Playing Pokemon again after 20 years

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my man's how's it going i uh look at this about pokemon pearl i'm gonna tell you right now i have not played the original so i don't know what types of gyms there are i i don't know even what the starters evolved into i'm a man who's going into this mostly fresh i know about a few small things okay just tiny little things the last time i fully beat a pokemon game it was generation three that was like 20 years ago so i figured hey you know what might be fun to uh document myself playing through this game and see how it goes so uh okay here we go pokemon a man on an adventure just looking for some looking for some cool pokemon so i went to this uh lake with my i named my rival robert okay is he is your friend or is he right i don't know i need this guy robert i i felt like it was a fitting name for him so me and robert went to this lake and found a briefcase and stole some pokemon from it okay here we go time for a man to choose make a decision you know what i love monkeys i absolutely love monkeys definitely one of my favorite animals but not this one [Music] i also love penguins all right good animal too but not this one now that right there that was a man for me [Music] yeah i chose the turtle i've spoke about this before i'm a man who loves turtles okay and when you see someone like that you pick i wasn't going to pick the monkey because i like monkeys but no way not that thing and then the penguin i don't need that all right so i just picked the i picked the turtle okay there's not much to it there's no there's no need for me to discuss this anymore i went back to the i spoke to the professor and he said yeah you know that turtle you just took you stole from me out of my briefcase these doors keep them and i named it mog i named it mogbo okay what what name is that there there's a zero percent chance i'm gonna remember that i love this little man though he's a cool little guy running around little turtle love them so now i need to go to job life city i is it job life is it jube life is it i i don't know the name of this thing i i'm definitely i tried to look it up i tried to watch a guide of someone pronouncing it they're all no commentary playthroughs so i have no idea if i'm saying it right all right so i'm just going to say jube life i i i know i'm going to say job life i don't know on my way there i was the very first trainer i faced nearly killed me how did i i don't i don't even know if it nearly killed me i don't have i don't know my footage in front of me right now i'm just reading my notes which says on the screen right now had to use washroom real bad pokemon battle next what does that mean had to use washroom reel but why did is this are these the notes that i'm supposed to be working with here is this gonna be 20 pages of notes like [Music] oh no oh i'm an idiot i'm i'm a huge idiot [Music] survived no oh my god i might survive this i i survived i thought i was gonna okay let's get back oh no the first badoof i face brought me down to one health but i killed it i leveled up and uh killed the second barely and got out of there and healed my man i don't know what two trainers in and i was a man who was almost dead already and then i caught this thing you wanna shinx a little electric dog pokemon [Music] get in the ball stay in the ball become the ball there we go become the ball i named it togar don't even there's no point in me telling you the names of these things because i i don't remember togar okay togar didn't last that long let me just put it that way ah job life city good to be here finally oh so i made it to uh job life whatever the i made i made it to the next city okay i i don't know what i was doing here i was supposed to give something to robert and i like find three clowns i was a man walking around looking for crap clowns robert i've been looking for you you doing over here no i didn't i'm here to give you a box yeah take it i don't want to be looking for clowns oh there's one right there i was back on the road route 204 204. you know what they say about route 204. it's good here so i bought a bunch of trainers and had a badoof a little beaver type pokemon i heard that yeah you gotta catch one of these things for all your hms you can learn like waterfall surf rock smash strength this man can do it all and i was thought okay good employ you come on help me out uh but then i kept going and i went into this cave i could not go any further because you need a rock smash so i turn around and fight a zubat [Music] okay come on the zubat i was fighting that thing for like five minutes i couldn't get away it confused my electric dog thing it's just no one no man wants to spend that much time with a zubat okay okay come on oh there we go finish this bat off kill the thing an annoying little bat flapping around turns out route 204 is not the route for me right you gotta go somewhere else so i turned around and tried going down route 203 and uh sure enough robert was there okay what's robert doing here [Music] this guy wants to battle me robert it's not gonna work hey send that thing out i want to show you what happens to this thing zap it straight out of the sky okay that's not the pokemon yeah i beat the guy no problem at all just use my electric dog zapped every pokemon he had uh including that monkey what's going on with that monkey i kind of like it actually after defeating the man i i went to the grass to see what pokemon were on route 203 and you know what so glad i did that because i i found one of the pokemon that i was looking for oh but real quick i got a word from this video sponsor hey this video is sponsored by cred dot ai if you uh use a debit card you need to throw it away right now okay and switch to credit ai it will change your life and you'll get fifty dollars and that you can start spending literally just minutes from right now so hey i'm gonna tell you about it right now okay credit ai is a super powered replacement for your debit card you get this 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there's stuff forbes called it the tesla of banking okay if you sign up for credit ai this week uh via cred dot ai slash forge you'll automatically get 25 to instantly spend via your in-app stealth card so literally just seconds you can sign up right now okay it takes no time then when you activate your free metal card you get an additional 25 when you make your first standard deposit and over it just by doing that you're going to start getting a better credit score okay so go ahead go over to cred dot ai forge and sign up see some hey it's some good stuff right good banking oh [Applause] okay didn't know you could get this thing here in this game okay this pokemon right here abra extremely good pokemon you only get one chance to get it okay one chance one chance only that's why i'm gonna throw the perfect pokeball right here i'm gonna click this i didn't let the ball do it do its work here we go [Music] here we go this is it yup one more that's it yes there we go there we go okay [Music] perfect i couldn't be happier with this man yes look at this guy he's just sitting there i love the way this man sits yeah of course i named the man richard i was so happy to get richard richard was a good man very very good man but uh richard had to go richard did not last why am i spoiled that is just a straight-up spoiler you know what i'm not richard was good while he lasted okay there i guess i said it it's out there now and you know what i'm doing this whole video one take doing the whole thing so i i the the other pokemon i wanted was wormpole it's like a worm type pokemon i gotta tell you right now wormhole it's just a little you might think oh why you want a little worm well you know what you're going to see later evolves into one of my all-time favorite pokemon so i was a man who had worms on the mind really wanted to find a worm bowl so i was i was looking around it seemed like a place where you could find one so i was popping in out of the grass for a while but after like seven encounters i i gave up and just fought more trainers this guy had like i don't know i wrote this guy had a man i like oh what is that thing like a little termite or something like that what is that thing i like that thing a lot [Music] i love that man how do i get a man like that after i beat him i looked the thing up in the pokedex but there was no info no information on this thing how do i see it unknown habitat after what felt like an hour of battling trainers and wild pokemon i made it to the second city you know i forget the name of it okay this kid just showed me around robert what are you doing here why are you standing in front of the gym oh he's in the mine oh great robert glad glad that he did all that so now i gotta fi i had to go find this man in a mine or something like that there's like a guy he's underground doing stuff he wasn't why is it that all the gym leaders are never at the gym just you have one job sit in the gym wait for me to come battle you why you would don't be messing around in a mine so i went down there and i was there's dirt being pulled out of this place or something i don't know why i wrote that in my notes oh oh first thing a man runs to do it down here in onyx so i got down there and i started looking trying to see if i could find this gym leader i was down there for a while running around battling pokemon looking walking past people and what i think