"The Scarlet Cord" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection today I want to tie this message of Joshua chapter 2 to our lives and I want to speak to you on the power of the scarlet cord because it's so powerful when you understand what is taking place here and how it affects us today I want to give you three things I've just got three points quick easy points that I want to give you about the story but you know the only thing standing between our families and destruction is the blood of Jesus Christ that scarlet cord it was a simple little scarlet cord tied in the window and yet when destruction came when problem when the enemy wanted to destroy their home because there was a scarlet cord that house stood I was thinking about how that the greatest threat to our home is not what happens in Washington DC I hear people ranting and raving and certainly we need to be praying and we need to vote and all of that for four things of our convictions and the Word of God and always stand with the word of God but there is nothing that Washington DC has done that can affect my home the greatest danger to my home is not what Washington DC does the greatest danger to my home is not what Hollywood does the greatest danger to my home is what goes on in my home Hollywood cannot invade my home I have to invite them in filth cannot invade my home all that stuff going on out there it really can't get in my home unless I invite it into my home so the greatest danger is not what they do it's what I do and what we do in our homes and this story is amazing you see the battle today is the battle over our spiritual legacy which is our families when you say that you've been married 26 years like Charisse and I on you and you have five children and they all love God and they all serve God and they all are unashamed and have been filled with the Holy Spirit people look at you like you have three yours or something they can't believe that you can raise a Christian family and all of your children love God and serve God just like you did for generation after generation but he can be done our children are worth the fight our grandchildren are worth the fight our marriages are worth the fight our families are worth the fight so fight the fight it's worth it it is our spiritual legacy our families the setting is one of Jericho Jericho with its impregnable walls the walls were so thick that chariots could race on the top for entertainment of the inhabitants of Jericho and God said that it would be the first city that they would take when they conquered the Promised Land so Joshua was sent in two spies to spy out the city and they tried to be unnoticed but someone noticed that there were strangers in the city and reported it to the king and when they when they reported it they noticed that they had slipped in to the house of rehab the harlot and so soldiers were sent to arrest and soldiers were sent to capture these spies and take them back to the king but when they got there the scripture said that Rahab hid them not just under her roof but in the roof in stalks of flax she made them ill and covered them in the material that made her roof and so when the soldier searched the house they could not find these two men and she made up a story and she said they they went out the gate they were here but they went out the gate as the gate was closing and they went that direction and if your hurry you can catch them in the in the end the soldier scurried out and there she was with these two spies and they said help us escape and they go to the window that was on the house that was on the wall and they opened a window and she begins to let them down through with a cord but the Bible said that she said something before she agreed to help them she said I want one thing from you she could she could have asked for a lot of things she could have asked for gold because they had it they had just come out of Egypt and they had all the gold that they had been given she could have asked for a big estate because they were about to take land that that hat that was flowing with milk and honey and she could have been set up but she said if I can only have one thing this is the one thing that I asked of you I want my family to be saved more than I want house more than I want land more than I want money more than I want anything this whole world can offer I love this this woman Rahab the harlot because something in her loved her family enough to say out of all of the things that I could ask for the most important thing that I can get from you is I want my family to be saved what a powerful powerful word to get our family saying she took a scarlet cord I'm sure it was a thick rope but it was a red rope a scarlet cord and she hung it out the window and I'm just using this little prompt but she hung it out the window and they climbed down and then when they climbed down the man said leave it in the window bind it notice the orders bind it upon your window and get your family in the house and everybody who is in the house will be saying what a good word all of them will be saved we ought to claim that this morning all of them come on let's just let's just make a powerful confession all of my family will be safe I feel joy in my soul all of my family all of my children my grandchildren my great great grandchildren I'm preaching now but thirty forty years from now the blood cord can-can weave its way all the way for generations and tie up my kids and my kids kids and my kids kids kids hallelujah now I want to give you quickly three quick lessons number one and once you get excited over this point I'm telling you in advance so you will get excited because it's a powerful point even though it's simple this story teaches me these three lessons number lesson number one your family can be saved no matter what your background is she was a harlot she was morally unfit she was socially bankrupt she was not running a motel 6 on the wall she was running a brothel she was a prostitute and God did not say I'm sorry you've asked me to save your family but you have so much baggage that there's no way I can do that nope he said come on in the family sis I know you've got baggage and I know you've got a pass but if you just get a hold of that scarlet cord that represents the blood of Jesus Christ it does not matter about your background and how bad you messed up I can still save your children some of you have such guilt some of you have such shame some of you almost have accepted I'm reaping what I sowed because I leave this stuff and now my children and my children's children that is not in the Word of God the blood of Jesus has caused you to become a new creation in Christ and your family can be saved regardless of your background I need somebody to shout if you believe I'm preaching truth God honored the cry of her heart even with a horrible background and saved her whole family no matter what road you took to get to Calvary if any man be in Christ he is a new creation the old things have passed away and behold all things are new and listen