"Pro" Stardew Valley Player Ranks The Farms

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i've spent over 800 hours in the game i've played in a 40 000 tournament about the game i've set a world record in a category only i've played in and i'm still bad i i'm uh i mean i'm a professional sturdy valley player and here all the starter valley farms rank okay so standard farm it's it's your bread and butter of stardew valley it's what i personally started the game on and what i'm sure a bunch of other people started the game on because you know it's the default selected one it's it's pretty simple you start in the house with a fireplace you got a nice photo a window a tv a plant your parsnips of course and i think it's a pretty solid starting place you get pretty much everything you need you got the fireplace fireplace looks very nice for some reason this has no no obstacles not sure what happened here i think that's that's kind of one of the biggest what happened to this safe anyways sorry guys what the hell what i like about this um is that there's a lot of space to farm because i personally really like farming i like to get down a lot of sprinklers plant a ton of crops that's just always kind of the way i've i've played i don't know why it's just kind of the way i enjoy the game except i hate watering finally now so i always speed around the mines for sprinklers and i like this farm because you can do that strategy where like you rush and get a ton of different drops down and make a ton of money have a ton of sheds down etc but you still have enough room to like actually decorate it and look nice obviously i'm not going to decorate it and make it look nice because i'm terrible at decorating but you could if you wanted to i made a few attempts at decorating you know i made a giant junimo but it didn't didn't turn out so well yeah i'm honestly just forgetting how big this farm actually is since it is massive you can get so many crops in here i'm probably gonna put like funny meme up you can fit you know the guy with the car and he puts his hand on it says you can fit so many props i'm gonna do that so you guys know yeah so this is kind of a basic selection but i think it's one of the better ones for gameplay and aesthetics just because you know it's it's simple it knows what's what it wants to do which is get a lot of crops down have a lot of space and it does it you know not really any gimmicks like a lot of the other ones i'm not saying gimmicks are bad i do like a gimmick here and there but i do sometimes just like a good old-fashioned game of stardew story valley you know it's a simple simple farm and that's kind of what you're getting here except for some reason made an l that's glitched into the wall interesting anyways on to the next farm or sorry no i actually have to place it on the tier list first so i'm actually going to go ahead straight off the bat and place this in great tier because i'm a bit biased but i love this farm oh that's what it's meant to be this is supposed to be in my extremely biased care list my bed all right and after standard farm we have riverland farm oh boy so if you guys watch my streams or any of my videos you know i'm not a huge fan of this i do got to admit this beginning cabin you know gives you a good impression got the classic fireplace that i'm a big fan of you got a map too got a little bit of stardew lore going there's like the grotto empire and fern gill republic or maybe other way i can't remember there's the ferngate republican grotto empire in there somewhere i also got this nice anchor i'm a really big fan of that these windows are kind of bright i don't hate them though they look pretty nice honestly and i really prefer the ship over the one and the standard surprisingly enough i don't like the floor tv though i really i'm not a fan of the floor tv two carpets you know you're getting a lot of bang for your buck so i don't have any issue with the cabin itself i think it looks pretty nice then we get to the actual outside and this is where i begin to have issues with it and i'll tell you why because so you know the main point of this farm is that you can fish right like you have a lot of water so you can fish you don't get any new fish on the farm like if i just bought the wiki quickly the riverland farm okay so this is what you can catch you can catch seventy percent of time the player will catch a town river fish fish that are found in pelican town and thirty percent of the time players will catch a pond fish fish that are found in cindersnap forest so you can already catch these fish insanely easily it's not like you're getting exclusive limited time fish you're getting fish you would normally catch in like pretty basic areas except you only have 1500 tiles which is not a lot compared to the standard you got 3 400 so it's it's not it's really not good at all and then if we just head back to it so 1500 tile sounds like a lot but the thing is it's placed in such a haphazard manner because you know if it was just 15 if it was a fit like a nice like even like a 10 by 15 rectangle of those it would be pretty good you know that's a decent amount of space you can see split off into these little islands which is not a great it's not great for like if you're going for purely efficiency you know i admit it's it's pretty good for decorating actually you can make some really nice looking farms that's not really where my issue lies with this farm it's just kind of for normal gameplay gets really annoying really quickly because you just find that you don't have enough space to plant everything you want the barn you get your barn and your coop down and you know all that stuff down and then you're you're