at one point i just walked right past him i i i don't i didn't know who i was looking for i do eventually i gave up and went back to the surface and uh i realized he has to be down there so i went back down i gotta get out of this cave another onyx not so impressive this time yeah finally i found him just stan what was the point of all this he just showed me how to break a rock and then just ran laughed me down there with a bunch of zubats so i use an escape rope and uh hopefully thought okay you know what it's time to battle and we're screwing around in mines okay my first gym those guys glasses i'm good my man kill these two kids real quick because he was in a mine i assumed that this was going to be a like a rock type trainer or a rock type gym or whatever so i uh just took down the first two trains absolutely no problem easy and then i took on roarick okay here we go first move razor leaf you can one shot this boulder boom look at that man down no problem it's a noun and onyx oh don't even worry taking these things down before same thing razor relief watch this [Music] a bunch of boulders on the ground yeah don't worry boom oh survive just by a little bit here we go doom done big rock snake dead oh richard levels well good my man good [Music] i don't even know what this thing is just keep current pokemon doesn't matter it's gonna be some big role oh [Music] i love this thing take a little t-rex where do i get that [Music] okay are you worried i think i would give up a various one more potion doesn't matter it's that the thing is that [Music] hey very easy my first badge now give me that boom first badge seven more to go cole badge oh i walked out of the gym like a man who just well there's a nothing written in my notes there just says it literally just says i i walked out of that gym like a man who just and uh like i guess i just just stopped typing at that point or didn't feel like i okay just moving on so uh because my previous detour i knew exactly where to go so i went back into the cave and on my way through i learned that i didn't even need to cat you remember how i caught that stupid beaver badoof you don't need one any hm you have a wild pokemon just does it for you so okay got that thing with me now so it's pretty good so i fought these two weirdos on my way into the cave uh which was really short i got to the next city but i i wasn't here long i i was a man i still did not i wanted a worm okay i didn't want to be messing around with cities i want to be in caves i didn't want to be using rocks man i just wanted to catch a worm so i left outside of the city and some girl told me that her dad was missing or something so i i didn't care about that i just i just wanted the worm so i found some tall grass and started looking it seemed like a place that they're yeah i might find a worm so i started hunting give me a worm pool what is this thing on a worm pool i keep thinking it looks like a wormhole worm pull there we go okay i'm sick of these things [Music] little moles i ended up battling this guy who told me to go battle another guy and i did that and the the dog turned into a different dog oh okay let's see what this thing turns into [Music] [Music] they also gave me a key and i used that key to get into this windmill place see what was going on in there i'll tell you what was going on there there's a whole bunch of trainers in there why go in a place like that you just skip it go get the worm screwing around these windmills and stuff so i i battled i guess this is team galaxy or team galactic one i didn't write it down in my notes i'm just trying to go off memory here yeah i bought i battled them okay i got some key i got i did something for the scientist in here i don't know he said that there was a balloon pokemon that shows up um so i i don't know what to tell you here okay okay here we go my man's gonna evolve let's see what he becomes i'm gonna miss this man being so small cute little turtle [Music] hey with all that out of the way it was finally time for a man like me to find a worm just wanted i wanted my worm pole so bad and i thought this patch of grass got to be it the worm's got to be here worm pool please be a worm full here please be a worm pool here please what is this thing what is that oh whatever that thing was i caught it named it the slug a little man like that you got it you got to take a man like that okay can't leave a man like that behind so i kept going up this path there's a lot of trainers yeah richard my man richard he finally evolved no my man richard [Music] who's waiting for this the big one right here [Music] come on i'm gonna love this richard is becoming a man [Applause] now please learn to move so you can do something so i kept going and i finally saw the best sight a man like me could hope for i hope this is a forest please be a forest [Music] oh it's a forest okay this better have a worm in it who's this i was so happy i walked in that forest with a man smile on my face i'll tell you it was a man it was very obviou because i thought oh it is finally time for me to get a worm but it's a little bit premature though because there's a one big problem give me the worm give me the worm give me the worm the worm oh whoa whoa whoa whoa okay [Music] okay cheryl whatever her name is please i want both of these pokemon okay don't do anything what do you mean it's impossible it's no good okay cheryl i'm very upset with you right now i walked through that forest with her battled a whole bunch of people and got to the end said okay you know it's time to go let's wrap it up here my man who's got i got to get a worm right can't be doing this for stuff there you go get out of here with all that out of the way it was finally time for me to get my worm the first pokemon i encountered was what i don't know what this thing is okay mischievous mischievous is i i don't remember its name i'm trying to do it off of memory right now i just caught it okay it gets nourishment from fear that it absorbs into red orbs okay [Music] yeah i'll show you what we're gonna name it ready i regret i immediately regretted doing that and then whoo and then i finally finally found my worm so simple just getting the ball [Music] one two three it's in the ball it's in the ball we got the worm we got the worm i didn't mean to call it the i i did not okay i named it the how do you how do you do something like that okay anyway i wasn't out of the fire yet okay because getting the worm is one thing getting the worm to become the thing you want it to become an entirely different thing so i walked out of the woods and started battling these fishermen kind of kind of reminded me of my man jeremy wade you know from uh river monsters a good show anyway so i i didn't actually i found out i didn't actually name it the it was just being dramatic i thought i did i i guess i clicked b or something like that you know what it doesn't matter because uh the worm it did not evolve into the thing i wanted it to evolve into it evolved into a silcoon and i was a man who wanted that cast goon okay very important difference between these two pods i just wanted to immediately throw that thing right into the lake so i just walked back into the woods and found way more wild pokemon and finally found a worm and caught it and named it i think i i yeah i properly named it here actually named it the war you know now that i think about it that was also kind of a dumb name for the okay you know what it does it doesn't matter i i got i got it i got it i went over to the city started walking around and see what was going on and i ran into this woman hey how's it going it's amelia having some tea right now tm-93 what do we got here what's this what's that got cut i was just wondering i saw those trees i thought hey how do i take this down okay see you later she told me about some statues so i just won over started looking at it pal once created brought forth the many dimensions all things alive or not hurry okay don't don't act at the same space such as the blessing of pal the text is barely legible and is faded completely in places okay a cool pokemon i wonder if that's the looking at the cover of the game right now yeah that's the that's the pokemon from the cover palkia or something like that next stop was the gym okay i was i was hoping that when i went in here and started battling trainers that my worm would evolve into the correct pod this time okay i wanted the good one so i went in there and just started going to town hello at my gym no one gets to battle with the gym leader me until they've beaten all the other trainers i'll be waiting for you the back okay no problem easy oh it's a forest look at this okay nothing here oh whoa whoa whoa there's a woman right there hiding [Music] ah the worm there we go i will love it immediately come on worm show me the man i want to see show me the man that i must see please please please i need this man i'm telling you right now turn into a spikey ball spikey ball okay you're gonna be a spiky ball here we go i want to see that spikey ball show me that spikey ball that's a smooth ball okay there it is cascoon i just needed one more evolution now yeah that was so close to getting to one of my all-time favorite pokemon here so i just kept battling and eventually i got the pokemon that i was after here we go [Music] look at this beautiful man okay this thing right here what what an absolute beauty this is like you can't look at a pokemon like this and not say wow