to this I wrote this down on the airplane there is nothing in your past stronger than the blood of Jesus Christ the devil can't reach in my past and condemn me and say my children are going to be lost because I was in the things and did things because I'm a new creation in Christ that Old Testament Tabernacle had the Ark of the Covenant it was the God box and in it were three things there was the pot of manna they took some of the manner that God fed them within the wilderness and put it in a pot and put it down in that box they took the rod that budded supernaturally a dead stick that came to life and they put it into that box and they took the tables of stone that Moses brought down off of the mountain that God with his own finger wrote the Ten Commandments with and they took those and put them in that box then they took a covering and they put it it was called the mercy seat and then they took blood and they would sprinkle the blood seven times a day on the mercy seat and I've heard people say well that was God's museum box it was supposed to be a testimony to the children of Israel of God's faithfulness and that could be seen that way but really if it was a testimony box nobody ever got to hear the testimony because it was in the Holy of Holies and only one man on one day out of all the people of Israel got to go in and could actually see the table of stone and the and the budding rod in the and the and the pot of manna no none of the other people it was inaccessible they could not get to it so why did God put that in that box and then put a mercy seat on top of it and covered in blood because all three of those things were rooted in the worst failures of Israel the only reason that the tables of stone were broken and put in the box was because when Moses came down off of the mountain the children of Israel were dancing around idols dancing before the golden calf and he got mad and threw the stones down and broke them and they picked them up and put them inside the box but it was rooted in their failure in their idolatry the only reason that there was a bloody dead stick that came alive and began to produce almonds was because a woman and a man named Cora enter and enter and the children of Israel rose up and they tried to they tried to usurp authority over Moses in the leadership and God said I'll tell you who my leader is he said tell all of the children of Israel the leaders to bring their dead stick and the one that comes alive would be the one that I choose to be my leader and the only reason that it was there was because they were full of rebellion and tried to do things their way and God slew fifteen thousand of them and Cora had leprosy and the only reason that the pot of manna was there and God gave man it was because they complained and whined and said we don't like the food and God said I'll just send the same thing for 40 days for 40 years and you eat it morning noon and night if you complain about my cooking here take this and the only reason it was in there listen to me carefully was all three of those items were deeply rooted in the failures of Israel and God took their worst failures put it in the Box put a thing called mercy overtop of them because mercy is always over the law and then he covered it in blood and there came a time when the box was kidnapped by the Philistines and they decided they were going to lift off the mercy and the blood and reach into the box and pull out the past failures of Israel and when they did fifty thousand of them were slain God was saying don't you ever when I put something under the blood and under the mercy of God don't you ever let anybody lift the lid and try to dig out what I have already covered in my blood and in my mercy you don't hear me don't you let the enemy tell you that he has a right to your children if it's under the blood he can't remember the mercy seat my children are under the blood come on my children are under the mercy of God whoo let's just take a praise break everybody thank him that your past is covered anybody got a pass that you're glad can't curse your children because the mercy and the blood have covered it so maybe your dad wasn't alcoholic but your children aren't going to be and maybe you've had a problem but your children don't have to today the blood of Jesus Christ can reach beyond your background and save and set free the second thing that I want you to see in this story is he said Rahab if your family is going to be saved there's going to be work involved on your part take the cord and bind it in the window he did not say have the priest do it he did not say it's the pastor's job he did not say have the youth pastor if you want your children say tie and bind is the word the cord in the window no he said if you want your family saved then you have to get involved if you want your family to go to heaven you have to get involved you have to do something about it you take the scarlet cord and you bind it in the window you put it there you put it there every time you pray moms and dads call your children's names out and put that cord and bind it there fast for them pray for them when you get a burden for them call their name out in prayer put the cord there mom put the cord there dad grandparents put the cord there pray and fast and pray and fast and believe God for your family you do something get up every day and sure that scarlet cord is there I'm sure if you understood that if the cord was not there the family would be destroyed so if something's not important I'm sure the last thing she did before she went to sleep is she went and checked the cord I'm sure the first thing she did when she got up in the morning and she went and she checked the cord have I got the blood on my children have I got the blood on my house have I got the blood because without the blood we can't overcome the culture that we're in it's a culture of death but if we've got the blood no matter what's going on out there we'll have victory in here as long as we've got blood check it recheck it every day every morning keep checking up making sure your family is safe be sure be very very sure that cord is there every day pray for him every day called her name in prayer every day every day every day bind it he didn't say scotch tape it bind it you got a nail some things down neither is our salvation by any other name you must be born again and you have to sew nail it down into their spirit that when they go there no wind of doctrine no faults wind of doctrine can come along and just blow it away if it's bound if you bound it into their spirits if you've taught it until they understand then then nothing can remove no wind defaults doctor and Paul said preach the word be instant in season out of season for the time will come when men will not endure sound doctrine but they'll be blown away with every wind the false doctrine but when you bound it like you're supposed to no boyfriend can take it away no girlfriend no beer party at college no no college professor can remove that cord cause it's bound it's not scotch tape