"A Circle Of Prayer" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection well may God bless you Pastor Jentezen Franklin and all your kingdom connects your partners we love you well here we are sharing I am too we're inside one of the many buildings this is they're going to the produce section they've been selling their their produce here and down below is the security metal doors of course you're not paying to get everything is under construction but they're going to be all kind of buildings selling everything you can think of in this marketplace 85% on appointment out here but now as helping Haitians help themselves it's changing lives forever and at the end many people come and know the Lord out here sherry yeah you know I just want to say too that there's no price that you can put on hope hope is the greatest thing that the Haitian people can have so pastor Jenson and all your friends you've done so much for these people you've not only built the marketplace but you've given them hope and the Haitian say hope makes us live thank you thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin and your kingdom connection partners pretty soon the grand the grand dedication will be coming up and I know you will be here but god bless you for saving lives and actually thousands of people will be able to work and be blessed because of love is something that you do thank you pastor Jentezen we love you if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me for a few moments to the book of Joshua chapter 6 Joshua chapter 6 look with me in the scripture Joshua chapter 6 verse 10 now Joshua had commanded the people saying everybody read this out loud you shall not shout or make any noise with your voice nor shall a word proceed out of your mouth until the day I say to you shall then you shall shout this is an instruction that Joshua gave the children of Israel as they were about to conquer the first city of the promised land Joshua was aware of the inclination then and as well as now for us to talk ourselves out of the victories that are about to unfold before us when there is no evidence when there is delay when there is annoyance when there is opposition we have a tendency and Joshua knew it to talk ourselves out of the victory that God is unfolding in our life proverbs 18 said the power of death and life are in your tongue your words have tremendous power when and where was it that Joshua learned this subtle lesson in life it was when he looked back in the rearview mirror at the intersection of opportunity forty years before when Moses sent the twelve spies and Joshua was one of the twelve and Caleb came back and said we are well able to take the land but ten came back and with their mouth dismantled the promise of God the victory of God that he had already planned for his people he watched them talk the whole camp of Israel out of the victory that God wanted them to have 40 years earlier the Bible said in numbers 13 that they brought an evil report saying and all the congregation lifted up their voice and said would to God that we would have died in the land of Egypt this is on the brink of the greatest victory that God wanted to give his people another verse said in the children of Israel murmured and they said one unto another let us return to Egypt and he set back 40 years before and he watched them start talking to one another and start complaining and murmuring and saying we can't do it and there was grasshoppers and those cities are so big and those walls are so high and he saw that happen with his own eyes and so he understood that for every day they talked forty days of talking that God gave him a year in the wilderness and when Joshua stood there watching Israel talk themselves out of that victory dismantling the design of God for their life with their voice and with their conversation he determined then and there never again will I get to this place where I'm on the threshold of a victory and allow words and conversations and people discussions to talk me out of the victory God is unfolding so he gives this command we're going to march six days around the walls of Jericho every day on the seventh day we're going to march seven times and when we do that every day you shall not utter a word and in case you didn't understand that you shall not let a word proceed out of your mouth and in case you didn't get you shall not talk it out of your mouth because God is unfolding a victory and you need to be quiet quiet there's a victory in progress we're inclined ladies and gentlemen to talk ourselves out of victory victory that's unfolding in our life victory that God is wanting to bring to our families and our homes but we start talking negative conversation and Joshua said never again and I want you to hear me in this room today and those of you listening to me all around the world and wherever you're listening to this listen hear me in every life in every need and every problem represented in this room and wherever you're listening to me there is a victory unfolding in your life if you're trusting in God and praying and holding on to his promises there is a victory in our homes there is a victory in our church there is a victory in our lives that is unfolding let's not talk ourselves out of the victory let's not begin to murmur and whine and discouraging talk and defeated talk when we understand that victory is ours it stopped them from possessing the promised land and Joshua said it's not going to happen