that's a good looking pokemon that's like that's a good one right there that's what that's exactly what goes through my brain when i look at this thing so i was finally ready to use this thing in battle the worm was ready here we go watch this [Music] no problem [Music] oh shooting okay he's still shooting those things firing bullets at me okay that's enough enough enough how many bullets are going to shoot relax let's sting him sticking with the poison dart here we go it's poisoned [Music] oh the worm [Music] no okay my man the worm died first and went down first battle it's fine though because i healed him up and came back and i killed the rest of the trainers and faced the gym later sent my man the worm back out and bought this man cherry what fought this was the gym leader's name chair i don't i don't know it was like a 10 minute battle gust again no not a super potion are you joking me come on i got that thing down so low i didn't want the worm to die again so i switched to richard after a while and richard made this fight very easy and you know what i wrote i definitely wrote that in my notes before the rest of the gym battle ended because it was not an easy fight i don't know why i wrote that i was happy that i got richard because he was i didn't know what type of battle this was going to be with all the gyms in this game i have no idea what types they were before i walked into them so richard this is such a pointless explanation the battle is going well and then and then this happened oh [Music] what what was that what oh richard [Music] oh it's gone oh yeah eat the berry yeah yummy it's good isn't it oh yeah get all your health back [Music] okay okay okay try this slug see if you can take on the slug pedal this the slug's dead yeah look the slug didn't even all i had left was the worm this was it this man had to win this for me i needed the worm to win this [Music] i not i'm flying above the ground no not the worm how can you do this okay [Music] okay yeah yeah enough okay i get it okay it was at this exact moment that i decided that uh i was not going to do my original plan for this video which was if a pokemon dies i was going to release it kind of like what they do in a nuzlocke uh but because my pokemon all died here very early and i didn't want to find another worm i chose no i am not doing that so i just i tried again and you know what i i lost the second time too okay [Music] why does this show you the garbage can for a second the game just shows you one second of the garbage can what is it trying to say on my third attempt things were going much better here's here's what happened okay first i let richard take care of the early things when rose that like the rose bush pokemon came out i did some stuff differently first i switched to the electric dog thing which uh cut its attack down and it died right away but don't worry about that guy okay he's just he's a man that he goes out to die next i brought out what was this oh whatever his name was and it was able to land a confused ray which confused it you know what it it also died right away so the next i brought up the slug she uh used its confusion to its advantage to land several mudslaps on the rose bush which lowered its accuracy significantly and when it died it was time to bring out the worm with the rose bush in a weakened state i was able to land several confusions on it i it dodged many grass knots since the accuracy was so low and eventually i was able to kill nothing here we go here we go confuse that rose bush there it is the worm the worm there it is it was a team effort but you know what i won i mean glad that was done second badge there we go forest badge now i could use cut and she gave me grass on which i now know how it works the heavier the pokemon is the more damage it does oh remember i was commenting on the weight of i hope i included it in the video with the the weight of the electric dog why is fish if i if i didn't if the clip wasn't in there i'd play it now when i first caught that dog yeah was a man who was looking for heavy pokemon so this grass not very dangerous for a man like me yeah with that out of the way i went up to the uh the building with all those trees in front of it [Music] what does that sign say we want your pokemon what is that supposed to mean so when in i cleared out the trainers but when i got to the top this man uh what was it skunk skunk yeah it killed all of my pokemon i came back and just as things were looking bleak oh my man the slug he was able to hit 10 mudslaps in a row and uh its accuracy became so low they could not hit me and the the slug finished it for doing that i got a bike and i used the bike to leave but it turns out the cave that i entered was a dead end so i needed strength so i went south and i tried to get i tried to go what happened someone oh yeah this guy came up to me and gave me the explorer's kit and uh said you know go dig down have some fun and see what's going on in the underground so i ended up going down there where i proceeded to run into this wild beast down there it was giant it was level 26 oh level 26 okay this thing poisoned i wanted to catch it but it broke out of every single pokeball i tossed that immediately i walked around for a while and then i found a lick a tongue i forgot about this oh look at dung my man i don't really poke balls i love this thing oh level 29 [Music] i can't catch it though how do i get out of here oh hey if i had caught that like a tongue this whole video would have been i wish i caught that thing like a tongue is another pokemon i like that giant tongue it's got who doesn't love a poke anyway so i went up to the surface i headed down south and uh through the bike bridge thing i felt like there were so many trainers on this bridge yeah i don't know what was going on there's so many people in the spreadsheet it was a long road a lot so many battles by the end of it i was getting very tired what do you want to paint climb junior oh no i finally made it it was her home city that i was trying to get to by the time i got i was just fed up with people finally oh come on what's this now why is it there's a pokemon coming to talk to me who are you i saw this guy standing there with a fishing rod i was thinking you know what you can get fishing rods in pokemon and man like me would love love love love love to get a fishing rod to do some uh fishing and so i walk over to this guy i think he's gonna give me a fishing rod and i start talking to him and just just look what happens no stop everyone's no yeah no i don't need to be going to the contest hall enough of this contest stuff i went to the pokemon center healed up and checked my menu to see what i was supposed to do okay even the game is telling me to go to the contest hall now you know what i'm not doing it i'm not going to the contest hall there's way more i got to do other stuff buy some great balls or something i i'm not going to the contest okay there's no way so i walked around and i found the gym there's a gym okay this is what i'm talking about no contest okay here we go new gym where's this elevator [Music] where is she oh my okay okay no problem i found this uh square where you can walk around with your pokemon and got some tms and i let my man follow me and let him walk around out of his pokeball hey my man's out he's very slow very very slow okay come on let's go the slowest man in the world [Music] okay you can't get around this contest i was trying to find a way to do it you have to go so i i went and for some reason like my my mom in the game that's not my real mom by the way okay that is that is the worst joke i have ever written it doesn't even make sense what that's not my real mom by the way i gotta stop recording this voiceover this script is not functional i've written some bad scripts but this one what was what was going through my mind when i was writing this so uh yeah just come on i chose the cool contest okay i thought hey my man the worm he's pretty cool gonna probably win that one if i got to do a contest so they asked me if i wanted to change everyday style [Music] no absolutely not there's no way i'm wearing that i'm just everyday style there we go i also didn't put any stickers on the pokeball the worm there's no need for that okay so i just i went and did the contest had no idea what i was doing and i won somehow i ran straight over to the gym once this contest stuff was done and found out the gym still isn't ready for me yet so i wanted to leave the city who is this robert not now robert i lost the town and i i caught one of the what the starly or i caught the bird pokemon normally these things are pretty good by the way by the time they hit their third uh form so i caught one of these and i got rid of whatever that pokemon was and uh i found out that i could take the worm out of this out of the pokeball so i got the guy out look at this i got the worm okay next i found a man of fishing on a dock and i eat this guy okay i had a good feeling about this one i thought this is the man who's going to give me the rod so i walked over said hey my man you watch river monsters he said oh it's my favorite show and gave me a fishing rod a a good rod or a super rod yeah he gave me a okay it doesn't matter he gave me a fishing rod okay immediately i started casting nothing i i found a magikarp and i was i was very excited but i realized i was a man who forgot to buy pokeballs so yeah i had to run back and get some and while i was doing