it's bound and wherever they go when they go off to school they're bound to it and they can't get away from and when the college professor gets up and throws the Bible and says this books a lie and I'm going to tell you there's a cord that they're wrapped up in that says even though I may be in a hostile environment my family has not scotch-taped me they bound the truth in my spirit by the truth and sell it not the scripture said find it find it talk about it and Deuteronomy 6 said when you get up in the morning talk about it when you go to bed talk about it when you're driving around talk about it talk about your bind in it your natan you gotta nail some things down cuz you can't keep them but so long and at some point they're gonna go into the world but if you man I feel like shouting right now because I'm not just preaching theory I've watched five children and they tried their best to get away from it some of them did but glory to God the cord holds the cord holds the cord is where it has worked for my family and it will for yours believe on the Lord Jesus Christ at 16 you shall be saved in your house shall my family shall be saved and give God a shout if you believe it Oh hallelujah I'd rather have this than a billion dollars in the bank I've got the cord on my family find it it's gonna require effort from you you gonna have to pray you gonna have to fast you're gonna have to stand you're gonna have to Oh God pray for that child right now the Scarlet thread dictated access to the home once that cord was there I don't think they use that window for anything else I think it was so important they knew that when when judgment comes to the city if that cord is not seen we're going to die like all the other families and so Rahab probably had some new rules kids I know you used to go in and out of that window and climb through it but never again will you climb through this one - some things nothing things will not go through this window again I'm sure there were times when they pulled up and they said hey we're gonna throw the groceries up and somebody grab them and put them through the window since you know and they pull up in the chariot and say let's unload kids and I'm sure they put groceries through that window but once they put that that scarlet thread in that window it dictated what had access to that home and what I'm saying to you is you have to stand your ground and guard the window guard the wind to train up a child in the way that they should go online posting pictures cell phones what's coming into your home satellite you have to guard your house again nothing out there can destroy help Hollywood can't I have to invite it in through the internet through through through stuff I almost did this in the first service I thought about doing this but I don't know how to do it somebody would lose their cell phone but I thought about saying to all of the kids that are 20 and under all of the youth in here 20 and under how many of you want to go to heaven alright if you're 20 in under you want to go to heaven raise your hand I wanna see your hand if you want to go to heaven raise it and wave at me don't see you all over this ring there's thousands of thousands of you 20 and under that's astonishing look at the hands wave at me wave at me I don't say it 20 and under alright how cool would this be what watch the joy just drain right out of the little soul how cool would this be if I gave an altar call and I said if you want to go to heaven bring me your cell phone and I made them come and put it on the altar and then I say go sit down and then I would say something like this how many of you parents want your children to go to heaven raise your hand then I would say to the parents you come down and look at what's on your children's cell phone I'm pensive Franklin what about my privacy see let me explain some things you get privacy in my house when you have a mortgage note as long as you're living under my house and under my cord you don't have any website you don't have any codes you don't have anything that I can't get access to you don't shut your door and lock it and say stay out and don't go through my room not in my house and you know why we can do that with them because any of my kids can take my cell phone or my computers and they can track me anytime they want to I don't have anything to hide I'm guarding the windows what have you got to hide give the code to your wife give the code to your children if you hadn't got nothing on there don't be ashamed let the whole world see it here's what got me that cord works so good that that family that came out of the house shows up in Matthew chapter 1 in the genealogy of Jesus Christ regardless of her background because she bound a scarlet cord in her window and guarded the access to her home she and her family became part of the genealogy the great-great-great-great grandmother of Jesus Christ I believe today's message has spoke to your heart I know that there's nothing more near and dear to my heart than my family and to know that there is a scarlet thread or cord that can secure our family's salvation and deliverance and help the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses and covers our families what kind of blessing is that that you wouldn't cherish and want for your family and your children I really want to encourage you today to make Jesus Lord of your home in your household pray this prayer say Lord Jesus I give you my family I give you my loved ones I want that blood that scarlet cord to deliver my home and my family and I receive you as my savior I give you my marriage my life my future my home my children be Lord of our lives in Jesus name I pray amen and amen I know I know the power of the blood of Jesus Christ is working for you it's for you right now and for your family and no weapon formed against you will prosper is my prayer over your family in Jesus name no closing moments together I want to say thank you for helping us with our outreaches and the ones specifically that we're focused on is the work in Haiti it's really amazing what God is doing there we've already been able to send over 300 thousand dollars because of your generosity to this work we're laying the foundation even as I speak on the twenty plus acres of buildings that are going to be built there the miracle marketplace that will provide food for life for tens of thousands of people it's such an exciting project and we just are now sending another hundred and ninety thousand on top of that so that's almost a half a million dollars that we've been able to send in the last few months because of your generosity so open up your heart ask God what he would have you do we are depending on your generosity and I thank you for it this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jenson Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 53,778
Rating: 4.8854027 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: ljINSYCk99c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2014
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