basically like a lot of space gone and if you really want to go big into the animals you can let's say you've been playing this farm for a while and you get to the end game and you want to start trying some interesting money making methods like i don't know planting a ton of ancient fruit you literally just do not have the space to do that because there's just not very many tiles we're gonna have to do some really weird scuffed setup that's just really inefficient heading back to the tier list i'm i'm not a big fan of this farm i'm gonna put it in the bad deer but not awful i think i think it serves its purpose which is decorating and you know if you like decorating and you love this farm and the next farm we're gonna be doing is the forest farm okay the forest farm is a pretty popular farm and i completely understand why shared off the bat we can get a general vibe of this farm three trees one or so for four trees one two three four so that already kind of gives you the general vibe you know it's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of a lot of trees and like grass kind of greenery i'm not a fan of this carpet it's kind of ugly i i the wallpaper is decent floor is amazing um i pretty much like not a fan of the floor tv again but we do get the camp or the the fireplace which i'm a fan of definitely a big fan and then we move outside so you might be saying well well again there's not a ton of space on the forest farm either you're only working with 1413 tiles which is actually less than the riverland farm and that was one of your main complaints on the riverland farm that you just didn't have enough space well here's the thing whereas on the riverland farm all that space was spread out against various islands with this you have this big open space like right here you can get a ton of crops or barns or whatever you want here so that that kind of my main issue wasn't that the riverland farm didn't have tiles it has an okay amount of tiles that the tiles were in inconvenient places that kind of prevented large amounts of crops but with this you can get a ton of crops out so i don't have an issue with this with this particularly i think it's actually a really good farm because first off the bat i've even gotten to the benefits and we're still like pretty far to this right here you see this hardwood you're basically getting like a second secret wood i think you actually get more hardwood here than you do with the super woods you're getting yourself a solid what is that that's 16 hardwood a day plus the secret woods that's like that's like 30 hardwood a day so much hardwood so much wrong xp it's amazing and you see all these green tiles boom forgeable right there forgeables can spawn on this you're going to get a ton of space for forgivables they're not super useful i don't think forgeables are all that where the hell is the path i don't think ford's wheels are super useful i'd rather have farm bubble tiles but i think it is worth it because you can get all this hardwood and you know if you need to craft heavy tappers late game or anything that does require hardwood it's really nice because you do have that extra hardwood intake intake engaged my intake what i was trying to say so i think that's why this is one of the better farms i'm actually a pretty big fan of this farm played my 100 days of stardew valley on this farm and i think if i was to start a new farm probably wouldn't choose this farm but that's just me purely because i've already played it and i want to try a different farm if i do start a new save at some point so i think this is an excellent farm you can also funnily enough it's better for fishing than the fishing farm because in this big pond you can actually you can actually catch wood skip and you know i mean wood skip's pretty good it's good for like fishing speed runs you know that branding by the way clip where he fails to catch the wood skiff or no he catches the woods kevin then he throws it away that's gonna be on screen now oh i got a fish what skip let's go let's go let's go okay okay our plane i'm gonna run up and put this in the chest oh no what'd you do i deleted it i was wondering what my channel was like now and here's the list of all the forgivables that can spawn in spring we can get dandelion leek more real and wild horseradish in summer we can get common mushroom grapes spice berry and sweet pea we can get chanterelle common mushroom purple mushroom and red mushroom really good you know those are some decent affordable especially for the community center with like the more real or if you're like trying to get a full shipment you can get pretty lucky with it because it gives you a lot more chances start having to check the entire map so overall i think this is an excellent map we're gonna chuck it into the we're gonna chop this farm into another great after forest we have the hilltop farm the hilltop farm is a little bit of a controversial one i think i talked bad about it briefly in my what your starter valley farm says about you and i kind of regret that because straight off the bat this is a beautiful room you got the pickaxes like we in minecraft we minded some we mine in some blocks um we got a stone fireplace which looks amazing with the back wall got a nice interesting window haven't seen that type before i've been talking for 10 minutes straight so i want some water ltd store.com oh wait wrong channel my bad we got like a nice table you know we got a crystal that would be valuable you know good stuff and then some sort of lantern i think that looks pretty cool and um then we head outside to the actual farm itself after we grab the seeds of course we can see this is another kind of riverland farm