that i realized something this is the perfect opportunity for me to make my very own episode of river monsters i'm sean professional angler i've heard reports of a water pokemon eating children who get uh too close to the water yeah to get a better idea of what type of pokemon this may be i i went to the local town to see if they could give me any information right so the guy who just brought me to the contest hall it looks like i have to find this pokemon myself so i fished for a while and i was getting no bites then suddenly fish on fish on there it is this has to be the pokemon that's been eating children right here okay this thing it can tackle the power of this pokemon it has the ability to tackle there we go i caught i caught the thing that i named it the only thing i could think of jeremy wade there it is this is the pokemon that has been eating people look at the mouth there's 22 pound one too this is a monster right here somebody even say a river monster this this is a river monster [Music] okay hey pretty good good episode river monster right there so i kept going i thought it was fighting a lot of trainers i found this tower and i went in kind of it's like a cemetery yeah a lot of graves in there the weird thing is it's it's a tower so there's multiple floors there's graves on what's going on in the floorboards are like the pokemon or people are they buried in between the floorboards oh what's going on in this tower hey look at this i thought this you see this little kid right there boom taught that man about death it's just annihilating his pikachu after that battle though look at this my man jeremy wade he evolved beautiful absolutely beautiful sight to see there's there's i don't know the point of this whole cemetery thing was why i came in here i was just a man who likes to explore but i once i got to the top i was happy to find out this is where you get strength very good item to have very very you'll need that later so i was glad i did this but i kept moving on and i got to the next town which was a it's like a cow town like cows around or there's a i don't know like a farm town there's no gym though so i left immediately and i kept going up north and i felt like a million trainers and uh my man jeremy wade this man has become very strong unstoppable man they called him after what felt like 20 hours i finally made to uh i got vale stone city where i was man walking around oh finally oh no not these guys what is this these guys going to be everywhere i go i don't want to talk to them right now where's the pokemon center i found the gym and uh just as i was about to go in uh dawn dawn was there she told me about uh how she was shopping at the department store or something about and i thought there's an apartment store around here it sounds good to me so i turned around and uh found the store and i bought some extremely powerful moves like psychic hyper beam solar beam i got thunder fire blast you can learn fire blast with my pokemon after i got those moves on my pokemon i may as well go to the elite four right now i'm telling you these guys are extremely strong so i i went to fight the gym which at this point i had still i had no idea what types of gym this was so what types of gym this one learn to speak i didn't know what i didn't know what was i was what okay i'm getting excited here you know what i'm not even cut this out i didn't know what type of gym it was i i didn't care just walked right in it was a fighting gym now here's the problem with uh the fighting type pokemon i had no clue what was super effective against him i didn't have a clue so i was just trying i thought maybe hey what happens if you throw ice at fighting people they they cool off or something so i thought oh i'll try an ice beam no this machoke did not care did not care at all so then i sent out uh my bird and tried uh flying [Music] yeah flying it's flying the gym uses like there's like these walls you got to push around yeah you had to push one you walk through it's kind of confused i was there for like 10 minutes trying to figure this puzzle out and i eventually thought it was bugged i need to pull this one forward i can push it [Music] like usual i i didn't bother going to the pokemon center before the gym later because i'm i'm an idiot but you know what no problem take this woman down no problem this man's gonna die so i sent out uh her first pokemon was meditate i'm not saying it right but you know what this thing right here and yeah my man jeremy wade just annihilated this thing drowned it in a waterfall the next pokemon was machoke and same thing it just went down so easy uh but then she put out lucario so i thought oh okay you know what i'm using my brain i'll throw my bird out ahead of time uh but then lucario just punched my bird out of the sky it killed the thing on the spot so i thought okay a little more tough so i threw out richard see if this man could do something and uh no acario also punched richard to death this man went down hard so i thought this was going to be a job for the worm so i put him out and got punched too went straight down to one health oh you're going to regret that the worm endured [Music] okay oh not letting the worm die no way you can't let this man die again so i uh pulled him back and put out a starter pokemon i threw the thing out not okay you wanna you wanna battle take on this thing see if you can and uh just it died okay smoked in the face by another punch so i put out the electric dog and then i tried to use a super potion on a dead pokemons with that that was good and the next turn i used to revive on richard got the man back but the dog got punched and went down so i put jeremy wade back out and he only had three health so i thought this man's going down i'm gonna die so i used a chance to heal richard sent richard back out and he landed an absolutely beautiful psychic i was thinking okay here we go my man richard he's about to win this for me but uh survive the call richard come on oh things are not looking good all i had left was the worm with one health it was not good so i i knew i knew the worm was gonna die it was gonna be a dead pokemon in a matter of minutes so i used the opportunity to use one more revive this time on jeremy and i got the man back to half health and then i had a choice to make i could either use another revive and get another pokemon in or attack the problem with attacking is that i risked dying to another a punch i i didn't know if this thing was going to pull out like fish punch which would kill gyarados or something like that so i had to i had to think okay i had to be very if i was going to attack it had to be a one shot one kill there it is [Music] there it is third batch i had no idea that fire blast was effective i had absolutely no idea when i came out dawn was still there told me that she had lost her pokedex to team galaxy or whatever they're called and i helped i needed to help her get it back and she told me that there's some great marsh there's a man who loves swamps with that oh swamp you say love to go there the great marsh oh i like the sound of that sounds pretty good so i went in the building and i got fly and i i taught it to my bird which was one of the biggest mistakes i made in this entire plate you'll see why later again just spoiling stuff but i didn't know how to use it outside of battle so when i was trying to figure it out i saw that there was a mystery gift for me in the menus and you know when you see a free gift you get a man wants that so i got distracted and i did it and i had to update my game but i got this egg manatee or something like that but connecting to the internet made me want to see if i could trade or battle people online so i went to a pokemon center and tried to get online but the game told me i needed to spend money before i could play with other people and before i knew it i was at the nintendo eshop entering my credit card info my man wisefish i i can't remember if i showed my credit card info here okay please okay please do not show my credit card info to my entire audience that would be very bad i i got a seven day trial that you know what i'm sure i'll forget it yeah i did forget about it i i forgot about the trial i i wrote in the script here i'm sure i will forget about i did you know what speaking of that if you're subscribed to my patreon and you haven't you if you forgot about it and you don't feel like you need to be subscribed to my patreon don't just cancel it okay i i i hate this stuff and i would not want me to be doing that to anyone so just a friendly reminder if you if you if you want if you're enjoy i'm getting ahead of myself if you don't feel the need that you need to be a patron anymore by all means cancel i will not think any less of it okay no one wants to be billed for stuff they don't want so just there's a little reminder anyway so i entered the big room and i found this guy and tried to trade with him hey how's it going hello bonjour what is this thing yeah i i don't want that here use a slug i don't i don't want that thing stop showing me that thing here not this thing i i don't want the thing i okay that's enough of you enough of you hello oh you're you're you're a robot nevermind oh i i tried your trade with someone else you show he like i brought out a mewtwo all right let's see what you got to offer to my oh mewtwo yes i will take okay i'll try this slug [Music] ah yes mewtwo okay what about okay and they're gone and then i got someone