this isn't like a real submittable time this is just a trial run and this is proof that we can 100 finish the community center in a speed run and we only had to reset i think like once i think we only had to reset one time and it was like right at the start so this basically was our first try so the this is definitely not the last community center speed and i'll do i want to eventually have a video i can upload with like a legal time that i can submit to speedrun.com that is my goal is less than four hours all right well that is about it thank you so much for tuning in throughout this series if you don't know what i'm talking about when i say series i individually speed around all the rooms of the community center except the bulletin board so if you want to check that out go for it if you enjoyed this video definitely subscribe uh cause then you'll be able to know when i do this again because i will do it again anyway thank you so much for watching and i will see you in a few days goodbye [Music]
Channel: Therm
Views: 443,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therm, stardew, stardew valley, therm stardew valley, stardew valley speedrun, stardew valley bundles speedrun, stardew valley all bundles speedrun, stardew valley beginners guide, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley community center, stardew valley community center first year, stardew valley community center speedrun, stardew valley community center guide, community center speedrun, community center stardew valley, community center year 1
Id: jhN9-vdt90U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 28sec (5128 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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