again the victory is not in question I know stuffs going on I know prophecies being fulfilled like crazy I know Jesus is coming soon but let's not just talk the bad stuff that's happening in the world let's talk that in the last days God is going to pour out his spirit on all flesh there are some inevitable victories before us if we can keep our mouth shut he said I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it they march to the border of victory and there were vineyards that were already planted in homes that were already built and all they had to do was occupy it second Kings chapter 4 the Bible said there was a wall who had a son and he died that son was born by a prophecy that the Prophet gave many years before and now the boys died in the field and she takes off in her chariot to get to the Prophet and a cloud of dust comes over the horizon and the Prophet sees it and he says that's that little widow woman or that's that little woman that didn't have a child and now she's gonna have a child and and she had the child go see if everything is well with her and the Bible said the servant went out and he asked her is it well with your husband and listen to her responds in in second Kings 4:26 she said it is well she just kept on going getting to the Prophet and then he ran up beside her and said is it well with thee are you okay trying to talk her down you know she said it is well it is well she said Shh there's a victory in progress and then she asked him the big question he asked her the big question is it well with your son and that's where we would have fell the pieces but she said the same words it is well with my child that is dead she was saying that old prophet gave me my boy in the beginning by the word of the Lord and I'm not about to talk myself out of a victory that's unfolding I'm gonna get to God I'm gonna get to what he promised me and he will bring a miracle to this situation if I won't let this guy let me talk sometimes if you just get into discussion with everybody about things you'll start talking yourself out of victory just get a word from God and taught that back to God and pray that back to God and you'll stay in victory the Bible said in mark chapter 5 that there was a man by the name of Jairus his daughter was sick and while they were on the way to pray for her she died and as soon as Jesus heard those words he said in verse 36 don't say anything Shh and he put the mourners out and he put the Criers out and he got in the room and he said quiet please I'm about to give a great victory to my people and I don't need a lot of talk of unbelief and he put them out suffer no man to go in with me but Peter James and John and he raised that child from the dead because he said I need you to not talk me out of the victory jesus said in Matthew chapter 16 on Matthew chapter 6 and verse 22 he said I must go to Jerusalem and there I was suffer and die and Peter spoke up and said to him no Lord thou speakest not the things of God no Lord don't do it and he said get thee behind me Satan in other words he was saying you are saying what you shouldn't be saying and you're not going to stop the victory that I'm about to release to the world I'm gonna defeat sin and sickness and Satan and you're trying to talk me out Peter tried to talk him out of it no Lord you won't go and you won't die I won't let it happen he said get behind me called him Satan you know when you start speaking words that are contrary to what God said he wanted to do in your life you are being used by the enemy a lot of people are experiencing a lot of things and the Lord sent me to tell you don't talk yourself out of the victory that's unfolding in your life oh I just don't see much of Shh do you know what prayer is prayer is prophecy when you pray you're prophesying your future if you pray right it's not that you can't talk to God about your problems you can go to them and say god I'm lonely I'm really really lonely but lord I thank you that you've got a man of God for me somewhere a woman of God for me somewhere and I thank you see your for sign prayer is prophesying to your future God I've really got this need it's overwhelming this bill is coming to you but I want to thank you that you supply all my needs you're always made a way for me and lord I praise you what are you doing prayer is prophesying to your future so I read a book some time ago by a friend of mine I know this guy pastors in Washington DC his name is Mark Batterson and he wrote a book called the circle maker and I want to tie this all together in conclusion and he begins his book by talking about the legend of the circle maker which is a it's taught by rabbis to this day in Jewish synagogues Joseph Josephus documented that this occurrence actually happened by the way listen to this and I just thought I'm gonna do something different but I thought I would read it to you because I'm gonna sum it all up we're gonna do something in a moment this is a class participation sermon and in just a moment we're going to end by by drawing some some circles around some needs in people's lives and you're gonna understand what I'm talking about in just a moment listen to this the legend of the circle maker young children danced in the downpour like it was the first rainfall they had ever seen and it was parents threw back their heads and opened their mouths and caught raindrops like they were diamonds falling from the sky it could be forever remembered as the day the day