had like a baby magmar who wants a pokemon like that so i left and i i hit what i i hit the road i spelt it r-o-d-e that's good spelling right there so i complete at this point i had completely forgot about trying to learn how to use fly i guess just that was no longer happening so i ran down the road avoiding as many trainers as possible here's the thing about me i don't like fighting random trainers i try to get around these people but i don't waste my time finding anything so i ended up at the ocean and shortly after that i got into uh what is it pastoria city oh did i get that right that time i don't know so i ignored the gym and i went to what i thought was the great marsh i was so happy walking around this marsh but i got stuck in a bunch of mud oh oh come on get me out of here [Music] so i looked around for a bit and he decided well it didn't didn't seem like it was so great of a marsh you know so i left i went to the gym and walked in oh of course it was a water gym which wasn't that big of a deal because i kind of grass starter pokemon forgot about that i i taught jeremy wade thunder uh and i replaced ice beam and i remember that i've yeah i've grass pokemon so it shouldn't be hard so i crushed through the first transfer very very easy and then i made it to the gym leaner no here we go oh this guy's uh that was weird looking it looks like a human uh human version of the uh gorons he sent out gyarados which i'm not expecting that so but do you don't yeah don't worry about it because two thunders took care of it then he sent out this massive blob pokemon and i was thinking oh a big looking pokemon probably pretty heavy i happen to know a move that does a lot of damage to heavy people so i uh tried to use the grass not on it oh yeah heavy boy digging down so you sent out this weasel thing and it used ice fang on my grass turtle thing [Music] ice oh no no again oh one health come on solar beam here we go [Music] what do you mean awkward jed what are you doing no it killed it so i had to throw out the worm and i mean i haven't used this man in a while and i i didn't like keeping him locked up but you know what he died pretty quickly i love my man the worm but uh the greatest pokemon he kind of kind of dies pretty easily so jeremy was was back out and but after a few ice fangs frozen solid oh come on jeremy's come on warm up so i put out richard who basically just got richard didn't even stand a chance he survived long enough though for me to use a revive on uh starter pokemon but for now i put out the bird and used fly and got away from the weasel and then eventually finished it off earning me my fourth badge you know speaking of fly it was very useful to learn how to use it outside of battle right now hey you remember that great marsh i was talking about a place that i wanted to go and then i got there and it didn't really seem so great after all yeah well it turns out that's not the great martial i'm just an idiot who thought i don't know so if you go north in the town or i don't know there's the great marsh is like the safari zone for this game when i played pokemon red and blue one of my favorite places to go was the safari zone many cool pokemon in there you never know what you get so i went in here and started going accidentally caught two pokemon and my egg hatched into i don't know what this thing is oh my egg [Music] oh what is this thing [Music] when i tried fishing and uh i got this thing but i didn't catch it oh got out here this time you're going in okay so you're going in [Music] stop breaking out of the ball i stayed in the zone until they kicked me out and i went back in and i was looking for pokemon you know and not walking out of here empty-handed or at least not without some i don't know what i'm trying to say here but i found this thing hoothoot you want one of my favorite pokemon okay okay okay relax relax okay okay oh come on no that man got away though when i really wanted to get one of those so i just kept looking [Music] here eat some food this time [Music] oh he ran i give him food he runs [Music] stop showing me these things [Music] who's gonna catch something like that it was all worth it because later on in the north section of the zone i found another one oh okay okay okay okay relax just throw a wall just throw a wallet come on get the ball get the ball stay on the ball come on you want the ball you want the wall you want the ball yes there it is there it is okay what a beautiful bird what a beautiful bird i love this thing 90 pounds 90 pounds imagine this thing coming for you oh oh what do you name a man like this what do you name a man like this tell you what you name this man that wallow majestic bird you gotta come to the party i'm sorry my man barrow you've been replaced oh first fly how do i get fly again what's that you you know when zelda ocarina of time that owl that comes up and harasses you throughout the whole what's that guy's name i should have named this uh the owl pokemon that would have one good name so i found this uh team galactic guy and talked to him and uh followed him but uh robert came you don't don't even worry about robert okay that battle maze will not have happened just two seconds or before you even begin so i kept following this guy and he led me to the lake where i found these two look at this it was night time and there's two kids swimming at night alone in a storm too who's whose kids are these you leave them out here going for i don't know what's going on here so he this guy led me to cynthia who told me about uh some psyducks who needed medicine so i flew there because i found out how to do it by the way um and then uh the pokemon that were on the route north my notes are so bad here this is barely readable so i'm just gonna go i wrote down a timestamp 43 minutes let's see what that is [Music] oh i forgot this thing was my party my starter also evolved into uh this giant green turtle okay this this thing started as a little tiny turtle and then became this massive gargantuan beast you know what i love this man he's good my route to the next city turned into this big foggy mess by the way i i don't know where i was going here all fall is this normal are you supposed to see this i was worried there was something no i didn't think there was something wrong with my what am i saying right now so i didn't know where i was going but uh i made it into a cave i got surf talked to this old weirdo and then flew to hearth home to fight the gym leader i was finally able to i was told i'm now capable of that so if i if i can defeat her i can use surf which i taught to uh my man jeremy wade so i went to the gym and uh took on the gym later and again oh walked right in there with no idea of what type of gym this was so she put out this balloon pokemon first so i assumed i was starting to clue in that this was going to be a psychic gem or ghost or something like that so i i put i used thunder to try to take it down and it turns out this balloon was a strong pokemon it killed jeremy very quickly so then i put out the owl it doesn't affect it okay look i want to take down the balloon i mean it doesn't affect it take down the balloon why are you burning me i popped that balloon with the owl okay my man the owl very good very very good pokemon then she put out gengar and i needed my man jeremy back so i used revive on him which meant uh the owl unfortunately was gonna die so after that i sent yeah i sent out whatever this thing was and used a hyper potion to heal jeremy the rest of the way jeremy got one bite off before getting killed and then i sent out uh my starter pokemon and that man went down to a couple sludge bombs you know by the way you know what sludge bomb is you hurl feces like just the most disgusting sludge there is at someone so my starter pokemon just got covered in that and died so i was running out of options fast and then i sent out richard let's just say richard wasn't uh this man wasn't good here okay so the worm came out next and uh i learned that psychic yeah i didn't know that you could use psychic against gengar okay i thought psychic would say not effective it turns out very effective so yeah that was good i was able to take gengar down with the worm you know this worm very certainly loved one i love the worm from the beginning but wow he was getting better and better as i play through this game when he leveled up he learned toxic which i used against whatever this thing was that she put up next and i figured the worm was gonna die soon so i had one last trick up my sleeve i used a revive on jeremy for the third time in a row this man came back and then i landed a single crunch winning the battle and earning me my fifth gym badge right whether a man gets five badges you know what he says he says wow a man who's got five out of eight very happy to have those so i made it to the next city in no time at all but robert was there and robert just this guy doesn't leave you alone okay he follows you around throughout the entire game saying hey battle me no my man i got stuff to do i gotta be going the next game i gotta get jim's gym six all right so he gave me but this time robert was actually getting a bit stronger though his pokemon were a lot higher level than me and i think that's kind of like keep skipping trainers whenever there's a trainer that's optional i never battle it ever go around whenever i can so he gave me he was he was a little bit more troubling this time but i still managed to beat him and