issue i guess i'm just going to call that which is it has a decent amount of space 1600 tiles which is a good amount of tiles that's more than the forest farm and i think slightly more than or no about the same as the riverland town but once again it's kind of an inconvenient location it's not exactly as inconvenient as a railway farm it's pretty decent honestly i don't mind it at all but it is kind of a little bit inconvenient but other than that i think this is a really nice looking farm i think it looks better than the riverland farm like i saw a time lapse of some guy doing a hilltop like a hilltop farm over a couple of years that's super cool so yeah i think it's a really good decorating farm and it's a solid play-through farm however there is one pet peeve on this farm for me that just drives me up a wall i'm gonna head over to it now if you played the farm you probably know exactly what i'm talking about if not prepare for this to haunt your nightmares so if you're trying to head here if you don't have a copper axe there's a stupid stump blocking your way it's so it frustrates me so bad you have to go all the way around if you want to head over to like your quarry and speaking of the quarry we haven't even touched on the quarry yet so the main benefit of the hilltop farm is the fact that you can go ahead and you get a quarry quarry is basically you know some rock spawn there like the core you unlock at the community center it's a little bit smaller essentially the rewards get better the higher farming level you get so farming level or sorry mining level the higher mining level you get higher mining level you are the different rocks they'll spawn so at mining level 1 it's going to spawn some copper some rocks some geodes and at higher tier farming it's going to spawn in some better quality minerals like iron gold i don't know if i can spawn iridium i'm actually not even sure about gold it can definitely do iron and copper minimum so it's pretty useful it's decent it's a decent source of mining xp and for whatever reason a lot of worm spots like to spawn up here there's three just straight off the back that's kind of convenient you're hunting for some artifacts or just need yourself some clay um yeah totally we need more stone no stone here but yeah so i think it's a good all-around farm the quarry isn't overly useful but it's pretty decent and i think it looks pretty nice i don't think it's that good so we're gonna chuck it into no i do think it's good but not great so we're gonna chuck it into the good tier for now after the hilltop we're gonna have the wilderness farm though i initially kind of just thought of the wilderness farm as like the wilderness farm holy smokes this is so cool straight off the bat i don't think i've ever had a wilderness farm you have like a boarded up window a normal window you got a cactus a lantern and some extra storage right off the bat you can check never mind you don't have any extra storage off the back notice of a lamp a cool carpet we got krobus on there we got a bat a skull stupid flying skulls got a slime and another alien reference then we've got a slime a crobus a bat a nice little hanging shield oh yeah super nice looking thing i like the stone i like the stone fireplace the nice wall super cool looking place and then we head out into the farm and you're like okay this is just like a standard farm wrong there is a huge field of water so basically normally there's like a little field of water on the standard farm which you know it doesn't really get in the way this one kind of does it is in the middle a little bit but i think as you can see there's still a ton of space all over the place to get down all your crops your animal enclosures etc and also the bottom just looks really cool i don't i don't know why but i really like this kind of forest forest kind of vibe then over here we have another big lake and then up here this is where it changes this is this is the big change i think that differentiates different holy smokes i cannot speak diffientry that makes it different is what i was trying to say oh my god um that's what happens when you talk for 16 minutes straight um like it cuts off a huge amount of the farm so it's not just a standard farm but with a big lake oh yeah and there's one more thing i didn't mention this farm well you can now turn it on on any farm where you can make monsters spawn but on this farm its main selling point is that it had monsters spawning by default so when it gets late at night monsters will spawn and harass you a little bit i think it's a decent decently interesting mechanic i don't think it's like a game changer it's like mildly useful i guess you can get some decent decent mob drops and level up your combat like here and there if you do end up killing a few guys but i don't think it's overly i don't really think it's a game changer like i don't think oh you should go for this farm because of this feature just kind of like eh it's a feature that's there if you use it you use it if it annoys the heck out of you it annoys the heck out of you so i think once again for the tier list we're going to be chucking this one on to the good because it's not i'm gonna turn it onto the neutral attack or not purely because of the annoying it's kind of all on its own but like that that big water in the middle and the chunk out of the top left it does annoy me a little bit so it's only gonna be a neutral for me and then our second last one is the four corners farm four corners farm was a little bit of a special place my heart purely because it was the first farm i started playing it's it's a really nice farm and i'm gonna explain to you why so straight off that oh i almost left the