thunderclaps applauded the Almighty the day puddle jumping became an act to praise the day the legend of the circle maker was born it was the first century BC in devastating droughts threatened to destroy an entire generation the generation before Jesus the last of the Jewish prophets had died off nearly four centuries before miracles were such a distant memory that they seemed like a false memory and God was nowhere to be heard but there was one man an eccentric sage who lived outside the walls of Jerusalem who dared pray anyway his name was Hana and even if people could no longer hear God he believed that God could still hear them when rain is plentiful it's an afterthought during a drought it's the only thought and Hanoi was their only hope famous for his ability to pray for rain it was on this day the day that Hana would earn his moniker with a 6-foot staff in his hand Hana began to turn like a math compass his circular movement was rhythmical and methodical 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees he never looked up as the crowd looked on after what seemed to be like hours but it was only seconds Hana stood inside of the circle that he had drone then he dropped to his knees and raised his hands to heaven and with an authority of like the Prophet Elisha who called down fire from heaven Hana called down rain Lord I'm quoting now Lord of the universe I swear before you before your great name that I will not move from this circle until we have shown mercy until you have shown mercy upon your children the word sent a shudder down the spines of all who were within earshot that day it wasn't just the volume of this voice it was the authority of his tone like water from an artesian well the words flowed from the depth of his soul his prayer was resolute yet humble confident yet meek expectant yet unassuming then it happened as his prayer ascended to the heavens raindrops descended to the earth an audible gasp went across the thousands of congregants who encircled Honan every head turned heavenward as the first raindrops parachuted from the sky but Haun eyes hid remained bound the people rejoiced over every drop but Hana I wasn't satisfied with a sprinkle still kneeling in the circle hona lifted his voice over the sounds of celebration and said not for such a rain have I prayed but for rain that will fill the cisterns and the valleys and the caverns the sprinkle turned into such a torrential downpour that eyewitnesses said no raindrops smaller than an egg and sighs fail it rains so heavy and so steadily that people fled the Temple Mount to escape a flash-flood hole I stayed and prayed inside his protracted circle once more he refined his bold request not for such a rain have I prayed but for the rain of your favour and blessing and graciousness then like a well proportioned Sun shower on a hot and humid August afternoon it began to rain calmly peacefully every raindrop was a tangible token of God's grace and they did not just soak in the skin they soaked into the spirit with faith it had been difficult to believe the day before the day the day after the day it was impossible not to believe the prayer that saved a generation was deemed one of the most significant prayers in the history of Israel the circle he drew in the sand became a sacred symbol and the legend of Honi the circle maker stands forever as a testimony to the power of a single prayer to change the course of history why did I read that here's why because in my prayer place this week the Lord said to me tell the people that that's exactly what Joshua did so what I want you to do is I want you to think what do you want me to do if Jesus himself walked up to you this morning and looked you face to face and said what do you want me to do for you what is your heart come on you you don't you don't have to play games with Jesus you may can't tell other people but but you can tell Jesus what do you want me to do is it a person maybe it's a son maybe it's a daughter maybe it's a healing maybe it's a financial need maybe it's your business maybe maybe it's a grandchild maybe you've got cancer maybe maybe you're facing some maybe you're single and you're lonely and you you know you want you want God to give you the person that that he's promised you I want you to write down the number one thing you want Jesus to do for you write it down right now just take them on you can cover it up if you want to if you got peepers you know write it down maybe it's an addiction maybe you'd love to never pick up a bottle again or maybe it's a pill or drugs or I don't know I don't know but but but just write it down maybe it's the Sun maybe it's named the child named the person named the issue what do you want me to do for you now have you written it down if you have say yes now take that pen and draw a circle around that need that you've just singled out draw a circle around it and I don't want you to leave that piece of paper here I want you to put it in your Bible or put it in your wallet or put it in your purse or put it on your refrigerator or put it on your mirror even greater I want you to put it in your car somewhere where you're seeing or wherever you will notice it and for the next seven days I want you to march around it in prayer and in praise and refuse this is the most important part refuse to speak or say anything about that situation but prayer and praise prayer and praise I mean if you believe God can honor this well I don't know about that stuff well you