uh moved on to the gym got in there seems like this was a steel gym i i still don't know what is effective against steel whenever i see a steel type pokemon scares me all i know is surf surf is good so uh just i kept using surf on every trainer that i battled in here which helped me level up i made it up to the guy and uh i was ready to take this man down so we sent out the first pokemon he sent out bronzor okay a little gear i think uh this thing no problem at all i just used surf and clearly i wrote that in my notes before i actually uh beat the gym because the surf did not work well at all no had to use a dark move so i used crunch next which it took it down big time and then the guy used a full restore so no problem because i just used a few more crunches to take it down then he sent out steelix yeah he used thunderfang on my man jeremy which is not too good for jeremy oh [Music] so i put up whatever this thing i used bubble beam a couple of times today i actually managed to kill steelix with it and uh but then he died it's the sandstorm after so i put richard out and he sent a uh what is this bass baston dawn i i just wrote big dinosaur bastard i don't i if i had the actual name of the pokemon in front of me i would be able to read it but i'm going off of a man who wrote notes without thinking about writing notes all right so uh you know i'm gonna i'm gonna get it right fast bastia done yeah that's exactly what i said good man bestie i i like this pokemon like a big dinosaur looking i love dinosaur pokemon right the coolest ones if you had a dinosaur pokemon it's good so uh i used psychic on it which i apparently didn't do much so i need jeremy back so i can you use it a revive of my man jeremy in hyper motion and then the man back ready to go when richard died i i put him out and then i learned that he has thunderbolt who who would think that this thing has thunderbolt not good for my man jeremy but uh that i landed a massive surf and killed it and just like that i was a man who had six badges you remember what i said before i mean with five badges well guess what a man with six badges as he says i got six way better than five ready to go to eight can't wait what am i i i can use strength now which is perfect because there was one pokemon that i know about from this game that everyone says you gotta get you gotta get this pokemon one of the best pokemon you can get his name is uh garchomp okay in order to get a gar chomp you need strength i did i had one of my friends instruct me how to do this but first i had one other thing to do i realized it was friday night and i remembered hearing that if you go to a certain place on friday in the real world you can you can catch that balloon pokemon remember that thing this balloon they gave me all that trouble well some remember that guy who told me the balloon pokemon will return something like that well if you go here you can it's here friday so i went there and caught it there we go [Music] with that out of the way it was time to go get my man gar chomp but you don't just get a garchomp you gotta start with gibble a little tiny little creature to get it you go to this uh there's like a there's like a bike path or something like that and you underneath it and there's a like a kate a secret i didn't know where it was going so i ended up looking it up because there was no way i was gonna find this it's just like a little square underneath something anyways i found the cave went in and started looking for this thing oh there it is gibbel [Music] there we go [Music] look at this little thing [Music] land shark pokemon dragon ground which man to get rid of i'm sorry balloon you're gone [Music] i replaced the balloon pokemon uh because i wasn't going to use that thing there's no way i'd take a balloon over this thing a little shark creature i also got the uh earthquake tm they included that in the guide they said if you're going in there to get a gimbal go get an earthquake as well you need that that's a good good move so i i got that and then i now i had to go to some boring library when someone tells you go to the library you go come on why why are we going to the library okay no one wants to go to the library while they're playing poke so i i went there robert wanted the professor was there i don't know what was going on with the story at this point i was a man who was playing my own game because i have they said come to the library right so i went there's something going on with a lake uh those team galactic guys were there doing something in the lake i don't know maybe they were fishing who knows all right so i got to the lake and uh looks like they were doing something weird because uh there's no more lake there's a whole bunch of magikarps everywhere what's going on here magikarp just flopping around here all right poor guy get him out here help him out i found one of the team galactic leaders in the in the crater what was formerly this lake what did they do how did they blow this place up anyways i he i beat them no problem very easy then uh they said gay go to the next lake there's another one you gotta fight so i went all right i went to the lake and like usual i forgot to go to the pokemon center because i my man who's got no time for that so just walked right in and uh almost got the first battle almost went down hard but after that i went to uh it turns out you can go to your mom's house to heal go in there hey how's it going hey it's going good just trying to deal with this these people are trying to blow up a lake by our house so i'm going to go back with my pokemon that's not that's just a bad joke so i i kept going and uh looks like she easily beat the commander mars or whatever her name was and then my man gibble evolved into uh gabbite look at this thing cool looking pokemon as well i'm supposed to go to these mountains to see if robert's okay but instead i went to the underground to see what was going on down there because i had not been to the grand underground in a while and if the man doesn't go down there his man's got to go you know so i found a level 42 absol this pokemon i remember remember what pokemon sapphire and ruby these things are cool you see these crew creeping around the grass something like that so i i was gonna catch it but i accidentally killed it uh then i i saw a gaseous thinking oh a ghastly now a man like me would love a ghastly evolve that thing into a gengar but unfortunately i killed that one as well uh then whatever this was i don't like the look of it so i just ran from it uh then i tried digging up fossils but i had no idea what it was doing uh and the wall collapsed so i just kept running around looking for stuff i don't know what i was looking for there's a man down here just doing what i can do you know and then i found another ghastly level and this one i caught this man with a premier ball or primer ball whatever it is and then i decided to replace my you remember the owl say goodbye to the owl this man's gone i don't know if it's wise to get rid of my flying pokemon but man's got to go because i would love a gas sleeve very good so this bar also filled up to 40 out of 40. i don't know what this meant i found a fossil in this box i think that is like a rapid ass rapidash statue i don't know what this is for or why i did this but yeah look at this i got this thing now it's good and lastly i found a rols which is uh one of my favorite pokemon of all time so i caught this man too i came up for i i got up from under the underground spending way too much time down there and i found a rare candy in a cave and i gave it to gastly and evolved this man into haunter yes look at this ghastly gengar and haunter three cool pokemon okay yeah have you seen the episode where they're all like hanging out like eating food and stuff like that seems like cool guys just hanging out so i sort of i got i got lost in this cave and i didn't know where to go and once again i had to uh consult a guide online to see where i was going because the man was just lost in the fog turns out you do go through the fog and you have to kind of go up and through some stuff and then once you get out of the cave look at this just snow world walking around this place every single trainer is in a full snow suit head to toe got parka on and there's me you know walking around shorts and t-shirt from pants and here i was a man who was not equipped for this climate so i thought hey you know what let's uh let's get the real experience here i'll be a man who's gonna go outside and play this out here freezing cold freezing freezing freezing amanda's man should not be out there in shorts hey but don't worry i'm canadian so it's couldn't feel a thing it's good so this feeling that the next gym was going to be hard since the the trainers were taking me down on the way and and ice i was getting a feeling this was going to be an ice base gym and uh let's just say i'm a man who does not know how to fight ice pokemon i do not know what is effective against them so start trying to figure that out i saw some weird pokemon on the way what is that thing what is that are those eyes on on top or the eyes the like where are its eyes i don't even know what type of pokemon is [Music] oh no though the black things are its nose and i caught this thing snover okay this this pokemon right here i gotta tell ya i'm a fan of something like this right big snowman looking pokemon big heavy guy who knows the only problem was was that i uh i had to uh get