cabin before describing it in a nice lamp i don't think this is the best looking one i think this might actually be the worst looking one purely because of the wall and that flower i'm not a big fan of those flowers i don't think this is a decent looking lamp and i like that we have a standing up tv i'm a big fan of the standing up tv then we head outside and this this is why i love the farm so basically the reason i love the farm is as you can see it cuts off wow that's not a lot of farming space however you actually get yourself a little bit of everything on this farm so you have a lot of space and it's all evenly divided into four little quadrants which allows you to like put your crops in one corner you can neatly divide everything and also each thing is like kind of kind of one of the farms down here this is like this is the mining farm this is we got a mini quarry down here which once again not super useful but kind of useful and pretty cool that we just have one lying around in case we need like one more copper don't want to run all the way to the mines um however there's also some interesting shortcuts as you can see when when you get a copper axe you can actually run through here so that's really nice and also greenhouse is in a super convenient place overall this is just a super cool farm because you can neatly divide everything down here in the bottom left corner there's also a really big lake i think which is also cool i don't think you can really get any useful fish out of it so it's not it's kind of like another riverland situation but i guess it's just like nice to have if you just want to do some late night fishing just to chill but yeah not not incredibly useful but still a decent selling point you can also you you might think hey it's kind of known to have to walk all the way to the middle and you don't actually have to do that you do have to get yourself eventually when you get yourself an iron axe and an iron pickaxe you can't break your way through so you can go between them really quickly i do admit straight off the bat it is really annoying that you can't get through but when you do get the axe it's a beautiful farm you can turn it into an amazing layout that i think turns out amazing however i have seen people get screwed because a meteorite like lands right here i mean they can't leave the bottom of the farm until they upgrade their axe and head out there so i mean that's probably not gonna happen to you but if it does that is hilarious please leave a comment about it so i think that is gonna leave this farm into the good tier then the final farm the beach farm so the beach farm was the newest farm added it was added in update 1.5 i'm not really a big fan of this room i don't like the palm trees not really a big beach guy i think this is a cool looking shelf not a fan of the walls though it's okay nothing crazy it's what i'm trying to say then we head outside and you see sand so my main issue with this farm actually is sand and the reason that is is because you cannot place sprinklers on sand as i will demonstrate so we whip out a iridium sprinkler from our cheat menu and you can see sprinklers won't work on this terrain and that is because like they get clogged by sand or whatever i like this in theory i think it's an interesting mechanic but it's just not for me i'm a really big sprinkler guy you do get a little bit of sprinkerable sprinkler both space down here which is good i kind of i like the idea of this farm but i really hate playing on it if you like playing on it hey fair enough you know you can do some interesting designs i've seen a couple of videos where people turn this into greenhouses from like mossy so you can in theory fill this place with sheds and then make a bunch of greenhouses but overall i'm not a huge fan of it i do kind of like this forageable area down here similar to the forest farm so it is a pretty big farm and you can get away with a lot of stuff on it and also another huge benefit of it is pretty good but i think again it's still overshadowed by the fact that you just can't use sprinklers on the majority of the farm meaning you have to hand water or just not plant a lot of crops we just just can't you know i have to um but anyways back to what i was saying there's a lot of crates that can spawn here that can drop some decent stuff it can give you some survival burgers in my opinion that's the best drop gives you like a hundred 200 energy i believe which is a really good early game if you're mining because that that's like that's like 10-ish five or ten floors if you're lucky on a single day so i think it's an okay farm nothing amazing but i think if you did end up picking it you're not completely screwed you're just gonna be mildly inconvenient if you did not realize that you couldn't play sprinklers and i have heard stories of people not realizing that they couldn't play sprinklers until they got to the end game and they were quite annoyed about that i mean i guess you could download a mod but i think that kind of defeats the entire purpose of this of this farm which is to just have a lot of space so we head back to our to your list and we chucked this into the bed here i'm just really not a big fan of it i i think in the end it just it just comes down to the fact that you cannot play sprinklers make sure you subscribe also if you have ever used one of these farms also come watch this video on some dumb mistakes i made while playing starter valley make sure to follow me in the comments
Channel: Waligug
Views: 896,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley gameplay, waligug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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