know what I know you don't know about that stuff but I've been around for a while and you know how we built this church stuff like this and it sounds weird to you and it sounds crazy to you but maybe God likes bold prayers maybe God likes for people to access the Sun to stand steel in ax-head to swim and the Red Sea depart maybe God likes bold prayers so have you got it hold it up in the air if you've got it I mean if you've got a prayer circle around it right now you're gonna for the next seven days I'm gonna walk around that thing in prayer those walls of resistance are gonna come down hold it up hold it up and before we even get into the prayer and the praise he said when I tell you shout and I am your Joshua this morning and I don't want you to wait until the wall falls and there are some Jericho's that will never fall until you shall I know you're dignified I know you're something else I know you're educated I know you drive a Lexus I know this I know that but I'm just telling you there are some walls see it's just like do you know that there there are decibels you put it in there decibels that a sound that that certain people can hit have you ever been sitting in your house and thunder rolled King and your windows respond because sound is invisible but there are certain decibels that can that can hit real matter God knows how to how to transform the sound of your praise to the decibel level that will make your walls of resistance respond so I'm here to tell you hold it up in the air and shout now hallelujah cone shout now shout like you believe he can move the mountain he can defile the walls he can slay the Giants shout now come on take a moment voice in prayer and in praise the next seven days I put them in that circle put that husband in that circle put that child in that circle put that financial need in that circle glory glory glory glory get up on your feet and shout a little bit get up on your feet and shout a little bit I know the world says this is crazy but it's not crazy when we hear from the Lord I feel the Lord grieving on this little word and he's saying I'm telling you that if you'll agree in prayer and make a prayer circle against that attack 'no scum against you no weapon formed against you will prosper and God is going to bless whatever you put in that circle hallelujah thank you Jesus Gloria come what councillors couldn't do what money couldn't do what all yours couldn't do what doctors couldn't do you put it in a prayer circle and begin - prayer step my god life has a way of weighing us down we want to live in life's full of hope and joy but the problems we face often lead only the hopelessness but we can overcome God offers a promise instead of a problem all we have to do is pray in faith and watch as he opens our eyes to his supernatural promises because everything changes when we give God's perspective in his new message five powerful prayers to pray Jenson Franklin reveals that God has given us a formula for prayer that can touch the heart of God don't just pray a day don't just pray a week don't just pray a month but pray until something happens request Jenson Franklin's new product the five powerful prayers to pray action plan including this powerful message and a five week focused prayer journal it's time to release your faith and start praying these powerful prayers as you do you will see your life change and the power of God revealed in your life request the five powerful prayers to pray action plan today over six years ago God led me to come and begin a church here in Orange County free Chapel Orange County we've seen that church explode and now thousands of people call free Chapel home I'm standing in the brand Center at the University of California and right here in Orange County and we are believing that God is going to give us a harvest in this ring as a matter of fact on September the 21st at 6 p.m. we're coming together as a church family all of our services and all of our people are coming but we're opening it up free of charge to all of the community my friend is we're hoping multi Grammy Award winner will be leading and worship that night along with our free Chapel team I'm going to be preaching a special message and I know that God will touch you and bless you if you're here tell everybody you can bring everybody we cannot see you right here at the Bren Center at the University of california-irvine September the 21st 6 p.m. is going to be awesome two fine women are powerful tools in the hand of God we are ruled by grace and love we have become a force on earth that enjoy the world we live in Cherise Franklin and fine want you to join us the boots on the ground a three-day Women's Conference from sea to shining sea join us in Gainesville Georgia this September 18th through the 20th as we welcome special guests Lisa Bevere Beverly warmer on and Jensen Franklin and an Irvine California this October 2nd through the 4th with special guests Lisa Bevere Wendy treat and Jensen Franklin boots-on-the-ground tickets and information are available online now at divine conference org register today this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jensen Franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online and Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 107,359
Rating: 4.7938437 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: qS9bDT4qFIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 15 2014
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