rid of one of the pokemon that i currently had so i thought hey my man richard you had some good fun with you but it's time for you to go in the box tiny time to go take a little break for the rest of the game cause i i need this snowman so i sent richard to the box i made it to the next gym and i got to tell you i had no idea what i was doing in here i was sliding all over the place trying to break these snowball i had no idea what i was doing i had i had to look it up i was in here for like an hour and then eventually i made it to the gym later she sent out snover which was hey look at this my man there he is love that guy but you know i had to put him down with a fire blast and next came out uh this thing beat me up they used a rock slide on jeremy wade oh okay so i put out that gibble thing and i'm gonna tell you right now big mistake doing that oh okay two two down i put out haunter next and use destiny bond to move that if my haunter dies it will take the other pokemon down with it okay not too bad hunter's down guess what you're gone too whatever this thing is gone then i put out the worm and it took down her sneezel pretty easy and then she sent out this massive snowman and i realized that's what my snowman is going to become it's going to evolve into this thing oh look at that thing i had to hit it with the toxic but the worm died so then i put out the big boy my uh starter pokemon and uh since my man the snowman looked like a big giant heavy guy you remember that move i was talking about before one that makes it it makes you do more damage to everything because i thought whoa this seems like a good good opportunity for that okay he used ice beam and my man went down hard okay my very last pokemon was snover kinda i wish i had my man richard right now the rest of the battle did not go well i neither did my second attempt why is this so effective what is going on here but in my third attempt i had a plan okay this time i used haunter to take down that this thing right here using spirit bomb oh very powerful very very good stuff but i had a plan okay because this time when sneezel came out i used a revive on haunter killed sneezel with jeremy and then used spirit bond on the snowman locking him into death doesn't matter oh you took hunter down enter guess what see you later giant snowman gone how you doing i walked out of there with my seventh dodge and you know what you know what a man says when he's got seven badges a man with seven is a man with a man with a good heart and i was a man who had an excellent heart at this point cause seven badges only one more to go you know i i really wanted to level up that snowman pokemon that i got because giant yeti pokemon ooh it was looking good so i went to the lakefront i don't know what happened here but uh my map said go to veilstone so i did and then i stopped by the department store and bought some more tms i got a flamethrower for gibbel and a bunch of ice stuff for my snowman all of my man's moves are ice now okay he's the iceman should have called him that probably good name so i got into the building and something's been going on with jeremy [Music] but what's jeremy been saying lately every time i do a battle a little comment what was going every some battles he would say he's tired he'd say he seems like he's gonna fall asleep now he was worried why was jeremy being all weird okay weird thing for that to start happening so this place was just a giant warehouse full of toxic pokemon so i had to keep leaving because i was getting poisoned so bad and i was way too stubborn to go by antidotes i'm a lazy man all right so i just thought i'm not doing that so i found this move called sludge bomb and like i said earlier the description reads unsanitary sludges thrown at the target that right there is the type of move for me okay i lo that is a beautiful move i also found a bed so i slept in it what's a bed doing down here by the way uh then i made it to their leader and he put out murkrow zapped that thing out of the sky then i finished it with surf he put out golbat neck so i switched to my man snowman because i recently found out that ice can take these things down no problem so i hit him with an ice beam and froze this thing look at this frozen man right here this man cannot do anything you know what i'm gonna do hit him with another ice cream giant block ice but get hit by more ice he then sent out sneezel so i i put out haunter and used destiny bond his battle was over i got him a master ball from this man you use a master ball beautiful beautiful ball it cannot fail you throw it at any pokemon you want boom it's yours consider it yours that's my head master ball is good oh what is going on here creepy i end up battling someone else and then freeing the pokemon but now i gotta go to the peak of a mountain or something and so i stopped by a pokemart to finally get some supplies and started heading up i had to fight this butterfly thing on the way up which used sun spore on my taunter and uh it made me realize that hey you know there's more moves in the game that don't do damage right and those moves are pretty useful i start to think oh maybe i should have anyways is it this butterfly what is it beautiful whatever this thing what i don't i can't remember what pokemon exactly it was because i just wrote a butterfly thing in my notes but i remember this thing was just it took me so long i was paralyzed like six times in a row i kept going up the mountain and eventually my snowman evolved oh there we go my man yeah transform what are you gonna become actually i know what you're gonna be coming show me that big snowman there he is [Music] big honker probably a little tongue [Music] after what felt like an hour in that mountain i i finally made it to the peak when i got to the top of the mountain a lot of weird stuff was going on up here i'm gonna tell you right now this uh palkia the the main guy from the team galactic or whatever brought palkia there's a legendary pokemon let's look at the size of this thing i don't know what was going on in the sky it was just looking funky but uh before i can go catch that thing robert showed up for a double battle and my man gibble was still asleep this man was snoozing after a few turns he woke up and i proceeded to use bulldoze totally missing both the floating gears and only hitting robert's little snorlax thing which was yeah it's pretty good move i didn't want to risk gibble dying so i pulled him back and sent out uh my man the yeti hey probably good name i mean i'm gonna start calling him the yeti uh but then i realized that this his moves didn't really do much so i brought him back and sent out haunter munchlax killed the first whatever this thing was and then the cat came out and killed munchlax uh but then my haunter just smoked the second gear and then that nasty skunk came out and my haunter punched itself in the head and died so then i sent out my man gibble by the way i know that's not the pokemon sound i'm just going to call him gibbel from now on right because i like that name funny name so i sent him out and uh used bulldoze but before i could get it off my man got pounded into the ground but uh robert's bird struck back killing it in one hit so now i put the yeti back out just in time for two goal bass yeah hit them both with the blizzard they took one down with the other clung on and uh robert finished it off with the fire monkey then that skunk came back so i sent out my big turtle thing but it was pointless because the monkey killed it and robert yeah i'll just say it okay robert won that battle for me i had no idea what i was doing okay with that all done it was finally time for me to take down this man once and for all this guy was just doing stuff the whole game i was not paying attention to him and now all of a sudden he's got some giant beast pokemon out here on the top of the mountain you gotta put a stop to something like that before he gets out of control so he started battling this guy he sent out haunch crow look at this pokemon this is a beautiful pokemon but you know when you see something like that it's time to send out jeremy to take him down with thunder so i put him out hit him with it twice but he kept doing some weird defog thing that kind of scared me so i i put haunter out and he then ate a berry so i hurled a pile of feces at it and just killed it he then sent out gyarados so i sent jeremy wade back out and killed him with a thunder but he ate some berry first so i had to hit him again and kill wha what is with these berries they eat berries when you're about to do them in crobat was next so i i sent out the man my man the yeti you know you see a bat he said no the yeti that's what they say so uh i figured if this man could kill goal bats must work too and sure enough ice beam not only took half the man's health down but it also froze him solid and a second one finished it off weevil was next so i put out gibbel and he went underground with diggs so i had to switch to the worm thinking because the worms flying right he's not on the ground and gig will never hit it and uh it did he then used aerial ace and did some massive damage to the worm by killing it worm went down hard so giveaway back out uh he went back underground this time i thought i'd try to endure it which was just a big mistake because gimbal went down hard okay this dig is causing me problems so haunter came out and i used the old destiny bond on it and uh sure enough uh one haunter dot what happened here destiny bond didn't work here i wrote sure enough in my notes again prematurely thinking it was going to kill him so i then i put out the yeti who died before going down i healed jeremy and sent him back out and the thing i i took the thing down with surf a lot of work just to kill this man with one easy server two users i don't know so then i walked up to palkia and tried to catch him with an ultra ball i realized there's a big waste of times and i threw that master ball and caught them in but there was a problem because i didn't know who to swap for him i i couldn't decide so i said you know what you're a legendary pokemon you're the pokemon who's on the box of my game but yeah i can't get rid of any of the men i have now they're all they're they're good men they gotta go or they gotta stay so i i kept i put palki in the box what i'm trying to say i tried to heal i tried to get to the next city but uh before i do decided you know i'm going underground one more time so i caught one of those hippo i forgot i caught this hippo [Music] i also found a mr mine oh mr mine that's a good pokemon creepy little pokemon but good one i tried to catch this thing for a while and i accidentally used surf on it and eventually killed it but i found another one and i forgot i caught a mr mine i spent a lot of time trying to catch this i caught one what's wrong with that and then i got out of there and i just got on the road i started running to the next town and had to battle some trainers on the way but when i got there some guy told me about some gym leader and now he's bored yeah what's why is it that all these gym leaders are doing stuff just stay in the gym you've got you do your job you know be there when it's time for me to battle you so uh i i sure had to look for the guy but first i i wanted to do one thing i wanted to evolve my haunter into gengar now do this you got to trade it to someone so you got to you got to trade it to them and then have them trade it back to z you just got to hope you find the most trustworthy man you can you know people out there i remember when i was in middle school before you would say hey can i trade you my like uh my like gravelers do i can get a golem or whatever and they'd say yeah no problem trade it to me you plug in your link cable you trade the man your haunter the man would just run as soon as he got your haunter he was gone the man walked away with a gengar and you had nothing so you got to find a trustworthy man lucky for me my i had my good friend gowdy he was ready there he said hey come on trade so i met up with him and i i sent him my haunter and sure enough he sent me sent me my haunter right back but this time he was a gengar very happy to see this and i thought hey while we're here why don't i just battle my friend gowdy yeah hey that'll be fun to battle this guy uh there's i got nothing here you know what he's gonna change it he's gonna switch this you know what toxic [Music] he's he's he kept it oh [Music] what do i have that's good against grass this okay go gengar there we go see you later yep it's going down [Music] oh hey you know what [Music] there it goes i'm gonna tell you right now it was not that i didn't even i didn't even stand a chance okay take a look at some of the pokemon he was using on me what's this thing what is this thing it doesn't what is it i'm not going to do anything to the penguin there's this giant yellow thing like a flying scorpion there was it was an absolute massacre sleep powder sleep powder [Music] oh my god no no okay another man down another man down [Music] these men are going down quick you just look at look at all of my pokemon going down one by one i i didn't even stand a chance here i i don't know what was it that was good it was fun good battle of gowdy close one uh so then i went to the gym but when i got there the of course the guy wasn't there i had to go find him he was apparently outside the lighthouse he said the gym leader uses too much power which meant that i was dealing with an electric man so i found him in the lighthouse said come on yeah get to work yeah we got we got a battle to do we got to get this over with i gotta i don't know i was worried that this guy this giant yellow thing like gowdy had a giant electric pokemon so i went to the gym and sure enough it was electric and you know i'm not that big of a problem because i gotta gibble people's been getting strong so i started going through it and i was killing as many trainers as they could and i made it to the gym later i was ready to go ready to take this man down and get badge number eight so he sent out raichu and i sent out kibble uh somehow this thing used why does raichu have surf can someone explain that to me so he took down half gibbel's health then i hit him with an earthquake and i couldn't risk gibble going down so early so i swapped him out for the big green turtle my big main main starter pokemon raichu used a hyper potion but then i used earthquake and killed it not really that big of a problem he sent an artillery this is a weird pokemon okay weird weird-looking pokemon but you know you know what now i kind of like it it's starting to grow on me so it i was thinking what's this guy doing with the water pokemon it looks like a water pokemon so i use solar beam which not a good thing to use because this thing one shot my turtle so i sent out the yeti and used uh revive on the turtle egg i mean i'm gonna need that man to win this battle so then i smashed the squid with a big hammer and just killed it uh this weird monkey came out next purple thing and it just slaughtered my yeti so i sent out jeremy which was a just a massive mistake the man went down fast very fast at thunderbolts so then gibbel was back fully healed now and i used earthquake but it wasn't as good as i thought so i i brought him back and sent out gengar and threw some theses at the monkey killing it then he sent out uh lux ray hey you remember the remember my man from the start and that little electric dog that i said hey you gotta go look at this he would have evolved into this thing so it's good to see him back it but it slaughtered my gengar gengar didn't even stand a chance and i sent the green turtle back out uh but he used ice fang who would think that the why does it have ice bang so there i was a man with just one pokemon left the worm i was thinking i don't know about this my man the worm he's good but is he good enough to take this thing down he's kind of flying nothing's electric the worm doesn't really do that much damage he's yeah i don't know i don't know how this is going to go but you know what my man the worms a man who's full of tricks you never underestimate the worm i'm gonna tell you that right now the worm was getting hit hard but because he loves me so much okay because he was he was my favorite pokemon and he knew it he was enduring the hits he would say hey not going down yet and then he would the he would dodge iron tails this man was not going down he was avoiding attacks he was dodging iron tails he he he was he was clinging in there he stayed in long enough so that i could use toxic on the the dog thing brutally poisoning it and what i thought would be my very last term with the worm thought this man was surely about to die i used another revive for gengar but my man the worm just i don't know what he did he somehow stopped the dog from attacking again this this man was a magician should name a magician the worm the magician and then he did it again i i don't he held on again and i got a venice shock off veno shock or whatever it's called and it did a massive amount of damage and then the iron tail missed again and i got a second veno shock off taking my man down very low this guy was just clinging on barely had any health left and then it died to poison [Music] some somehow the worm had won the battle for me this man the worm it was absolutely incredible this is my favorite pokemon the worm the worm the worm did it the worm won me the battle yeah i i love that worm there it is a man with eight badges okay you know what they say about a man with eight badges he's a man who says wow i got all eight what what is left to do i'll tell you what's left to do the elite four okay these are the most skilled trainers there are incredibly difficult trainers and i'm gonna tell you right now i got there and oh it is it is tough it is very very tough the very first trainer i battled annihilated me i i didn't even stand a chance against this thing it just so here's what the problem is okay i'm gonna tell you right now i need help i i desperately desperately need help beating the elite four i may stream myself doing it or i may do another video where i'm beating the elite four but i i just i was going to include it in in this video but i i've been trying i can't beat the elite four it was a total just disaster when i got there so i need help what pokemon should i catch is my team good and don't say it's not good because it's good and i'm not getting rid of the worms no one say get rid of the worm the worm is staying he's coming right straight to the end with me so please help me [Music] you
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 161,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Pearl Speed Run, Forge Labs
Id: Qdgs-HYjbWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 48sec (5088 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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